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13. The term _______ refers to the computer's physical

components, such as the monitor, keyboard, memory chips,
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE and hard drive.
Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the A. Software C. Firmware
letter that corresponds to your answer. B. Hardware D. Output

14. The computer’s main circuit board is called a 

1. What electronic machine that follows a set of instructions A. Monitor C. Hard drive
in order that it may be able to accept and gather data and B. Motherboard D. System Unit
transform these into information?
A. Information Technology C. Input devices 15. Name the fastest type of computer that can perform
B. Computer D. Output device complex operations at very high speed.
A. Minicomputer C. Macro Computer
B. Supercomputer D. Mainframe
2. Whom do you think the father of modern computer?
A. Charles Babbage C. Aristo Jonson
B. Newton D. Luther 16. Which of the following is a storage device?
A. Hard Disk C. Floppy Disk
3. This is a component of a computer system that represents B. USB Disk D. All of the above
the skilled person who operates/ uses the computer sys-
17. An electronic tool that allows information to be input, pro-
tem. cessed, and output is called _______________. 
A. CPU C. People ware A. Operating system C. Computer
B. System case D. Software B. Motherboard D. CPU

4. What part of the computer system that is used to cover or 18. Name the brain of the computer that does the calculation,
protect the motherboard? moving, and processing of information. 
A. Microphone C. Mouse A. CPU C. Motherboard
B. System Case D. Monitor B. RAM D. Hard Drive

5. Which line do you use to connect to the internet? 19. What device that is used to display applications and
A. Phone Line C. Ethernet programs installed in the computer?
B. Mouse D. Motherboard A. Monitor C. CPU
B. Computer Microphone D. Speaker
6. What do you use to type?
A. Mouse C. ROM 20. Which of the following functions is performed by the
B. Keyboard D. CPU computers CPU?
A. Provide different voltage power to hardware components
7. What do you use to click stuff? B. Storing information while the computer is powered down
A. RAM C. Keyboard C. Performing all internal calculations
B. CPU D. Mouse D. Displaying information to the user
8. What do you do if your computer dies/malfunctions?
21. Part of a computer that allows a user to put information
A. Reboot (Restart)
into the computer is called ______________. 
B. Shut Down
A. Output Device C. Operating System
C. Recovery CD and Recover your system
B. Software D. Input Device
D. Call a person to fix it
22. The physical parts of a computer are termed as
9. What do you call a portable computer?
A. Laptop C. RAM
A. Hardware C. Disk Drive
B. Bookshop D. CPU
B. Hard Drive D. Software
10. A ____________ is a pointing device used to move a
23. Parts of a computer that allow the user to see or hear in-
pointer on the screen and to make selections.
formation that comes out from the computer are called
A. Keyboard C. Mouse
B. Processor D. Monitor
A. Software C. Output Device
B. Input Device D. Operating System
11. The ______________ is an output device which
produces output on paper.
24. Another name for computer programs is
A. Monitor C. Printer
B. Keyboard D. Mouse
A. Software C. Input Devices
B. RAM D. Hardware
12. The term _____________ refers to the set of instructions
that directs the hardware in a computer to accomplish a task.
25. A monitor is an
A. Input C. Hardware
A. Input Device C. Processing Device
B. Output D. Software
B. Output Device D. Storage Device
26. How do you turn off the computer?
A. Unplug the computer. 39. To paste an item you use
B. Click the "Start Menu" Button, then Shut Down. A. Ctrl – V C. Ctrl - Z
C. Turn off the monitor and CPU.
B. Ctrl – C D. Ctrl - F
D. Shut down the computer

40. The ___________________ is the brain of the computer

27. Which type of hardware device that permits or give A. BIOS
instructions to the computer user to communicate with the B. CPU
system? C. Video card
A. Storage device C. Utility Programs D. Network card
B. Output device D. Input device

28. Which of the following devices that can hold documents,

pictures, music, videos, etc.?
B. Printer D. System Case

29. What device that is used to hear sounds or music? II. IDENTIFICATION
A. Computer Microphone C. Speaker Direction: Identify the name of the different parts of the
B. CPU D. Keyboard computer system. Answers are already provided inside the
30. What type of media or devices that store very large
amounts of data for extended periods of time?
A. Storage device C. Utility Programs
B. Output device D. Input device
31. What do you call the numbers placed on the right side of
Microphone USB
the keyboard?
Speaker Hard drive
A. Function Keys C. Navigation Keys
B. Numeric Keypad D. Typewriter Keys
System Case Computer
Monitor Mouse
Keyboard Motherboard
32. What keyboard key that is used to give spaces between
the words?
A. Tab key C. Shift key
B. Caps lock D. Space Key

33. Keyboard key that is used for deleting text.

A. Arrow key C. Delete key
B. Function key D. Navigation keys

34. Another keyboard key that is used to type letters in capi-

tal case.
A. Tab key C. Shift key
B. Caps lock D. Space Key

35. Keyboard keys are used to navigate through documents

and websites.
A. Arrow key C. Delete key
B. Function key D. Navigation keys

36. What are the two steps in starting a computer?

A. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del
B. Using the mouse to select "Start"
C. Pressing the power buttons on both the computer and
the monitor
D. Double-clicking the Internet Explorer Icon

37. The CPU is placed on a printed circuit board called

A. Punch card
B. Electronic card
C. Motherboard
D. System Case

38. The quick key command to copy something is

A. Ctrl – V C. Ctrl - Z
B. Ctrl – C D. Ctrl – F

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