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SCM BA1042 Group Assignment Pres (Feb 2023) PDF

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Student IDs : ____________________

Programme : BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours)
Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Module Title : Supply Chain Management
Module Code : BA 1042
Semester : February 2023 – June 2023
Examiner : Mr. Choong Yip Yen
No of Pages : 9 inclusive of cover page
Weighting : Marks obtained in this assignment will carry a 50% (40%
Group Assignment and 10% Individual Presentation)
weighting in the assessment of your overall performance in this


1. The maximum word limit is 3,000 words. Final marks obtained will be reduced by 10% if
this word limit is exceeded.

2. This is a GROUP written assignment. However, the oral presentation will be assessed
INDIVIDUALLY. The oral presentation will be conducted on the day of the assignment
deadline on 12th May 2023.

3. This assignment must be received no later than 4:30pm on 12th May 2023. It is your
responsibility to know when the submission deadline is. Ignorance of the deadline will
not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission. Work submitted within 5
calendar days after the official deadline will be awarded a maximum mark of 40%. Any
submissions received after that time will be awarded a zero mark and the assessors will
only comment on the work for learning purposes.

BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours) Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Assignment: Supply Chain Management (BA 1042)
Semester: February 2023 – June 2023

4. The assignment should be word processed on A4 sized paper (single side only) and
double-spaced. Please include a cover page indicating your name, student number,
module title, module code, semester and the name of the lecturer concerned.

5. A soft copy of your assignment in Microsoft Word format and a presentation in

PowerPoint format, for the oral presentation, will be required to be submitted online
through the university’s e-portal.

6. The work you produce is expected to be wholly your own work, except where you have
been asked to work as part of a group, when it should be the result of the group's
discussions. Where material is drawn from any other source, you should acknowledge this
in the text. Plagiarism is a disciplinary offence under the academic code of practice for
students in assessments. Penalties for plagiarism are potentially serious and may affect
your eligibility for an award.

7. A Turnitin Similarity Index Report is required to be attached to the Group Written

Assignment. The threshold for the Similarity Index should not be over 25%. A range
between three (3) to five (5) marks will be subtracted from the assignment dependent on
the severity of the Turnitin Similarity Index.

8. The assessment criteria are included for reference.

9. You are requested to keep a copy of your work.

BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours) Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Assignment: Supply Chain Management (BA 1042)
Semester: February 2023 – June 2023

Assignment Background

You have been employed as a Supply Chain Manager for a Malaysian public listed
manufacturing company. For this assignment, you can choose ONE of the following three
1. Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Bhd (MHB)
2. Favelle Favco (
3. Bumi Armada Bhd (

After selecting the company, choose only ONE core product/solution and focus on the
selected product/solution for this assignment. For example, if you choose Malaysia Marine
and Heavy Engineering Bhd., you could focus on their construction of offshore oil rigs or
marine repair etc.

For this assignment, assume that the company you have selected has won a new project and
have to deliver the core product/solution that you have selected earlier to a customer in
Malaysia. As a supply chain manager, you have been assigned to coordinate the supply chain
network for this new project. Describe in detail in this assignment all the possible supply
chain network coordinating activities for the new project from inception to delivery of the
product/solution to your customer in Malaysia.

Assignment Requirements
The written assignment should contain the following information:


1. Supply Chain Management Network

The focal manufacturing company’s supply chain management network. Draw out the focal
company’s supply chain network from:

a. Upstream (primary manufacturers, Tier-1, Tier-2 suppliers) (5 marks)

b. Downstream (Tier-1, Tier-2, and End-Customers). (5 marks)

BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours) Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Assignment: Supply Chain Management (BA 1042)
Semester: February 2023 – June 2023

c. Identify the key activities in your company for the selected product/solution you
selected (5 marks)

(15 marks)

2. End-Product/Solution

Provide a detailed description of the product manufactured:

a. Type of product/solution produced (5 marks),

b. Product/Solution details (5 marks),
c. Target market of product/solution: The End-Customers (5 marks)

(15 marks)

3. Upstream: Procurement Strategies and Process

Provide a detailed analysis of the upstream procurement process:

a. How many suppliers will you procure from? (5 marks)

b. Who are the Tier-1 and Tier-2 suppliers? (5 marks)
c. Where are your suppliers located? (5 marks)
d. Types of raw materials and components procured? (5 marks)
e. Raw materials delivery to focal company strategy and mode of transportation.
(5 marks)
f. What is the procurement process of your focal company and how will it be managed?
(5 marks)

(30 marks)

4. Warehouse Strategies and Operations

Provide a detailed analysis of your warehouse strategies and operations:

a. How many warehouses will be required along the focal company supply chain
network? (5 marks)
b. What type of warehouses to handle your focal company’s raw materials, work-in-
progress (semi-finished products – if any), finished products, and spare parts (if any)?
(5 marks)
c. Where are the locations of the respective warehouses for raw materials, work-in-
progress and finished products? (5 marks)
d. What is the size and capacity of the respective warehouses? (5 marks)

(20 marks)

BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours) Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Assignment: Supply Chain Management (BA 1042)
Semester: February 2023 – June 2023

5. Downstream: Delivery Strategies

Provide a detailed analysis of your downstream delivery strategies:

a. How will the finished products reach the end-customer? Are Tier-1 and Tier-2
customers required? Justify. (5 marks)
b. What is the mode of transportation? (5 marks)
c. Will the logistics management for finished products be in-sourced or out-sourced?
Justify? (5 marks)

(15 marks)

6. Report Format

The report must at least include the following:

a. Table of Content
b. Introduction
c. Supply Chain Management Network
d. End-Product
e. Upstream Procurement Strategies and Process
f. Warehouse Strategies and Operations
g. Downstream Delivery Strategies
h. Conclusion
i. Reference list (Please use Harvard Referencing methods for citation in the report and
Reference List)

(5 marks)

[Total: 100 marks]

BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours) Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Assignment: Supply Chain Management (BA 1042)
Semester: February 2023 – June 2023


1. Individual Presentation
Present your section of the Group Written Assignment. You will be assessed based
 The quality of your presentation,
 The ability to communicate and to keep the audience attention, and
 The ability to respond effectively during the questions and answer session.
(100 marks per student)
[Total: 100 marks]

To support your assignment, you can source the information and data from the internet and
from other various sources, i.e. annual report, company websites, external report, social
network (FB & Instagram).

