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REVIEWER 1 - History

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REVIEWER 2 – HISTORY Question: What do the stripes on the American flag represent?

Answer: The 13 original colonies

Question: Where was Martin Luther King, Jr. born?

U.S. HISTORY Answer: Atlanta, Georgia

Question: When was the Declaration of Independence signed? Question: Which two Native American leaders led Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne
Answer: August 2, 1776 warriors in the fight against Lieutenant Colonel George Custer’s troops in the Battle
of Little Bighorn?
Question: The United States bought Alaska from which country? Answer: Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull
Answer: Russia
Question: Finish the line President Franklin D. Roosevelt said during his speech
Question: Who was the fourth president of the United States? addressing the attack on Pearl Harbor: “Yesterday, December 7, 1941…”
Answer: James Madison Answer: “A date which will live in infamy”

Question: Which era marked a switch from agricultural practices to industrial Question: What was the name of the landmark Supreme Court case that ruled the
practices? racial segregation of schools unconstitutional?
Answer: The Industrial Revolution Answer: Brown v. Board of Education

Question: What was the name of the series of programs and projects President Question: What year was the Vietnam Veterans Memorial dedicated in Washington,
Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted during The Great Depression? D.C.?
Answer: The New Deal Answer: 1982

Question: Fill in the blank: The 19th Amendment guarantees ____ the right to vote Question: The “shot heard ’round the world” describes the beginning of which
Answer: Women battles in the American Revolution?
Answer: The Battles of Lexington and Concord
Question: Which four presidents are on Mount Rushmore?
Answer: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Question: What was the first state to legalize same-sex marriage?
Roosevelt Answer: Massachusetts

Question: Who was the first woman to make a million dollars in the United States? Question: Who was president during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Answer: Madam C.J. Walker Answer: John F. Kennedy

Question: Which year was George H.W. Bush elected president? Question: Who was the first Black Supreme Court justice in the United States?
Answer: 1988 Answer: Thurgood Marshall
Question: In what year did child labor laws start in the United States? Question: What event is commonly believed to have sparked World War I?
Answer: 1938 Answer: The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

Question: What was the name of the battle in the Pacific fought between the U.S. Question: Who was the last Tsar of Russia?
Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy in June 1942? Answer: Nicholas II
Answer: Battle of Midway
Question: How many Celtic languages are still spoken today?
Question: When was the Battle of Gettysburg fought during the Civil War? Answer: Six
Answer: July 1 through July 3, 1863
Question: In what year did Libya gain independence from Italy?
Question: Who was the first American to win a Noble Peace Prize? Answer: 1951
Answer: Theodore Roosevelt
Question: Where did Albert Einstein live before moving to the United States?
Question: What country did the U.S. men’s Olympic hockey team defeat in the Answer: Germany
semi-finals of the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, a game commonly known as
the “Miracle on Ice”? Question: Who is commonly referred to as the person who created the first printing
Answer: The Soviet Union press?
Answer: Johannes Gutenberg
Question: What year did the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) go
into effect? Question: During which war was a Christmas Truce called?
Answer: 1994 Answer: World War I

Question: How old was Queen Elizabeth II when she was crowned the Queen of
Answer: 27
Question: When did the construction of the Great Wall of China begin?
Answer: 7th century BC
Question: What was the code name for the German invasion of the Soviet Union
during World War II?
Question: Who sent Christopher Columbus to explore the New World?
Answer: Operation Barbarossa
Answer: King Ferdinand of Spain
Question: When did the Mexican Revolution start?
Question: What is considered the largest empire in history?
Answer: November 20, 1910
Answer: The Mongol Empire
Question: Who was the first ruler of the Mongol Empire?
Question: What year did the French Revolution start?
Answer: Genghis Khan
Answer: 1789
Question: What year did India gain independence from Britain?
Answer: 1947
Ancient history

Question: Who was the first person in the world to land on the moon and which Question: Who was the first Emperor of Rome?
country were they from? Answer: Augustus
Answer: Neil Armstrong from the United States
Question: Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD and devastated which two Roman
Question: In what year is the Bubonic Plague believed to have started in Europe cities?
and Asia? Answer: Pompeii and Herculaneum
Answer: 1346
Question: Modern-day Istanbul, Turkey, used to be called what when it was the
Question: What was the capital city of the Inca Empire? capital of the Byzantine Empire?
Answer: Cusco Answer: Constantinople

