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Streifeneder Catalogue Machines and Tools-Comp PDF

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ortho production

Machines & Tools


ortho.production GmbH

Project Manager
Alexandra Jochum

Dennis Sens

Typography / Graphic Arts

Carola Kerber

Peter Czajka

Sabine Knobloch
Monika Jones

Gotteswinter und Aumaier GmbH

This catalogue is protected by copyright.

Reproduction of the complete catalogue, even in abstracts, in any form or by any means,
is only permitted with explicit written authorisation of the Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH.

The indicated measurements and weights are guide values without obligation.
Slight deviations in construction, shape, colour or scope of supply may occur.
Products are subject to change without prior notice after press date of this catalogue, 2020-08-20.

Our general terms and conditions apply; they can be viewed anytime at

• History...................................................................................................................4 – 5
• Quality is our Claim.............................................................................................. 6 – 7
• Contact.......................................................................................................................7
• Development & Production..................................................................................8 – 9
• Streifeneder Training Centre..............................................................................10 – 11
• Workshop Planning...........................................................................................12 – 14
• Patient & Care Area...........................................................................................15 – 22
• Workshop Equipment........................................................................................23 – 46
• Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling....................................................................47 – 62
• Orthopaedic Shoe Technology...........................................................................63 – 92
• Silicone Processing...........................................................................................93 – 110
• Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology............................................111 – 146
• Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology.........................................................147 – 166
• Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines............................................................167 – 232
• Dust Extractors..............................................................................................233 – 260
• Electric Tools..................................................................................................261 – 278
• Tools..............................................................................................................279 – 342
• Working Safety Gear.....................................................................................343 – 354
• Little ABC‘s of Orthopaedics..........................................................................355 – 361
• Explanation of Symbols........................................................................................... 363
• Index.............................................................................................................364 – 370
• Directory........................................................................................................372 – 377

1928 The Streifeneder firm is set up by Lilli and Friedrich Georg Streifeneder in Mannheim.

1929 The first patent is applied for.

1931 The property in Schöngeisinger Straße in Fürstenfeldbruck is purchased.

1932 The first orthopaedic workshop is fitted out in Fürstenfeldbruck near Munich.

1945 Further orthopaedic workshops are set up to cater for war invalids.

1949 The orthopaedic workshop starts up at the Bad Tölz Hospital.

1953 The Munich site is opened. The wholesale business is expanded.

1968 The plastics, Streifylen and Streifylast, are launched along with the requisite heat sources.

1992 A production site is set up in Hungary to manufacture plastic products in small series.

1993 The production and distribution division expands further. Move to the new company premises
in Emmering, just outside Munich.

1995 Export activities are stepped up.

1997 Takeover of Maschinen-Schmid, the world market leader in socket router machinery.

1998 The product range is extended by the prosthetics product division.

1999 Traditional in-house production is extended and the product spectrum expanded by modular
components. “Everything from a single source“ – with our very own department for workshop
planning we can now help to realize our clients´ wishes even better.

2001 The new site in Emmering is extended by further storage space to 6,000 qm.

2004 Establishment of distribution structure in China.

2007 Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH is set up as an independent subsidiary.

2009 Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH exports to more than 100 countries.

Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH wins the “red dot design award“ for the knee joint
2010 A new building is purchased for Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH in Emmering.

2011 Opening of the branch Streifeneder India, located in Gurgaon/Haryana.

Establishment of distribution structures in Latin America.

Relocation of Streifeneder ortho.production to the new building with modern training and education-,
logistics- and administration centre.

Foundation of Streifeneder Training Centre in Emmering.

2012 Grand opening of Streifeneder Training Centre, with focus on national and international markets.
Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH wins the “red dot design award“ for the therapeutic shoe Pluto.

2013 The US-American distribution partner Euro International, located in Tampa/Florida, is integrated in the
company as Streifeneder USA.

2014 Streifeneder group receives a new corporate design with new company logo.

2017 New partner and distributor BroadBay launches distribuion in United States and Canada.

2018 Development of prosthetic feet and

Florian Streifeneder joins the management as Member of the Executive Board.
Quality is our Claim

We are convinced that only constant technical

Despite the rapid development of the export
innovation and development is the key to a steady
business within the last years and the opening up
improvement of products and optimal patient care. We
of new markets such as China, we still value
apply high standards to be able to offer each of our
Germany as our location to do business.
clients exactly those high-quality products he requires.
We are proud of the quality standard “Made in
Each of our products is subject to a continuous quality
Germany” and even in times of a continuously
planning, quality control, quality monitoring and
increasing cost pressure and growing competition
quality improvement. In order to be able to satisfy even
due to globalization, we still produce predomi-
most individual customer requirements and also in
nantly in Germany.
order to close product-related gaps in the market, it is
essential to have our own production series with large
lot sizes, but to also offer products with very individual
unit numbers.

Quality management
More than eighty years of experience, as well as the certified quality manage-
ment system we introduced in 1998 according to EN ISO 13485 to ensure
highest quality level. This quality management system is applied to all business
divisions. Especially our product development division makes sure that the high
level of quality is not only maintained but steadily increased. Thus, we ensure
that we always meet the raising demands of our clients in terms of product
development, manufacturing and safety.

Increasing globalisation and changing international security and safety

conditions have motivated the World Customs Organisation (WCO) to draft
a „Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade“ (SAFE) to
establish a global framework for modern and effective risk management of
customs compliances. The aim is to guarantee the security and safety of a continual international supply chain
from the product manufacturer to the end consumer. The concept of European Authorised Economic Operator
is an EU Customs security programme that started in 2007 and recognises companies as reliable trade partners
as they met the following common criteria: customs compliance, appropriate record-keeping, financial solvency
and, where relevant, appropriate security and safety standards.

Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH, as a globally operating company, has met the challenge and is proud to
announce that it has been granted Authorised Economic Operator (AEO-F) certification by German customs in
January, 2013, which officially regards the company as a reliable trade partner. The certificate number is
DE AEO-F 115235.
On the basis of the EC Regulation 300/2008, we received the status of a known consignor by the LBA
(Federal Office of Civil Aviation) in November 2013. We are listed in the EC database with approval number
DE/KC01882-01/1118. Because of this we obtain a valuable time savings when processing our air freight.
Due to the high standards in our factory at Emmering the consignments do not have to be subject to further
security checks at the airport.
Because of this we can do even better at achieving our goal that you receive our products as quickly as possible.
An important part of our delivery time concept and a valuable time saver. Part of our comprehensive safety
concept is that our company is protected against entry by unauthorized persons and keep our shipments to you
received the highest security and packaging standards. With this we contribute our share in building a secure
supply chain.

Contacting us

Communication is a must in a working relationship. Your personal contact to our staff members in the internal
sales department as well as our field service is the base of our successful collaboration.
It is our goal to react swiftly and efficiently to all of your wishes, to answer all of your questions and to keep all
of the promises we make for our products. Please contact us!

Via our general office switchboard at

+49 8141 6106-0 your call will be directed to
the staff member in charge. Of course,
you can also send your request by email to
Development & Production

Experience technology, create technology, utilize technology - keep track of development and concentrate
synergies. It is a vital part of our companys‘ philosophy to continually optimize our operational procedures and
production processes. This is why we define the economic growth of our company by our perpetual increase in
production efficiency. The creativity, the commitment and the special professional skills of each of our members
of staff, as well as our state-of-the-art production facilities are our guarantor for satisfied customers.

Our equipment in terms of up-to-date drawing programs (3D-CAD), simulation software (FEM-calculation) to
the point of multi-axial machining centers helps our engineers and orthopaedic technicians to assure and further
expand our market position.
We subject ourselves and our products to highest
quality standards. Therefore our products undergo
constant internal quality testing in our own test
stands and gait analysis systems.
Therefore our customers receive exactly what they
can expect from us - best quality and long-lasting
See the quality of our products and the compre-
hensive service that we have to offer for yourself!
Training Centre Streifeneder

In order to stay competitive and in order to meet the growing requirements of the patients, it is no longer
enough to just use high quality orthopaedic products. Profound practical skills on the basis of current scientific
research and findings creates optimal conditions to always react competently and confidently in daily practice.
In order to convey valuable expertise as well as detailed knowledge to specialists in orthopaedic and
orthopaedic shoe technology as well as physiotherapy and podiatry, we have originated the Training Centre
Streifeneder in Emmering.
A spacious auditorium (AudiMax) with 160 seats and a fully equipped workshop with 15 work stations, a machi-
ne room as well as a patient fitting room and a plaster room on approx. 1.000 sqm offer more than optimal con-
ditions for a qualified advanced and continuous education on the highest level. Modern tools such as multimedia
equipment, a fully equipped gait analysis laboratory, course materials and teaching aids that meet the demands
of our clients are also part of our standards.
Our meticulously elaborated seminar program
You can download our current seminar calendar
comprehends more than 50 events per year centered
with further information about all of our
around topics such as silicone processing, pre-preg
seminars from our website at
processing, synthetic materials or gait analysis. With a
flexible program planning on our part, we are also able
Of course, we will also gladly send it to you by
to react to individual customer´s wishes and to offer
post or email. Please feel free to contact us at:
seminars about special subjects upon request. or
In order to guarantee an array of seminars that is as
by telephone +49 8141 6106-200.
broad as possible we regularly invite high-carat
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
external guest lecturers to our training centre
Workshop Planning

The basics of modern business and workshop premises follow the same principles as an inviting home.
The object respektive the building should appear bright and quiet, in order to give the customer an impression of
“you are in good hands with us”.
As it is not enough anymore to be known just for excellent workmanship, today’s focus is on offering allround
service to the customer. This starts for example with easy access to the facility by public transportation and
sufficient parking space to help avoid long and time-consuming journeys. Another important criterion for many
customers is a barrier-free access.
A friendly and clean ambience will give the customer a sense of professionalism and routine in all business rooms
such as the sales area and fitting area. The customer should feel comfortable and be happy to come back again.
The central part of the premises – the workshop area – should be also integrated into the overall concept and be
considered as extension of the sales- and fitting area.
We will be happy to assist you to plan your administration- and staff rooms as well. These constitute a basis for
satisfied employees which in consequence are fundamental for excellent customer service.
As an international comprehensive supplier, we know
what is needed and therefore are able to offer you
competent service from one source. We will be
pleased to assist you to consider all requirements and
to find a customised solution for your company.
From preparation and execution of the planning task
(supported by modern software such as AutoCAD for
optimal visualisation) up to supply and installation of
our machines and equipment – we are looking
forward to your inquiry!

Following up, we have worked out a short check-list

in order to help you at the beginning of
your plans to create your first own concept.
Just call +49 (0) 8141 6106-0 or write an email to to receive the complete checklist.
Workshop Planning – Checklist

1. Floor Space Utilisation and Allocation

As a first step, a plan for optimal floor space allocation must be developed. However, following considerations
usually apply for all orthopaedic technology companies
• Local building regulations
• Legal workplace regulations with directives for dust removal, air supply and ventilation, noise pollution
and lighting
• Legal regulations for fire protection, environment protection and health protection
• Construction adapted to the needs of disabled persons
2. Finding a Building
When you are looking for a proper building, you should bear following in mind
• Stairs and elevators
• Existing installations for electricity, gas, heating, water and waste water
• Load capacity of each floor
• Parking space
• Barrier-free restrooms as well as accessibility
• Adjoining rooms and storage space
3. Corporate Structure
The business structures must be considered under the aspect of the special facts applying to orthopaedic techno-
logy, as these influence the plans considerably and should be taken into account due to the longevity of the object
• Number of employees relating to room size; machinery- and workshop equipment
• Proportional division of business fields such as the challenging range of prosthetics and orthotics; small
or thopaedic tasks such as shoe inserts; or clinical orthopaedics etc.
• Division into orthopaedic technology, orthopaedic shoe technology, health products shop and
rehabilitation aids
• Patient structure and expected changes
• Cooperation with hospitals resp. medical specialists
4. Planning the Rooms
The individual room plans must fulfil today’s ergonomic requirements. The floor plan details are determined by
the working procedures within the shop and the functional areas as well as orthopaedic technology specialities,
for example
• Determination of required and existing electric voltages
• Placement of equipment, machines, work benches and their specific connections
• Installations of electricity, compressed air, water, waste water, telephone system, illumination etc.
• Floor construction and floor coverings for the different rooms according to intended use
• Casting room: grid plate in the tiled area, plaster separator, plaster sink
• Short walking distance to the fitting area
• Short walking distance to the machinery area
• Separation of the noise- resp. dirt zone from the patient area
• Separation of the dust suction device
Patient & Care Area
Patient & Care Area
Patient & Care Area

The patient area is the business card of your company. This is where you
On the following pages, we
have the chance to create a generally positive mood for your patients
would like to introduce to you
by means of a comfortable atmosphere. At the same time, functional
a wide range of our products.
furnishing will increase the workflow efficiency and meet the require-
We are looking forward to
ments of organisational and practical constraints. We will help you to
change your patient area to
join patient-suitable functionality with visually attractive design in your
a room with distinctive
company colours in order to optimally present your company.
feel-at-home flair.
Our diversified standard program is the basis to meet your personal
wishes and requirements. Of course, individualised custom-made
versions are part of our offer in the range of examination couches
and chairs.
Patient & Care Area

Examination Couch
• with white imitation leather
• frame made of square tube
• upholstery, D = 50 mm
• head section adjustable +40°
• with paper roll holder

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1950 x 650 x 680 mm
• max. body weight: 225 kg
• weight: 34 kg net


Cover Paper for roll holder, white, 2 layers

• 590 mm width, 50 m length
• PU = 9 rolls

Features Item-No.
100 % pulp paper, 2 layers white 570P4/59

picture similar

Cover Paper for roll holder

• for item 140M5, 500 mm width, 45 m length
• PU = 9 rolls
• Characteristics: 100 % pulp paper, 2 layers white

570P4/50 17
Patient & Care Area

Examination Chair
• examination chair, platform step and holding bar mountable on left or right
• padded seat and backrest with synthetic cover
• frame coating in selectable RAL colour
• washable cover, selectable colour
• laminated platform top, selectable colour

Technical data
• height of foot platform: 460 mm
• total height incl. backrest: 1250 mm
• total width incl. step: 800 mm
• width without step: 600 mm
• total depth: 1000 mm

• frame: opal green RAL 6026, ocean blue RAL 5020, grey brown RAL 8019,
light green RAL 6027, white aluminum RAL 9006, black RAL 9005
• seat cover imitation leather: bengal red, dark green, grey, white, ocean blue,
• plastic coated platform tops: white, light grey, textured, beige

Version Weight Item-No.

without drawer 37 kg 140M8
with drawer 40 kg 140M8/1

When placing your order, please indicate the desired colours and
the side where the steps and the handrails should be placed.

Leg Rest
• for examination chair 140M8, stand-alone, upholstered, height adjustable
and lockable
• chrome-plated frame and star base, imitation leather support pad

Technical data
• height: 400 – 550 mm adjustable
• width: 350 mm
• weight: approx. 3 kg

• cover imitation leather: bengal red, dark green, grey, white, ocean blue,


Patient & Care Area

Measuring Chair with leg rest

• electromechanical, continuously adjustable height adjustment with 300 mm
lifting height
• rotatable and lockable seat with integrated adjustable leg rests
• platform height 400 mm, with drawer and storage compartment
• upon request with one or two lateral holding bars 140M9/1
• frame coating in selectable RAL colour
• washable cover, selectable colour
• laminated platform top, selectable colour

Technical data
• work and platform height: 400 mm
• total height incl. back rest: 1270 mm
• total width: 750 mm
• total depth: 1300 mm
• max. weight load: 150 kg
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,5 kW
• weight: 165 kg net

• frame: opal green RAL 6026, ocean blue RAL 5020, grey brown RAL 8019,
light green RAL 6027, white aluminum RAL 9006, black RAL 9005
• seat cover imitation leather: bengal red, dark green, grey, white, ocean blue,
• plastic coated platform tops: white, light grey, textured, beige


Please indicate the desired colours. Also available as a special

design with 40 or 50 cm height of stroke and a higher platform!

Lateral Support
without picture
• for examination chair 140M9


• for direct view and examination of the loaded foot soles, with 1 built-in
fluorescent tube 25 W, rastered glass plate, foot size measuring device with
adjustable goniometer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 600 x 450 x 330 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,025 kW
• weight: 12,5 kg net
• max. body weight: 150 kg

98P6 19
Patient & Care Area

Anatomical Chart
• 4-colour print, metal bar at top and bottom hanger
• length: 1000 mm, width: 700 mm

Anatomic chart Language Item-No.

human skeleton German 10P1/D
human skeleton English 10P1/E
upper extremities German 10P2/D
upper extremities English 10P2/E
lower extremities German 10P3/D
lower extremities English 10P3/E
muscular system German 10P4/D
muscular system English 10P4/E
human spine German 10P5/D
human spine English 10P5/E
nervous system German 10P6/D
nervous system English 10P6/E
vascular system German 10P7/D
vascular system English 10P7/E
healthy & diseased feet German 10P8/D
healthy & diseased feet English 10P8/E
ligaments & joints German 10P9/D
ligaments & joints English 10P9/E

Mockup Model
• detailed models of human skeletons, joints and extremities

Mockup model Item-No.

human skeleton 10P20
miniature human skeleton 10P25
spine and pelvis 10P30
foot skeleton 10P40
hip joint 10P45
knee joint 10P50
normal foot 10P60
flatfoot 10P61
contracted foot 10P62

Patient & Care Area

X-Ray Image Viewer

• powder-coated sheet steel casing, pure white RAL 9010
• LED technology, max. luminance approx. 2500 cd/sqm
• infinite brightness control adjustment, range approx. 95%
• 2 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph

Field of vision w x h Power Weight Item-No.

350 x 430 mm 18 W approx. 6 kg 145M10
700 x 430 mm 35 W approx. 15 kg 145M11
1050 x 430 mm 55 W approx. 23 kg 145M12

Parallel Bars
• steel construction
• height adjustable 640 – 1040 mm, with hole raster system
• walking trail width adjustable by shifting axis 0 – 590 mm
• with angled floor panels
• foldable for easy storage, when not in use
• max. patient weight: max. 135 kg

Length Weight Item-No.

4000 mm 49 kg net 145M3
2000 mm 28 kg net 145M3/S

Deviating lengths and versions as well as versions with ground

anchorage available upon request!
picture similar

Swivel Stool
• stool white imitation leather
• cover aluminum star base
• height adjustable 450 – 590 mm
• with step rollers

Weight Item-No.
9 kg net 140M6 21
Patient & Care Area

Sit Stand
• black coated, stepless height adjustment, GS-certified

Weight Item-No.
7 kg net 140M1

Workshop Equipment
Workshop Equipment
Workshop Equipment

The workshop is the centre piece of every orthopaedic technology company. The workshop equipment must
cover all economic, functional and technical requirements. Short distances and process optimisation are the most
important issues. Furthermore, a modern ergonomic working environment must meet the various demands for
work safety and accident prevention.
Of course, standard solutions are not always applicable! The main focus must be on each company with their
individual business field, employees and specific spatial requirements and to find an optimal concept for it.
For equipping a workshop, the aspects of quality
and longevity are the primary goals for us.
Therefore we cooperate with a large number of
reputable suppliers. A wide range of over 50 availa-
ble RAL-colours enables us to supply the workshop
equipment in your company colours. We would be
very pleased to find with you the unique solution for
your workshop.
You are welcome to contact us anytime!
Workshop Equipment

Work Bench
• bench top: 40 mm beech ply wood
• frame made of section steel and quality sheet metal
• drawer made of quality sheet metal
• aluminum ledge with label strip
• 1 drawer
• 1/2 shelf level

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 750 x 750 x 850 mm
• drawers‘ height: 120 mm
• drawers‘ inside dimensions W x D: 500 x 500 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 48 kg net


Work Bench
• bench top: 40 mm beech ply wood
• frame made of section steel and quality sheet metal
• drawer made of quality sheet metal
• aluminum ledge with label strip
• 1 drawer
• 1/2 shelf level

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1500 x 750 x 850 mm
• drawers‘ height: 120 mm
• drawers‘ inside dimensions W x D: 500 x 500 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 72 kg net


Work Bench
• bench top: 40 mm beech ply wood
• frame made of section steel and quality sheet metal
• drawer and wing door made of quality sheet metal
• aluminum ledge with label strip
• 1/2 shelf level

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1500 x 750 x 850 mm
• swing door height (right): 360 mm
• drawers‘ height (right): 120 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 86 kg net

93M4 27
Workshop Equipment

Work Bench
• bench top: 40 mm beech ply wood
• frame made of section steel and quality sheet metal
• drawer made of quality sheet metal
• aluminum ledge with label strip

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 2000 x 750 x 850 mm
• drawers‘ inside dimensions W x D: 500 x 500 mm
• drawers‘ height of left cabinet: 160, 160, 160 mm
• drawers‘ height of center cabinet: 120, 120, 120, 120 mm
• drawers‘ height of right cabinet: 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 191 kg net


Other models and colours available upon request!

Work Table
• bench top: 40 mm beech ply wood
• frame made of section steel and quality sheet metal
• drawer made of quality sheet metal
• aluminum ledge with label strip

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1500 x 750 x 850 mm
• drawers‘ inside dimensions W x D: 500 x 500 mm
• drawers‘ height: 80, 80, 120, 120, 160, 160 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 107 kg net


Other models and colours available upon request!

Work Table
• bench top: 40 mm beech ply wood
• frame made of section steel and quality sheet metal
• aluminum ledge with label strip

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1500 x 750 x 850 mm
• drawers‘ inside dimensions W x D: 500 x 500 mm
• drawers‘ height: 160, 160, 160 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 90 kg net


picture similar Other models and colours available upon request!

Workshop Equipment

Cutting Table
• bench top: 40 mm beech ply wood
• frame made of section steel and quality sheet metal
• drawers made of quality sheet metal
• aluminum ledge with label strip
• 2 drawers (1 x left side and 1 x right side)

Technical data
• drawers‘ inside dimensions W x D: 500 x 500 mm
94M1/1 • drawers‘ height: 120 mm
• compartment base, wood: 13 mm thickness
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

WxDxH Weight Item-No.

2000 x 750 x 850 mm 105 kg net 94M1/1
2000 x 1000 x 850 mm 130 kg net 94M1/2


Work Bench
• square steel tube legs 40 x 40 x 2 mm
• bench top: joggled and bonded, solid common beech wood
• drawers made of common beech wood
• 1 drawer on left side, 150 mm height
• 2 lockable drawers on right side, 55 mm height
• back shifted shelf

Technical data
• bench top size thickness x depth: 50 x 700 mm
• work height: 850 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

Bench top length Weight Item-No.

1500 mm 85 kg net 92M10/150
2000 mm 100 kg net 92M10/200

Work Bench
• square steel tube legs 40 x 40 x 2 mm
• bench top: joggled and bonded, solid common beech wood
• drawers made of common beech wood
• left side with 4 lockable drawers 100 mm high, and back shifted shelf

Technical data
• bench top size thickness x depth: 50 x 700 mm
• work height: 850 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

Bench top length Weight Item-No.

1500 mm 90 kg net 92M11/150
2000 mm 105 kg net 92M11/200 29
Workshop Equipment

Work Bench
• square steel tube legs 40 x 40 x 2 mm
• bench top: joggled and bonded, solid common beech wood
• drawers made of common beech wood
• left side with 3 lockable drawers 150 mm high, and 1 swing door right side

Technical data
• bench top size thickness x depth: 50 x 700 mm
• work height: 850 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

Bench top length Weight Item-No.

1500 mm 95 kg net 92M12/150
2000 mm 110 kg net 92M12/200

Work Bench
• square steel tube legs 40 x 40 x 2 mm
• bench top: joggled and bonded, solid common beech wood
• drawers made of common beech wood
• left side with 1 drawer 150 mm high and 1 cabinet 350 mm with swing
door and 2 lockable drawers on right side, 55 mm high

Technical data
• bench top size thickness x depth: 50 x 700 mm
• work height: 850 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

Bench top length Weight Item-No.

1500 mm 90 kg net 92M13/150
2000 mm 105 kg net 92M13/200

Tool Board
• perforated panel, reinforced reverse side, to mount on a work bench, comes
without tool pegs

Technical data
• height: 457 mm
• holes: 9,2 x 9,2 mm
• hole pitch: 38 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

Length Item-No.
1486 mm 93M11/1500
1981mm 93M11/2000

Workshop Equipment

Tool Clamp
• for tool board 93M11/1500 and 93M11/2000, with narrow base plate,
turnable pegs
• PU = 5 pieces

Diameter Item-No.
10 mm 93M15/10
16 mm 93M15/16
25 mm 93M15/25
32 mm 93M15/32

• for tool board 93M11/1500 and 93M11/2000, with narrow base plate, slope
end, Ø 6 mm
• PU = 5 pieces

WxDxH Item-No.
20 x 50 x 60 mm 93M12/50
20 x 75 x 60 mm 93M12/75

Double Hook
• for tool board 93M11/1500 and 93M11/2000, with narrow base plate, slope
end, hook pitch 28 mm, Ø 6 mm
• PU = 5 pieces

WxDxH Item-No.
60 x 50 x 60 mm 93M13/50
60 x 75 x 60 mm 93M13/75

Plier Bracket
• for tool board 93M11/1500 and 93M11/2000, with broad base plate
• PU = 5 pieces

Dxh Width Item-No.

20 x 4 mm 55 mm 93M14/2 31
Workshop Equipment

Storage Box
• for tool board 93M11/1500 and 93M11/2000
• made of plastic, RAL 7016, colour: light grey

WxDxH Item-No.
130 x 100 x 65 mm 93M18/1
130 x 198 x 90 mm 93M18/2
130 x 298 x 165 mm 93M18/3

• for storage box 93M16, for tool board 93M11/1500 and 93M11/2000

WxH Item-No.
100 x 75 mm 93M17/1
450 x 75 mm 93M17/2

Bench Vise
• forged steel with hardened jaws and adjustable guide rail, receiver for
protective jaws, colour: blue

Jaw width Weight Item-No.

120 mm 10 kg net 76M1/120
140 mm 18 kg net 76M1/140
160 mm 25 kg net 76M1/160

Rotating Mount
• for item 76M1, rotation range 360°

Bench vise Weight Item-No.

76M1/120 0,5 kg net 76M2/1
76M1/140 0,5 kg net 76M2/2
76M1/160 0,5 kg net 76M2/2

Workshop Equipment

Pipe Clamp Jaw

• for item 76M1, slewable
• PU = 1 piece

Jaw width Item-No.

120 mm 76M4/120
140 mm 76M4/140
160 mm 76M4/160
scope of supply does not include bench vise

Magnetic Felt Jaws

• with magnetic adhesive strip

PU = 1 pair

Width Item-No.
125 mm 165P23

Synthetic Fibre Jaws

• for item 76M1, slewable
• PU = 1 pair

Jaw width Item-No.

120 mm 76M3/120
140 mm 76M3/140
160 mm 76M3/160

Adjustment Core Clamping Jaws

• safe clamping of prostheses components with pyramid adapter into the
clamping table
• magnets facilitate the use of the clamping jaws
• hard-wearing tool made of nickel-plated steel
• suitable for all clamping tables

Attention: Persons and patients with heart pacemakers or other implanted

electronic systems must obey the warnings of their supplier about handling
magnetic material.

Weight Item-No.
820 g 76M10

In case of socket adapters that have been laminated in (e.g.

10A1/S) the rotational adjustment with the pyramid adapter may
be sluggish. This can be remedied by using the pyramid adapter
clamping jaws. Fixate the pyramid adapter in the clamping table
using the clamping jaws and turn the socket. 33
Workshop Equipment

Tube Carrier for Clamping Table

• safe clamping of prostheses components with tube clamping into the
clamping table
• hard-wearing tool made of nickel-plated steel
• suitable for all clamping tables

Tube ø Weight Item-No.

30 mm 930 g 76M11/30
34 mm 870 g 76M11/34

Replacement Tube for Tube Carrier 76M11

• replacement tube for tube carrier 76M11

Material Diameter Item-No.

Steel 30 mm 76M11/30E2
Steel 34 mm 76M11/34E2

Bench Vise
• forged steel with hardened jaws and adjustable guide rail, colour: blue

Jaw width Clamping Tube clamping Weight Item-No.

range range
120 mm 150 mm 16 – 55 mm 9 kg 75M1/120
140 mm 200 mm 27 – 70 mm 16 kg 75M1/140
160 mm 225 mm 27 – 100 mm 27 kg 75M1/160
180 mm 225 mm 27 – 100 mm 29 kg 75M1/180

Workshop Equipment

• for item 75M1/120, 75M1/140, 75M1/160 and 75M1/180

PU = 1 pair

Jaw width Description Item-No.

120 mm PU, with prisms 75M7A/120
140 mm PU, with prisms 75M7A/140
160 mm PU, with prisms 75M7A/160
120 mm PU, corrugated 75M7B/120
140 mm PU, corrugated 75M7B/140
160 mm PU, corrugated 75M7B/160
120 mm aluminum, with prisms 75M7C/120
140 mm aluminum, with prisms 75M7C/140
160 mm aluminum, with prisms 75M7C/160
180 mm aluminum, with prisms 75M7C/180
120 mm clamping surfaces: special rubber 75M7D/120
140 mm clamping surfaces: special rubber 75M7D/140
160 mm clamping surfaces: special rubber 75M7D/160
180 mm clamping surfaces: special rubber 75M7D/180

Rotating Mount
• rotation range 360°

Bench vise Weight Item-No.

75M1/120 2,5 kg net 75M2/120
75M1/140 4,5 kg net 75M2/140

Flap Lift
• rotation range 360°, adjustment range 175 mm

Bench vise Weight Item-No.

75M1/120 13,5 kg net 75M3/120
75M1/140 13,5 kg net 75M3/140 35
Workshop Equipment

Folding device
• ideal addition to bench vise 75M1
• bench vise can be folded away underneath the work bench using the folding
device and thereby procures a free work space

Rotation radius Folding depth Weight Item-No.

390 mm 410 mm 5,5 kg 75M4/120
430 mm 455 mm 5,5 kg 75M4/140

Upgrade to item 75M1/120 and 75M1/140.

scope of supply does not include bench vise

• for item 75M1
• with floor column and base plate
• dimensions: 320 x 320 mm, with pneumatic spring
• adjustable height from 860 to 1060 mm
• 360° rotatable
• colour: blue, other colours available upon request
• permissible weight load: 4 – 10 kg
• weight: 21 kg

Bench vise Allowed load Weight Item-No.

75M1/120 4 – 10 kg 21 kg 75M5/120
75M1/140 10 – 16 kg 21 kg 75M5/140
75M1/160 and 16 – 29 kg 21 kg 75M5/160

The standing-lift is also suitable for third-party products, please

indicate the size and the manufacturer of your clamping table
when placing your order.

• for item 75M1
• suitable for mounting on work benches, with pneumatic spring
• height adjustable around 200 mm
• 360° rotatable
• colour: blue, other colours available upon request

Bench vise Allowed load Weight Item-No.

75M1/120 4 – 10 kg 11 kg 75M6/120
75M1/140 10 – 16 kg 11 kg 75M6/140
75M1/160 16 – 29 kg 11 kg 75M6/160
75M1/180 16 – 29 kg 11 kg 75M6/180

The lift is also suitable for third-party products, please indicate the
size and the manufacturer of your clamping table when placing
your order.

Workshop Equipment

Mobile Rack
• for sheet materials, comes with 5 sections and guide rollers

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 800 x 420 x 610 mm
• weight: 20 kg net


Tool Cabinet
• made of quality sheet metal
• single door with cylinder lock
• 1 plastic drawer inside
• 2 zinc-plated built-in shelves

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 500 x 500 x 1000 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: approx. 30 kg net


Cabinet with Drawers

• made of sheet metal
• with 6 drawers on ball-bearings
• aluminum ledge with label strip

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 625 x 600 x 810 mm
• colour: cabinet and drawers RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: approx. 72,3 kg net

Number of drawers Drawers x Height Item-No.

6 3 x 80 mm, 2 x 120 mm, 1 x 240 mm 93M21 37
Workshop Equipment

Cabinet with Drawers

• also suitable for item 168P500

• 4 drawers on ball-bearings with drawe slide lock, max. load per drawer 60
• aluminum ledge with label strip
• central locking

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 640 x 645 x 820 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 82 kg

Number of drawers Drawer x height Item-No.

4 1 x 60 mm, 1 x 120 mm, 2 x 180 mm 93M10/7

Cabinet with Drawers

• with drawers made of sheet steel
• all drawers are completely extractable
• all drawers roll smoothly and quietly on ball-bearing telescope tracks
• built-in lock permits opening of only one drawer at that time
• central lock simultaneously locks and unlocks all drawers
• plastic coated cabinet top

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1055 x 630 x 1105 mm
• max. load per drawer: 70 kg net
• colour: cabinet RAL 7035 light grey
• front panel and drawers anthracite

Number of drawers Drawers x Height Weight Item-No.

11 10 x 90 mm, 1 x 120 mm 218 kg 97M15
9 4 x 90 mm, 3 x 120 mm, 2 200 kg 97M16
x 150 mm

Storing inserts for drawers are available upon request!

Workshop Equipment

Material Cabinet
• made of sheet metal
• swing doors
• recessed handle with 3-bar lock and 2 keys
• 4 galvanised sheet steel shelves, adjustable in 15 mm-steps

Technical data
• max. load per shelf: 70 kg
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

WxDxH Weight Item-No.

930 x 400 x 1950 mm 58 kg 93M9/40
930 x 500 x 1950 mm 85 kg 93M9/50

picture similar

Storage Cabinet
• made of sheet metal
• with 11 built-in metal shelves and 2 swing doors
• incl. 24 PE plastic storage boxes W x D x H: 140 x 200 x 130 mm
• incl. 36 PE plastic storage boxes W x D x H: 95 x 140 x 75 mm

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 670 x 260 x 1575 mm
• colour: RAL 7001 silver grey
• weight: approx. 57,3 kg net


Storage Cabinet
• made of sheet metal
• with 15 built-in metal shelves and 2 swing doors
• incl. 28 PE plastic storage boxes W x D x H: 140 x 200 x 130 mm
• incl. 54 PE plastic storage boxes W x D x H: 95 x 140 x 75 mm

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 670 x 260 x 2000 mm
• colour: RAL 7001 silver grey
• weight: approx. 81,7 kg net

93M10/1 39
Workshop Equipment

Storage Box
• made of PE plastic

W x D x H (outer dimensions) Item-No.

103 x 160 x 75 mm 97M10/1
150 x 230 x 125 mm 97M10/2
210 x 350 x 145 mm 97M10/3
210 x 350 x 200 mm 97M10/4
315 x 500 x 200 mm 97M10/5
230 x 500 x 115 mm 97M10/6

Colours: blue, red, yellow, green

Practibox Storage System

• plastic housing with clear plastic drawers

WxDxH Number of drawers Item-No.

600 x 170 x 206 mm 4 97M20/1
600 x 133 x 164 mm 5 97M20/2
600 x 91 x 112 mm 6 97M20/3

Wall Mount
• for „Practibox“ Storage System 97M20

WxH Item-No.
600 x 500 mm 97M25/50
600 x 650 mm 97M25/65
600 x 1000 mm 97M25/100
600 x 1500 mm 97M25/150
600 x 1750 mm 97M25/175

Workshop Equipment

Cross Connection
• for shelving systems up to 2000 mm height
• Colour: zinc
• for shelf stabilisation, necessary for each first and third shelf

Height Item-No.
2171 mm 97M12

scope of supply does not include the shelf system

Shelving System
• suitable for multi-functional and easily changeable shelf settings, simple
mounting with plug in-connectors

• 2 T-profile frames
• 1 base panel
• 1 top panel
• 3 shelf panels

Technical data
• Dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 500 x 2000 mm
• shelf load: 150 kg
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey


Extension Shelf Rack

• for item 97M7

• 1 T-profile frame
• 1 base panel
• 1 top panel
• 3 shelf panels

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 500 x 2000 mm
• shelf load: 150 kg
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

97M7/A 41
Workshop Equipment

Shelf Panel
• for shelving systems of 500 mm shelf depth, sheet metal

Technical data
• shelf load: 250 kg
• colour: RAL 7001 silver grey


Divider Panel
• for shelf system 97M7, zinc-plated, stand-alone
• divider panels in size 100 mm, 175 mm and 275 mm are mounted only on
lower shelf panel
• divider panels in height 341 mm and 500 mm on lower and above
positioned shelf panel

Height Item-No.
100 mm 97M9/100
175 mm 97M9/175
275 mm 97M9/275
341 mm 97M9/341
500 mm 97M9/500

Rear Panel
• for shelf system 97M5, 97M7, 97M13, two-part

Technical data
• dimensions W x H: 995 x 2171 mm


scope of supply does not include panels and bearers

Workshop Equipment

Side Panel
• for shelf system 97M7

Technical data
• dimensions W x H: 500 x 2171 mm


scope of supply does not include shelf panels

Panel Rack
• made of steel, plastic coated

• 4 x shelf panels
• 2 x bearer frames

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 2200 x 1100 x 2500 mm
• shelf panel size: 2000 x 1000 mm
• shelf depth: 1100 mm
• max. load per shelf level: 550 kg net
• bay load: 2200 kg
• colour: RAL 5010 blue
• weight: 177 kg net
scope of supply does not include content


Shelf Panel
• for item 97M1, made of zinc-plated steel, incl. 2 plastic coated cross beams

Technical data
• dimensions: W x D: 2200 x 1100 mm
• colour: RAL 5010 blue
• weight: 37 kg net

97M2 43
Workshop Equipment

Storage Rack
• made of steel, plastic coated

• 2 x side bearers
• 2 x cross beams
• 1 x cross beam with 5 tubular dividers

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1115 x 500 x 1980 mm
• colour: RAL 5010 blue
• weight: 50 kg net


picture similar

Waste Container
• with zinc-plated insert, extractable to the front

Technical data
• dimensions: W x D x H: 450 x 450 x 870 mm
• colour: RAL 7001 silver grey
• weight: approx. 23,5 kg net


Workshop Equipment

Swivel Chair
• Swivel Chair with PU-foam seat, black
• gas lift height adjustment: 430 – 560 mm
• plastic five-star base: Ø 630 mm
• casters optionally hard (for soft floors, 140M10/H) or soft (for hard floors,

140M10/W 45
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Plaster Modelling
Plaster Casting &
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

The increasing price pressure makes efficient, i. e. time- and cost reducing processes more important for a
company than anytime in the past. In the plaster and modelling room, optimisation of the workflow is of special
importance. The time consuming tasks can be reduced to a minimum by an efficient floor plan with properly
placed equipment. Equipping the plaster- and modelling room demands special considerations concerning the
project plan, as special constructions must be planned such as for example the integration of angled frames into
the concrete floor. Of course we can offer especially coordinated equipment for the water supply and -drain.

In order to construct prostheses and orthopaedic aids, proper devices and tools are of enormous importance!
With our construction- and casting devices, you are laying the corner stone for excellent functional properties
and for optimal customer care.
The following pages represent a choice of our standard products. Of course, we also can offer special custom-
made equipment for the plaster area.

We are looking forward to assist you with guidance and resources in order to realise your special demands to
make the most out of your floor plan!
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Casting Apparatus with Baseplate

• for plaster casting under body load incl. base plate 145M21 and one casting
ring set 145M22/S
• mobile use with transport castors and -handle
• space saving due to built-in folding mechanism
• quick-adjustment lever provides even easier height settings of the casting
apparatus in seconds
• high quality, sturdy choice of material
• exact adjustment options by means of crank handle

Technical data
• space required: 2000 x 2000 mm
• dimensions W x D x H: 900 x 600 x 1120 mm


The firmly mounted transport castors and -handle allow mobile

use of the device by simply pulling or pushing it effortless to the
requested location. Due to the integrated folding mechanism, the
device can be stowed away or transported in a vehicle easily.

• for plaster casting apparatus 145M20


Attachment Plate
• for plaster casting apparatus 145M20, incl. 2 pressure wedges 145M24


Pressure Wedge
• for attachment plate 145M23 of plaster casting apparatus 145M20

145M24 49
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Supporting Device for AK-plaster casting

• enables with 145M20 the processing of thigh plaster negative casts with AK
casting rings under body load


scope of supply does not include AK casting ring

Plaster Casting Apparatus with Baseplate and

Supporting Device for AK-Plaster Casting
Complete set

• complete set with items 145M20 and 145M30

• enables the manufacture of thigh plaster negative casts with ischial
containment thigh form rings under body load
• very well suited for patients with limited standing abilities
• mobile use with transport castors and -handle
• space saving due to built-in folding mechanism
• quick-adjustment lever provides even easier height settings of the casting
apparatus in seconds
• high quality, sturdy choice of material
• exact adjustment options by means of crank handle

Technical data
• work space requirements: 2000 mm x 2000 mm
• dimensions W x D x H: 900 mm x 600 mm x 1120 mm


The firmly mounted transport castors and -handle allow mobile

use of the device by simply pulling or pushing it effortless to the
requested location. Due to the integrated folding mechanism, the
device can be stowed away or transported in a vehicle easily.

Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

AK Casting Ring Set

version „ischial containment“, with receiving hole for an AK-trial-measuring-

Side Circumference Item-No.

left 36 cm 165P20/L36
right 36 cm 165P20/R36
left 37 cm 165P20/L37
right 37 cm 165P20/R37
left 38 cm 165P20/L38
right 38 cm 165P20/R38
left 39 cm 165P20/L39
right 39 cm 165P20/R39
left 40 cm 165P20/L40
right 40 cm 165P20/R40
left 41 cm 165P20/L41
right 41 cm 165P20/R41
left 42 cm 165P20/L42
right 42 cm 165P20/R42
left 43 cm 165P20/L43
right 43 cm 165P20/R43
left 44 cm 165P20/L44
right 44 cm 165P20/R44
left 45 cm 165P20/L45
right 45 cm 165P20/R45
left 46 cm 165P20/L46
right 46 cm 165P20/R46
left 47 cm 165P20/L47
right 47 cm 165P20/R47
left 48 cm 165P20/L48
right 48 cm 165P20/R48
left 49 cm 165P20/L49
right 49 cm 165P20/R49
left 50 cm 165P20/L50
right 50 cm 165P20/R50
left 52 cm 165P20/L52
right 52 cm 165P20/R52
left 54 cm 165P20/L54
right 54 cm 165P20/R54
left 56 cm 165P20/L56
right 56 cm 165P20/R56
left 58 cm 165P20/L58
right 58 cm 165P20/R58

Continues on next page 51
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

AK Casting Ring Set (continuation)

Side Circumference Item-No.

left 60 cm 165P20/L60
right 60 cm 165P20/R60
left 62 cm 165P20/L62
right 62 cm 165P20/R62
left 64 cm 165P20/L64
right 64 cm 165P20/R64
set left + right 44 pieces, all sizes 165P20/S

This technique guarantees a secure fixation of form rings for

casting or for measuring the stump.

Multifunction Transfer Apparatus

• fixing of round and angular one- and two-way suction tubes and of diverse
plaster model rods possible up to 35 mm
• fixing of the prosthetic socket can be done either with the tude adapter or
with the SACH-foot adapter
• horizontal shifting of the upper and lower fixing by 50 mm each is possible
in order to transfer extreme socket positions
• firmly integrated, easily readable height scale (900 mm)
• high quality, durable materials
• steplessly rotatable by 360° degrees via wing screw

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 240 x 330 x 1000 mm

Scope of supply
• multifunction transfer apparatus
• tube adapter
• SACH-foot adapter
• two way vacuum pipe

Description Item-No.
multifunction transfer apparatus 145M50
tube adapter 15A5/S100
S.A.C.H.-foot adapter 16A9/M10
2-way vacuum tube 168P78

The multifunction transfer apparatus is steplessly rotatable by

scope of supply does not include bench vise and lift 360°!

Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Cross Line Laser

without picture
• self-levelling for horizontal and vertical application, for prosthetic alignment
or as plumb-line for casting
• beyond self-levelling range, the device turns off automatically
• integrated pendular blocking unit prevents damages during transport
• the cross laser is a line laser, generating a horizontal and vertical laser line

Technical data
• weight: 0,3 kg net
• measuring accuracy: ± 2 mm / 10 m
• levelling range: ± 3° (± 5%)
• batteries: 3 x AA 1,5 V
• laser category: 2 (635 nm)
• auto shut-off

• protective bag
• wall bracket
• tripod adapter
• aiming table
• batteries


The cross line laser is quickly and easily to calibrate and the
beam is well visible even in day light. Fields of application are
prosthetics, orthotics and diagnosis.

Aluminum Tripod
• with crank handle, light weight, for item 145M27
• double adjustability of the stands, integrated level

Technical data
• height: 670 – 1880 mm
• rank lift: 300 mm
• weight: 1,5 kg net


Stainless Steel Basin

• for watering of plaster bandages

WxDxH Volume Item-No.

530 x 325 x 150 mm 21,0 liter 166P25/1
530 x 162 x 150 mm 9,0 liter 166P25/2 53
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Plaster Silo
• sturdy design made of square steel tube
• container made of 1,5 mm sheet metal steel
• plaster discharge in front with slide
• fine allotable plaster quantity with conveyer screw
• cover lid easy to open with safe retention via 2 gas springs
• removable grate with opening device for plaster bags
• lid with dust seal

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 750 x 750 x 1320 mm
• capacity: 340 litre / 320 kg
• conveyer screw: Ø 95 mm
• pipe: Ø 100 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

Version Weight Item-No.

without rollers 82 kg net 151M3
with rollers 88 kg net 151M3/F

Plaster Work Table

• table top with stainless steel sheet metal cover, canted sides provide full
protection of table top
• frame made of square steel tube, stainless steel
• left side with 2 galvanized depositing grates
• right side with 1 galvanized depositing grate

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1800 x 900 x 850 mm
• weight: 115 kg net


• zinc-plated, mesh size 34 x 38 mm

WxDxH Item-No.
700 x 830 x 30 mm 151M9

Different sizes of grate-frames are custom-made upon customer‘s


Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Plaster-Grinding Basin
• ceramic, temperature resistant up to 65 °C

Technical data
• outside dimensions W x D x H: 700 x 500 x 200 mm
• colour: white
• weight: 36 kg net


Sink Base Cabinet

• for item 151M8, made of steel sheet with side panels and two height
adjustable front legs, two rear mount links and two swing doors with handle

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 685 x 480 x 650 mm
• colour: RAL 9016 white
• weight: 20 kg net


Holder for Wall-Mounting

• for item 151M8, square steel tube, 30 x 30 mm with height adjustable base
and mounting set

DxH Weight Item-No.

