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Garay Education Research

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Garay, Ashley Reese A.

12 Atlantis
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
January 11, 2023

Education: The Gateway to Success

Does Education Help Us Establish Ourselves Or Does It Lessen Human

Learning is the best path towards a successful and happy life, as it is conducive to a better
understanding of life, and all acquired knowledge can be used towards fulfilling one’s ambition.
An educated person will perceive a problem in the right way and offer an adequate solution,
using the knowledge they have gained. However, children often question the importance of
education in life, wondering what could possibly be the use of all that information in life. What
they fail to comprehend is that learning and self-advancement do not stop at that biology lesson.
On the contrary, it is just a piece of the great puzzle of education, with all its benefits. A large
portion of the knowledge and skills acquired at school is essential for a successful life and the
realization of all personal goals.

I. Why is Education Important?

A. An Educated Person Has A Better Understanding of Society

Proper education improves people’s understanding of the world around them,
making them less susceptible to the influence of others. Proper interpretation of
information requires education, as it improves knowledge. An educated person better
understands their own and others’ purpose in society, and their rights. This leads to a
better understanding of people, fewer conflicts, and more tolerance for differences.
(Arcturus, 2018.)

Educated persons are harder to manipulate, which is conducive to the

development of a more responsible society with fewer conflicts. All this creates an
environment where social justice can thrive, which entails:
1. Equal rights
2. Equal opportunity
3. Equal treatment
B. Education Improves Self-Confidence
An educated person knows the world; can interpret cultural phenomena and
society in general competently. A high level of understanding means higher confidence in
everyday work and communication with other people. When one is sure of oneself, it is
easier to make the right decisions and open many doors.

Confidence is the launch pad for just about every successful skill and habit we
possess. Confidence is defined as, “a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s
appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.” (Faro, 2021.) Confidence is the result of
our interactions with others all throughout our lives. Besides parents and family, the most
powerful impact on the cultivation or smothering of confidence happens within our
schools. Teachers and schools have the ability to develop confidence in children like very
few other people.

C. Schooling Helps Develop Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is the ability to analyze the way you think and present evidence
for your ideas, rather than simply accepting your personal reasoning as sufficient proof.
You can gain numerous benefits from mastering critical thinking skills, such as better
control of your own learning and empathy for other points of view. (Rayhanul, 2015.)
Critical Thinking is very important in the new knowledge economy. The global
knowledge economy is driven by information and technology. One has to be able to deal
with changes quickly and effectively. The new economy places increasing demands on
flexible intellectual skills, and the ability to analyze information and integrate diverse
sources of knowledge in solving problems. Good critical thinking promotes such thinking
skills, and is very important in the fast-changing workplace, making it a notable factor for

II. How Does Academic Perseverance Contribute to Success?

A. Learning Is Conducive To A Richer Life

It is now proven that investment in education is seen as a way to promote personal
and professional growth. The investment in education will be seen as one of the best
investments that can be made in life. One should also bear in mind that the role of
education is also to facilitate the understanding of life situations. An educated person will
take better care of their health, aware of the risks. Taking care of oneself leads to a
healthy lifestyle, which guarantees a better quality of life and extended longevity.
(Wesley, 2022.)
Education has become a road to success. Success does not only occur in terms of
becoming rich, luxurious, and comfortable, but it also encourages a healthy lifestyle.
People who are educated are also aware of what they can benefit from such as keeping
themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually healthy because
they are cautious of the effects of chronic and temporary distractions like drugs, alcohol,
and gambling, which they become avoidant of.

B. Education Enables Employability

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
- Nelson Mandela. Education provides students with the space and the opportunities to
meet like-minded individuals, either on a peer or mentor basis. Students are required to
go through many types of assignments, discussions, courses, and more during their time
in education. Therefore, they end up with a wonderful skill set that translates into the
workforce. In addition, from extracurriculars, students learn arts, sports, and more that
help them personally in life and to connect with others. (Wesley, 2022.)

In school, students meet leaders in their field, and top professionals, and make
contacts through extracurricular activities as well. Although this kind of decision might
seem strange to some people, the expert’s surety in their own abilities will drive them
towards the goal. Moments like this change not only an individual life but society itself.
Where would we be if Thomas Edison had been unsure of his knowledge and had not put
it to work?

C. Enlightenment Becomes A Pathway To Diversity

Students who learn about different cultures during their education feel more
comfortable and safe with these differences later in life. This allows them to interact in a
wider range of social groups and feel more confident in themselves as well as in their
interactions with others. (Arcturus, 2018.) Diversity among students in education directly
impacts their performance. Studies show that students work better in a diverse
environment, enabling them to concentrate and push themselves further when there are
people of other backgrounds working alongside them.

Both students and faculty bring their lived experience, background, and perspectives to
school with them. This is important for helping students to cultivate broader minds,
empathy, and tolerance for differing opinions. A diverse teaching staff means a broader
curriculum for students to experience, as well as different teaching styles, learning topics,
and ways of looking at the world. Diversity within the student body provides new
opportunities for young people to understand different ways of thinking and living.
Without these diverse perspectives, students leave college with their view of the world
affirmed, but poorly equipped to function in a diverse, global society.

To conclude, education opens up the world. It is the key to being able to live a happy,
healthy, and prosperous life. Education equips us with the skills needed for success in today's
world. It allows us to be prepared for what is to come. Education provides you with the
opportunity to learn and grow as an individual. Today, an education is not just a means to a job.
It's the vehicle that will help you shape your career and grow as an individual. There are many
benefits to educational opportunities, ones that we can't afford to miss out on. A solid education
will help better equip you for any challenges you may face in life.
Reference List

Arcturus, R. (2018, June). Importance of education in life [Review of Importance of education in

life]. Allison Academy; Allison Academy Blog.

Faro, T. (2021, November). Why Is Education The Key To Success? [Review of Why Is
Education The Key To Success?]. Skills Portal; Skills Portal.

Rayhanul, S. M. (2015, January). What are the Importance and Benefits of “Critical Thinking
Skills”? [Review of What are the Importance and Benefits of “Critical Thinking
Skills”?]. LinkedIn; S.M. Rayhanul Islam.

Wesley, H. (2022, December). Benefits of Education Are Societal and Personal [Review of
Benefits of Education Are Societal and Personal]. University of the People; University of
the People Press.

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