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11 Insulating Materials PDF

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General Product Information

ROCKWOOL stone wool products are made of basalt, a volcanic stone.

ROCKWOOL stone wool p rodu cts a re non­ no nut r itious substance . The refore it will n ot be
combustible with a melting point of appro ximate Ly a tt a cke d by microorganisms. Mine ral wool will
1000°C . They are particularly s u ita ble fo r th erm a l not rot and does not attract vermin.
insulation, lire protection and s ou n d reduction /
absorption . No CFCs. HF8. HCFCs. or asbestos are used
in the manufacture of ROCKWOOL s to ne wool
ROCKWOOL stone wool is inorganic and contains products.



ThermaLRock B (Blanket)

Common appli cations Facin gs

Therm alRock 8 is ma nu fac tu red i n a w id e T hermal Ro c k 8 produ cts are avai lable in plain,
variety of thicknesses and dens ities to suit most alumin ium foil facings and one-sided or two-sided
requi rements, suitable for general application in glass tiss ue faci nqs.
re s ide nt ial , commercia l and in d ustri a l b ui l d in gs .
Pack aging and Stor age
ThermalRock B is supplied in folded or roll form
Produ ct type Th ickne ss lrnrn l l.enqth x Widlh Imm ] l depe n ding on f act ory) a nd shrin k-wrapped
84 0 50 5000 X 1200 in polyethylen e s h eet s for ease of handling,
50 7500 X 1200 t r an spa rt ati o n , sto r a ge and id ent i fication .
850 50 5000 X 1200 Produ cts shou ld be stored indoors or under a

50 7500 X 1200 waterp r oof cove r i nq,

860 25 10000 X 1200

50 5000 X 1200

50 7500 X 1200
B80 25 8000 X 1200

25 10000 X 1200

50 5000 X 1200

50 7500 X 1200
Bl00 25 5000 X 1200

25 8000 X 1200

50 2500 X 1200

50 4000 X 1200

Note Plea s e c~n ta ct yo ur loc al repre sent at ives for .the sp ec ific
oeosnies and thickn esses that are availabl e i ocally.

Technical Parameters
Produ ct types B40 8 50 860 B80 8100 Standards
Nom inal densi ty Ik g/ m J ) 40 50 60 80 100 ASTM (1 77/C518
Thermal conductivity 20 °C}, values [W/mK] 0.037 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 8S 476 Part 4! EN 13501-1
Sound absorpti on (BS EN 20354: 1993) Pl ease contact your local represe ntat ive for more information
Fire performance Non-combu stible [without Iacmql ASTM C110 4/C1104 M
Water vapour absor ption Absor b Less than 0.04% EN 1609:97
Water absorption [partial immersion] Less th an lkg/m"

Note : The info rm ation contained In this data sheet rs believed 10 be correct at the da te of pub lic at IOn ROCKwooiAsia does not acce pt respo ns ,bllity for th e
conseq uences 01 US ing The rma lRock 8 in applicatIOns different from those des<;ribed above.

Rockwool Malaysia Rockwool Mala'ysia ROCKWOOl Building Materials ROCKWOOL Fit'esafe Insulation Rockwool [Thailandl Limited
Sdn Bhd Sdn Bhd [Singapore) Pte ltd (Guangzhou) Co, Ltd , Hemaraj Eastern Industrial
Lot 4, Solok Waja1 175 A&B No.8. Tuas Avenue2. 3 Taihua St, YongheDist of Guangzhou Estate (Map Ta Phut)
Bukil Raja Industrial Estate Kawasan Perindustrian Jurong Town. Singapore639448 Econ & Tech DevelopmentDist, , Soi G2, Pakornsongkrohraj
41050 Klang. Selangor Air Keroh, Jalan Ungkungan Tel: 1+6516861 4722/68636233 Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Road, Huaypong, Muang
Malaysia Usaha.75450Melaka P.R.China 15113561 Rayong 21150
Fax: 1+6516862 3533/68632933
T (+601333413444 Malaysia Thailand
Tel: 1+86120 82986668
F 1+6013 33427290 T 1+6016 2332010 T 1+661 38685110
Fax: 1+86) 20 82986877
F (+6016 2332012 F 1+661 38684938


