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REVISION strategy for NEET 2022

knowledge boxes are as effective as precise they are (as small and specific they are)
Classification of solids configuration in s, p, d AND f block every day
every day 5 questions on it (GENERAL AND EXCEPTIONS) end with REVISION
1 5 questions on these concepts
start with self test
henry's law Wolff kishner reduction and clemmensen reduction
important names of groups and group of elements
5 questions on it 5 questions on these concepts
conductance,specific conductance,resistance, effect of dilution USE of H2 + Pd + BaSO4/CaCO3
factors affecting atomic size, ionization enthalpy,
UNITS, (LAMDA -m) AND (LAMDA-eq) USE of Na + liquid ammonia
electron affinity, electronegativity
every day 5 questions on it 5 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test wurtz, fittig and wurtz-fittig reaction (3 degree alkyl halide) end with REVISION
graph of (LAMDA-m) V/S concentration for
oxides of s,p, and d block elements Wolff kishner reduction and clemmensen reduction
weak and strong electrolyte
5 questions on these concepts
NCERT TABLE of Lattice catagories, length parameters,
reduction of alkyl halides using LiAlH4 and NaBH4
angle parameters, unit cells and examples atomic size orders in s, p, d and f block elements
5 questions on these concepts
every day 10 questions on it every day
start with self test raoult's law expression, dalton's law expression, end with REVISION
reaction of grignard reagent with acidic compounds
total pressure expression and mole fraction in vapour phase expression ionization enthalpies s, p, d block elements
5 questions on these concepts
10 questions on it

