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T2 Units 7 To 9 Quiz

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T2 Units 7-9 Name __________________________________________

Quiz Date _______________________ Group _____________

Listen to each audio.
Audio 1, L2U9 Sounds right – ed endings
Listen to the sentences. Check () the verbs that have and extra syllable and cross (x) the verbs
that don’t have an extra syllable. There is one example. (5 points)

0. I called for help. x

 3. I damaged the car. 
1. I sprained my wrist.  4. It happened last week. 
2. I deleted my photos.  5. I waited an hour. 

Conversation 2, L2U7 Test Crafter, “The suitcases are full!”

Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer for the questions. (4 points)

6. What are Lena and Bill doing? 8. What’s the weather like at night?
a) Packing for a trip. a) It’s snowy.
b) Unpacking their suitcases. b) It’s cold.
c) Planning a trip. c) It’s warm.

7. What are they taking? 9. Which activity are they not going to do?
a) Sleeping bags, jackets, helmets a) Swimming.
b) A tent, sleeping bags, bicycles. b) Camping.
c) Jackets, sleeping bags, towels. c) Skiing.

Conversation 3, L2U8 Test Crafter, “Whose sneakers are these?”

Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences with the missing words. (6 points)

Mom Amber!
Amber What is it, mom?
10. Mom Whose ____________ are these in the living room?
Amber Oh. Ahh, they’re mine.
Mom Well, can you put them in the closet in your bedroom?
Amber OK, mom.
11. Mom And Amber, ____________ shirt is on the desk?
Amber I don’t know. What does it look like?
12. Mom It’s an ____________, blue, rock-and-roll t-shirt.
Amber Oh, it’s not mine. I think it’s dad’s.
13. Mom Well, it shouldn’t be on the desk. Do you mind ___________ him to pick it up?
Amber No problem, mom.
14. Mom And Amber, whose hairdryer is this? I told you never leave your hairdryer in the living
room! Could you put it on your ____________?
15. Amber Sure. I’m so… Um, mom… That’s yours, not ____________.
Mom Ohh. Um… Let me put it away then.
Use of English
Circle the correct words to complete the conversations. There is one example. (6 points).
A I´m going camping next weekend. Should I take / to take insect repellent?
B Oh, you definitely need have / to have some this time of year. It’s probably good idea / a good idea to
(16) (17)
take some shirts with long sleeves, too. And why don’t you / you don’t take something for bites in
your first aid kit?
A We’re going to beach next weekend. What need / should I take with me?
B Well, you should take an umbrella. It gets hot. And you probably need pack / to pack a picnic. The cafés
are expensive. And do you want / do you want to take a volleyball? It’s fun to play volleyball on the beach.

Write the words under the pictures. There is one example. (5 points).

Use the words and expressions in the box to complete the conversation. Use capital letters where necessary.
There is an example. (10 points)

whose no, not at all yours bright would you mind by myself
mine hers to do do you mind if I bet yourself

Karen Do you mind if I come in? You look busy.

Trish yourself
No, make _______________ at home. _______________ handing me that paintbrush? The red one.
Karen _______________ .
Trish Thanks. So, what do you think?
Karen Um, nice. I love the _______________ wall. Did you and your roommate choose the colors together?
Trish No, actually, I did it all _______________ . Nadia’s away this week.
Karen Oh, is she? _______________ this was a lot of work.
Trish Actually, no. It was very easy _______________ .
Karen _______________ room is this? Is it _______________ or Nadia’s?
(33) (34)
Trish This one is _______________, and _______________ is down the hall.
(35) (36)
Karen Um, does Nadia like these colors?
Trish I don’t know. But I do! I guess I have an eye for color.
Read the story. Write T for the true statements and F for the false statements. Then correct the false

Example: The unusual event happened
statements. There is one example. (7 points). a few months F
ago. _____
37. The man saw the flashes of light while he was driving one foggy night. _____
38. He noticed his sunburn before he went into the restaurant. _____
39. The server was frightened by the man’s appearance. _____
40. After the man checked into a motel, he slept for a long time. ____
41. The burns disappeared on his face after a few years. _____

Read Anne’s story and answer the questions. (4 points)

Our Beach House
Hi! My name's Anne. My last day of school this year is next week. Then I'm going on summer vacation to our beach
house with my family. Let me tell you why I prefer our beach house to our apartment in the city. The living room in the
beach house has two armchairs and a big blue sofa with nice soft cushions. We only have one chair and a small sofa in
our apartment. In the beach house, there are long blue curtains in the windows, and you can see the ocean when you
look out of the windows. We can't see the ocean in the city.
My sister and I have nice bedrooms in our beach house. My sister's room has a big beautiful Turkish rug. Mine
doesn't have a rug, but it has an old wooden dresser, desk, and nightstand. They're about 100 years old — real antiques!
We don't have many old things in our apartment. In my bedroom in our beach house, there's also a really nice stereo.
My stereo at home only holds one CD, but this one can hold five. I love to listen to one or two CDs before I go to sleep.
With this stereo, I don't have to get out of bed and put in another CD. I'm lazy, so this is great!
42. Where is Anne going on summer vacation? 44. Whose room has a beautiful rug?
a) Her family’s apartment. a) Anne’s sister’s room.
b) School. b) Anne’s mom’s room.
c) The city. c) Anne’s room.
d) Her family’s beach house. d) Anne’s dad’s room.

43. What’s not in the living room? 45. What’s true about the stereo in Anne’s bedroom?
a) Windows. a) It holds one CD.
b) Two armchairs. b) It’s on the dresser.
c) Long curtains. c) It can hold five CDs.
d) A small sofa. d) It’s really old.

Write a postcard to a friend about an imaginary visit to another place. Five sentences or more.

1. x
2. 
3. x
4. x
5. 
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. sneakers
11. whose
12. ugly
13. telling
14. dresser
15. mine
16. to have
17. a good idea
18. don’t you
19. should
20. to pack
21. do you want to
22. flashlight
23. toothbrush
24. hairdryer
25. scissors
26. razor
27. Would you mind
28. No, not at all
29. bright
30. by myself
31. I bet
32. to do
33. whose
34. yours
35. hers
36. mine
37. T
38. F / He noticed his sunburn after he went into the restaurant.
39. F / The server wasn’t frightened by the man’s appearance.
40. T
41. F / The burns disappeared on his face after a few days.
42. d
43. d
44. a
45. c

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