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Computer Science Old: 1. Data Structures & Programming Methodologies

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Computer Science Old

1. Data Structures & Programming Methodologies

1. Explain the representation of queue using
a) Arrays
b) Linked List
2. What are sparse matrices?
3. Explain deletion on a binary tree?
4. What is a liked list? How they are represented in the memory? Explain the
various operations on linked list?
5. Explain the various forms of representation of a tree?
6. Explain Dijkstras algorithm for shortest path calculation?
7. How is a graph represented in memory?
8. Explain BFS& DFS?

2. Security in Computing

1. What is a Caeser cipher? How is crypt analysis performed on a Caeser cipher?

2. Explain public key cryptography?
3. Explain RSA algorithm with an example?
4. Explain with an example Diffe-Helman key exchange algorithm? How is it attacked?
5. Explain elliptic curve cryptography?
6. What is a digital signature? Explain the different types of digital signatures?
7. How can we provide security at IP level?
8. Explain secure socket layer protocol?
3. Data Communication

1. Write short notes on a) ASK b) FSK c) PSK?

2. Distinguish between Stop and Wait ARQ and Go Back N ARQ?
3. Explain frequency division multiplexing?
4. Explain synchronous time division multiplexing?
5. What is ASDL?
6. What is a spread spectrum? Explain Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)?
7. Explain Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum? Implement it using MFSK?
8. Explain CDMA?
4. Operating System

1. Explain the structure of an operating system?

2. What is Inter Process Communication (IPC)?
3. Explain the various disk scheduling algorithms?
4. Briefly explain any three page replacement algorithms?
5. What is a deadlock? Explain with an example?
6. Explain deadlock prevention mechanisms?
7. What are distributed operating systems? What are its advantages?
8. What is Remote Procedure Call (RPC)?
5. Software Engineering?

1. Explain Cohesion and Coupling?

2. What is software configuration management?
3. Explain black box and white box testing?
4. Briefly explain the various integration tests?
5. Explain system testing?
6. What is COCOMO?
7. Explain the various issues in staffing and risk management?
8. What is software architecture? What is its importance?

6. Computer Graphics

1. Explain any 2 line drawing algorithms?

2. Explain how a circle is drawn using mid point circle algorithm?
3. What is antialiasing?
4. What are B_Spline curves and surfaces? What are its advantages over Bezier curves?
5. Explain octrees?
6. How are accelerations stimulated in animations?
7. Explain depth sorting method for visible surface detection?
8. Explain 3D translation and rotation operation?

7. Database Management Systems

1. What are the characteristics of database management systems?

2. Explain subclass, super class and inheritance?
3. What are specialization and generalization?
4. Explain the various system architectures for database management systems?
5. How is relational database management systems catalog implemented?
6. Why concurrency control is needed?
7. Explain concurrency control with timestamping?
8. What are distributed databases? What are its advantages?

8. Computer Organization

1. Explain the various steps in instruction execution? What is straight line instruction
2. What are interrupts? Explain the interrupt organization?
3. What is DMA?
4. Draw and explain the internal organization of a semiconductor memory chip?
5. What is a mapping function? Different types of mapping function?
6. Illustrate with an example how memory interleaving improves efficiency?
7. Explain the multiplication of positive numbers?
8. Explain with an example Booths algorithm for signed operand multiplication?
Information Technology Old

1. Object Oriented Modeling and Designing

1. What are the various steps in object oriented development?

2. Which are the basic principles of Object Oriented Technology?
3. What is object modeling?
4. What are links and associations? How are they used for establishing relationships
among objects and classes?
5. What is aggregation?
6. Draw the state diagram of a programmable thermostat? (Thermostat operates the
furnace to keep the current temperature equal to the target temperature. The target temperature is
taken from a table of values provided by the user. Make necessary assumptions)
7. What is Data Flow Diagram (DFD)? How the various components are represented n a
8. What is the relation between functional, object and dynamic model?

2. Data Communication

1. Differentiate between digital and analog signals?

2. Explain NRZ encoding scheme?
3. Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous transmission?
4. Explain Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) with an example?
5. Explain with a time sequence diagram how a link is established and managed?
6. Distinguish between Stop and Wait and Sliding window flow control?
7. Explain HDLC? Draw and explain HDLC its frame structure?
8. What is switching? What are the different types of switching?

3. Security in Computing

1. What are the major attacks on security?

2. What are the various security services?
3. What is steganography? How it improves security?
4. What is IPSec? Explain its architecture and advantages?
5. What is SSL? With a diagram explain the protocol architecture of SSL?
6. Who is an intruder? Which are the different types of intruders? Explain the various
intrusion techniques?
7. Explain symmetric key encryption?
8. What is a virus? Explain the different types of virus and the different stages of a virus?

4. Language Processor

1. What is lexical analysis? What is the role of a lexical analyzer?

2. What is an a) NFA b) DFA? How can we convert an NFA into DFA?
3. What is a parse tree? What is ambiguity and how ambiguity can be eliminated?
4. Explain top down parsing?
5. Explain with an algorithm LALR parsing table construction?
6. What is syntax directed definition? Distinguish between Synthesized and Inherited
7. What is back patching? How is it used to generate codes for Boolean expressions?
8. What are the various issues in the generation of a code generator?

5. Data Structures and Algorithms

1. What is a circular linked list? Write algorithm to perform searching on a circular linked
2. Explain with algorithm how polynomial addition is done using linked list?
3. Explain with algorithm how insertion is performed on a binary tree?
4. What is a heap tree? How insertion and deletion done on a heap tree?
5. What are sparse matrices?
6. Compare and contrast breadth first and depth first search?
7. What is a liked list? How they are represented in the memory? Explain the various
operations on linked list?
8. How is a graph represented in memory?

6. Computer Graphics

1. What are the basic geometric transformations?

2. Explain how raster methods are used for geometric transformations?
3. Explain Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm?
4. Explain Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm?
5. What are polygon surfaces and polygon tables?
6. What are Bezier curves? What are its properties?
7. Explain depth buffer method for visible surface detection?
8. What are the different ways of specifying motion in an animation system?

7. Computer System Architecture

1. Explain the various functional units of a computer?

2. Distinguish between shared and distributed memory?
3. What are the different ways to achieve parallelism in sequential machines?
4. Briefly explain the various sorting algorithms for parallel machines?
5. Explain instruction pipeline design?
6. Explain superscalar pipeline design?
7. Compare the performance of superscalar and super pipelined designs?
8. What is pipelining? Give the classifications of pipeline processors?

8. Database Management Systems

1. What are the advantages of using a database management system?
2. Explain the different types of distributed database systems?
3. What are deductive object oriented databases?
4. What are the applications of deductive database systems?
5. What is data warehousing? What are its characteristics?
6. Explain data mining?
7. What is the application s of data bases on web?
8. Explain multimedia databases?

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