480 x 650 mm 4 kg net 151M8/H

Plaster Separation Sink

• plastic, consists of 2 sinks with drain valves
• 3-chamber-system

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 430 x 300 x 320 mm
• space requirements W x D x H: 450 x 400 x 320 mm
• weight: 3,2 kg net

151M4 55
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Plaster Separator
• with closed 4-chamber separation system made from sturdy polypropylene
• easy and quick cleaning by means of insert foils
• absolutely tight lid prevents odors
• transparent material for visual control

Technical data
• total height: 320 mm
• drain height: 245 mm
• outer / inner Ø: 340 / 295 mm
• volume capacity: 14 litres
• inlet connection: 1 1/2“
• outer / inner Ø: 47 mm / 39 mm
• outlet connection: outer Ø 50 mm
• weight: 2,1 kg
scope of supply does not include inlet-/outlet hose

Scope of supply includes 1 x replacement sheet. Accessories:

Flexible outlet hose 40/50 mm, length 750 mm, item-no.:
151M14/3, flexible inlet hose 1 ½“, length 500 mm, item-no.:

Insert Foils
• for plaster separator 151M14
• PU = 25 pieces


Water Draining Pump

• for plaster separator 151M14
• for quick removal of the residual water from the plaster separator

Technical data
• total length: 480 mm
• stroke length: 135 mm
• flow volume: 100 ml / stroke
• material: aluminium


Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

• plaster sink-sedimentation aid
• hinders the development of odours caused by mostly plaster
• incl. dosage basket

PU Item-No.
Package with 12 pieces 116P18/12
Package with 25 pieces 116P18/25

Plaster Bandage Trolley

• mobile steel cabinet with 2 drawers, 2 swing doors and 1 adjustable built-in
shelf, push handle, 4 guide rollers Ø 125 mm, 4 rubber wall bumpers and
seamless table top with 3-sided gallery

LxDxH Weight Item-No.

630 x 580 x 930 mm 62 kg net 151M6/63
930 x 580 x 1080 mm 74 kg net 151M6/93

picture similar

Plaster Waste Bin

• made of plastic

Technical data
• dimensions W x D: 830 x 570 mm
• capacity: 106 l

Version Weight Height Item-No.

with base frame and with 2 10 kg net 550 mm 151M1
moving castors and 2 fixed
without base frame 6 kg net 400 mm 151M2
steel base with 4 castor wheels 4 kg net 151M1/U
and with 2 moving castors and 2
fixed castors 57
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Waste Bin
• made of plastic, round
• capacity: approx. 80 l

Version Weight Dimensions ø x h Item-No.

without base frame 3,5 kg net 650 x 390 mm 151M10
with base frame with 7 kg 650 x 540 mm 151M11
1 moving castor and 2
fixed castors

Basic Shelf Rack for Plaster Cast Models

• shelving system, simple mounting with plug in-connectors

• 2 T-profile frames
• 1 base panel
• 1 top panel
• 3 shelf panels (shelf load: 250 kg)
• 2 grid shelves (shelf load: 150 kg)

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 500 x 2000 mm
• Colour: RAL 7035 light grey


without extension shelf

Extension Shelf Rack for plaster cast models

• extension shelf rack for 97M5

• 1 T-profile frame
• 1 base panel
• 1 top panel
• 3 shelf panels (shelf load: 250 kg)
• 2 grid shelves (shelf load: 150 kg)

Technical data
• W x D x H: 1000 x 500 x 2000 mm
• Colour: RAL 7035 light grey


picture similar

Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Grid Shelf
• grid shelf for shelving systems of 500 mm shelf depth
• shelf load: 150 kg
• zinc-plated

LxDxH Weight Item-No.

993 x 445 x 30 mm 11 kg net 97M6

Wire Mesh File

Length Shape Item-No.

280 mm flat 158P5/F
300 mm round 158P5/R

Spare Wire Mesh

Length Shape Item-No.

280 mm flat 158P6/F
300 mm round 158P6/R

Plaster Bucket
• made of plastic with spout and graduation

Liter Item-No.
10,5 164P1

Mixing Bowl
• made of rubber

Liter Item-No.
0,5 164P7 59
Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Plaster Moulding Spatula

• one side oval pointed, one side rectangular, plastic coated handle

Width Item-No.
12 mm 166P17/12
16 mm 166P17
20 mm 166P17/20

Modelling Spatula made of Plastic Material

• to gently remove HTV-silicone residue from mechanical and electronical
silicone rollers / calenders
• perfectly suitable for modelling plaster, wax, plasticine and silicone
• PU = 1 piece

Colour Length Item-No.

blue approx. 200 mm 166P24

Plaster Trowel
• stainless steel, with wooden handle

Width Item-No.
40 mm 166P19/40
50 mm 166P19/50
60 mm 166P19/60

Plaster Scoop
• stainless steel, Ø 100 mm, capacity 850 ml

Length Item-No.
280 mm 166P18

Plaster Stirrer
• stainless steel, max. Ø approx. 85 mm

Length Item-No.
500 mm 166P23

Plaster Casting & Plaster Modelling

Plaster Mixer
• for airbubble-free mixing of plaster and liquid silicones
• for wall- or table mount
• vacuum device with maintenance-free injector pump
• sturdy and powerful motor
• easy installation
• automatic- and manual switch
• installed vibrator
• including mixing bowl 500 ml

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 240 x 220 x 400 mm
• revolutions per minute: 425
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,25 kW
• weight: 15 kg
• colour: white


Scope of supply does not include tripod.

For all maintenance work at the plaster mixer, we recommend to

use the special oil for plaster mixer, item-no. 90E20/E1 (volume 500

Mixing Bowl for Plaster Mixer 90E20

• mixing bowl with agitator
• for mixing liquid plaster and RTV-silicones

Filling quantity Material Item-No.

300 ml Plasic 90E20/300
500 ml Plastic 90E20/500
875 ml Plastic 90E20/875
1200 ml Steel 90E20/1200
90E20/500 61
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Orthopaedic Shoe
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

The orthopaedic shoe technology aims on production and repair of shoe inserts and orthopaedic bespoke shoes.
For manufacturing and finishing of for example customised shoe inserts, you will need special grinding- and
finishing machines, for which we also are able to offer matching tools and accessories.
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Foot Measuring Device „Heider“

• material: impact-proof polystyrene
• scale: from 18 to 47 and from 2 to 12

Length Item-No.
335 mm 163P5

• patented imprinting measurment chart for quick foot pressure analysis

• imprinting measurment chart for early detection of foot pressure problems,
such as for example flat-, splay-, hollow- or club feet, usable for diabetic or
rheumatic foot syndrome
• for diagnostic documentation by professionals in orthopaedics, podiatry or
sports science

• simple and hygienic use, transportable and usable anywhere; for static and
dynamic foot pressure analyses

PU = 100 pieces

Length x Width Item-No.

390 x 160 mm 98P8

Please follow the instruction manual!

Foot Imprint Device

• ink roller, ink, contour scriber, rubber raster plate, pad with 100 blank foot
imprint charts and 10 pieces protective foil for foot hygiene


Rubber Grid Plate

without picture
• for item 98P4

Dimensions Item-No.
420 x 235 x 2 mm 98P4/E 65
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Paint Roller
• for item 98P4


Foot Imprint Chart Pad

• for item 98P4
• PU = 100 Sheets

Dimensions Item-No.
380 x 165 mm 98P5/G
400 x 140 mm 98P5

• without oil

Contents Colour Item-No.

27 ml Blue 210V41

Shoemaker‘s Anvil
• cast iron, galvanized

Weight Item-No.
2 kg net 164P15

Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Cobbler‘s Stand
• 7 inserts, height adjustable up to max. 930 mm
• for working seated or standing

Weight Item-No.
24 kg net 164P13

picture similar 67
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Adhesive Work Station

with integrated exhaustor

• cabinet with 3 drawers 180 mm on the right side
• left table leg with grounded socket, switch, compressed air quick-coupling,
manometer, compressed air control
• bench top with integrated grid for applying adhesive
• exhaustor size 1, suction nozzle Ø 100 mm
• 3 m exhaust hose
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1260 x 630 x 760 mm
• suction capacity: 150 m³/h
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey / 7037 medium grey
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,018 kW


Caution! The adhesive work station is destined only for the

extraction of fumes during the processing of solvent-based
adhesives! See chapter lamination station and deep drawing
technology for suitable suction arms.

Adhesive Work Station

with integrated exhaustor

• cabinet with 3 drawers 180 mm on the right side
• left table leg with grounded socket, switch, compressed air quick-coupling,
manometer, compressed air control
• extendable grid for applying adhesive
• exhaustor size 1, suction nozzle Ø 100 mm
• 3 m exhaust hose
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1260 x 630 x 760 mm
• suction capacity: 150 m³/h
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey / 7037 medium grey
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,018 kW


Caution! The adhesive work station is destined only for the

extraction of fumes during the processing of solvent-based
adhesives! See chapter lamination station and deep drawing
technology for suitable suction arms.

Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Adhesive Work Station

with integrated exhaustor and active carbon filter

• cabinet with 3 drawers 180 mm on the right side
• left table leg with grounded socket, switch, compressed air quick-coupling,
manometer, compressed air control
• bench top with integrated grid for applying adhesive
• exhaustor size 1, suction nozzle Ø 100 mm
• active carbon filter including mounting device
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1260 x 630 x 760 mm
• suction capacity: 150 m³/h
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey / 7037 medium-grey
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,018 kW
picture similar


Replacement activated carbon filter is available under item-no.

90M18. Caution! The adhesive work station is destined only for
the extraction of fumes during the processing of solvent-based
adhesives! See chapter lamination station and deep drawing
technology for suitable suction arms.

Adhesive Suction Table

• lowered application surface, surrounded with suction slots
• integrated exhaustor
• adjustable working height
• two adjustable shelves
• exhaust connector: Ø 100 mm, incl. 3 m suction hose

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1260 x 630 x 850-1040 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

Exhaust volume Power requirements Weight Item-No.

150 m³/h 0,018 kW 58 kg 90M15/1523
350 m³/h 0,09 kW 59 kg 90M16/1523

Caution: The adhesive suction table is approved only to exhaust

vapors occuring during working with adhesives containing
solvents. The adhesive suction table is optionally available with
activated carbon filter incl. mounting (item-no 90M17).

Shoemaker‘s Stool
• beech tree wood, 4 legs with cross beam

Height Weight Item-No.

approx. 470 mm 4 kg net 140M2 69
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Shelving System for shoe makers

• suitable for multi-functional and easily changeable shelf settings, simple
mounting with plug in-connectors

• 2 T-profile frames
• 1 base panel
• 1 top panel
• 3 shelf panels

Technical data
• Dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 300 x 2000 mm
• shelf load: 150 kg
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey


Extension Shelf Rack

• for item 97M13

• 1 T-profile frame
• 1 base panel
• 1 top panel
• 3 shelf panels

Technical data
• Dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 300 x 2000 mm
• shelf load: 150 kg
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• Weight: kg


Shelf Panel for shelving system for shoe makers

• for shelving system for shoe makers 97M13, made of sheet metal

Technical data
• shelf load: 150 kg
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey


Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Eyelet Punch Press

• manual arbor press for insertion of eyelets, hooks and snap fasteners, as well
as for hole punching
• comes with thread M6 for upper die

Range Item-No.
150 mm 168P1

Die for Eyelet

• for item 168P1
• PU = 1 piece

Dimensions Item-No.
7 x 4 x 4,5 mm W60P4
8 x 4 x 5 mm W60P5
9 x 4 x 5 mm W60P6
10 x 5 x 5,5 mm W60P8
12 x 6 x 6 mm W60P10
15 x 8 x 6 mm W60P12

Please refer to our materials catalogue for matching eyelets!

Die for Lacing Hook

• for item 168P1
• PU = 1 piece

Lacing hook Item-No.

6,5 x 8 mm W62P1
9 x 10 mm W62P5

Please refer to our materials catalogue for lacing hooks!

Die for Snap Fastener

• for item 168P1
• PU = 1 piece

Snap rivet Item-No.

13 mm W64P12
15 mm W64P13

Please refer to our materials catalogue for matching snap

fasteners! 71
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Revolving Eyelet Punch Press

• turret manual arbor press, consists of 10 different dies resp. inserts
• for eyelets, hooks and snap fasteners, also for hole punching

Range Item-No.
105 mm 168P20

Replacement Parts
• for item 168P20, dies always consist of one upper and one lower die

Spare part Size Item-No.

Upper die kit, small 1 168P20/1
Upper die kit, medium 2 168P20/2
Upper die kit, large 3 168P20/3
Hole punch 3,0 168P20/3,0
Hole punch 4,5 168P20/4,5
Hole punch 6,0 168P20/6,0
Snap fastener die 4 168P20/4
Snap fastener die 5 168P20/5
Hook die 6 168P20/6
Hook die 7 168P20/7
Brass support 8 168P20/8

Hole Punch and Brass Support

• for Eyelet Punch Press 168P1 or Revolver Eyelet Punch Press 168P20

Hole diameter Item-No.

2 mm 162P3/2
3 mm 162P3/3
4 mm 162P3/4
5 mm 162P3/5

Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Crimping Tool
• for the attachment of shoe lace tips

Weight Item-No.
5 kg 165P2

Manual Rolling Mill

• for splitting and levelling of leather, rubber or plastic, exact parallel guide via
rollers and gear wheel transmission

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 470 x 250 x 440 mm
• base area: 240 x 300 mm
• working width: 140 mm
• splitting and equalizing range: 2 – 8 mm
• weight: 25 kg net


Paring and Trimming Machine

• for leather, rubber and other materials
• adjustable protective guard avoids damage of leather and welt

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 340 x 260 x 360 mm
• base area: 150 x 150 mm
• trimming width: 70 mm
• paring and trimming range: max. 30 mm
• weight: 15 kg net

70M3 73
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Cutting-, Levelling-, Sharpening-, Splitting- and

Pressure Machine
• to proces all types of leather, rubber and other materials - except for hard
materials and metals
• with long steel arm and welt pressing device

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 560 x 200 x 550 mm
• footprint: 130 x 190 mm
• cutting: to 190 mm width, material thickness: 0,5 – 6 mm
• sharpening and splitting: to 30 mm, material thickness: 2 – 8 mm
• weight: 20 kg net


Cutting wheel
• spare part for item 70M4


Shoe Stretcher „Eupedus“

• „double boot unit“, incl. 2 sets of shoe lasts and rests

Weight Item-No.
30 kg net 70M1/DST

Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Shoe Stretcher „Eupedus“

• „single boot unit“, incl. 1 set of shoe lasts and rest

Weight Item-No.
20 kg net 70M1/ST

Vacupress 850 Deep Drawing Device

• for orthopaedic technology

• vacuum pump with circulating oil lubrication
• vacuum flow: 25 m³/h
• vacuum vessel: 25 l
• adjustable vacuum control: -0,45 bar to -0,95 bar
• vacuum max.: -0,95 bar / 5 mbar absolute
• additional vacuum connection for external vacuum consumers
• water separation
• 3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 960 x 1050 x 1070 mm
• frame size: 850 x 685 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50/60 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW at 50 Hz 0,9 kW at
60 Hz
• weight: approx. 145 kg


Can be used for central vacuum unit in the workshop! 75
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Vacupress, Deep-Drawing Unit

Tabletop device for connection to an external vacuum pump

• equipped with a soft flexing mat
• manual vacuum adjustment
• vacuum and ventilation separately adjustable
• connection with 3 m vacuum hose Ø 13 mm (inner Ø)
• with integrated small-filter and non-return valve

Technical data
• frame dimensions W x D (outer dimensions): 350 x 570 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 360 x 660 x 180 mm
• weight: 18 kg


open 168P530


Vacupress DUAL, Deep-Drawing Unit

with a frame that is double as broad

• tabletop device for connection to an external vacuum pump

• equipped with a soft flexing mat
• manual vacuum adjustment
• vacuum and ventilation separately adjustable
• connection with 3 m vacuum hose Ø 13 mm (inner Ø)
• with integrated small-filter and non-return valve

Technical data
• frame dimensions W x D (outer dimensions): 570 x 570 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 610 x 660 x 140 mm
• weight: 22 kg

open Item-No.


Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Vacuum Pump
• for item 168P530 and 168P530/D
• also suitable for mobile use

• oil- and maintenance free
• filter / water separator 1/4“
• manual ON / OFF switch integrated in electric cord
• connection with 3 m vacuum hose Ø 13 mm (inner Ø)

Technical data
• quoted suction volume: 6m3/h = 6000 l/h
• final pressure: 60 mbar
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,27 kW
• dimensions incl. accessory W x D x H: 280 x 200 x 265 mm
• weight: 9,5 kg


We recommend the filter/water trap 1/4‘‘ Item-No. 168P532!

Filter / Water Trap 1/4‘‘

without picture
• accessory for item 168P533

Technical data
• connection: 1/4‘‘
• for vaccum hose: Ø 13 mm (inner Ø)


Vacupress 620 SIII

• table-top deep-drawing device

• vacuum- and electronically time-controlled autom. heating
• heating grid, sidewise extractable
• metallised crystal panel heating
• heating period adjustable with digital timer
• LED display
• 3 heating units which can be activated separately, each unit includes 3
heating pipes
• „Unilock“ single lever quick-action clamp for sheet material or milling maths
0,1 – 7,0 mm
• without adjustment, horizontally mobile
• work place lighting
• oil- and maintenance free
• 3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 750 x 590 x 1050 mm
• frame size: 450 x 600 mm
• vacuum aggregate: 0,45 kW / 12 m³/h
• heating: 5400 W, infrared, 9-lines
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 5,9 kW
• colour: RAL 7035/5017 light grey/medium blue
• weight: 147 kg net

168P500 77
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Cabinet with Drawers

• also suitable for item 168P500

• 4 drawers on ball-bearings with drawe slide lock, max. load per drawer 60
• aluminum ledge with label strip
• central locking

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 640 x 645 x 820 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 82 kg

Number of drawers Drawer x height Item-No.

4 1 x 60 mm, 1 x 120 mm, 2 x 180 93M10/7

Heat Monitoring Switch

without picture
• for 168P500, 3-step, for individual monitoring of the 3 heating elements


Recommended for regular activating works.

Base Cabinet
• for item 168P500
• with 2 shelves, including castor swivels, lockable

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 575 x 630 x 780 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 36 kg


The convection oven size 1 (item-no. 168P503) can be integrated

without problems.

without vacupress and oven

Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Rubber Board
• for item 168P500

WxDxH For item Item-No.

600 x 450 x 1,2 mm 168P500 168P510

Rubber Mat
• for item 168P500, 168P505, 168P530 and 168P530/D, soft, very elastic

WxDxH For item Item-No.

600 x 450 x 2,0 mm 168P500 168P516
850 x 680 x 2,0 mm 168P500 168P517
700 x 510 x 2,0 mm 168P530 168P519
700 x 700 x 2,0 mm 168P530/D 168P518

Convection Oven Size 1

consistent with base frame 168P502

• for item 168P502

• casing inside and outside made of stainless steel
• door with big window, opening to the front
• both sides of the door are suspended on springs
• 1 grate / 1 tray as a standard feature
• heating control light
• thermostat steplessly adjustable from 50 °C – 250 °C
• timer steplessly adjustable 0 – 120 min
• ON/OFF control light

Technical data
• 1 fan motor
• heating: 1 x 2400 W
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 2,5 kW
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 527 x 450 x 316 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 404 x 308 x 254 mm
• weight: 20 kg

168P503 79
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Orthopaedic High-speed Press

with separate heel press and integrated compressor unit

• 3/4 sole cushions with constant cushion filling
• separate heel press
• long V-type pressure arm
• back with compartments for internal pressure plates
• 12 pairs internal pressure plates
• orthopaedic presses attached to right and left side, clearance 450 mm
• both pressure arms with flat full cushions
• bottom construction with door and compressor unit
• approx. 1 m power cord
Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1130 x 615 x 2000 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,1 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 grey
• weight: 390 kg


Orthopaedic High-speed Press

with separate heel press for connection to existing compressed air unit

• 3/4 sole cushions with constant cushion filling
• separate heel press
• long V-type pressure arm
• 12 pairs internal pressure plates
• orthopaedic presses attached to right and left side, clearance 450 mm
• both pressure arms with full cushions
• bottom construction with door

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1130 x 615 x 1900 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 320 kg


Orthopaedic Press
with built-in compressor unit

• two pressure arms, clearance 450 mm
• one full cushion
• one semi-high cushion
• bottom construction with door and compressor unit
• 2 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 630 x 615 x 1900 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,55 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 167 kg


Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Orthopaedic Press
for connection to existing compressed air unit

• two pressure arms, clearance 450 mm
• one full cushion
• one semi-high cushion
• bottom construction with door

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 560 x 615 x 1900 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 146 kg


Internal Pressure Plate Set

• for items 168P550, 168P92, 168P93
• PU = 24 pairs


Pressure Cushion
• for items 168P550, 168P552, 168P92, 168P93, 168P94, 168P95
• medium-high for rapid press, exchangeable with plug-in fitting


Three-Quarter Cushion
• for items 168P550, 168P552, 168P92, 168P93, 168P94, 168P95
• for rapid press, exchangeable with plug-in fitting

168P558 81
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Full Cushion
• for items 168P550, 168P552, 168P92, 168P93, 168P94, 168P95
• for rapid press, exchangeable with plug-in fitting


Zig-zag Double Lockstitch Sewing Machine

• with bottom feed
• electric motor
• infinitely adjustable zig-zag extended stitch width
• for processing of thin and thick materials
• needle system 134R
• AC starter motor
• integrated knee lever
• finger-, belt- and thread lever protection
• zipper foot, open on right side
• table with treadle and drawer
• LED spot lamp
• 2 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1050 x 500 x 1500 mm
• stitches: max. 5000/min
• stitch width: max. 6 mm
• stitch length: max. 5 mm
• clearance below foot presser: max. 7 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,25 kW
• weight: approx. 55 kg net


Other models and used equipment available upon request!

Spare Bobbin for Zig-Zag Double Lockstitch

Sewing Machine 40M5
• for item 40M5


Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Sewing Machine Needle

• for item 40M4 and 40M5
• needle system 134R
• PU = 10 pieces

Size Item-No.
0,7 mm 157P20/70
0,8 mm 157P20/80
0,9 mm 157P20/90
1,0 mm 157P20/100
1,1 mm 157P20/110

Adler Long-Arm Sewing Machine 30/10

• for light upper leather

• feeder rotatable in all directions
• adjustable thread lever
• Adler foot operation stand with drawer (only 40M1/F)
• 2 m power cord with grounded plug (only 40M1/E)

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 850 x 500 x 1140 mm
• arm length: 470 mm
• stitches: max. 350/min
• stitch length: max. 5 mm
• presser foot travel: max. 8 mm
• weight: approx. 90 kg net

Version Item-No.
with foot pedal 40M1/F
with motor (230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,37 kW) 40M1/E

Used equipment available upon request! 83
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Adler Long-arm Sewing Machine 30/70

• for heavy and strong leather

• feeder rotatable in all directions
• adjustable thread lever
• alternating current starter motor with primary reduction gear, Adler-foot and
motor operation stand, 2 m power cord with grounded plug (only 40M2/E)

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 850 x 500 x 1140 mm
• arm length: 470 mm
• stitches: max. 300/min
• stitch length: max. 5 mm
• presser foot travel: max. 12 mm
• weight: approx. 90 kg net

Version Item-No.
with foot pedal 40M2/F
with motor (230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,37 kW) 40M2/E

Used equipment available upon request!

Sewing Machine Needle

• for item 40M1 und 40M2
• PU = 10 pieces

For item Size Item-No.

40M1 1,0 mm 157P40/100
40M1 1,1 mm 157P40/110
40M1 1,2 mm 157P40/120
40M1 1,3 mm 157P40/130
40M1 1,4 mm 157P40/140
40M1 1,6 mm 157P40/160
40M2 1,0 mm 157P30/100
40M2 1,1 mm 157P30/110
40M2 1,3 mm 157P30/130
40M2 1,4 mm 157P30/140

Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Single Needle Double Stitch Post Bed Sewing

• for light to medium weight materials
• suitable for ornamental and attachment seams as well as edged hems for
shoe shafts and shaft parts

• latest easy to use technology
• including resopal table, fully assembled
• needle up and down position
• controlled sewing speed
• needle system 134

Technical data
• stitches per minute: max. 3000
• stitch length: max. 4,5 mm
• top roller Ø: 35 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 ph / 0,37 kW
picture similar • weight: 85 kg


Lockstitch Sewing Machine

• universally applicable for strongest materials

• feed via upper presser foot
• pressure infinitely adjustable
• 2,5 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 620 x 550 x 1640 mm
• stitches: max. 160 per minute
• stitch length: 3 – 14 mm
• sewing capacity: max. 27 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW
• colour: RAL 7035/7037 light grey/dust grey
• weight (in wooden box): 195 (240) kg


Sewing Machine Needle

• for item 40M7

Size Item-No.
4 mm 157P45/4
6 mm 157P45/6 85
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Heavy Duty Thread

• for item 40M7

Colour Weight Item-No.

White 350 g 99T5

Skiving Machine
• only suitable for machining of upper leather

• incl. table
• transport motor
• integrated dust suction ventilator
• 2 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1050 x 550 x 1150 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,75 kW
• weight: 87 kg net / 150 kg gross


Other models available upon request!

Table Sander

• tool holder M16 or 5/8“

• integrated extraction
• foldaway and removable hood for dust reduction, incl. dust bag
• 2 m power cord with grounded plug
• without tool heads

Technical data
• speed 2820 RPM
• dimensions W x D x H: 430 x 360 x 400 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,55 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 16 kg

Gewinde Item-No.
M16 10M20/16
picture similar 5/8“ 10M20/58

Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Filter Bag
without picture
• accessory to 10M20


Combined Finishing Machine

• integrated suction unit
• additional motor with naumkeag sander
• twin cutter: heel cutter on top, sole cutter on bottom
• front taper Ø 80 mm with bayonet closure (MK3)
• 2 sanding belts
• revolving polishing tools with 3 reversible shafts and 6 polishing tools,
switching between tools by means of handwheel
• 3 m elctric cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1300 x 815 x 1615 mm
• sanding belt width: 1 x 40 mm, 1 x 100 mm
• sanding belt length: 1650 mm, contact wheel: Ø 170 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 4,31 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 415 kg


Other models available upon request!

Horsehair Wheel Brush

• for item 96M20, 96M6

Dimensions Colour Item-No.

240 x 60 mm brown 161P15/B

Buffing Wheel
• for item 96M20, 96M6

Dimensions Item-No.
200 x 60 mm 161P16 87
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Trimming and Sanding Machine

• integrated suction unit
• additional motor with naumkeag sander
• twin cutter: heel cutter on top, sole cutter on bottom
• front taper Ø 80 mm with bayonet closure (MK3)
• 2 sanding belts
• 3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1200 x 815 x 1615 mm
• 1 x sanding belt: 40 x 1650 mm, contact wheel: Ø 170 mm
• 1 x sanding belt: 100 x 1480 mm, contact wheel: Ø 110 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 3,76 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 370 kg


Other models available upon request!

Sanding Drum
• for item 96M21, on bayonet, for main shaft, left

Dimensions Item-No.
50 x 60 mm 161P17

For item 96M7 available upon request.

Sanding Sleeve
• for item 161P17
• PU = 10 pieces

Dimensions Grit Item-No.

190 x 48 mm K 24 161P18/24
190 x 48 mm K 80 161P18/80
190 x 48 mm K 120 161P18/120

• for sanding drum 161P17


Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Belt Sanding Machine

• integrated suction unit
• additional motor with naumkeag sander
• front taper Ø 80 mm with bayonet closure (MK3)
• 2 sanding belts
• 3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 750 x 815 x 1615 mm
• 1 x sanding belt: 40 x 1650 mm, contact wheel: Ø 170 mm
• 1 x sanding belt: 100 x 1480 mm, contact wheel: Ø 110 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,1 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 235 kg


Other models available upon request!

Trimmer, complete
• for items 96M20, 96M21 and 96M22
• left-hand cutting, on bayonet, for cutter without shoulder in dura quality

Trimming width Item-No.

2,5 mm 161P9/25
3 mm 161P9/30
4 mm 161P9/40
5 mm 161P9/50
6 mm 161P9/60
8 mm 161P9/80
10 mm 161P9/100

For items 96M6, 96M7 and 96M8 available upon request.

Replacement Cutter
• for item 161P9, left-hand cutting

Trimming width Item-No.

2,5 mm 161P9/25E
3 mm 161P9/30E
4 mm 161P9/40E
5 mm 161P9/50E
6 mm 161P9/60E
8 mm 161P9/80E
10 mm 161P9/100E 89
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Heel Cutter Head

• for item 96M21
• left-hand cutting, with 18 mm cutter, adjustable width via protective cap

Width Item-No.
18 mm 161P10

For item 96M7 available upon request.

Replacement Cutter
• for item 161P10

Width Item-No.
18 mm 161P10/E

Egg Shape Rasp Head

• for items 96M20, 96M21 and 96M22
• left-hand cutting on bayonet

Ø Head x length Item-No.

25 x 35 mm 161P11

For items 96M6, 96M7 and 96M8 available upon request.

Finger Shape Rasp Head

• for items 96M20, 96M21 and 96M22
• left-hand cutting on bayonet

Ø Head x length Item-No.

25 x 50 mm 161P12

For items 96M6, 96M7 and 96M8 available upon request.

Sole Trimmer
• for items 96M20, 96M21 and 96M22
• arched on bayonet

Width Item-No.
20 mm 161P14

For items 96M6, 96M7 and 96M8 available upon request.

Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 96M20, 96M21, 96M22, 96M6, 96M7 and 96M8
• left fold, arched, Ø 90 mm
• PU = 10 pieces

Grit Item-No.
K 60 161P55/60
K 80 161P55/80
K 100 161P55/100
K 120 161P55/120

Tapered Sleeves
• for item 96M20, 96M21, 96M22, 96M6, 96M7 and 96M8
• for heel breaster
• PU = 1 piece

Grit Item-No.
K 40 161P13

Sanding Belt
• endless, for shoemakers‘ machines
• EM = External Make

L x W / grit for machine Item-No.

1480 x 40 mm / K 24 EM 107P51/24
1480 x 40 mm / K 40 EM 107P51/40
1480 x 40 mm / K 60 EM 107P51/60
1480 x 40 mm / K 80 EM 107P51/80
1480 x 40 mm / K 120 EM 107P51/120
1480 x 100 mm / K 24 96M7, M8, M21, M22 107P52/24
1480 x 100 mm / K 40 96M7, M8, M21, M22 107P52/40
1480 x 100 mm / K 80 96M7, M8, M21, M22 107P52/80
1650 x 40 mm / K 24 96M6, 96M7, M8, M20, M21, 107P53/24
1650 x 40 mm / K 40 96M6, 96M7, M8, M20, M21, 107P53/40
1650 x 40 mm / K 80 96M6, 96M7, M8, M20, M21, 107P53/80
1650 x 40 mm / K 12 96M6, 96M7, M8, M20, M21, 107P53/120
1650 x 100 mm / K 24 96M20 107P54/24
1650 x 100 mm / K 40 96M20 107P54/40
1650 x 100 mm / K 80 96M20 107P54/80
1650 x 100 mm / K 120 96M20 107P54/120
1390 x 100 mm / K 24 EM 107P55/24
1390 x 100 mm / K 40 EM 107P55/40
1390 x 100 mm / K 80 EM 107P55/80 91
Orthopaedic Shoe Technology

Halogen-Infralux Processor
• for processing of solvent-free adhesives

• switchable lamp (halogen-quartz light)
• handle
• ventilator to avoid heat congestion

Technical data
• space requirements W x D x H: 330 x 430 x 630 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph


Silicone Processing

Silicone Processing
Silicone Processing

Silicone processing requires special machines and tools. For example, when silicone is mixed and rolled out into
sheets, continuously adjustable rollers are necessary to produce the required material thickness. Especially the
electrically driven rollers must meet high safety standards.

On the following pages, you will find a selection of our machinery and tool assortment, which has been
coordinated to meet these high demands.
Silicone Processing

Mixing Board
• waxed special paper

• for mixing of Episil und Abdosil

• with anti-slip coating to avoid displacement

PU = 1 board with 50 sheets

Dimensions L x W Item-No.
240 x 150 mm 75E1

• small, bent, with micro-teeth on lower blade, specially recommend for
cutting silicone
• PU = 1 piece

Length Item-No.
130 mm 50E7

• small, bent, vertical tip, specially recommend for cutting silicone
• PU = 1 piece

Length Item-No.
145 mm 50E17

Silicone Spatula
• flexible
• wide, for mixing of liquid silicones
• PU = 1 piece

Length of spatula Total length Item-No.

105 mm 205 mm 50E5 95
Silicone Processing

Silicone Spatula
• small, for modelling of moldable silicones and acrylics
• PU = 1 piece


Alginate Spatula
• for mixing and applying of Alginate item-no. 1E2
• PU = 1 piece


Modelling Spatula made of Plastic Material

• to gently remove HTV-silicone residue from mechanical and electronical
silicone rollers / calenders
• perfectly suitable for modelling plaster, wax, plasticine and silicone
• PU = 1 piece

Colour Length Item-No.

blue approx. 200 mm 166P24

Processing Roller
• conical
• for processing of moldable silicones
• PU = 1 piece


Processing Roller
• cylindrical
• for processing of moldable silicones
• PU = 1 piece

Length Diameter Item-No.

150 mm 8,0 mm 50E15

Silicone Processing

Processing Roller
• cylindrical
• for processing of moldable silicones
• PU = 1 piece

Length Diameter Item-No.

120 mm 5,0 mm 50E16

Double-Sided Spatula, Small

• for modelling of wax and silicones
• PU = 1 piece


Modelling Instrument
• for modelling of wax and silicones
• PU = 1 piece


• with angled, toothed point
• PU = 1 piece


Wax Knife
• for modelling of wax and silicones
• PU = 1 piece

Length Item-No.
170 mm 50E9 97
Silicone Processing

• sterile
• with plastic handle
• PU = 10 pieces


Scalpel handle „Standard, fig. 4“

• solid flat handlesuitable for blades fig. 18-36length = 140 mmPU = 1 piece


Scalpel Blade
• sterile
• small blade for detailed works
• for scalpel handle item-no. 50E26
• PU = 100 pieces

Size Item-No.
Fig. 24 50E27

Measuring Cup
• polypropylene
• transparent
• with calibration
• PU = 1 piece

Filling quantity Height Diameter Item-No.

3000 ccm 242 mm 170 mm 90E29/3000
5000 ccm 270 mm 210 mm 90E29/5000

Silicone Processing

• air bubbles, which are in the plaster, move to the top while using the shaker
• suitable for continuous use
• 2-speed, with rubber suction feet

Technical data
• sharking intensity: 3.000/6.000 vibrations/min.
• table size: 210 x 130 mm
• dimensions W x D x H: 228 x 143 x 150 mm
• power requirements: 220 – 240 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,07 kW
• weight: 5,2 kg


Plaster Mixer
• for airbubble-free mixing of plaster and liquid silicones
• for wall- or table mount
• vacuum device with maintenance-free injector pump
• sturdy and powerful motor
• easy installation
• automatic- and manual switch
• installed vibrator
• including mixing bowl 500 ml

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 240 x 220 x 400 mm
• revolutions per minute: 425
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,25 kW
• weight: 15 kg
• colour: white


Scope of supply does not include tripod.

For all maintenance work at the plaster mixer, we recommend to

use the special oil for plaster mixer, item-no. 90E20/E1 (volume 500

Mixing Bowl for Plaster Mixer 90E20

• mixing bowl with agitator
• for mixing liquid plaster and RTV-silicones

Filling quantity Material Item-No.

300 ml Plasic 90E20/300
500 ml Plastic 90E20/500
875 ml Plastic 90E20/875
1200 ml Steel 90E20/1200
90E20/500 99
Silicone Processing

Hand Grinder
• for fine grinding- and milling tasks

• high performance grinder with comfortable handling
• low weight
• low noise and vibrations
• smooth running

Accessories handpiece
• collet Ø 2,35 mm
• connection cord between handpiece and control unit
• handpiece rest

Technical data handpiece

• speed range: clockwise rotation 1000 – 35000 RPM, counter-clockwise
rotation limited to 5000 RPM
• dimensions: L x Ø: 149 x 28 mm
• max. torque: 4,5 Ncm
• weight: 316 g

Knee-control unit
• 4 storable programs
• constant rotation speed by automatic adjustment
• 4-colour display for easy recognition of the stored programs
• quick access to preset rotation speeds and torques

Accessories knee-control unit

• 2,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data knee-control unit

• dimensions W x D x H: 95 x 280 x 235 mm
• power requirements: 100 – 240 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,22 kW
• weight: 3 kg


Silicone Processing

Hand Grinder with Knee-Control Unit

• for fine grinding- and milling tasks

• high performance grinder with comfortable handling
• low weight
• low noise and vibrations
• smooth running

Accessories handpiece
• collet Ø 2,35 mm
• connection cord between handpiece and control unit
• handpiece rest
• protective disk with support
• magnifier
• armrest

Technical data handpiece

• speed range: clockwise rotation 1000 – 50000 RPM, counter-clockwise
rotation limited to 5000 RPM
• dimensions: L x Ø: 165 x 29 mm
• max. torque: 7 Ncm
• weight: 355 g

Knee-control unit
• 4 storable programs
• constant rotation speed by automatic adjustment
• 4-colour display for easy recognition of the stored programs
• quick access to preset rotation speeds and torques

Accessories knee-control unit

• 2,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data knee-control unit

• dimensions W x D x H: 95 x 280 x 235 mm
• power requirements: 100 – 240 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,22 kW
weight: 3 kg

90E14 101
Silicone Processing

Carbide Cutting Bit

• u-conical shape with flat point, toothing, for sharp-edged milling works in
plastic and metal
• PU = 1 piece


Cutting Bit, Drum

• carbide cutting bit with spiral bevel toothing for silicone, cone shape with
round point, for soft plastics and silicone, long tool life
• PU = 1 piece


Carbide Cutting Bit

• drum shape with flat point, spiral bevel toothing, for area-measured milling
works in plastic and metal
• PU = 1 piece


Carbide Cutting Bit

• drum shape with round point, fine spiral bevel toothing, for fine milling
works in plastic and metal
• PU = 1 piece


Silicone Processing

Cutting Bit for Silicone, Cone

• carbide cutting bit with special toothing for silicone, conical shape with
round point, for soft plastics and silicone, long tool life
• PU = 1 piece


Cutting Bit for Silicone

• carbide cutting bit with special toothing for silicone, bulb shape with round
point, for soft plastics and silicone, long tool life
• PU = 1 piece


Cutting Bit for Silicone

• carbide cutting bit with special toothing for silicone, slim cone shape with
round point, for soft plastics and silicone, long tool life
• PU = 1 piece


Spindle Holder
• for clamping of polishing wheels, wire wheels and cutting wheels
• PU = 1 piece

60E14 103
Silicone Processing

Carbon Polishing Wheel

• for clamping on spindle holder item 60E14, for cutting of metal
• PU = 10 pieces


Fleece Polishing Wheel

• for clamping on spindle holder item 60E14
• for fine machining of RTV silicone plasticine and PVC
• PU = 10 pieces

Diameter Item-No.
28 mm 60E16

Polishing Wheel
• for clamping on spindle holder item 60E14
• for fine machining of RTV silicone plasticine, PVC and metal
• max. revolution: 10.000 RPM
• PU = 10 pieces


Wire Wheel
• for clamping on spindle holder item 60E14, for machining of foam and for
roughening of silicone
• PU = 6 pieces

Diameter Item-No.
21 mm 60E18

Silicone Processing

Sanding Cylinder
• with rubber coating, for clamping of sanding sleeves item 60E20
• PU = 1 piece

Diameter Item-No.
9 mm 60E19

Sanding Sleeves
• for clamping on sanding cylinder item 60E19, for sanding of plastic, plaster
and silicone
• PU = 100 pieces

Diameter Item-No.
9,5 mm 60E20

Plaster Cutter, Ball

• cone shape with point, rough toothing, for sanding works on plastic, metal
and plaster
• PU = 1 piece


Plaster Cutter, Cone

• cone shape with round point, rough toothing, for rough sanding works on
plastic, metal and plaster
• PU = 1 piece

60E7 105
Silicone Processing

Plaster Cutter, Pointed

• carbide cutting bit, slim conical shape with point, fine cross toothing, for fine
sanding works on plastic, metal and plaster
• PU = 1 piece


Silicone Polisher
• for finishing silicone surfaces
• max. revolution: 15.000 RPM
• PU = 5 pieces


Polishing Brush
• in connection with polishing paste item 60E21, for polishing of acrylics
• PU = 1 piece


Polishing Paste
• for use with polishing brush item 60E5, for polishing of acrylic nails
• PU = 1 piece

Content Item-No.
200 g 60E21

Silicone Processing

Sand Paper Holder

• for clamping of sand paper
• PU = 1 piece


Sand Paper
• sand paper grit 240

• for sand paper holder item-no. 60E3
• for fine sanding of surfaces made of plastic, metal and plaster

PU = 10 m

60E22 107
Silicone Processing

Silicone Work Station

• dust suction unit
• 3 drawers
• 4 sockets
• connections for gas, electro and compressed air
• front table for suction mouth
• flexible work lamp
• adjustable working height

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1240 x 620 x 820 – 950 mm
• scope of adjustment: 6 adjustments à 25 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / max. 1 kW
• weight: approx. 130 kg
• colour: gentian blue


The total consumption of the connected electrical devices must not exceed
12 A.

picture similar

Electric Silicone Roller

• for mixing of large quantities of silicone
• for rolling out big silicone sheets from 0,1 to 20 mm thickness

• integrated soft-touch-control-panel in the casing
• foot pedal with emergency-off function
• electric adjustable roller distance
• manual hand crank for memergencies
• safety devices

Technical data
• digital display of roller distance: 0 – approx. 20 mm
• max. roller sheet dimension: 650 x 720 mm
• dimensions of rollers: Ø 200 mm x 740 mm
• machine dimensions W x D x H: 1140 x 650 x 1300 mm
• digital display: 0,1 mm accuracy
• motor speed: 1480 RPM
• output power: 510 Nm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,5 kW
• nominal current: 9 A
• control voltage: 24 V DC
• weight: 340 kg net
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey


Manufactured according to valid VDE standards and CE guidelines.

Silicone Processing

Electric Silicone Roller

desktop unit

• for mixing and rolling of silicone of 0,1 mm to 15 mm material thickness

• integrated soft-touch control panel in the casing
• emergency-off switch at the casing
• foot pedal
• manually adjustable roller distance by hand lever
• digital indication of roller distance
• safety device in front of rollers
• automatic opening of the rollers by emergency-off bar
• backlight behind rollers

Technical data
• digital display of roller distance from 0 – approx. 15 mm
• roller dimensions: Ø 100 x 400 mm
• machine dimensions W x D x H: 780 x 530 x 580 mm
• digital display: accurancy 0,1 mm
• roller speed: step 1 – 10)
• power requirements: 230V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,37 kW
• weight: 170 kg
• colour: RAL 7035 lightgrey


Mechanical Silicone Roller

• for mixing of small quantities of silicone (up to 100 g) and for rolling out
silicone sheets

• 2 manually operated chromed rollers, rotating in opposite direction
• manually adjustable roller gap

Technical data
• dimensions: W x D x H: 600 x 350 x 310 mm
• diameter of rollers: 100 mm
• length of rollers: 350 mm
• roller gap: 0,1 – 3 mm, manually adjustable in 15 different steps
• max. sheet size: 300 x 300 mm
• colour of metal parts: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: approx. 64 kg net
picture similar

For cleaning use Heptan item-no. 83E4. 109
Silicone Processing

• acrylic lacquer aerosol

• for insulating of plaster cast moulds

• clear
• shiny
• quick-drying

PU = 1 tin

Content Item-No.
500 ml 117P8

If used with HTV-silicones, remove the model while still warm.

• high pressure device for polymerisation of acrylics (e. g. fingernails)
• incl. 1 m charging hose
• material: coated aluminum
• capacity: 4,0 liter
• outer dimensions: H 22 cm x Ø 24,5 cm
• inner dimensions: H 13,5 cm x Ø 20,5 cm
• operating temperature: 45 °C
• weight: 3,11 kg


Aluminum Mould
• for fingers
• PU = 1 piece


Lamination Station &
Deep Drawing Technology

Deep Drawing Technology

Lamination Station &
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

When working at lamination work stations, various hazardous materials are used. Therefore, numerous facts
such as room volume, extraction capacity and clean air return, as well as industrial health, safety and emissions
must be considered when planning a perfect lamination room concept. These factors are not only subject to
the regional or national accident prevention regulations, but also to the local emission directives.
All our lamination stations have been constructed and
manufactured in compliance with the strictest possible
legal guidelines. It is our goal to find an optimal overall
solution for your company environment, i. e. your
main activities and your room concept.

In deep drawing technology, plastic materials are thermoplastic-formed and therefore must be heated to a
designated temperature as simple as possible. For this process, we supply various circulating-air-heating
cabinets, infrared-ovens, heating plates and deep drawing tools.
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Adhesive / Resin Work Station

for connection to a central exhaustor

• drawer block on the right side with 3 lockable drawers 150 mm and section
for laminating device
• left table leg with 1 each socket, switch, quick-coupling, manometer, air
pressure control
• beech wood top, d = 50 mm, glued wood
• integrated, closeable application grid 500 x 340 mm with drip tub
• suction channel with 3 closeable push-grids
• connection for suction tube Ø 150 mm
• swivelling, closeable aluminium suction hood
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1600 x 780 x 1000 mm (height without aluminium
suction hood)
• working height: 850 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey


Electric socket must be connected to the power supply system.