General Product Information
ROCKWOOL stone wooL products are made of basalt, a volcanic stone.
ROCKWOOL stone wooL products are non­ ROCKWOOL stone wool is inorganic and contains
combustible with a melting point of approximately no nutritious su bstance. Therefore it will not be
1000°C. They are particularly suitable for thermal attacked by microorga nisms. Mi nera l wool wilL
insulation, fi re protection a nd sou nd reduction / not rot a nd does not attract vermin.
No CFCs, HFCs, HC FCs, or asbestos are used
G>G>G>G> in the manufacture of ROCKWOOL stone wool
ill wwww
-u-o-u-u products.
""''" NNN'N­

'ai' ~~~~
.cc co 1'.>---" CREATE AND PROTECT


ThermalRock 5 (Sla b]
Common applications Facin gs

ThermalRock S i s manufa ctured in a wide Th erm alR ock 5 products are available in plain ,
variety of th icknesses and densities to su it most aluminium foil facings and one-sided or two-sided
requ irements, suitable for general application in glas s ti ssue fa cings.
resid entiat, com me rcial and ind ustria l build In 9s .
Packagin g and Storage

Therm alRock S is shrink -wrapped In polyethylene

sheets for ease of handling, transportation,
storag e and identification. Products should be
sto red Indoors a I' und er a waterproof cover ing .

Dimensions Standard s izes and dens ities

Th ickness lrnrnl 25, 50,75 and 100mm

Length x Width lrnrnl 1200mm x 600mm
Nominal Densities Ikg/m 3J 40 to 140

Nate ; Please conta ct your IOC8( representatives (or SIzes

<J nd densit see no t st a ted In the da t<Jsh eet .

Technical Parameters

Product types 540 560 580 5100 5120 5140 Standards

Nominal density [kg!m 3] 40 60 80 100 120 140 ASTM [518

"Therrnat conductivit y 20°C Avalues [W!mKI 0.036 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 EN 13501-1
Sound absorption IS S EN ISO 354: 2003) Please contact your local representative for more information
Fire performance Non- combustible I Al Fir e Classificati on [without facing) ASTM C1104!Cll04M
Water vapour absorpt ion Absorb Less than 0.04 Vol % EN 1609:97
Water absorption (partial imm ersion) . Less than 0.5 kg/m '

• Th erm al condu cUvlty valu~5 are ba sed on I ~ sling co n d uct e d in exte rn a l a ccr ed it e d laboratory in eccoroonce to ASTIvI C518: 1991. T~ 5 ! reoorts are
avail able upon r eques t. For des ig n, It IS reco m m ended to us e a sa fety fact or of 20 % as deSig n value,

www.rockwoola sia .com

Rockwool Malays ia Rockwool Malays ia Rockwoo l (Tha iland) Limited Disclaimer; The information contained in this
Sdn Bhd Sdn Shd Hemaraj Eastern Industrial data sheet is believed to be correct at the date
Lot 4. Solok Waja 1 175 A&B Estate (Map Ta Phutl of publication. ROCKWOOL does not accept
Bukit Raja Industrial Estate Kawasan Perindustrian 1 Soi G 2. Pakornsongkrohraj responsibility for the consequences of using
41050 Klang , Selangor Air Keroh. Jalan Lingkungan Road,Huaypong,Muang ThermalRock 5 in applications different from
Malaysia . Usaha, 75450 Melaka Rayong 21150 those described above.
T 1+60133341 3444 Malaysia Thailand

F 1+601 3 3342 7290 T 1+601 62332010 T 1+66138685110

F (+6016233 2012 F 1+661 3868 4938 CREATE AND PROTECT

Therma wool?' Formerly CSR Glasswool

Glasswool Roofing Blanket

Data Sheet
Product Description Thermawool Roofing Blanket is
lightweight and compressible, insulation
manufactured from a random felted mat of
glasswool, bonded with a thermosetting
resin. Its high tensile strength resilience
favor low transport and installation costs.
Thermawool Roofing Blanket has
reinforced Thermofoil adhered to one
face with foil extended 50mm beyond one
longitudinal edge of the blanket. Often it
is desirable to install in continues lengths,
without end laps. It can be supplied for
this purpose, subject to minimum order

Applications Thennawool Roofing Blanket is designed reduce rain and aircr aft noise. For wall
specially to provide efficient thermal insulation applications full face adhesion is required.
for commercial roofing applications. Although Refer to the application brochures and
thermal insulation is the principal function. It is specification sheet s for further information.
intended to assist in the control of condensation
under metal deck, fibrou s cement and tile roofs . For safe handling instructions please refer to
The product will also substantially reduce MSDS sheet.
reverberant noise within the building and also

Standard Sizes and Density 12,16,20

Packaging Thickness mm 25,30,40,50,75,100

Size 1200mm x 10- 30m

Standard packaging is a polythene bag.

