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Amanda Hufford
Brandon Dickens





Brionne Beck, LEED GA
Deepika Sangoi, LEED AP
Felicia Fuller


LEED Our Team


Exam Prep Jeslin Varghese, LEED AP

Kayla Gerstenberg,

Key Terms Meredith Brown

Nicole Keeler, LEED AP

Rebecca Brown, LEED AP
Ruchika Tater
Zeinab Alameddine,
Key terms

Warehouses &
Overview of Credits

Data Centers







Prereq. Planning and n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
1 Design points

Credit Integrative 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-5
1 Process point point point point point point points


The information necessary to

accomplish the owner’s project
requirements, including system An intensive, multiparty workshop
descriptions, indoor that brings people from different
environmental quality criteria, disciplines and backgrounds
design assumptions, and together to explore, generate, and
references to applicable codes, collaboratively produce design
standards, regulations, and options for a project. Also called
guidelines. For a LEED project, Design Charrette/Sustainability
the BOD document is prepared Charrette
by designers (Architects and

An approach that involves people,

systems, and business structures
(contractual and legal agreements) A written document that
and practices. The process details the ideas, concepts,
harnesses the talents and insights of and criteria determined by
all participants to improve results, the owner to be important to
increase value to the owner, reduce the success of the project.
waste, and maximize efficiency For a LEED project, the OPR
through all phases of design, document is prepared by the
fabrication, and construction. Owner of his representative
(Adapted from American Institute of


It is a project-specific method of
calculating the amount of water
(also known as “building-massing required by the building and
model energy analysis”) a simple associated grounds. It takes into
base-case energy analysis account indoor, outdoor,
performed very early in the project process, and makeup water
design that informs the team demands and any on site supply
about the building’s likely including estimated rainfall.
distribution of energy consumption Water budgets must be
and is used to evaluate potential associated with a specified
project energy strategies. A simple amount of time, such as a week,
box analysis uses a basic, month, or year and a quantity of
schematic building form. water such as kGal, or liters for
LEED projects

Credit Title NC CS Scho Retail Data & Distribution Hospitality Healthcare
ols Centers Centers
LEED for
Overview of Sustainability Goals:

Overview of Credits
Credit Neighborhood 8-16 8-20 8-15 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 5-9
1) Protect undeveloped land Credit Credit Sensitive 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
2) Reuse/restore previously developed sites Land Protection

3) Reduce automobile use or promote alternative Credit High-Priority Site 1-2 2-3 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2

transportation Credit Surrounding

Density and 1-5 1-6 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1
4) Provide stewardship of nature and the site’s Diverse Uses

surroundings Credit Access to Quality 1-5 1-6 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-2
Credit Bicycle Facilities 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Credit Reduced Parking 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Credit Green Vehicles 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Real property or the expansion,

redevelopment, or reuse of which
may be complicated by the
presence or possible presence of The total land area of a project
a hazardous substance, pollutant, site covered by buildings,
or contaminant. Property must be streets, parking areas, and other
identified as “brownfield” by the typically impermeable surfaces
local, state, or national authority constructed as part of the
(whichever has jurisdiction). project.
Project should perform
remediation to the satisfaction of
that authority. If pursuing the

The surface water of a stream (first-order

and higher, including intermittent
streams), arroyo, river, canal, lake,
estuary, bay, or ocean. It does not include
irrigation ditches. An area that is inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a
frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal
circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for
life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes,
bogs, and similar areas, but exclude irrigation ditches unless delineated as
part of an adjacent wetland.


A group of buildings, A site where at least 75% of the

structures, objects, and land area, exclusive of rights-of-
sites that have been way, within ½ mile (800 meters) of
designated or determined to the project boundary is previously
be eligible as historically developed. A street or other right-
and architecturally of-way does not constitute
significant, and categorized previously developed land; it is the
status of property on the other side
as either contributing or
of right-of-way or the street that
non-contributing to the matters.
historic nature of the district.

A site having at least a

continuous 25% of its boundary
A site that, prior to the project,
bordering parcels that are
consisted of at least 75%
previously developed sites. Only
previously developed land.
consider bordering parcels, not
See definition of previously
intervening rights-of-way. Any
developed land
fraction of the boundary that
borders a water body is excluded
from the calculation.


The portion of the site where construction A measure of the total

can occur, including land voluntarily set building floor area or dwelling
aside and not constructed on. When used units on a parcel of land
in density calculations, buildable land relative to the buildable land
excludes public rights-of-way and land of that parcel. Units for
excluded from development by codified measuring density may differ
law. according to credit
requirements. Does not
include structured parking.

The density of non-residential land use,

exclusive of parking, measured as the total non-
A distinct, officially recognized residential building floor area divided by the total
business, nonprofit, civic, buildable land area available for non-residential
religious, or governmental structures. For example, on a site with 10,000
organization, or dwelling units square feet (930 square meters) of buildable
(residential use) or offices land area, an FAR of 1.0 would be 10,000
(commercial office use). It has a square feet (930 square meters) of building floor
stationary postal address and is area. On the same site, an FAR of 1.5 would be
publicly available. It does not 15,000 square feet (1395 square meters), an
include automated facilities such FAR of 2.0 would be 20,000 square feet (1860
as ATMs, vending machines, and square meters), and an FAR of 0.5 would be
touchscreens. 5,000 square feet (465 square meters).


A cluster of freight-related businesses

that include intermodal transfer
operations. Freight villages may offer
logistics services, integrated
distribution, warehousing capabilities, A transportation thoroughfare
showrooms, and support services. intended for motor vehicles with
Such support services may include limited access points, prohibitions
security, maintenance, mail, banking, on human-powered vehicles, and
customs and import management higher speeds than local roads. A
assistance, cafeterias, restaurants, highway generally connects cities
office space, conference rooms, and towns.
hotels, and public or activity centre

Altered by paving, construction, and/or land

use that would typically have required
regulatory permitting to have been initiated
A venue for the movement of goods (alterations may exist now or in the past).
in a single loading unit or road Land that is not previously developed and
vehicle that uses successively two landscapes altered by current or historical
or more modes of transportation clearing or filling, agricultural or forestry use,
without the need to handle the or preserved natural area use are considered
goods themselves. undeveloped land. The date of previous
development permit issuance constitutes the
date of previous development, but permit
issuance in itself does not constitute
previous development.


It is an enhanced bus system

The limits used by school districts to that operates on exclusive bus
determine what school students attend lanes or other transit rights-of-
based on where they live. way. The system is designed
to combine the flexibility of
buses with the efficiency of

Transit service using two- or three-car

A building opening designed to be
trains in a right-of-way that is often
used by pedestrians and open during
separated from other traffic modes.
regular business hours. It does not
Spacing between stations tends to be
include any door exclusively
½ mile or more, and maximum
designated as an emergency exit, or
operating speeds are typically 40–55
a garage door not designed as a
mph (65–90 kmh). Light-rail corridors
pedestrian entrance.
typically extend 10 or more miles (16


A transit service in which individuals

travel together in a passenger car or A transit service with small, individual
small van that seats at least four people. rail cars. Spacing between stations is
It can include human-powered uniformly short and ranges from every
conveyances, which must accommodate block to ¼ mile, and operating speeds
at least two people. It must include an are primarily 10–30 mph (15–50 kmh).
enclosed passenger seating area, fixed Streetcar routes typically extend 2–5
route service, fixed fare structure, miles (3-8 kilometres).
regular operation, and the ability to pick
up multiple riders.

The distance that a pedestrian must

travel between origins and
destinations without obstruction, in a
safe and comfortable environment on The distance that a
a continuous network of sidewalks, all bicyclist must travel
weather-surface footpaths, between origins and
crosswalks, or equivalent pedestrian destinations, the entirety of
facilities. The walking distance must which must be on a bicycle
be drawn from an entrance that is network.
accessible to all building users.