Adhesive / Resin Work Station

with explosion-protected exhaustor

• drawer block on the right side with 3 lockable drawers 150 mm and section
for laminating device
• left table leg with 1 each socket, switch, quick-coupling, manometer, air
pressure control
• beech wood top, d = 50 mm, glued wood
• integrated, closeable application grid 500 x 340 mm with drip tub
• suction channel with 3 closeable push-grids
• connection for suction tube Ø 150 mm
• swivelling, closeable aluminium suction hood
• explosion-protected exhaustor
• 3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• volume flow: 1100 m³/h
• dimensions W x D x H: 1600 x 780 x 1000 mm (height without aluminium
suction hood)
• working height: 850 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,55 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

90M7/3540 115
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Resin Casting Work Station

• suction flow of 1100 cbm/h provides strong suction to area of rollers table
and floor
• additionally installed suction arm is used for punctual suction
• complete technical device is located inside the riser which also provides
storage space for materials, tools and equipment

• explosion-proof axial fan, filter device
• 2 receivers for reinforcement- or sheeting material
• motor switch ON/OFF
• top part with 3 m power cord, CEE plug 5 x 16 A
• base part with electric supply 230 V (grounded plug) with quick action
connector for the compressor unit

Technical data
• work bench W x D x H: 1600 x 750 x 900 mm
• top cabinet W x D x H: 1600 x 440 x 1400 mm
• exhaust nozzle: Ø 315 mm
• sound level: 62 dBA
• power requirements axial fan: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,25 kW
• power requirements work bench: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

scope of supply does not include bench vise Item-No.

picture similar 90M1

Special coatings are available upon request! Replacement air filter

(PU = 5 pieces) available (item-no. 90M1/F).

Resin Casting Work Station

• like item 90M1, but without suction arm, for crowded work areas

Technical data
• work bench W x D x H: 1100 x 750 x 900 mm
• top cabinet W x D x H: 1100 x 440 x 1400 mm
• exhaust nozzle: Ø 315 mm
• sound level: 62 dBA
• power requirements axial fan: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,25 kW
• power requirements work bench: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey


Special coatings are available upon request! Replacement air filter

(PU = 5 pieces) available (item-no. 90M1/F).

scope of supply does not include suction arm and bench

picture similar

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Resin Casting Work Station

• like item 90M1, for work areas low-ceilinged rooms

Technical data
• work bench W x D x H: 1600 x 750 x 900 mm
• top cabinet W x D x H: 1600 x 440 x 1100 mm
• exhaust nozzle: Ø 315 mm
• sound level: 62 dBA
• power requirements axial fan: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,25 kW
• power requirements work bench: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey


Special coatings are available upon request! Replacement air filter

(PU = 5 pieces) available (item-no. 90M1/F).

scope of supply does not include bench vise

picture similar 117
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Suction Arm
• suitable for mounting near resin casting stations or adhesive work stations
• energy saving due to low pressure loss

• adjustable friction joints made of white polypropylene (PP)
• tubes made of thin walled, anodised aluminium
• round suction hood NW 250 mm, powder coated white aluminium
• support spring and threaded rod made of stainless steel
• with tightly closing shut-off valve

Technical data
• suction arm: Ø 75 mm
• suction hood: Ø 250 mm
• recommended air flow: 150 m³/h (40 l/s)

Suction arm for table mount, incl. mounting plate

Range Weight Item-No.
max. 1250 mm 3,05 kg 90M24/1250
max. 850 mm 2,55 kg 90M24/850

Suction arm for wall mount, incl. wall support

Range Weight Item-No.
max. 1500 mm 5,7 kg 90M25/1500
90M26 max. 800 mm 4,7 kg 90M25/800

Suction arm for ceiling mount

Range Weight Item-No.
max. 1500 mm 5,7 kg 90M26/1500
max. 900 mm 4,7 kg 90M26/900

90M26: Scope of supply does not include ceiling bracket. Various

sizes available upon request.

Spring Balancer
for vertical fixation of the filling funnel during lamination tasks

load capacity Item-No.

0,5 - 1,5 kg 140M14

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Safety Storage Cabinet

• in accordance with EN 14470-1 (type 90), for storing and keeping
flammable liquids and solids at the work place (TRGS 510)

• outer body made of powder-coated steel sheet; inner body coated with
chemical-resistant laminate and PP-edges
• high quality fire protection seals in the entire joint area
• easy moving drawer stops in any desired position; integrated thermo release
closes drawer automatically in case of fire
• GS-approved
• liquid-proof pull-out tray with approx. 50 kg load capacity, incl. perforated
stainless steel sheet insert
• castors with base panel (height = 30 mm) for simple moving of the cabinet,
safe positioning of the cabinet by integrated castor locks

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1102 x 574 x 630 mm (incl. castors)
• inner dimensions W x H x D: 980 x 450 x 500 mm
• exhaust connection: Ø 50 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: approx. 165 kg

The safety base cabinet can also be operated without connection to a
technical exhaust system (suction ventilator) under conditions of TRGS 510
Attachment 3 and BGR 104 (collection of examples 2.2.8).


We recommend the explosion-proof extractor fan 92M4 and air-

ciruclation filter add-on unit 92M8.

Safety Storage Cabinet with Folding Door

• in accordance with EN 14470-1 (type 90), for storing and keeping flammable
liquids and solids at the work place (TRGS 510)

• space saving folding door provides maximum work space in front of the
cabinet while door is open
• door mechanism buffered by air spring with locking unit for easy storing and
• integrated thermo release closes door automatically in case of fire
• 3 shelf panels (load capacity per shelf panel 75 kg, if load is evenly
• bottom tray (capacity 33 litres) with perforated sheet insert

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1196 x 616 x 1968 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 1050 x 524 x 1742 mm
• exhaust connection: Ø 75 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: approx. 420 kg

The safety base cabinet can also be operated without connection to a
technical exhaust system (suction ventilator) under conditions of TRGS 510
Attachment 3 and BGR 104 (collection of examples 2.2.8).


scope of supply does not include content We recommend the explosion-proof extractor fan 92M4 and air-
ciruclation filter add-on unit 92M7. 119
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Safety Storage Cabinet with Folding Door

• in accordance with EN 14470-1 (type 90), for storing and keeping flammable
liquids and solids at the work place (TRGS 510)

• space saving folding door provides maximum work space in front of the
cabinet while door is open
• door mechanism buffered by air spring with locking unit for easy storing and
• integrated thermo release closes door automatically in case of fire
• 3 shelf panels (load capacity per shelf panel 75 kg, if load is evenly
• bottom tray (capacity 22 litres) with perforated sheet insert

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 596 x 616 x 1968 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 450 x 524 x 1742 mm
• exhaust connection: Ø 75 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: approx. 260 kg

The safety base cabinet can also be operated without connection to a
technical exhaust system (suction ventilator) under conditions of TRGS 510
Attachment 3 and BGR 104 (collection of examples 2.2.8).


We recommend the explosion-proof extractor fan 92M4 and air-

ciruclation filter add-on unit 92M7.

Safety Cabinet with Wing Doors

• in accordance with EN 14470-1 (type 90), for storing and keeping flammable
liquids and solids at the work place (TRGS 510)

• wing doors will lock in any position for easy storing and removing
• integrated thermo release causes the doors to close automatically in case of
• with 4 fully retractable drawers for optimal use of storage capacities when
using small and medium material containers
• integrated transport base with cover for easy moving through the facility

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1193 x 615 x 1953 mm
• inner dimensions: W x D x H: 1050 x 522 x 1647 mm
• shelf load per drawer (4 drawers): 60 kg
• catching capacity per drawer: 29 litres
• dimensions of the drawers: W x D x H: 844 x 488 x 90 mm
• space between the drawers: 390 / 360 / 360 / 375 mm
• exhaust connection: Ø 75 mm
• colour: body RAL 7016 anthracite / doors RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: approx. 424 kg

The safety base cabinet can also be operated without connection to a
technical exhaust system (suction ventilator) under conditions of TRGS 510
Attachment 3 and BGR 104 (collection of examples 2.2.8).

scope of supply does not include content Item-No.


We recommend the explosion-proof extractor fan 92M4 and air-

ciruclation filter add-on unit 92M7. More accessories available
upon request.

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Recirculating Air Filter System for Safety

Cabinets 92M1, 92M3 and 92M6
• air filter system for extracting solvent vapours (hydrocarbons) for mounting
on the top of safety cabinets
• maximum flexibility in choosing the installation location
• active personal protection through safe capture of harmful vapours with
retention in the filter system
• complete with multi-level filter system, connection cable and power cord
• incl. VDE-approved electronic extraction and filter monitoring
• optical and acoustical alarm incl. potential-free alarm contact
• ATEX-conformity: CE Ex II 3/-G Ex ic nA IIB T4 Gc
• housing made of powder-coated sheet-steel

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 305 x 555 x 210 mm
• noise level: approx. 39 dB(A)
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 10,8 W
• revolutions: 2450 Rpm
• weight: 4,2 kg


Replacement active carbon filter available (item-no. 92M9). The

active carbon filter should be exchanged once a year.

Recirculating Air Filter System for Safety

Cabinets 92M2
• air filter system for extracting solvent vapours (hydrocarbons) for mounting
at safety cabinet
• maximum flexibility in choosing the installation location
• active personal protection through safe capture of harmful vapours with
retention in the filter system
• complete with multi-level filter system, connection cable and power cord
• incl. VDE-approved electronic extraction and filter monitoring
• optical and acoustical alarm incl. potential-free alarm contact
• ATEX-conformity: CE Ex II 3/-G Ex ic nA IIB T4 Gc
• housing made of powder-coated sheet-steel

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 305 x 555 x 210 mm
scope of supply does not include housing and cabinet • noise level: approx. 39 dB(A)
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 10,8 W
• revolutions: 2450 Rpm
• weight: 4,2 kg


New active carbon filter available with item-no. 92M9. The active
carbon filter should be exchanged once a year. The air-circulation
filter add-on unit can be optinally mounted on a console (92M8/1)
or in a comfortable casing unit (92M8/2). 121
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Explosion-Proof Extractor Fan

• for safety cabinets 92M1, 92M2, 92M3 and 92M6, with steel base-mount
• self-cooling three-phase AC motor according VDMA standards

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 310 x 230 x 300 mm
• exhaust connection: Ø 75 mm
• air flow: 60 – 250 m³/h
• air pressure: 240 – 175 Pa
• revolutions: 2800 RPM
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,09 kW
• sound level: 45 dB(A)
• protection: IP 55
• ATEX: CE Ex II 2G c IIB T4 PTB07 ATEX D105
• weight: 11 kg net


Protective Switch
• for item 92M4, to protect the fan motor from overheating
• current range: 0,63 – 1 A


Flat Bed Oven

• bench type, welded steel frame construction

• 4 mm glass heating panel covered with PTFE sheeting
• stainless steel lid equipped with 1 gas spring and 1 handle
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 895 x 755 x 295 mm
• PTFE sheeted heating panel W x D: approx. 780 x 580 mm
• temperature range: 20 – 220 °C, infinitely variable
• automatic control: micro-processor with digital set value / actual value
indication with a measuring accuracy +/- 1 %
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 2,3 kW
• colour: RAL 5015 sky blue

Weight Item-No.
56 kg net 55M2

Service parts are available upon request!

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Flat Bed Oven

• with base stand for optimal working height
• the welded steel frame construction is either made of 30 x 30 x 3 mm resp.
60 x 30 x 3 mm square tubing

• frame
• stainless steel storing panel
• 4 mm glass heating panel covered with PTFE sheeting
• stainless steel lid equipped with 2 gas springs and 2 handles
• additional stainless steel storing panel mounted to frame below heating
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug
• heating plate and stand are separable and connectable

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1360 x 1005 x 960 mm
• PTFE sheeted heating panel W x D: 1280 x 930 mm
• temperature range: 20 – 220 °C, infinitely variable
• automatic control: micro-processor with digital set value / actual value
indication with a measuring accuracy +/- 1 %
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 2,3 kW
• colour: RAL 5015 sky blue

Weight Item-No.
132 kg net 55M1

Service parts are available upon request!

Heating Cabinet
• heating cabinet for heating of plastic sheet materials
• suitable for drying of plaster cast models and for sintering technology

• 1 door with window
• interior made of stainless steel
• convection fan
• electronic controlled preheating technology APT.line
• microprocessor PID switch with LED display and integrated timer 0 bis 99h
• timer function - delayed OFF
• ramp function
• temperature limit controller class 2 (DIN 12880) with optical temperature
• electro-mechanical adjustment of the ventilation flap with position indicator
• 2 chrome-plated insert trays
• 1,8 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 560 x 640 x 625 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 400 x 345 x 440 mm
picture without windows • inside volume: 60 Liter
• window dimensions W x H: 240 x 240 mm
picture similar • temperature range: 10 °C above room temperature up to 300 °C
• power requirements: 230 V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,1 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey, powder coated
• weight (empty): 39 kg net

50M51/1523 123
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Heating Cabinet
• heating cabinet for heating of plastic sheet materials
• suitable for deep-drawing technology with deep-drawing frames as well as
for drying of plaster cast models and for sintering technology

• 1 door with window
• interior made of stainless steel
• convection fan
• electronic controlled preheating technology APT.line
• microprocessor PID switch and LED display and integrated timer 0 – 99 h
• timer with delayed off function
• ramp function
• USB interface for simple data transfer
• temperature limit controller class 2 (DIN 12880) with optical temperature
• electriomechanic adjustment of air flap with position indicator in display
• 2 chrome-plated insert trays
• 1,8 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 815 x 817 x 965 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 650 x 510 x 780 mm
• inside volume W x H: 258 litres
• window dimensions: 370 x 370 mm
• temperature range: 8 °C above room temperature up to 300 °C
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 2,3 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey, powder coated
• weight (net) empty: 86 kg


Other models resp. versions are available upon request!

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Heating Cabinet
• heating cabinet for heating of plastic sheet materials
• suitable for deep-drawing technology with deep-drawing frames as well as
for drying of plaster cast models and for sintering technology

• 2 doors with windows
• interior made of stainless steel
• convection fan with adjustable ventilator speed
• electronic controlled preheating technology APT.line
• microprocessor PID switch and LED display
• MS-controller with various time functions
• time functions of the controller: 0 – 99,59 h delayed OFF, 0 – 99,59 h
delayed ON, 0 – 99,59 h temperature dependent delayed OFF
• digital temperature control, within 1 degree of accuracy
• ramp function
• temperature limit controller class 2 (DIN 12880) with optical temperature
• adjustable air ventilation by air flap in the front and air duct Ø 50 mm in the
• interface RS 422 for communication software APT Com Data Control System
• 2 chrome-plated insert trays
• 1,8 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1234 x 870 x 1022 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 500 x 800 mm
• inside volume: 400 litres
• window dimensions W x H: 290 x 470 mm
• temperature range: 5 °C above room temperature up to 300 °C
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 3,4 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey, powder coated
• weight (empty): 145 kg net


Other models resp. versions are available upon request!

Base Frame
• for item 50M3 and 50M52

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1500 x 750 x 850 mm
• load capacity 300 kg
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey

50M52/U 125
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Heating Cabinet
• heating cabinet for heating of plastic sheet materials
• suitable for drying of plaster cast models and for sintering technology

• 1 door with window
• interior made of stainless steel
• convection fan
• electronic controlled preheating technology APT.line
• microprocessor PID switch and LED display
• DS-controller with integrated timer 0 – 99 h
• digital temperature control, within 1 degree of accuracy
• ramp function
• temperature limit controller class 2 (DIN 12880) with optical temperature
• adjustable air ventilation by air flap in the front and air duct Ø 50 mm in the
• 2 chrome-plated insert trays
• 1,8 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 835 x 760 x 700 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 600 x 400 x 480 mm
• inside volume: 115 litres
• window dimensions W x H: 240 x 350 mm
• temperature range: 5 °C above room temperature up to 300 °C
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,6 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey, powder coated
• weight (net): empty 64 kg


Other models resp. versions are available upon request!

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Heating Cabinet
• UL approval
• heating cabinet for proper heating of plastic sheet materials
• suitable for deep-drawing with clamping frame, drying of plaster casts and
for sintering technique

• 2 doors with viewing windows
• stainless steel interior
• convection fan with adjustable ventilator speed
• electronic controlled preheating technology APT.line
• microprocessor PID switch and LED display
• timer functions: delayed OFF / delayed ON / temperature dependent delayed
• USB port for simple data transfer
• temperature limit controller class 2 (DIN 12880) with optical temperature
• ethernet port
• electro mechanical adjustment of air ventilation flap with position indicator
in display
• 2 chrome-plated insert grids
• 1,8 m connection cord

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1165 x 870 x 1590 mm
• inner dimensions B x T x H: 1000 x 1300 x 570 mm
• inside volume: 741 Liter
• temperature range: 12 °C above room temperature up to 300 °C
• power requirements: 208 V / 3 Ph / 60 Hz / 4,5 kW
• voltage also available: 400 V / 3 Ph / 50 – 60 Hz / 4,5 kW (50M54/3540)
• plug L21-20P
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey, powder coated
• weight empty: 166 kg net

Special Voltages
400 V / 3 Ph / 50 – 60 Hz / 4,5 kW (50M54/3540)


Other types resp. features are possible upon request! 127
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Convection Oven for Processing of Pre-preg

• mobile, with 4 stop rollers, including vacuum connections (4-way with
couplings and water separator), including intermediate rack to operate the
internal space in 3 varieties

• interior stainless steel
• 2-way wing door with viewing window
• heating element 3 x 3300 W, 3 x ventilator motor with reverseable direction
of rotation
• model / material sensor for oven control and heating process via material
• microprocessor controlled temperature operated by touch screen, PID-control
• continuously adjustable temperature from 30 °C to 250 °C / 86 °F - 480 °F
• timer and soft start function individually programmable, graphic flow display
• power cord with CEE-plug, 5-pole, 16 A

Technical data
• interior lighting: 2 x 25 watts
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1230 x 920 x 1570 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 620 x 1200 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 10,2 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey / RAL 7011 anthracite
• weight: 283 kg

Special Voltages
• 230 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph+PE / 10,2 kW (50M6/3523)


Pre-preg Oven
• circulating air cabinet for processing pre-preg materials, mobile with 4 stop
rollers, incl. vacuum connections (4-fold with couplings and water separator),
incl. intermediate shelf for dividing the interior into three zones

• interior: stainless steel
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey / RAL 7016 anthracite grey
• 2-fold folding door with window
• heating 3 x 3300 w, 3 x fan motors with reversal of rotation
• model/material sensor for controlling the furncae and the heating process via
the material temperature
• temperature controller, controlled by a microprocessor, operation via touch
screen, PID controller function
• temperature continuously adjustable from 30 °C to 250 °C, temperature unit
switchable °C / °F
• timer and ramp function individually programmable, graphic progress display
• exhaust air connection DN=100 mm in the right side of the housing
• connection cable with CEE plug, 5-pin, 16 A


Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Convection Oven for Pre-preg materials

• Convection Oven for manufacturing of Pre-preg materials, mobile, with 4
stop rollers, including vacuum connections (4-way with couplings and water
separator), incl. intermediate rack to separate the inner space into 3 zones

• stainless steel interior
• colour: RAL 7035 light-grey / RAL 7016 anthracite
• 2-way wing door with viewing window
• heating element 3 x 3300W, 3 x ventilator motor with reverseable direction
of rotation
• model/material sensor for oven control and heating process via material
• microprocessor controlled temperature operated by touch screen, PID-control
• continuously adjustable temperature from 30 °C to 250 °C / 86 °F - 480 °F,
temperature unit switchable °C / °F
• timer and soft start function individually programmable, graphic flow display
• exhaust nozzle DN = 100 mm at right side
• without power cord

Technical data
• illumination: 2 x 25 watts
• outer dimensions W x T x H: 1350 x 920 x 1950 mm
• inner dimensions W x T x H: 1000 x 620 x 1790 mm
• power requirements: 208 V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 10,2 kW
• weight: 395 kg

50M7/1520 129
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

• for quick heating of plastic materials
• also suitable for deep-drawing technology with deep-drawing frame

• stainless steel interior
• panel heating with 8 infrared quartz-tubes
• temperature measurement of the material surface by means of opto-
electronic IR-measuring unit
• touch screen operation
• multiple-language screen (GER, EN, FR, IT)
• °C / °F shift
• timer function
• heating ramp function (e.g. for Pre-preg)
• graphic display of heating processes progression
• double swing door with two double pane viewing windows
• 1 PTFE coated tray (exchangeable)
• power cord with CEE-plug, 5-pole, 16 A

Technical data
• interior lighting: 2 x 25 watts
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 810 x 580 x 540 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 900 x 700 x 920 mm
• number of quartz-infrared tubes: 8 pcs. 390 mm / 460 watts (tubes are
• continuously adjustable temperature range by means of PID-controller: 30
°C – 250 °C (86 °F – 482 °F)
• power requirements: 380 – 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 3,7 kW
• available in following colours: RAL 5017 (traffic blue) / RAL 7035 (light grey)
or RAL 7035 (light grey) / RAL 7037 (dust grey)
• weight net / gross: 133 kg / 185 kg

Special voltages
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph (51M10/3523) (without plug)
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph (51M10/1523) (without plug), note:
connection must be protected by a 20 A fuse


The average lifetime of the infrared-tubes is 5 years. As natural

wear proceeds, the infrared-tubes become darker and the heating
performance becomes weaker. Optionally available with stainless
steel- feed through for vacuum hose in the front area of the left
side, item-no. 51M16.

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

• for quick heating of plastic materials
• also suitable for deep-drawing technology with deep-drawing frame

• stainless steel interior
• panel heating with 16 infrared quartz-tubes
• temperature measurement of the material surface by means of opto-
electronic IR-measuring unit
• 2-line current/set temperature display
• speed dial button for selecting 4 preset temperature values
• double swing door with two double pane viewing windows
• 1 independent PTFE coated roll-about tray
• power cord with CEE-plug, 5-pole, 16 A

Technical data
• illumination: 4 x 25 W
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 810 x 1160 x 540 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 900 x 1300 x 890 mm
• number of quartz-infrared tubes: 16 pcs. 390 mm / 460 watts (tubes are
• continuously adjustable temperature range by means of PID-controller: 30 °C
– 250 °C (86 °F – 482 °F)
• power requirements: 380 – 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 7,4 kW
• available in following colours: RAL 5017 (traffic blue) / RAL 7035 (light grey)
or RAL 7035 (light grey) / RAL 7037 (dust grey)
• weight net: approx. 230 kg

Special voltages
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph (50M11/3523) (without plug)
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph (50M11/1523) (without plug), note:
connection must be protected by 50 A fuse


The average lifetime of the infrared-tubes is 5 years. As natural

wear proceeds, the infrared-tubes become darker and the heating
performance becomes weaker. Optionally available with stainless
steel- feed through for vacuum hose in the front area of the left
side, item-no. 51M16.

Base Rack with 4 Swivelling Wheels for Infrared

without picture Oven 50M11
Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 880 x 1230 x 730 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 21 kg

50M11/U 131
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

• incl. moveable roll-about tray
• for quick heating of large plastic materials and for production of pre-preg
orthoses in pre-preg technology; also suitable for deep-drawing technology
with deep-drawing frame
• panel heating with 18 infrared quartz-tubes, dual zone switching (6/18)
• temperature measurement of the material surface by means of
optoelectronic IR-measuring unit
• touch screen operation
• multiple-language screen (GER, EN, FR, IT)
• °C/°F shift
• timer function
• heating ramp function (e.g. for pre-preg)
• graphic display of heating processes progression
• vertically opening sliding door with double pane viewing window, twin
support by gas shock assist
• exchangeable PTFE coated roll-about tray, dismountable by quick-lock unit
• power cord with CEE-plug, 5-pole, 16 A

Technical Data
• interior lighting: 2 x 25 watts
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 1300 x 1090 x 510 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1595 x 1270 x 700 mm
• total height with opened door: 1200 mm
• number of quartz-infrared tubes: 6 pcs 490 mm / 460 W, 12 pcs 390 mm /
460 W (tubes are exchangeable)
• continuously adjustable temperature range by means of PID-controller: 30
°C – 250 °C (86 °F –482 °F)
• power requirements: 380-400 V / 50-60 Hz / 3 Ph / 8,5 kW
• available in following colours: RAL 5017 (traffic blue) / RAL 7035 (light grey)
oder RAL 7035 (light grey) / RAL 7037 (dust grey)
• weight net: 230 kg


Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

• incl. moveable roll-about tray
• for quick heating of large plastic materials and for production of Pre-preg
• also suitable for deep-drawing technology with deep-drawing frame

• panel heating with 12 infrared quartz-tubes
• temperature measurement of the material surface by means of opto-
electronic IR-measuring unit
• touch screen operation
• multiple-language screen (GER, EN, FR, IT)
• °C / °F shift
• timer function
• heating ramp function (e.g. for Pre-preg)
• graphic display of heating processes progression
• double pane viewing window, gas spring assisted, vertical opening
• exchangeable PTFE coated roll-about tray with 4 locking casters, height
continuously adjustable by gas spring (min. 820 mm, max. 1050 mm)
• power cord with CEE-plug, 5-pole, 16 A

Technical data
• interior lighting: 2 x 25 watts
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 800 x 500 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1320 x 970 x 1420 mm
• total height with opened door: 1850 mm
• number of quartz-infrared tubes: 10 pcs. 490 mm / 600 watts, 2 pcs. 490
mm / 825 watts (tubes are exchangeable)
• continuously adjustable temperature range by means of PID-controller: 30
°C – 250 °C (86 °F – 482 °F)
• power requirements: 380 – 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 7,7 kW
• available in following colours: RAL 5017 (traffic blue) / RAL 7035 (light grey)
or RAL 7035 (light grey) / RAL 7037 (dust grey)
• weight net / gross: 230 / 295 kg

Special voltages
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph (51M12/3523) (without plug)
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph (51M12/1523) (without plug), note:
connection must be protected by 50 A fuse


The average lifetime of the infrared-tubes is 5 years. As natural

wear proceeds, the infrared-tubes become darker and the heating
performance becomes weaker. Optionally available with stainless
steel- feed through for vacuum hose in the front area of the left
side, item-no. 51M16. 133
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

• incl. moveable roll-about tray
• for quick heating of large plastic materials and for production of Pre-preg
• also suitable for deep-drawing technology with deep-drawing frame

• panel heating with 24 infrared quartz-tubes, dual zone switching (6/24)
• temperature measurement of the material surface by means of opto-
electronic IR-measuring unit
• touch screen operation
• multiple-language screen (GER, EN, FR, IT)
• °C / °F shift
• timer function
• heating ramp function (e.g. for Pre-preg)
• graphic display of heating processes progression
• double pane viewing window, gas spring assisted, vertical opening
• exchangeable PTFE coated roll-about tray with 4 locking casters, height
continuously adjustable by gas spring (min. 820 mm, max. 1050 mm)
• power cord with CEE-plug, 5-pole, 32 A

Technical data
• interior lighting: 4 x 25 watts
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 1300 x 1590 x 500 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1595 x 1770 x 1400 mm
• total height with opened door: 1850 mm
• number of quartz-infrared tubes: 8 pcs. 490 mm / 460 watts; 16 pcs. 390
mm / 460 watts (tubes are exchangeable)
• continuously adjustable temperature range by means of PID-controller: 30
°C – 250 °C (86 °F – 482 °F)
• power requirements: 380 – 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 11,1 kW
• available in following colours: RAL 5017 (traffic blue) / RAL 7035 (light grey)
or RAL 7035 (light grey) / RAL 7037 (dust grey)
• weight net / gross: 360 / 466 kg

Special voltages
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph (51M13/3523) (without plug)
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph (51M13/1523) (without plug), note:
connection must be protected by 64 A fuse


The average lifetime of the infrared-tubes is 5 years. As natural

wear proceeds, the infrared-tubes become darker and the heating
performance becomes weaker. Optionally available with stainless
steel- feed through for vacuum hose in the front area of the left
side, item-no. 51M16.

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

• dual infrared oven incl. moveable roll-about tray, with two independent
thermostat control units
• suitable for heating the entire heating surface or 2 separate smaller heating
• for quick heating of large plastic materials and for production of Pre-preg
• also suitable for deep-drawing technology with deep-drawing frame

• panel heating with 28 infrared quartz-tubes, dual zone switching with
partition wall (14/28 infrared-tubes)
• temperature measurement of the material surface by means of two opto-
electronic IR-measuring units
• touch screen operation
• multiple-language screen (GER, EN, FR, IT)
• °C / °F shift
• timer function
• heating ramp function (e.g. for Pre-preg)
• graphic display of heating processes progression
• double pane viewing window, gas spring assisted, vertical opening
• exchangeable PTFE coated roll-about tray with 4 locking casters, height
continuously adjustable by gas spring (min. 710 mm, max. 940 mm)
• power cord with CEE-plug, 5-pole, 32 A

Technical data
• interior lighting: 4 x 25 watts
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 2200 x 1090 x 500 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 2500 x 1240 x 1300 mm
• total height with opened door: 1750 mm
• number of quartz-infrared tubes: 28 pcs. 490 mm / 460 watts (tubes are
• continuously adjustable temperature range by means of two PID-controllers:
30 °C – 250 °C (86 °F – 482 °F)
• power requirements: 380 – 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 12,9 kW
• available in following colours: RAL 5017 (traffic blue) / RAL 7035 (light grey)
or RAL 7035 (light grey) / RAL 7037 (dust grey)
• weight: net / gros: 448 kg / 631 kg

Special voltages
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph (51M14/3523) (without plug)
200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph (51M14/1523) (without plug), note:
connection must be protected by 64 A fuse


The average lifetime of the infrared-tubes is 5 years. As natural

wear proceeds, the infrared-tubes become darker and the heating
performance becomes weaker. Optionally available with stainless
steel- feed through for vacuum hose in the front area of the left
side, item-no. 51M16. 135
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

• incl. moveable roll-about tray
• for quick heating of large plastic materials and for production of Pre-preg
• also suitable for deep-drawing technology with deep-drawing frame

• panel heating with 18 infrared quartz-tubes, dual zone switching (6/18)
• temperature measurement of the material surface by means of opto-
electronic IR-measuring unit
• touch screen operation
• multiple-language screen (GER, EN, FR, IT)
• °C / °F shift
• timer function
• heating ramp function (e.g. for Pre-preg)
• graphic display of heating processes progression
• double pane viewing window, gas spring assisted, vertical opening
• exchangeable PTFE coated roll-about tray with 4 locking casters, height
continuously adjustable by gas spring (min. 820 mm, max. 1050 mm)
• stainless steel hose passage (inner Ø = 15 mm) incl. stainless steel cover
• power cord with CEE-plug, 5-pole, 16 A

Technical data
• interior lighting: 2 x 25 watts
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 1300 x 1090 x 500 mm
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 1595 x 1270 x 1400 mm
• total height with opened door: 1850 mm
• number of quartz-infrared tubes: 6 pcs. 490 mm / 460 watts; 12 pcs. 390
mm / 460 watts (tubes are exchangeable)
• continuously adjustable temperature range by means of PID-controller: 30
°C – 250 °C (86 °F – 482 °F)
• power requirements: 380 – 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 8,5 kW
• available in following colours: RAL 5017 (traffic blue) / RAL 7035 (light grey)
or RAL 7035 (light grey) / RAL 7037 (dust grey)
• weight net: 290 kg

Special voltages
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph (51M15/3523) (without plug)
• 200 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph (51M15/1523) (without plug), note:
connection must be protected by 50 A fuse


The average lifetime of the infrared-tubes is 5 years. As natural

wear proceeds, the infrared-tubes become darker and the heating
performance becomes weaker.

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

PTFE-Foil, porous
• suitable for infrared ovens 51M12, 51M13, 51M14, 51M15, 51M17
• thickness: 0,2 mm
• complete with fastening straps and springs

For item Item-No.

51M12 50M12/E1
51M13 50M13/E1
51M14 50M14/E1
51M15, 51M17 50M15/E1

PTFE-Foil, airtight
• suitable for items 51M12, 51M13, 51M14, 51M15, 51 M17
• thickness: 0,15 mm
• complete with fastening straps and springs

suitable for item Item-No.

51M12 51M12/E1
51M13 51M13/E1
51M14 51M14/E1
51M15, 51M17 51M15/E1

Infrared Emitter
• with spring mounted reflector and connection strand

Length Power Suitable for item Item-No.

390 mm 460 watts 50M10, 50M11, 50M13, 50M17/3946
50M15, 51M10, 51M13,
490 mm 460 watts 50M13, 50M14, 50M15, 50M17/4946
51M13, 51M14, 51M15
490 mm 600 watts 50M12, 51M12 50M17/4960
490 mm 825 watts 50M12, 51M12 50M17/4982

Gas Shock
without picture
• for door of item 50M25, 50M26 and 50M27

50M25/E1 137
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Illuminant for Interior Lighting

without picture
• for item 50M25, 50M26 and 50M27


Clamping Device for Pre-preg

51M9/1: Single-Clamping Device for Pre-preg
• horizontal holding device for 1 Pre-preg model
• suitable for use in infrared-oven
• dimensions L x W x H: 360 x 760 x 290 mm

51M9/4: Quadruple-Clamping Device for Pre-preg

• horizontal holding device for up to 4 Pre-preg models
• suitable for use in infrared-oven
• dimensions L x W x H: 910 x 760 x 290 mm

Version Item-No.
51M9/4 single-clamping device 51M9/1
quadruple-clamping device 51M9/4

Clamping Device for Pre-preg Materials

without deep drawing equipment

• 4-way clamping device for Pre-preg materials without deep drawing
equipment, suitable for all infrared ovens (please indicate size of roll-about
tray in your order)

• 1 x Pre-preg basic frame including reflector sheet
50M18/6 • 4 x bracket with adjustable angle for suction tube support
• suction tube support 3 x 1/2“, 1 x 3/4“
• suction tubes with square end 3 x 1/2“, 1 x 3/4“
• 1 vertical clamping device ea. for 1/2“ and 3/4“ for bench vise
• 1 x 4-way distributor with locking valves
• 1 x hose set for distributor (length 2 x 90 cm, 2 x 120 cm)
• 1 x connection set for distributor, length 180 cm

• 6-way clamping device for Pre-preg materials without deep drawing
equipment, suitable for all infrared ovens (please indicate size of roll-about
tray in your order)

• 1 x Pre-preg basic frame including reflector sheet
• 6 x bracket with adjustable angle for suction tube support
• suction tube support 5 x 1/2“, 1 x 3/4“
• suction tubes with square end 5 x 1/2“, 1 x 3/4“
• 1 vertical clamping device ea. for 1/2“ and 3/4“ for bench vise
• 1 x 6-way distributor with locking valves
• 1 x hose set for distributor (length 2 x 60 cm, 2 x 90 cm, 2 x 120 cm)
• 1 x connection set for distributor, length 180 cm

Version Item-No.
4-way clamping device 50M18/4
6-way clamping device 50M18/6

Not suitable for 50M11 and 51M10.

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

ECO compact oven

• double glass door
• recirculation switchable
• interior lighting
• 90-minute timer

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D xH: 550 x 440 x 330 mm
• inner dimensions W x H x D: 395 x 355 x 245 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 2 kW

Weight Item-No.
12,5 kg 50M9/1523

• fibreglass webbing coated with PTFE

• for flat bed oven

PU = running metre

Width x Thickness Version Item-No.

1100 x 0,13 mm non air permeable 119P11
1150 x 0,20 mm air permeable 119P23

For sandwich-ovens, use the air-permeable PTFE-Film item-no.


• fibreglass webbing coated with PTFE
• colour: beige

• ideally suitable for infrared oven

PU = running metre

Width x Thickness Version Item-No.

1525 x 0,35 mm non air permeable 119P18 139
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Electronic Scale with Digital Display

• battery operated
• taring of the entire weighing range
• auto-off function in battery mode (off after 2 minutes)
• weighing platform and housing made of stainless steel
• digit increment: 1 gram

Power source
• 9 V block battery (not included)
• mains power supply unit available upon request

Technical data
• weighing range: 0 – 5000 g
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 150 x 170 x 32 mm
picture similar
• weighing platform W x D: 120 x 150 mm
• weight: 0,69 kg


Mixing Cup
• made of polypropylene with measuring scale
• PU = 20 pcs and 100 pcs

Liter Item-No.
0,200 164P6/180
0,400 164P6/500

Funnel made of HD-PE

• acid and oil resistant funnel made of HD-PE for pouring laminating resins
• colour: natural
• pour-in-diameter on top: 50 mm
• pour-out-diameter on the bottom: 21 mm


Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Clamping Device
• for two-way suction
• to be clamped into the bench vise
• suction is effected by means of two suction channels being separated from
one another
• top and bottom foil may be tied and suctioned separately

• clamping device
• suction tube with connecting nipple for hose, inner Ø 6 mm
• suction plate with connecting nipple for hose, inner Ø 6 mm


The clamping device without fixing block can be ordered by item-

no. 168P72.

picture similar

• for clamping device 168P70


One Way Suction Pipe

• zinc-plated, straight with sealing-sleeve and hose

Diameter Length Item-No.

34 mm 365 mm 168P59 141
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Two Way Suction Pipe

• zinc-plated, straight with sealing-sleeve
• Ø 25 und 33 mm with hose-piece for tying the PVA-foil
• Ø 48 mm without hose

Diameter Length Item-No.

25 mm 400 mm 168P60
33 mm 400 mm 168P61
48 mm 540 mm 168P62

picture similar

Two Way Suction Pipe

• zinc-plated, angled with sealing-sleeve and hose

Angulation / version Item-No.

90° / angled 168P63
90° / angled 168P65
90° / for bathing prostheses 168P66
135° / angled 168P64

Non-stick Paperboard Frame

• for deep-drawing / clamping frame 168P75
• non-stick function between heated plastics and frame
• PU = 20 pieces

Dimensions Item-No.
40 x 40 cm 168P75/S

Facilitated fabrication of an even socket wall thickness through

improved deep drawing!

Deep-Drawing / Clamping Frame

• aluminum, Ø 360 mm
• for material thickness up to 20 mm


This item includes one deep-drawing frame (bottom part) and

deep-drawing frame (upper part) incl. star screws.

Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Deep-Drawing Frame, Bottom Part

• deep-drawing bottom part, Ø 260 mm
• integral part for deep-drawing / clamping frame 168P75
• frame plate made of aluminium


Suitable for deep drawing of small models!

Rack, height adjustable

• for deep-drawing / clamping frame 168P75
• galvanised steel
• adjustable in 3 different heights
• total height: 3rd level 387 mm, 2nd level 307 mm, 1st level 227 mm
• suitable for heating cabinets and infrared ovens
• material: steel

WxDxH Item-No.
430 x 300 x 227-387 mmm 168P76/H

The rack is height adjustable and suitable for inner dimensions

from min. 230 mm up to max. 387 mm height.

Suction Pipe with Disc

• with 6 mm hose connection

Inner ø clamping frame Ø vacuum sealing disc Item-No.

260 mm 230 mm 168P77/260
360 mm 330 mm 168P77/360

Vacuum Sealing Disc

• for item 168P77/260 and 168P77/360

Description Item-No.
Ø 230 mm for clamping frame Ø 260 mm 168P77/D26
Ø 330 mm for clamping frame Ø 360 mm 168P77/D36 143
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Cantilever Arm with Angle Clamp

• for items 168P77/260 and 168P77/360


Two Way Vacuum Pipe

• model support with three threaded pins, M8x20, galvanised
• pipe Ø 35 mm
• with Ø 8 mm hose connection


Deep-Drawing Tool Set

consisting of
• 168P75: deep-drawing frame, inner Ø 360 mm
• 168P75/S: non-stick jig (PU = 20 pieces)
• 168P76/H: base for deep-drawing frame
• 168P77: suction pipe with disc, Ø 360 mm
• 168P78: two way suction pipe
• 168P79: holder with angled clamp piece


picture similar

Vacuum Deep-Drawing Device

• expandable for line production, with exchangeable rubber mat and 2 ball

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 350 x 450 x 60 mm
• weight: approx. 12,5 kg net


Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Rubber Mat
• for item 168P57, for simple mount, perforated

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 630 x 540 x 2 mm


picture similar

Whirl Sintering Unit

• incl. powder tank
• with adjustable blower
• capacity: 40 kg sintering powder
• 2,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 750 x 480 x 890 mm
• space requirements: 395 x 370 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,5 kW
• weight: 30 kg net

picture similar

Pneumatic Whirl Sintering Unit

• incl. powder tank
• capacity: 40 kg sintering powder
• 5 m hose and plug nipples

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 750 x 480 x 890 mm
• space requirements: 395 x 370 mm
• weight: 25 kg net


Use only with air pressure regulator 169P84!

picture similar 145
Lamination Station & Deep Drawing Technology

Water/Steam Basin
• for warming of thermoplastics (low temperature PE = Streifytherm,
• good insulation of the unit guarantees quick warming of the water

• with lid
• low energy consumption
• exact temperature adjustment
• nominal capacity: 45 litres
• removeable grid made of stainless steel
• water drain with ball valve
• material: stainless steel

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 770 x 430 x 370 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 685 x 360 x 185 mm
• temperature range/digital display: 30 – 95 °C
• accuracy: +/-1° C
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,5 kW
• weight: 19,5 kg net


Hot Water Quench

• for warming of thermoplastics (low temperature PE = Streifytherm,
• good insulation of the unit guarantees quick warming of the water

• with lid
• low energy consumption
• exact temperature adjustment
• capacity: 20 litres
• removeable grid made of stainless steel
• water drain with ball valve
• material: stainless steel

Technical data
• outer dimensions W x D x H: 570 x 420 x 280 mm
• inner dimensions W x D x H: 485 x 350 x 130 mm
• temperature range/digital display: 30 – 95 °C
• accuracy: +/-1° C
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,9 kW
• weight: 17 kg net


Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Vacuum- & Compressed

Air Technology
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

In orthopaedic workshops, vacuum- and compressed air technology is used for numerous techniques and many
processing steps. It is an important part for manufacturing thin-walled casting resin laminates as well as for
thermoplastic forming of plastic materials.

As in the meantime many machines and hand tools are driven by compressed air, we can offer all components
necessary, starting with a simple compressed air connection, or the compressed air-plaster saw up to the complete
compressor system. In this chapter, you will find everything needed for vacuum- and compressed air technology.
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Streifeneder VACUTEC
• vacuum unit for the manufacturing of thin-walled resin laminates and
• fully-automated portable vacuum deep drawing device

• 2 separately adjustable analogue manometers
• 2 ball valves
• 2 exchangeable filters
• filter with condensate separator
• power cord with grounded plug
• hose connection, inside Ø 6 mm

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 345 x 280 x 310 mm
• low pressure, adjustable: 220 mbar
• suction capacity: 26 l/min, approx. 80 % vacuum
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,09 kW
• weight: 6,8 kg


Vacumat Plus Type 262

• vacuum unit for the manufacturing of thin-walled cast resin laminates and
thermoplastic deep-drawing works

• 2 separate, electronically infinitely adjustable vacuum units with digital
• 6 connections for resin lamination
• 2 connections for deep drawing
• 2 connections for external units
• 1,5 m power cord with grounded plug
• hose connection, inside Ø 6 mm

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 425 x 385 x 220 mm
• suction capacity: 25 l/min, approx. 80 % vacuum
• power requirements: 220 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,14 kW

Weight Item-No.
18,4 kg net 168P50

Replacement filter 168P50/E1 also separately available. 149
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Vacumat Type 340

• vacuum unit for the manufacturing of thin-walled cast resin laminates and
thermoplastic deep-drawing works

• 2 separate, electronically infinitely adjustable vacuum units with pressure
• 4 connections for resin lamination
• 2 connections for deep drawing
• 2 connections for external units
• hose connection, inside Ø 6 mm
• 1,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 425 x 385 x 220 mm
• suction capacity: 25 l/min, approx. 80 % vacuum
• power requirements: 220 – 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,14 kW
• weight: 18 kg


Replacement filter 168P51/F and y-piece with filter 168P52/E3 also

separately available.

Water Separator
• for item 168P50 and 168P51
• bottle with rubber plug and two hose connectors Ø 8 mm


Vacuum Tank
• for item 168P50 and 168P51

Volume Weight Item-No.

20 liters 6 kg net 168P55/20
50 liters 23 kg net 168P55/50

Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Pump Membrane
• for item 168P50 and 168P51
• PU = 1 piece


Non-Return Valve
• for item 168P50 and 168P51
• PU = 4 pieces


Vacumat Type 4-2R

vacuum unit for the manufacture of thin-walled cast resin laminates and for
moulding of thermoplastic deep-drawing materials

• 2 seperately controlled vacuum cycles
• 4 connections 6 mm incl. air filters
• vacuum automatic
• vacuum tank 1,8 l with diretc connection (quick coupling NW 7,2)

Technical Data
• dimensions W x T x H: 435 x 400 x 235 mm
• suction capacity: 133 l/min
• power requirements: 127 V / 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,37 kW
• weight: 20 kg

168P56/127 151
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Vacuum Unit
• for central vacuum supply for deep drawing tasks

• vacuum storage container
• suitable for wall mounting
• incl. water separator with filter volume 500 cm³
• vacuum display with vacuum control
• motor protection switch
• 2 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 800 x 360 x 780 mm
• vacuum capacity: 200 l/min
• final vacuum: -850 mbar
• vacuum container: 10 litres
• vacuum connection: IG 3/8“
• noise level: 70 db(A)
• protection: IP20
• surrounding temperature: -10 °C to +40 °C (14 °F to 104 °F)
• power consumption: 1,4 A
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,52 kW
• colour: RAL 9011 graphite-black
• weight: 52 kg


Filter for Water Seperator

• for item 168P90


Vacuum Control Unit

• for connection to a central vacuum unit like item 168P81, 168P82 or
• with the 2 separate control valves, you can adjust 2 different vacuum circuits

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 230 x 230 x 180 m
• adjustment range: 0 – 80 %
• hose connection outlet: 6 mm
• ball valve with hose connection, inner Ø: 6 mm
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 2 kg net


Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Connection Hose
• PVC, transparent

Inner-ø / outer-ø / thickness Item-No.

5 mm / 8 mm / 1,5 mm 168P52/5x8
6 mm / 10 mm / 2 mm 168P52

T-piece for Vacuum Hose

• colour: white

• operation pressure: 0 – 10 bar

PU = 5 pieces

For vacuum hoses of inner diameter Item-No.