Conformational isomerism
kohlrausch law and 5 questions on it electron gain enthalpy p block elements
5 questions on these concepts
every day every day
start with self test halogenation of alkanes monochlorination of alkanes end with REVISION
difference between electrochemical cell and electrolytic cell
octate rule and its limitations (chlorination and bromination) products and % it is a test to find how many types of C atoms
(structural,,delta G and Ecell)
5 questions on these concepts are present in a copound
contribution of lattice points and voids , formula and density of solids
covalencies of period 2 and period 3 elements aromatization and isomerisation of alkanes
every day 10 numericals on it every day
start with self test oxidation states average and absolute end with REVISION
ideal and non ideal solutions parameters and examples oxidation of alkanes, (reagents)
(common with redox chapter), formal charge, dative bond
electro chemical cell (Parts, representation, E cell, flow of current)
structures of all p Block Acids, Oxides, Hydrides and
balancing of redox reactions aromatization and isomerisation of alkanes
every day 10 questions on it every day
start with self test Electrochemical series (5 applications), Standard hydrogen electrode, stability of carbocation, rearrangements, end with REVISION
geometry and hybridisation of p Block
finding unknown EmF using DELTA G Ring expansion
Acids, Oxides, Hydrides and Halides
10 questions on these 5 questions on these concepts
2D packing, it's efficiency, 3D packing, it's efficiency
geometrical isomerism
(all the packing fractions, unit cells, voids) resonance (common with G.O.C)
5 questions on these concepts
every day 10 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test dehydration of alcohols, (E1) end with REVISION
concentration terms (common with basic concepts of chemistry) dipole moment
saytzeff products
10 questions on these concepts VBT (types of overlappings)
5 questions on these concepts
electrolytic cell (conditions, structure)
Newman's projection and
laws of electrolysis 1 and 2 bond length (factors affecting)
it's applications on anti elemination
every day 10 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test commercial cells, electroplatting Dehydrohalogenation (E2) end with REVISION
corroison (anode reaction, cathode reaction and prevention) M.O.T saytzeff and hoffmann product
5 questions on these concepts 5 questions on these concepts
co-ordination number in (packing, voids, simple lattices and ionic lattices)
Hydrogen bonding and it's application Dehalogenation, E1cb
10 questions on these concepts
every day every day
9 addition of water
start with self test ionic latices and deffects end with REVISION
types of Molecular interactions (markonikoves and antimarkonikoves addition)
10 questions on these concepts
5 questions on these concepts
addition of HX (HBr + peroxide),
magnetic properties of solids and examples
hydrogen (physical properties, isotopes and allotropes) addition of X2 in CCl4
5 questions on these concepts alkene + Br2 water
every day 5 questions on these concepts every day
10 it is a test to find presence of unsaturation in a compound
start with self test rate of formation, rate of decomposition, average rate of Reaction and end with REVISION
hydrides of s, p, d block elements (properties, bonding and nature) newmann's projection use in syn and anti addition aromatic compounds don't give it
Instantaneous rate of reaction
BeH2, B2H6 reactions on alkenes
5 questions on these concepts
order of reaction (meaning, unit of rate constant, finding order of formation of diols (cis diol and trans diol), Bayer's reagent
hydrogen gas (preperations, properties,
reaction in elemntary, complex and data based question electrophilic addition on Conjugated Dienes
atomic and nascent hydrogen)
every day 10 questions on these concepts 5 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test absorption, adsorption, sorption ozonolysis(oxidative and reductive) end with REVISION
water (structure, types of hydrates and
mechanism of adsorption, suface enegy, types of adsorption reaction with KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7
chemical properties of water)
5 questions on these concepts 10 questions on these concepts
molecularity, collision theory dies elder reaction
hardness of water and methods to remove it
integrated rate law for 1st and Zero order preperation of alkynes from dihalides
methods of preperation of hydrogen peroxide
every day 10 questions on these concepts 5 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test adsorption isotherm, isobars and catalytic action steps end with REVISION
preperation of ethyne from chloroform,
homogenous catalyst, hetrogenous catalys, autocatalysis examples group 1 and group 2 physical properties
preperation of ethyne from electrolysis of sodium malaete
10 questions on these concepts
finding order of reaction through graphs addition of water in alkynes
group 1 and 2 reaction with air, Oxygen(limited and excess)
(Conc v/s time), (final Conc v/s time), (half life v/s initial Conc) addition of HX and X2 on alkyne
water, halogens and ammonia
every day 5 questions on these concepts 5 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test conversion of terminal alkynes into non terminal alkynes tollens test and fehlings test with alkynes end with REVISION
classification of colloids (all 3 methods)
uses of group 1 and 2 (biological and non biological) acid- base reactions of terminal alkynes it is a test to find presence of acidic H in alkynes
10 questions on these concepts
5 questions on these concepts (only terminal alkynesgive this test positive)
purification of colloids (3 methods)
solvay's process, castner kelner cell, NaCl, gypsom
preperation of colloids (3 methods) preperation methods of benzene -- 5 methods
P.O.P, Bleaching powder, Cement
every day 5 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test E.A.S and SNar(2 methods) differences, factors affecting end with REVISION
physical properties of d Block metals
examples of zero order, !st order and pseudo first order reactions applicable electronic effects and intermediates
(again go through day2 and 3 inorganic portion)
10 questions on these concepts
charge on Colloids (charge selectivity), (positive and negative colloids)
exceptional configurations d and f block
double layer assembly, zeta potential friedel crafts halogenation, alkylation, acylation and limitation
every day (go through day 1 inorganic) every day
15 10 questions on these concepts
start with self test end with REVISION
every day every day
start with self test end with REVISION
energy v/s reaction graphs (1 step and 2 step) oxidation states in d and f block metals oxidation and reduction reactions of benzene
5 questions on these concepts oxidising and reducing natures in d and f block metal/ions oxidation of benzenoid hydrocarbons with KMnO4
reactions of benzene with Cl2 (2 reactions)
coagulation of colloids, Hardy schulz rule, Gold Number
halides of d block and compounds of lanthanoid elements physical properties of alkyl and aryl halides (B.P and Dipole moment)
every day 10 questions on these concepts every day
16 10 questions on these concepts
start with self test end with REVISION
gas laws magnetic properties of d and f block metals optical isomerism
15 questions on these concepts colour in compounds of d block and f block 10 questions on these concepts

SN1, SN2, SNi differences (configurational and optical isomerism)

dalton's law of partial pressure and grahm's law of diffussion KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7
solvolysis, lucas test
10 questions on these concepts preperation and properties
10 questions on these concepts
every day alkyl halide + AgNO3 every day
start with self test preperation of alkyl halides from Alkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols, it is a test to identify halogen present in the compound end with REVISION
thermodynamic processes (work expression, heat expression,
and Ethers
first law expression and PV graph) werners theory, E.A.N classification of ligands
(again go through day 4, 10 and 13 organic portion)
10 questions on these concepts
10 questions on these concepts
kinetic theory of gases halogen exchage reactions (Swarts and finkelstein reaction)
naming of complex compounds preperation of haloarenes using Diazonium salts
real gas equation and it's different forms w.r.t gases and pressure values
structural isomerism in complexes (Balz schieman, gattermann, sandmayer's)
every day 10 questions on these concepts every day
18 10 questions on these concepts
start with self test chemical properties of alkyl halides( reaction with Mg,Na, Zn end with REVISION
specific heats and caloriemeter stereo isomerism in complexes
, reaction with alc KOH or NaNH2, Reaction with LiAlH4 or NaBH4
5 questions on these concepts C.F.T, spectrochemical series
10 questions on these concepts
compressibilty factor and its application
substitution reactions of alkyl halides
liquification of gases, boyles temperature, inversion temperature
important complexes and their uses with NH3, AgNO2, KNO2, KCN, AgCN and williamson ether synthesis
critical temperature, comparison of 'a' and 'b' for various gases
10 questions on these concepts
every day 10 question on these concepts every day
start with self test end with REVISION
enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of reaction, enthalpy of bond dissociation Dow's process
physical properties of group 15
enthalpy of neutralization prepration (haloform test and conditions) and properties of chloroform
(again go through day2 and 3 inorganic portion)
15 questions on these concepts (preperation of phosgene, chloropicrin, DDT, chloral, acetylene)