Question: What was the name of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant that was the Question: What is the world’s oldest recorded civilization?
site of a nuclear disaster in April 1986? Answer: Mesopotamia
Answer: Chernobyl
Question: Which two city-states fought in the Peloponnesian War?
Question: What was the name of the international group formed to maintain world Answer: Athens and Sparta
peace after World War I?
Answer: The League of Nations Question: Which Greek goddess was the Parthenon dedicated to?
Answer: Athena
Question: How long did the Han Dynasty rule China?
Answer: More than 400 years Question: The Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for which pharaoh?
Answer: Khufu
Question: During World War II, Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy.
Which country is Normandy in? Question: Who established the Xia Dynasty in China?
Answer: France Answer: Yu the Great

Question: In which country was the Battle of Culloden fought in 1746? Question: How many rules are written in the Code of Hammurabi?
Answer: Scotland Answer: 282

Question: Who fought in the Hundred Years’ War? Question: What dynasty was Cleopatra part of?
Answer: Britain and France Answer: The Ptolemaic dynasty
Answer: Pharaoh Akhenaten
Question: What are the seven wonders of the ancient world?
Answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Question: The Colosseum started to be built under while which Roman emperor
Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at was in power?
Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria Answer: Vespasian

Question: Who is the king of the Olympian gods in Greek mythology? Question: Which fabric was invented in Ancient China?
Answer: Zeus Answer: Silk

Question: When was Julius Caesar assassinated? Question: The Byzantine Empire was a continuation of which powerful ancient
Answer: Ides of March (March 15, 44 BC) empire?
Answer: The Roman Empire
Question: The Maya Empire was centered in what is now which country?
Answer: Guatemala Question: Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced the concept of demokratia in 507
BC. What does demokratia translate to?
Question: Which ancient figure is often considered the founder of Western Answer: Democracy
Answer: Socrates

Question: When did Alexander the Great conquer Egypt? Modern history
Answer: 332 BC
Question: What year was the first iPhone released?
Question: What was the name of the ancient trade route that connected the East
Answer: 2007
with the West?
Answer: The Silk Road
Question: What was the acronym commonly used for the 2000 software problem
that many thoughts would cause computers to become inoperable?
Question: How old was King Tutankhamun when he died?
Answer: Y2K
Answer: 19
Question: Which country hosted the 2016 Olympics?
Question: Where is the Pyramid of the Sun located?
Answer: Brazil
Answer: Teotihuacán, Mexico
Question: The U.S. rover Curiosity landed on which planet in August 2012?
Question: Which famous battle is widely considered a turning point in the wars
Answer: Mars
between Persia and Greece?
Answer: The Battle of Marathon in 490 BC
Question: Who became the youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize at age 17
in 2014?
Question: Queen Nefertiti ruled alongside which pharaoh?
Answer: Malala Yousafzai
Question: Who became the most decorated gymnast in history during the 2010s?
Question: What year did the Berlin Wall fall? Answer: Simone Biles
Answer: 1989
Question: What year did the Internet become available to the public?
Question: What was the name of the Category 5 hurricane that hit New Orleans Answer: 1993
and its surrounding areas in 2005?
Answer: Hurricane Katrina Question: What was the global recession that lasted from 2007 to 2009 called?
Answer: The Great Recession
Question: Which two royal family members were divorced in 1996?
Answer: Prince Charles and Princess Diana Question: Which U.S. city hosted the Summer Olympics in 1996?
Answer: Atlanta
Question: What year was Facebook created?
Answer: 2004 Question: What is the name of the whistleblower who leaked classified information
from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013?
Question: The U.S. hosted the FIFA World Cup in 1994. Which country won the Answer: Edward Snowden
Answer: Brazil Question: What year was the Paris Agreement signed?
Answer: 2015
Question: Which planet was downgraded to a dwarf planet in 2006?
Answer: Pluto Question: What U.S. government department was created in the wake of the
September 11 attacks?
Question: What year did Google launch? Answer: The Department of Homeland Security
Answer: 1998
Question: What year was Nelson Mandela freed from prison?
Question: Who won the 2008 U.S. Presidential election? Answer: 1990
Answer: Barack Obama
Question: Who was the first woman to be elected Vice President of the United
Question: Which two countries signed the Good Friday Agreement in 1997? States in 2020?
Answer: Britain and Ireland Answer: Kamala Harris

Question: In 1996, a sheep became the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic
cell. What was the name of that sheep?
Answer: Dolly

Question: Brexit refers to which country leaving the European Union?