A continuous network consisting of any

combination of the following: It is an enhanced bus system
• off-street bicycle paths or trails at least 8 that operates on exclusive bus
feet (2.5 meters) wide for a two-way lanes or other transit rights-of-
path and at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) way. The system is designed
wide for a one-way path to combine the flexibility of
• physically designated on-street bicycle buses with the efficiency of
lanes at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide rail.
• streets designed for a target speed of 25
mph (40 kmh)

A distinct, officially recognized

business, nonprofit, civic,
religious, or governmental A non-residential area of at
organization, or dwelling units least 5 acres (2 hectares) with
(residential use) or offices a job density of at least 50
(commercial office use). It has a employees per net acre (at
stationary postal address and is least 125 employees per
publicly available. It does not hectare net)
include automated facilities such
as ATMs, vending machines, and


Transit service using two- or

three-car trains in a right-of-way
A building opening designed to be used by that is often separated from other
pedestrians and open during regular traffic modes. Spacing between
business hours. It does not include any door stations tends to be ½ mile or
exclusively designated as an emergency exit, more, and maximum operating
or a garage door not designed as a speeds are typically 40–55 mph
pedestrian entrance. (65–90 kmh). Light-rail corridors
typically extend 10 or more miles
(16 kilometres).

Bicycle parking that is easily Non-enclosed bicycle parking

accessible to residents and typically used by visitors for a
employees and covered to period of two hours or less.
protect bicycles from rain and


The distance that a pedestrian must

travel between origins and
destinations without obstruction, in a
safe and comfortable environment on
a continuous network of sidewalks, all
weather-surface footpaths,
crosswalks, or equivalent pedestrian
facilities. The walking distance must
be drawn from an entrance that is
accessible to all building users. Low-polluting, nongasoline fuels such as electricity, hydrogen, propane,
compressed natural gas, liquid natural gas, methanol, and ethanol

Electric vehicle supply equipment

A change in electricity use by The conductors, including the
demand-side resources from their ungrounded, grounded, and
normal consumption patterns in equipment grounding conductors,
response to changes in the price of the electric vehicle connectors,
electricity or to incentive payments attachment plugs, and all other
designed to induce lower electricity fittings, devices, power outlets or
use at times of high wholesale apparatuses installed specifically for
market prices or when system the purpose of delivering energy
reliability is jeopardized. from the premises wiring to the
electric vehicle. (National Electric
Codes and California Article 625)


Grams per brake horsepower hour

Metric used to communicate how The parking spots closest to the main entrance of
many grams of emissions (e.g., a building (exclusive of spaces designated for
nitrogen oxide or particulate matter) handicapped persons). For employee parking, it
are emitted by an engine of a refers to the spots that are closest to the entrance
specific horsepower rating over a used by employees.
one-hour period.

Time-of-use pricing Yard tractor

A vehicle used primarily to

An arrangement in which facilitate the movement of truck
customers pay higher fees to use trailers and other types of large
utilities during peak time periods shipping containers from one area
and lower fees during off-peak of a site to another. It does not
time periods. include forklift trucks. Also known
as terminal tractor, yard truck,
utility tractor rig, yard goat, or yard


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

Data Warehouses &

Credit Title NC CS Schools Retail Centers Distribution Hospitality Healthcare

Overview of Sustainability Goals: Prereq. C onstruction Activity

Pollution Prevention

Overview of Credits
Prereq. Environmental Site N/A N/A REQ N/A N/A N/A N/A REQ
1) Provide stewardship of nature and the site’s Assessment

surroundings Credit Site Assessment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Credit Site Development — 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1
2) Develop efficient storm water management Protect or R estore Habitat
3) Reduce heat island effect Credit Open Space 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4) Reduce light pollution or minimize light trespass Credit R ainwater Management 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2

from the building and site. Credit Heat Island R eduction 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1

Credit Light Pollution R eduction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Credit Site Master Plan N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Credit Tenant Design and N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
C onstruction Guidelines

Credit Places of R espite N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1

Credit Direct Exterior Access N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1
Credit Joint Use of Facilities N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

Altered by paving, construction, and/or

land use that would typically have required
regulatory permitting to have been
initiated (alterations may exist now or in
the past). Land that is not previously
Is not previously developed, graded developed and landscapes altered by
or disturbed, and could support current or historical clearing or filling,
open space, habitat, or natural agricultural or forestry use, or preserved
hydrology. natural area use are considered
undeveloped land. The date of previous
development permit issuance constitutes
the date of previous development, but
permit issuance in itself does not
constitute previous development.


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A piece of previously
An evaluation of an area’s undeveloped land, in a city
aboveground and subsurface or rural area, either
characteristics, including its currently used for
structures, geology, and hydrology. agriculture, landscape
Site assessments typically help design, or just left to
determine whether contamination nature. Or Land that is
has occurred and the extent and not previously developed,
concentration of any release of graded or disturbed, and
pollutants. Remediation decisions could support open space,
rely on information generated habitat, or natural
during site assessments. hydrology.

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

Land that has the best combination of

physical and chemical characteristics for
producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and
oilseed crops and that is available for these
A U.S.-based soil survey that uses, as determined by the U.S. Department
shows the boundaries of different of Agriculture’s Natural Resources
soil types and special soil features Conservation Service (a U.S.-based
on the site. methodology that sets criteria for highly
productive soil). For a complete description of
what qualifies as prime farmland, see U.S.
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7, Volume
6, Parts 400 to 699, Section 657.5.


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A measure of the total

An approach to hydrology in which building floor area or dwelling
watersheds are modelled to calculate storm units on a parcel of land
runoff volume, peak rate of discharge, relative to the buildable land
hydrographs, and storage volumes, of that parcel. Units for
developed by the former USDA Soil measuring density may differ
Conservation Service. according to credit
requirements. Does not
include structured parking.

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

The total land area of a project

Is not previously developed, graded
site covered by buildings, streets,
or disturbed, and could support
parking areas, and other
open space, habitat, or natural
typically impermeable surfaces
constructed as part of the project.


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

An indigenous species that occurs in a

particular region, ecosystem, and habitat
without direct or indirect human actions.
A private, non-profit organization Native species have evolved to the
that, as all or part of its mission, geography, hydrology, and climate of that
actively works to conserve land by region. They also occur in communities;
undertaking or assisting in that is, they have evolved together with
conservation easement or land other species. As a result, these
acquisition, or by its stewardship of communities provide habitat for a variety of
such land or easements (Adapted other native wildlife species. Species native
from Land Trust Alliance). to North America are generally recognized
as those occurring on the continent prior to
European settlement. Also known as native

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

Altered by paving, construction, and/or

land use that would typically have required Land that has the best combination of
regulatory permitting to have been physical and chemical characteristics for
initiated (alterations may exist now or in producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and
the past). Land that is not previously oilseed crops and that is available for these
developed and landscapes altered by uses, as determined by the U.S. Department
current or historical clearing or filling, of Agriculture’s Natural Resources
agricultural or forestry use, or preserved Conservation Service (a U.S.-based
natural area use are considered methodology that sets criteria for highly
undeveloped land. The date of previous productive soil). For a complete description of
development permit issuance constitutes what qualifies as prime farmland, see U.S.
the date of previous development, but Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7, Volume
permit issuance in itself does not 6, Parts 400 to 699, Section 657.5.
constitute previous development.


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A soil native to the project site, as

described in Natural Resources
Conservation Service soil surveys (or
a local equivalent survey outside the A roof that is covered with plants and
United States), or undisturbed native typically not designed for general
soils within the project’s region that access. Usually an extensive system
have native vegetation, topography, is a rugged green roof that requires
and soil textures similar to the project little maintenance once established.
site. For project sites with no existing The planting medium in extensive
soil, reference soils are defined as vegetated roofs ranges from 1 to 6
undisturbed native soils within the inches in depth. (Adapted from U.S.
project’s region that support Environmental Protection Agency)
appropriate native plant species similar
to those intended for the new project.

