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Updated Datasheet 2022

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B.Tech in Chemical Engineering, Semester-VI

School of Engineering

Institute of Technology, Nirma University

CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet
Cyclone seperator

= ∗ ∗ ∗

fc is 0.005 for gases

Cyclone pressure drop factor

Cyclone/ Decanter CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 1

high-efficiency cyclone

high throughput/ Gas rate Cyclone

Cyclone/ Decanter CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 2

. pressure balance the velocity of the continuous phase

= (z1 – z3) 1g + z3 2g = z2 2g

Settling velocity of dispersed phase dia of dispersed phase droplets

dd g ( d  c ) 18
ud  = [ ]
18c ( − )

<0.3 Light phase always dispersed

0.3 < <0.5 Light phase probably dispersed

0.5 < <2.0 Phase inversion probability Worst design

2< <3.3 Heavy phase probably dispersed

>3.3 Heavy phase always dispersed

Cyclone/ Decanter CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 3

CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet
Height of Packing Required (in terms of ) Height of an overall liquid-phase transfer unit Material balance
( − )= ( − )
= = +

Height of Packing Required (in terms of ) The number of Overall Gas-phase transfer unit Flow Factor
y1 ∗
= dy
− = ; NOG  y 2 ye  y = ∗

Packing Height Height Of an Overall Gas-phase transfer unit

Z = HOG*NOG HOL*NOL. % flooding = [ ]
= +
The Number of Overall Liquid-Phase transfer units Log. Mean Driving force Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation
1− 2 13.1 ∗ ( ∗
) ( ) .
= =
− 1 =
( ) ( − )
If Equilibrium and operating curves are straight and solvent is solute free,
= 1− +

Cornell’s Method
Height of Gas-phase transfer unit , m Height of Liquid-phase transfer unit , m schmidt number

( ) . ( . . ∗ . ( ) . . Sc = / D
= 0.011 ) ( ) /( ) = 0.305 ( )
0.305 3.05 3.05
liquid viscosity correction factor = f1= ( ) . liquid density correction factor = f2= ( ) .
surface tension correction factor = f3= ( ) .

Onda’s Method
Effective Area Gas film transfer unit height
. ∗ . ∗ . ∗ .
= 1 − exp [−1.45 ] =

Liquid phase mass transfer coefficient, kmol/m2 (kmol/m3) = m/s Liquid film transfer unit height
/ ∗ / /
= 0.0051 =
Gas film mass transfer coefficient , , kmol/m2s atm or kmol/m2 s bar
∗ . /

Absorber CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 1

Absorber CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 2
Hg correlation for various sizes of Raschig rings Hg correlation for various sizes of Raschig rings

Absorber CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 3

c = critical surface tension for the particular packing material:

Material c mN/m
Ceramic 61
Metal (steel) 75
Plastic (polyethylene) 33
Carbon 56

Absorber CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 4

Absorber CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 5
Absorber CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 6
CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet
Overall heat transfer coefficient condensation outside horizontal tubes

( )
= + + + ∗ + ∗ (ℎ ) = 0.95 , Γ = ; = 2 3
Bundle Diameter Film boiling coefficient condensation inside-outside vertical tubes

D =d ( ) , [Tubes in the center row = ] ( )

(ℎ ) = 0.926 , Γ =
Nusselt number Stratified flow model [low condensate and vapor rate]
μ .
Nu = j RePr ( ) (ℎ ) = 0.76
( )
, Γ =
Water in Tube side Boyko-Kruzhilin correlation [annular flow model]
. / /
4200(1.35 + 0.02t)u . .
ℎ = .
(ℎ ) =ℎ , =1+ ; ℎ = 0.021
Tube side pressure drop Boyko-Kruzhilin correlation [annular flow model]
L μ ρu ⎡1 + ⎤
∆P = N [8j ( )( ) + 2.5]
d μ 2 (ℎ ) = ℎ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥
m = 0.25 for laminar flow, Re < 2100,
⎣ ⎦
= 0.14 for turbulent flow, Re > 2100. Pool boiling coefficient [ Mostinki’s equation ]
. . .
ℎ = 0.104 1.8 + 4 + 10
Equivalent Diameter Pool boiling Coefficient [Forster and zuber]
d = P − 0.785d (For square pitch)

d = P − 0.917d (For a triangular pitch)
Critical heat flux [ zuber ]

Surface area Critical heat flux [mostinki]

( )∗ ∗
Shell side Pressure drop Critcal heat flux
 =8 ( )( )( ) ( )

Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 1

Nusselt number for shell side Flooding in vertical tube
. .
= = ( )
Pressure drop Chen,s method

∆ = ( − ) ; = , ,

= ; =

∆ = 8∗ ∗ ∗ + 2.5 ∗

Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 2

Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 3
Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 4
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 5

Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 6
Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 7
Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 8
Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 9
Conductivity of Metals

Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 10

Table 12.2. Fouling factors (coefficients), typical values
Fluid Coefficient (W/m2 C) Factor (resistance) (m2 °C/W)
River water 3000 - 12,000 0.0003 - 0.0001
Sea water 1000 - 3000 0.001 - 0.0003
Cooling water (towers) 3000 - 6000 0.0003 - 0.00017
Towns water (soft) 3000 - 5000 0.0003 - 0.0002
Towns water (hard) 1000 - 2000 0.001 - 0.0005
Steam condensate 1500 - 5000 0.00067 - 0.0002
Steam (oil free) 4000 - 10,000 0.0025 - 0.0001
Steam (oil traces) 2000 - 5000 0.0005 - 0.0002
Refrigerated brine 3000 - 5000 0.0003 - 0.0002
Air and industrial gases 5000 - 10,000 0.0002 - 0.0001
Flue gases 2000 - 5000 0.0005 - 0.0002
Organic vapours 5000 0.0002
Organic liquids 5000 0.0002
Light hydrocarbons 5000 0.0002
Heavy hydrocarbons 2000 0.0005
Boiling organics 2500 0.0004
Condensing organics 5000 0.0002
Heat transfer fluids 5000 0.0002
Aqueous salt solutions 3000 - 5000 0.0003 - 0.0002

Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 11

Table 12.1. Typical overall coefficients (Shell and tube exchangers)
Hot fluid Cold fluid U (W/m2 °C)
Heat exchangers
Water Water 800 - 1500
Organic solvents Organic solvents 100 - 300
Light oils Light oils 100 - 400
Heavy oils Heavy oils 50 - 300
Gases Gases 10 - 50
Organic solvents Water 250 - 750
Light oils Water 350 - 900
Heavy oils Water 60 - 300
Gases Water 20 - 300
Organic solvents Brine 150 - 500
Water Brine 600 - 1200
Gases Brine 15 - 250
Steam Water 1500 - 4000
Steam Organic solvents 500 - 1000
Steam Light oils 300 - 900
Steam Heavy oils 60 - 450
Steam Gases 30 - 300
Dowtherm Heavy oils 50 - 300
Dowtherm Gases 20 - 200
Flue gases Steam 30 - 100
Flue Hydrocarbon vapours 30 - 100
Aqueous vapours Water 1000 - 1500
Organic vapours Water 700 - 1000
Organics (some non-condensables) Water 500 - 700
Vacuum condensers Water 200 - 500
Steam Aqueous solutions 1000 - 1500
Steam Light organics 900 - 1200
Steam Heavy organics 600 - 900

Heat Exchanger CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 12

CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet
Distillation Column
Relative volatilities Distribution of non-key components Recovery of ith component in distillate

Recovery of ith component in distillate vapour and liquid concentrations of Minimum number of stages; Fenske equation, Minimum number of stages (Fenske
the light key equation)
log( )

Minimum reflux ratio; Underwood Feed-point location by Kirkbride empirical equation

, , ,
= + 1 = 1− log [ ] = 0.206
− − , ,

Tray Efficiency
Murphree plate efficiency Overall column efficiency The point efficiency is related to the number of transfer units
, , by the equation:
, = , = 1
, , ,  1 mV 1 
   
ln(1  Emv )  NG L NL 
overall column efficiency can be obtained from the O’Connell’s correlation for absorber Van Winkle’s correlation
correlation given by O’Connell
EmV = 0.07Dg0.14Sc0.25Re0.08
= 51 − 32.5 ( ) = 0.0062 = 0.062
Surface tension number Dg = (L / L uv ) liquid Schmidt number Sc = (L / L DLK) Reynolds number Re = (hwuv v/ L (FA));
The number of liquid phase transfer units is given by: ℎ
NL = (4.13 x 108DL)0.5 (0.21Fv + 0.15)tL ( ) =

the column vapour “F” factor = √
Number of gas phase transfer units the Peclet number The column diameter, Dc:
(0.776 + 4.57 ∗ 10 ∗ ℎ − 0.24 + 105 )
= =
( ) .

The dry-plate efficiency can be corrected for the effects of

= entrainment using the equation proposed by Colburn (1936):
for bubble-cap plates
Zc = 0.042 + 0.19 x 10-3 hw - 0.014Fv + 2.5Lp
for sieve plates 1 +
Zc = 0.006 + 0.73 x 10-3 hw - 0.24 x 10-3 Fvhw + 1.22Lp 1−
Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 1
eddy diffusivity the maximum allowable superficial vapour velocity, and hence the column area and diameter,
-3 2
De = (0.0038 + 0.017ua + 3.86Lp + 0.18 x 10 hw)

Plate Hydraulic Design

The flooding velocity: The liquid-vapour flow factor FLV: The minimum design vapour velocity: For a segmental downcomer the height of the
− 0.90(25.4 − ) liquid crest over the weir:
= , = = ℎ = 750 ( ) /

The total hole area as a fraction of the Plate pressure drop The pressure drop through the dry plate Residual head
perforated area, for an equilateral -3 12.5 ∗ 10
Pt = 9.81 x 10 ht L
triangular pitch: ℎ =
ℎ = 51 ( ) * ,
= 0.9 ( ) ,
In terms of clear liquid the head loss in the downcomer The clearance area under the downcomer is
The total plate drop:
downcomer back-up is given by: given by:
ht = hd + (hw + how )+ hr ℎ = 166 [ ]
hb = hw + how + ht + hdc Aap = hap lw
The downcomer residence time


Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 2

Selection of liquid-flow arrangement

Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 3

Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 4
Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 5
Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 6
Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 7
Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 8
Actual number of trays

Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 9

Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 10
Distillation Column CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 11
CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet
Pumping System
( ) ( )   relative roughness,
= ( − )+ + +  =8 ( )
  2
e = absolute roughness/pipe inside
 Power =Wm/ diameter
= + − −
  
∆ ∆ The total energy required can be calculated from the equation:
The head required from the pump = − − ∆ ∆ ∆
∆ + − − = 0
Table 5.2. Pipe roughness
Material Absolute roughness, mm
Drawn tubing 0.0015
Commercial steel pipe 0.046
Cast iron pipe 0.26
Concrete pipe 0.3 to 3.0

Pumping System CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 1

Pumping System CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 2
Pumping System CH602 Process Equipment Design Datasheet 3

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