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VISHESH SINGH The Vital Role of Education Curriculum For The Welfare and Transformation of Human Beings and Society: Value Based and Skilled Based Curriculum.

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The Vital Role of Education Curriculum for The Welfare and

Transformation of Human beings and Society: Value Based and Skilled

Based Curriculum.

Vishesh Singh
In today's era, where human beings have developed unthinkable gadgets and technology, reflecting
the skills and the development that we have made so far, it is also important to look upon the ethical
values and attitude (like- commitment, integrity, empathy, dignity, etc.) that builds and holds a
society, which are gradually diminishing, making a society where everyone carries skills but some
lack value.

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate value-based and skill-based educational curriculum for
welfare and transformation of human beings and come up with the best outcome for consecutive
development of both, human beings and society. For this purpose, secondary data are collected and
have been focused upon, in order to cover a wide range of population. 

The study suggests that value-based education is more important than it seems and if both, the skill-
based education and the value-based education are put on the same point of a scale then the weightage
(i.e., the outcome) will be outmatch. 

To conclude, for the welfare and transformation of human beings, and in order to get the highest
outcome for consecutive development of human beings and society is, the collaboration of both skill
and value-based curriculum where the focus on value-based education should be to the same degree as
skill-based education is being focused. 

Keywords: education, educational curriculum, value-based education, skill-based education,

human beings, school, college, society, welfare.

Education is the art of understanding and interpreting the knowledge in a manner that makes you
enlightened in many ways. "It is a purposeful activity directed at achieving certain aims, such as
transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits. These aims may include the
development of understanding, rationality, kindness, and honesty" (Wiki). Education is the magic that
will bring light to you, in your darkest time. It helps in evaluating the surroundings at macro level
point of view and will end up providing the best alternative ever. 

Education is never ending process as at every stage of life, life itself teaches many lessons. But in the
initial stage of life, schools and colleges are responsible educations. Education and positive thought
process are positively proportionate, i.e., the more educated wise a person is, the more logical and
rational will be his or her thinking and vice versa. Therefore, leads directly or indirectly to social
awareness and welfare. Albert Einstein rightly said -"Education is not the learning of facts, but the
training of the mind to think”. 

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate value-based and skill-based educational curriculum for
welfare and transformation of human beings and come up with the best outcome for consecutive
development of both, human beings and society.

To fulfill the purpose secondary data are collected and have been focused upon, in order to cover a
wide range of population. 

Educational Curriculum in Schools and Colleges: its Importance:

Schools and colleges are powerhouse of knowledge and skills which are conveyed to every student.
Education curriculum followed in these education institutions are the backbone of future generations
as what today is being taught, tomorrow it will be applied. Thus, education and it's way i.e.,
curriculum is important as education have impact on children, Teenager, Young Man, Middle Age,
Old Age. If looked from macro perspective it protects you, helps in Achieving true dreams, provide a
safer world, boost economic growth on national level, brings confidence to all age groups, and many
other related things. 

Education is the most powerful weapon one can possibly have, and with education, all dreams can
come true. There are of course certain exception i.e., depending on what someone is aiming for, but in
general education will take as far as someone is willing to go.

Education is something that is not only needed on micro level (personal/individual level), but on
macro level (global/ as a whole level) as well, as it is something that keeps our world safe and makes
it a more peaceful place. Education tends to teach people the difference between what is right and
what is wrong. It can help people stay out of risky situation.

Being self-confident is a major part of being successful in life. And what’s the better way to gain that
confidence than with an education? Level of education is often considered a way to prove your
knowledge. Thus, it can give you confidence to express your opinion and speak what’s in your mind.

Educated society is crucial for economic growth in order to stay innovative constant, we need people
to continue to learn and research. Countries with higher literacy rates often tends to be in better
economic situations. With more educated population, more employment opportunities are opened.
Education can protect you in many ways, more than you know, not only on a financial level but it can
prevent you from being taken advantages of by knowing how to read and write, such as knowing not
to sign any bogus documents.

Education provides stability in life. it is something that no-one can ever take away from you. Being
well educated and holding a college degree will increase your chances for better career opportunities
and open new doors for yourself.

Education is key to success, if acquired seriously and used wisely, and it's uncommon to find anything
to be perfect in the world, everything have its pros and cons but in education there's no cons but only
loopholes such as- Lack of practical knowledge, Wrong learning method, No value to education,
mainly numerical ranking, discrimination on basis of marks, discrimination in general, time
limitations, depression, etc. Other than this no major focus on core values like loyalty, honesty,
empathy, dignity, etc. are being focused upon. 

Aristotle rightly said – “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”. The
above loopholes can be filled with proper selection of educational curriculum and the stated quote by
Aristotle can be positively, effectively and efficiently be seen. Currently, there are two models of
educational curriculum- Skilled Based and Value Based, both have their own importance. Thus, the
dilemma comes which one to select. 