6 mm 168P53/6
9 mm 168P53/9

Vacuum Pump
without picture
• very powerful mobile unit, for precise vacuum-forming of thermoplastic
sheet materials

• air-cooled vacuum pump
• water trap
• circular oil lubrication
• return stop valve
• oil mist trap
• ball valve G 3/4“
• vacuum gauge
• motor protection switch
• CSA and UL approval (optionally available)
• 4 m electric cord without plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 930 x 440 x 620 mm
• rated suction volume: 40 m³/h = 40.000 l/h
• final pressure: 0,1 mbar (abs.)
• hose connection: G 3/4“ 20
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,1 kW
• weight: approx. 55 kg net


Special voltages upon request. 153
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Vacuum Pump
without picture
• especially powerful, suitable for precise deep drawing of thermoplastic

• vacuum pump with circulating oil lubrication
• 25-litre-vacuum vessel
• adjustable negative pressure control
• fully integrated control
• large dimensioned filter/water separator
• vacuum connection 1“ball valve
• connection cable with CEE plug 5-pin, 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 500 x 650 x 750 mm
• vacuum connection 1“ball valve
• suction power: 40 m3/h
• ultimate pressure: 5 mbar
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,35 kW
• weight: 71 kg


Vacuum Pump Oil for Vacuum Pump

• for items 168P81 and 168P82

Description Content Item-No.

VE 101 – ISO VG 100, synthetic 1 litre 117P25/1
VE 101 – ISO VG 100, synthetic 5 litre 117P25/5

1 litre bottle

Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Mobile Compressor
• single cylinder piston compressor
• full automatic operation by pressure switch with unloaded start and motor
circuit breaker
• ON / OFF-switch
• suction filter with silencer
• manometer gauge
• quick hose coupling with male connector Ø 6 mm
• safety- and non-return valve
• perspiration water drain
• wheels
• push handle bracket
• carrying handle bracket
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 900 x 420 x 760 mm
• suction volume: 350 l/min
• delivery volume at 6 bar pressure: 230 l/min
• tank volume: 40 litres
• operation pressure: max. 10 bar
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,9 kW
• weight: 63 kg net


This compressor has been approved by German TÜV Standards.

Stationary Compressor
• double cylinder piston compressor
• full automatic operation
• air-cooled compressor block with ring-lubrication
• suction filter with silencer
• vibration insulation of compressor, motor and tank
• unloaded start for direct start
• motor protection switch
• pressure tank officially approved with certificate
• manometer gauge
• control flange
• perspiration water drain
• quick hose coupling with male connector Ø 6 mm
• safety- and non-return valve
• 2 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1100 x 480 x 780 mm
• suction volume: 440 l/min
• delivery volume at 6 bar pressure: 300 l/min
• tank volume: 90 litres
• operation pressure: max. 10 bar
• sound level: 77 dB (A)
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,4 kW
• weight: 90 kg net


This compressor has been approved by German TÜV Standards.

Other compressors available upon request! 155
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Vacuum-Kit incl. Quadruple Vacuum

for later mounting in infrared-ovens

• distribution panel with 4 heat resistant (200 °C) vacuum couplers, V2A incl.
mounting angle
• approx. 0,5 m supply hose with connector for quick coupling
• incl. 4 connectors for vacuum-coupling with 4 ea. separate hose nozzles D =
4 mm and 6 mm
• water separator 1/2“ with mounting angle incl. quick coupling (entry) and
ball valve with hose nozzle D = 12 mm (exit)


Quick-Lock Coupling with Hose Nozzle

• stainless steel coupling 1/8“ IG
• incl. 1 ea. hose nozzle D = 4 mm and 6 mm
• heat resistant up to 200 °C / 392 °F


Connector for Quick-Lock Coupling

• stainless steel 1/8“ IG
• incl. 1 ea. hozehose nozzle D = 4 mm and 6 mm
• heat resistant up to 200 °C / 392 °F


Hose Clamp for Vacuum Hose

• PU = 1 piece

For vacuum hose For item Item-No.

DI = 4 mm / DO = 9 mm 168P54/4 168P54/3
DI = 6 mm / DO = 12 mm 168P54/6 168P54/7
DI = 10 mm / DO = 18 mm 168P54/8 168P54/9

Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Silicone-Vacuum Hose
• heat resistant up to 200 °C
• PU = m

Dimensions Item-No.
ID = 4 mm / OD = 9 mm 168P54/4
ID = 6 mm / OD = 12 mm 168P54/6
ID = 10 mm / OD = 18 mm 168P54/8

Quick Coupling with exterior thread

• brass, single shut-off
• max. work pressure 35 bar, oil-resistant seal
• temperature-resistant from -20 °C up to +100 °C

Thread Item-No.
1/2“ 169P75/GA
1/4“ 169P75/KA
3/8“ 169P75/MA

Quick Coupling with inner thread

• brass, single shut-off
• max. work pressure 35 bar, oil-resistant seal
• temperature-resistant from -20 °C up to +100 °C

Thread Item-No.
1/2“ 169P75/GI
1/4“ 169P75/KI
3/8“ 169P75/MI

Quick Hose Coupling

• for hose connection
• max. work pressure 35 bar, oil-resistant seal
• temperature-resistant from -20 °C up to +100 °C

Hose inner ø Item-No.

6 mm 169P76/6
9 mm 169P76/9

Y-Shape Coupling
• G 3/8“i, brass
• with 2 or 3 quick couplings incl. 2 male connectors 3/8“e x 3/8“e

Thread Branchings Item-No.

3/8“ exterior 2 169P77/2
3/8“ exterior 3 169P77/3 157
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Hose Nozzle
• brass, for direct hose connection

Hose inner ø Item-No.

6 mm 169P78/6
9 mm 169P78/9

Hose Nozzle
• brass, for direct hose connection, hose Ø 6 mm

Width across Thread Item-No.

17 mm R 1/4“ 169P79/6A
19 mm R 3/8“ 169P79/6B
24 mm R 1/2“ 169P79/6C
14 mm R 1/8“ 169P79/6D

Hose Nozzle
• brass, for direct hose connection, hose Ø 9 mm

Width across Thread Item-No.

17 mm R 1/4“ 169P79/9A
19 mm R 3/8“ 169P79/9B
24 mm R 1/2“ 169P79/9C

Plug Nipple
• brass, for threaded connection

Thread Item-No.
R 1/2“e 169P80/GA
R 1/4“e 169P80/KA
R 3/8“e 169P80/MA

Hose Nipple
• brass, for threaded connection

Thread Item-No.
R 1/2“i 169P80/GI
R 1/4“i 169P80/KI
R 3/8“i 169P80/MI

Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

• brass

Thread Item-No.
R 1“i 169P81/1
R 3/8“i 169P81/2

Reducing Piece
• brass

Thread Item-No.
R 3/8“e to 1/8“i 169P82/1
R 1/2“e to 1/8“i 169P82/2
R 1/2“e to 1/4“i 169P82/3
R 1/2“e to 3/8“i 169P82/4
R 1“e to 1/2“i 169P82/5

Sealing Tape
• PTFE, for sealing of metal connections

WxTxL Item-No.
12 mm x 0,1 mm x 12 m 169P83

Air Pressure Regulator

• with air filtration and water drain

• connection thread
• manometer gauge
• semi-automatic water drain
• pressure range 0 – 12 bar

Connection thread Item-No.

G 1/4“ i 169P84/1
G 3/8“ i 169P84/2
G 1/2“ i 169P84/3 159
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Twin Service Unit

• air pressure regulator
• air line lubricator
• semi-automatic water drain
• pressure range 0 – 12 bar
• manometer gauge
• filter element

Connection thread Item-No.

G 1/4“ i 169P85/1
G 3/8“ i 169P85/2
Supplied without plug-in nipple G 1/2“ i 169P85/3

Air Pressure Hose

• fibre-reinforced, for work pressure up to 15 bar, wall thickness 3 mm

Inside ø Item-No.
6 mm 169P71
9 mm 169P72

Hose Clamp
• zinc-plated with cross head screw
• PU = 1 piece

For hose Range Item-No.

16871, 6 x 3 11 - 16 mm 169P73
168P72, 9 x 3 12 - 20 mm 169P74

Pneumatic Drilling Machine

• right-/left rotation with rapid changeover
• keyless chuck 3/8“
• no dust circulation due to suction hose

Technical data
• speed: 1800 RPM
• drill chuck clamping range: up to 10 mm
• air requirement: 360 l/min
• pressure: 6,3 bar
• capacity steel: 10 mm
• capacity wood: 20 mm
• weight: 1,1 kg


Use only with twin service unit 169P85

Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Spiral Air Pressure Hose

• polyurethane, with connection fittings on both ends and anti-kink protection
• outer diameter: 10 mm, inner diameter 6,5 mm

Technical data
• pressure max. 10 bar
• length: (stretched): 5 m (169P87/5) resp. 10 m (169P87/10)
• working range: 4 m (169P87/5) resp. 8 m (169P87/10)


Pneumatic Drilling Machine

• easy right-/left rotation changeover
• keyless drill chuck
• dust extraction through integrated silencer in the handle

Technical data
• rotation speed: 2000 rpm
• torque: max. 10 Nm
• drill chuck clamping range: 1 – 10 mm
• air consumption: 480 l/min
• operating pressure: 6,3 bar
• capacity: 0,4 kW
• max. sound pressure level: 88,7 dB(A)
• weight: 1,0 kg


use only with twin service unit 169P85.

Pneumatic Chipping Hammer

• complete with 5 different chisels and carry case
• pointed chisel: 185 mm
• flat chisel: 175 mm
• chisel for separating sheet metal: 175 mm
• chisel for cutting sheet metal: 180 mm
• chisel for removing bolts: 175 mm

Technical data
• frequency: 3000 RPM
• travel of chisel: 65 mm
• chisel holder: hexagonal, 10 mm
• hose connection: brass nipple
• air consumption: 150 – 240 l/min
• work pressure: 4 – 6 bar, max. 7 bar
• weight: 1,7 kg net


Use only with twin service unit 169P85. 161
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Chisel for Pneumatic Chipping Hammer

• for item 169P65

Width Length Item-No.

20 mm 250 mm 169P65/250

Suitable for chisel hammers with a 10 mm arbor.

Pneumatic Stapler
• for upholstering, tacking, etc., for staple size 6 – 16 mm length, with plug
nipple for connection to quick hose coupling

Technical data
• air consumption: 0,5 litres per beat
• cartridge capacity: 155 staples
• work pressure: 3 – 6 bar
• weight: 0,900 kg net


Use only with twin service unit 169P85.

for pneumatic stapler 169P66, width 12,8 mm

Length PU Item-No.
6 mm 3000 37P9/6
8 mm 3000 37P9/8
10 mm 3000 37P9/10
12 mm 3000 37P9/12
14 mm 3000 37P9/14
16 mm 3000 37P9/16

Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Spray Gun
• paint container, plastic, 0,6 litres
• screw-on lid
• adjustable round and flat spray patterns
• plug nipple for quick hose coupling

Technical data
• air requirement: 130 – 200 l/min
• work pressure: 2 – 4 bar
• weight: 0,77 kg net


Air Gun
• aluminum

• plug nipple for quick hose coupling

Technical data
• clear width of the hose: 6 mm
• weight: 0,260 kg net


Tire Pressure Gauge

• aluminum

• pressure gauge with rubber protection
• adapter nipple for car valve
• adapter nipple for wheelchairs, bicycles and needle valves
• plug nipple for quick hose coupling

Technical data
• weight: 1,0 kg net

169P67 163
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Pneumatic Drilling Machine

• right/left hand drill action
• keyless chuck 3/8“
• powerful double drive for a quiet run and long-life cycle
• plug nipple for quick hose coupling

Technical data
• speed: 1800 RPM
• drill chuck clamping range: up to 10 mm
• air consumption: 460 l/min
• weight: 0,9 kg net
• operating pressure: 2 – 6,3 bar, max. 6,3 bar


Use only with twin service unit 169P85!

Paint Beater
• for pneumatic drilling machine 169P68
• for agitation of coating compounds and plaster

Diameter Length Item-No.

60 mm 380 mm 169P68/F

Compressed Air Plaster Cast Saw

• oscillating saw

• 1 saw blade 169P69/60
• 2 fork wrenches
• plug nipple for quick hose coupling
• flexible exhaust hose, item 169P69/A only

Technical data
• operation pressure: 6 bar, max. 6,2 bar
• rotation speed: 14000 rpm
• air consumption: 560 l/min
• max. cutting depth: 14,29 mm
• max. cutting width: 1,19 mm
• weight: 1 kg

Version Item-No.
Compressed air plaster cast saw standard version 169P69
Compressed air plaster cast saw with exhaust air hose 169P69/A

Use only with twin service unit 169P85!

Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Circular Saw Blade

• for item 169P69

Diameter Item-No.
60 mm 169P69/60

PE Plastic Container
• paint container for insertion into pressure container
• accessory for spray paint set 169P50


Pressure Container
• accessory for spray paint set 169P50


Sealing Ring
• for pressure container
• accessory for spray paint set 169P50

169P53 165
Vacuum- & Compressed Air Technology

Outflow Cap
• for pressure container
• accessory for spray paint set 169P50


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Processing Machines
Plastics- & Metal
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Modern, high quality and complex handcrafted supplies in orthopaedic technology require machines which
are working as professionally as you are. All machines produced and supplied by us have been manufactured
according to the latest German respectively EU- accident-prevention standards. Whereas, the socket router is the
fundamental machine of any artisanal activity in orthopaedic technology.

Our strong and efficient socket routers of the trademark “Maschinen Schmid“ stand for precision and longevity
and for decades, have been the flagships in orthopaedic technology. “Maschinen Schmid”, founded in the
thirties of the past century, grew within shortest time into “the” machine supplier for orthopaedic technology.
Besides socket routers, planing machines, turning-lathes, band saws and belt grinding machines which were
called “Kombina/Optima” at that time, were manufactured as well. Back then and now, the focus has been and
still is on excellent price-quality ratio, room-saving construction and simple operation. In the meantime, company
“Maschinen Schmid GmbH” has been 100 % integrated into Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH. Longlasting
and outstandingly sturdy motors describe the most important advantage compared to many machines of our
competitors. The entire production of “Maschinen Schmid” socket routers in Germany guarantees sturdy
and reliable quality and ensures that the machines will operate up to 70 years without facing any mechanical
Nowadays, the growing number of materials
to be processed requires a large number of
various milling- and grinding tools.
Therefore, you will find in our product range
more than 150 different tool bits, optimally
adapted to the numerous materials.

On the following pages, you will find an adequate selection of the latest machines developed for orthopaedic
technology. We are pleased to offer our best possible support to help you with your concept plans in accordance
with the new foundation of your workshop or remodelling an existing one.
A comfortable, healthy working environment with modern machines and clean air are the main issues to
correspond with the legal guidelines. You will find the respective dust extraction devices in the next chapter.
We are able to refer to numerous reference addresses world wide. Trust us!
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Maschinen „Schmid“ Socket Router HF2

• router motor with continously adjustable electronic speed control, incl.
motor brake
• for connection to central dust extraction with minimum air speed 20 m/s
and a vacuum of 780 Pa
• router motor on sturdy steel base

Basic equipment
• multiple adjustable extractor hopper
• removable axis protection
• fork wrench 27 mm
• threaded bolt 5/8“ or M16

Electrical equipment
• electric protective circuit according to VDE standards with under-voltage
release and EMERGENCY-OFF foot switch
• ON / OFF switch for router motor
• with safety main switch
• approx. 2 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data

• total height approx. 1500 mm

• foot dimensions / space requirement W x D: 440 x 550 mm
• work space requirement W x D: approx. 700 mm x 1300 mm
• working height: 1000 mm
• router axis length: 430 mm
• continuously adjustable speed of router motor: 750 – 300 RPM
• suction connection: Ø 120 mm
• noise level: approx. 68 dB(A)
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
• colour: RAL 7011 anthracite, powder-coated
• weight: approx. 170 kg


For use of machine with frequency converter: for continuously

adjustment of motor speed, we recommend to replace the FI-
switch (motor protection switch) in the controll panel by an FI-
switch sensitive to all current types. 171
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Maschinen „Schmid“ Socket Router HF3 Vario

Eco II
• router motor with continuously adjustable electronic speed control, incl.
motor brake
• for connection to a central dust extractor with minimum air speed of 20 m/s
and vacuum of 780 Pa
• continuously adjustable motor shaft angle
• manual height adjustment by means of crank handle

Basic equipment
• multiple adjustable extractor hopper
• removable axis protection
• fork wrenches 24 mm and 27 mm
• threaded bolts 5/8“ and M16

Electrical equipment
• electric protective circuit according to VDE standards with undervoltage
release and fixed EMERGENCY-OFF foot switch
• ON / OFF switch for router motor
• with safety main switch resp. motor protection switch
• 2 m power cord without plug

Technical data
• height overall: 1.600 mm
• base dimensions: L x W: 570 x 450 mm
• work place requirement W x D: approx. 1.000 x 1.400 mm
• variable working height: 560 – 1400 mm
• router axis length: 430 mm
• suction nozzle Ø 125 mm with reduction adapter to Ø 100 mm
• continously adjustable router motor: 750 – 3000 RPM
• noise level: approx. 68 dB(A)
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
• colour: RAL 7011, anthracite, powder-coated
• weight: 140 kg

Special voltages
• 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 2,2 kW (2M10/1523)
220 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW (2M10/3622)


For use of machines with frequency converters: For continuous

speed adjustment, we recommend to replace the FI-switch
(leakage current switch) in the switch box by an all-current
sensitive FI.

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Magnetic Lamp
• with 24 V transformer for protective low voltage, rubber lamp and safety
glass resistant to temperature alternations, rubber plug and on/off switch

Technical data
• transformer: 230 V / 24 V / 25 VA
• power cord: 5 m
• lamp diameter: 9 cm
• length: 69 cm
• weight: 2,6 kg net


The lamp comes complete, ready for use with transformer!

Threaded Stud
• It = Interior thread machine, Et = Exterior thread

It Et Item-No.
5/8“ M16 1M23/16
5/8“ 5/8“ 1M23/58
M16 M16 1M24/16
picture similar M16 5/8“ 1M24/58

Threaded Manifold
• It = Interior thread, Et = Exterior thread

It Et Item-No.
5/8“ 1/2“ 165P21/12
M16 5/8“ 165P21/16
165P21/16 5/8“ M16 165P21/58

Insulation Mat
• anti-vibration mat to dampen acoustic noise and vibration of machines
• oil and grease resistant, to a limited extent resistant to fuel, acid and alkalis
• temperature resistant from -10 °C to +70 °C
• colour: black
• thickness: 10 mm


The mats will be cut to fit the dimensions of the machine floor
column. Please indicate those dimensions when placing your order.
Upon request, we gladly offer you the screw material for surface
mounting! 173
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Screw Insulation
• screw insulation made of natural rubber
• for decoupling screw connections for surface mounting of machines
• buffer – opposing buffer mounting
• metall parts galvanized steel
• inner diameter: 10 mm
• outer diameter: 25 mm
• height: 8 mm


Upon request, we will gladly offer you the screw material for
surface mounting!

Jaw Wrench

Wrench size Item-No.

27 mm 173P9/27
50 mm 173P9/50

Voltage Converter

• 220 – 240 V <-> 110 – 120 V (max. 1000 W)

• ON/OFF switch with control lamp
• protection through miniature fuse
• input 110/200/220/240 V (AC)
• output 220 – 240 V / 110 V (AC)
• easy adjustment by jumper
• permitted maximum output: 1000 W
• permitted continuous output: 800 W
• dimensions W x D x H: 185 x 210 x 150 mm
• including spare fuse and plug adapter


The frequency will not be converted.

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Voltage Converter
• 220 – 240 V <-> 110 – 120 V (max. 3000 W)

• ON/OFF switch with control lamp
• protection through miniature fuse
• input 110/200/220/240 V (AC)
• output 220 – 240 V / 110 V (AC)
• easy adjustment by jumper
• permitted maximum output: 3000 W
• dimensions: W x D x H: 185 x 250 x 150 mm
• including spare fuse and plug adapter


The frequency will not be converted.

Emergency Floor Push Stop

3M51 175
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Funnel milling machine

• milling engine with infinitely variable electronic speed control, incl. engine
• for connection to a central chip extraction system with a minimum air speed
of 20 m/s and a negative pressure of 780 Pa
• stepless angle adjustment of the engine shaft
• manually height adjustable by means of a hand crank
• multi travel adjustable suction funnel

Basic Equipment
• adjustable suction funnel
• removable shaft guard
• open-end spanner 27 mm
• threaded bolt 5/8“ and M16

Electrical Equipment
• electrical protection circuit according to VDE regulations with undervoltage
release and fixed emergency stop foot switch
• on and off switch for milling motor
• with safety main switch or motor protection switch
• approx. 2 m connection cable without plug

Technical Data
• total height: 1600 mm
• workstation requirement W x D: 1000 mm x 1400 mm
• working height variable: 560 mm - 1400 mm
• milling shaft length: 430 mm
• suction socket Ø 125 mm
• speed infinitely variable: 750 – 3000 U/min
• noise level approx.: ca. 68 dB (A)
• electrical connection: 230 V / 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 powder-coated
• weight approx.: 140 kg


For the use of machines with frequency converters: For stepless

speed adjustment we reccommend to replace the RCD (residual
current switch) in the switch cabinet by a universal current
sensitive RCD.

CEE Plug
• current load: 16 A
• voltage: 400 V, 3P+N+PE
• safety class: IP 44


CEE Electrical Outlet

• protection: 16 A
• voltage: 400 V, 3P+N+PE
• safety class: IP 44


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Braking Unit
Electronic DC brake

• DC braking with one-way rectification
• suitable for all asynchronous motors
• easy mounting, also for retrofitting into existing plants

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 100 x 120 x 73 mm
• power requirements: 220 – 240 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 10 A / 1,1 kW
• integrated braking contactor, for devices up to 20 A


Filter Cartridge
• for machine type 1M3 (titan socket router)
• filter suface 6,7 m², very good filtration efficiency by using fleece fabrics
• easy cleaning with the integrated filter cleaner
• incl. clamping- and sealing ring, simple mount, without tools
• weight: 11 kg net

Diameter Height Item-No.

450 mm 670 mm 150M6

Disposable Chip Bag

• for titan socket router 1M3

150M3 177
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Filter Cartridge
• for machine type Optima
• filter suface 4 m²
• very good filtration efficiency by using fleece fabrics
• easy cleaning with the integrated filter cleaner
• incl. clamping- and sealing ring, simple mount, without tools
• weight: 11 kg net

Diameter Height Item-No.

390 mm 650 mm 150M8

Filter Basket Cleaner

without picture
• mechanical, completely installed


Ball Cutter
• for wood- and hard foam works, with replaceable cutter

ØxL Thread Item-No.

38 x 90 mm M16 161P90/38
38 x 90 mm 5/8“ 161P90A/38
50 x 100 mm 5/8“ 161P90A/50

Replacement Cutter, HSS

• for item 161P90

Diameter Item-No.
38 mm 161P90/38E
50 mm 161P90/50E

Replacement Blade, HSS

• for item 161P91/50
• PU = 2 pieces

Diameter Item-No.
50 mm 161P91/50E

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Rasp Head
• for wood, hard foam and soft foam works, medium cut

Ø x Length Thread Item-No.

30 x 85 mm M16 161P5/3
30 x 85 mm 5/8“ 161P5A/3
35 x 55 mm M16 161P5/4
35 x 55 mm 5/8“ 161P5A/4
50 x 80 mm M16 161P5/2
50 x 80 mm 5/8“ 161P5A/2
50 x 100 mm M16 161P5/1
50 x 100 mm 5/8“ 161P5A/1
30 x 105 mm M16 161P5/6
30 x 105 mm 5/8‘‘ 161P5A/6

Rasp Head
• for wood, hard foam and soft foam works, fine cut

Ø x Length Thread Item-No.

30 x 85 mm M16 161P4/3
30 x 85 mm 5/8“ 161P4A/3
35 x 55 mm M16 161P4/4
35 x 55 mm 5/8“ 161P4A/4
50 x 100 mm M16 161P4/1
50 x 100 mm 5/8“ 161P4A/1

Rasp Head with Shank

• for plastic works
• Ø 22 mm, length 130 mm

Cut Thread Item-No.

medium M16 161P4/2
medium 5/8“ 161P4A/2
fine M16 161P5/5
fine 5/8“ 161P5A/5 179
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Rasp Head without Shank

• for plastic works
• Ø 22 mm, length 58 mm

Cut Thread Item-No.

medium M10 161P4O/2
fine M10 161P5O/5

Fir Cone Cutter, HSS

• spiral fluted, for aluminum and plastic
• Ø 22 mm

Length Thread Item-No.

130 mm M16 161P57
130 mm 5/8“ 161P57/A
110 mm M16 161P58
110 mm 5/8“ 161P58/A

Fir Cone Cutter, HSS

• spiral fluted, for aluminum and plastic
• Ø 22 mm

Length Thread Item-No.

58 mm M10 161P57/O
36 mm M10 161P58/O

• for rasp head 161P5O, 161P4O and conical cutter 161P57, 161P58
• length 70 mm, thread M10

Thread Item-No.
M16 165P22/16
5/8“ 165P22/58

Conical Cutter, HSS

• spiral fluted, for aluminum and plastic
• Ø 27 mm, length 76 mm

Thread Item-No.
M16 161P56
5/8“ 161P56/A

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Drum Cutter
• spiral fluted, for aluminum and plastic
• Ø 50 mm, length 50 mm

Thread Item-No.
M16 161P59
5/8“ 161P59/A

Groove Cutter
• mills channels with 18 mm width and 3 mm depth
• Ø 80 mm

Thread Item-No.
5/8“ 156P10A

Groove Cutter, HSS

• with holder, mills channels for wooden tongues 6P13
• Ø 80 x 4 mm

Thread Item-No.
5/8“ 156P1/58

Groove Cutter, HSS

• for item 156P1/16
• without holder

Diameter Bore Item-No.

80 x 4 mm 16 mm 156P1 181
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Roll

Ø x Length Thread Item-No.

25 x 50 mm M16 161P45
25 x 50 mm 5/8“ 161P45/A
45 x 75 mm M16 161P52
45 x 75 mm 5/8“ 161P52/A
60 x 75 mm M16 161P47
60 x 75 mm 5/8“ 161P47/A
100 x 100 mm M16 161P51
100 x 100 mm 5/8“ 161P51/A

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P45, 161P47, 161P51 and 161P52
• PU = 10 pieces

Ø x Length / for item Grit Item-No.

25 x 50 mm / 161P45 G 40 161P46/40
25 x 50 mm / 161P45 G 80 161P46/80
25 x 50 mm / 161P45 G 120 161P46/120
45 x 75 mm / 161P52 G 24 161P48/24
45 x 75 mm / 161P52 G 40 161P48/40
45 x 75 mm / 161P52 G 60 161P48/60
45 x 75 mm / 161P52 G 80 161P48/80
45 x 75 mm / 161P52 G 100 161P48/100
45 x 75 mm / 161P52 G 120 161P48/120
60 x 75 mm / 161P47 G 24 161P49/24
60 x 75 mm / 161P47 G 40 161P49/40
60 x 75 mm / 161P47 G 60 161P49/60
60 x 75 mm / 161P47 G 80 161P49/80
60 x 75 mm / 161P47 G 100 161P49/100
60 x 75 mm / 161P47 G 120 161P49/120
100 x 100 mm / 161P51 G 24 161P50/24
100 x 100 mm / 161P51 G 40 161P50/40
100 x 100 mm / 161P51 G 80 161P50/80
100 x 100 mm / 161P51 G 120 161P50/120

Sanding Roll, small

• length 75 mm

Diameter Thread Item-No.

45 mm M16 161P72
45 mm 5/8“ 161P72/A
60 mm M16 161P73
60 mm 5/8“ 161P73/A

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P72 and 161P73, length 75 mm
• PU = 10 pieces

Ø / for item Grit Item-No.

45 mm / 161P72 G 24 161P72/24
45 mm / 161P72 G 40 161P72/40
45 mm / 161P72 G 80 161P72/80
45 mm / 161P72 G 120 161P72/120
45 mm / 161P72 G 240 161P72/240
60 mm / 161P73 G 24 161P73/24
60 mm / 161P73 G 40 161P73/40
60 mm / 161P73 G 80 161P73/80
60 mm / 161P73 G 120 161P73/120
60 mm / 161P73 G 180 161P73/180
60 mm / 161P73 G 240 161P73/240

Rubber for Polishing Arbor

• for item 161P72 and 161P73, length 75 mm

Diameter For item Item-No.

45 mm 161P72 161P72/E
60 mm 161P73 161P73/E

Adjustable Twin Pin Key

• for item 161P72 and 161P73

161P74 183
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Habermann Sanding Drum

• according to „Habermann“

Ø x Length Thread Item-No.

45 x 58 mm M16 161P60/1
45 x 58 mm 5/8“ 161P60A/1
60 x 58 mm M16 161P60/2
60 x 58 mm 5/8“ 161P60A/2
60 x 100 mm M16 161P60/3
60 x 100 mm 5/8“ 161P60A/3
80 x 58 mm M16 161P60/4
80 x 58 mm 5/8“ 161P60A/4

Tool Key for Habermann Sanding Drum

without picture
• for Habermann Sanding Drum (161P60)
• adjustable


Sanding Sleeves
• suitable for item 161P60
• PU = 10 pieces

Ø x Length Grit Item-No.

45 x 50 mm G 60 161P63/1
45 x 50 mm G 100 161P63/2
45 x 50 mm G 150 161P63/3
60 x 50 mm G 60 161P64/1
60 x 50 mm G 100 161P64/2
60 x 50 mm G 150 161P64/3
60 x 100 mm G 60 161P65/1
60 x 100 mm G 100 161P65/2
60 x 100 mm G 150 161P65/3
85 x 50 mm G 60 161P66/1
85 x 50 mm G 100 161P66/2
85 x 50 mm G 150 161P66/3

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Rubber Covering
• for item 161P60

Diameter Length Item-No.

45 mm 58 mm 161P61/1
60 mm 58 mm 161P61/2
60 mm 100 mm 161P61/3
85 mm 58 mm 161P61/4

Sanding Drum
• length 60 mm

Diameter Thread Item-No.

55 mm M16 161P6/55

Sanding Strip Roll

• suitable for item 161P6, width 60 mm
• PU = 50 m per roll

Grit Item-No.
G 40 107P28/4
G 50 107P28/5
G 60 107P28/6
G 80 107P28/8
G 100 107P28/10
G 120 107P28/12
G 150 107P28/15
G 180 107P28/18 185
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sand Paper
• sand paper
• PU = 1 piece

Dimensions Grit Item-No.

280 x 230 mm G 40 107P21/4
280 x 230 mm G 60 107P21/6
280 x 230 mm G 80 107P21/8
280 x 230 mm G 100 107P21/10
280 x 230 mm G 120 107P21/12
280 x 230 mm G 180 107P21/18
280 x 230 mm G 220 107P21/22

• sanding sponge set
• for all surfaces like immersions and roundings
• set consisting of: 2 sanding sponges fine (grit 180) and 1 sanding sponge
coarse (grit 60)
• PU = 1 set

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 97 x 68 x 27 mm


Sandpaper for Wet Sanding

Dimensions Grit Item-No.

280 x 230 mm G 180 107P22/18
280 x 230 mm G 240 107P22/24
280 x 230 mm G 400 107P22/40

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Strip Roll

• PU = 50 m per roll

Width Grit Item-No.

60 mm G 400 107P5/400

Sanding Net
• based on silicon, suitable for wet grinding in order to get glazed surfaces
• PU = 5 sheets

Dimensions W x L Grit Item-No.

230 x 280 mm G 100 107P31/100
230 x 280 mm G 220 107P31/220

Sanding Sheets
• for item 161P100 and 161P102
• PU = 10 pieces

LxW Grit For item Item-No.

240 x 100 mm G 40 161P100 161P101/4
240 x 100 mm G 80 161P100 161P101/8
350 x 100 mm G 40 161P102 161P103/4
350 x 100 mm G 120 161P102 161P103/12

Sanding Strip Roll

• full resin bond
• width: 100 mm
• PU = 50 m per roll

Grit Item-No.
G 40 107P29/40
G 80 107P29/80
G 120 107P29/120 187
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Roll
• to pull onto the router machine shaft, comes with one sanding sleeve
• tapered hole Ø 72,5 mm, length 200 mm

Use Item-No.
for Trautmann Router Machine 161P85/T

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P85, Ø 72,5 mm, length 200 mm
• PU = 10 pieces

Grit Item-No.
G 40 161P86/40
G 50 161P86/50
G 80 161P86/80
G 100 161P86/100

Abrassive Flap Wheel

• Ø 58 mm, length 58 mm

Thread Item-No.
M16 161P7
5/8“ 161P7A

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sand Paper Set

• for item 161P7, 5-parts, length 55 mm, width 70 mm
• PU = 1 set

Grit Item-No.
G 40 161P7/K40
G 50 161P7/K50
G 60 161P7/K60
G 80 161P7/K80
G 100 161P7/K100
G 120 161P7/K120
G 150 161P7/K150
G 180 161P7/K180

Rubber Insert Set

• suitable for abrassive flap wheel 161P7
• PU = 5 pieces


Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P83
• Ø 79,9 mm, length 130 mm
• PU = 10 pieces

Grit Item-No.
G 40 161P84/40
G 60 161P84/60
G 80 161P84/80
G 120 161P84/120

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P81
• circumference 450 mm, length 130 mm
• PU = 10 pieces

Grit Item-No.
G 24 161P82/24
G 40 161P82/40
G 60 161P82/60
G 80 161P82/80
G 120 161P82/120 189
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P81, tight version
• circumference 448 mm, length 130 mm
• PU = 10 pieces

Grit Item-No.
G 24 161P82/24E
G 40 161P82/40E
G 120 161P82/12E

Grinding Fleece Sleeve

• for item 161P81 and 161P83
• for cosmetic soft foam works

For item Circumference x length Item-No.

161P81 440 x 130 mm 161P82/V
161P83 253 x 120 mm 161P84/V

Polishing Arbor
• length 100 mm

Diameter Thread Item-No.

25 mm 5/8‘‘ 161P75/A
20 mm 5/8‘‘ 161P79/A
20 mm M 16 161P79

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P75 and 161P79
• length 50 mm
• PU = 10 pieces

Diameter Grit Item-No.

20 mm G 40 161P79/40
20 mm G 150 161P79/150
25 mm G 40 161P76/40
25 mm G 150 161P76/150

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Rubber Core Replacement

• for item 161P75 and 161P79

For item Item-No.

161P75 161P75/E
161P79 161P79/E

Sanding Drum, conical

• length 60 mm, Ø 22/36 mm

Thread Item-No.
M16 161P80
5/8“ 161P80/A

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P80
• length 60 mm, Ø 22/36 mm
• PU = 10 pieces

Grit Item-No.
G 50 107P1/50
G 80 107P1/80
G 150 107P1/150

Sanding Drum
• with shank, thread M6

Diameter Length Item-No.

11 mm 25 mm 161P0/1125
16 mm 25 mm 161P0/1626
21 mm 40 mm 161P0/2140 191
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Sleeve
• for item 161P0
• PU = 10 pieces

Grit / Ø x L For item Item-No.

G 60 / 11 x 25 mm 161P0/1125 161P01/60
G 150 / 11 x 25 mm 161P0/1125 161P01/150
G 60 / 16 x 25 mm 161P0/1626 161P02/60
G 150 / 16 x 25 mm 161P0/1626 161P02/150
G 60 / 21 x 40 mm 161P0/2140 161P03/60
G 150 / 21 x 40 mm 161P0/2140 161P03/150

Sanding Drum
• with rubber core, shank thread M6

Diameter Length Item-No.

22 mm 20 mm 161P0/2220
30 mm 20 mm 161P0/3020

Sanding Sleeves
• for item 161P0
• PU = 10 pieces

Grit / Ø x L For item Item-No.

G 40 / 22 x 20 mm 161P0/2220 161P04/40
G 120 / 22 x 20 mm 161P0/2220 161P04/120
G 40 / 30 x 20 mm 161P0/3020 161P05/40
G 120 / 30 x 20 mm 161P0/3020 161P05/120

Lamella Fleece Sanding Drum

• with threaded pin M6

Diameter Width Item-No.

60 mm 50 mm 161P78

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Fleece Fan Sanding Drum

• with threaded pin M6

Diameter Width Item-No.

60 mm 50 mm 161P77

Tool Holder
• for item 161P0, 161P77 and 161P78
• interior thread M6 for sanding attachment
• Mt = Machine thread

Mt x interior thread Item-No.

M16 x M6 161P44/16
5/8“ x M6 161P44/58

Sanding Drum

ØxL Thread Item-No.

45 x 70 mm M16 161P40/45
45 x 70 mm 5/8“ 161P40A/45
65 x 90 mm M16 161P40/60
65 x 90 mm 5/8“ 161P40A/60 193
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Cap
• for item 161P40
• PU = 6 pieces per box

ØxL Grit Item-No.

45 x 70 mm G 40 161P41/40
45 x 70 mm G 80 161P41/80
65 x 90 mm G 40 161P42/40
65 x 90 mm G 80 161P42/80

Rubber Sanding Cone

• for plastic processing
• Ø 60 mm, length 80 mm
• max. speed 3000 rpm

Thread Item-No.
M16 161P3
5/8“ 161P3A

Polishing Drum
• for plastic works
• Ø 60 mm, length 40 mm

Thread Item-No.
M16 161P23
5/8“ 161P23A

Replacement Rubber
• for item 161P23

Diameter Length Item-No.

60 mm 40 mm 161P23/E

Polishing Cone
• Ø 60 mm, length 80 mm

Thread Item-No.
M16 161P22
5/8“ 161P22A

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Corundum Sanding Cone

• for metal works

ØxL Thread Item-No.

50 x 70 mm M16 161P24/2
50 x 70 mm 5/8“ 161P24A/2
60 x 80 mm M16 161P24/3

Felt Cone
• with brass insert, for plastic works

ØxL Thread Item-No.

45 x 60 mm M16 161P21
45 x 60 mm 5/8“ 161P21A
60 x 80 mm M16 161P20
60 x 80 mm 5/8“ 161P20A

Felt Cone
• with threaded metal bushing, without flint glueing

ØxL Thread Item-No.

45 x 60 mm M16 161P25/1
45 x 60 mm 5/8“ 161P25A/1
55 x 80 mm M16 161P25/2
55 x 80 mm 5/8“ 161P25A/2
65 x 90 mm M16 161P25/3
65 x 90 mm 5/8“ 161P25A/3 195
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Grinding Cone made of Silicone

• perfectly suitable for grinding the edges of soft and permanently flexible
plastic materials (e g. EVA-based materials such as Streifyflex or Streifytec
soft, LDPEs with low density, e.g. Streifylast)
• not suitable for hard materials and foams

Thread Colour Item-No.

M16 anthracite 161P26/1
5/8“ anthracite 161P26A/1
M16 anthracite 161P26/2
5/8“ anthracite 161P26A/2
M16 anthracite 161P26/3
5/8“ anthracite 161P26A/3
M16 anthracite 161P26/4
scope of supply does not include stand
5/8“ anthracite 161P26A/4
M16 anthracite 161P26/5
5/8“ anthracite 161P26A/5

Order reference: The desired type can be determined by means of the

product picture, e.g. 1: item-no. 161P26/1 resp. 161P26A/1.

Exchange service of silicone bodies available upon request.

Stand for 5 grinding cones made of silicone

• stand for 5 grinding cones made of silicone
• M16/5/8“
• material: plastic


scope of supply does not include grinding cones

Wire Wheel
• suitable for item 161P33
• for processing of cosmetic soft foam covers, hole Ø 16,1 mm

Ø x width Grinding Item-No.

60 x 18 mm coarse 161P30/60
70 x 20 mm coarse 161P30/70
80 x 25 mm coarse 161P30/80
150 x 35 mm coarse 161P30/150
175 x 38 mm fine 161P30/175

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Polishing Wheel
• suitable for item 161P33
• made of cotton, for polishing works

Ø x Width Bore Item-No.

120 x 20 mm 16 mm 161P32/1
200 x 30 mm 16 mm 161P32/2
200 x 30 mm 20 mm 161P32/3
250 x 30 mm 16 mm 161P32/4

Different dimensions upon request!

Polishing Wheel / Wave Folding

• suitable for item 161P33
• for plastic works, Ø 180 mm

Width Bore Item-No.

20 mm 16 mm 161P32/W

Lamella Fleece Wheel

• suitable for item 161P33
• for metal- and plastic works
• width 50 mm

Diameter Thread Item-No.

80 mm 5/8“ 159P5/80
100 mm 5/8“ 159P5/100

159P5/100 197
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Lamella Fleece Wheel

• suitable for item 161P33
• without thread, for metal- and plastic works
• width 50 mm

Diameter Bore Item-No.

200 mm 16 mm 159P5/200

Lamella Wheel
• for plastic works

Diameter Grit Item-No.

165 mm G 320 161P31

Attention: Use only with tension disc!

Tension Disc
• suitable for item 161P33 and item 161P31
• PU = 1 pair

Bore Item-No.
16 mm 161P34

• for all polishing- and lamella wheels

Thread Item-No.
M16 161P33/16
5/8“ 161P33/58

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Wide Belt Sander

• 2-speed motor
• space saving, robust construction
• designated for connection to an external dust suction unit
• with closed belt protection
• quick action fastener for easy change of sanding belt

Basic equipment
• 1 sanding belt 200 x 1500 mm (107P60/40)
• support table with adjustable tilt angle from -10° to +45°

Electrical equipment
• motor protection switch
• 3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 620 x 430 x 1470 mm
• rotation speed: 1450 / 2900 rpm
• extractor connection Ø 100 mm
• sanding belt speed: 10/20 m/sec.
• sanding width: max. 200 mm
• belt length: 1.500 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,8 kW / 2,2 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 120 kg net


Wide Belt Sander

• one-speed motor
• 1 sanding belt 300 x 2000 mm (107P50/40)
• support table with adjustable tilt angle from -10° to +45°

Electrical equipment
• motor protection switch
• 3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 770 x 730 x 1630 mm
• motor speed: 1450 rpm
• extractor connection Ø 150 mm
• sanding belt speed: 300 mm
• sanding belt length: 2000 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 ph / 3,0 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• total weight: approx. 190 kg net

Special voltages
• 208 V / 60 Hz / 3 Ph+PE / 3,0 kW (110M5/3620)

110M5 199
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Belt
• for wood and plastic, MA=Machine, EM=External Make

L x W / grit for MA Item-No.

1500 x 200 mm / G 40 110M4 107P60/40
2000 x 300 mm / G 24 110M5 107P50/24
2000 x 300 mm / G 40 110M5 107P50/40
2000 x 300 mm / G 80 110M5 107P50/80
1800 x 300 mm / G 40 EM 107P62/40

Sanding Belt
• MA = Machine Type, EM = External Make

L x W / grit for MA Item-No.

2250 x 50 mm / G 40 FF 107P56/40
2250 x 50 mm / G 60 FF 107P56/60
2250 x 50 mm / G 80 FF 107P56/80
2250 x 50 mm / G 120 FF 107P56/120
2250 x 50 mm / G 180 FF 107P56/180
2250 x 50 mm / G 240 FF 107P56/240
2000 x 50 mm / G 40 EM 107P61/40
2000 x 50 mm / G 80 EM 107P61/80
2000 x 50 mm / G 120 EM 107P61/120
3500 x 50 mm / G 40 Optima 107P58/40
3500 x 50 mm / G 80 Optima 107P58/80
3500 x 50 mm / G 120 Optima 107P58/120

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Belt Sander
• floor stand
• 2-speed motor
• for connection to central exhaust unit with minimum air speed 20 m/sec

Basic equipment
• continuously adjustable tilting angle of the working surface by 90°
• speed control

Electrical equipment
• motor protection switch
• 1,3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 800 x 850 x 1520 mm
• space requirements W x D: approx. 1800 x 1400 mm
• extractor connection: Ø 100 mm
• sanding belt width: 250 mm
• sanding belt length: 2000 mm
• rotation speed: 1400/2800 rpm
• sanding belt speed: 15/30 m/sec
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 ph / 2,3 kW / 3,0 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 152 kg


Sanding Belt
• for wood and plastic, for item 10M35 and 10M37

L x W / grit Grit Item-No.

2000 x 250 mm G 40 107P59/40 201
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Combination Sander
• floor stand
• 2-speed motor
• for connection to central exhaust unit with minimum air speed 20 m/s

Basic equipment
• left side face plate Ø 350 mm with support table
• right side contact wheel and belt tensioning arm
• speed control

Electrical equipment
• motor protection switch
• 1,3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 800 x 800 x 1900 mm
• space requirements W x D: approx. 1700 x 1400 mm
• 1 x extractor connection each, Ø 100 mm
• sanding belt width: 50 mm
• sanding belt length: 2500 mm
• face plate: Ø 350 mm
• rotation speed: 1400/2800 rpm
• sanding belt speed: 18/36 m/sec
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,3 kW / 1,8 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight: 102 kg


Grinding Belt
• for item 10M36 and 10M38

Dimensions Grit Item-No.

2500 x 50 mm G 60 107P63/60
2500 x 50 mm G 120 107P63/120
2500 x 50 mm G 180 107P63/180

Sanding Disc
• for face plates

Diameter Grit Item-No.

320 mm G 24 107P32/320
300 mm G 36 107P30/300
350 mm G 36 107P30/350
400 mm G 36 107P30/400

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Sanding Line
• infinitely, corundum and sinter ceramic-coated abrasive, resin-bonded

Dimensions Grit Item-No.

