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Kevin Lau - Lesson Plan 1 - Math - Science

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Name Kevin Lau

School/Grade: First grade

area(s)/developmental Content area - Math - Students will be able to utilize different strategies to solve
domain(s) addressed
addition and subtraction problems

Social emotional - students will be able to share their knowledge of different addition

and subtraction strategies

Physical - students will be able to use their fine motor skills to pick up the cards

Cognitive - students will be able to utilize different strategies to solve addition and

subtraction problems

Language - students will be able to recall the vocabulary terms that were discussed in

the previous lesson.

Approaches to Learning: The hands on activity for this lesson is the scavenger hunt


Brief description and

rationale for the lesson There is a need for this lesson because learning different ways to add and subtract

encourages students to master math facts. And when you master math facts it can be a

helpful foundation for children to utilize different methods of solving addition and

subtraction problems. According to Dr. Lanette Trowery, Trowery, L. (2021,

August 16 Why Fluency is Critical in K-5 Math Classrooms). “Fluency also

frees up working memory that can be used for higher-order activities”retrieved



Dr lanette trowery is a Sr. Director of Learning at McGraw Hill School and

Margaret Bowman, Academic Designer at McGraw Hill School

This lesson is: A continuation of

previous lesson/activity
35 minutes
Objective(s) of the activity
Students will be able to use different strategies to solve simple addition and subtraction


Remembering: Students will be able to recall math facts related to addition and


Understanding: Students will be able to explain the meaning of addition and subtraction

and understand the relationship between the two operations.

Applying: Students will be able to use different strategies to solve simple addition and

subtraction problems.

Analyzing: Students will be able to identify and explain different strategies for adding

and subtracting.

Evaluating: Students will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies for

adding and subtracting.

Creating: Students will be able to create their own addition and subtraction problems

and solve them using different strategies.

Connections to standards
MATH.6. [NY-1.OA.6a] Adds and subtracts within 20, using strategies such as:

counting on; making ten; decomposing a number leading to a ten; using the relationship

between addition and subtraction; and, creating equivalent but easier or known sum

Language Objectives Vocabulary: I will introduce math vocabulary such as addition,

subtraction,plus,minus,sum,difference,more, less,equal,total,number sentence,
and addend.

Reading comprehension: I will help students understand the meaning of the

math problem by teaching them to look out for key words such as difference,
and sum to help them solve the problem.

Writing: I will ask students to write number sentences to show their thinking.

Listening: encourage active listening by asking students to restate the math

vocabulary, and explain their thinking to a partner or listen to the other students
explanations of their strategies.

Resources/materials Index cards that will have addition and subtraction problems, whiteboard,flash
needed: cards/chart
(Include any worksheets or Technology:Smartboard to show the instructions in the students native
sources of evidence for language.
children’s learning you will
use during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if Smart board or screen to show instructions in the students native language.
Procedures (step by step) Objective(s):
objectives : students should be able to solve addition and subtraction problems
up to 20
Review the material from the previous lesson to jog their memory. This activity will be
done in pairs.
Anticipatory set (5 minutes):
I will start by asking the students to think about a time when they had to solve a math
problem using addition or subtraction. I will provide an example such as buying candy
with money, sharing toys with friends, or counting the number of objects in a picture.
Then, ask the students to share their experiences with the class. Then I will, introduce
the scavenger hunt activity by explaining that they will be searching for different
addition and subtraction strategies around the classroom. I will then encourage the
students to work in groups and remind them to have fun while searching for the
Scavenger hunt (25 minutes):

Prepare the scavenger hunt:I will create a set of cards with addition and subtraction
that's up to 20. Each card should have a problem that can be solved using one of the
math strategies you introduced in the lesson)such as counting on, counting back, using
a number line,using manipulatives, and using mental math.)I will also use pictures or
symbols to help them.

Hide the cards: I will hide the cards around the classroom, and make sure they are in
easy places for students to find. I will also make sure there's enough cards for every

Give instructions: I will explain to the students that they are going on a scavenger hunt
to find math problems that they will solve using different strategies. I will assign each
student a starting point for the strategy.

Start the hunt: I will give students enough time to search for the cards and solve the
problem. I will encourage each student to use different strategies for each problem and
record their answers in their notebooks.

Check solutions: After all the cards have been found, I will go over the answers with
the class. I will ask students to share their strategies and have them explain how they
arrived at their answer.

Reward the winners: I will give the winner a free homework pass for the next
homework assignment.
Closing (5 minutes): I will ask the students to share their favorite strategies that
they found during the scavenger hunt..

Method of assessing Pre-assessment: I will Assessment of Student Assessment of

children’s understanding assess the students prior Learning:The worksheet Children’s Language
of knowledge of solving that I handed out to them will Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) addition and subtraction be used to assess if they have I will assign a quiz that
and by asking them to utilized the different will have the students
explain their strategies. strategies for addition and
Ask students to explain their identify the vocabulary
strategies for solving addition terms that they learned
and subtraction problems in class.
Plans for differentiated Supporting children Supporting English Language Learners, a
instruction/instructional with identified delays or culturally responsive pedagogy, and
modifications disabilities (i.e., IEPs anti-bias/anti-racist curriculum
For students who are and 504 plans) I will show the instructions in the students native
struggling I will use visual language on the smart board.
aids such as number lines, If the student has an IEP
ten frames, and we will modify the
manipulatives. lesson to adhere to their
For the advanced learners I IEP (i.e., fidget spinner,
will Introduce more p;lA;referential seating).
advanced strategies, such as
regrouping or the
distributive property, and
provide opportunities for
students to practice using

Follow up/Extension I will have the student utilize different strategies for solving addition and
activities subtraction problems for their homework assignment.

Family Engagement Send out newsletters highlighting today's lesson and the counting strategies that
Activities were taught to them, so that they can practice counting at home with their kids.

Give examples of different types of ways to answer the question

1. Jenna has 7 crayons. She gets 4 more crayons from her friend. How many crayons does Jenna
have now?

2. There are 10 birds on a branch. 3 birds fly away. How many birds are left on the branch?

3. 8 - ___ = 3 (use counting back strategy)

4. What is the best strategy for solving 5 + 6?

a. Counting on
b. Counting back
c. Using doubles
d. None of the above

5.There are 5 dogs in the park, 7 more joined, how many dogs are there in all?
6. What is the best strategy for solving 9+9?
a. Counting on
b. Counting back
c. Using doubles
d. None of the above

7. ___ +5=10 (use counting forward strategy)

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