Skilled Based and Value Based Model of Educational Curriculum: 

Just short period ago, education was treated as possession of degree, i.e., the one who possess degree
will have higher chances of getting job. This thing still prevails but some of the top companies like-
Google, Apple, Netflix, Starbuck, Zoho, Qburst, IBM Bank of America, etc. no longer require degree
to get a job but only required skills. So, the trend or fed, whatever we say is changing towards skill
based. Same goes with the education institutions, to meet the today's requirements the major focus
have been shifted towards skills development from early age which resulting towards- Creativity,
Purpose Driven education, encourages independent thinking, accepting failures gracefully, Contribute
to skilled workforce of the future, etc. Skill development as a part of school education is indeed
important to establish a strong foundation for a thriving future. Self-awareness, good communication
skills, confidence, problem solving, and critical thinking capabilities are some of the important
benefits of learning through a well-rounded curriculum. Children excel in multiple areas of their life
effortlessly and this gives them a chance to stand out from their peers. 
Skill development at an early age helps children choose from a wide range of career options by the
onset of teenage. It fine tunes students’ minds to become more independent, culturally aware and self-
assured, and contributes to the growth of the child as well as the society and nation. 

Curriculum which incorporates skill-based learning enhances creativity among students, through skill
development, they become more creative and imaginative.

Traditional education curriculum has trained students to run after getting marks and grades. However,
by implementing skill-based learning curriculum will prepares students for the real world which is
more vital than scoring marks. Furthermore, students are prepared and have knowledge of their
interests, as they have tried various types of practical skills rather than memorizing the concepts.

A curriculum focusing on skill development encourages its followers to think deeper and solve
problems independently. They build high self-esteem due to the fact, that they are trained to think
critically and analytically right. Acquiring life skills naturally makes them independent thinkers and
builds vital leadership skills, which will help to excel in whatever profession they choose for
themselves in the future.

Learning new skills requires students to experiment. While doing so, students might face failures and
disappointments but then it will eventually prepare them to accept failures gracefully and develop a
‘never give up’ attitude. Students will develop a growth mindset as they try new things, fail and carry
on with perseverance as failure is to gain knowledge and learn something new and being unafraid to
fail is important to achieve success in life. Thus, students will learn a life lesson which is Important
for life.

Skill development in schools or colleges can have a positive impact on the general environment of the
country’s workforce in the long run. Students will easily develop required skills when they receive
holistic education. With the latest technology which enables audio-visual learning, interactive and
smart classrooms which have positive impact on learning will make students to have better chance to
become more competent. Therefore, introduction of skill development in the curriculum simplifies the
transition from student to a working professional. Thus, the country will have a more superior
workforce in the making.

To support the above claims, below are some of the steps taken by the Indian Government to boost
skill-based education under new economic policy (2022). The information was given by the Minister
of State for Education, Smt. Annpurna Devi in a written reply in the Lok Sabha (25 July 2022)

The Government of India has initiated various convergence efforts across the skill ecosystem under
“Skill India Mission (SIM)”. Under the Mission, more than 20 Central Ministries/Departments are
implementing Skill Development Schemes/Programmes to enhance skill levels of millions of people.

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has given special emphasis on vocational education
through integration and mainstreaming of vocational education with general education.

The department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL) is implementing the scheme of
Vocationalisation of School Education under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme - Samagra Shiksha by
aligning it with the aims of the Skill India Mission.

The State Governments have been advised that Vocational courses are to be treated at par with other
academic subjects and accorded a similar status in the scheme of subjects.

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) in association with the Ministry of
Education (MoE) is implementing the ‘Skill Hub Initiative’ scheme under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal
Vikas Yojana 3.0 (PMKVY 3.0).

Now it's been seen that skill-based curriculum is contributing good enough towards economic and
technological point of view but what about humanitarian and social & cultural point of view, the core
values which makes us what we are (the value like commitment, integrity, empathy, dignity, honestly,
trustworthy, etc.) are lagging. Here, at this point the Value Based Education Curriculum comes in. 

Today, every parent wants to give the best education to children, which is not just confined to the
books but it goes much beyond that. Parents want to provide not only theoretical and practical
knowledge along with skills but also the value that makes a person human being, otherwise what will
be the difference between humans and robots. Thus, looking for value-based education curriculum. 

Moral values are at the edge of the society, people have skills and knowledge but lacks moral values.
Society is going at very fast pace towards technological development but is also the pace of losing
moral and value are at high pace. Through value-based education, we can develop the children into
people with strong character and values who know how to utilize their knowledge for the advantage
of mankind. Nelson Mandela rightly said: “Education is the most powerful weapon through which
you can change the world”. Here, he talked about both academic education as well as moral value
education. Value education has the power to change the world.

Education is a lifelong process of development of one’s personality which starts from the school. It is
a school that builds the base for everything. That is why school plays a significant role in providing
value-based education or moral education. No doubt, value-based education is best growing character
of individuals on short run and on long run, character of nation or large population, which will overall
reflect a healthy, peaceful and comfortable environment. But at the same time, the technological and
today's requirements of society/market will be at cost as for skills development, skill-based education
curriculum provide best results. 

