Edit Iymia Stry
Edit Iymia Stry
Edit Iymia Stry
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The increase in pollution causes various diseases, such as skin diseases. Apart from causing
disease, pollution also causes premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and dry skin. One way to deal
with the skin, one of which is using a face mist. Face mist has the main function of providing
freshness to the skin, removing residual oil and closing the pores on facial skin. Nutgrass tubers
have the potential to be used as a face mist because they have high antioxidant activity. Nutgrass
tuber extract is obtained by drying the nutmeg tuber and maceration process with ethanol solvent.
Nanospray synthesis of nutgrass tuber extract was carried out using a low energy emulsification
method. The use was carried out using a PSA instrument and carried out organoleptic tests,
specific gravity tests, spray pattern tests, and antioxidant tests. The results of the organoleptic test
showed that this nanospray had a brown color, a distinctive odor of nutmeg tubers, 2-phase
characteristics, and a pH of 5.4. This nanospray has a specific gravity of 1.0010 g/ml, 1.0007 g/ml
and 1.0003 g/ml, and has a diameter of 9.3 cm, 9.1 cm and 9.6 cm. The particle size of this
nanospray extract has the best nm in the 5 ml size variation, which is 25.58 nm. This nanospray
has the highest antioxidant inhibition value in the 5 ml variety extract, namely 20.15 percent with
an IC50 value of 17.369 which can be categorized as having a very strong antioxidant value.
Keywords: Nanospray, Nutgrass Root Extract, Antioxidant.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, especially in big cities, buy skincare products (facial care) more
there is an increase in pollution which often than decorative makeup [5]. One
causes various diseases, such as skin example of skin care is a face mist.
diseases. Apart from causing disease,
pollution also causes premature aging, Facemist has the main function of
hyperpigmentation, and dry skin [1]. These giving freshness to the skin, removing oil
three diseases are dry skin problems that are residue as well as covering the pores on
often encountered and experienced by the facial skin. This product is often used
community. 6 women aged 30-45 years who because it is easy to use and can be taken
are in the coastal area of Padang City are anywhere. In various countries, one of
bothered by the condition of dry facial skin which is Indonesia, there are many facemist
[2]. This condition can reduce the body's sold in various shops, however, the majority
protective performance against the effects of of these products contain chemical
free radicals and also cause infection [3]. ingredients that might irritate certain skins.
Currently, the development of face mists
Currently, millennials have many from natural ingredients is a safer alternative
ways to deal with dry skin, such as using to use to reduce the effects of irritation and
skin care beauty products. Beauty products provide skin protection with additional
are divided into two, namely makeup antioxidant content.
cosmetics (make-up) which are used to
beautify the skin, and health cosmetics Antioxidants are compounds or
(skincare) which are used for skin health molecules that can prevent the rate of
care [4]. Based on these two types of oxidation and neutralize free radicals from
cosmetics, skincare is more in demand and other molecules [6]. In general, antioxidants
is one of the products used by many people. can be obtained in synthetic or natural
The survey shows that 78.2% of respondents forms. However, natural antioxidants are the
best choice, considering the side effects that
arise from the use of synthetic antioxidants.
Natural antioxidants have several 2. Method and Experimental Details
advantages, namely, they can protect the 2.1. Time and Place of Research
body from damage caused by reactive The research was conducted at the
oxygen species (ROS) and can also inhibit Mafaza MA Science Laboratory, Bantul, in
degenerative diseases [7]. Natural September-October 2022
antioxidants can be obtained from various
sources of natural ingredients, one of which 2.2. Materials
is sedge grass tubers. Spray bottles, analytical scales,
pH meters, vacuum rotary, evaporators,
The antioxidant activity value of erlenmeyer, pipettes, filter paper, and
nutmeg tubers is relatively strong with a skin moisture meters. Nutgrass tuber,
value of 62.82 ppm [8]. The presence of this olive oil, distilled water, glycerin, tween
antioxidant activity makes the tubers of 80, ethanol
sedge grass potential as an herbal medicine 2.3. Experiment Method
that can be used to help treat skin health. 2.3.1. Synthesis of nutgrass tuber
Nutgrass can affect areas of extract
hyperpigmentation and can reduce the The sedge grass tubers are
number of spots on the face in a short time cleaned, then crushed, and dried to
[9]. One of the antioxidants contained in become simplicia. A total of 100
sedge grass tubers is a flavonoid of 108.37 grams of herbivorous herbicide
mg/g [10]. Flavonoids have many roles in simplicia was macerated with 96%
the health sector, including antibacterial, ethanol 8 times. Let stand for about
antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory [6]. 3 days. The results of maceration
The results of the study made a face are filtered until the filtrate is
mist with natural antioxidants to produce a obtained, then the filtrate is
face mist with an antioxidant inhibition rate evaporated using a vacuum rotary
of 56% [11]. However, from existing evaporator until a thick extract is
research, the particle size of the face mist is obtained.
still normal. Even though the smaller 2.3.2. Procedure for making nanospray
particle size can be more effective at of nutgrass tuber extract.
absorbing into the skin pores. This reduction Prepare the tools and
can be done by changing the size of the materials as shown in the following
spray particles to nano sprays. table: Put each formulation into a
50 ml volumetric flask, and add
Based on the description above, distilled water up to the Bates
nutgrass tubers have the potential to be used mark.
as a face mist because they have high Nanospray was prepared by mixing
antioxidant activity. Changing the particle olive oil, tween 80, glycerin, and
size to nano aims to accelerate the inhibition extracts that had been dissolved in
of the skin. The purpose of this study was to ethanol and distilled water in a
determine the characteristics of the stirrer for 15 minutes. After
nanospray preparation from sedge tuber everything is mixed, sonicate it for
extract and to determine the effect of each 30 minutes at 30⁰C to get a
formulation of the squirt grass root extract homogeneous liquid until the
nanospray on the condition of the face in particles are evenly distributed.
maintaining moisture.
e 2 phase
Color Smell Form Homogenity pH
The IC value is a value that extract nanospray sample was better than the
indicates the total concentration of the active 15 ml sage grass tuber extract nanospray
substance that inhibits 50 percent of the sample because the smaller the IC value, the
DPPH free radicals. greater the antioxidant activity. If you have a
preparation that has an IC50 value of less
This study proved that the than 1000, it can be said to have antioxidant
antioxidant activity of the 5 ml sedge grass activity [21].