victor mayer's test (to find degree of alcohol)

properties of liquid structures of Oxides, Acids, Hydrides preperation of alcohols (from alkene, alkyl halide, ether,
lucas test (to find degree of alcohol)
equilibrium contant and reaction quotient and Halides of group - 15 elements carbonyl compounds, acid derivatives and amines)
PCC or Cu with heat (to find degree of alcohol)
10 quesion on these concepts (again go through day2 and 3 inorganic portion) 10 questions on these concepts
every day every day
start with self test end with REVISION
physical properties of alcohols (B.P and bond angle,
enthalpy of atomization, lattice enthalpy, hydration enthalpy haloform test (to differentiate B/W methanol and ethanol)
occurrence of group - 15 elements, their metalic nature bond length comparison of alcohols, ethers and phenols)
resonance enthalpy FeCl3 (to differentiate B/W phenol and alcohol)
properties of their hydrides (again go through day 6, 9 and 10) acidic strength comparison of alcohols, phenols, water and methanol
10 questions on these concepts Br2 + water (to differentiate B/W phenol and alcohol)
10 questions on these concepts

homogenous and hetrogenous equilibriums victor mayer's test, oxidation of alcohols, dehydration of alcohols
extent of reaction, types of equilibrium constant and relation b/w them preperation and properties of N2 gas and NH3 esterification and acidic nature of alcohols ketones to differentiate B/W cis 1,2 diol and trans 1,2 diols
10 questions on these concepts 10 questions on these concepts
every day every day
start with self test end with REVISION
preperation of HNO3 reaction of ethers with HI, uses of alcohols
qualitative measurement of entropy hydrolysis of group - 15 chlorides wood spirit
5 questions on this concept bond angle, bond length, dipole moment comparison of(NH3, NF3, NCl3) E.A.S reactions on phenol,(kolbe's, riemer-tiemann, gattermann-koch
formation of aspirin)
allotropes of phosphorus Darzen's test, pinacol-pinacolone
lechatelier's principle
preperation of phosphene and it's purification meerwein-pondorf reduction and oppenaur oxidation
10 questions on this concept
10 questions on these concepts
every day every day
start with self test preperation of aldehydes from (alkenes, alkynes, gem-dihalides, end with REVISION
quantitative measurement of entropy (in processes, in reactions) preperation and properties of PCl3, PCl5, P4O6, and P4O10 reation with methyl amine (presence of carbonyl group)
alcohols, acid derivatives and cyanides)
5 questions on this concept reaction with 2,4 DNP (presence of carbonyl group)
10 questions on these concepts