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A roof that, compared with an

The density of non-residential land use, extensive vegetated roof, has
exclusive of parking, measured as the total non- greater soil volume, supports a
residential building floor area divided by the total wider variety of plants (including
buildable land area available for non-residential shrubs and trees), and allows a
structures. For example, on a site with 10,000 wider variety of uses (including
square feet (930 square meters) of buildable human access). The depth of the
land area, an FAR of 1.0 would be 10,000 growing medium is an important
square feet (930 square meters) of building floor factor in determining habitat value.
area. On the same site, an FAR of 1.5 would be The native or adapted plants
15,000 square feet (1395 square meters), an selected for the roof should
FAR of 2.0 would be 20,000 square feet (1860 support the site’s endemic wildlife
square meters), and an FAR of 0.5 would be populations. (Adapted from Green
5,000 square feet (465 square meters). Roofs for Healthy Cities).


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

An overall design or development

concept for the project and associated
(or potentially associated) buildings and
sites. The plan considers future
sustainable use, expansion, and
contraction. The site master plan is
typically illustrated, with building plans
(if applicable), site drawings of planned
A site that was master-planned for the development of stores, restaurants and phased development, and narrative
other businesses. Retailers may share some services and common areas. descriptions.

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

An approach to managing rainwater runoff

that emphasizes on-site natural features to
protect water quality, by replicating the natural
land cover hydrologic regime of watersheds,
A soil- and vegetation-based approach and addressing runoff close to its source.
to wet weather management that is Examples include better site design principles
cost-effective, sustainable, and (e.g., minimizing land disturbance, preserving
environmentally friendly. This method vegetation, minimizing impervious cover), and
infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture and design practices (e.g., rain gardens,
reuse stormwater to maintain or restore vegetated swales and buffers, permeable
natural hydrologies. pavement, rainwater harvesting, soil
amendments). These are engineered
practices that may require specialized design


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

The limits of a site master plan. The

To capture and retain a specified volume of master plan boundary includes the
rainfall to mimic natural hydrologic function. project area and may include all
Examples of rainwater management include associated buildings and sites outside of
strategies that involve evapotranspiration, the LEED project boundary. The master
infiltration, and capture and reuse. plan boundary considers future
sustainable use, expansion, and

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

The natural land cover function of

water occurrence, distribution, A plot whose building footprint
movement, and balance. typically aligns or nearly aligns with
the site limits.


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

The thermal absorption by hardscape,

A built-in, non-structural such as dark, non-reflective pavement
portion of a roof system. and buildings, and its subsequent
Examples include skylights, radiation to surrounding areas. Other
ventilators, mechanical contributing factors may include vehicle
equipment, partitions, and exhaust, air conditioners, and street
solar energy panels. equipment. Tall buildings and narrow
streets reduce airflow and exacerbate
the effect.

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A value between 0 and 1 (or 0% and 100%) that

indicates the ability of a material to shed infrared
radiation (heat). A cool roof should have a high
thermal emittance. The wavelength range for Pavements that consist of loose
radiant energy is roughly 5 to 40 micrometres. substrates supported by a grid of a more
Most building materials (including glass) are structurally sound grid or webbing.
opaque in this part of the spectrum and have an Pervious concrete and porous asphalt are
emittance of roughly 0.9, or 90%. Clean, bare not considered open grid as they are
metals, such as untarnished galvanized steel, considered bounded materials.
have a low emittance and are the most important Unbounded, loose substrates do not
exceptions to the 0.9 rule. In contrast, aluminium transfer and store heat like bound and
roof coatings have intermediate emittance levels. compacted materials do.
(Adapted from Lawrence Berkeley National


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A measure of the constructed surface’s ability to

stay cool in the sun by reflecting solar radiation
The fraction of solar energy that is reflected by and emitting thermal radiation. It is defined such
a surface on a scale of 0 to 1. Black paint has a that a standard black surface (initial solar
solar reflectance of 0; white paint (titanium reflectance 0.05, initial thermal emittance 0.90)
dioxide) has a solar reflectance of 1. The has an initial SRI of 0, and a standard white
standard technique for its determination uses surface (initial solar reflectance 0.80, initial
spectrophotometric measurements, with an thermal emittance 0.90) has an initial SRI of 100.
integrating sphere to determine the reflectance To calculate the SRI for a given material, obtain
at each wavelength. The average reflectance is its solar reflectance and thermal emittance via
then determined by an averaging process, the Cool Roof Rating Council Standard (CRRC-
using a standard solar spectrum, as 1). SRI is calculated according to ASTM E 1980.
documented by ASTM Standards E903 and Calculation of the aged SRI is based on the
E892. aged tested values of solar reflectance and
thermal emittance.

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

The ratio of the radiant heat flux emitted by Solar reflectance or solar
a specimen to that emitted by a blackbody reflectance index rating that is
radiator at the same temperature (adapted measured after three years of
from Cool Roof Rating Council) weather exposure.


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A luminaire classification system

that classifies luminaires in
Vehicle storage that is underground, terms of backlight (B), uplight
under deck, under roof, or under a (U), and glare (G) (taken from
building. IES/IDA Model Lighting
Ordinance). BUG ratings
supersede the former cutoff

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A luminaire that operates only Waste light from building sites that
during emergency conditions produces glare, is directed upward to the
and is always off during normal sky, or is directed off the site. Waste light
building operation does not increase night-time safety, utility,
or security and needlessly consumes


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

Obtrusive illumination that is The distance between ground level (or

unwanted because of quantitative, the workplane) and the centre of the
directional, or spectral attributes. luminaire (light fixture); the height at
Light trespass can cause annoyance, which a luminaire is installed.
discomfort, distraction, or loss of

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A luminaire intended for illuminating Illuminance levels calculated at

portions of the circulation network that a point on a vertical surface, or
also serves an ornamental function, in that occur on a vertical plane.
addition to providing optics that This lighting that affects spatial
effectively deliver street lighting, and limits and proportions.
has a decorative or historical period


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

The limits of a site master plan. The

master plan boundary includes the The authority responsible for decision
project area and may include all making about school operations,
associated buildings and sites outside of districts, personnel, financing, and future
the LEED project boundary. The master development. Examples include school
plan boundary considers future boards, local governments, and religious
sustainable use, expansion, and institutions.

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

An overall design or development

concept for the project and associated The sum of all interior areas in the project
(or potentially associated) buildings and available to house the project’s program. It
sites. The plan considers future does not include areas for building
sustainable use, expansion, and equipment, vertical circulation, or structural
contraction. The site master plan is components.
typically illustrated, with building plans
(if applicable), site drawings of planned
phased development, and narrative


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

A means of entering a space without having

An area that connects healthcare to leave the floor or pass through another
patients, visitors, and staff to health patient’s room, dedicated staff space, service
benefits of the natural environment. or utility space, or major public space.
(Adapted from Green Guide for Patients’ and public circulation corridors,
Health Care Places of Respite common sitting areas, and waiting and day
Technical Brief) space may be part of a direct access route.

Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

An individual admitted to a medical,

The amount of time a person remains
surgical, maternity, specialty, or
in a health care facility as an admitted
intensive-care unit for a length of stay
exceeding 23 hours.


Sustainable Sites Sustainable Sites

An area that connects healthcare

A patient who is not hospitalized for 24
patients, visitors, and staff to health
hours or more but who visits a hospital,
benefits of the natural environment.
clinic, or associated healthcare facility
(Adapted from Green Guide for
for diagnosis or treatment.
Health Care Places of Respite
Technical Brief)

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency


Overview of Credits
Credit Title NC Schools CS Retail Data & Hospitality Healthcare
Centers Distribution
Overview of Sustainability Goals:
Prereq. Outdoor Water
Use Reduction Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req

1) Reduce outdoor / irrigation water consumption Prereq. Indoor Water

Use Reduction Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req

2) Reduce waste water generation and potable water Prereq. Building-Level

Water Metering Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req
Credit Outdoor Water
Use Reduction 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

3) Reduce indoor water consumption Credit Indoor Water

6 7 6 7 6 6 6 7
Use Reduction

Credit Cooling Tower

4) Reduce process water consumption Water Use
2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

Credit Water Metering 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

Vegetation that is not native to a

particular region but that has
characteristics that allow it to Water released from an oven that
live in the area. Adapted plants includes a steam cycle or option
do not pose the same problems
as invasive species.