2000 x 300 mm G 40 107P70/40
2000 x 300 mm G 60 107P70/60
2000 x 300 mm G 80 107P70/80

Double Grinder 175 mm

Bench version

• grinding wheel regular corundum coarse K36
• grinding wheel regular corundum fine K80
• spark guard
• viewing window made of break-proof material
• adjustable tool support
• rubber feet for vibration control
• approx. 1,4 m electric cord with Schuko plug

Technical data
• dimensions L x D x H: 389 x 233 x 279 mm
• grinding wheel Ø: 175 mm
• grinding wheel width: 25 mm
• speed: 2850 rpm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,45 kW
• weight 14 kg

10M2 203
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Double Grinder
Pillar version

• machine base
• cooling water container
• grinding wheel regular corundum coarse K36
• grinding wheel regular corundum fine K80
• spark guard
• viewing window made of break-proof material
• adjustable tool support
• rubber feet for vibration control
• approx. 1,4 m electric cord with Schuko plug

Technical data
• dimensions L x D x H: 389 x 270 x 1104 mm
• grinding wheel Ø: 175 mm
• grinding wheel width: 25 mm
• speed: 2850 rpm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,45 kW
• weight: 28,5 kg


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Double Grinder 200 mm

Bench version

• grinding wheel regular corundum coarse K36
• grinding wheel regular corundum fine K80
• spark guard
• viewing window made of break-proof material
• adjustable tool support
• rubber feet for vibration control
• approx. 1,4 m electric cord with Schuko plug

Technical Data
• dimensions L x D x H: 495 x 261 x 331 mm
• grinding wheel Ø: 200 mm
• grinding wheel width: 30 mm
• speed: 2850 rpm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,6 kW
• weight: 18,5 kg

10M4/1523 205
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Double Grinder 200 mm

Pillar version

• machine base
• cooling water container
• grinding wheel regular corundum coarse K36
• grinding wheel regular corundum fine K80
• spark guard
• viewing window made of break-proof material
• adjustable tool support
• rubber feet for vibration control
• approx. 1,4 m electric cord with Schuko plug

Technical data
• dimensions L x D x H: 495 x 270 x 1156 mm
• grinding wheel Ø: 200 mm
• grinding wheel width: 30 mm
• speed: 2850 rpm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,6 kW
• weight: 33 kg


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Double Grinder 300 mm

Bench version

• grinding wheel regular corundum coarse K36
• grinding wheel regular corundum fine K80
• spark guard
• viewing window made of break-proof material
• adjustable tool support
• rubber feet for vibration control
• approx. 1,4 m electric cord with CEE plug 5 x 16A

Technical data
• dimensions L x D x H: 736 x 365 x 407 mm
• grinding wheel Ø: 300 mm
• grinding wheel width: 50 mm
• speed: 1450 rpm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
• weight: 84 kg

10M6/3540 207
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Double Grinder 300 mm

Pillar version

• machine base with door and shelf
• cooling water container
• grinding wheel regular corundum coarse K36
• grinding wheel regular corundum fine K80
• spark guard
• viewing window made of break-proof material
• adjustable tool support
• rubber feet for vibration control
• approx. 1,4 m electric cord with CEE-plug, 5 x 16A

Technical data
• dimensions L x D x H: 736 x 505 x 1197 mm
• grinding wheel Ø: 300 mm
• grinding wheel width: 50 mm
• speed: 1450 rpm
• power reuqirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 22 kW
• weight: 107 kg


Spark Guard
• 2 units per machine, transparent shield with mounting fixture

For machine Diameter Item-No.

10M2, M3, M4, M5 190 mm 10M8/F
10M6, M7 230 mm 10M9/F

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Grinding Wheel Dresser

• for grinding wheel Ø 100 – 400 mm

Ø disc x disc width Item-No.

36 x 12 mm 178P30

picture similar

Grinding Wheel
• ordinary corundum, for machine 10M2 and 10M3
• Ø 175 mm, width 25 mm, hole Ø 50,8 mm

Grit Item-No.
fine G 60 10M2/F
coarse G 36 10M2/G

Grinding Wheel
• ordinary corundum, for machine 10M4 and 10M5
• Ø 200 mm, width 32 mm, hole Ø 50,8 mm

Grit Item-No.
fine G 60 10M4/F
coarse G 36 10M4/G

Grinding Wheel
• ordinary corundum, for machine 10M6 and 10M7
• Ø 300 mm, width 40 mm, bore Ø 76,2 mm

Grit Item-No.
fine G 60 10M6/F
coarse G 36 10M6/G 209
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Combined Belt Sander / Grinder

• left side with grinding wheel Ø 300 mm, protective hood and tool support
• right side with rubber contact wheel Ø 450 mm
• sanding belt tensioning arm with closed protective hood
• 1 x corundum grinding wheel grit 36 (item 107P30/300)
• 1 x sanding belt grit 120 (item 107P57/120)
• 2,5 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 890 x 750 x 2200 mm
• extractor connection with outer Ø 126 mm
• sanding belt width: 50 mm
• sanding belt length: 3000 mm
• sanding belt speed: 35 m/sec
• speed: 1500 RPM
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,5 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight net/gross: 170 / 285 kg


picture similar

Double Belt Grinding Machine

without picture
• 2 grinding belt tensioning arms with closed protective hoods
• 2 rubber contact wheels Ø 250 mm
• 2 grinding belts, grit 120 (item 107P63/120)
• 2,5 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 890 x 450 x 2005 mm
• extractor connection Ø 88 mm
• grinding belt width: 50 mm
• grinding belt length: 2500 mm
• speed: 3000 RPM
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,5 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight net/gross: 192 / 307 kg


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Combined Sanding / Polishing Machine

• left side with polishing wheel Ø 300 mm
• protective hood
• right side with rubber contact wheel Ø 250 mm
• sanding belt tensioning arm with closed protective hood
• 1 x polishing wheel
• 1 x sanding belt grit 120 (107P63/120)
• 2,5 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 890 x 750 x 2200 mm
• left side extractor connection Ø 127 mm
• right side extractor connection Ø 88 mm
• sanding belt width: 50 mm
• sanding belt length: 2500 mm
• speed: 3000 RPM
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,5 kW
• colour: RAL 7035 light grey
• weight net/gross: 170 / 285 kg


Service parts available upon request!

Sanding Belt
• MA = machine

Dimensions / grit for MA Item-No.

2500 x 50 mm / G 60 10M31, 32 107P63/60
2500 x 50 mm / G 120 10M31, 32 107P63/120
2500 x 50 mm / G 180 10M31, 32 107P63/180
3000 x 50 mm / G 40 10M30 107P57/40
3000 x 50 mm / G 60 10M30 107P57/60
3000 x 50 mm / G 80 10M30 107P57/80
3000 x 50 mm / G 120 10M30 107P57/120
3000 x 50 mm / G 180 10M30 107P57/180 211
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Table Band Saw

• high precision and cutting performance
• smooth running by balanced band wheel with rubber coating
• blade speeds for various applications and materials
• easy conversion to belt sander
• door opens without tool, protection with safety end switch
• GS dust-proof
• with stand for optimum work height

Basic equipment
• quick saw blade replacement
• saw band tension indicator with scale
• precision three-roller guide with HSS-wheels
• parallel fence with long profile, clamped in the front and in the back
• 1 pc. universal saw blade

Electrical equipment
• 2 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 665 x 795 x 1600 mm
• cutting height: 165 mm
• cutting width: 305 mm
• table size: 548 x 400 mm
• table adjustment: -2° – 45°
• saw blade width: 6 – 20 mm
• saw blade length: 2240 mm
• saw blade speed: 370 / 800 m/min
• extractor connection: Ø 100 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 ph / 0,9 kW
• colour: grey/green
• weight: 70,5 kg net


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Band Saw model 600

• for cutting of wood, plastics and NE-metals

• saw band tension indicator
• aluminium parallel stop with round bar guide
• 3-roll precision saw band guide
• cutting height adjustable by toothed rack
• grey cast iron saw table, tiltable from 0° to +20°
• doors protected by end switch
• self-braking motor
• emergency-off switch
• exhaust connection: 1 x Ø 120 mm
• 1 saw band for wood
• 1 saw band for synthetic materials and light metal
• approx. 2,3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 32A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1000 x 790 x 2000 mm
• dimensions work table W x D: 875 x 600 mm
• saw table height: 860 mm
• cutting speed: 1600 rpm
• max. cutting height: 370 mm
• max. cutting width: 580 mm
• saw band length: 4520 – 4600 mm
• saw band thickness: 0,5 – 0,6 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
• weight: 280 kg

130M3/3540 213
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Band Saw
• for processing of wood, plastics and metal

• two cutting speeds
• very quiet run
• high performance
• heavy duty, closed steel construction
• saw blade is lead by three wheels and is protected except for the cutting
area, 2 doors allow easy access to the blade
• table can be turned up to 45° at the right side
• limit stop insertable to the left and right table side

Basic equipment
• 1 saw blade for wood
• 1 saw blade for plastic
• upper and lower special bearing wheels
• blade guide

Electrical equipment
• main- and motor protection switch as emergency switch
• 2 m power cord

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1060 x 635 x 2060 mm
• table size: approx. 580 x 800 mm
• cutting height: approx. 345 mm
• cutting width: approx. 585 mm
• saw blade length: 4400 mm
• saw blade width: max. 35 mm
• extractor connection: Ø 100 mm
• 2-speed motor: 675 / 1350 RPM
• power requirements: 380 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
colour: anthracite / RAL 7035 light grey
weight: 270 kg

Special voltages
• 208 V / 60 Hz / 3 Ph+PE / 2,2 kW (130M7/3620)


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Special Band Saw model

• for cutting of metals, plastics and wood, as well as for all materials used in
orthopaedic workshops

• 2 speed drive
• continuously adjustable cutting speed
• band tension and -speed display
• work table illumination
• grey cast iron saw table, tiltable
• exhaust device for saw dust
• integrated band welding unit with anneal-, cutting- and grinding device
• with parallel stop
• 1 saw band for wood
• 1 saw band fo plastics and light metal
• 1 saw band for stainless steel and regular steel
• approx. 2,3 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 32A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 940 x 675 x 1840 mm
• dimensions saw table W x D: 550 x 600 mm
• saw table height: 1000 mm
• table tilting range left/right: 12° / 15°
• table tilting range front/back : 8° / 8°
• cutting speed 1. gear: 20 – 80 rpm
• cutting speed 2. gear: 250 – 1000 rpm
• max. cutting height: 255 mm
• saw band length: 3140 mm
• max. saw band width: 16 mm
• saw band welding unit output: 16 mm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,5 kW
• weight: 410 kg net


Saw Blade Welding Unit

• for saw bandes up to 15 mm width
• with shears and grinding wheel
• without electronic annealing device

Basic equipment
• built-in grinding motor
• 1,5 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 2,0 kW
• weight: 24,5 kg net

130M8 215
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Precision Band Saw

• for wood, plastics and NE-metals

• door opens without tool, protection with safety end switch
• viewing window for blade tension display
• two speeds, selection by means of V-belt adjustment
• quiet and precise operation due to warp-resistant machine body
• saw-table made of grey cast iron in one piece, with precisely ground and
polished surface
• comfortable laser device for marking the cutting line
• quick-action saw band, tension adjustment by means of eccentric lever
• precise 3-roll saw band guide on top and bottom
• quick height adjustment by means of turning knob and toothed rod with
millimeter scale
• aluminium parallel stop with eccentric quick clamp and magnifier
• mitre square stop, adjustable by 60° on both sides

Basic equipment
• 3 saw blades for soft and hard wood, plastics and NE-metals

Electrical equipment
• motor protection switch
• electronic motor brake
• 2 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• work table dimensions W x D: 680 x 530 mm
• cutting speeds: 850 / 430 m/min.
• max. cutting height: 270 mm
• max. cutting width with stop: 474 mm
picture similar • max. cutting width without stop: 514 mm
• saw band length: 3865 mm
• saw table inclination: -10° to +45°
motor power: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,25 kW
dimensions W x D x H: 1024 x 800 x 2048 mm
extractor connection: 2 x 100 mm
weight: 163 kg


Saw Band
• for item 130M9
• band saw blade, for wood, plastics and NE-metals, tooth pitch 4 T/“, ready
• length: 3865 mm

Width of band saw blade Item-No.

10 mm 108P12/10
16 mm 108P12/16
20 mm 108P12/20
25 mm 108P12/25

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Saw Band
• for band saw 130M6
• length 3140 mm
• ready welded

Width Thickness Teeth/inch Suitable for Item-No.

13 mm 0,65 mm 6/10 plastics, light 108P1/314
16 mm 0,5 mm 4 wood 108P4/314
13 mm 0,65 mm 10/14 V2A and other 108P2/314

Saw Band
• for band saw 130M3
• length 3140 mm
• ready welded

Width Thickness Teeth/inch Suitable for Item-No.

25 mm 0,6 mm 3 wood 108P4/458
27 mm 0,9 mm 4/6 plastics, light 108P1/458
metals 217
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Saw Band
• for wood
• original Sweden Steel
• 0,65 mm (108P3) / 0,8 mm (108P4) thickness
• tooth pitch 4 T/“, teeth set, sharpened and ready welded
• MA = machine, EM = external make

Length x Width for MA Item-No.

2240 x 16 mm 130M5 108P3/224
3300 x 16 mm 130M4 108P3/330
3380 x 16 mm 130M2 108P3/338
3550 x 16 mm 130M6 108P3/355
4080 x 16 mm EM 108P3/408
4400 x 16 mm 130M7 108P3/440
4500 x 16 mm 130M3 108P3/450
4960 x 16 mm EM 108P3/496
2900 x 20 mm EM 108P4/290
3300 x 20 mm 130M4 108P4/330
3550 x 20 mm 130M6 108P4/355
4080 x 20 mm EM 108P4/408
4500 x 20 mm 130M3 108P4/450
4760 x 20 mm EM 108P4/476

Saw Band
• for wood, supplied in coils, 4Z/‘‘
• PU = 30 m roll

Width Item-No.
16 mm x 0,65 mm 108P3/E
20 mm x 0,80 mm 108P4/E

Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Saw Band
• for stainless steel and other steel types, original Sweden Steel
• 0,65 mm thickness, tooth pitch 24 T/“, ready welded
• MA = machine, EM = external make

Length x Width for MA Item-No.

2240 x 6 mm 130M5 108P2/224
2900 x 6 mm EM 108P2/290
3300 x 6 mm 130M4 108P2/330
3380 x 6 mm 130M2 108P2/338
3550 x 6 mm 130M6 108P2/355
3800 x 6 mm EM 108P2/380
4080 x 6 mm EM 108P2/408
4400 x 6 mm 130M7 108P2/440
4500 x 6 mm 130M3 108P2/450
4760 x 6 mm EM 108P2/476

Saw Band
• for stainless steel and other steel types, supplied in coils
• PU = 30,50 m roll

Width Item-No.
6 mm x 0,65 mm 108P2/E

Saw Band
• for plastics and light metals, original Sweden Steel
• 0,65 mm thickness, tooth pitch 10 T/“, ready welded
• MA = machine, EM = external make

Length x Width for MA Item-No.

2240 x 8 mm 130M5 108P1/224
3150 x 6 mm EM 108P1/315
3300 x 8 mm 130M4 108P1/330
3380 x 8 mm 130M2 108P1/338
3550 x 8 mm 130M6 108P1/355
4080 x 8 mm EM 108P1/408
4400 x 8 mm 130M7 108P1/440
4500 x 8 mm 130M3 108P1/450
4760 x 8 mm EM 108P1/476
4960 x 8 mm EM 108P1/496 219
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Saw Band
• for plastics and light metals, supplied in coils
• PU = 30 m roll

Width Item-No.
8 mm x 0,65 mm 108P1/E

Ready welded saw blades or saw blades in coils, are also available
in other sizes and tooth pitches, upon request!

Bench Drill Press

• infinitely variable speed control
• usable table space 300 x 250 mm
• height adjustment of drill head via adjustable gas spring
• easy adjustable depth gauge
• speed- and drill depth indication: digital scale
• Thread cutting capactiy max. M10
• on/off switch with low voltage release
• emergency switch
• quick Action Drill Chuck B16, 1 - 13 mm
• LED lit control panel
• 1,2 m electric cord with safety plug

Technical Data
• Dimensions W x D x H: 390 x 450 x 860 mm
• Spindle: B16 DIN 238
• Continuous-/normal drilling capacity: 13/15 mm
• Working radius: 225 mm
• Drilling depth: 60 mm
• Column: Ø 60 mm
• Distance spindle to table: 0 - 300 mm (top), 0 - 360 mm (base)
• Spindle speed: 40 - 4000 1/min stufenlos
• Power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 0,54 kW
• Colour: top RAL 7005 grey, base RAL 9005
• Weight: 80 kg


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Bench Drill Press

• power transmission by aluminium pulley
• speed continuously adjustable
• digital speed display
• emergency-off switch
• keyless drill chuck 1 – 13 mm
• height adjustable table with toothed rack
• drill table rotation: 360°
• usable table space W x D: 290 x 290 mm
• EMV filter class C2
• approx. 1,6 m power cord with Schuko plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 425 x 475 x 900 mm
• spindle fixture: MK 2
• continuous-/normal drilling capacity steel: Ø 12 / Ø 15 mm
• working radius: 230 mm
• drilling depth: 60 mm
• distance spindle to table: max. 375 mm
• distance drill chuck – machine foot: max. 355 mm
• spindle speed: 100 – 3000 rpm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,85 kW
• weight: 66 kg net


Bench Drill Press

• power transmission by aluminium pulley
• speed control adjustable in 12 steps
• digital drilling depth and speed display
• emergency-off switch
• keyless drill chuck 1 – 16 mm
• mandrel MK 2 / B16
• drill depth stop
• V-belt cover with safety switch
• right/left-hand drill action
• height adjustable table with toothed rack
• drill table rotation: 360°
• drill table incline: 45°
• usable table space W x D: 280 x 245 mm
• approx. 1,5 m power cord with CEE plug, 5 x 16A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 330 x 615 x 1015 mm
• spindle fixture: MK 2
• continuous-/normal drilling capacity stell: Ø 20 / Ø 25 mm
• working radius: 180 mm
• drilling depth: 80 mm
• distance spindle to table: max. 425 mm
• distance drill chuck – machine foot: max. 618 mm
• spindle speed: 200 – 2440 rpm
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW
• weight: 63,5 kg

100M3/3540 221
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Pillar Drill Press

• speed control infinitely variable
• height adjustable table with cograil
• quickly adjustable drill depth stop
• digital speed and drill depth display
• tapper
• EMERGENCY OFF palm button
• top unit with LED light
• without drill chuck
• without morse taper
• motor protection switch with low voltage release
• 1,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 355 x 705 x 1825 mm
• spindle: MK II
• usable table space: 340 x 280 mm
• continuous-/normal drilling capacity: 18/20 mm
• thread cutting capacity: max. M10
• working radius: 240 mm
• drilling depth: 100 mm
• column: Ø 82 mm
• distance spindle to table: 160 – 880 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,75 kW
• colour: RAL 7005 mouse grey
• weight: 151 kg


Pillar Drill Press

• speed control infinitely variable
• usable table space W x L 340 x 280 mm
• height adjustable with cograil
• adjustable drill depth stop with limiting ring
• drill depth indication with scale
• reversing switch for right/left-hand drill action
• motor protection switch with undervoltage release
• emergency switch
• without drill chuck
• without morse taper
• 1,5 m power cord with CEE plug 5 x 16 A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 300 x 745 x 1850 mm
• spindle: MK II
• continuous-/normal drilling capacity: 18/23 mm
• working radius: 240 mm
• drilling depth: 100 mm
• column: Ø 82 mm
• distance spindle to table: 160 – 880 mm
• spindle speed infinitely variable: 250 – 4000 RPM
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,45 kW / 0,80 kW
• colour: RAL 7036 platinum-grey
• weight: 205 kg net

Special voltages
• 208 V / 60 Hz / 3 Ph+PE / 0,45 kW / 0,80 kW (100M6/3620)


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Pillar Drill Press

• 2 infinitely variable speed ranges, manually adjustable
• digital speed display
• emergency-off switch
• keyless drill chuck 1 – 16 mm
• mandrel: MK 3 / B16
• V-belt cover with safety switch
• right/left-hand drill action
• machine light integrated in drill head
• drill table height adjustable by toothed rack
• drill table rotation: 360°
• usable drill table surface L x W: 340 x 360 mm
• approx. 1,6 m power cord with CEE plug, 5 x 16A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 550 x 755 x 1745 mm
• spindle fixture: MK 3
• continuous-/ normal drilling capacity steel: Ø 24 / Ø 28 mm
• working radius: 200 mm
• drilling depth: 105 mm
• distance spindle to table: max. 860 mm
• distance spindle to machine foot: max. 1285 mm
• spindle speed: 300 – 4000 rpm
• control settings: 2 steps
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,85 kW
• weight: 152 kg


Pillar Drill Press

• transmission by means of aluminium pulley
• speed adjustable in 12 steps
• digital drill depth and speed display
• emergency-off switch
• keyless drill chuck 1 – 16 mm
• mandrell: MK 3 / B16
• drill depth stop
• V-belt cover with safety switch
• right/left-hand drill action
• drill table height adjustable by toothed rack
• drill table rotation: 360°
• drill table tilt: 45°
• usable drill table surface L x W: 330 x 290 mm
• approx. 1,6 m power cord with CEE plug, 5 x 16A

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 355 x 670 x 1640 mm
• spindle fixture: MK 3
• continuous-/ normal drilling capacity steel: Ø 20 / Ø 25 mm
• working radius: 210 mm
• drill depth: 85 mm
• distance spindle to table: max. 720 mm
• distance spindle to machine foot: max. 1230 mm
• spindle speed: 200 – 2440 rpm
• control settings: 12 steps
• Elektroanschluss: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW
• weight: 85 kg

100M10/3540 223
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Pillar Drill Press

• speed control infinitely variable
• height adjustable table with cograil
• quickly adjustable drill depth stop
• digital speed and drill depth display
• tapper
• EMERGENCY OFF palm button
• top unit with LED light
• without drill chuck
• without morse taper
• motor protection switch with low voltage release
• 1,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 550 x 750 x 1800 mm
• Spindel: MK II
• usable table space W x D: 420 x 340 mm
• continuous / normal drilling capacity: 23/25 mm
• thread cutting capacity: max. M16
• working radius: 260 mm
• drilling depth: 100 mm
• column: Ø 110 mm
• distance spindle to table: 230 – 850 mm
• spindle speed infinitely variable: 20 – 2000 1/min
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,5 kW
• colour: RAL 7036 platin grey
• weight: 275 kg
• special voltage 208 V / 60 Hz / 3 Ph+PE / 1,5 kW (100M8/3620)


Quick Action Drill Chuck

• without morse taper
• suitable for item 100M2, 100M3, 100M4, 100M6, 100M8, 100M9

Technical data
• span range: 1 – 13 mm
• receiver: B16


Quick Action Drill Chuck

• without morse taper, suitable for item 100M7

Technical data
• span range: 3 – 16 mm
• receiver: B18


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Morse Taper
• suitable for item 100M2, 100M4, 100M6, 100M8

Technical data
• spindle: MK II
• receiver: B16


Morse Taper
• suitable for item 100M7

Technical data
• spindle: MK III
• receiver: B18


Drilling Arm
• suitable for all drill presses

Technical data
• length: 400 mm
• weight: 2 kg net


Machine Jaw Vise

• suitable for bench and floor type drill presses with prismatic jaws
• dimensions = jaw width x span width

Dimensions Weight Item-No.

100 x 110 mm 3,3 kg net 101P14/100
150 x 110 mm 4,75 kg net 101P14/120 225
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Electric Welding Machine

• 3,5 m welding cable (25 mm²) with electrode holder
• 2,5 m earth cable with pole clamp
• 25 welding rods: 2,5 x 350 mm
• 25 welding rods: 3,5 x 350 mm
• chipping hammer
• 2-line wire brush
• welding gloves
• welding shield incl. glasses
• power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 140 x 330 x 230 mm
• main fuse: 16 A
• welding current range: 160 A
• capacity: 3,6 kW
• electrode size: 1,5 – 3,5 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph
• weight: 5,8 kg net


The machine is equipped with a rectifier welding set, protection

according to IP23.

Welding and Cutting Torch Set

• for oxy-acetylene welding

• metal carry case
• torch handle
• 5 welding nozzels
• nozzle cleaning needle
• spring lever torch with heating- and cutting nozzles
• torch spanner

Technical data
• welding range: 0,5 – 9 mm
• cutting range: 3 – 100 mm
• weight: 1,9 kg net


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Mobile Gas and Brazing Welding Unit

• 1 oxygen steel bottle 10 liters
• 1 acetylene steel bottle 10 liters
• 1 bottle trolley
• each bottle with 2 manometer gauges with 1 pressure regulator
• 1 thermic flashback valve for oxygen
• 1 thermic flashback valve for acetylene
• 7 m hose, assembled
• 1 set protective glasses
• 1 handle 17 mm
• 5 welding nozzles in different sizes
• 1 spring lever torch, Ø 17 mm
• 1 heating nozzle 3 – 100 mm
• 2 cutting nozzles 3 – 25 mm
• 1 gas lighter
• 1 torch spanner
• 1 set of nozzle cleaning needles

Technical data
• weight: 44 kg net


Pressure Regulator
• bottle fitting set

• pressure regulator for acetylene bottle with connection bracket
• pressure regulator for oxygene bottle with 3/4“ connection
• 2 thermic flash back valves
• 5 m autogenous twin-hose with brass hose fittings, left side ready mounted
according to DIN 8541

Technical data
• weight: 5 kg net


Silver Solder
• for soldering of stainless steel, cadium-free, 45 % silver
• melting temperature approx. 450 °C

Diameter Length Item-No.

1,5 mm 500 mm 83M13 227
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Welding Electrode
• for welding of stainless steel

Diameter Length Item-No.

2 mm 300 mm 83M16

Other sizes are available upon request.

• for silver solder
• effective temperature range: 500 – 800 °C

Weight Item-No.
100 g 83M14/1
500 g 83M14/5

Welding Rod
• for autogenous welding, length 1000 mm

Diameter Item-No.
2 mm 83M15/2
3 mm 83M15/3
4 mm 83M15/4

Welding Table
• angle-iron frame with 1 slag receiver tray
• grate one half made of fireclay brick, other half made of round steel bars,
with burner support and welding rod quiver

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1010 x 755 x 800 mm
• weight: 76 kg net


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Welding Shield
• incl. exchangeable glasses, with handle (protection class DIN 9 A)


Replacement Glass
• for welding shield 12P55

Glass type Item-No.

Supplementary glass clear 12P56
DIN 9A Athermal glass 12P57

Welding Apron
• chrome leather, adjustable belt
• PU = 1 piece

Size Colour Item-No.

800 x 1000 mm grey-white 12P50

Chipping Hammer
• with handle, to remove welding slag

Weight Item-No.
350 g 170P9 229
Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

• made of hardened quality steel (85M100) resp. drop-forged (85M1/20 and
• dimensions = total length x width x table length

Dimensions Weight Height Item-No.

350 x 60 x 230 mm 20 kg 172 mm 85M1/20
430 x 72 x 280 mm 30 kg 200 mm 85M1/30
650 x 130 x 420 100 kg 290 mm 85M1/100

• rop-forged with two anvil beaks
• dimensions = total length x width x table length

Dimensions Weight Height Item-No.

390 x 80 x 170 mm 20 kg 155 mm 85M2/20
475 x 95 x 205 mm 35 kg 200 mm 85M2/35
635 x 125 x 265 mm 75 kg 265 mm 85M2/75
720 x 130 x 300 mm 125 kg 310 mm 85M2/125

Anvil Base
• suitable for all sizes
• dimensions W x D x H: 460 x 380 x 550 mm

Weight Item-No.
46 kg net 85M5

Suction Ventilator
• for aspiration of welding fumes, simple mount, also suitable for outdoor

Technical data
• suction capacity: 2000 m³/h
• connection- and exhaust fitting: Ø 150 mm
• vacuum: max. 1950 Pa
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW
• weight: 14 kg net


Plastics- & Metal Processing Machines

Ball Joint Suction Arm

• for welding fumes, for combined use with 83M20 or separate use on work
benches or machines

• work range 2,5 m
• ceiling- or wall-mount is possible
• locking-flange Ø 150 mm
• suction hood and hose

Technical data
• weight: 12 kg net


Hand Lever Shear

• with one sheet metal and one steel rod shear knife
• dimensions = knife length x shear capacity (sheet metal) x shear capacity
(steel rod)

Dimensions Lever length Item-No.

120 x 4 x 10 mm 850 mm 75M10/4
150 x 5 x 11 mm / 12,5 1000 mm 75M10/5
180 x 6 x 13 mm / 24,5 1150 mm 75M10/6

Shear Knife
• for item 75M10, upper- and lower knife

Size Item-No.
4 75M12/4
5 75M12/5
6 75M12/6

Mobile Stand
• for item 75M10

Height Weight Item-No.

670 mm 45 kg net 75M11 231
Dust Extractors

Dust Extractors
Dust Extractors

According to legal directives, chippings and particulate pollution carry health risks and must be extracted from
the room air. For this process, dust extraction devices are necessary, which must be defined according to your
needs and purposes. In our catalogue, you will find numerous powerful dust extraction devices as well as
matching accessories. Whether you operate one, five or even more machines at the same time – there is a
solution for each of your demands. We would like to mention that even our strongest suction devices
(type series 250 or 300) work at a low noise level of max. 76 dB(A) and therefore considerably contribute to
a healthy working environment.
Our low-noise dust extractors are equipped with
latest filter technology, in order to not only main-
tain but to clearly stay below the national health
insurer’s reference values of maximum allowable
dust content of 0,2 milligrams per cubic metre
of air. Our long-term experience in planning and
mounting room-air dependent and
independent central suction devices for all work-
shop sizes makes us a reliable partner for your
project. We will be pleased to support you to find
the dust extraction system best suitable for your
Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 100

manual filter cleaning

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• long filter service life
• optimal pre-filtration in the intake area
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• hand lever for filter cleaning
• high performance bag filter
• differential pressure gauge
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• 5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1178 x 650 x 1973 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 100 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 565 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 790 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2033 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 75 dB(A)
• filter surface: 4,1 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
• chip collection volume: 135 litres
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,1 kW
• weight: 114 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 100/120 item-no. 20M550/1
• automatic starter item-no. 20M540
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/100


Special voltages upon request. 237
Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 100

manual filter cleaning

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• long filter service life
• optimal pre-filtration in the intake area
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• hand lever for filter cleaning
• high performance bag filter
• differential pressure gauge
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1178 x 650 x 1973 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 100 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 565 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 790 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2122 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 75 dB(A)
• filter surface: 4,1 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
• chip collection volume: 135 litres
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,5 kW
• weight: 114 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 100/120 item-no. 20M550/1
• automatic starter item-no. 20M540
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/100


Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 120

manual filter cleaning

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• long filter service life
• optimal pre-filtration in the intake area
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• hand lever for filter cleaning
• high performance bag filter
• differential pressure gauge
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1178 x 650 x 1973 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 120 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 814 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 1140 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2180 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 75 dB(A)
• filter surface: 5,1 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
• chip collection volume: 135 litres
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,5 kW
weight: 117 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 100/120 item-no. 20M550/1
• automatic starter item-no. 20M540
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/120


Special voltages upon request. 239
Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 120

with automatic filter cleaning system and machine recognition

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• long filter service life
• optimal pre-filtration in the intake area
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• switch for manual filter cleaning
• high performance bag filter
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1178 x 650 x 1973 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 120 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 814 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 1140 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2180 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 75 dB(A)
• filter surface: 5,1 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
• chip collection volume: 135 litres
• power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,5 kW
• weight: 121 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 100/120 item-no. 20M550/1
• automatic starter item-no. 20M540
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/120


Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 140

with automatic compressed air filter cleaning system

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• optional machine recognition and automatic start of up to 16 processing
• optimal extraction by surface filtration and integrated pre-filtration
• fully automatic compressed air filter cleaning with patented OPTIJET
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• inner hose filters
• control unit optionally upgradeable
• ventilator located at clean-air side
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• switch for manual filter cleaning
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1684 x 830 x 2050 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 140 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 1108 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 1600 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2591 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 71,6 dB(A)
• filter surface: 6,3 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
chip collection volume: 241 litres
compressed air connection: 1/2“ standard plug
power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
weight: 330 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 140/160/200 item-no. 20M550/2
• debris level indicator for POWER UNIT item-no. 20M530
• machine recognition with push control 24 V item-no. 20M500
• frequency converter for demand control item-no. 20M520/1
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/140


Special voltages upon request. 241
Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 140

manual filter cleaning

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• optional machine recognition and automatic start of up to 16 processing
• optimal extraction by surface filtration and integrated pre-filtration
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• inner hose filters
• control unit optionally upgradeable
• ventilator located at clean-air side
• handle for filter cleaning
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1684 x 830 x 2050 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 140 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 1108 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 1600 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2591 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 71,6 dB(A)
• filter surface: 6,3 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
• chip collection volume: 241 litres
power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
weight: 320 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 140/160/200 item-no. 20M550/2
• debris level indicator for POWER UNIT item-no. 20M530
• machine recognition with push control 24 V item-no. 20M500
• frequency converter for demand control item-no. 20M520/1
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/140


Special voltages upon request.

Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 160

with automatic compressed air filter cleaning system

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• optional machine recognition and automatic start of up to 16 processing
• optimal extraction by surface filtration and integrated pre-filtration
• fully automatic compressed air filter cleaning with patented OPTIJET
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• inner hose filters
• control unit optionally upgradeable
• ventilator located at clean-air side
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• switch for manual filter cleaning
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1684 x 830 x 2050 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 160 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20m/s: 1448 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 2000 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2503 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 70,8 dB(A)
• filter surface: 9,1 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
chip collection volume: 241 litres
compressed air connection: 1/2“ standard plug
power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
weight: 340 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 140/160/200 item-no. 20M550/2
• debris level indicator for POWER UNIT item-no. 20M530
• machine recognition with push control 24 V item-no. 20M500
• frequency converter for demand control item-no. 20M520/1
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/160


Special voltages upon request. 243
Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 160

with automatic compressed air filter cleaning system, with integrated compres-

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• optional machine recognition and automatic start of up to 16 processing
• optimal extraction by surface filtration and integrated pre-filtration
• fully automatic compressed air filter cleaning with patented OPTIJET
• integrated compressor
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• inner hose filters
• control unit optionally upgradeable
• ventilator located at clean-air side
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• switch for manual filter cleaning
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• integrated compressor 230V / 50 Hz / 1,1 kW / 7 A
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1684 x 830 x 2050 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 160 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20m/s: 1448 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 2000 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2503 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 70,8 dB(A)
filter surface: 9,1 m²
filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
chip collection volume: 241 litres
power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
weight: 350 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 140/160/200 item-no. 20M550/2
• debris level indicator for POWER UNIT item-no. 20M530
• machine recognition with push control 24 V item-no. 20M500
• frequency converter for demand control item-no. 20M520/1
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/160


Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 160

manual filter cleaning

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• optional machine recognition and automatic start of up to 16 processing
• optimal extraction by surface filtration and integrated pre-filtration
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• inner hose filters
• control unit optionally upgradeable
• ventilator located at clean-air side
• handle for filter cleaning
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• 1 chip collector incl. chip collection bag
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1684 x 830 x 2050 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 160 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20m/s: 1448 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 2000 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2503 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 70,8 dB(A)
• filter surface: 9,1 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
• chip collection volume: 241 litres
power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW
weight: 330 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 140/160/200 item-no. 20M550/2
• debris level indicator for POWER UNIT item-no. 20M530
• machine recognition with push control 24 V item-no. 20M500
• frequency converter for demand control item-no. 20M520/1
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/160


Special voltages upon request. 245
Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 200

with automatic compressed air filter cleaning system

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• optional machine recognition and automatic start of up to 16 processing
• optimal extraction by surface filtration and integrated pre-filtration
• fully automatic compressed air filter cleaning with patented OPTIJET
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• inner hose filters
• control unit optionally upgradeable
• ventilator located at clean-air side
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• switch for manual filter cleaning
• 2 chip collectors incl. chip collection bags
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 16 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 2268 x 830 x 2050 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 200 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 2262 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 3010 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2174 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: approx. 71,1 dB(A)
• filter surface: 13,8 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
chip collection volume: 2 x 241 litres
compressed air connection: 1/2“ standard plug
power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,9 kW
weight: 460 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 140/160/200 item-no. 20M550/2
• debris level indicator for POWER UNIT item-no. 20M530
• machine recognition with push control 24 V item-no. 20M500
• frequency converter for demand control item-no. 20M520/2
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/200


Special voltages upon request.

Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 250

with automatic compressed air filter cleaning system

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• optional machine recognition and automatic start of up to 16 processing
• optimal extraction by surface filtration and integrated pre-filtration
• fully automatic compressed air filter cleaning with patented OPTIJET
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• approved by employer´s liability insurance association
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• inner hose filters
• control unit optionally upgradeable
• ventilator located at clean-air side
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• switch for manual filter cleaning
• 2 chip collectors incl. chip collection bags
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 32 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 2305 x 1058 x 2351 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 250 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 3534 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 4900 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2451 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: 71,9 dB(A)
• filter surface: 22,4 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
chip collection volume: 2 x 250 litres
compressed air connection: 1/2“ standard plug
power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 6,5 kW
weight: 758 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 250/300 item-no. 20M550/3
• debris level indicator for POWER UNIT item-no. 20M530
• machine recognition with push control 24 V item-no. 20M500
• frequency converter for demand control item-no. 20M520/3
• extraction hose item-no. 150M1/250

Special voltages
• 220 V / 60 Hz / 3 Ph+PE / 6,5 kW (20M250/3622)


Special voltages upon request. 247
Dust Extractors

Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 300

with automatic compressed air filter cleaning system

• compact, mobile clean-air dust extractor for extracting wood- and plastic
• depending on load (utilisation factor), the residues of several machines can
be extracted
• optional machine recognition and automatic start of up to 16 processing
• optimal extraction by surface filtration and integrated pre-filtration
• fully automatic compressed air filter cleaning with patented OPTIJET
• powerful, efficient extraction
• simple operation, low maintenance
• BG inspected
• residual dust content: H3 (< 0,1 mg/m³)

• ON / OFF switch for clean-air dust extractor
• inner hose filters
• control unit optionally upgradeable
• ventilator located at clean-air side
• volume flow monitoring with signal lamp
• switch for manual filter cleaning
• 2 chip collectors incl. chip collection bags
• 5 m power cord with CEE plug
• 5-pin plug, 32 A with phase changer

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 2963 x 994 x 2346 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 300 mm
• nominal air flow capacity at connector at 20 m/s: 5089 m³/h
• max. volume air flow: 6000 m³/h
• negative pressure at connector: 2045 Pa
• max. sound pressure level: 72,5 dB(A)
• filter surface: 30 m²
• filter material: dust class M, electrical conductive, washable
chip collection volume: 3 x 250 litres
compressed air connection: 1/2“ standard plug
power requirements: 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 7,5 kW
weight: 952 kg

Optional accessories
• chip collection bags for POWER UNIT 250/300 item-no. 20M550/3
• debris level indicator for POWER UNIT item-no. 20M530
• machine recognition with push control 24 V item-no. 20M500
• frequency converter for demand control item-no. 20M520/3
extraction hose item-no. 150M1/300


Special voltages upon request.

Dust Extractors

Top Sound absorber for POWER UNIT 250

• for mounting on clean air dust extractor POWER UNIT 250
• reduces the dB-level by 4 dB(A)
• height 300 mm


Top Sound absorber for POWER UNIT 300

• for mounting on clean air dust extractor POWER UNIT 300
• reduces the dB-level by 4 dB(A)
• height 300 mm


Chippings Bags for POWER UNIT

• PU = 20 pieces

for POWER UNIT Dimensions Item-No.

100 / 120 Ø 520 x 1300 mm 20M550/1
140 / 160 / 200 705 x 640 x 1200 mm 20M550/2
250 / 300 895 x 570 x 1200 mm 20M550/3 249
Dust Extractors

Machine Recognition
• for all POWER UNITs
• via transformer coils and automatic slide valve gear
• for up to 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 electro-pneumatic or electric slide valves
• control voltage 24 V DC
• external connection box for independent wall mounting

No. of machines Dimensions W x D x H Item-No.

up to 4 254 x 94 x 180 mm 20M500/4A
up to 8 254 x 94 x 180 mm 20M500/8A
up to 12 360 x 111 x 254 mm 20M500/12A
up to 16 360 x 111 x 254 mm 20M500/16A

Frequency Converter
• with control unit and clear-text display
• integrated closed loop control with pressure transmitter for adequate control
of the dust extractor

for POWER UNIT Item-No.

140 / 160 20M520/1
200 20M520/2
250 / 300 20M520/3

Transformer Coil
• for recognition of one wood working machine


Dust Extractors

Automatic Start / Stop Module

for connection of up to 2 workshop machines (1 x 3~400 V and / or 1 x 1~230
V) in combination with up to 2 external suction devices (1 x 3~400 V and / or
1 x 1~230 V)

• when switching the workshop machine on, the suction device is also
switched on automatically 2 – 3 seconds later
• after switching the machine off, the suction device will still run for approx.
3 – 4 seconds
• this provides exhausting the remaining dust from the machine, according to
hazardous substances regulations

Technical data
picture similar • connected load min. 100 W, max. 400 V / 16 A / 11000 W
• power inlet: CEE 3 P+N+E / 16 A / 6 h with phase reverse
• outlets workshop machine: 1 x socket CEE 3 P+N+E / 16 A / 6 h, 1 x socket
2 P+E
• outlets suction device: 1 x socket CEE 3 P+N+E / 16 A / 6 h, 1 x socket 2 P+E
• safety class: IP 44
• dimensions W x D x H: approx. 245 x 123 x 153 mm
• weight: approx. 1,25 kg


Connected load of all devices must never exceed the total of 16

A! The automatic start / stop module does not limit the starting
current of a machine or device.

Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 100

• universal use
• extra sturdy construction
• significantly reduced dust concentration
• filter bag category G
• great cost/performance ratio
• high suction performance
• short mounting time by modular construction

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 896 x 581 x 1699 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 100 mm
• nominal volume flow: 865 m³/h
• interface vacuum: 1780 Pa
• filter surface: 1,08 m²
• chip collector volume: 90 litres
• weight: 25 kg
• delivery with: 1 chippings bag

• filter cartridge for MOBILE 100: item-no. 25M100/F
• chippings bags for MOBILE 100: item-no. 25M100/S, PU = 5 pieces

Power requirements Item-No.

110 V / 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,75 kW 25M100/110
230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,75 kW 25M100/230

These raw air dust extractors are not approved for industrial use in
Germany! 251
Dust Extractors

Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 125

• identical to item 25M100

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1090 x 580 x 2098 mm
• extraction nozzle: Ø 125 mm
• nominal volume flow: 1350 m³/h
• interface vacuum: 1600 Pa
• filter surface: 2,2 m²
• chip collector volume: 175 litres
• weight: 40 kg
• delivery with: 1 chippings bag

• filter cartridge for MOBILE 125/140/160/200: item-no. 25M200/F
• chippings bags for MOBILE 125/140/160/200: item-no. 25M200/S, PU = 20

Power requirements Item-No.

110 V / 60 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW 25M125/110
230 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW 25M125/230
400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW 25M125/400

These raw air dust extractors are not approved for industrial use in

Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 140

• identical to item 25M100

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1090 x 580 x 2098 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 140 mm
• nominal volume flow: 1650 m³/h
• interface vacuum: 1750 Pa
• filter surface: 2,2 m²
• chip collector volume: 175 litres
• weight: 40 kg
• delivery with: 1 chippings bag

• filter cartridge for MOBILE 125/140/160/200: item-no. 25M200/F
• chippings bags for MOBILE 125/140/160/200: item-no. 25M200/S, PU = 20

Power requirements Item-No.

110 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,1 kW 25M140/110
230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,1 kW 25M140/230
400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 0,75 kW 25M140/400

These raw air dust extractors are not approved for industrial use in

Dust Extractors

Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 160

• identical to item 25M100

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1090 x 580 x 2298 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 160 mm
• nominal volume flow: 2200 m³/h
• interface vacuum: 2500 Pa
• filter surface: 2,2 m²
• chip collector volume: 175 litres
• weight: 40 kg
• delivery with: 1 chippings bag

• filter cartridge for MOBILE 125/140/160/200: item-no. 25M200/F
• chippings bags for MOBILE 125/140/160/200: item-no. 25M200/S, PU = 20

Power requirements Item-No.

110 V / 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,5 kW 25M160/110
400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 1,5 kW 25M160/400

These raw air dust extractors are not approved for industrial use in

Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBIL 200

• identical to item 25M100

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 1090 x 580 x 2298 mm
• extraction connector: Ø 200 mm
• nominal volume flow: 2500 m³/h
• interface vacuum: 2700 Pa
• filter surface: 3,0 m²
• chip collector volume: 175 litres
• weight: 43 kg
• delivery with: 1 chippings bag

• filter cartridge for MOBILE 125/140/160/200: item-no. 25M200/F
• chippings bags for MOBILE 125/140/160/200: item-no. 25M200/S, PU = 20

Power requirements Item-No.

110 V / 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 2,2 kW 25M200/110
400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph / 2,2 kW 25M200/400

These raw air dust extractors are not approved for industrial use in
Germany! 253
Dust Extractors

Filter Cartridge for MOBILE 100

• for Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 100

Ø Height Item-No.
330 mm 890 mm 25M100/F

Filter Cartridge for MOBILE 125 / 140 / 160 / 200

• for Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 125 – 200

Ø Height Item-No.
500 mm 1025 mm 25M200/F

Chippings Bags for MOBILE 100

• for Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 100
• PU = 5 pieces

Ø Length Item-No.
400 mm 900 mm 25M100/S

Chippings Bags for MOBILE 125 / 140 / 160 / 200

• for Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 125 – 200
• PU = 20 pieces

Ø Length Item-No.
520 mm 1300 mm 25M200/S

Dust Extractors

Industrial Vacuum Cleaner JET STREAM M

• all-purpose wet- and dry-vacuum cleaner
• low noise level
• dust class M
• antistatic equipment
• ON/OFF switch and automatic off-delay
• fully automatic filter cleansing
• low-dust disposal by filter bags
• incl. 3 m suction hose

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 505 x 370 x 640 mm
• extraction nozzle: Ø 35 mm
• volume flow: max. 3180 l/m
• interface vacuum: max. 210 mbr
• filter surface: 0,55 m²
• chip collector volume: 41 litres
• power requirements: 220 – 240 V / 50 – 60 Hz
• weight: 11 kg


Craftsmen and Industrial Set for JET STREAM M

• 8 parts


Suction Hose for JET STREAM M

• length = 3 m

28M13 255
Dust Extractors

Connection Adapter for Suction Hose for JET



Paper Dust Bags for JET STREAM M

• PU = 5 pieces


Filter Element for JET STREAM M


• zinc-plated, flanges on both sides, length = 1000 mm

Diameter Item-No.
80 mm 155M1/80
100 mm 155M1/100
120 mm 155M1/120
140 mm 155M1/140
160 mm 155M1/160
180 mm 155M1/180
200 mm 155M1/200

Dust Extractors

Elbow Pipe
• zinc-plated, flanges on both sides, R = 1,5 x D

Diameter Branching Item-No.