Answer: The United Kingdom
Q: Which Australian Prime Minister once held the record for skolling a yard of ale?
PHILIPPINE HISTORY He downed a sconce pot (2 1/2 imperial pints) in 11 seconds at university.
Answer: Bob Hawke
Q: What is the primary religion of the Philippines?
Answer: Christian
Q: A marine mammal park located in Manila, Philippines is the Manila ______ Park.
Fill in the one word “O” blank, a large body of water that is the major division of sea
Q: Filipina Lea Salonga has supplied the singing voice of two Disney princesses --
on Earth.
Mulan in 1998, and what princess who discovered "A Whole New World" in 1992's
Answer: Manila Ocean Park
Answer: Princess Jasmine
Q: Which country in Southeast Asia that is named after a Spanish monarch is one of
the few predominantly Christian countries in Asia?
Q: The St.Joseph Parish Church in Las Pinas, Philiippines has an organ with pipes
Answer: The Philippines
and keys made from what hollow, tubular evergreen?
Answer: Bamboo
Q: Fill in the blank to complete the name of this world’s largest specific type of gem
discovered by a Filipino fisherman in 1996 and shares its name with the traditional
Q: The flag of the Philippines is flown differently to reflect the state of the country.
birthstone of June: _____ of Puerto.
When the blue side is up, it’s a sign of peace. Which state is the country in when the
Answer: Pearl
flag is flying red-side up?
Answer: War
Q: What international competition has been won by women from the Philippines on
four occasions: Gloria Diaz in 1969, Margie Moran in 1971, Pia Wurtzbach in 2015,
Q: The 1854 Eureka Rebellion in Australia was in part a protest following what get-
and Catriona Gray in 2018?
rich-quick event of the 1850s?
Answer: Miss Universe
Answer: Gold rush
Q: Easily earning her social work merit badge, Josefa Llanes Escoda founded the
Q: A beach in Malay, Aklan, Philliipines, located on an archipelago island, has what
Philippines branch of what youth organization?
name due to the color of its sand, also the color of Christmas in a Bing Crosby song?
Answer: Girl Scouts
Answer: White Beach
Q: The Tubbbataha Natural Park in Cagayancillo, Philippines is home to a
Q: What is the stonefruit that is the national fruit of India, Haiti, and the Philippines?
underwater sanctuary that is what kind of “R” aquatic structure?
Strangely enough, is also the summer national fruit of Pakistan. Using seasons to
Answer: Tubbataha Reef
claim four different national fruits: brilliant.
Answer: Mango
Q: That's not a box office gross. THIS is a box office gross: what 1986 film is the
highest grossing Australian movie of all time?
Q: In 1967, Singapore formed the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with
Answer: Crocodile Dundee
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and what archipelagic country?
Answer: Philippines
Q: What four-word phrase spoken by Ronald Reagan in Europe in 1987 received Q: The official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and what?
relatively little media coverage at the time but exploded into ubiquity two years later Answer: English
when the phrase became reality? The phrase eventually became shorthand for an
entire speech and foreign policy achievement. Q: In the Saint Paul Mountain Range, on the island of Palawan in the Philippines, is
Answer: Tear down this wall what subterranean river and national park? It gets its name from the Spanish for a
royal position held by Peach in the Super Mario universe, among others.
Q: Cebu City in the Philippines is home to a cross that was believed to be planted in Answer: Puerto Princesa Subterranean National Park
1521 by what “M” Spanish explorer, during his circumnavigation of the world?
Answer: Magellan's Cross Q: Five years prior to his announcing his retirement from the sport, professional
boxer Manny Pacquiao was sworn into what political position within the Philippine
Q: With over 1.39 billion SMS messages sent daily in the country in 2007, the government on June 30, 2016?
Philippines has been frequently named the “text capital of the world”. The acronym Answer: Senator
“SMS” is short for what three-word texting term?
Answer: Short Messaging System Q: The San Agustin Church and the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church are two
Philippine churches and UNESCO World Heritage Sites that are designed in what
Q: What Fort in Manila, Philippines, built in 1593 by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi for decorative and gilded 17th century Italian architectural style that is also a French
Spain, shares its name with the capital of Chile? word meaning “irregularly shaped”?
Answer: Fort Santiago Answer: Baroque

Q: In 1543, the islands of the Philippines were named after Philip II, king of what Q: The Philippines were previously named Las Islas Filipinas by European explorer
country? Ruy López de Villalobos in 1565 to honor of King Philip II of what country?
Answer: Spain Answer: Spain