etard reaction, rosenmund reduction and preperation to differentiate between aldehyde and ketones
physical equilibriums physical properties of group 16 tollen's test
methods of benzaldehyde
classification of electrolytes (again go through day2 and 3 inorganic portion) fehling's test
10 questions on these concepts
every day benedict's test every day
start with self test gibb's free energy and it's application Neucleophilic addition reactions on carbonyl compounds NaHSO3 end with REVISION
structures of Oxides, Acids, Hydrides
condition of spontainity for variuos type of reaction, and acid derivatives (mechanism, reactivity and schiff's test
and Halides of group - 16 elements
relation of gibb's free energy with EmF and equilibrium contant examples-alcohol, HCN, NaHCO3, ammonia derivatives) sodium nitropruside
(again go through day2 and 3 inorganic portion)
10 questions on these concept 10 questions on these concept reaction with aliphatic alcohols
pH and reactions in solution (chapter-basic concepts of chemistry)
condensation reactions (aldol, cannizzaro) condition, types, exceptions haloform test (presence of alpha position
log and anti log rules occurrence of group - 16 elements, their metalic nature
just information of where we can use (Benzoin, perkins) methyl group in carbonyl compound)
(go again with concentration terms day 7) properties of their hydrides (again go through day 6, 9 and 10)
10 questions on these concept
every day 10 questions on these concept every day
start with self test oxidation reactions of aldehydes and ketones end with REVISION
applications of avogadro's law and Gay lussac's law
preperation, estimation and depletion of Ozone (bayer villiger oxidation, tollen's test, fehling's test,
(like stoichiometric calculations, limiting reagent and percentage purity)
preperation of Oxygen gas Benedict's test, Iodoform test)
10 questions on these concept
10 questions on these concept
preperation of acids from ( alkenes, alkynes, benzene derivatives
dissociation of weak acid, weak base and water NaHCO3 (difference B/W acids, and phenols)
allotropic forms of sulphur and their molecular structure trihalides, alcohols, cyanides, aldehydes, ketones, acid halides, anhydrides
(change in pH scale on increasing temperature) ethanol with acids will give fruity smell
formation and properties of sulphuric acid and esters)
every day 10 questions on these concept every day
25 10 question on these concepts
start with self test end with REVISION
fries rearrangement, Wacker's process, wittig process
equivalent mass, number of equivalents and law of eqivalents preperation and properties of SO2 and structures of SO3
conversion of acid into acid derivatives tollen's test (differentiate B/W formic acid and acetic acid)
10 questions on these concept occurance of group 17 elements (ores and nature)
10 questions on these concept
common ion effect, mixing of weak acid with strong base (all 3 cases), comparison of acidic strength of acids(acetic, formic, benzoic,
physical properties of group 17 elements and X2 molecular forms
mixing of weak acid with strong acid, mixing of weak acid with weak base alcohols, methanol, phenol and their derivatives)
(also go through with day 2 and day 3 inorganic portion)
every day 10 questions on these concept 10 questions on these concept every day
start with self test subatomic particles and their properties structures of Oxides, Acids, Hydrides heating of carboxylic acids, H.V.Z reaction end with REVISION
old and new theories of EMR of group - 17 elements reactions of Na, Ag, Ca salts of carboxylic acids
10 questions on these concept (again go through day2 and 3 inorganic portion) 10 questions on these concept
mixing of weak base with strong acid (all 3 cases), alkylation and acylation of amines (also their effects on EAS of aniline) hinsberg's reagent (difference B/W primary, secondry and tertiary amines)
mixing of weak base with strong base properties of their hydrides (again go through day 6, 9 and 10) gabriel pthalamide synthesis carbylamine test for primary amine
every day 10 questions on these concept 10 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test end with REVISION
photoelectric effect, balck body radiation InterHalogen compounds beckmenn's rearrangement, hoffmann bromamide
10 question on these concepts reaction of X2 molecules with other X- ions, water and NaOH curtius, Schmidt, ARNDT EISTERT reactions
basic strength of amines, aniline, pyridene, pyrol, amide etc
hydrolysis of salts methods of preperation of Cl2, acidic strength of group - 17 acids
diazotisation, coupling reaction
10 question on these concepts stability and oxidising nature of oxides of group -17 elements
every day 10 questions on these concepts every day
start with self test acidic strength of nitroalkanes, tautomerism in nitro alkanes end with REVISION
bohr's model (3 postulates) physical properties of group 18 elements and compounds with flourine
reduction reactions of nitro benzene, reaction of amines with nitrous acid
10 question on these concepts hydrolysis of group -18 flourides
10 questions on these concepts
buffer solutions concentration methods of ore structure of glucose (confirmationsl reactions and tests)
10 question on these concepts important ores and alloys structures of disaccharides
every day every day
29 anomers, epimers, mutarotation, inversion of sugar
start with self test spectrums (absorption, emission) roasting and calcination end with REVISION
(extrapoints about fructose from module)
10 question on these concepts elingham diagram and its application
10 questions on these concepts
solubilities of sparingly soluble salts (I.P and Ksp) reduction methods for metal oxides (reducing agents, polysaccharides, classification of amino acids, formation of amino acids
every day 10 question on these concepts electrolytic, autoreduction, heating) Zwitter ion, isoelectric point, peptide bond every day
start with self test matter waves and uncertainity principle refining methods of impure metals structure of protien (all 4) end with REVISION
10 question on these concepts chromatography (3 methods) neuclic acids, (D.N.A and R.N.A), PHOPHODIESTER LINKAGE
quantum mechanical model, energy of subshels in atom
vitamins, minerals and diseases due to their deficiencies
every day 10 question on these concepts every day
start with self test electronic configuration rules, graphs, nodes classification of polymers end with REVISION
10 question on these concepts thermoplastics, elastomers, (structure, monomers and use)
fibres and thermosetting polymers (structure, monomers and use)
every day biodegradable polymers (structure, monomers and use) every day
start with self test end with REVISION
antacids, neurologically active drugs
every day antimicrobials, antibiotics every day
start with self test antiseptics, cleansing agents and detergents end with REVISION

every day every day

34 artificial sweetners, preservatives, antioxidants
start with self test end with REVISION

winners are not the one who are talented, not the one who are hardworking
not the one who are wealthy, not the one who are poor

but the only one who are sincere, true and consistent in their work


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