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

A region’s most common system for The water discharged from a

providing water to plants by non-natural cooling tower typically because
means. A conventional irrigation system increased salinity or alkalinity has
commonly uses pressure to deliver water caused scaling. Cooling tower
and distributes it through sprinkler heads blowdown may be too saline for
above the ground. use in landscape irrigation.


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The combination of evaporation and

The water discharged from a
plant transpiration into the atmosphere.
subsurface drainage system. If a
Evaporation occurs when liquid water
building foundation is below the water
from soil, plant surfaces, or water
table, a sump pump may be required.
bodies becomes vapor. Transpiration is
Discharge from the sump may be stored
the movement of water through a plant
and used for irrigation.
and the subsequent loss of water vapor

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

“untreated household waste water which has not come

into contact with toilet waste. Graywater includes used
water from bathtubs, showers, bathroom wash basins, and
water from clothes-washers and laundry tubs. It must not
include waste water from kitchen sinks or dishwashers”
The inanimate elements of the building
(Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix G, Gray Water
Systems for Single-Family Dwellings); “waste water landscaping. It includes pavement,
discharged from lavatories, bathtubs, showers, clothes roadways, stonewalls, wood and
washers and laundry sinks” (International Plumbing Code, synthetic decking, concrete paths and
Appendix C, Gray Water Recycling Systems). Some sidewalks, and concrete, brick, and tile
states and local authorities allow kitchen sink wastewater patios.
to be included in graywater. Other differences can likely be
found in state and local codes. Project teams should
comply with the graywater definition established by the
authority having jurisdiction in the project area.


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

Any water discharged from a

A group of plantings with similar factory setting. Before this water
water needs. can be used for irrigation, its quality
needs to be checked. Saline or
corrosive water should not be used
for irrigation.

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

An indigenous species that occurs in a

particular region, ecosystem, and habitat
without direct or
indirect human actions. Native species
have evolved to the geography, hydrology,
the amount of water that the site and climate of that region. They also occur
landscape area(s) requires for the in communities; that is, they have evolved
site’s peak watering month together with other species. As a result,
these communities provide habitat for a
variety of other native wildlife species.
Species native to North America are
generally recognized as those occurring on
the continent prior to European settlement.
Also known as native plants.


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The month with the

greatest deficit between
Water that meets or exceeds U.S.
evapotranspiration and
Environmental Protection Agency drinking
rainfall. This is the month
water quality standards (or a local equivalent
when the plants in the
outside the U.S.) and is approved for human
site’s region potentially
consumption by the state or local authorities
require the most
having jurisdiction; it may be supplied from
supplemental water
wells or municipal water systems.
typically a mid-summer
month. (Sustainable Sites

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The capture, diversion, and storage of

rain for future beneficial use. Typically, a
rain barrel or cistern stores the water; Wastewater that has been
other components include the catchment treated and purified for reuse.
surface and conveyance system. The
harvested rainwater can be used for


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The amount of water lost from a

The elements of a landscape that
specific vegetated surface with no
consist of live, horticultural elements.
moisture limitation. Turf grass with
height of 120 mm is the reference

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

A system that acts as a heat sink for

A landscaping method that makes heat-rejecting building and medical
routine irrigation unnecessary by equipment by recirculating water.
using drought-adaptable and low- Because the water is sealed within
water plants, as well as soil the system, some closed-loop
amendments such as compost and cooling systems use nonpotable
mulches to reduce evaporation. water (such as recycled process
water harvested from an air
handler's cooling coil condensate).


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The measurement of the level of Water droplets carried from a cooling

dissolved solids in water, using tower or evaporative condenser by a
the ability of an electric current stream of air passing through the system.
to pass through water. Because Drift eliminators capture these droplets
it is affected by temperature, and return them to the reservoir at the
conductivity is measured at bottom of the cooling tower or evaporative
25°C for standardization. condenser for recirculation.

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

Water that is fed into a cooling A regulator that limits the flow time of water,
tower system or evaporative generally a manual-on and automatic-off
condenser to replace water lost device, most commonly installed on lavatory
through evaporation, drift, bleed- faucets and showers.
off, or other causes


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

Water that is used for industrial

processes and building systems,
Water that does not meet drinking such as cooling towers, boilers, and
water standards chillers. It can also refer to water
used in operational processes, such
as dishwashing, clothes washing,
and ice making.

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

A system for the provision to the

public of water for human
A device that measures water flow and
consumption through pipes or other
is installed downstream from the public
constructed conveyances. To be
water supply meter or as part of an on-
considered public, such system must
site water system maintained by the
have at least 15 service connections
building management team.
or regularly serve at least 25
individuals. (Adapted from U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency).


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

A region’s most common system for The combination of evaporation and

providing water to plants by non-natural plant transpiration into the
means. A conventional irrigation system atmosphere. Evaporation occurs when
commonly uses pressure to deliver water liquid water from soil, plant surfaces,
and distributes it through sprinkler heads or water bodies becomes vapor.
above the ground. Transpiration is the movement of
water through a plant and the
subsequent loss of water vapor.

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The inanimate elements of the building

landscaping. It includes pavement, A group of plantings with similar
roadways, stonewalls, wood and water needs.
synthetic decking, concrete paths and
sidewalks, and concrete, brick, and tile


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The month with the greatest

deficit between
Any water discharged from a evapotranspiration and rainfall.
factory setting. Before this water This is the month when the
can be used for irrigation, its quality plants in the site’s region
needs to be checked. Saline or potentially require the most
corrosive water should not be used supplemental water typically a
for irrigation. mid-summer month.
(Sustainable Sites Initiative)

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The capture, diversion, and storage of

rain for future beneficial use. Typically, a
rain barrel or cistern stores the water; Wastewater that has been
other components include the catchment treated and purified for reuse.
surface and conveyance system. The
harvested rainwater can be used for


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

Nonpotable water from other

than public utilities, on-site
surface sources, and A calculated projection of building
subsurface natural freshwater water use assuming code-
sources. Examples include compliant fixtures and fittings with
graywater, on-site reclaimed no additional savings compared
water, collected rainwater, with the design case or actual
captured condensate, and water meter data.
rejected water from reverse
osmosis systems (IgCC).

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

Water that is used for industrial

processes and building systems, such
Water that does not meet drinking as cooling towers, boilers, and
water standards chillers. It can also refer to water used
in operational processes, such as
dishwashing, clothes washing, and
ice making.


Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

The removal of makeup water from a Water that is fed into a cooling tower
cooling tower or evaporative system or evaporative condenser to
condenser recirculation system to replace water lost through evaporation,
reduce concentrations of dissolved drift, bleed-off, or other causes

Water Efficiency Water Efficiency

A device installed on the outside of a

water pipe to record the volume of Wastewater that has been
water passing through it. Also known treated and purified for reuse.
as a clamp-on meter.


