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6 Viva

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1) What is a Data Structure.

2) What are the two types of Data Structures.
3) What are the application of data structures.
4) What are primitive data structures.
5) What are non-primitive data structures
6) What is the difference between a data type and data structure.


1. What do you mean by performance analysis and performance measurement

2. What are the two phases of performance analysis
3. How do we analyse the performance of an algorithm
4. What is time complexity
5. Explain what is space complexity


1. What is an array.
2. What are linked lists.
3. What is the difference between array and linked list
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of linked list.
5. What are the applications of linked list
6. What are the different operations of linked list.
7. How do we insert an element –
 At the end of linked list.
 After a specific position
 At the beginning of linked list.

8. How do we merge two linked list.

9. How do we develop an ascending order linked list.
10. How do we reverse a singly linked list.
1. What are the different types of linked list
2. What is a doubly linked list Why is it called so?
3. What are the applications of doubly linked list
4. What is a circular linked list
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Circular linked list.
6. What is a circular doubly linked list.


1) How do we represent a polynomial using array and linked list.

2) How do we manipulate polynomial addition using array and linked list.
3) How do we evaluate a polynomial using array and linked list.
4) How do we perform polynomial multiplication using array and linked list.
5) What is a Sparse Matrix.
6) What is a Dense Matrix.
7) How do we represent a Sparse Matrix.
8) How do we perform Sparse Matrix Addition.
9) How do we multiply two sparse matrices.
10) How do we find the transpose of a sparse matrix.


1. What is a Stack
2. What are the different operations on stack
3. What are the applications of Stack
4. What are the 3 types of notations
5. What is the importance of Postfix expression
6. How do we convert a infix expression to postfix expression
7. Write a logic to convert infix to prefix expression
8. How do we evaluate a postfix expression
9. How do we convert –
1. postfix to infix
2. postfix to prefix
10. How do we implement stack using linked list.
11. What is a queue.
12. What are the applications of queue.
13. What are the difference between stack and queue.
14. What are the different types of queues.
15. What is a priority queue.
16. What is a circular queue.
17. What is a dequeue.
18. What are the different types of dequeue. What are its applications?
19. What is a circular dequeue.
20. What are the different types of Priority queues
21. What is an ascending priority queue .Give an example.
22. What is a descending priority queue.Give an example.
23. What type of priority queues are stack and queue.
24. How do we implement queue using linked list.
25. What are the applications of queue, priority queue, dequeue , circular queue.
26. What is the advantage of circular queue over queue.


1) What are the principles of Programming
2) What do you mean by Internal Documentation
3) What do you mean by System Life Cycle.
4) What do you mean by String Pattern Matching.
5) What are the different methods to store strings.
6) Explain one pattern matching algorithm.
7) What do you mean by Sorting.
8) What are the different types of Sorting
9) Explain the logic of Bubble sort. What is the complexity of Bubble sort.
10) What is the difference between Selection Sort and Bubble Sort. Compare their
complexities also.
11) What is the difference between Insertion Sort and Selection Sort.
12) What is Merge Sort
13) What is the technique used in Merge Sort.
14) Comment on the complexity of Merge Sort.
15) What is Simple Insertion Sort
16) What is Shell Sort
17) What do you mean by Address Calculation Sort.
18) What is the best case, average case and worst case complexities of insertion
19) What do you mean by Binary Insertion Sort and List Insertion Sort.
20) What is the other name for Diminishing Insertion Sort.
21) What is Hash Sort.
22) What is Radix Sort
23) Explain the logic of Merge Sort
24) Explain what is K-way Merging
25) Which is the best sorting method while considering time and space complexity?
26) What is the difference between Quick sort and Merge Sort.
27) Compare the complexities of Quick Sort and Merge Sort.
28) Which is more efficient :O(n2 ) sort or O(n log n) sort
29) What is the other name for Selection Sort
30) Which is the best sorting method for small values of n ( n -> number
of elements).
31) Which sort has got the best, worst-case behavior?
32) What is the relation between Insertion Sort and Merge Sort?
33) What is the relation between Merge Sort and Quick Sort?
34) What are the two types of tree sort
35) What is a heap sort
36) What is a Heap
37) What are the applications of Heap Trees?
38) How do you analyse the complexity of Heap sort


1. What is a tree
2. What is a binary tree
3. What is a binary search tree
4. How do we insert an element to a binary tree
6. How do we insert an element and delete from a binary search tree.
7. What are the applications of tree
8. What do you mean by the following-
 root
 node
 degree of a node
 degree of a tree
 terminal node
 non-terminal node
 siblings
 level
 edge
 path
 depth
 forest
9. What are completely binary tree
10. What are strictly binary tree
11. How do we represent graph
12. What do you mean by tree traversal
13. What is the importance of tree traversal
14. Which are the different tree traversal techniques
15. What is an Expression tree
16. What is a Parse tree
17. How do you analyze the efficiency of traversal
18. How do we represent an arithmetic expression using binary tree.
19. How do we evaluate a parse tree
20. Which is the data structure in which Windows OS is working. Justify them.
21. How do we represent an postfix expression using tree.

1. What is a graph
2. What is the difference between a graph and a tree
3. What are the applications of grap
4. What are the different types of graph
5. What is a digraph
6. What is dag
7. What is a network
8. What is a weighted graph
9. What is a self loop
10. What are parallel edges
11. What is a complete graph
12. What is acyclic graph
13. What is an isolated vertex
14. What is meant by degree of a vertex
15. What is a pendant vertex
16. What is a connected graph
17. How do we represent graph
18. Which is the best representation while comparing the representations of graph
19. What is a adjacency matrix.
20. What is the difference between adjacency matrix and path matrix.
21. What are the advantages of adjacency matrix representation of graph
22. What is a path matrix
23. What are the different operations of graph
24. What do you mean by graph traversal
25. What are the different types of graph traversal
26. What are the applications of graph
27. What do you mean by shortest path problem.
28. Explain Dijkstra’s algorithm
29. What is a spanning tree
30. Which is the data structure in which Windows OS is working. Justify it

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