Prepare and submit your Report on or before 12th May 2023.

RUBRIC for Assessment Criteria:

(40% Group Written Assignment, 10% Individual Presentation):
Module Code BA1042
Module Title Supply Chain Management
Semester February 2023 – June 2023
Year 2023
Student Name and Student ID No. 1.

BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours) Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Assignment: Supply Chain Management (BA 1042)
Semester: February 2023 – June 2023


Category 100-80 79-60 59-50 49-40 39-0

SCM Excellent Good Adequate Minimal Weak, irrelevant

illustration of illustration of illustration of illustration of or no illustration
the SCM the SCM the SCM the SCM of the SCM
(15%) Network. Network. Network. Network. Network.

End- Excellent Good details on Adequate Minimal details Weak, irrelevant

Product / details on the the End-Product details on the on the End- or no details on
Solution End-Product / / Solution. End-Product / Product / the End-Product /
(15%) Solution. Solution. Solution. Solution.

Excellent Good analysis Adequate Minimal Weak, irrelevant

Upstream analysis and and application analysis and analysis and or no analysis
application to to the Upstream application to application to and application to
(30%) the Upstream supply chain. the Upstream the Upstream the Upstream
supply chain. supply chain. supply chain. supply chain.

Excellent Good analysis Adequate Minimal Weak, irrelevant

Warehouse analysis and and application analysis and analysis and or no analysis
Strategies application to to the application to application to and application to
(20%) the Warehouse Warehouse the Warehouse the Warehouse the Warehouse
strategies. strategies. strategies. strategies. strategies.

Excellent Good analysis Adequate Minimal Weak, irrelevant

Downstream analysis and and application analysis and analysis and or no analysis
application to to the application to application to and application to
the Downstream the Downstream the Downstream the Downstream
(15%) Downstream strategies. strategies. strategies. strategies.

Development Development Development Development Development and

and structure of and structure of and structure of and structure of structure of
content was content was content was content was content was poor.
Report excellent. The very good. The good. The adequate. The The overall
Format overall format overall format is overall format is overall format is format is poor.
(5%) is excellent. very good. good. Good use basic. Poor use of
Excellent use of Very good use of references in Adequate use of references in
references in of references in Harvard format. references in Harvard format.
Harvard format. Harvard format. Harvard format.

BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours) Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Assignment: Supply Chain Management (BA 1042)
Semester: February 2023 – June 2023


Student ID:
Student Name:
Category 100-80 79-60 59-50 49-40 39-0

Individual Excellent Very good Good Basic Poor presentation

presentation presentation and presentation and presentation and and respond to
and respond to respond to the respond to the respond to the the questions.
(100%) the questions. questions. questions. questions.

Student ID:
Student Name:
Category 100-80 79-60 59-50 49-40 39-0

Individual Excellent Very good Good Basic Poor presentation

presentation presentation and presentation and presentation and and respond to
and respond to respond to the respond to the respond to the the questions.
(100%) the questions. questions. questions. questions.

Student ID:
Student Name:
Category 100-80 79-60 59-50 49-40 39-0

Individual Excellent Very good Good Basic Poor presentation

presentation presentation and presentation and presentation and and respond to
and respond to respond to the respond to the respond to the the questions.
(100%) the questions. questions. questions. questions.

Student ID:
Student Name:
Category 100-80 79-60 59-50 49-40 39-0

Individual Excellent Very good Good Basic Poor presentation

presentation presentation and presentation and presentation and and respond to
and respond to respond to the respond to the respond to the the questions.
(100%) the questions. questions. questions. questions.

Student ID:
Student Name:
Category 100-80 79-60 59-50 49-40 39-0

Individual Excellent Very good Good Basic Poor presentation

presentation presentation and presentation and presentation and and respond to
and respond to respond to the respond to the respond to the the questions.
(100%) the questions. questions. questions. questions.

BA (Honours) Business Management, BA (Honours) Marketing, Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Business Management
Assignment: Supply Chain Management (BA 1042)
Semester: February 2023 – June 2023

Group Assignment Student ID, Name & Marks:

Total Marks (100%) / Student ID, Name & Marks:
Weighted Marks (40%) Student ID, Name & Marks:
Student ID, Name & Marks:
Student ID, Name & Marks:

Individual Presentation Student ID, Name & Marks:

Total Marks (100%) / Student ID, Name & Marks:
Weighted Marks (10%) Student ID, Name & Marks:
Student ID, Name & Marks:
Student ID, Name & Marks:

Contribution to the Final Marks Student ID, Name & Marks:

– Weighted Marks Student ID, Name & Marks:
(40% - Group Assignment) + Student ID, Name & Marks:
(10% - Individual Presentation) Student ID, Name & Marks:
Student ID, Name & Marks:


Assessed By

Lecturer’s Signature



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