Water Efficiency Energy & Atmosphere

Overview of Sustainability Goals:

• Optimize energy performance

A device installed inside a water pipe • Reduce the amount of energy a building consumes
to record the volume of passing • Utilize renewable energy onsite
• Manage refrigerants in HVAC systems to eliminate CFCs
• Ensure continuing energy performance through

Energy & Atmosphere Energy & Atmosphere

Data Warehouses
Credit Title NC CS Schools Retail Centers & Hospitality Healthcare
Fundam ent al The information necessary to
Prereq. Com m issi oni ng and
V erifi c at i on
Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req
accomplish the owner’s project
Overview of Credits

Prereq. Minim um E nergy Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req requirements, including system
P erform anc e
descriptions, indoor
Prereq. B uilding-Level E nergy Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req
Met eri ng environmental quality criteria,
Fundam ent al design assumptions, and
Prereq. Refri ger ant Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req
Managem ent references to applicable codes,
Credit E nhanc ed 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 standards, regulations, and
Com m i ssi oni ng
guidelines. For a LEED project,
Credit Opt im ize E nergy 1-18 1-18 1-16 1-18 1-18 1-18 1-18 1-20
P erform anc e the BOD document is prepared
Credit A dvanc ed E nergy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 by designers (Architects and
Met eri ng
Credit Dem and Respons e 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
Credit Renew abl e E nergy 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3
P roduc t i on
Credit E nhanc ed Refri ger ant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Managem ent
Credit Green P ow er and 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
Carbon Offset s


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

The individual designated to

organize, lead, and review the
The process of verifying and documenting that a completion of commissioning
building and all of its systems and assemblies are process activities. The CxA facilitates
planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and communication among the owner,
maintained to meet the owner’s project requirements. designer, and contractor to ensure
Systematic process of assuring that a building that complex systems are installed
performs in accordance with the design intent and the and function in accordance with the
owner’s operational needs. owner’s project requirements.

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

A central energy conversion The heating and cooling systems,

plant and transmission and equipment, and controls located in the
distribution system that project building or on the project site and
provides thermal energy to associated with transporting the thermal
a group of buildings (e.g., a energy of the district energy system (DES)
central cooling plant on a into heated and cooled spaces.
university campus). It does Downstream equipment includes the
not include central energy thermal connection or interface with the
systems that provide only DES, secondary distribution systems in
electricity. the building, and terminal units.


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

A plan that specifies major system

operating parameters and limits, A written document that details the
maintenance procedures and ideas, concepts, and criteria
schedules, and documentation determined by the owner to be
methods necessary to demonstrate important to the success of the
proper operation and maintenance of project.
an approved emissions control device
or system.

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

A heating or cooling system or control

Provides the information needed to understand, associated with the district energy
operate, and maintain the systems and assemblies system (DES) but not part of the
within a building. It expands the scope of the thermal connection or interface with the
traditional operating and maintenance DES. Upstream equipment includes the
documentation and is compiled of multiple thermal energy conversion plant and all
documents developed during the commissioning the transmission and distribution
process, such as the owner’s project equipment associated with transporting
requirements, operation and maintenance the thermal energy to the project
manuals, and sequences of operation. building or site.


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

An integrated system that captures the

heat, otherwise unused, generated by a
single fuel source in the production of
electrical power. Also known as
cogeneration. (Adapted from U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency)

The annual energy cost for a building design, used as a baseline for
comparison with above-standard design.

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

A measure of how efficiently a data

Electricity consumption by center uses its power; specifically,
information technology and how much power is used by
telecom equipment which computing equipment rather than for
includes servers, networking, cooling and other overhead
and storage equipment over
the course of a year


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

Process energy is the total input energy to

The load on a building resulting from
a process. Power resources consumed in
the consumption or release of
support of a manufacturing, industrial, or
process energy (ASHRAE). It
commercial process other than
typically includes office and general
conditioning spaces and maintaining
miscellaneous equipment,
comfort and amenities for building
computers, elevators and escalators,
occupants of a building. It may include
kitchen cooking and refrigeration,
refrigeration equipment, cooking and food
laundry washing and drying
preparation, clothes washing, and other
major support appliances. (ASHRAE)

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

Any building end use that has

either a mandatory or a prescriptive The information technology (IT) load as
requirement in ANSI/ASHRAE/IES measured at the point of connection
Standard 90.1–2010. Examples (e.g., power receptacle) of the IT device
include end uses such as lighting, to the electrical power system. Server
space heating and cooling. Non- input captures the actual power load of
regulated loads or process include the IT device exclusive of any power
processes other than conditioning distribution losses and non-IT loads
spaces and maintaining comfort (e.g., rack-mounted fans).
and amenities for the occupants of
a building.


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

The electricity provided by a unit that keeps information

technology (IT) equipment functioning during a power
outage. UPS output does not include efficiency losses from
the unit itself but does include losses from downstream A measurement tool designed to meet strict
electrical distribution components, such as power accuracy standards required by code or law.
distribution units, and it may include non-IT ancillary devices Utility meters are often called revenue grade
installed in IT racks, such as fans. If the UPS system because their measurement directly results in
supports non-IT equipment (e.g., computer room air- a charge to the customer.
conditioning units, computer room air handlers, in-row
coolers), this usage must be metered and subtracted from
the UPS output reading. The metering approach should be
consistent with the metering required for the power usage
efficiency (PUE) category (e.g., continuous consumption
metering for PUE categories 1, 2 and 3).

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

The information necessary to

A fluid, containing accomplish the owner’s project
hydrocarbons, that absorbs requirements, including system
heat from a reservoir at low descriptions, indoor
temperatures and rejects heat environmental quality criteria,
at higher temperatures. When design assumptions, and
emitted into the atmosphere, references to applicable codes,
CFCs cause depletion of the standards, regulations, and
stratospheric ozone layer. guidelines. For a LEED project,
the BOD document is prepared
by designers (Architects and


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

The individual designated to

The process of verifying and documenting that a organize, lead, and review the
building and all of its systems and assemblies are completion of commissioning
planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and process activities. The CxA facilitates
maintained to meet the owner’s project requirements. communication among the owner,
Systematic process of assuring that a building designer, and contractor to ensure
performs in accordance with the design intent and the that complex systems are installed
owner’s operational needs. and function in accordance with the
owner’s project requirements.

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

A plan that specifies major system

operating parameters and limits, A written document that details the
maintenance procedures and ideas, concepts, and criteria
schedules, and documentation determined by the owner to be
methods necessary to demonstrate important to the success of the
proper operation and maintenance of project.
an approved emissions control device
or system.


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

Provides the information needed to understand,

operate, and maintain the systems and assemblies
within a building. It expands the scope of the
traditional operating and maintenance
documentation and is compiled of multiple
documents developed during the commissioning
process, such as the owner’s project
requirements, operation and maintenance
manuals, and sequences of operation.
The annual energy cost for a building design, used as a baseline for
comparison with above-standard design.

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

The information technology (IT) load as

An integrated system that captures the measured at the point of connection
heat, otherwise unused, generated by a (e.g., power receptacle) of the IT device
single fuel source in the production of to the electrical power system. Server
electrical power. Also known as input captures the actual power load of
cogeneration. (Adapted from U.S. the IT device exclusive of any power
Environmental Protection Agency) distribution losses and non-IT loads
(e.g., rack-mounted fans).


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

The electricity provided by a unit that keeps information

technology (IT) equipment functioning during a power
A change in electricity use by
outage. UPS output does not include efficiency losses from
the unit itself but does include losses from downstream demand-side resources from their
electrical distribution components, such as power distribution normal consumption patterns in
units, and it may include non-IT ancillary devices installed in response to changes in the price of
IT racks, such as fans. If the UPS system supports non-IT electricity or to incentive payments
equipment (e.g., computer room air-conditioning units, designed to induce lower electricity
computer room air handlers, in-row coolers), this usage must use at times of high wholesale
be metered and subtracted from the UPS output reading. market prices or when system
The metering approach should be consistent with the
reliability is jeopardized
metering required for the power usage efficiency (PUE)
category (e.g., continuous consumption metering for PUE
categories 1, 2 and 3).

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

An intentional action by a utility

A specific period of time when the to reduce the load on the
utility or independent service operator system. Load shedding is
calls for a change in the pattern or usually conducted during
level of use in grid-based electricity emergency periods, such as
from its program participants. Also capacity shortages, system
known as a curtailment event. instability, or voltage control.