Q: Hidilyn Diaz, who won the women's 55kg class in weightlifting, is the first person Q: The national flower of the Philippines is a five-petal white flower called Arabian
from what Asian nation to win a gold medal at the Olympics? jasmine, better known by what common name?
Answer: Philippines Answer: Sampaguita

Q: Originating from a Filipino Tagalog word meaning “mountain”, what colloquial Q: Since “Jolly” pasta is a favorite dish in the country’s cuisine, the Philippines is one
American word typically refers to remote rural area and is the title of a comic strip of only two places in the world where you can still order which McDonald’s menu
and mid-2000s Adult Swim animated series created by African American illustrator item?
Aaron McGruder? Answer: McSpaghetti
Answer: Boondocks
Q: Since 1951, professional sports in the Philippines have been regulated by the
Q: Batad and Banaue are two of the prominent Terraces of the Phillipine Cordilleras, Games and ______ Board.
dedicated to the irrigation and production of what food stuff? Answer: Amusement
Answer: Rice
Q: The WBC/WBA heavyweight title match that took place in the Philippines on
Q: What baroque church in Ilocos Norte was declared a National Cultural Treasure October 1, 1975 between reigning champ Muhammad Ali and challenger Joe Frazier
by the Philippine government in 1973 and a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993? is popularly known by what rhyming name?
Answer: Paoay Church Answer: The Thrilla in Manila

Q: Its name meaning "inside the walls" in Latin, what walled area in the city of Q: After being directed to evacuate by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942,
Manila is home to Fort Santiago and Manila Cathedral? General Douglas MacArthur gave a famous speech in which he declared “I shall
Answer: Intramuros return" to what country? MacArthur made good on his promise when he returned to
the country in 1944 to help liberate it from Japanese troops.
Q: Abbreviated as PHP, 100 centavos is equivalent to one unit of what currency Answer: Philippines
currently used as the official currency of the Philippines?
Answer: Peso Q: Households in Aklan, Antique, Palawan, and Davao were part of a home solar
power program courtesy of PEEP, the Energy Efficiency Project of what Pacific island
Q: The poem 'Filipinas' was adapted to become the lyrics for this song, while the nation?
music was written by Julian Felipe. Originally called the "Marcha Nacional Filipina", Answer: Philippines
what is this famous song better known as today?
Answer: Lupang Hinirang Q: Named for the capital of the Philippines and the island it sits on, Manila Luzon is
a popular competitor who debuted on Season 3 of what reality TV series?
Q: The Carabao, or Manila, is a particularly sweet variety of what national fruit of Answer: RuPaul's Drag Race
India, Pakistan, and the Philippines?
Answer: Mango Q: A 1977 David Lynch movie set partially in a pencil factory inspired the name of
what Filipino alt rock band formed in 1989?
Q: One of the most famous dishes from the Philippines is what sweet and savory Answer: The Eraserheads
stew, commonly featuring chicken or another meat, marinated in soy, vinegar,
garlic, and a blend of herbs and spices? Q: Luzon, Mindanao, Samar, Negros, and Palawan are, in order, the five largest
Answer: Adobo islands that make up what nation of over 7,000 islands?
Answer: The Philippines
Q: What “R” park in Ermita, Manila, Philippines, also known as Luneta, is one of the
largest urban parks in Asia, covering an area of 58 hectares? Q: What national martial art of the Philippines, also known as Kali or Eskrima,
Answer: Rizal Park sometimes uses sticks and knives as well as open hand combat?
Answer: Arnis
Q: What Filipino fast food brand now sells its flagship Chicken Joy product in 1,500
outlets worldwide? Q: The head of the monarchy in the Philippines is known by what "S" title? The last
Answer: Jollibee officially recognized person to hold this title, Mohammed Mahakuttah Kiram, reigned
from 1974 to 1986.
Answer: Sultan
Q: Because of Texas's size, it has multiple different climates in different regions of Q: What Cebu-born fashion designer has dressed celebrities for more than 20 years,
the state. One of these regions is considered a humid subtropical zone with a including creating Britney Spears's wedding gown for her 2004 marriage to Kevin
climate similar to Taiwan, the Philippines, and much of the Southern parts of Federline?
Queensland, Australia. What region of the state is this? Answer: Monique Lhuillier
Answer: Piney Woods
Q: By winning the women's 55 kg category at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which
Q: Panay, Negros and Cebu are the most populated islands of which of the three weightlifter became the first athlete from the Philippines to win an Olympic Gold?
major island group of the Philippines? Answer: Hidilyn Diaz
Answer: Visayas
Q: The mascot of which Filipino fast-food company was chosen by founder Tony
Q: Although it doesn't have legal status as such, which domesticated swamp-type Tan to reflect Filipino optimism and industriousness?
water buffalo is considered the national animal of the Philippines? Answer: Jollibee
Answer: Carabao
Q: The woman born Imelda Remedios Visitacion Trinidad Romualdez was the First
Q: Appearing on the back of the Philippine 200 Peso note, a hill formation in the Lady of which country for 20 years before being deposed in a revolution in 1986?
Province of Bohol is named after which earthy coloured sweet treat? Answer: Philippines
Answer: Chocolate
Q: The national anthem of the Philippines was composed by Julián Felipe with lyrics
Q: White Beach and Puka Shell Beach are just two of the dozen beaches on which adapted from a José Palma poem. The original title was Marcha Nacional Filipina.
little island in the central Philippines? Today, it’s casually known as “Bayang Magiliw” and more formally by which name
Answer: Boracay that means “chosen land” in English?
Answer: lupang hinirang
Q: What American five-star general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army was
born in Little Rock, AR? Q: According to the 2020 census, which city that starts with Q is home to 2.9 million
Answer: Douglas MacArthur people and is therefore the country’s most populous city? (Hint: It’s nicknamed the
City of Stars)
Q: When Ruy Lopez de Villalobos named the Philippines in 1543, he did so in honor Answer: Quezon
of which Spanish king?
Answer: Philip II Q: "Camisa fuera" was the old Philippine Spanish name for what embroidered
traditional formal shirt?
Q: Which city that starts with M is the financial heart of the Philippines, with more Answer: Barong / Barong Tagalog
than 62,000 registered businesses as of 2012?
Answer: Makati Q: As of 2022, who is the current president of the Philippines?
Answer: Bongbong Marcos
Q: Akin to Naga, Rahu, and Ketu of Hindu-Buddhist mythology, what "B" is the
name of the serpent-like dragon in Philippine mythology that is believed to be the Q: The first Asian woman to win a Tony Award, what Filipina "Miss Saigon" star also
cause of eclipses, earthquakes, rains, and wind? provided the singing voices for Disney's original Mulan and Jasmine?
Answer: Bakurawa Answer: Lea Salonga