80 mm 90° 155M3/80
80 mm 45° 155M4/80
100 mm 90° 155M3/100
100 mm 45° 155M4/100
120 mm 90° 155M3/120
120 mm 45° 155M4/120
140 mm 90° 155M3/140
140 mm 45° 155M4/140
160 mm 90° 155M3/160
160 mm 45° 155M4/160
180 mm 90° 155M3/180
180 mm 45° 155M4/180
200 mm 90° 155M3/200
200 mm 45° 155M4/200

• zinc-plated, flanges on both sides
• length = 500 mm, branching 45°

Ø Entrance x Way x Exit Item-No.

100 x 100 x 80 mm 155M10/1
100 x 100 x 100 mm 155M10/2
120 x 100 x 100 mm 155M11/1
120 x 120 x 100 mm 155M11/2
120 x 120 x 120 mm 155M11/3
140 x 120 x 100 mm 155M12/1
140 x 120 x 120 mm 155M12/2
140 x 140 x 100 mm 155M12/3
140 x 140 x 120 mm 155M12/4
160 x 140 x 100 mm 155M13/1
160 x 140 x 120 mm 155M13/2
180 x 160 x 120 mm 155M14/1
180 x 160 x 100 mm 155M14/2 257
Dust Extractors

Wall Sweeping Hole with flap

• floor vacuum box for extracting chips and dust material directly from the
• flap with hinges

Version Item-No.
Automatic wall dust pan with flap DN 100 155M15/100
Automatic wall dust pan with flap DN 120 155M15/120
Automatic wall dust pan with flap DN 140 155M15/140
Automatic wall dust pan with flap DN 160 155M15/160

The automatic dust pans can be integrated into a new or existing

chip extracting system.

• made of zinc-plated sheet metal, flanges on both sides, for locking of a
suction connection

Diameter Item-No.
80 mm 155M6/80
100 mm 155M6/100
120 mm 155M6/120
140 mm 155M6/140
160 mm 155M6/160

Pneumatic Close Off Slider

• made of zinc-plated sheet metal, flanges on both sides, to close off a suction
• control voltage 24 V DC in new units
• possibly control voltage 230 V in older unit

Diameter Item-No.
80 mm 155M7/80
100 mm 155M7/100
120 mm 155M7/120
140 mm 155M7/140
160 mm 155M7/160

Accessories for the alignment of the pneumatic gate valve

available upon request! Control voltage 230 V AC or 24 V DC.
Other voltages upon request.

Dust Extractors

Hose Sleeve / Flanged Collar

• zinc-plated, with 6 mm flare and bead, length 60 mm
• manifold from metal pipe to plastic hose
• incl. hose clamps

Nominal width Outer diameter Item-No.

80 78 mm 155M16/80
100 98 mm 155M16/100
120 118 mm 155M16/120
140 138 mm 155M16/140
160 158 mm 155M16/160
180 178 mm 155M16/180

Pipe Clamp
• zinc-plated, for pipe connection

Diameter Item-No.
80 mm 155M2/80
100 mm 155M2/100
120 mm 155M2/120
140 mm 155M2/140
160 mm 155M2/160
180 mm 155M2/180
200 mm 155M2/200

Suction Hose
• for connection of the machine to a central dust and chip pipeline
• made of plastic, reinforced with metal coils

Diameter Item-No.
60 mm 150M1/60
80 mm 150M1/80
90 mm 150M1/90
100 mm 150M1/100
120 mm 150M1/120
125 mm 150M1/125
140 mm 150M1/140
160 mm 150M1/160
180 mm 150M1/180 259
Dust Extractors

Hose Clamp

Diameter Item-No.
60 - 80 mm 150M2/60
70 - 90 mm 150M2/70
80 - 100 mm 150M2/80
90 - 110 mm 150M2/90
110 - 130 mm 150M2/110
130 - 150 mm 150M2/130
150 - 170 mm 150M2/150
160 - 180 mm 150M2/170

Other pipeline components (different sizes, etc.) are available

upon request!

Electric Tools

Electric Tools
Electric Tools

Best quality and longevity are the basic requirements for taking an electric tool into our product range. All
electric tools of our assortment are designated and suitable for the daily operation in an artisanal business or
industrial business. However, if a problem should occur with any of the tools supplied by us, our customer service
of course includes repair service. Furthermore, we also offer many accessory parts for our electric hand tools,
designed according to the special demands of an orthopaedic workshop.
Electric Tools

Hot Air Blower „Electron“

• hot air flow up to 650 °C, infinitely adjustable
• air flow max. 320 l/min
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug
• carrying case

Power requirements Item-No.

120 V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 2,4 kW 168P41/1512
230 V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 3,4 kW 168P41/1523

Hot Air Blower „Triac ST“

• hot air flow 40 – 700 °C, continuously adjustable
• air flow max. 240 l/min
• standard nozzle with active cooled protection tube
• tool case
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug
• weight: 990 g

Power requirements Item-No.

230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,6 kW 168P40/1523
120 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,6 kW 168P40/1512

The entire nozzle assortment of the previous model „Triac S“ is

compatible with model „Triac ST“.

Receiver Station
• for item 168P40 and 168P41


Welding Nozzle
• for hot air blower „Triac“ 168P40

Diameter Item-No.
3 mm 168P410/3
4 mm 168P410/4
5 mm 168P410/5 263
Electric Tools

Hot Air Gun „Ghibli“

• hot air flow up to 600 °C, infinitely adjustable
• air flow max. 300 l/min
• 5 mm reduction nozzle
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug

Power requirements Item-No.

230 V / 50-60 Hz / 2,0 kW 168P42
120 V / 50-60 Hz / 1,5 kW 168P42/120

Wide Slit Nozzle

Dimensions Item-No.
20 x 2 mm for item 168P40 168P46
40 x 2 mm for item 168P40 168P47
20 x 2 mm for item 168P42 168P48
70 x 10 mm for item 168P41 168P49

Hot Air Gun

• ergonomic shape with optimal center of gravity
• slip-proof standing surface and hanging device

• heat accumulation warning and residual heat display
• LOC - function, to lock settings
• ceramic heater
• 2300 W brush motor
• LCD-display for temperature and air supply
• temperature range 80 – 650 °C / 176 – 1202 °F, setting in 10 °C / 50 °F
• air volume 150 – 500l/min., 2 steps
• 4 pre-set applications
• 3 m power cord with safety plug

Technical data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 2,3 kW
• weight 1,0 kg


Electric Tools

Accessories Hot Air Gun

without picture
• for item 168P27/1523
• 12 pcs.
consisting of
• surface noozle 75 mm
• window nozzle 75 mm
• reduction nozzle 14 mm
• reduction nozzle 9 mm
• wide-slot nozzle
• welding nozzle
• reflector nozzle
• scraper
• scraper handle
• 3 pcs. spare blades

Width Item-No.
50 mm 168P34

Electric Heater
• with or without electronic heat output regulation
• 1,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,59 kW

Version Power Item-No.

with regulator 0,59 kW 168P8/L
without regulator 0,59 kW 168P8

Hot Sealing Iron

• for sealing of PVC- and PVA sheeting

• PTFE sheeting covered surface
• retainer clip
• range 100 – 180 °C
• 1,50 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,2 kW

Heating area Item-No.

40 x 110 mm 168P5

Stand Hand Sealing Iron

• for item 168P5

168P5/S 265
Electric Tools

PTFE Sheeting
• for item 168P5
• PU = 2 m

Width Item-No.
100 mm 119P22

Thermic Shear
• without cutting wire
• 2 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,12 kW


Cutting Wire
• for item 168P30

Length Item-No.
50 mm 168P31/50
100 mm 168P31/100

Circular Cutting Blade

• 10-flanged circular cutting blade for item 168P25

Diameter Item-No.
60 mm 168P25/E

Electric Tools

Circular Cutter
• cuts textiles, sheeting materials and soft leather

• max. cutting height 8 mm
• built-in sharpening device incl. 2 circular cutting blades (6-flanged)
• 2,8 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,056 kW


Service parts are available upon request!

Circular Cutting Blade

• 6-flanged circular cutting blade for item 168P26


• with toothed blade
• hand grip with short blade for curves
• blade with guidance for straight cuts
• mains cable with plug and electric charger

Technical data
• tool holder: approx 0,25 kg net
• length: approx. 220 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz (80C10), 110 V (80C10/110)

Version Item-No.
230 V / 50 Hz 80C10

Electric Sheet Metal Shear

• cuts sheet metals, ordinary steel, stainless steel, aluminum and plastic sheets
up to max. 2,5 mm thickness

• with speed regulator
• 360° maneuverability
• 3 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,5 kW

168P35 267
Electric Tools

Accessories Electric Sheet Metal Shear

without picture
• for electric sheet metal shear 168P35

Accessories Item-No.
2 x taps, 1 x die 168P35/E1
die 168P37
waste bag 168P38
metal case 168P39

Cast Cutter - Blue-Star-Cutter

• oscillating saw, infinitely variable from 6.500 – 24.000 movements
• overload protection

• 2 circular saw blades, 1 x Ø 50 mm and 1 x Ø 65 mm
• 2 spanner (spatt spanner)
• 5 m electric cord with grounded plug

Technical Data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,5 kW
• weight: 1,5 kg net

Power requirements Item-No.

230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,5 kW 168P23
110 V / 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,5 kW 168P23/110

Circular Saw Blade

• replacement for item 168P23
• specially hardened also suitable for plastics

Diameter Item-No.
50 mm 159P4/50
65 mm 159P4/65

Segmented Saw Blade

• replacement blade for item 168P23
• specially hardened also suitable for plastics

Diameter Item-No.
65 mm 159P8

Electric Tools

Oscillating Tool „Multimaster“

• multi purpose hand tool with various accessories for sawing, sanding and

• 1 x grinding plate
• 3 x grinding sheets ea. grit 60, 80, 120 and 180
• 1 x solid scraper
• 1 x universal E-Cut saw blade Ø 44 mm
• 1 x E-Cut Long-Life saw blade Ø 65 mm
• 1 x HSS segment saw blade
• 1 x standard HSS saw blade Ø 80 mm
• plastic tool case

Technical data
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,35 kW
• oscillating frequency: 10000 – 19500 1/min
• 5 m power cord with grounded plug
• weight: 1,4 kg


Saw Blades
• replacement for item 168P29
• PU = 2 pieces (168P29/E80)
• PU = 1 piece (168P29/80S)

Diameter Item-No.
80 mm, circular saw blade, round 168P29/E80
80 mm, segment saw blade, half-round 168P29/80S


Cast Cutter „Oscimed 2000“

• complete with support for dust suction nozzle

• 2 circular saw blades: 1 x Ø 50 mm and 1 x Ø 65 mm
• 1 m power cord with grounded plug
• carry case

Power requirements Item-No.

230 V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,1 kW 168P32
110 V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,1 kW 168P32/110

You may order a spare shutter button for the saw blade under
Item-No. 168P32/11. 269
Electric Tools

Oscillating Saw OSCIMED Ergo

• ergonomic, modern and compact design
• noise reducing saw-blades which can be changed easily without any tools
• device powered by a safe low voltage of 24 volts

• cooling fan for intensive use
• receiver for vacuum pipe
• double electrical insulation
• length of power supply cable: 1,1 m with grounded plug
• length of cable 24 VDC: 3,0 m
• 1 hardened steel saw blade for synthetic casts Ø 50 mm
• 1 stainless steel saw blade for plaster casts Ø 65 mm
• carry case

Technical data
• motor speed: 14500 RPM
• sound level: 67 db (A)
• length: 230 mm
• power supply: 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / 0,18 kW
• weight: 0,86 kg net

Power requirements Item-No.

230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,18 kW 168P33/1523
120 V / 60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,18 kW 168P33/1612

Circular Saw Blade

for items 168P32 and 168P33 Ø 50 mm

Application Item-No.
for synthetic bandages 168P32/50
for synthetic bandages, segmented blade 168P32/50S
for synthetic bandages, saw blade with titan 168P34/50
for cast 168P33/50
for cast, segmented blade 168P33/50S

You may order a spare shutter button for the saw blade under
Item-No. 168P32/11.

Circular Saw Blade

• replacement for item 168P32, Ø65 mm

Application Item-No.
synthetic bandages with titan 168P31/65
plaster bandages 168P32/65
plaster badages, segmented blade 168P33/65
synthetic bandages 168P34/65

Electric Tools

Oscillating Saw
• continuously adjustable oscillation frequency from 12.000 – 21.000 rpm
• motor overload protection
• 1 ea. circular saw blade, Ø50 und Ø65 mm
• 2 fork wrenches
• 4,5 m connection cord with 2-pin plug (USA)
Technical data:

• power supply: 100-120 V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,25 kW (168P21/1511)

• european power supply: 220-240 V / 50-60 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,25 kW
• weight: 1,7 kg


Oscillating Saw with rechargeable battery

• vibration frequency infinitely variable from 11.000 - 18.000 rpm
• motor overload protection

• speed battery charger
• 1 x 5,0 Ah battery
• 1 ea. circular saw blade, Ø50 mm and Ø 65 mm
• 2 fork wrenches

Technical data
• battery voltage: 14,4 VDC
• voltage battery charger: 220-240 V / 50-60 Hz / 1Ph
• voltage battery charger: 100-120 V / 50-60 Hz / 1Ph (168P22/1511)
• weight: 1,8 kg

168P22/1523 271
Electric Tools

Electric Stapler
• for staple type: 53
• staple length: 8 – 20 mm
• for nail type: 8
• nail length: 15 – 20 mm

• electronically infinitely adjustable
• max. release frequency / minute: 20 shots
• 3,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• dimensions W x D x H: 234 x 80 x 323 mm
• power requirements: 220 – 240 V / 1 Ph / 50 – 60 Hz
• weight: 3,65 kg


• for item 168P9
• PU = 5000 pieces

Length Item-No.
8 mm 37P8/8
14 mm 37P8/14

Vacuum Cleaner
• for 168P32 and 168P33, 2 speed levels

• reception for saw and vacuum hose
• electrical connection for saw
• 2,5 m vacuum hose

Technical data
• power: 300 – 1000 W, adjustable
• sound level: 60 – 70 dB
• throughput: 40 l/sec
• capacity: 20 litres
• weight: 12 kg net

Electrical connection Item-No.

230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph 168P45/1523
120 V / 60 Hz / 1 Ph 168P45/1612

scope of supply does not include oscillating saw

Electric Tools

Hepa Filtre
• for 168P45


Polyester Filtre
• for 168P45


Paper Bag
• for 168P45
• PU = 10 pieces


Impact Drilling Machine

• mechanical overload coupling
• keyless chuck with auto-lock 1,5 – 13 mm
• impact drill
• 1st gear / 2nd gear
• safety handle + additional handle with softgrip
• electronic speed setting
• right / left rotation
• spindle throat Ø 43 mm to be used in bench stand
• drill depth stop bar: 210 mm
• carry case
• 2,5 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• drilling Ø steel: 16 / 8 mm
• drilling Ø wood: 40 / 25 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,1 kW
• weight incl. carry case: 4 kg

80M4 273
Electric Tools

Drill Stand
• accessory for 80M4
• for impact drilling machine

Technical data
• receiver clamp: Ø 43 mm
• overhang: 127 mm
• column: Ø 30 mm
• working stroke: 60 mm
• height: 500 mm
• base plate: 185 x 270 mm
• column: 360° tilting
• weight: 4,7 kg net


Flexible Shaft
• for power tools with drill chuck

• connector with cylindric pin
• Ø 6 x 30 mm
• both sides with ball bearings

Technical data
• chucking capacity: 0,5 – 8 mm
• speed: max. 10000 RPM
• length: 1250 mm
• torque: max. 0,6 Nm
• flexion radius: min. 100 mm
• tool holder connection: M8 x 0,75
• weight: 0,8 kg net


HSS Milling Bit Set

• in plastic case, shank Ø 6 mm
• for power tools with drill chuck
• ten-parts

Weight Item-No.
0,5 kg net 107P10
50 cm 168P22/E2

Electric Tools

Grinding Bit Set

• shank Ø 6 mm, hardness grade M, rough grain
• for power tools with drill chuck
• 10-piece

Weight Item-No.
0,4 kg net 107P11

Cordless Drill
• quick charger
• 2 x 5,0 Ah Li-ion battery / cool pack technology
• 13 mm auto-lock drill chuck
• right-/left rotation
• 2 speed
• LED-light for ilumination of work area
• 1 belt clip
• carry case

Technical data
• drill chuck range: min. 1,5 mm – max. 13 mm
• battery voltage: 18 V
• battery capacity: 5,0 Ah
• torque levels: 20+1
• torque range, max. soft / hard: 28 / 63 Nm
• idle range (1. gear / 2. gear): 0 – 500 / 0 – 1900 min-1
• drilling capacity Ø steel / wood: 13 / 38 mm
• screwing capacity: Ø max. 8 mm
• weight: 1,7 kg incl. battery


battery 80M12

case 275
Electric Tools

Angle Grinder
• additional handle, applicable to the left or right side
• new rotation secured wheel guard
• strong, durable high-performance motor from Champion
• optimised engine cooling system
• protective hood

Technical data
• no-load speed: 11000 RPM
• spindle thread: Ø 125 mm
• power entry: 1100 W
• power release: 630 W
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 1,1 kW
• weight: 2,1 kg net


Grinding Disc
• for steel, for item 80M7

Diameter Item-No.
125 x 6 mm 80M7/1

Cutting Disc
• for steel, for item 80M7

Diameter Item-No.
125 x 2,5 mm 80M7/2

Electric Tools

Electronic Jig Saw „Professional“

• adjustable four-level oscillation
• toolless saw blade clamping system
• suction set with suction nozzle
• 1 saw blade (softwood)
• swivel mounted guide shoe +/- 45°
• chipping protection screen
• adjustable speed-control
• carry case
• 4 m power cord with grounded plug

Technical data
• cutting depth in wood: 150 mm
• cutting depth in aluminium: 20 mm
• cutting depth in unalloyed steel: 10 mm
• lifting height: 26 mm
• power requirements: 230 V / 50 Hz / 1 Ph / 0,78 kW
• weight: 2,6 kg


Jig Saw Blade

• for item 80M8
• PU = 5 pieces

Range of application Length Item-No.

Hard + soft wood, plastic 100 mm 80M1/1
Hard foam, cork, soft rubber 100 mm 80M1/2
Soft steel, aluminum 92 mm 80M1/3 277


Optimal working results can be achieved only with durable quality tools. That’s why quality is our top demand.
As supplier, we accept only manufacturers of proven professional tools and avoid short-lived DIY-quality.
The tools supplied by us are made by professionals for professionals. This is the only way to satisfy high-level
demands reliably and permanently.

By a broad selection of special tools, our product range fulfils the requirements of the various working
techniques of orthopaedic technology. Of course our service does not end with the purchase, as our competent
employees will assist you anytime beyond that. We are pleased to offer a wide range of service features such as
calibrating measuring tools or repairs.

Staple Gun
• manual operation for nailing, stapling, covering, etc.
• feeder unit for 100 staples
• for staples type: 58
• back width: 13 mm
• staples‘ length: 4 – 14 mm


• for item 168P12

Dimensions PU Item-No.
6 x 13 mm 5000 pcs. 37P6/6
10 x 13 mm 5000 pcs. 37P6/10
12 x 13 mm 5000 pcs. 37P6/12
14 x 13 mm 5000 pcs. 37P7/14

Staple Remover
• to remove staples


Steel Hammer
• with handle

Weight Item-No.
100 g 170P1/100
200 g 170P1/200
300 g 170P1/300
500 g 170P1/500
800 g 170P1/800
1000 g 170P1/1000 281

Ball Peen Hammer

• with handle, short head, one flat camber and one round camber

Weight Item-No.
250 g 170P2/250
375 g 170P2/375
500 g 170P2/500

Ball Peen Hammer

• with handle, long head, round camber both sides

Weight Item-No.
250 g 170P3/250
375 g 170P3/375
500 g 170P3/500

Peen Hammer
• with handle, two different peen arches

Weight Item-No.
250 g 170P4/250
375 g 170P4/375
500 g 170P4/500

Soft Face Hammer

• cast iron housing, wooden handle with replaceable plastic faces:
• 1 x TPE soft face (blue): 65 Shore A +/-5
• 1 x rubber face: 90 Shore A +/-5

Head ø Weight Item-No.

30 mm 340 g 170P7/30
40 mm 630 g 170P7/40
50 mm 1170 g 170P7/50

Other inserts upon request.


Rubber Mallet
• with handle

Head ø Item-No.
65 mm 170P5

Shoemaker‘s Hammer
• with handle, steel forged, German shape

Weight Item-No.
300 g 170P6

Combination Pliers
• special tool steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
160 mm 171P1/160
180 mm 171P1/180

Flat Nose Pliers

• special tool steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
160 mm 171P2/160

Flat Nose Pliers „Langbeck“

• special tool steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
160 mm 171P4/160 283

Angled Snipe Nose Pliers

• CV-steel, plastic coated handles, 45° angle

Length Item-No.
200 mm 171P5/200

Round Nose Pliers

• CV-steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
140 mm 171P3/140
160 mm 171P3/160

Side Cutter
• CV-steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
160 mm 171P6/160
180 mm 171P6/180

End Cutting Nippers

• CV-steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
160 mm 171P7/160

Carpenter‘s Pincers
• CV-steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
180 mm 171P8/180
210 mm 171P8/210


Manchester Pliers
• plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
330 mm 171P12

Plastic Side Cutter

• Vandin electrical steel, forged, oil-hardened, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
160 mm 171P16/160

Shoemaker‘s Pincers
• plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
190 mm 171P11

Eyelet Squeeze-Out Pliers

• plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
190 mm 171P13 285

Lace Tip Pliers

• with insert for metal lace tip item-no. 67P2/10x8

Version Item-No.
with insert 171P14

Metal Lace Tip

• steel sheet
• nickel-plated

• for securing lace ends

PU = 500 or 1000 pieces

Length x Width Item-No.

10 x 4 mm 67P2/10x8

Please use the matching lace tip pliers item-no. 171P14 for the
metal lace tips.
For laces, see our catalogue “Materials and Equipment”, chapter

Toggle Joint Wire Nippers

• for hard wire

Length Item-No.
180 mm 171P9/180
210 mm 171P9/210


Waterpump Pliers
• CV-steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
250 mm 171P15/250

Grip Pliers
• nickel-plated

Length Item-No.
250 mm 171P10

Tower Pincers
• CV-steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
220 mm 171P10/220

Chisel/Punch Set 6-part

• CV-steel, coated, in metal case

• 1 flat chisel, L = 150 mm, B = 12 mm
• 1 flat chisel, L = 125 mm, B = 12 mm
• 1 center punch, Ø 4 mm, L = 120 mm
• 1 pin punch Ø 3 mm, L = 120 mm
• 1 pin punch Ø 4 mm, L = 120 mm
• 1 cape chisel, L = 125 mm, B = 4 mm

172P2 287

Pin Punch Set

• 6 pcs., chrome-vanadium-steel, coated, in metal case

• Pin punches: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 mm


Rivet Setter
• CV-steel, coated

Rivet ø Item-No.
3 mm 172P4/3
4 mm 172P4/4
5 mm 172P4/5

Pin Punch
• CV-steel, coated

Diameter Item-No.
2 mm 172P6/2
3 mm 172P6/3
4 mm 172P6/4

Flat Chisel
• CV-steel, coated

Width Length Item-No.

18 mm 150 mm 172P7/18
21mm 175 mm 172P7/21

Center Punch
• CV-steel, coated

Length Item-No.
120 mm 172P5


Automatic Center Punch

Length Item-No.
130 mm 172P1/130

Spare Pin
without picture
• for item 172P1/130


Rivet Header
• CV-steel, coated

Rivet ø Item-No.
3 mm 162P5/3
4 mm 162P5/4
5 mm 162P5/5
6 mm 162P5/6

Number Die Set

• 0 – 9 in plastic case

Figure height Item-No.

4 mm 162P35/4
5 mm 162P35/5
6 mm 162P35/6

Steel Letter Set

• A – Z in plastic case

Letter height Item-No.

4 mm 162P36/4
5 mm 162P36/5
6 mm 162P36/6 289

Screw Driver
• CV-steel, with shock-resistant PP plastic handle

Blade width Item-No.

2,5 mm 173P4/2
3,5 mm 173P4/3
4,0 mm 173P4/4
5,5 mm 173P4/5
6,5 mm 173P4/6
8,0 mm 173P4/8
10,0 mm 173P4/10

Screw Driver Set

• 6-part, CV-steel, comes in wooden stand

Blade width Item-No.

3,5 - 4,0 - 5,5 - 6,5 - 8,0 - 10,0 mm 173P4/S

Philips Head Screw Driver

• CV-steel, with shock-resistant PP plastic handle

Size Item-No.
0 173P5/0
1 173P5/1
2 173P5/2
3 173P5/3


Philips Head Screw Driver Set

• 4-part, CV-steel, comes in wooden stand

Sizes Item-No.
0, 1, 2, 3 173P5

T-Handle Hex Wrench

• CV-steel with plastic handle

Width across Item-No.

2 mm 173P3/2
3 mm 173P3/3
4 mm 173P3/4
5 mm 173P3/5
6 mm 173P3/6
8 mm 173P3/8
10 mm 173P3/10

Hex Socket Wrench

• CV-steel with plastic T- handle, length 150 mm

Width across Item-No.

6 mm 173P8/6
7 mm 173P8/7
8 mm 173P8/8
9 mm 173P8/9
10 mm 173P8/10
11 mm 173P8/11
12 mm 173P8/12
13 mm 173P8/13
14 mm 173P8/14
17 mm 173P8/17 291

Hex Socket Wrench

• with turning bar, zinc-plated

Width across Length Item-No.

11 mm 120 mm 173P15/11
16 mm 240 mm 173P15/16
17 mm 200 mm 173P15/17
173P15/11, 173P15/17


Allen Key Set

• 9 parts, CV-steel, with case
• width across: 1,5 - 2,0 - 2,5 - 3,0 - 4,0, 5,0 - 6,0 - 8,0 - 10,0 mm


Allen Key Set

• 7-part, CV-steel
• width across: 2,5 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10 mm



Cranked Socket Key CV-set Torx

• 8 pc.
• TX9 - TX10 - TX15 - TX20 - TX25 - TX27 - TX30 - TX40 - TX45
• chrome vanadium steel, hardened and powder-coated
• with ball head on one side
• with colour codes
• for screws with female Torx profile


Torque Wrench
• range 2 – 10 Nm, 1/4“ square head
• torque value set on handle end and visible on torque scale
• including calibration certificate

Total length Item-No.

185 mm 173P10

The torque wrench has to be recalibrated every year according to

the ISO certification. We willingly offer you this service. 293

Torque Wrench
• range 6 – 30 Nm, 1/4“ square head
• torque value set on handle end and visible on torque scale
• inserts for hexagonal socket head bolts, width across: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10
• metal case with respective cushioning
• including calibration certificate

Total length Item-No.

265 mm 173P11

The torque wrench has to be recalibrated every year according to

the ISO certification. We willingly offer you this service.

• for torque wrench 173P10 and 173P11, SL = Shank Length

Width across Sl Item-No.

3 mm 30 mm 173P12/3
4 mm 45 mm 173P12/4
5 mm 45 mm 173P12/5
6 mm 45 mm 173P12/6
8 mm 45 mm 173P12/8
10 mm 45 mm 173P12/10
16 mm 45 mm 173P12/16

The application of 173P12/16 is only possible when using the

adapter 173P12/A!

Screwdriver Bit Socket, Torx 1/4“

• Screwdriver bit socket Torx with pressed-in pin vanadium special steel,
• female square drive, as per DIN 3120 - C6, 3, ISO 1174 with ball retaining
• Hand-operated, non-slip, knurled grip, chrome-plated

Size Length Item-No.

TX20 30,5 mm 173P26/20
TX20 30,5 mm 173P26/25


Hole Punch
• stove-enamelled

Hole ø Item-No.
1 mm 162P1/1
2 mm 162P1/2
3 mm 162P1/3
4 mm 162P1/4
5 mm 162P1/5
6 mm 162P1/6
7 mm 162P1/7
8 mm 162P1/8
9 mm 162P1/9
10 mm 162P1/10
11 mm 162P1/11
12 mm 162P1/12
13 mm 162P1/13
14 mm 162P1/14
15 mm 162P1/15
16 mm 162P1/16
17 mm 162P1/17
18 mm 162P1/18
19 mm 162P1/19
20 mm 162P1/20
21 mm 162P1/21
22 mm 162P1/22
23 mm 162P1/23
24 mm 162P1/24
25 mm 162P1/25
30 mm 162P1/30
35 mm 162P1/35
40 mm 162P1/40
50 mm 162P1/50

Hole Punch Set

• conical head, Ø 2 – 20 mm, 19-part, in wooden stand, enamelled

162P1 295

Hole Punch
• stove-enamelled

Hole ø Item-No.
1 mm 162P6/1
2 mm 162P6/2
3 mm 162P6/3
4 mm 162P6/4
5 mm 162P6/5
6 mm 162P6/6
7 mm 162P6/7
8 mm 162P6/8
9 mm 162P6/9
10 mm 162P6/10
11 mm 162P6/11
12 mm 162P6/12
13 mm 162P6/13
14 mm 162P6/14
15 mm 162P6/15
16 mm 162P6/16
17 mm 162P6/17
18 mm 162P6/18
19 mm 162P6/19
20 mm 162P6/20
22 mm 162P6/22
25 mm 162P6/25

Hole Punch Set

• Ø 1 – 20 mm. 20-part, in wooden stand, stove-enamelled


Button Hole Punch

• coated

Hole ø Slot length Item-No.

2 mm 10 mm 162P2/210
3 mm 10 mm 162P2/310
3 mm 12 mm 162P2/312
4 mm 12 mm 162P2/412


Slot Hole Punch

• coated

WxL Item-No.
3 x 12 mm 162P4/312
4 x 17 mm 162P4/417
4 x 25 mm 162P4/425

Twist Drill, HSS (DIN 338)

• straight shank, right-hand cut

Diameter Item-No.
1,0 mm 152P2/010
2,0 mm 152P2/020
2,5 mm 152P2/025
2,6 mm 152P2/026
2,7 mm 152P2/027
2,8 mm 152P2/028
3,0 mm 152P2/030
3,1 mm 152P2/031
3,2 mm 152P2/032
3,3 mm 152P2/033
3,5 mm 152P2/035
3,6 mm 152P2/036
3,8 mm 152P2/038
4,0 mm 152P2/040
4,1 mm 152P2/041
4,2 mm 152P2/042
4,4 mm 152P2/044
4,5 mm 152P2/045
4,6 mm 152P2/046
5,0 mm 152P2/050
5,5 mm 152P2/055
6,0 mm 152P2/060
6,5 mm 152P2/065
7,0 mm 152P2/070
7,5 mm 152P2/075
7,8 mm 152P2/078
8,0 mm 152P2/080
8,5 mm 152P2/085
9,0 mm 152P2/090
9,5 mm 152P2/095
10,0 mm 152P2/100
10,5 mm 152P2/105
11,0 mm 152P2/110
12,0 mm 152P2/120
12,5 mm 152P2/125 297

Twist Drill Set, HSS (DIN 338)

• 19-part, in metal case
• straight shank, right-hand cut, 1 – 10 mm, 0,5 mm ascending


Twist Drill Set, HSS (DIN 338)

• 25-part, in metal case
• straight shank, right-hand cut, 1 – 13 mm, 0,5 mm ascending


Twist Drill Set, HSS (DIN 338)

• 50-part, in metal case
• straight shank, right-hand cut, 1 – 5,9 mm; 0,1 mm ascending


Center Drill Bit, HSS (DIN 333)

• straight shank Ø 8 mm, countersink angle 60°, right-hand cut

Diameter Item-No.
3,15 mm 152P9


Countersink Drill, HSS (DIN 335 C)

• straight shank Ø 8 mm, countersink angle 90°

Outer ø Item-No.
12,4 mm 152P10

Countersink Drill Set, HSS (DIN 335 C)

• 6-part, with straight shank
• countersink angle 90°
• 3 blades, for counterboring and burring
• sizes: 6,3 / 8,3 / 10,4 / 12,4 / 16,5 / 20,5 mm


Twist Drill, HSS-Co (DIN 338)

• straight shank, right-hand cut, for hard metals, like V2A-steel and titanium

Diameter Item-No.
2,5 mm 152P6/2,5
3,2 mm 152P6/3,2
3,6 mm 152P6/3,6
4,2 mm 152P6/4,2
5,5 mm 152P6/5,5
6,2 mm 152P6/6,2
7,5 mm 152P6/7,5

Milling Bit, HSS

• with center guide, straight shank

Diameter Item-No.
10 mm 151P2/10
12 mm 151P2/12
14 mm 151P2/14
16 mm 151P2/16
18 mm 151P2/18
20 mm 151P2/20
22 mm 151P2/22
23 mm 151P2/23
24 mm 151P2/24
30 mm 151P2/30 299

Forstner Drill
• straight shank, extra long

Diameter Item-No.
10 mm 150P2/10
12 mm 150P2/12
14 mm 150P2/14
16 mm 150P2/16
18 mm 150P2/18
20 mm 150P2/20
22 mm 150P2/22
24 mm 150P2/24
25 mm 150P2/25
26 mm 150P2/26
28 mm 150P2/28
30 mm 150P2/30
32 mm 150P2/32
35 mm 150P2/35
40 mm 150P2/40

Forstner Drill Set

• 15-part, in wooden stand, right-hand cut, for wood works
• Ø 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 40 mm


Valve Hole Cutter

• straight shank Ø 10 mm, inner Ø 27 mm

Outer ø Item-No.
40 mm 150P3

Peeling Drill, Tapered, HSS

Diameter Item-No.
3 – 14 mm 151P5/314
5 – 20 mm 151P5/820
16 – 30 mm 151P5/1630


Peeling Drill Set, Tapered, HSS

• 3-part, in plastic case, with peeling paste
• diameter: 3 – 14 mm, 4 – 20 mm, 16 – 30,5 mm


Special Countersink Tool

• for all popular lock systems

Diameter Item-No.
22 mm 150P1

Hand Reamer, HSS

• straight shank with square end, spiral fluted

Diameter Item-No.
5,0 mm 152P7/050
5,5 mm 152P7/055
6,0 mm 152P7/060
6,5 mm 152P7/065
7,0 mm 152P7/070
7,5 mm 152P7/075
8,0 mm 152P7/080
8,5 mm 152P7/085
9,0 mm 152P7/090
9,5 mm 152P7/095
10,0 mm 152P7/100
10,5 mm 152P7/105
11,0 mm 152P7/110
16,0 mm 152P7/160 301

Hand Reamer, HSS

• adjustable, straight shank with square end

Range Item-No.
13,5 – 15,5 mm 152P5/K
15,5 – 17,5 mm 152P5/M
17,5 – 19,5 mm 152P5/G

Hand Tap Set, HSS

• 3-part, pre-, middle- and finishing tap, in plastic case
• for metric ISO-threads

Thread Item-No.
M3 153P11/3
M3,5 153P11/3,5
M4 153P11/4
M5 153P11/5
M6 153P11/6
M8 153P11/8
M10 153P11/10

Single Cut Tap, HSS

• DIN 355, finishing tap
• for metric ISO-threads

Thread Item-No.
M3 153P12/3
M4 153P12/4
M5 153P12/5
M6 153P12/6
M8 153P12/8
M13 153P12/13


Die, HSS
• DIN 223, for metric ISO-threads

Thread Item-No.
M3 154P11/3
M4 154P11/4
M5 154P11/5
M6 154P11/6
M7 154P11/7
M8 154P11/8
M10 154P11/10

Die Holder, HSS

Thread Ø x Width Item-No.

M3 - M4 20 x 5 mm 155P1/5
M5 - M6 20 x 7 mm 155P1/7
M7 - M9 25 x 9 mm 155P1/9
M10 - M11 30 x 11 mm 155P1/11

Tap Holder
• adjustable

Thread Size Item-No.

M1 - M10 1 155P2/1
M5 - M20 3 155P2/3 303

Tap and Die Set, HSS (DIN)

• 44-piece, in metal case

• hand taps and dies, size M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M10 and M12
• die holder, size 20x5, 20x7, 25x9, 30x11, 38x14 mm
• tap holder No. 1+2
• thread gauge
• screw driver
• hollow core drill


Precision Spirit Level Light Metal

• length: 400 mm
• profile anodized yellow
• distortion-free and weather-proof


Folding Ruler, wood

• 1 mm calibration, 2000 mm length

Material Item-No.
Wood 163P1
Light-metal 163P52

Steel Tape Measure

• with wrist strap
• automatic tape rewind with stop button
• yellow tape
• black/red milimeter-scale
• dimensions L x W: 2000 x 13 mm



Tailor‘s Measuring Tape

Length Item-No.
2000 mm 163P2

Shoemaker‘s Measuring Tape

• calibration both sides: cm / stitch length / engl. sizes

Length Width Item-No.

600 mm 12 mm 163P18

Flexible Steel Ruler

Length Item-No.
300 mm 163P8

Steel Ruler
• with bevel and scale, zinc plated, mm-scale

Length Item-No.
500 mm 163P7/500
1000 mm 163P7/1000

Steel Square

Side length Item-No.

150 x 100 mm 163P9
150 x 100 mm with stop 163P9/A 305

Vernier Caliper
• plastic pouch, vernier scale 1/20 mm

Measuring range Item-No.

150 mm 163P12

Vernier Caliper
• vernier scale 1/20 mm, extra long jaws

Measuring range Item-No.

200 mm 163P19

Body Caliper „Streifeneder“

• for measuring of body segments

Measuring range Item-No.

400 mm 165P18/400
600 mm 165P18/600

• in plastic case

Measuring range Item-No.

0 – 25 mm 163P13

Thickness Bow Gauge

Measuring range Item-No.

0 - 15 mm 163P11


Bow Compass

Length Item-No.
150 mm 163P3/150
200 mm 163P3/200

Steel Scriber

Length Item-No.
250 mm 163P14

Plumb Bob
• pear-shaped

Length Weight Item-No.

75 mm 250 g 163P55

Hip Compass
• „mm“ and „inch“ calibration

Measuring range Item-No.

500 mm / 20 inches 163P16


Measuring range Item-No.

0 - 360° 163P15 307

Flexible Ruler
• for measuring of body contours
• without cm-indication

Length Item-No.
400 mm 163P70/40
600 mm 163P70/60

Bow Caliper

Measuring range Item-No.

120 mm 163P17

Outside Caliper

Length Item-No.
150 mm 163P4

Spacer Set
• spacer set, for leg length compensation, 6-part: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30

Size Item-No.
320 x 150 mm 165P19


Parallel Scriber
• with round steel base, no calibration
• scriber rotates and pivots

Scribing height Item-No.

up to 500 mm 163P51

Height Gauge
• made of wood, cm-calibration

Measuring height Weight Item-No.

max. 1000 mm 0,650 kg 163P53

Pelvic Level
• for determination of the hip tilt

Length Item-No.
330 mm 165P13

Measuring Gauge
• for inside circumfer. of AK and BK sockets

Measuring range Item-No.

12 – 37 cm 165P14/US
22 – 66 cm 165P14/OS 309

M.A.S. Tool Kit

• for simple measuring of the muscular and bony structure for manufacturing
of anatomical AK (above knee)-sockets

in aluminum case, contains:

• 163P31 Tuber-M-L-Gauge
• 163P32 Diagometer
• 163P33 Ramus Angle Gauge
• 163P34 Plurimeter-V
• 163P35 M.A.S. Compressive Measuring Tape
• 163P36 Digital Camera


M.A.S. Tool Kit

• like item 163P30 but without digital camera


• scale in two measurement ranges
• measurement range 1: determination of distances in BK and AK areas (A-P
and M-L)
• measurement range 2: determination of stump lengths


• concave and flat contact face
• diagonal measuring
• measurement range 70-125 mm



Ramus Angle Gauge

• measurement range +/- 60°
• for measuring the ramus angle
• for measuring extension and flexion as well as ab- and adduction in BK and
AK ranges


• for measuring of the flexion position of the residual leg
• automatic raster for each quarter rotation
• easy finding of the 0-preliminary setting


M.A.S. Compressive Measuring Tape

• tension control via springs
• adjustable tension on 2 kg and 4 kg
• this allows a uniform reproducible way of measuring


Digital Camera
• brand name camera (depending on offer)


picture similar 311

Shoe Stretcher
• coated

Length Item-No.
400 mm 165P32

Shoe Stretcher
• with locking mechanism, coated

Length Item-No.
400 mm 165P33

Toe Cap Lifting Tool

Length Item-No.
420 mm 165P31

Welt Pincers
• for leather
• steel-forged, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
200 mm 165P4

Hammer Stretching Pliers

• for leather
• steel-forged, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
200 mm 165P7


Holding Forceps
• stainless

Length Item-No.
250 mm 165P45

Revolving Hole Punch

• forged steel, plastic coated handles, with mini brass anvil
• replaceable hole punches: Ø 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 4 mm

Length Item-No.
245 mm 165P3

Replacement Spring
• for item 165P3


Hole Punch Tube

• for item 165P3

Hole ø Item-No.
1,5 mm 165P3/1,5
2,0 mm 165P3/2,0
2,5 mm 165P3/2,5
3,0 mm 165P3/3,0
3,5 mm 165P3/3,5
4,0 mm 165P3/4,0
4,5 mm 165P3/4,5
5,0 mm 165P3/5,0 313

Hole Punch Tube Set

• for item 165P3
• hole punch tube with Ø 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 4 mm


Brass Anvil
• for item 165P3


Revolving Hole Punch

• plastic coated handles
• mini brass anvil and hole punches: Ø 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 4 - 5 mm

Length Item-No.
240 mm 165P1

Spring Clamp
• zinc-plated with plastic insert

Length Item-No.
110 mm 164P16/110
155 mm 164P16/155

• CV-steel, shock-resistant with plastic handle

Length Item-No.
140 mm 173P6


Engineers‘ File – Flat

• without handle

Dimensions Cut Item-No.

150 x 16 x 4 mm 1 - fine 177P6/150F
150 x 16 x 4 mm 2 - medium 177P6/150M
150 x 16 x 4 mm 3 - coarse 177P6/150G
200 x 20 x 5 mm 1 - fine 177P6/200F
200 x 20 x 5 mm 2 - medium 177P6/200M
200 x 20 x 5 mm 3 - coarse 177P6/200G
250 x 25 x 6,3 mm 1 - fine 177P6/250F
250 x 25 x 6,3 mm 2 - medium 177P6/250M
250 x 25 x 6,3 mm 3 - coarse 177P6/250G
300 x 30 x 7 mm 1 - fine 177P6/300F
300 x 30 x 7 mm 2 - medium 177P6/300M
300 x 30 x 7 mm 3 - coarse 177P6/300G

Engineers‘ File – Half Round

• without handle

Dimensions Cut Item-No.

150 x 16 x 5 mm 1 - fine 177P7/150F
150 x 16 x 5 mm 2 - medium 177P7/150M
150 x 16 x 5 mm 3 - coarse 177P7/150G
200 x 21 x 6 mm 1 - fine 177P7/200F
200 x 21 x 6 mm 2 - medium 177P7/200M
200 x 21 x 6 mm 3 - coarse 177P7/200G
250 x 25 x 7 mm 1 - fine 177P7/250F
250 x 25 x 7 mm 2 - medium 177P7/250M
250 x 25 x 7 mm 3 - coarse 177P7/250G
300 x 30 x 9 mm 1 - fine 177P7/300F
300 x 30 x 9 mm 2 - medium 177P7/300M
300 x 30 x 9 mm 3 - coarse 177P7/300G 315

Engineers‘ File – Round

• without handle

Length x ø Cut Item-No.

150 x 6,3 mm 1 - fine 177P8/150F
150 x 6,3 mm 2 - medium 177P8/150M
150 x 6,3 mm 3 - coarse 177P8/150G
200 x 8 mm 1 - fine 177P8/200F
200 x 8 mm 2 - medium 177P8/200M
200 x 8 mm 3 - coarse 177P8/200G
250 x 10 mm 1 - fine 177P8/250F
250 x 10 mm 2 - medium 177P8/250M
250 x 10 mm 3 - coarse 177P8/250G
300 x 12,5 mm 1 - fine 177P8/300F
300 x 12,5 mm 2 - medium 177P8/300M
300 x 12,5 mm 3 - coarse 177P8/300G

Engineers‘ File – Triangular

• without handle

Length x ø Cut Item-No.

150 x 11 mm 1 - fine 177P9/150F
150 x 11 mm 2 - medium 177P9/150M
150 x 11 mm 3 - coarse 177P9/150G
200 x 14 mm 1 - fine 177P9/200F
200 x 14 mm 2 - medium 177P9/200M
200 x 14 mm 3 - coarse 177P9/200G
250 x 17 mm 1 - fine 177P9/250F
250 x 17 mm 2 - medium 177P9/250M
250 x 17 mm 3 - coarse 177P9/250G

Engineers‘ File – Square

• without handle

Length x ø Cut Item-No.

150 x 6,3 mm 1 - fine 177P4/150F
150 x 6,3 mm 2 - medium 177P4/150M
150 x 6,3 mm 3 - coarse 177P4/150G
200 x 8 mm 1 - fine 177P4/200F
200 x 8 mm 2 - medium 177P4/200M
200 x 8 mm 3 - coarse 177P4/200G
250 x 10 mm 1 - fine 177P4/250F
250 x 10 mm 2 - medium 177P4/250M
250 x 10 mm 3 - coarse 177P4/250G
300 x 12,5 mm 1 - fine 177P4/300F
300 x 12,5 mm 2 - medium 177P4/300M
300 x 12,5 mm 3 - coarse 177P4/300G


Cabinet File – Coarse

• without handle

Dimensions Item-No.
250 x 31,5 x 5,3 mm 177P10/250
300 x 35,5 x 6 mm 177P10/300

Shoemaker‘s Rasp
• granular, sharp and deep cut

Length Item-No.
225 mm 177P1/225

Cabinet Rasp – Smooth

• without handle

Dimensions Cut Item-No.