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

The maximum electricity load at The transfer of energy consumption to

a specific point in time or over a off-peak hours, when demand for power
period of time. is lower and energy is therefore less

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

A shared solar array or other A compound that is not manmade and is

renewable energy system with grid- used for cooling. Such substances
connected subscribers who receive generally have much lower potential for
credit for the use of renewables using atmospheric damage than manufactured
virtual net metering. Also known as a chemical refrigerants. Examples include
community renewable energy system. water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.
(Adapted from


Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

A unit of carbon dioxide equivalent

A subset of renewable energy
that is reduced, avoided, or
composed of grid-based electricity
sequestered to compensate for
produced from renewable energy
emissions occurring elsewhere
(World Resources Institute)

Energy and Atmosphere Energy and Atmosphere

Direct greenhouse gas emissions from Indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated
sources owned or controlled by the with the generation of purchased electricity,
entity, such as emissions from fossil heating/cooling, or steam off site, through a utility
fuels burned on site. provider for the entity’s consumption.


WE Credit Materials and Fundamentals

Resources WE Credit Materials and Fundamentals
Warehouses &
Credit Title NC CS Schools Retail Data Distribution Hospitality Healthcare
Centers Centers

Prereq. S t orage and Col l ec t i on of Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req
Rec yc l abl es
Overview of Sustainability Goals: Prereq. Const ruc t i on and Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req
Dem ol i t i on W ast e

Overview of Credits
Managem ent P l anni ng

• Reduce waste Prereq. P B T S ourc e NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Req

Reduc t i on —M erc u r y
Credit B ui l di ng Li fe-Cyc l e 2-5 2-6 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5
• Re-use materials I m pac t Reduc t i on

B ui l di ng P roduc t Disc losure and Opt im izat ion

• Recycle materials and resources Credit E nvi ronm ent al P roduc t

Dec l arat i on s
1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2

Credit S ourc i ng of Raw Mat eri al s 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
• Use locally available materials Credit Mat eri al I ngredi ent s 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2

Credit P B T S ourc e NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1
Reduc t i on —M erc u r y
Credit P B T S ourc e Reduc t i on — NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2
Lead, Cadm i um ,
and Copper
Credit Furni t ure and Medi c al NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1-2
Furni shi ngs
Credit Desi gn for Fl exi bi l i t y NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1
Credit Const ruc t i on & Dem ol i t i on 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
W ast e Managem ent

WE Credit Materials and Resources

Fundamentals Materials and Resources

A designated area in a building space or a

central facility that is sized and allocated for
a specific task, such as the collection of
recyclable waste. Signage often indicates
the type of recyclable waste stored there.
White and coloured paper, envelopes, Some waste streams, such as mercury-
based light bulbs, sensitive paper
forms, file folders, tablets, flyers, cereal
documents, biomedical waste, or batteries,
boxes, wrapping paper, catalogues,
may require particular handling or disposal
magazines, phone books, and photos. methods. Consult the municipality’s safe
storage and disposal procedures or use
guidelines posted on the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency website,


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Discarded office equipments such Material other than earthen material placed
as computers, monitors, copiers, on the surface of the active face of a
printers, scanners, fax machines, municipal solid waste landfill at the end of
appliances such as refrigerators, each operating day to control vectors, fires,
dishwashers, water coolers, odors, blowing litter, and scavenging.
external power adapters, and Generally these materials must be processed
televisions and other audiovisual so they do not allow gaps in the exposed
equipment. landfill face. (CalRecycle)

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Nonhazardous materials left over from Building waste streams that are
construction and demolition. Clean waste combined on the project site and
excludes lead and asbestos. hauled away for sorting into recyclable
streams. Also known as single-stream


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Materials that are natural (e.g., The conversion of nonrecyclable

rock, soil, stone, vegetation). waste materials into usable heat,
Materials that are man-made (e.g., electricity, or fuel through a variety
concrete, brick, cement) are of processes, including
considered construction waste combustion, gasification,
even if they were on site. pyrolization, anaerobic digestion,
and landfill gas (LFG) recovery.

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Mercury in its purest form (rather than a A device emitting light in a fixture,
mercury-containing compound), the excluding lamp housing and ballasts.
vapor of which is commonly used in Light-emitting diodes packaged as
fluorescent and other bulb types traditional lamps also meet this


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

The useful span of operation of a source of A substance that poses a long-term risk to
artificial light, such as bulbs. Lamp life for both humans and the environment because it
fluorescent lights is determined by testing remains in the environment for long periods,
three hours on for every 20 minutes off. For increases in concentration as it moves up the
high-density discharge lamps, the test is food chain, and can travel far from the source
based on 11 hours on for every 20 minutes of contamination. Often these substances can
off. Lamp life depends on whether the start become more potent and harmful to
ballast is program or instant. This information ecosystems the longer they persist. See U.S.
is published in manufacturers’ information. EPA’s website on persistent bioaccumulative
Also known as rated average life. toxic chemicals,

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Abandoned property
Property left behind intentionally and
permanently when it appears that the
Hazardous items that are easily purchased and former owner does not intend to come
commonly used. Examples include batteries, back, pick it up, or use it. One may
pesticides, mercury-containing equipment, and have abandoned the property of
light bulbs. contract rights by not doing what is
required by the contract. However, an
See: easement and other land rights are not abandoned property just because of
htm. non-use. Abandoned land is defined as
land not being used at the present time
but that may have utilities and
infrastructure in place.


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

The exterior plus semi-exterior portions

of the building. Exterior consists of the
elements of a building that separate
conditioned spaces from the outside
An officially designated geographic area that (i.e., the wall assembly). Semiexterior
includes both cultural and natural resources consists of the elements of a building
associated with a historic event, activity, or that separate conditioned space from
person or that exhibits other significant cultural unconditioned space or that encloses
or aesthetic values. Image – Central Park, NY semi-heated space through which
thermal energy may be transferred to or
from the exterior or conditioned or
unconditioned spaces (e.g., attic, crawl
space, basement).

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

The stand-alone furniture items purchased for the

project, including individual and group seating;
open-plan and private-office workstations; desks
and tables; storage units, credenzas, bookshelves,
filing cabinets, and other case goods; wall-mounted Any item or agent (biological,
visual-display products (e.g., marker boards and chemical, physical) that has the
tack boards, excluding electronic displays); and potential to cause harm to humans,
miscellaneous items, such as easels, mobile carts, animals, or the environment, either
freestanding screens, installed fabrics, and movable
by itself or through interaction with
partitions. Hospitality furniture is included as
other factors.
applicable to the project. Office accessories, such
as desktop blotters, trays, tape dispensers, waste
baskets, and all electrical items, such as lighting
and small appliances, are excluded.


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

A building or structure with historic,

architectural, engineering, archaeological,
or cultural significance that is listed or
determined to be eligible as a historic A group of buildings,
structure or building, or as a contributing structures, objects, and sites
building or structure in a designated that have been designated
historic district. The historic designation or determined to be eligible
must be made by a local historic as historically and
preservation review board or similar body, architecturally significant,
and the structure must be listed in a state and categorized as either
register of historic places, be listed in the contributing or non
National Register of Historic Places (or a contributing to the historic
local equivalent outside the U.S.), or have nature of the district
been determined eligible for listing.

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

A database that defines the

environmental effects (inputs and The assumed length of time that a building,
outputs) for each step in a material’s or product, or assembly will be operational for
assembly’s life cycle. The database is the purposes of a life-cycle assessment
specific to countries and regions within


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Analysis of a product’s partial

life cycle, from resource
Elements carrying either vertical or
extraction (cradle) to the
horizontal loads (e.g., walls, roofs,
factory gate (before it is
and floors) that are considered
transported for distribution and
structurally sound and
sale). It omits the use and the
disposal phases of the product.

