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English - A2 - B1 - Reading Practice PDF

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Reading Comprehension
Written Examination Reading Comprehension and Language Elements ( 90 minutes)

1 Reading Comprehension ( Part 1)

Read the five texts, items 1–5. Then read the headlines a–j. Decide which headline a–j
goes best with which text. Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1–5.

Work and homework do not go together

Choose a job according to your interests

c) Clothes shops offer good job opportunities

Computer firms are a good place to get a job

e) Make sure the money is right

f) Never let your parents find the job for you

Open your own business

Sometimes jobs are right under your nose

i) The right clothes increase your chances

Be ready to work when the boss needs you

Eng(B1)S-Mock Examination 1

Reading Comprehension

Written Examination
Reading Comprehension and Language Elements ( 90 minutes)


Leo Martin works with his mother at her

bakery. The 15-year-old helps out in the
kitchen making bread and also works
behind the counter as a cashier. Leo’s 2.
job doesn’t interfere with his homework
Stacey Ellis applied to the County Office last year and hoped
since he only works on weekends and
for a summer job in a library, park or day care center. The
during school vacations. Leo offers
14-year-old was turned down because she was too young,
this advice to teens searching for jobs:
but they called her back the next year. She wore a buttoned-
“Be prepared to be flexible with your
down shirt and a skirt to the interview and was surprised that
hours and be responsible. Sometimes
other teens didn‘t do the same. “I dressed up for it. I wanted
employers don’t have a choice with the
to impress them. But some teens just wore regular things like
times they can offer you to work.”
jeans and T-shirts,” Stacey says. “I say dress to impress and
have a good attitude.”


Nicholas Hassan decided to start his own dog walking service.

But first he had to get the word out about his new business. The
18-year-old got help from a computer firm to create colourful
brochures, business cards and refrigerator magnets for “Hassan‘s
Dog Walking Service”. The brochures included his address, phone
number, available hours and rates. Hassan charged $1.50 for a ­
10-minute walk around the block, $5 for a 45-minute stroll with
one dog and $10 for an hour long walk with two dogs. Then with
all the literature in hand, Hassan distributed it to his neighbours.

Brittany works behind the counter making
espressos and other refreshments at Café
Puccino and the Hollywood Coffee Shop, two
restaurants in City Walk. She enjoys her job
and can eat cheesecake all day, which is one 5.
of the many perks of working there, Brittany
said. Tina Washington earns a few pounds each week
Before that, she worked at Pacific Sunwear without setting foot behind a counter. She baby-sits
and Z Gallery, two shops found in local for her sister’s baby, Tamara. The 15-year-old didn’t
shopping centres. She’s attracted to jobs actually seek employment, though. She says that the
inside shopping centres because of all the job found her. “It started out as me finding out what
different people there. She enjoys talking to it would be like to have a baby,” Tina said.
people and working in malls and she can do Her mother quickly recognised Tina’s gentle touch
that all day long, Brittany said. She got her with the baby and recommended that she baby-
first job through her father at Premiere Radio sit on a regular basis. Tina’s sister took her up on
Networks. She worked there two summers in the offer, so Tina has been sitting for Tamara ever
a row. since. Jessica Jain, another teenager, also found a
Brittany offers this advice to teens: “Don‘t convenient way to earn money through baby-sitting.
go somewhere you‘re bored. The money The 14-year-old had some help finding the job, and
won‘t keep you content. If you don‘t have now she often sits for her neighbours. “My mom is
a positive outlook on it, you shouldn‘t be friends with my neighbour, so that’s how I got my
there.” job,” Jessica said.

Eng(B1)S-Mock Examination 1
Reading Comprehension
Written Examination Reading Comprehension and Language Elements ( 90 minutes)

1 Reading Comprehension ( Part 3 )

First read the ten situations (11–20) and then read the advertisements (a–l). Decide which
text goes best with which situation. Each text can be used only once. Mark your answers
on the answer sheet (11–20).

In some cases there may be no suitable text. Then mark x.

11. You would like to invite some friends to your place and eat some Indian food.

12. You would like to do an English course from your computer at home.

13. You have promised your family to eat out with them if you can go to a restaurant
where they serve Chinese food.

14. You need someone to help you fix your computer.

15. You would like to take an English course with people of your age.

16. You use the Internet a lot and would like to pay a fixed price no matter how much you use it.

17. You would like to watch a film while eating at a restaurant.

18. You and your friends want to go out to drink coffee or eat a small meal.

19. You are looking for somewhere you can eat as much as you want at a fixed price.

20. You would like to do an English course on holiday in Great Britain and you do not eat meat.

Eng(B1)S-Mock Examination 1
Reading Comprehension

Written Examination
Reading Comprehension and Language Elements ( 90 minutes)

a b c

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Eng(B1)S-Mock Examination 1

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