Facings Roofing Blanket is supplied with a range of If premium tear and puncture resistance is
factory applied reinforced aluminum foil, or required, specify Thennofoil 750.
polypropylene facings . Standard Roofing
Blanket facing is light weight duty Thennofoil.

Facings Available to To enhance the versatility of Thennawool These orders may be subject to minimum order
Roofing Blanket a number of other factory quantities and longer lead times .
Order applied facings are available to order.

Maximum Service Maximum service temperature of the The product is intended for use at temperatures
glasswool is 350 °C. Maximum service normally prevailing in building structures.
Temperature temperature ofthe reflective foil is 70°C.

Typical Application and Studies recently completed show that when productivity. (EMET Consultants, N.S .
installed correctly. Roofing Blanket allows for Billington)
Thermal Values reduction in the size and running costs of
cooling and heating equipments. Buildings For information on which R value to choose for
installed with Roofing Blanket, having no air your location refer to the building application
conditioning equipment, display flatter brochure.
temperature profiles , resulting in higher
Glasswool Roofing Blanket

Fire Resistance When tested in accordance with AS 1530 Part 3­ Blanket Thermofoil
1989. Thennawool Roofing Blanket has the Ignitability o o
Properties ~-...---~,-----....".------,,,-----
Early Fire Hazard Indices shown. The Early ::':S""'pr;;.::e-':'a='"d..:,.o. ,;fF;;..;I..:. a""m;;.::e o:,-­ o
--=-­ _
Fire Hazard Indices for Tbennofoil vary, but do Heat Evolved
o o
not exceed the figures shown for the products Smoke Developed o o
used on Roofing Blanket. ------<------------­

Corrosion Resistance Glasswool Roofing Blanket is slightly alkaline When tested in accordance with BS3958 Part 5­
and is incapable of corroding steel. To maintain 1986. Thermawool Roofing Blanket has pH of
this condition, protection must be provided 7.0-8.0
against contamination from external sources.

Moisture Resistance Exposure to an atmosphere of 50°C and 95% If the components becomes wet, full thermal
relative humidity for five days results in efficiency is restored on drying out. Care
moisture absorption of less than 0.2% by should be taken to keep the foil dry, to avoid
volume. staining.
Therma wool'" Form er ly CSR Glasswool

C132 Glasswool Data Sheet

Product Description Thennawool CT32 Glasswool is made
from a random felting of glasswool
bonded with a thermosetting resin . The
resulting high density insulation is a light
golden colour with high compression
resistance and excellent thermal

Applications Thermawool CT32 Gla sswool has been installation it delivers long lasting
designed as a thermal and acoustic lining for all performance.
airconditioning ductwork . It provides ease of
handl ing and excellent resistance to damage so Detailed installation instruct ion for CT32 are
that both during and after available from all Thermawool sales office.

Standard Sizes and Density 32

Packaging Thickness mm 25,30,40,50,75

Size rom 1200X2300

Note : Not all products are available as stock items. Contact Thermawool Insulation office for
stock availabilities, minimum order quantities and lead times.
Standard Packaging is a carton. Nominal weight per25rom thickness is 0.80kglm •

Factory Applied Facings Standard factory applied facings are available. needs of the application . Please contact your
Various grades of Thermofoil as well as plain nearest Thermawool sales offices with your
glass tissue can be adhered to CT32 to meet the requirements.

Maximum Service Maximum service temperature 350°C


Thermal Conductivity X Mean Temperature

Thermal Conductivity 0.034W/mk at20°Cmean
The thermal conductivity of CT32 varies with
the mean temperature of the insulation as
shown in the graph. The curve is based on 0 .08 f----+----+--+--.....L..-----j
measurements made in accordance with
AS2464 Parts 5 and 6. 0.06 f----+---+---::lIr---+-----j

0.04 f----+::.",~--+---+-----j

0.02 L...-_....L.._----l._ _..L-_---'-_----J

o 50 100 150 200 250

Mean Temperature (OC)
C132 Glasswool

Fire Resistance When tested in accordance with AS 1530 Part Ignitability o

3-1989, CT32 Glasswool has the following fire Spread of Flame o
Properties indices: Heat Evolved o
Smoke Developed o

Corrosion Resistance CT32 Glasswool is faintly alkaline and will not When tested in accordance with BS3958 Part­
corrode steel. To maintain this condition, 1986. Therrnawool Glasswool has a pH of7.5 ­
protection must be prov ided against 8.0.
contamination from external sources.