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

An evaluation of the
A statement that the item meets the
environmental effects of a
environmental requirements of ISO
product from cradle to grave, as
14021–1999, ISO 14025–2006 and
defined by ISO 14040–2006 and
EN 15804, or ISO 21930–2007.
ISO 14044–2006


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

An item that arrives on the project site Commercial or industrial products

either as a finished element ready for (other than food or feed) that are
installation or as a component to another composed in whole, or in
item assembled on-site. The product unit is significant part, of biological
defined by the functional requirement for products, renewable agricultural
use in the project; this includes the physical materials (including plant, animal,
components and services needed to serve and marine materials), or forestry
the intended function of the permanently materials. For the purposes of
installed building product. In addition, LEED, this excludes leather and
similar product within a specification, each other animal hides
contributes as a separate product.

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Measures undertaken by the maker of a

product to accept its own and sometimes
other manufacturers’ products as
A procedure that tracks a product
postconsumer waste at the end of the
from the point of harvest or
products’ useful life. Producers recover
extraction to its end use, including
and recycle the materials for use in new
all successive stages of
products of the same type. To count toward
processing, transformation,
credit compliance, a program must be
manufacturing, and distribution
widely available. For carpet, extended
producer responsibility must be consistent
with NSF/ANSI 140–2007. Also known as
closed-loop program or product take-back.


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

The stand-alone furniture items purchased for the

project, including individual and group seating;
open-plan and private-office workstations; desks
and tables; storage units, credenzas, bookshelves,
filing cabinets, and other case goods; wall-mounted Waste generated by households or
visual-display products (e.g., marker boards and commercial, industrial and institutional
tack boards, excluding electronic displays); and facilities in their role as end users of a
miscellaneous items, such as easels, mobile carts, product that can no longer be used for
freestanding screens, installed fabrics, and movable its intended purpose.
partitions. Hospitality furniture is included as
applicable to the project. Office accessories, such
as desktop blotters, trays, tape dispensers, waste
baskets, and all electrical items, such as lighting
and small appliances, are excluded.

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Matter diverted from the waste stream

during the manufacturing process, An item that arrives on the project site
determined as the percentage of material, either as a finished element ready for
by weight. Examples include planer installation or as a component to another
shavings, sawdust, bagasse, walnut shells, item assembled on-site. The product unit is
culls, trimmed materials, over issue defined by the functional requirement for
publications, and obsolete inventories. The use in the project; this includes the physical
designation excludes rework, regrind, or components and services needed to serve
scrap materials capable of being reclaimed the intended function of the permanently
within the same process that generated installed building product. In addition,
them (ISO 14021). Formerly known as similar product within a specification, each
post-industrial content. contributes as a separate product.


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

The basic substance from

which products are made,
such as concrete, glass, Defined in accordance with the
gypsum, masonry, metals, International Organization of Standards
recycled materials (e.g., document ISO 14021 – Environmental
plastics and metals), oil labels and declarations – Self-declared
(petroleum, polylactic acid), environmental claims (Type II
stone, agrifiber, bamboo, environmental labeling)
and wood.

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

The reemployment of materials in the same or plant-based materials that are

a related capacity as their original application, eligible for certification under the
thus extending the lifetime of materials that Forest Stewardship Council.
would otherwise be discarded. Reuse includes Examples include bamboo and
the recovery and reemployment of materials palm (monocots) as well as
recovered from existing building or hardwoods (angiosperms) and
construction sites. Also known as salvage. softwoods (gymnosperms)


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

A substance that poses a long-term risk to

both humans and the environment because it
remains in the environment for long periods,
increases in concentration as it moves up the A label, defined by U.S. EPA regulations
food chain, and can travel far from the source under the Safe Drinking Water Act, that allows
of contamination. Often these substances can small amounts of lead in solders, flux, pipes,
become more potent and harmful to pipe fittings, and well pumps.
ecosystems the longer they persist. See U.S.
EPA’s website on persistent bio-accumulative
toxic chemicals,

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

A substance added to a product (e.g., paint,

flooring) to kill or inhibit the growth of
microorganisms. Some products, such as A substance designed at the molecular
linoleum, exhibit natural antimicrobial (nanometer) level. Because of its small
properties. Despite current practice, science size, it has novel properties generally
has not proven that antimicrobial treatments not seen in its conventional bulk
reduce infection transfer in building finishes counterpart. See the Australian
more effectively than standard cleaning National Industrial Chemicals
procedures. Also known as added microbial Notification and Assessment Scheme,
agent. See U.S. EPA factsheet, Consumer
Products Treated with Pesticides _sheets/general_information_sheets/ni
( s_nanomaterials_pdf.pdf


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

A temporary interior wall that can

An item of furniture designed for use in be easily reconfigured. In a health
health care. Examples include surgical care facility, acoustical concerns
tables; procedure, supply, and mobile and embedded equipment, as in a
technology carts; lifting and transfer surgery suite, may prevent
aids; supply closet carts and shelving; demountable partitions from being
and over-bed tables. used

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

The floor area of a diagnostic and

treatment of clinical department, An intermediate space located between
calculated from the center line of floors with a walk-on deck, often used
the walls separating the to run the majority of the utility
department from adjacent spaces. distribution and terminal equipment,
Walls and circulations space thus permitting convenient installation,
within the department are maintenance, and future modifications.
included in the calculation. This
calculation excludes inpatient


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Shelving and cabinetry designed to be

easily installed, moved, or reconfigured. In
a retail setting, items that are movable but An area designed to be fitted out
semi-permanently attached using for future expansion. Shell space is
mechanical fastening systems for enclosed by the building envelope
operational use are considered furniture but otherwise left unfinished.
and not base building elements (e.g., a
table or display bolted to the floor, or
shelving attached to a wall).

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

An area whose functions can be easily

changed. For example, hospital Carrying either vertical or horizontal loads (e.g.,
administrative offices could be moved so walls, roofs, and floors) that are considered
that this soft space could be converted structurally sound and nonhazardous
to a laboratory. In contrast, a lab with
specialized equipment and infrastructure
would be difficult to relocate.


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Material other than earthen material placed

on the surface of the active face of a Building waste streams that are
municipal solid waste landfill at the end of combined on the project site and
each operating day to control vectors, fires, hauled away for sorting into recyclable
odors, blowing litter, and scavenging. streams. Also known as single-stream
Generally these materials must be processed recycling.
so they do not allow gaps in the exposed
landfill face. (CalRecycle)

Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

Construction or demolition waste

Materials that are natural (e.g., materials that are sorted into separate
rock, soil, stone, vegetation). bins on the project site (aka on-site).
Materials that are man-made (e.g., This waste strategy often isolates
concrete, brick, cement) are waste materials targeted for reuse,
considered construction waste donation, or recycling programs.
even if they were on site. Typically, sorted materials on-site
include metals, wood, ceiling tiles,
furniture, and concrete.


Materials and Resources Materials and Resources

The conversion of non-recyclable

A management activity that disposes waste materials into usable heat,
of waste through methods other than electricity, or fuel through a variety of
incineration or landfilling. Examples processes, including combustion,
include reuse and recycling. gasification, pyrolization, anaerobic
digestion, and landfill gas (LFG)

WE Credit Environmental Quality
Fundamentals Indoor
WE Credit Environmental Quality


n Centers





Overview of Sustainability Goals:
Prereq M inimum Indoor Air Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req
Quality Perf ormanc e

•Improving ventilation

Overview of Credits
Prereq Environment al Tobacco Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req
Smoke (ETS) C ontrol

•Managing air contaminants Prereq M inimum Acoustical

Perf orman c e
Req Req Req Req Req Req Req Req

Credit Enhanced Indoor Air 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2

•Specifying less harmful materials

Credit Low-Emi tt in g M aterial s 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3
Credit C onstruction Indoor Air 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
•Allowing occupants to control Quality M anagement Plan
Credit Indoor Air Quality 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
desired settings Assessment

Credit Thermal C omf ort 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

•Providing daylight and views Credit Interior Lightin g 1-2 1-2 1-2 2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1

Credit D aylight 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-2

Credit Quality Views 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-2

Credit Acoustic Perf ormanc e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-2


WE Credit Indoor Environmental Quality

Fundamentals Indoor Environmental Quality

Enclosed space intended for human

activities, excluding those spaces that are
intended primarily for other purposes, such
An enclosed space intended for human as storage rooms and equipment rooms,
activities, excluding those spaces that and that are only occupied occasionally and
are intended primarily for other for short periods of time. Occupied spaces
purposes, such as storage rooms and are further classified as regularly occupied
equipment rooms, and that are or non-regularly occupied spaces based on
occupied only occasionally and for short the duration of the occupancy, individual or
periods of time (ASHRAE 62.1–2010) multi-occupant based on the quantity of
occupants, and densely or non-densely
occupied spaces based on the
concentration of occupants in the space.

