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Is Extra Cash Worth The Hassle?: Progress Test 5

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Teacher Date Evaluation

Read the following text carefully.

Is extra cash worth

the hassle?
Time. It's something few of us ever have enough of. We're
constantly following strict schedules, and unfortunately, our
jobs, school, work, sports, clubs and other activities take away
from what used to be "family time."
Recently, when my maths teacher asked how many of us have 5

part-time jobs, it became apparent that those who don't are a

minority. It's almost become an expected part of our lives. There
are few who haven't heard, "So when are you going to find
yourself a job?"
The fact is, most teens want to work, even though many can't 10

stand their jobs. Money means being able to have fun… money
means being able to go out when you want…
This year has been very different, because my brother and I both got part-time jobs
over the summer. I'm a cashier at a grocery store, and he washes dishes. Both jobs pay
slightly more than the minimum wage. If I'm not working, then he is, and if we're free, 15

one of our parents is at a meeting or we're out with friends. We're constantly on the go.
Last week, my family sat down at the dinner table, together. I looked at everyone and
said, "Wow, this is the first time we've eaten together in over a month!" I thought it
was a little sad, because this was something we used to do almost every night. That
time spent sitting at the dinner table sharing our days is now used to fit the puzzle 20

pieces of our busy lives together.

Since being employed has become expected of teens, American families are being
pulled apart. Jobs take away time that could be spent with family. Although many
teens don't want to admit it, their parents and family are probably the most influential
and important people in their lives. Teens may not always want to listen, but the truth 25

is that most of the time, they're right.

Don't get me wrong; having a job does have positive aspects. For example, teens learn
how to satisfy customers' needs and how to cooperate with employers and co-workers,
things that cannot be learned in a classroom. However, I don't think teens should
work until their senior year of high school. There are other priorities until then – 30

school work and family time.

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Nicole A – Williamsville, NY (abridged) –

senior high school (l. 30) – (also senior high) (in the US) a school for young people between the ages of 14 and 18
Say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. American teens lead a very busy life.

2. Most young people work because they love their jobs.

3. Both Nicole and her brother earned high salaries.

4. Nicole’s family have dinner together every night.

5. She misses dinner time when the whole family talked about their days.

6. Only older students should have a job.

Read the text again and circle the best option in the context.
1. hassle (title)
a) argument
b) trouble
c) problem
2. strict schedules (l. 2)
a) very exact and clearly
defined timetables
b) demanding rules
c) stressed lifestyles
3. can’t stand (ll. 10/11)
a) don’t much like
b) have to sit down at
c) hate
4. grocery store (l. 14)
a) grocer’s
b) supermarket
c) mall
5. slightly (l. 15)
a) few
b) little
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c) a little
Check your general understanding of the text by answering these questions.
1. Is it common for American teenagers to have part-time jobs? Support your answer
with a quotation from the text.

2. In what way does working part-time affect American families?

3. What are the advantages of having a part-time job?

What do these people do for a living? Write the name of each job.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

What do these people do? Write complete sentences.
1. An architect
2. A veterinarian
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3. A pilot
4. A dressmaker
Write down nouns formed from these words.
1. employ 4. punctual
2. operate 5. happy
3. archaeology 6. agree

Complete these sentences with the past perfect simple or continuous.
1. She got a job in New York after she (move) from Dallas.
2. Nicole (write) two magazine articles by teatime.
3. How long (she / work) before she got a rest?
4. They (wait) for half an hour when the bus finally arrived.
5. We went back home at six. We (study) all day.
6. They (just / have) breakfast when the phone rang.

Complete with the gerund or the infinitive (with or without to).
1. I’m interested in (learn) a foreign language.
2. I’m glad (see) you.
3. Most people enjoy (travel) abroad.
4. Her boss doesn’t allow her (use) the telephone.
5. She is too young (choose) a career.
6. He makes me (laugh) all the time.

Combine the two sentences into one by using a relative pronoun. Omit the
pronoun whenever possible.
1. She is a writer. I admire her articles.
2. The woman is my teacher. She came to the cinema with us.
3. We live in a big flat. It’s not far from the city centre.
4. This is the nice girl. I met her in New York.

© Areal Editores

What’s your dream job and why? Write about 100 words on the subject.

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