Moisture Resistance Exposure to an atmosphere of 50·C and 95% If the insulation becomes wet, full thermal
relative humidity for four days results in efficiency will be restored on drying out.
moisture absorption of less than 0.2% by

Sound Absorption Thermawool CT32 Glasswool exhibits rtbe Measurement of Absorption Coeffic ients in a
following sound absorption coefficients wfren Reverberation Room' (Mounting No. 4- Laid
tested in accordance withAS 1045-1971 flat on floor);

Thickness Facing Frequency (Hz)

(rom) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 5000 NRC
50 Nil 0.27 0.75 1.12 1.12 1.07 1.04 1.03 1.01
50 Perforated Foil 0.39 0.72 1.14 1.19 1.05 0.98 0.90 1.02
75 Nil 0.52 0.94 1.24 1.13 1.06 1.09 1.02 1.09

Compression Resistance
Thermawool CT32 Glasswool is a resilient *60

insulation material which readily recovers to its VI

nominal thickness after the removal ofa normal ~ 50

compressive load. When tested in accordance ~ ~
~ 40 .....
w ith ASTM C165-1983 . Measuring
Compressive Properties of Thermal Insulation, ~ 30
CT32 Glasswool compresses under load as
~ ~
shown in the graph. .S 20 'f"
~ 10
~ 0 o./ 2 3 4 5 6 7
Compressive Loading (kPa)
Therma wool?' Formerly CSR Glasswool

C148 Glasswool Data Sheet

Product Description Thermawool CT48 Glasswool is an
insulation manufactured from glasswool
bonded with a thermosetting resin that
delivers superior thermal acoustic

Applications Thennawool CT48 Glasswool is designed for attenuation due to its higher density and rigid
the insulation of heating , air conditioning and properties.
cooling ducting systems that require a higher
thermal and acoustic performance than
standard insulation products, CT48 Glasswool
delivers superior, sound absorption and

Standard Sizes and Density 48

Packaging Thickness mm 25,30,40,50,75

Size mm 1200X2300

Note: Not all products are available as stock items. Contact Thennawool Insulation office for
stock availabilities, minimum order quantities and lead times.
Standard Packaging is a carton . Nominal weight per 25mm thickness is1.2kglm'.

Factory Applied Facings Standard factory applied facings are available. needs of the application. Please contact your
Various grades of Thennofoil as well as plain nearest Thennawool sales offices with your
glass tissue can be adhered to CT48 to meet the requirements.

Thermal Conductivity X Mean Temperature

Thermal Conductivity 0.033W/rnk at 20°C mean 0.08
The thermal conductivity of CT48 Glasswool W/mk
varies with the mean temperature of the 0.07
insulation as shown in the graph . The curve is ~
based on measurements made in accordance
with AS2464 Parts 5 and 6.

~ v
...... ~

o 50 100 150 200 250

Mean Temperature (OC)

C148 Glasswool

Fire Resistance When tested in accordance with AS 1530 Part Ignitability o

3-1989, CT48 Glasswool has the following fire Spread ofFlame o
Properties indices: Heat Evolved o
Smoke Developed o

Corrosion Resistance CT48 Glasswool is faintly alkaline and will not When tested in accordance with BS3958 Part­
corrode steel. To maintain this condit ion, 1986. Thermawool Glasswool has a pH of7.5­
protection must be prov ided ag a inst 8.0.
contamination from external source s.

Moisture Resistance Exposure to an atmosphere of 50°C and 95% If the insulation becomes wet, full thermal
relative humidity for four days results in efficiency will be restored on drying out.
moisture absorption of less than 0.2% by
volume .