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A space that is regularly occupied and

An area designed for equipment, machinery, used for educational activities. In such
or storage rather than for human activities. space, the primary functions are
An equipment area is considered unoccupied teaching and learning, and good speech
only if retrieval of equipment is occasional. communication is critical to students’
academic achievement. (Adapted from
ANSI S12.60)


Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

An area where one or more individuals

normally spend time (more than one
hour per person per day on average)
seated or standing as they work,
An area with a design occupant study, or perform other focused
density of 25 people or more activities inside a building. The one-
per 1,000 square feet (93 hour timeframe is continuous and
square meters) should be based on the time a typical
occupant uses the space. For spaces
that are not used daily, the one-hour
timeframe should be based on the
time a typical occupant spends in the
space when it is in use.

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A frequently used means of gaining

access to a building. Examples
include the main building entrance as
well as any building entryways A structure’s primary and secondary
attached to parking structures, weatherproofing system, including
underground parking garages, waterproofing membranes and air- and
underground pathways, or outside water-resistant barrier materials, and all
spaces. Atypical entrances, building elements outside that system.
emergency exits, atriums,
connections between concourses,
and interior spaces are not included.


Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

The stand-alone furniture items purchased for the

project, including individual and group seating; open-
plan and private-office workstations; desks and
tables; storage units, credenzas, bookshelves, filing
cabinets, and other case goods; wall-mounted
Everything inside a visual-display products (e.g., marker boards and tack
structure’s boards, excluding electronic displays); and
weatherproofing miscellaneous items, such as easels, mobile carts,
membrane. freestanding screens, installed fabrics, and movable
partitions. Hospitality furniture is included as
applicable to the project. Office accessories, such as
desktop blotters, trays, tape dispensers, waste
baskets, and all electrical items, such as lighting and
small appliances, are excluded.

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

All the layers applied over a finished All the layers comprising the exposed
subfloor or stairs, including stair treads interior surfaces of buildings, including
and risers, ramps, and other walking fixed walls, fixed partitions, columns,
surfaces. Interior finish excludes building exposed ceilings, and interior
structural members, such as beams, wainscoting, paneling, interior trim or
trusses, studs, or subfloors, or similar other finish applied mechanically or for
items. Interior finish also excludes non- decoration, acoustical correction,
full spread wet coatings or adhesives. surface fire resistance, or similar


Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

An area that people pass through or an

area used for focused activities an
An area where an occupant performs distinct average of less than one hour per
tasks. Individual occupant spaces may be person per day. The one-hour timeframe
within multi-occupant spaces and should be is continuous and should be based on
treated separately where possible. the time a typical occupant uses the
space. For spaces that are not used
daily, the one-hour timeframe should be
based on the time a typical occupant
spends in the space when it is in use.

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

The incident luminous flux density on a

differential element of surface located at a
point and oriented in a particular direction,
expressed in lumens per unit area. Since the
area involved is differential, it is customary to
An area where an occupant performs distinct
refer to this as illuminance at a point. The unit
tasks. Individual occupant spaces may be
name depends on the unit of measurement for
within multi-occupant spaces and should be
area: footcandles if square feet are used for
treated separately where possible.
area, and lux if square meters are used.
(Adapted from IES) In lay terms, illuminance is
a measurement of light striking a surface. It is
expressed in footcandles in the U.S. (based on
square feet) and in lux in most other countries
(based on square meters).


Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A place of congregation, or where A patient bed, infusion chair, recovery room

occupants pursue overlapping or bay, or other location where a patient receives
collaborative tasks clinical care

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

Reports the percentage of

sensors in the analysis area,
A metric that describes the using a maximum 2-foot spacing
potential for visual discomfort in between points, that are found
interior work environments. It is to be exposed to more than
defined as the percentage of an 1000 lux of direct sunlight for
analysis area that exceeds a more than 250 hours per year,
specified direct sunlight before any operable blinds or
illuminance level more than a shades are deployed to block
specified number of hours per sunlight, considering the same
year. (Illuminating Engineering 10 hour/day analysis period as
Society) sDA and using comparable
simulation methods.


Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

An interior horizontal measurement of

1,000 lux or more of direct beam
sunlight that accounts for window
Glass that is transparent and transmittance and angular effects, and
allows a view through the excludes the effect of any operable
fenestration. Diffused glazing blinds, with no contribution from
allows only daylighting. reflected light (i.e., a zero bounce
analysis) and no contribution from the
diffuse sky component (Adapted from

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A structure that cannot be moved by

Items that can be moved by the users without the user without tools or assistance
the need of tools or assistance from special from special trades and facilities
trades and facilities management. management. Examples include lab
hoods, fixed partitions, demountable
opaque full- or partial-height partitions,
some displays, and equipment.


Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A metric describing annual sufficiency of

ambient daylight levels in interior
environments. It is defined as the percentage
of an analysis area (the area where
calculations are performed, typically across an The percentage of analysis points
entire space) that meets a minimum daylight across the analysis area that
illuminance level for a specified fraction of the meet or exceed this 300 lux value
operating hours per year (i.e., the Daylight for at least 50% of the analysis
Autonomy value following Reinhart & period
Walkenhorst, 2001). The illluminance level
and time fraction are included as subscripts,
as in sDA300,50%. The sDA value is
expressed as a percentage of area.

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A measurement from 0 to 100 that

indicates how accurately an artificial light
source, as compared with an
incandescent light, displays hues. The
higher the index number, the more
accurately the light is rendering colors. Any medical, surgical, maternity, specialty, or
Incandescent lighting has a color intensive-care unit where an individual
rendering index above 95; standard high- receives care for more than 23 hours.
pressure sodium lighting (such as
orange-hued roadway lights) measures
approximately 25; many fluorescent
sources using rare earth phosphors have
a color rendering index of 80 and above.
(Adapted from U.S. ENERGY STAR)


Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A public space, diagnostic or treatment

Items that can be moved by the users without area, ambulatory unit, or any other space
the need of tools or assistance from special in a health care facility that is not for
trades and facilities management. individuals who have been admitted for

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A structure that cannot be moved by The glass portion of an exterior window that
the user without tools or assistance permits views to the exterior or interior. Vision
from special trades and facilities glazing must allow a clear image of the
management. Examples include lab exterior and must not be obstructed by frits,
hoods, fixed partitions, demountable fibers, patterned glazing, or added tints that
opaque full- or partial-height partitions, distort color balance.
some displays, and equipment.


Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

Enclosed space intended for human

activities, excluding those spaces that are
intended primarily for other purposes,
such as storage rooms and equipment
rooms, and that are only occupied A space that is regularly occupied and
occasionally and for short periods of time. used for educational activities. In such
Occupied spaces are further classified as space, the primary functions are
regularly occupied or non-regularly teaching and learning, and good speech
occupied spaces based on the duration of communication is critical to students’
the occupancy, individual or multi- academic achievement. (Adapted from
occupant based on the quantity of ANSI S12.60)
occupants, and densely or non-densely
occupied spaces based on the
concentration of occupants in the space.

Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality

A set of uniformity criteria that ensure A condition in which speech is

consistent intelligibility and directionality unintelligible to casual listeners (ANSI
of audible frequencies for all occupants T1.523–2001)
within a space.


Indoor Environmental Quality

The distribution of
acoustic energy as a
function of frequency
for human speech.


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