Q: The smallest fish in the ocean is the dwarf pygmy goby. It’s also sometimes Q: The first death outside of China from the novel coronavirus occurred in February
named for the country where it’s most often found—which would be what 2020 in what Asian nation?
archipelago in Southeast Asia? Answer: The Philippines
Answer: Philippines
Q: In addition to being the fourth most populated city in the Philippines, which city
Q: A portmanteau of their last names, which moniker was given to the three priests is also known for having many motorcycle shops on 10th Avenue and a landmark
(Mariano Gomez, José Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora) who were falsely accused of dedicated to Andrés Bonifacio?
(and executed for) treason during the El Motín de Cavite of 1872? Answer: Caloocan
Answer: Gomburza
Q: What “M” island in the Philippines is located in the Visayan Sea, across a strait
Q: The Philippines features over 1,700 distinctly conical hills in the Bohol Province. from the northern end of Cebu Island? It is a popular site for diving, as thresher
Due to the color-changing grass on this geological formation, the Hills are named sharks can be seen off of Monad Shoal.
after what sweet treat? Answer: Malapascua Island
Answer: Chocolate Hills
Q: Named after the third-largest city in Vietnam, which 1881 typhoon has the record
Q: Named the second-largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century by the U.S. for the deadliest in Phillipine history, killing an estimated 20,000 people, three times
Geological Survey, the sulfuric acidic ash emitted from the 1991 eruption of what as many as the second deadliest?
volcano in the Philippines caused $700 million in damage and caused global Answer: The Haiphong Typhoon
temperatures to drop by more than 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit?
Answer: Mount Pinatubo Q: It is 65 square kilometers, but home to over half a million people. Which island,
located a few kilometers from Cebu island, is the most densely populated in the
Q: In the most recent census of the Philippines, which island (named the most Philippines?
beautiful island in the world by Conde Nast) is the only one of the country's ten Answer: Mactan
largest islands by area to have reported a population of fewer than a million people?
Answer: Palawan

Q: What 10,000-ft. peak with an "A" name that towers over Davao City is the
highest point of the Philippines?
Answer: Mt. Apo

Q: Which of the Spratly Islands is home to the smallest village in the Philippines?
Answer: Thitu



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