200 x 21 x 7,5 mm 1 - fine 176P4/200F
250 x 25 x 8,5 mm 1 - fine 176P4/250F
300 x 34 x 8 mm 1 - fine 176P4/300F
200 x 24 x 5 mm 2 - medium 176P4/200M
250 x 29 x 6 mm 2 - medium 176P4/250M
300 x 29 x 8 mm 2 - medium 176P4/300M

Wood Rasp – Flat

• without handle, cut 2 - medium

Dimensions Item-No.
200 x 20 x 5 mm 176P1/200M
250 x 25 x 6,3 mm 176P1/250M
300 x 30 x 6,3 mm 176P1/300M 317

Wood Rasp – Half-Round

• without handle

Dimensions Cut Item-No.

200 x 20 x 5 mm 2 - medium 176P2/200M
200 x 20 x 5 mm 3 - coarse 176P2/200G
250 x 25 x 7 mm 2 - medium 176P2/250M
250 x 25 x 7 mm 3 - coarse 176P2/250G
300 x 30 x 6,3 mm 2 - medium 176P2/300M
300 x 30 x 6,3 mm 3 - coarse 176P2/300G

Wood Rasp – Round

• without handle, cut 2 - medium

Ø Length Item-No.
8 mm 200 mm 176P3/200M
10 mm 250 mm 176P3/250M

File Handle
• beech wood

For file length Length Item-No.

up to 100 mm 80 mm 177P3/80
100 - 175 mm 100 mm 177P3/100
150 - 250 mm 110 mm 177P3/110
150 - 300 mm 120 mm 177P3/120
200 - 300 mm 130 mm 177P3/130
250 - 350 mm 140 mm 177P3/140

File Handle
• blue plastic

For file length Item-No.

100 - 150 mm 176P5/1
150 - 250 mm 176P5/2
250 - 300 mm 176P5/3


File Brush

Width Length Item-No.

40 mm 250 mm 178P20

Firmer Gouge
• white beech wood handle, Wolfram-Vanadium-Steel

Width Item-No.
6 mm 159P10/6
8 mm 159P10/8
10 mm 159P10/10
12 mm 159P10/12
16 mm 159P10/16
20 mm 159P10/20

Bevelled Edge Chisel

• white beech wood handle, Wolfram-Vanadium-Steel

Width Item-No.
6 mm 159P12/6
8 mm 159P12/8
10 mm 159P12/10
12 mm 159P12/12
16 mm 159P12/16
20 mm 159P12/20

Warding File Set

• in plastic case

Length Item-No.
100 mm 177P5 319

Surform File

Length Shape Item-No.

440 mm Flat 158P2/F
440 mm Flat/fine 158P20/F
440 mm Half-Round 158P2/HR
400 mm Round 158P2/R

Replacement Blade
• for surform file 158P20 and 158P2, length 250 mm

Shape Item-No.
Flat/fine 158P21/F
Flat 158P3/F
Half-Round 158P3/HR
Round 158P3/R

Surform Scraper

Length Shape Item-No.

180 mm Flat 158P1

Replacement Blade
• for surform scraper

LxW Shape Item-No.

60 x 45 mm Flat 158P1/E

Leather Knife
• cambered blade

Length Item-No.
260 mm 160P2


Leather Knife
• tapered blade

Length Item-No.
250 mm 160P3

Leather Knife
• skew blade

Length Item-No.
260 mm 160P4

Quarter Moon Knife

Length Item-No.
210 mm 160P5

Half Moon Knife

Length Item-No.
190 mm 160P6 321

Leather Knife
• narrow, blade adjustable inside wood handle

Length Item-No.
200 - 290 mm 160P7

Leather Knife
• broad, blade adjustable inside wood handle

Length Item-No.
200 - 290 mm 160P8

A spare blade for this item is available under Item-No. 160P8/E.

Neopolene Knife
• with plastic handle

Length Item-No.
315 mm 160P11

Felt Knife
• with wooden handle

Length Item-No.
240 mm 160P18

Replacement Blade
• for item 166P55

Cut of blade Diameter Item-No.

straight 45 mm 166P55/1


Universal Knife
• incl. 3 spare blades
• metal handle

Length Item-No.
150 mm 160P13

Trapezium Blades
• replacement blades for item 160P13
• PU = 5 pieces


• sterile
• with plastic handle
• PU = 10 pieces


Scalpel handle „Standard, fig. 4“

• solid flat handlesuitable for blades fig. 18-36length = 140 mmPU = 1 piece


Scalpel Blade
• sterile
• small blade for detailed works
• for scalpel handle item-no. 50E26
• PU = 100 pieces

Size Item-No.
Fig. 24 50E27 323

Trimming Knife
• plastic coated handle, blade replaceable, with protective cap

Length Item-No.
160 mm 160P50

Replacement Blade
• for item 160P50
• PU = 10 pieces


Draw Knife

Length Item-No.
250 mm 160P10

Plaster Knife „Esmarch“

• stainless steel

Length Item-No.
180 mm 160P12

Cobbler‘s Knife „Tina“

• plastic coated, straight blade

LxW Item-No.
230 x 12 mm 160P19
240 x 23 mm 160P1


Shoemaker‘s Knife „Tina“

• plastic coated, slightly bent blade

LxW Item-No.
270 x 23 mm 160P16
270 x 23 mm (for left handers) 160P16/L

Skiving Knife
• plastic coated, bent blade

LxW Item-No.
230 x 18 mm 160P17

Insole Knife
• with handle, length 160 mm

Version Item-No.
for left handers 157P11/L

Welt Cutter
• with handle, length 160 mm

Version Item-No.
for left handers 157P10/L

Sharpening Steel
• with handle made of wood

Length Item-No.
315 mm 160P20 325

Grind Stone, rough/smooth

• bottom: standard corundum grit 100
• top: special fused alumina grit 280/320

WxDxH Item-No.
150 x 50 x 25 mm 160P22

Grind Stone


Wire Brush
• 3 rows, made of steel wire

Length Item-No.
300 mm 178P25

Deburring Knife
• adjustable with one blade
• blade holder, handle-Ø 3,2 mm

Length Item-No.
150 mm 160P24

Deburring Blades
• for deburring knife 160P24
• handle-Ø 3,2 mm
• PU = 10 pieces



Replacement Blades
• for deburring knife 160P25
• handle-Ø 2,6 mm
• PU = 10 pieces


Deburring Knife
• durable deburring knife with plastic shaft and straight ceramic blade
• particularly suitable for deburring plastics and soft metals
• in the back of the shaft is a blade magazine for spare blades

Range of Application
• deburring edges
• smoothening surfaces
• removing injection points and separator lines of injection moulding tools


Advantage compared to metal blades: Metal blades are mostly

too sharp for soft plastics. This leads to unwanted damage of the

Spare Blade for Deburring Knife


Manual Countersink Set

• with handle, ratchet holder, HSS
• including 2 x countersink (Ø 12 mm and Ø 20 mm), 90°


Replacement Countersink
• for item 160P27

Diameter Item-No.
12 mm 160P27/E12
20 mm 160P27/E20 327

• nickel-plated

Length Item-No.
170 mm 166P5/170

• stainless steel, with plastic handles

Length Item-No.
200 mm 166P7/200
250 mm 166P7/250

Tailor‘s Scissors
• coated handles

Length Item-No.
200 mm 166P4/200
200 mm (for left handers) 166P4/L200
230 mm 166P4/230
250 mm 166P4/250
250 mm (for left handers) 166P4/L250
280 mm 166P4/280
300 mm 166P4/300

Shoe Makers Scissors

• bent

Length Item-No.
180 mm 166P3/180


Trimming Scissors
• lower blade with fine teeth

Length Item-No.
210 mm 166P40

Trimming Scissors
• micro-teeth for Carbon-Kevlar fibres

Length Item-No.
265 mm 166P8

Proton® cutting scissors

• proton-coated curved scissors
• for cutting technical textiles (e.g. Kevlar, Dynema, Pre-preg)
• forged carbon steel, very hard surface, smooth running and non-slip, cuts
precisely without pushing

166P57 329

Proton® mould making scissors

• proton-coated scissors for cutting technical textiles (e.g. Kevlar, Dynema,
• forged carbon steel, very hard surface, smooth running and non-slip, cuty
precisely without pushing


Sewing Scissors
• pointed, straight

Length Item-No.
115 mm 166P16

Pinking Shear
• plastic handles

Length Item-No.
220 mm 166P6/220


Leather Shear
• with straight blades, coated handles

Length Item-No.
240 mm 166P1/240

Leather Shear
• straight, coated handles

Length Item-No.
250 mm 166P2/250

Upper Leather Shear

• straight, forged steel, with smooth blade

Length Item-No.
180 mm 166P21/180

Casting Room Scissors

• plastic handles

Length Item-No.
180 mm 166P10

Bandage Scissors
• bent

Length Item-No.
145 mm 166P12
145 mm (for left handers) 166P12/L 331

Plaster Scissors, model „Bruns“

• stainless steel, serrated, 240 mm length

Blade Item-No.
serrated 166P13
non-serrated 166P14

Bandage Scissors „Bergmann“

• smooth, stainless steel

Length Item-No.
230 mm 160P30

Bandage Scissors „Lister“

• stainless

Length Item-No.
140 mm 166P9/140
200 mm 166P9

Bandage Scissors „Lister“

• stainless, for left-handed persons

Length Item-No.
140 mm 166P9/L

Plaster Scissors
• stainless

Length Item-No.
200 mm 166P11


Plaster Scissors „Stille“

• stainless

Length Item-No.
260 mm 166P15

Junior Hacksaw
• with blade

Length Item-No.
290 mm 159P1

Replacement Blade
• for item 159P1

Length Item-No.
150 mm 159P1/E

Hacksaw Frame
• with solid steel bow
• synthetic handle
• bi-metal saw blade

Length of saw blade Total length Item-No.

300 mm 520 mm 159P13

Replacement Blade
• for items 159P3 and 159P13
• length: 300 mm, 24 teeth /‘‘

Features Item-No.
Tungsten-alloyed tool steel, double-sided 159P13/E
Spring steel, set of teeth HSS, completely hardened through, 159P3/D
Bimetal, set of teeth HSS, hardened, one-sided 159P3/E 333

Back Saw
• straight

Length Item-No.
250 mm 159P2

Back Saw
• cranked

Length Item-No.
250 mm 159P40

Back Hand Saw

• with handle made of wood
• universal teeth

Length Item-No.
400 mm 159P6

Screw Clamp
• cast iron clamp arm, wooden handle, steel slide rail

Clamp range x throat Item-No.

160 x 80 mm 164P21/160
200 x 100 mm 164P21/200
250 x 120 mm 164P21/250
300 x 140 mm 164P21/300
400 x 175 mm 164P21/400
500 x 120 mm 164P21/500

Pin Wrench
• adjustable with handle

Length Item-No.
235 mm 165P5


Socket Wrench
• coated, square 12 mm

Length Item-No.
100 mm 165P6

Knee Axis Key

• zinc-plated steel
• with handle


Contouring Iron
• CV-steel, square edge

Opening Length Item-No.

4 + 6 mm 250 mm 165P60
6 + 8 mm 250 mm 165P61
7 + 9 mm 250 mm 165P62

Contouring Iron
• CV-steel, round edge

Opening Length Item-No.

4+6 265 mm 165P65
6+8 265 mm 165P66
7+9 265 mm 165P67

Flat Contouring Iron

• zinc-plated

Length Item-No.
500 mm 165P69 335

Double Open End Spanner Set

• CV-steel, chrome-plated, 8-part, 6 – 22 mm
• 6/7 - 8/9 - 10/11 - 12/13 - 14/15 - 16/17 - 18/19 - 20/22 mm


Double Ring Spanner Set

• CV-steel, chrome-plated, 8-part, 6 – 22 mm
• 6/7 - 8/9 - 10/11 - 12/13 - 14/15 - 16/17 - 18/19 - 20/22 mm


Ring/Open End Spanner Set

• CV-steel, chrome-plated, 9-part, 6 – 19 mm
• 6/6, 7/7, 8/8, 10/10, 11/11, 13/13, 14/14, 17/17, 19/19 mm


Sheet Metal Shear

• stainless steel, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
300 mm 165P50

picture similar

Metal Shear
• for hard metals up to 1,2 mm thickness, plastic coated handles

Length Item-No.
260 mm 165P51


Pipe Cutter
• for pipes Ø 3 – 35 mm


Replacement Blade
without picture
• for item 158P10


Pipe Deburrer
• for inner and outer deburring works
• for pipes with Ø 3 – 42 mm


Glue Container
• made of plastic, incl. brush for glue and paint

Litre Item-No.
0,45 164P11/045
0,9 164P11/090
1,5 164P11/150

The glue saver bowl serves as a safeguarding for standard-

adhesives which are generally used in orthopaedic technology. This
article therefore is regarded as an article of daily use, which due
to the frequency and the nature of its use is delivered without any

Replacement Brush
• for item 164P11

For item Version Item-No.

164P11/150 large 164P12/G
164P11/090 large 164P12/G
164P11/045 small 164P12/K 337

Talcum Powder Container

• made of plastic, content: approx. 300 ml


Oil Can
• made of plastic
• with built-in brass pump
• content 300 ml


Bevelling Tool
• for leather, blade reversible

Width Item-No.
1 + 3 mm 157P8/13
2 + 4 mm 157P8/24

Folding Stick
• made out of bones
• pointed

Length Item-No.
160 mm 163P10/K
180 mm 163P10/L

Creasing Wood
• with bone guides

Length Item-No.
200 mm 163P22


Tracing Wheel
• with plastic handle and hardened steel spikes

Length Item-No.
160 mm 163P25

Tailor‘s Chalk

Colour Item-No.
white 163P26

Hand Vice
• drop-forged

Width Item-No.
40 mm 164P19/40
42 mm 164P19/42

Hand Vice
• steel-forged

Jaw width Jaw length Item-No.

25 mm 125 mm 164P20/25
30 mm 164P20/30
35 mm 150 mm 164P20/35

Lead Block

Weight Item-No.
5 kg net 164P14 339

Riveting Bar
• with rivet-hole, forged metal, 680 mm length

Version Item-No.
without rivet hole 164P17
with rivet hole 164P18

Awl Handle
• screw-type locking

Length Item-No.
110 mm 157P4

Awl Handle
• flat, with push pin

Length Item-No.
80 mm 157P5/80

• sword shape
• PU = 10 pieces

Length Item-No.
50 mm 157P6/50
60 mm 157P6/60
70 mm 157P6/70

Round Awl
• PU = 10 pieces

Length Item-No.
50 mm 157P7/50
60 mm 157P7/60
70 mm 157P7/70


Saddler‘s Needle
• round
• PU = 25 pieces

Length Item-No.
60 mm 157P1/1
70 mm 157P1/2/0

Furrier‘s Needle
• triangular
• PU = 25 pieces

Length Item-No.
40 mm 157P2/5
45 mm 157P2/3
50 mm 157P2/1 341
Working Safety Gear

Working Safety Gear

Working Safety Gear

Every orthopaedic workshop uses materials which are classified hazardous according to the hazardous materials
directives. In order to be protected optimally against these health risks, we offer a wide range of protection gear
and first-aid products in the next chapter. As healthy employees and safety protection of your eyes, ears, hands
and respiratory tract are the assets of every orthopaedic business! Please contact us for further information, we
will be happy to assist you!
Working Safety Gear

Company First Aid Box, filled

• company first aid box according to DIN 13157

Dimensions Item-No.
260 x 160 x 80 mm 13P20

Refill for Company First Aid Box

• for item 13P20
• complete refill for company first aid box according to DIN 13157


Replacement Set for Company First Aid Box

• for item 13P20
• contains only sterile dressing material and band-aids (=expendable items)


Eye Wash Station

• eye wash station with special mount for 2 bottles of eye wash 13P26

Technical data
• material: steel sheet
• colour: RAL 9016 white
• dimensions W x D x H: 265 x 105 x 355 mm


Eye wash station does not include eye wash bottles, if necessary, please
order separately under item-no. 13P26. 345
Working Safety Gear

Eye Wash Bottle Set

• for eye wash station 13P25
• gentle rinse from 6 jet nozzles
• ergonomically shaped, well visible eye support ring for controlled eye rinse
• continuous rinsing period of more than 3 minutes (per 1000 ml-bottle)
• maintenance-free and approx. 3 years shelf life
• according to DIN EN 15 154-4

Scope of supply
• two bottles of 1.000 ml each
• saline solution 0,9 %, sterile


Fire Blanket made of Glass-Fiber Fabric

• with sewn-on pocket grips
• size: 1800 x 1600 mm


Wall Mounting for Fire Blanket, empty

• for item 13P30
• red varnish
• size: 300 x 300 x 125 mm


Working Safety Gear

Disposable Latex Gloves IC

• natural rubber

• examination glove

• non-sterile
• eudermic
• powder-free
• with synthetic internal coating

Size PU Item-No.
S=6-7 100 pieces 12P18/S
M=7-8 100 pieces 12P18/M
L=8-9 100 pieces 12P18/L
XL = 9 - 10 90 pieces 12P18/XL

Disposable Latex Gloves

• natural rubber

• examination glove

• non-sterile
• powdered

PU = 100 pieces in a box

Size Item-No.
S=6-7 12P17/S
M=7-8 12P17/M
L=8-9 12P17/L

Disposable Gloves Nitril, black

• nitrile rubber
• colour: black

• suitable for working with pre-preg or RTV- resp. HTV silicones

• natural rubber (latex)-free
• non-sterile
• powder-free
• skin-friendly

PU = 100 pieces in a box

Size Item-No.
S=6-7 12P23/S
M=7-8 12P23/M
L=8-9 12P23/L
XL = 9 - 10 12P23/XL 347
Working Safety Gear

Chemical Protective Gloves made of Butyl

• made of Butyl rubber, with rolled seam, roughened, powdered

• very good protection against harmful liquids
• temperature flexibility

• very good wearing comfort
• highly resistant to ozone and UV-rays, good mechanical resistance

PU = 1 pair

Size Item-No.
8 12P8/8
9 12P8/9
10 12P8/10

Chemical Protective Gloves, Nitril

• made of nitril, with cotton velour finishing

• chemical protective gloves

• good resistance against abrasion, puncturing and cuts
• good sense of touch through precise fit
• silicone free, velour finishing

PU = 1 pair

Size Item-No.
8 12P9/8
9 12P9/9
10 12P9/10

Working Safety Gear

Chemical Protection Gloves

• HPPE-laminate film
• according EN 374 standard; protection category 6

• chemical-resistant foilglove, suitable for processing silicone

• 5-layer
• anatomical shape

PU = 1 pair

Size Length Item-No.

6 380 mm 12P22/6
7 380 mm 12P22/7
8 380 mm 12P22/8
9 380 mm 12P22/9
10 410 mm 12P22/10
11 410 mm 12P22/11

Protective Gloves
• leather with fabric
• sturdy version
• PU = 1 pair


Welding Gloves
• for welding works
• made of leather with sleeves
• length: approx. 35 cm
• PU = 1 pair


Heat Protective Gloves

• made of „Molton“ fibre
• PU = 1 pair

12P16 349
Working Safety Gear

Protective Gloves
• without fingers, chrome leather
• PU = 1 pair


Cut Protection Gloves

without picture
• cut protection gloves made of HPPE-fiber/glass/polyamide with PU-coating
• PU = 1 pair

Size Item-No.
7 12P6/7
8 12P6/8
9 12P6/9
10 12P6/10

To be used in metal processing or assembly activities with high risk

of cuts (e.g. working with scalpels or knives).

Mechanical Protective Gloves

• made of cotton jersey with Nitril-coating
• high flexibility, warmth-cold-flexibility, highly breathable, robust fabrication
• PU = 1 pair

Size Item-No.
8 12P7/8
9 12P7/9
10 12P7/10
11 12P7/11

These protection gloves may be used as an alternative to leather


Heat Protective Gloves

• made of jersey
• PU = 1 pair


Working Safety Gear

Heat Protective Gloves

• 5-finger knit gloves of 100% cotton bouclé
• ribbed hem cuff
• contact temperature up to 225°C / 480°F
• length 27 cm, 1 size fits all
• PU = 1 pair


Protective Goggles
• mist-free, with hard-coated glasses and adjustable, flexible head gear
• PU = 1 piece

Weight Item-No.
32 g 13P10

Storage Box for Protective Goggles

• storage box for dust proof storage of protective goggles
• fast access and good visibility from outside
• either permanently mountable to the wall or removable with wall holder

Outer dimensions Inner dimen- Colour Item-No.

200 x 185 x 90 mm 165 x 110 x 70 blue/transparent 13P17

without content

Double Filter - Half Mask

• mask body made of silicone
• incl. 2 combination filters, filter category A2P3
• size M


Other filter categories available upon request.

Replacement combination filters are available under item-no.


Respirator Mask
• particle filter class FFP1
• PU = 20 pieces

13P12 351
Working Safety Gear

Respiratory Mask
• with exhalation valve, particle filter class FFP 2
• PU = 10 pieces


Ear Protector ABS

• with head gear, light and comfortable, excellent sound protection
• soft cushioning pads


Clamp Ear Protection

• clamp ear protection with low contact pressure for highest comfort
• ideal for chaniging levels of noise pollution
• extremely elastic clamps


Spare plugs available in bags with 10 pairs (item-no. 13P16/E).

Face Shield
• with polycarbon glass shield, comfortable wear, size adjustment with turn-
lock nut


Replacement Shield
• for item 13P7, polycarbon glass

Size Item-No.
540 x 195 mm 13P8

Working Safety Gear

Welding Shield
• incl. exchangeable glasses, with handle (protection class DIN 9 A)


Replacement Glass
• for welding shield 12P55

Glass type Item-No.

Supplementary glass clear 12P56
DIN 9A Athermal glass 12P57

Welding Apron
• chrome leather, adjustable belt
• PU = 1 piece

Size Colour Item-No.

800 x 1000 mm grey-white 12P50 353
Working Safety Gear

Plaster Apron
• fibre reinforced
• PU = 1 piece

Size Colour Item-No.

85 x 100 cm white 12P20

Little ABC’s of Orthopaedics

A Abdomen – area of the body between chest and pelvis

Abdominal – relating to the abdomen
Abduction – movement of a body part away from the midline of the body
Acetabulum – concave pelvic component of the hip joint receiving the femoral head
Adduction – movement of a body part towards the midline of the body
Alternating – exchanging, altering
Amelia – complete absence of one or several extremities
Anatomy – science of structure of organisms
Anesthesia – loss of feeling or sensation/narcosis
Anterior – front
Anteversion – forward tilt of a body part
Antivarus – against varus malalignment
Aponeurosis – a fibrous sheet of tissue by which certain muscles are attached to bones
Articulation, articulating – a joint, concerning a joint
Atrophy, to atrophy – shrinkage, wastage of biological tissue (e. g. muscle atrophy)
Axilla, axillary – the armpit, relating to the armpit

B Bandage, to bandage – wrapping, dressing; sense of: elastic support, applying bandages, taping
Biceps – two headed (e. g. biceps muscle)
Bow–leg – varus malalignment of the longitudinal axis of the leg

C Calcaneus – heel bone

Capsular – retaining to an articular capsule
Catalyser – chemical agent causing a chemical reaction (e. g. hardening powder, -paste)
Caudal – towards the tail, below, backside
Cerebrum, cerebral – the major part of the brain, occupying the upper part of the cranium,
pertaining to the cerebrum
Cervical (cervical–region) – pertaining to the neck area
Chronic – long term (disease; opposite of acute)
Condyle, condylar – joint head, pertaining to the joint head
Congruence, congruent – match, matching, identical
Concave – hollow, curved inwards
Conservative – conciliatory, maintaining, in the sense of non-surgical
Constitution – physical shape
Contraction, to contract – tightening, shortening of soft tissue with joint malposition
Contralateral – reciprocal, located on the other side of the body
Contusion – bruise
Convex – curved to the front or outside
Little ABC’s of Orthopaedics

C Claw foot – flexion contraction of the toes

Cranial – head, above
Cyst – abnormal, closed sac-like structure within a tissue that contains a liquid, gaseous, or semisolid
substance (e. g. Baker‘s-cyst in the back of the knee)

D Decubitus, decubital – pressure damage, pressure sore

Derotation – correctional rotation
Detorsion – back rotation, correctional rotation (e. g. detorsion insole)
Dexter – right
Diagnosis, to diagnose – searching and finding a cause and details of disease
Digital – pertaining to finger or toe
Digitus – finger or toe
Dislocation, dislocate – shift, to shift
Distal – away, away from body
Distorsion – sprained, twisted (e. g. joints)
Dorsal – back side
Duroplast – synthetic material, which is, once it has hardened, not mouldable anymore by heat

E Endogenous – caused by inner reasons

Et – and
Exogenous – caused by outer reasons
Extension – stretching, extension of a body part
Extra – beyond
Extremities – limbs

F Fascia – covering around muscles and tendons

Femur – bone that extends from the pelvis to the knee
Fixation, fixed – position that cannot be altered passively
Flexion – bending a joint (opposite of extension)
Fracture – break in a bone
Frontal – to the front (front surface)

G Gibbus – curve in the spine causing a bump or hump on the back, strong kyphotic spine deformation
Gluteus, gluteal – buttocks muscle, pertaining to buttocks
Gocht manoeuvre – special technique to mold the plaster–cast for the ischium bar
Gonarthrosis, gonitis – inflammation of the knee joint
Little ABC’s of Orthopaedics

H Haematoma – bruise
Hallux – big toe
Hammer toe – flexed contraction position of a toe in the middle or end joint during dorsal tilting of the
metacarpophalangeal joint
Heidelberg angle – AFO (ankle foot orthosis to lift the forefoot)
Hemi – half
Heterogenous – mixed combination, disparate
Hinge joint (Articulatio ginglymus) – single-axle joint (e. g. finger joint)
Hyper lordosis – lumbar lordosis, hollow back
Homogenous – uniform, congeneric
Hyper – prefix: more than the norm
Hypo – prefix: less than the norm

I Idiopathic – spontaneous, independent, starting without known reason (e. g. idiopathic scoliosis)
Immobilization, to immobilize – to prevent motion of a joint or segment
Incongruity, incongruent – mismatch, mismatched
Incontinence – inability to control urination or defecation
Indication, to indicate – advice, necessity, to advise, make something necessary
Infra – under or below
Initial – beginning
Insert – orthopaedic foot support, foot cushion for customized shoes
Instability, instable – missing stability, loose
Insufficiency, insufficient – functional weakness, inadequate
Interim treatment – temporary, tentative treatment before the final treatment
Irreversible – final, permanently
Ischium, ischial – seat bone, pertaining to the seat bone
Ischium bar – support point of the seat bone in prostheses or ortheses

K KBM (abbreviation) – Kondylen Bettung Münster

Knee cap – molded knee brace made of textile rubberlike fabric
Kyphosis – rather flat backward bent scoliosis

L Lesion – injury
Level Pelvis – aligned pelvis
Lateral – away from the center
Ligament, ligamentary – band of fibrous tissue connecting bones, concerning the ligaments
Longuette – oblong reinforcing material, usually several layers (e. g. plaster bandage)
Luxation, to luxate – sprain, to sprain
Little ABC’s of Orthopaedics

M Medial – inside, center, toward the mid-line

Metatarsal – long bones between the tarsal bones and the toes
Modular system – orthopaedic aid or prosthesis construction with various finished components
(modular concept)
Morbus – disease, ailment

N Naviculare – short term for os naviculare = navicular bone of foot (or hand – scaphoid bone)
Necrosis – necrotic – dead tissue, mortified
Neuropathy, neuropathic – nervous disorder, nervous affection

O Oedema, oedematic – swelling, swollen

Orthosis – splint, brace device, corset, support
Orthopaedics – science of recognition and treatment of inherent or acquired defects of the
musculoskeletal system (orthos = straight, right and paedia = childhood)
Orthoprosthesis – construction of a proximal orthotic element and a distal prosthetic element
Ossification, osseous – bone formation, bony
Osteomyelitis – infection of bone and bone marrow
Osteosynthesis – connection of two or more bones by means of metal plates, screws, nails or wires

P Pad – upholstering device in an orthosis or shoe

Palma, palmar – inner hand surface, pertaining to the inner hand surface
Palpation, to palpate – examination by touching with the hand
Paralysis, paralytic – loss of motor function, lame (only in the sense of limpness)
Paresis, paretic – loss of motor function (limp or spastic)
Patella – kneecap
Pathological – unnatural, abnormal, morbid
Pelvic obliquity – misaligned pelvis, asymmetrical pelvis height (e. g. caused by unequal leg length)
Periphery, peripheral – outer region, outside (e. g. peripheral arterial disease = PAD)
Peroneus, peroneal – retaining to the calf–bone (e. g. nervus peronaeus communis)
Peroneus–spring – ankle–foot orthosis to lift and guide the foot in case of limpness/loss of control
Pes – foot
Pes adductus – forefoot inverted, adducted, medially misaligned forefoot–position
Pes calcaneus – walking on the heel (steep slope position of the forefoot)
Pes cavus – contracted foot (excessive longitudinal arch of the foot)
Pes equinus – pointed foot (excessive plantar flexion of the whole foot)
Pes equinus varus adductus – club foot (combined malposition of the foot)
Pes planus – flat foot (collapsed medial arch)
Pes planus valgus – knock-flat foot (collapsed medial arch with kinked lower ankle joint)
Little ABC’s of Orthopaedics

P Plantar – pertaining to the foot sole

Poliomyelitis – paralysis caused by the polio virus infecting the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord
Pollex – thumb
Poly – prefix: multi, several
Post – prefix: after, behind
Posterior – behind, toward the back of…
Postoperative post op – after surgery
Pre – prefix: before, prior to
Pressure lesion – surface damage of skin and tissue due to extensive pressure exposure
Prevention – precaution
Prognosis, prognostic – preview, expected
Progredience, progredient – progression (of disease), advancing
progressive – advancing
Prominence, prominent – protrusion, protruding
Pronation – rotation of hand or foot in long axis facing outwards or dorsally
Prophylaxis, prophylactic – prevention, preventive
Prosthesis – externally applied device used to replace wholly, or in part, an absent or deficient limb segment
Proximal – nearest to the trunk; towards the trunk
Pseudo arthrosis – non-union of a fractured bone
PTB – (abbrevation) – patella tendon bearing = patella tendon – load principle
PTS – (abbrevation) – PTB–supracondylar prosthesis = lower leg prosthesis, reaching over femurcondyles

Q Quadriceps – short for Musculus quadriceps = four headed muscle in the anterior thigh
Quengel Hinged Brace – joint bending or stretching brace with hinges

R Radius – spoke bone, one of the forearm bones

Recidivism, recidiving – relapse, recurrence (of a disease), relapsing
Reclination, to reclinate – backward tilt, to tilt backwards
Redression, to redress – to force or bend back
Rehabilitation, to rehabilitate – enabling persons with disabilities to reach and maintain their optimal
sensory, intellectual, psychiatric and/or social functional levels
Retroversion – backward turn
Reversible – convertible
Rotation, to rotate – turn, turning
Little ABC’s of Orthopaedics

S Sagittal – following the arrow, straight direction

Saddle joint (articulatio sellaris) – double-axis joint (e. g. thumb saddle joint Carpometacarpal-l-joint)
Shore-hardness – measuring unit for the degree of hardness of elastic materials
Sinister – left
Scoliosis, scoliotic – lateral deviation of the spine and rotation of the vertebrae around the long axis
of the spine
Spasticity, spastic – cramping, cramped
Spina, spinal – referring to the spine (vertebral column)
Spondyle – retaining to the spine (e. g. spondyle arthrosis = arthrosis of the vertebral joints)
Subductus – laying underneath (e. g. digitus subductus = toe, laying crossed underneath)
Subluxation – partial dislocation of a joint
Superductus – laying over (e. g. digitus sperductus = toe, laying over dorsally)
Supination – rotation of hand or foot around long axis with palm forward or foot inward
Supination wedge – medial or inner elevation of an orthopaedic insole
Supra – prefix: upper, above
Swiss cam lock / Swiss lock system – detention of a splint joint (e. g. of an orthotic brace)
Symphysis – pubic symphysis, midline cartilaginous pubic bone connection (synchondrosis)
Symptom, symptomatic – sign, Indication of a disease, indicating a disease
Syndesmosis – slightly movable articulation where the contiguous bony surfaces are united by an
interosseous ligament
Syndrome – disease pattern
Synostosis – bony fusion between two bones

T Talus – bone that articulates with the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint
Tarsus, tarsal – heel part of the foot, pertaining to the heel part of the foot
Thermoplast – plastic material re-shapeable under heat application
Three-point-correction principle – correctional therapy by leverage effect with surface pressure-
application at three contact points
Thomas splint – a long leg relief splint that extends from a ring at the hip to beyond the foot,
e. g. for aseptic hip joint necrosis
Tonus – tension condition of muscles
Torsion – twisting
Trochanter – muscle insertion point, bony protrusion lateral-proximally at the femur
Tuber – hunch, knob (e. g. tuber ischiadicum)
Tuberosity – bony protrusion, muscle insertion/fixation point

U Ulna – inner and longer of the two bones of the forearm

Little ABC’s of Orthopaedics

V Valgus – X-shaped joint alignment

Varicosis – disease of the veins, varication
Varices – distended veins
Varus – O-shaped joint alignment
Ventral – relating to or situated on or close to the abdomen; abdominal, front
Vertex – centre of a curve, maximum of a curve
Volar – relating to the palm of the hand
V2A-steel – stainless steel

W Walking – milling, softening, staking e. g. orthopaedic leather

Source: “Children‘s orthopaedic techniques by R. Bernbeck, J. Pramschiefer, H. D. Stolle“, published by Thieme, Stuttgart
Explanation of Symbols

Danger Symbols




Health hazard

Exclamation mark

1M23................................................................................ 173 13P8................................................................................. 352

1M26................................................................................ 177 15A5................................................................................... 52
2M10........................................................................ 172, 176 16A9................................................................................... 52
3M4/3540......................................................................... 171 20M100..................................................................... 237-238
3M51................................................................................ 175 20M120..................................................................... 239-240
5M1.................................................................................. 274 20M140..................................................................... 241-242
10M10.............................................................................. 176 20M160..................................................................... 243-245
10M11.............................................................................. 176 20M200............................................................................ 246
10M2........................................................................ 203, 209 20M250.................................................................... 247, 249
10M20........................................................................... 86-87 20M300..................................................................... 248-249
10M3................................................................................ 204 20M500............................................................................ 250
10M30.............................................................................. 210 20M510............................................................................ 250
10M31.............................................................................. 211 20M520............................................................................ 250
10M32.............................................................................. 210 20M540............................................................................ 251
10M37.............................................................................. 201 20M550............................................................................ 249
10M38.............................................................................. 202 25M100.................................................................... 251, 254
10M4........................................................................ 205, 209 25M125............................................................................ 252
10M5................................................................................ 206 25M140............................................................................ 252
10M6........................................................................ 207, 209 25M160............................................................................ 253
10M7................................................................................ 208 25M200..................................................................... 253-254
10M8................................................................................ 208 28M1................................................................................ 255
10M9................................................................................ 208 28M10.............................................................................. 255
10P1................................................................................... 20 28M11.............................................................................. 256
10P2................................................................................... 20 28M12.............................................................................. 256
10P20................................................................................. 20 28M13.............................................................................. 255
10P25................................................................................. 20 28M14.............................................................................. 256
10P3................................................................................... 20 31M1................................................................................ 145
10P30................................................................................. 20 31M2................................................................................ 145
10P4................................................................................... 20 35M1................................................................................ 146
10P40................................................................................. 20 35M2................................................................................ 146
10P45................................................................................. 20 37P6................................................................................. 281
10P5................................................................................... 20 37P7................................................................................. 281
10P50................................................................................. 20 37P8................................................................................. 272
10P6................................................................................... 20 37P9................................................................................. 162
10P60................................................................................. 20 40M1.................................................................................. 83
10P61................................................................................. 20 40M2.................................................................................. 84
10P62................................................................................. 20 40M4.................................................................................. 85
10P7................................................................................... 20 40M5.................................................................................. 82
10P8................................................................................... 20 40M7.................................................................................. 85
10P9................................................................................... 20 40M9.................................................................................. 86
11M1................................................................................ 174 50E10............................................................................... 110
11M2................................................................................ 175 50E15................................................................................. 96
12P11............................................................................... 349 50E16................................................................................. 97
12P12............................................................................... 350 50E17................................................................................. 95
12P13............................................................................... 351 50E2................................................................................... 97
12P14............................................................................... 349 50E21................................................................................. 97
12P15............................................................................... 350 50E26......................................................................... 98, 323
12P16............................................................................... 349 50E27......................................................................... 98, 323
12P17............................................................................... 347 50E3................................................................................... 96
12P18............................................................................... 347 50E4................................................................................... 96
12P20............................................................................... 354 50E5................................................................................... 95
12P22............................................................................... 349 50E6................................................................................... 96
12P23............................................................................... 347 50E7................................................................................... 95
12P50....................................................................... 229, 353 50E8................................................................................... 97
12P55....................................................................... 229, 353 50E9................................................................................... 97
12P56....................................................................... 229, 353 50M11.............................................................................. 131
12P6................................................................................. 350 50M12.............................................................................. 137
12P7................................................................................. 350 50M13.............................................................................. 137
12P8................................................................................. 348 50M14.............................................................................. 137
12P9................................................................................. 348 50M15.............................................................................. 137
13P10............................................................................... 351 50M17.............................................................................. 137
13P11............................................................................... 352 50M18.............................................................................. 138
13P12............................................................................... 351 50M25....................................................................... 137-138
13P14............................................................................... 351 50M3................................................................................ 125
13P15............................................................................... 352 50M5................................................................................ 126
13P16............................................................................... 352 50M51.............................................................................. 123
13P17............................................................................... 351 50M52.............................................................................. 124
13P20............................................................................... 345 50M52/U........................................................................... 125
13P25............................................................................... 345 50M54.............................................................................. 127
13P26............................................................................... 346 50M6................................................................................ 128
13P30............................................................................... 346 50M7/1520....................................................................... 129
13P31............................................................................... 346 50M7/3540....................................................................... 128
13P7................................................................................. 352 50M9................................................................................ 139


51M10.............................................................................. 130 83M9................................................................................ 228

51M12...................................................................... 133, 137 85M1................................................................................ 230
51M13...................................................................... 134, 137 85M2................................................................................ 230
51M14...................................................................... 135, 137 85M5................................................................................ 230
51M15....................................................................... 136-137 90E10................................................................................. 99
51M17.............................................................................. 132 90E11............................................................................... 100
51M9................................................................................ 138 90E14............................................................................... 101
55M1................................................................................ 123 90E20........................................................................... 61, 99
55M2................................................................................ 122 90E29................................................................................. 98
60E1................................................................................. 102 90E30............................................................................... 108
60E10............................................................................... 102 90E33............................................................................... 109
60E11............................................................................... 103 90E35............................................................................... 109
60E12............................................................................... 103 90E50............................................................................... 108
60E13............................................................................... 103 90M1................................................................................ 116
60E14............................................................................... 103 90M10................................................................................ 68
60E15............................................................................... 104 90M11................................................................................ 68
60E16............................................................................... 104 90M12................................................................................ 69
60E17............................................................................... 104 90M15................................................................................ 69
60E18............................................................................... 104 90M16................................................................................ 69
60E19............................................................................... 105 90M24.............................................................................. 118
60E2................................................................................. 102 90M25.............................................................................. 118
60E20............................................................................... 105 90M26.............................................................................. 118
60E21............................................................................... 106 90M3................................................................................ 116
60E22............................................................................... 107 90M4................................................................................ 117
60E3................................................................................. 107 90M6................................................................................ 115
60E4................................................................................. 106 90M7................................................................................ 115
60E5................................................................................. 106 92M1................................................................................ 119
60E6................................................................................. 105 92M10................................................................................ 29
60E7................................................................................. 105 92M11................................................................................ 29
60E8................................................................................. 106 92M12................................................................................ 30
60E9................................................................................. 102 92M13................................................................................ 30
67P2................................................................................. 286 92M2................................................................................ 119
70E2................................................................................. 110 92M3................................................................................ 120
70M1............................................................................. 74-75 92M4................................................................................ 122
70M2.................................................................................. 73 92M5................................................................................ 122
70M3.................................................................................. 73 92M6................................................................................ 120
70M4.................................................................................. 74 92M7................................................................................ 121
75E1................................................................................... 95 92M8................................................................................ 121
75M1.................................................................................. 34 93M10..................................................................... 38-39, 78
75M10.............................................................................. 231 93M11.......................................................................... 30, 37
75M11.............................................................................. 231 93M12................................................................................ 31
75M12.............................................................................. 231 93M13................................................................................ 31
75M2.................................................................................. 35 93M14................................................................................ 31
75M3.................................................................................. 35 93M15................................................................................ 31
75M4.................................................................................. 36 93M17................................................................................ 32
75M5.................................................................................. 36 93M18................................................................................ 32
75M6.................................................................................. 36 93M21................................................................................ 37
75M7.................................................................................. 35 93M3.................................................................................. 28
76M1.................................................................................. 32 93M4.................................................................................. 27
76M10................................................................................ 33 93M6.................................................................................. 28
76M11................................................................................ 34 93M7.................................................................................. 28
76M2.................................................................................. 32 93M9.................................................................................. 39
76M3.................................................................................. 33 94M1.................................................................................. 29
76M4.................................................................................. 33 94M2.................................................................................. 27
80C10............................................................................... 267 94M3.................................................................................. 27
80M1................................................................................ 277 95M30................................................................................ 37
80M10.............................................................................. 274 96M20................................................................................ 87
80M12.............................................................................. 275 96M21................................................................................ 88
80M13.............................................................................. 161 96M22................................................................................ 89
80M3................................................................................ 160 96M4.................................................................................. 92
80M4................................................................................ 273 97M1.................................................................................. 43
80M7................................................................................ 276 97M10.......................................................................... 40, 42
80M8................................................................................ 277 97M11................................................................................ 43
83M13.............................................................................. 227 97M12................................................................................ 41
83M14.............................................................................. 228 97M13................................................................................ 70
83M15.............................................................................. 228 97M14................................................................................ 70
83M16.............................................................................. 228 97M15................................................................................ 38
83M20.............................................................................. 230 97M16................................................................................ 38
83M23.............................................................................. 231 97M2.................................................................................. 43
83M5................................................................................ 226 97M20................................................................................ 40
83M6................................................................................ 227 97M25................................................................................ 40
83M7................................................................................ 226 97M3.................................................................................. 44
83M8................................................................................ 227 97M5.................................................................................. 58 365

97M6.................................................................................. 59 140M10.............................................................................. 45
97M7.................................................................................. 41 140M12.............................................................................. 44
97M8.................................................................................. 42 140M14............................................................................ 118
97M9.................................................................................. 42 140M2................................................................................ 69
98P4.............................................................................. 65-66 140M5................................................................................ 17
98P5................................................................................... 66 140M6................................................................................ 21
98P6................................................................................... 19 140M8................................................................................ 18
98P8................................................................................... 65 140M9................................................................................ 19
99T5................................................................................... 86 145M10.............................................................................. 21
100M10............................................................................ 223 145M11.............................................................................. 21
100M2.............................................................................. 221 145M12.............................................................................. 21
100M3.............................................................................. 221 145M20.............................................................................. 49
100M4.............................................................................. 222 145M21.............................................................................. 49
100M6.............................................................................. 222 145M23.............................................................................. 49
100M7.............................................................................. 223 145M24.............................................................................. 49
100M8.............................................................................. 224 145M26.............................................................................. 53
100M9.............................................................................. 220 145M27.............................................................................. 53
101M1.............................................................................. 224 145M3................................................................................ 21
101M3.............................................................................. 225 145M30.............................................................................. 50
101M4.............................................................................. 225 145M40.............................................................................. 50
101M5.............................................................................. 225 145M50.............................................................................. 52
101P14............................................................................. 225 150M1.............................................................................. 259
107P1............................................................................... 191 150M2.............................................................................. 260
107P10............................................................................. 274 150M3.............................................................................. 177
107P11............................................................................. 275 150M6.............................................................................. 177
107P21............................................................................. 186 150M7.............................................................................. 178
107P22............................................................................. 186 150M8.............................................................................. 178
107P28............................................................................. 185 150P1............................................................................... 301
107P29............................................................................. 187 150P2............................................................................... 300
107P30............................................................................. 202 150P3............................................................................... 300
107P31............................................................................. 187 151M1................................................................................ 57
107P32............................................................................. 202 151M10.............................................................................. 58
107P33............................................................................. 202 151M11.............................................................................. 58
107P5............................................................................... 187 151M14.............................................................................. 56
107P50............................................................................. 200 151M2................................................................................ 57
107P51............................................................................... 91 151M3................................................................................ 54
107P52............................................................................... 91 151M4................................................................................ 55
107P53............................................................................... 91 151M5................................................................................ 54
107P54............................................................................... 91 151M6................................................................................ 57
107P55............................................................................... 91 151M8................................................................................ 55
107P56............................................................................. 200 151M9................................................................................ 54
107P57............................................................................. 211 151P2............................................................................... 299
107P58............................................................................. 200 151P5........................................................................ 300-301
107P59............................................................................. 201 152P10............................................................................. 299
107P60............................................................................. 200 152P11............................................................................. 299
107P61............................................................................. 200 152P2........................................................................ 297-298
107P62............................................................................. 200 152P3............................................................................... 298
107P63..................................................................... 202, 211 152P4............................................................................... 298
107P70............................................................................. 203 152P5............................................................................... 302
107P8............................................................................... 186 152P6............................................................................... 299
108P1................................................................ 217, 219-220 152P7............................................................................... 301
108P1/458........................................................................ 217 152P9............................................................................... 298
108P12............................................................................. 216 153P11............................................................................. 302
108P2....................................................................... 217, 219 153P12............................................................................. 302
108P3............................................................................... 218 154P11...................................................................... 303-304
108P4........................................................................ 217-218 155M1.............................................................................. 256
108P4/458........................................................................ 217 155M10............................................................................ 257
110M4.............................................................................. 199 155M15............................................................................ 258
110M5.............................................................................. 199 155M16............................................................................ 259
116P15............................................................................... 57 155M2.............................................................................. 259
117P25............................................................................. 154 155M3.............................................................................. 257
117P8............................................................................... 110 155M4.............................................................................. 257
119P11............................................................................. 139 155M6.............................................................................. 258
119P18............................................................................. 139 155M7.............................................................................. 258
119P22............................................................................. 266 155P1............................................................................... 303
119P23............................................................................. 139 155P2............................................................................... 303
130M3.............................................................................. 213 156P1............................................................................... 181
130M5.............................................................................. 212 156P10............................................................................. 181
130M6.............................................................................. 215 157P1............................................................................... 341
130M7.............................................................................. 214 157P10............................................................................. 325
130M8.............................................................................. 215 157P11............................................................................. 325
130M9.............................................................................. 216 157P2............................................................................... 341
140M1................................................................................ 22 157P20............................................................................... 83