It is to note, that acknowledging and keep up the today's environment/society requirements of skills
and knowledge, skill based educational curriculum is the best. And, for bringing and sustaining the
today's as well as tomorrow's environment/society need (Moral Values like-commitment, integrity,
empathy, dignity, honesty, etc.), Value Based education curriculum is the best. 

To support the above claims, below are some of the measures taken by the Indian government in
order to implement and enhance the value-based curriculum:
"Keeping with the goals of the National Education Policy (NEP), the Government of India has
decided to increase focus on value-based education."-
Below mentioned information was given by the Union Minister for Human Resource Development,
Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha (11th July 2019):

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005, developed by the National Council of
Educational Research and Training (NCERT), which sets the guidelines and direction for the
development of syllabi and textbooks at all the school stages, emphasizes on ethical
development, inculcating the values, attitudes and skills required for living in harmony with
oneself and with others. However, education being a subject in the Concurrent List of the
Constitution and majority of schools are under the jurisdiction of the State Governments, it is
for the respective State Governments to ensure that the Values Education is taught effectively
in their schools. So far as the schools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBSE) are concerned, the Board has introduced Life-Skills education in the schools affiliated to it,
which promotes inculcation of Values.

Values and attitudes are acquired and are best nurtured through experiences. These
experiences need to be consistent and inbuilt in the personal and social environment of the
students. NCERT has, therefore, incorporated such concerns, wherever possible, in the
textbooks developed for the various stages of school education. NCERT has also brought out
a Value Education Framework entitled ‘Education for Values in Schools – A Framework’,
which provides guidelines to schools to identify their priorities of values and plan their
actions accordingly. NCERT has also developed a Resource Book for teachers called ‘Ways
to Peace’.

CBSE has brought out Values Education Manual and Values Education Kit for classes I-XII.
The Board has brought out Teacher’s Manual on Environmental Education and Adolescent
Education, which help to foster values in children. CBSE also organizes Capacity Building
Programmes in Values Education for teachers of its affiliated schools.

Education is key to success, if acquired seriously and used wisely. it's uncommon to find anything to
be perfect in the world, everything has its pros and cons but in education there's no cons but only
loopholes such as- Lack of practical knowledge, Wrong learning method, No value to education,
mainly numerical ranking, discrimination on basis of marks, discrimination in general, time
limitations, depression, etc. 

In case of current educational curriculum, no major focus on core values like loyalty, honesty,
empathy, dignity, etc. are being focused upon.

It is being noted that- 

 for acknowledging and keep up the today's environment/societal requirements of skills and
knowledge, skill based educational curriculum is the best and, 
 for bringing and sustaining today's as well as tomorrow's environment/societal needs, (such as
Moral Values or core values like-commitment, integrity, empathy, dignity, honesty, etc.),
Value Based education curriculum is the best.

Now, the dilemma to opt the best for curriculum arises, value-based or skill-based educational
curriculum for welfare and transformation of human ` and in order to get the best outcome for
consecutive development of both, human beings and society. 

The research suggests based on data collected from secondary sources that-

 Today's society need is skill and knowledge possession but at the same time without moral or
core values future will be chaos. 
 Human beings without social and core values like commitment, integrity, empathy, dignity,
honesty, etc. will be just like machines. 
 Based on evaluation of value-based and skill-based educational curriculum for welfare and
transformation of human beings the best curriculum would be mixture of both.
 The best outcome for consecutive development of both, human beings and society is to use
value based and skill-based curriculum at the core of the educational curriculum. 
 Value-based education is more important than it seems and if both, the skill-based education
and the value-based education are put on the same point of a scale then the weightage (i.e.,
the outcome) will be outmatch. 
 Using the curriculum consecutively will cover all the loopholes of education. 

From this research paper the following points can be concluded- 

 Education is the art of understanding and interpreting the knowledge in a manner that
makes you enlightened in many ways and it’s a never-ending process as at every stage of
life, life itself teaches many lessons. 
 Education does not have cons but only loopholes (depending upon the curriculum model)
such as- Lack of practical knowledge, Wrong learning method, No value to education, mainly
numerical ranking, discrimination, time limitations, depression, etc. 
 In current educational curriculum, no major focus on core values like loyalty, honesty,
empathy, dignity, etc. are being focused upon. 
 Today's society need is skill and knowledge possession but at the same time without moral
or core values future will be chaos. Thus, developing core values are need of today’s and
tomorrow’s society.
 Two types of educational curriculum model are there namely, Skill-Based and Value Based
Curriculum model.
 Skilled based model focuses on developing skills and knowledge learning whereas Value
based model focus on developing values and knowledge. Both have their own importance
which cannot be ignored.
 For the welfare and transformation of human beings, and in order to get the highest
outcome for consecutive development of human beings and society is, the collaboration
of both skill and value-based curriculum where the focus on value-based education
should be to the same degree as skill-based education is being focused

 university of the people
 Wikipedia
 Google
 India study channel
 Times of India

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