Sound Absorption Thermawool CT48 Glasswool exhib its the Measurement of Absorption Coefficients in a
following sound absorption coefficients when Reverberation Room' (Mounting No. 4- Laid
tested in accordance withAS 1045-1971 flat on floor);

Thickness Facing Frequency (Hz)

(mm) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 5000 NRC
50 Nil 0.34 0.65 1.23 1.11 1.08 1.02 0.98 1.02
50 Perforated Foil 0.69 1.19 1.15 1.09 1.03 0.92 0.90 1.11

Compression Resistance
Thermawool CT48 Glasswool is a resilient --.
~ 70
insulation material which readily recovers to its

nominal thickness after the removal of a normal 60

compressive load. When tested in accordance ~~ 1/
with ASTM C 165-1983. Measuring
Compressive Properties of Thermal Insulation , iii 40
CT48 Glasswool compresses under load as
~ 30
shown in the graph .
.S 20
c: ~
:2 ~

i o /
o 5 10 15 20 25 30
Compressive Loading (kPa)
Therma wool'" Formerly CSR GlasslVool

KT32 Glasswool Data Sheet

Product Description Thermawool KT32 Glasswool is made
from glasswool bonded with a
thermosetting resin. The resulting high
density insulation is a light golden colour
with high compression resistance and
excellent thermal performance

Applications Thermawool KT32 Glasswool has been installation it delivers long lasting
designed as a thermal and acoustic insulation performance.
for all airconditioning ductwork. It provides
ease of handling and excellent resistance to Detailed installation instruction for KT32 are
damage so that both during and after available from all Thermawool sales office.

Standard Sizes and Density Thickness Size(mm) Form

Packaging 32 25 20mX 1200 Blanket

32 25 30mX 1200 Blanket
32 30 20mX 1200 Blanket
32 30 30mX 1200 Blanket
32 40 15mX 1200 Blanket
32 50 15mX 1200 Blanket
32 75 7.5mX 1200 Blanket

Note: Not all products are available as stock items. Contact Thermawool Insulation office for
stock availabilities, minimum order quantities and lead times .
Standard Packaging for blankets is a polythene bag. Nominal weight per 25mrn thickness is
0.80kglm •

Factory Applied Facings Standard factory applied facings are available. needs of the application. Please contact your
Various grades of Thennofoil as well as plain nearest Thermawool sales offices with your
glass tissue can be adhered to KT32 to meet the requirements.

Maximum Service . Maximum service temperature 350°C


Fire Resistance When tested in accordance with AS 1530 Part Ignitability o

3-1989, KT32 Glasswool has the following fire Spread of Flame o
Properties indices: Heat Evolved o
Smoke Developed o
KT32 Glasswool

Thermal Conductivity X Mean Temperature

Thermal Conductivity 0.034 WImk at 20°Cmean
The thermal conductivity of CT32 varies with
the mean temperature of the insulation as
shown in the graph. The curve is based on 0.08
measurements made in accordance with
AS2464 Parts 5 and 6. 0.06 I----t---r-----:#'---I----l

0.04 I----+:~E:-I---+---r.----l

0.02 '--_---'-_ _'--_---'-_ _L . - _ - '

o 50 100 150 200 250
Mean Temperature (OC)

Corrosion Resistance KT32 Glasswool is faintly alkaline and will not When tested in accordance with BS3958 Part­
corrode steel. To maintain this condition, 1986. Thennawool Glasswool has a pH of7 .5 ­
protection must be provided against 8.0.
contamination from external sources .

Moisture Resistance Exposure to an atmosphere of 50°C and 95% If the insulation becomes wet, fulI thermal
relative humidity for four days results in efficiency wilI be restored on drying out.
moisture absorption of less than 0.2% by

Sound Absorption Thennawool KT32 Glasswool exhibits the Measurement of Absorption Coefficients in a
folIowing sound absorption coefficients when Reverberation Room' (Mounting No. 4- Laid
tested in accordance withAS 1045-1971 flat on floor);

Thickness Facing Frequency (Hz)

(mm) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 5000 NRC
50 Nil 0.27 0.75 1.12 1.12 1.07 1.04 1.03 1.01
50 Perforated Foil 0.39 0.72 1.14 1.19 1.05 0.98 0.90 1.02
75 Nil 0.52 0.94 1.24 1.13 1.06 1.09 1.02 1.09

Compression Resistance Thennawool KT32 Glasswool is a resilient

insulation material which readily recovers to its
nominal thickness after the removal ofa normal
compressive load. When tested in accordance ~
with ASTM C 165-1983 . Measuring
Compressive Properties ofThennal Insulation, ~
K.T32 Glasswool compresses under load as ~ ~
shown in the graph. ",
./ 2 3 4 5 6 7
Compressive Loading (kPa)

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