157P30............................................................................... 84 161P17............................................................................... 88
157P4............................................................................... 340 161P18............................................................................... 88
157P40............................................................................... 84 161P20............................................................................. 195
157P45............................................................................... 85 161P21............................................................................. 195
157P5............................................................................... 340 161P22............................................................................. 194
157P6............................................................................... 340 161P23............................................................................. 194
157P7............................................................................... 340 161P24............................................................................. 195
157P8............................................................................... 338 161P25............................................................................. 195
158P1............................................................................... 320 161P26............................................................................. 196
158P10............................................................................. 337 161P26A........................................................................... 196
158P11............................................................................. 337 161P3............................................................................... 194
158P2............................................................................... 320 161P30............................................................................. 196
158P20............................................................................. 320 161P31............................................................................. 198
158P21............................................................................. 320 161P32............................................................................. 197
158P3............................................................................... 320 161P33............................................................................. 198
158P5................................................................................. 59 161P34............................................................................. 198
158P6................................................................................. 59 161P4........................................................................ 179-180
159P1............................................................................... 333 161P40............................................................................. 193
159P10............................................................................. 319 161P41............................................................................. 194
159P12............................................................................. 319 161P42............................................................................. 194
159P13............................................................................. 333 161P44............................................................................. 193
159P2............................................................................... 334 161P45............................................................................. 182
159P3............................................................................... 333 161P46............................................................................. 182
159P4............................................................................... 268 161P47............................................................................. 182
159P40............................................................................. 334 161P48............................................................................. 182
159P5........................................................................ 197-198 161P49............................................................................. 182
159P6............................................................................... 334 161P5........................................................................ 179-180
159P8............................................................................... 268 161P50............................................................................. 182
160M2.............................................................................. 173 161P51............................................................................. 182
160M3.............................................................................. 174 161P52............................................................................. 182
160P1............................................................................... 324 161P55............................................................................... 91
160P10............................................................................. 324 161P56............................................................................. 180
160P100..................................................................... 98, 323 161P57............................................................................. 180
160P11............................................................................. 322 161P58............................................................................. 180
160P12............................................................................. 324 161P59............................................................................. 181
160P13............................................................................. 323 161P6............................................................................... 185
160P14............................................................................. 323 161P60............................................................................. 184
160P16............................................................................. 325 161P61............................................................................. 185
160P17............................................................................. 325 161P62............................................................................. 184
160P18............................................................................. 322 161P63............................................................................. 184
160P19............................................................................. 324 161P64............................................................................. 184
160P2............................................................................... 320 161P65............................................................................. 184
160P20............................................................................. 325 161P66............................................................................. 184
160P22............................................................................. 326 161P7........................................................................ 188-189
160P23............................................................................. 326 161P7/GL.......................................................................... 189
160P24............................................................................. 326 161P72...................................................................... 182-183
160P25............................................................................. 327 161P73...................................................................... 182-183
160P27............................................................................. 327 161P74............................................................................. 183
160P3............................................................................... 321 161P75...................................................................... 190-191
160P30............................................................................. 332 161P76............................................................................. 190
160P4............................................................................... 321 161P77............................................................................. 193
160P5............................................................................... 321 161P78............................................................................. 192
160P50............................................................................. 324 161P79...................................................................... 190-191
160P51............................................................................. 324 161P80............................................................................. 191
160P55............................................................................. 327 161P82...................................................................... 189-190
160P6............................................................................... 321 161P84............................................................................. 189
160P7............................................................................... 322 161P85............................................................................. 188
160P8............................................................................... 322 161P86............................................................................. 188
161P0........................................................................ 191-192 161P9................................................................................. 89
161P01............................................................................. 192 161P90............................................................................. 178
161P02............................................................................. 192 161P91............................................................................. 178
161P03............................................................................. 192 162P1............................................................................... 295
161P04............................................................................. 192 162P2............................................................................... 296
161P05............................................................................. 192 162P3................................................................................. 72
161P10............................................................................... 90 162P35............................................................................. 289
161P101........................................................................... 187 162P36............................................................................. 289
161P103........................................................................... 187 162P4............................................................................... 297
161P11............................................................................... 90 162P5............................................................................... 289
161P12............................................................................... 90 162P6............................................................................... 296
161P13............................................................................... 91 163P1............................................................................... 304
161P14............................................................................... 90 163P10............................................................................. 338
161P15............................................................................... 87 163P11............................................................................. 306
161P16............................................................................... 87 163P12............................................................................. 306 367

163P13............................................................................. 306 165P67............................................................................. 335

163P14............................................................................. 307 165P69............................................................................. 335
163P15............................................................................. 307 165P7............................................................................... 312
163P16............................................................................. 307 165P70............................................................................. 336
163P17............................................................................. 308 165P71............................................................................. 336
163P18............................................................................. 305 165P72............................................................................. 336
163P19............................................................................. 306 165P8............................................................................... 335
163P2............................................................................... 305 166P1............................................................................... 331
163P21............................................................................. 304 166P10............................................................................. 331
163P22............................................................................. 338 166P11............................................................................. 332
163P25............................................................................. 339 166P12............................................................................. 331
163P26............................................................................. 339 166P13............................................................................. 332
163P29............................................................................. 310 166P14............................................................................. 332
163P3............................................................................... 307 166P15............................................................................. 333
163P30............................................................................. 310 166P16............................................................................. 330
163P31............................................................................. 310 166P17............................................................................... 60
163P32............................................................................. 310 166P18............................................................................... 60
163P33............................................................................. 311 166P19............................................................................... 60
163P34............................................................................. 311 166P2............................................................................... 331
163P35............................................................................. 311 166P21............................................................................. 331
163P36............................................................................. 311 166P23............................................................................... 60
163P4............................................................................... 308 166P24......................................................................... 60, 96
163P5................................................................................. 65 166P25............................................................................... 53
163P51............................................................................. 309 166P3............................................................................... 328
163P53............................................................................. 309 166P4............................................................................... 328
163P55............................................................................. 307 166P40............................................................................. 329
163P7............................................................................... 305 166P5............................................................................... 328
163P70............................................................................. 308 166P55..................................................................... 322, 327
163P8............................................................................... 305 166P57............................................................................. 329
163P9............................................................................... 305 166P58............................................................................. 330
164P1................................................................................. 59 166P6............................................................................... 330
164P11............................................................................. 337 166P7............................................................................... 328
164P12/K.......................................................................... 337 166P8............................................................................... 329
164P13............................................................................... 67 166P9............................................................................... 332
164P14............................................................................. 339 168P1................................................................................. 71
164P15............................................................................... 66 168P10............................................................................. 140
164P16............................................................................. 314 168P12............................................................................. 281
164P17............................................................................. 340 168P13............................................................................. 281
164P18............................................................................. 340 168P2............................................................................... 173
164P19............................................................................. 339 168P20............................................................................... 72
164P20............................................................................. 339 168P21............................................................................. 271
164P21............................................................................. 334 168P22............................................................................. 271
164P30............................................................................. 338 168P22/E2........................................................................ 274
164P32............................................................................. 140 168P22/E3........................................................................ 274
164P33............................................................................. 338 168P23............................................................................. 268
164P6............................................................................... 140 168P25............................................................................. 266
164P7................................................................................. 59 168P26............................................................................. 267
165P1............................................................................... 314 168P27............................................................................. 264
165P13............................................................................. 309 168P277E1....................................................................... 265
165P14............................................................................. 309 168P29............................................................................. 269
165P17............................................................................. 304 168P30............................................................................. 266
165P18............................................................................. 306 168P31..................................................................... 266, 270
165P19............................................................................. 308 168P32...................................................................... 269-270
165P2................................................................................. 73 168P33............................................................................. 270
165P20.......................................................................... 51-52 168P34............................................................................. 270
165P21............................................................................. 173 168P35...................................................................... 267-268
165P22............................................................................. 180 168P38............................................................................. 268
165P23............................................................................... 33 168P39............................................................................. 268
165P3........................................................................ 313-314 168P40............................................................................. 263
165P31............................................................................. 312 168P41............................................................................. 263
165P32............................................................................. 312 168P410........................................................................... 263
165P33............................................................................. 312 168P42............................................................................. 264
165P4............................................................................... 312 168P44............................................................................. 263
165P45............................................................................. 313 168P45...................................................................... 272-273
165P5............................................................................... 334 168P46............................................................................. 264
165P50............................................................................. 336 168P47............................................................................. 264
165P51............................................................................. 336 168P48............................................................................. 264
165P6............................................................................... 335 168P49............................................................................. 264
165P60............................................................................. 335 168P5............................................................................... 265
165P61............................................................................. 335 168P50............................................................................. 149
165P62............................................................................. 335 168P500............................................................................. 77
165P65............................................................................. 335 168P501............................................................................. 78
165P66............................................................................. 335 168P502............................................................................. 78


168P503............................................................................. 79 169P84............................................................................. 159

168P505............................................................................. 75 169P85............................................................................. 160
168P51............................................................................. 150 169P86............................................................................. 163
168P510............................................................................. 79 169P87............................................................................. 161
168P516............................................................................. 79 170P1............................................................................... 281
168P517............................................................................. 79 170P2............................................................................... 282
168P518............................................................................. 79 170P3............................................................................... 282
168P52.............................................................. 150-151, 153 170P4............................................................................... 282
168P53............................................................................. 153 170P5............................................................................... 283
168P530....................................................................... 76, 79 170P6............................................................................... 283
168P532............................................................................. 77 170P7............................................................................... 282
168P533............................................................................. 77 170P9............................................................................... 229
168P54...................................................................... 156-157 171P1............................................................................... 283
168P55............................................................................. 150 171P10............................................................................. 287
168P555............................................................................. 81 171P11............................................................................. 285
168P556............................................................................. 81 171P12............................................................................. 285
168P558............................................................................. 81 171P13............................................................................. 285
168P559............................................................................. 82 171P14............................................................................. 286
168P56/127...................................................................... 151 171P15............................................................................. 287
168P57............................................................................. 144 171P16............................................................................. 285
168P58............................................................................. 145 171P2............................................................................... 283
168P59............................................................................. 141 171P3............................................................................... 284
168P60............................................................................. 142 171P4............................................................................... 283
168P61............................................................................. 142 171P5............................................................................... 284
168P62............................................................................. 142 171P6............................................................................... 284
168P63............................................................................. 142 171P7............................................................................... 284
168P64............................................................................. 142 171P8............................................................................... 284
168P65............................................................................. 142 171P9............................................................................... 286
168P66............................................................................. 142 172P1............................................................................... 289
168P7............................................................................... 144 172P2............................................................................... 287
168P70............................................................................. 141 172P3............................................................................... 288
168P71............................................................................. 141 172P4............................................................................... 288
168P75...................................................................... 142-143 172P5............................................................................... 288
168P76/H.......................................................................... 143 172P6............................................................................... 288
168P77............................................................................. 143 172P7............................................................................... 288
168P78....................................................................... 52, 144 173P1............................................................................... 292
168P79............................................................................. 144 173P10............................................................................. 293
168P8............................................................................... 265 173P11............................................................................. 294
168P82/3540.................................................................... 153 173P12............................................................................. 294
168P83............................................................................. 154 173P15............................................................................. 292
168P85............................................................................. 149 173P2............................................................................... 292
168P9............................................................................... 272 173P26............................................................................. 294
168P90............................................................................. 152 173P27............................................................................. 293
168P91............................................................................. 152 173P3............................................................................... 291
168P92............................................................................... 80 173P4............................................................................... 290
168P93............................................................................... 80 173P5........................................................................ 290-291
168P94............................................................................... 80 173P6............................................................................... 314
168P95............................................................................... 81 173P8............................................................................... 291
169P51............................................................................. 165 173P9............................................................................... 174
169P52............................................................................. 165 176P1............................................................................... 317
169P53............................................................................. 165 176P2............................................................................... 318
169P54............................................................................. 166 176P3............................................................................... 318
169P60............................................................................. 155 176P4............................................................................... 317
169P61............................................................................. 155 176P5............................................................................... 318
169P64............................................................................. 163 177P1............................................................................... 317
169P65...................................................................... 161-162 177P10............................................................................. 317
169P66............................................................................. 162 177P3............................................................................... 318
169P67............................................................................. 163 177P4............................................................................... 316
169P68............................................................................. 164 177P5............................................................................... 319
169P69...................................................................... 164-165 177P6............................................................................... 315
169P71............................................................................. 160 177P7............................................................................... 315
169P72............................................................................. 160 177P8............................................................................... 316
169P73............................................................................. 160 177P9............................................................................... 316
169P74............................................................................. 160 178P20............................................................................. 319
169P75............................................................................. 157 178P25............................................................................. 326
169P76............................................................................. 157 178P30............................................................................. 209
169P77............................................................................. 157 210V41............................................................................... 66
169P78............................................................................. 158 570P4................................................................................. 17
169P79............................................................................. 158 W60P10.............................................................................. 71
169P80............................................................................. 158 W60P12.............................................................................. 71
169P81............................................................................. 159 W60P5................................................................................ 71
169P82............................................................................. 159 W60P6................................................................................ 71
169P83............................................................................. 159 W60P7................................................................................ 71 369

W60P8................................................................................ 71
W62P1................................................................................ 71
W62P5................................................................................ 71
W64P12.............................................................................. 71
W64P13.............................................................................. 71


Cast Cutter „Oscimed 2000“........................................... 269

Casting Apparatus with Baseplate................................... 49
Abrassive Flap Wheel...................................................... 188 Casting Room Scissors..................................................... 331
Accessories Electric Sheet Metal Shear.......................... 268 CEE Electrical Outlet........................................................ 176
Accessories Hot Air Gun.................................................. 265 CEE Plug........................................................................... 176
Acrylic-Lacquer................................................................ 110 Center Drill Bit, HSS (DIN 333)........................................ 298
Adhesive / Resin Work Station....................................... 115 Center Punch................................................................... 288
Adhesive Suction Table..................................................... 69 Chemical Protection Gloves............................................ 349
Adhesive Work Station................................................ 68-69 Chemical Protective Gloves made of Butyl.................... 348
Adjustable Twin Pin Key................................................. 183 Chemical Protective Gloves, Nitril.................................. 348
Adjustment Core Clamping Jaws..................................... 33 Chipping Hammer........................................................... 229
Air Gun............................................................................. 163 Chippings Bags for MOBILE 100..................................... 254
Air Pressure Hose............................................................. 160 Chippings Bags for MOBILE 125 / 140 / 160 / 200.......... 254
Air Pressure Regulator.................................................... 159 Chippings Bags for POWER UNIT................................... 249
AK Casting Ring Set.......................................................... 51 Chisel for Pneumatic Chipping Hammer........................ 162
AK Casting Ring Set (continuation)................................. 52 Chisel/Punch Set 6-part................................................... 287
Alginate Spatula................................................................ 96 Circular Cutter................................................................. 267
Allen Key Set................................................................... 292 Circular Cutting Blade.............................................. 266-267
Aluminum Mould............................................................ 110 Circular Saw Blade................................... 165, 268, 270, 274
Aluminum Tripod.............................................................. 53 Clamp Ear Protection...................................................... 352
Anatomical Chart.............................................................. 20 Clamping Device.............................................................. 141
Angle Grinder.................................................................. 276 Clamping Device for Pre-preg........................................ 138
Angled Snipe Nose Pliers................................................ 284 Clamping Device for Pre-preg Materials........................ 138
Anvil................................................................................. 230 Clean Air Dust Extractor P.U. 160................................... 245
Anvil Base........................................................................ 230 Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 100............. 237-238
Attachment Plate.............................................................. 49 Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 120............. 239-240
Autoclave......................................................................... 110 Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 140............. 241-242
Automatic Center Punch................................................. 289 Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 160............. 243-244
Automatic Start / Stop Module...................................... 251 Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 200.................... 246
Awl Handle...................................................................... 340 Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 250.................... 247
B Clean Air Dust Extractor POWER UNIT 300.................... 248
Cobbler‘s Knife „Tina“.................................................... 324
Back Hand Saw................................................................ 334 Cobbler‘s Stand................................................................. 67
Back Saw.......................................................................... 334 Combination Pliers.......................................................... 283
Ball Cutter........................................................................ 178 Combination Sander....................................................... 202
Ball Joint Suction Arm..................................................... 231 Combined Belt Sander / Grinder.................................... 210
Ball Peen Hammer........................................................... 282 Combined Finishing Machine........................................... 87
Band Saw......................................................................... 214 Combined Sanding / Polishing Machine........................ 211
Band Saw model 600....................................................... 213 Company First Aid Box, filled......................................... 345
Bandage Scissors.............................................................. 331 Compressed Air Plaster Cast Saw................................... 164
Bandage Scissors „Bergmann“....................................... 332 Conical Cutter, HSS.......................................................... 180
Bandage Scissors „Lister“................................................ 332 Connection Adapter f. Suction Hose JET STREAM M.... 256
Base Cabinet...................................................................... 78 Connection Hose............................................................. 153
Base Frame....................................................................... 125 Connector for Quick-Lock Coupling............................... 156
Base Rack......................................................................... 131 Contouring Iron............................................................... 335
Baseplate........................................................................... 49 Convection Oven............................................................. 128
Basic Shelf Rack for Plaster Cast Models.......................... 58 Convection Oven for Pre-preg materials....................... 129
Belt Sander...................................................................... 201 Convection Oven Size 1.................................................... 79
Belt Sanding Machine....................................................... 89 Cordless Drill.................................................................... 275
Bench Drill....................................................................... 220 Corundum Sanding Cone................................................ 195
Bench Drill Press....................................................... 220-221 Countersink Drill Set, HSS (DIN 335 C)........................... 299
Bench Vise.................................................................... 32, 34 Countersink Drill, HSS (DIN 335 C)................................. 299
Bevelled Edge Chisel....................................................... 319 cover paper........................................................................ 17
Bevelling Tool.................................................................. 338 Cover Paper for roll holder............................................... 17
Body Caliper „Streifeneder“........................................... 306 Craftsmen and Industrial Set for JET STREAM M.......... 255
Bow Caliper..................................................................... 308 Cranked Socket Key CV-set Torx..................................... 293
Bow Compass................................................................... 307 Creasing Wood................................................................ 338
Bracket............................................................................... 32 Crimping Tool.................................................................... 73
Bradawl............................................................................ 340 Cross Connection............................................................... 41
Braking Unit.................................................................... 177 Cross Line Laser................................................................. 53
Branching......................................................................... 257 Cut Protection Gloves..................................................... 350
Brass Anvil........................................................................ 314 Cutting Bit for Silicone.................................................... 103
Buffing Wheel................................................................... 87 Cutting Bit for Silicone, Cone......................................... 103
Button Hole Punch.......................................................... 296 Cutting Bit, Drum............................................................ 102
C Cutting Disc..................................................................... 276
Cutting Table..................................................................... 29
Cabinet File – Coarse....................................................... 317
Cutting wheel.................................................................... 74
Cabinet Rasp – Smooth................................................... 317
Cutting Wire.................................................................... 266
Cabinet with Drawers............................................ 37-38, 78
Cutting-/Levelling-/Sharp.-/Split.-/Pressure Machine....... 74
Cantilever Arm with Angle Clamp................................. 144
Carbide Cutting Bit......................................................... 102 D
Carbon Polishing Wheel................................................. 104 Deburring Blades............................................................. 326
Carpenter‘s Pincers.......................................................... 284 Deburring Knife....................................................... 326-327
Cast Cutter - Blue-Star-Cutter......................................... 268


Deep-Drawing / Clamping Frame................................... 142 Finger Shape Rasp Head................................................... 90

Deep-Drawing Frame, Bottom Part............................... 143 Fir Cone Cutter, HSS........................................................ 180
Deep-Drawing Tool Set................................................... 144 Fire Blanket made of Glass-Fiber Fabric......................... 346
DENTABS............................................................................ 57 Firmer Gouge................................................................... 319
Diagometer...................................................................... 310 Flap Lift.............................................................................. 35
Die for Eyelet..................................................................... 71 Flat Bed Oven........................................................... 122-123
Die for Lacing Hook.......................................................... 71 Flat Chisel......................................................................... 288
Die for Snap Fastener........................................................ 71 Flat Contouring Iron....................................................... 335
Die Holder, HSS................................................................ 303 Flat Nose Pliers................................................................ 283
Die, HSS............................................................................ 303 Flat Nose Pliers „Langbeck“........................................... 283
Digital Camera................................................................. 311 Fleece Fan Sanding Drum............................................... 193
Disposable Chip Bag........................................................ 177 Fleece Polishing Wheel................................................... 104
Disposable Gloves Nitril, black....................................... 347 Flexible Ruler................................................................... 308
Disposable Latex Gloves.................................................. 347 Flexible Shaft................................................................... 274
Disposable Latex Gloves IC............................................. 347 Flexible Steel Ruler.......................................................... 305
Divider Panel..................................................................... 42 Flux................................................................................... 228
Double Belt Grinding Machine....................................... 210 Folding device................................................................... 36
Double Filter - Half Mask................................................ 351 Folding Ruler, wood........................................................ 304
Double Grinder................................................................ 204 Folding Stick.................................................................... 338
Double Grinder 175 mm................................................. 203 Foot Imprint Chart Pad..................................................... 66
Double Grinder 200 mm.......................................... 205-206 Foot Imprint Device........................................................... 65
Double Grinder 300 mm.......................................... 207-208 Foot Measuring Device „Heider“..................................... 65
Double Hook..................................................................... 31 Forstner Drill.................................................................... 300
Double Open End Spanner Set....................................... 336 Forstner Drill Set.............................................................. 300
Double Ring Spanner Set................................................ 336 Frequency Converter....................................................... 250
Double-Sided Spatula, Small............................................ 97 Full Cushion....................................................................... 82
Draw Knife....................................................................... 324 Funnel made of HD-PE.................................................... 140
Drill Stand........................................................................ 274 Furrier‘s Needle............................................................... 341
Drilling Arm..................................................................... 225 G
Drum Cutter..................................................................... 181
Gas Shock......................................................................... 137
E Glue Container................................................................ 337
Ear Protector ABS............................................................ 352 Goniometer..................................................................... 307
EC-Cutter-Set................................................................... 267 Grate.................................................................................. 54
ECO compact oven.......................................................... 139 Grid Shelf........................................................................... 59
Egg Shape Rasp Head....................................................... 90 Grind Stone...................................................................... 326
Elbow Pipe....................................................................... 257 Grind Stone, rough/smooth............................................ 326
Electric Heater................................................................. 265 Grinding Belt................................................................... 202
Electric Sheet Metal Shear.............................................. 267 Grinding Bit Set............................................................... 275
Electric Silicone Roller..................................................... 109 Grinding Cone made of Silicone.................................... 196
Electric Stapler................................................................. 272 Grinding Disc................................................................... 276
Electric Welding Machine............................................... 226 Grinding Fleece Sleeve.................................................... 190
Electronic Scale with Digital Display.............................. 140 Grinding Wheel............................................................... 209
Emergency Floor Push Stop............................................ 175 Grinding Wheel Dresser.................................................. 209
End Cutting Nippers........................................................ 284 Grip Pliers......................................................................... 287
Engineers‘ File – Flat....................................................... 315 Groove Cutter.................................................................. 181
Engineers‘ File – Half Round........................................... 315 Groove Cutter, HSS.......................................................... 181
Engineers‘ File – Round................................................... 316 Guide.................................................................................. 88
Engineers‘ File – Square.................................................. 316 H
Engineers‘ File – Triangular............................................ 316
Examination Chair............................................................. 18 Habermann Sanding Drum............................................. 184
Examination Couch........................................................... 17 Hacksaw Frame................................................................ 333
Explosion-Proof Extractor Fan........................................ 122 Half Moon Knife.............................................................. 321
Extension Shelf Rack................................................... 41, 70 Halogen-Infralux Processor............................................... 92
Extension Shelf Rack for plaster cast models.................. 58 Hammer Stretching Pliers............................................... 312
Eye Wash Bottle Set........................................................ 346 Hand Grinder................................................................... 100
Eye Wash Station............................................................. 345 Hand Grinder with Knee-Control Unit........................... 101
Eyelet Punch Press............................................................. 71 Hand Lever Shear............................................................ 231
Eyelet Squeeze-Out Pliers............................................... 285 Hand Reamer, HSS.................................................... 301-302
Hand Tap Set, HSS........................................................... 302
F Hand Vice......................................................................... 339
Face Shield....................................................................... 352 Heat Monitoring Switch................................................... 78
Felt Cone.......................................................................... 195 Heat Protective Gloves............................................. 349-351
Felt Knife......................................................................... 322 Heating Cabinet....................................................... 123-127
File Brush......................................................................... 319 Heavy Duty Thread............................................................ 86
File Handle....................................................................... 318 Heel Cutter Head............................................................... 90
Filter / Water Trap 1/4‘‘...................................................... 77 Height Gauge.................................................................. 309
Filter Bag............................................................................ 87 Hepa Filtre....................................................................... 273
Filter Basket Cleaner....................................................... 178 Hex Socket Wrench.................................................. 291-292
Filter Cartridge......................................................... 177-178 Hip Compass.................................................................... 307
Filter Cartridge for MOBILE 100..................................... 254 Holder...................................................................... 141, 198
Filter Cartridge for MOBILE 125 / 140 / 160 / 200.......... 254 Holder for Wall-Mounting................................................ 55
Filter Element for JET STREAM M.................................. 256 Holding Forceps............................................................... 313
Filter for Water Seperator.............................................. 152 Hole Punch................................................................ 295-296 373

Hole Punch and Brass Support......................................... 72 Milling Bit, HSS................................................................ 299

Hole Punch Set......................................................... 295-296 Mixing Board..................................................................... 95
Hole Punch Tube............................................................. 313 Mixing Bowl....................................................................... 59
Hole Punch Tube Set....................................................... 314 Mixing Bowl for Plaster Mixer 90E20......................... 61, 99
Hook................................................................................... 31 Mixing Cup...................................................................... 140
Horsehair Wheel Brush..................................................... 87 Mobile Compressor......................................................... 155
Hose Clamp.............................................................. 160, 260 Mobile Gas and Brazing Welding Unit.......................... 227
Hose Clamp for Vacuum Hose........................................ 156 Mobile Rack....................................................................... 37
Hose Nipple..................................................................... 158 Mobile Stand................................................................... 231
Hose Nozzle..................................................................... 158 Mockup Model.................................................................. 20
Hose Sleeve / Flanged Collar........................................... 259 Modelling Instrument....................................................... 97
Hot Air Blower „Electron“.............................................. 263 Modelling Spatula made of Plastic Material............. 60, 96
Hot Air Blower „Triac ST“............................................... 263 Morse Taper..................................................................... 225
Hot Air Gun..................................................................... 264 Multifunction Transfer Apparatus................................... 52
Hot Air Gun „Ghibli“...................................................... 264 N
Hot Sealing Iron.............................................................. 265
Hot Water Quench.......................................................... 146 Neopolene Knife............................................................. 322
HSS Milling Bit Set........................................................... 274 Non-Return Valve............................................................ 151
Non-stick Paperboard Frame.......................................... 142
I Number Die Set............................................................... 289
Illuminant........................................................................ 138 O
Impact Drilling Machine................................................. 273
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner JET STREAM M.................... 255 Oil Can............................................................................. 338
Infrared Emitter............................................................... 137 One Way Suction Pipe..................................................... 141
Infrared-Oven........................................................... 130-136 Orthopaedic High-speed Press......................................... 80
Ink...................................................................................... 66 Orthopaedic Press........................................................ 80-81
Insert................................................................................ 294 Oscillating Saw................................................................ 271
Insert Foils.......................................................................... 56 Oscillating Saw OSCIMED Ergo....................................... 270
Insole Knife...................................................................... 325 Oscillating Saw with rechargeable battery................... 271
Insulation Mat................................................................. 173 Oscillating Tool „Multimaster“...................................... 269
Internal Pressure Plate Set................................................ 81 Outflow Cap.................................................................... 166
Outside Caliper................................................................ 308
Jaw Wrench..................................................................... 174
Jaws.................................................................................... 35 Paint Beater..................................................................... 164
Jig Saw Blade................................................................... 277 Paint Roller........................................................................ 66
Jig Saw, Electronic „Professional“.................................. 277 Panel Rack.......................................................................... 43
Junior Hacksaw................................................................ 333 Paper Bag......................................................................... 273
Paper Dust Bags for JET STREAM M............................... 256
K Parallel Bars....................................................................... 21
Knee Axis Key.................................................................. 335 Parallel Scriber................................................................. 309
L Paring and Trimming Machine......................................... 73
PE Plastic Container......................................................... 165
Lace Tip Pliers.................................................................. 286 Peeling Drill Set, Tapered, HSS....................................... 301
Lamella Fleece Sanding Drum........................................ 192 Peeling Drill, Tapered, HSS............................................. 300
Lamella Fleece Wheel.............................................. 197-198 Peen Hammer.................................................................. 282
Lamella Wheel................................................................. 198 Pelvic Level....................................................................... 309
Lateral Support.................................................................. 19 Philips Head Screw Driver............................................... 290
Lead Block........................................................................ 339 Philips Head Screw Driver Set......................................... 291
Leather Knife............................................................ 320-322 Pillar Drill Press......................................................... 222-224
Leather Shear.................................................................. 331 Pin Punch......................................................................... 288
Leg Rest.............................................................................. 18 Pin Punch Set................................................................... 288
Lift...................................................................................... 36 Pin Wrench...................................................................... 334
Lockstitch Sewing Machine.............................................. 85 Pinking Shear................................................................... 330
M Pipe.................................................................................. 256
Pipe Clamp....................................................................... 259
M.A.S. Compressive Measuring Tape............................. 311
Pipe Clamp Jaw................................................................. 33
M.A.S. Tool Kit................................................................. 310
Pipe Cutter....................................................................... 337
Machine Jaw Vise............................................................ 225
Pipe Deburrer.................................................................. 337
Machine Recognition...................................................... 250
Plaster Apron................................................................... 354
Magnetic Felt Jaws............................................................ 33
Plaster Bandage Trolley.................................................... 57
Magnetic Lamp................................................................ 173
Plaster Bucket.................................................................... 59
Manchester Pliers............................................................ 285
Plaster Casting Apparatus Set.......................................... 50
Manual Countersink Set................................................. 327
Plaster Cutter, Ball........................................................... 105
Manual Rolling Mill........................................................... 73
Plaster Cutter, Cone........................................................ 105
Maschinen „Schmid“ Socket Router HF2....................... 171
Plaster Cutter, Pointed.................................................... 106
Material Cabinet............................................................... 39
Plaster Knife „Esmarch“.................................................. 324
Measuring Chair with leg rest.......................................... 19
Plaster Mixer................................................................ 61, 99
Measuring Cup.................................................................. 98
Plaster Moulding Spatula................................................. 60
Measuring Gauge............................................................ 309
Plaster Scissors................................................................. 332
Mechanical Protective Gloves......................................... 350
Plaster Scissors „Stille“.................................................... 333
Metal Lace Tip................................................................. 286
Plaster Scissors, model „Bruns“...................................... 332
Metal Shear..................................................................... 336
Plaster Scoop..................................................................... 60
Micrometer...................................................................... 306
Plaster Separation Sink..................................................... 55


Plaster Separator............................................................... 56 Replacement Blades........................................................ 327

Plaster Silo......................................................................... 54 Replacement Brush......................................................... 337
Plaster Stirrer..................................................................... 60 Replacement Countersink............................................... 327
Plaster Trowel.................................................................... 60 Replacement Cutter..................................................... 89-90
Plaster Waste Bin............................................................... 57 Replacement Cutter, HSS................................................ 178
Plaster Work Table............................................................ 54 Replacement Glass.................................................. 229, 353
Plaster-Grinding Basin....................................................... 55 Replacement Parts............................................................. 72
Plastic Side Cutter............................................................ 285 Replacement Rubber....................................................... 194
Plier Bracket....................................................................... 31 Replacement Set for Company First Aid Box................. 345
Plug Nipple...................................................................... 158 Replacement Shield......................................................... 352
Plumb Bob....................................................................... 307 Replacement Spring........................................................ 313
Plurimeter-V.................................................................... 311 Replacement Tube for Tube Carrier 76M11..................... 34
Pneumatic Chipping Hammer........................................ 161 Resin Casting Work Station..................................... 116-117
Pneumatic Close Off Slider............................................. 258 Respirator Mask............................................................... 351
Pneumatic Drilling Machine............................ 160-161, 164 Respiratory Mask............................................................. 352
Pneumatic Stapler........................................................... 162 Revolving Eyelet Punch Press............................................ 72
Pneumatic Whirl Sintering Unit..................................... 145 Revolving Hole Punch.............................................. 313-314
Podometer......................................................................... 19 Ring/Open End Spanner Set........................................... 336
Podotrack........................................................................... 65 Rivet Header.................................................................... 289
Polishing Arbor................................................................ 190 Rivet Setter...................................................................... 288
Polishing Brush................................................................ 106 Riveting Bar..................................................................... 340
Polishing Cone................................................................. 194 Rotating Mount........................................................... 32, 35
Polishing Drum................................................................ 194 Round Awl....................................................................... 340
Polishing Paste................................................................. 106 Round Nose Pliers............................................................ 284
Polishing Wheel....................................................... 104, 197 Rubber Board.................................................................... 79
Polishing Wheel / Wave Folding..................................... 197 Rubber Core Replacement.............................................. 191
Polyester Filtre................................................................. 273 Rubber Covering............................................................. 185
Practibox Storage System................................................. 40 Rubber for Polishing Arbor............................................ 183
Pre-preg Oven................................................................. 128 Rubber Grid Plate.............................................................. 65
Precision Band Saw......................................................... 216 Rubber Insert Set............................................................. 189
Precision Spirit Level Light Metal................................... 304 Rubber Mallet.................................................................. 283
Pressure Container.......................................................... 165 Rubber Mat................................................................ 79, 145
Pressure Cushion............................................................... 81 Rubber Sanding Cone..................................................... 194
Pressure Regulator.......................................................... 227 S
Pressure Wedge................................................................. 49
Pricker.............................................................................. 314 Saddler‘s Needle.............................................................. 341
Processing Roller.......................................................... 96-97 Safety Cabinet with Wing Doors.................................... 120
Protective Gloves...................................................... 349-350 Safety Storage Cabinet................................................... 119
Protective Goggles.......................................................... 351 Safety Storage Cabinet with Folding Door............. 119-120
Protective Switch............................................................. 122 Sand Paper............................................................... 107, 186
Proton® cutting scissors................................................. 329 Sand Paper Holder.......................................................... 107
Proton® mould making scissors..................................... 330 Sand Paper Set................................................................. 189
PTFE Film.......................................................................... 139 Sanding Belt............................................... 91, 200-201, 211
PTFE Sheeting.................................................................. 266 Sanding Cap..................................................................... 194
PTFE-Foil, airtight............................................................ 137 Sanding Cylinder............................................................. 105
PTFE-Foil, porous............................................................. 137 Sanding Disc.................................................................... 202
Pump Membrane............................................................. 151 Sanding Drum............................................. 88, 185, 191-193
Sanding Drum, conical.................................................... 191
Q Sanding Line.................................................................... 203
Quarter Moon Knife....................................................... 321 Sanding Net..................................................................... 187
Quick Action Drill Chuck................................................. 224 Sanding Roll............................................................. 182, 188
Quick Coupling with exterior thread............................. 157 Sanding Roll, small.......................................................... 182
Quick Coupling with inner thread................................. 157 Sanding Sheets................................................................ 187
Quick Hose Coupling....................................................... 157 Sanding Sleeve.......................................................... 88, 192
Quick-Lock Coupling with Hose Nozzle......................... 156 Sanding Sleeves...........................91, 105, 182-184, 188-192
R Sanding Strip Roll.................................................... 185, 187
Sanding-Genius............................................................... 186
Rack, height adjustable.................................................. 143 Sandpaper for Wet Sanding........................................... 186
Ramus Angle Gauge........................................................ 311 Saw Band.................................................................. 216-220
Rasp Head........................................................................ 179 Saw Blade Welding Unit................................................. 215
Rasp Head with Shank.................................................... 179 Saw Blades....................................................................... 269
Rasp Head without Shank.............................................. 180 Scalpel........................................................................ 98, 323
Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBIL 200................................ 253 Scalpel Blade.............................................................. 98, 323
Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 100.............................. 251 Scalpel handle „Standard, fig. 4“............................. 98, 323
Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 125.............................. 252 Scissors....................................................................... 95, 328
Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 140.............................. 252 Screw Clamp.................................................................... 334
Raw Air Dust Extractor MOBILE 160.............................. 253 Screw Driver..................................................................... 290
Rear Panel.......................................................................... 42 Screw Driver Set.............................................................. 290
Receiver Station............................................................... 263 Screw Insulation.............................................................. 174
Recirculating Air Filter System for Safety Cabinet........ 121 Screwdriver Bit Socket, Torx 1/4“................................... 294
Reducing Piece................................................................ 159 Sealing Ring..................................................................... 165
Refill for Company First Aid Box.................................... 345 Sealing Tape.................................................................... 159
Replacement Blade......................... 320, 322, 324, 333, 337 Segmented Saw Blade.................................................... 268
Replacement Blade, HSS................................................. 178 375

Sewing Machine 30/10, Adler Long-Arm......................... 83 Storage Box................................................................. 32, 40

Sewing Machine 30/70, Adler Long-arm.......................... 84 Storage Box for Protective Goggles............................... 351
Sewing Machine Needle.............................................. 83-85 Storage Cabinet................................................................. 39
Sewing Scissors................................................................ 330 Storage Rack...................................................................... 44
Shaker................................................................................ 99 Streifeneder VACUTEC.................................................... 149
Shank............................................................................... 180 Suction Arm..................................................................... 118
Sharpening Steel............................................................. 325 Suction Hose.................................................................... 259
Shear Knife...................................................................... 231 Suction Hose for JET STREAM M.................................... 255
Sheet Metal Shear........................................................... 336 Suction Pipe with Disc..................................................... 143
Shelf Panel.................................................................... 42-43 Suction Ventilator........................................................... 230
Shelf Panel for shelving system for shoe makers............ 70 Supporting Device AK-plaster casting............................. 50
Shelving System................................................................. 41 Surform File..................................................................... 320
Shelving System for shoe makers..................................... 70 Surform Scraper............................................................... 320
Shoe Makers Scissors....................................................... 328 Swivel Chair....................................................................... 45
Shoe Stretcher................................................................. 312 Swivel Stool....................................................................... 21
Shoe Stretcher „Eupedus“........................................... 74-75 Synthetic Fibre Jaws.......................................................... 33
Shoemaker‘s Anvil............................................................. 66 T
Shoemaker‘s Hammer..................................................... 283
Shoemaker‘s Knife „Tina“.............................................. 325 T-Handle Hex Wrench..................................................... 291
Shoemaker‘s Measuring Tape......................................... 305 T-piece for Vacuum Hose................................................ 153
Shoemaker‘s Pincers........................................................ 285 Table Band Saw............................................................... 212
Shoemaker‘s Rasp............................................................ 317 Table Sander...................................................................... 86
Shoemaker‘s Stool............................................................. 69 Tailor‘s Chalk................................................................... 339
Side Cutter....................................................................... 284 Tailor‘s Measuring Tape.................................................. 305
Side Panel.......................................................................... 43 Tailor‘s Scissors................................................................. 328
Silicone Polisher............................................................... 106 Talcum Powder Container.............................................. 338
Silicone Roller, Mechanical............................................. 109 Tap and Die Set, HSS (DIN).............................................. 304
Silicone Roller. Electric.................................................... 108 Tap Holder....................................................................... 303
Silicone Spatula............................................................ 95-96 Tapered Sleeves................................................................. 91
Silicone Work Station...................................................... 108 Tension Disc..................................................................... 198
Silicone-Vacuum Hose..................................................... 157 Thermic Shear.................................................................. 266
Silver Solder..................................................................... 227 Thickness Bow Gauge..................................................... 306
Sing. Needle Doub, Stitch Post Bed Sewing Machine..... 85 Threaded Manifold......................................................... 173
Single Cut Tap, HSS......................................................... 302 Threaded Stud................................................................. 173
Sink Base Cabinet.............................................................. 55 Three-Quarter Cushion..................................................... 81
Sit Stand............................................................................. 22 Tire Pressure Gauge........................................................ 163
Skiving Knife.................................................................... 325 Toe Cap Lifting Tool........................................................ 312
Skiving Machine................................................................ 86 Toggle Joint Wire Nippers.............................................. 286
Sleeve............................................................................... 159 Tool Board......................................................................... 30
Slider................................................................................ 258 Tool Cabinet...................................................................... 37
Slot Hole Punch............................................................... 297 Tool Clamp......................................................................... 31
Socket Router HF3 Vario Eco II....................................... 172 Tool Holder...................................................................... 193
Socket Wrench................................................................. 335 Tool Key for Habermann Sanding Drum....................... 184
Soft Face Hammer........................................................... 282 Top Sound absorber for POWER UNIT 250.................... 249
Sole Trimmer...................................................................... 90 Top Sound absorber for POWER UNIT 300.................... 249
Spacer Set........................................................................ 308 Torque Wrench......................................................... 293-294
Spare Blade for Deburring Knife.................................... 327 Tower Pincers................................................................... 287
Spare Pin.......................................................................... 289 Tracing Wheel.................................................................. 339
Spare Spool........................................................................ 82 Transformer Coil.............................................................. 250
Spare Wire Mesh............................................................... 59 Translate: Trichterfräsmaschine...................................... 176
Spark Guard..................................................................... 208 Trapezium Blades............................................................ 323
Special Band Saw model................................................. 215 Trimmer, complete............................................................ 89
Special Countersink Tool................................................. 301 Trimming and Sanding Machine...................................... 88
Spindle Holder................................................................. 103 Trimming Knife................................................................ 324
Spiral Air Pressure Hose.................................................. 161 Trimming Scissors............................................................ 329
Spray Gun........................................................................ 163 Tube Carrier for Clamping Table...................................... 34
Spring Balancer............................................................... 118 Tuber-M-L-Gauge............................................................ 310
Spring Clamp................................................................... 314 Tweezers............................................................................ 97
Stainless Steel Basin.......................................................... 53 Twin Service Unit............................................................. 160
Stand for 5 grinding cones made of silicone................. 196 Twist Drill Set, HSS (DIN 338).......................................... 298
Stand Hand Sealing Iron................................................. 265 Twist Drill, HSS (DIN 338)................................................ 297
Standing-Lift...................................................................... 36 Twist Drill, HSS-Co (DIN 338)........................................... 299
Staple....................................................................... 162, 272 Two Way Suction Pipe..................................................... 142
Staple Gun....................................................................... 281 Two Way Vacuum Pipe.................................................... 144
Staple Remover............................................................... 281 U
Staples.............................................................................. 281
Universal Knife................................................................ 323
Stationary Compressor.................................................... 155
Upper Leather Shear....................................................... 331
Steel Hammer.................................................................. 281
Steel Letter Set................................................................ 289 V
Steel Ruler........................................................................ 305 Vacumat Plus Type 262.................................................... 149
Steel Scriber..................................................................... 307 Vacumat Type 340........................................................... 150
Steel Square..................................................................... 305 Vacumat Type 4-2R.......................................................... 151
Steel Tape Measure......................................................... 304 Vacupress 620 SIII.............................................................. 77


Vacupress 850 Deep Drawing Device............................... 75

Vacupress DUAL, Deep-Drawing Unit.............................. 76
Vacupress, Deep-Drawing Unit......................................... 76
Vacuum Cleaner.............................................................. 272
Vacuum Control Unit...................................................... 152
Vacuum Deep-Drawing Device....................................... 144
Vacuum Pump.................................................... 77, 153-154
Vacuum Pump Oil for Vacuum Pump............................. 154
Vacuum Sealing Disc....................................................... 143
Vacuum Tank................................................................... 150
Vacuum Unit.................................................................... 152
Vacuum-Kit incl. Quadruple Vacuum............................. 156
Valve Hole Cutter............................................................ 300
Vernier Caliper................................................................ 306
Voltage Converter.................................................... 174-175
Wall Mount........................................................................ 40
Wall Mounting for Fire Blanket, empty......................... 346
Wall Sweeping Hole with flap....................................... 258
Warding File Set.............................................................. 319
Waste Bin........................................................................... 58
Waste Container................................................................ 44
Water Draining Pump....................................................... 56
Water Separator.............................................................. 150
Water/Steam Basin.......................................................... 146
Waterpump Pliers............................................................ 287
Wax Knife.......................................................................... 97
Welding and Cutting Torch Set...................................... 226
Welding Apron........................................................ 229, 353
Welding Electrode........................................................... 228
Welding Gloves............................................................... 349
Welding Nozzle............................................................... 263
Welding Rod.................................................................... 228
Welding Shield........................................................ 229, 353
Welding Table................................................................. 228
Welt Cutter...................................................................... 325
Welt Pincers..................................................................... 312
Whirl Sintering Unit........................................................ 145
Wide Belt Sander............................................................. 199
Wide Slit Nozzle.............................................................. 264
Wire Brush....................................................................... 326
Wire Mesh File................................................................... 59
Wire Wheel.............................................................. 104, 196
Wood Rasp – Flat............................................................. 317
Wood Rasp – Half-Round................................................ 318
Wood Rasp – Round........................................................ 318
Work Bench.................................................................. 27-30
Work Table........................................................................ 28
X-Ray Image Viewer.......................................................... 21
Y-Shape Coupling............................................................ 157
Zig-zag Double Lockstitch Sewing Machine.................... 82 377
ortho.production GmbH
Moosfeldstrasse 10
82275 Emmering
T +49 8141 6106-0
F +49 8141 6106-50
1W/E 2020-08

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