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Comparative Study Between Using Lowenstein Jensen

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Comparative Study between Using Lowenstein Jensen , Bio-FM Media and

Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube ( MGIT ) System in Identification of
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Article  in  Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis · April 2014

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcdt.2014.01.001


7 1,472

3 authors:

Tarek Essawy Amal Saeed

Benha University Benha University


Nehad Fouad
Benha University


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Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis (2014) xxx, xxx–xxx

The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis

Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis


Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen,

Bio-FM media and mycobacteria growth indicator
tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium
Tarek S. Essawy , Amal M. Saeed b, Nehad A. Fouad b

Department of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt
Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt

Received 6 November 2013; accepted 1 January 2014

KEYWORDS Abstract Background/aim: Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be one of the most important infectious
Lowenstein Jensen; diseases threatening the human health. Culture systems are used for isolation of tuberculous bacilli as
Bio-FM media and myco- they are more sensitive than smear microscopy. The aim of the work was to evaluate the detection rate
bacteria growth indicator and time of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by using the Bio FM system and mycobacteria growth indi-
tube (MGIT); cator tube (MGIT) system in comparison with the Lowenstein–Jensen medium.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Methods: This study was carried out on a total 60 smear acid fast bacilli positive sputum samples
obtained from patients attending the Chest Department and Outpatient Clinic of Benha University
Hospital, Benha Chest Hospital, from June 2012 to September of the same year. Patients were classi-
fied into three groups: Group I: included 40 patients with fresh sputum smear +ve (new cases), Group
II: included 13 relapsed cases and Group III: included 7 treatment failure cases. All sputum samples
were cultured in parallel on Bio-FM, MGIT and LJ media. The mycobacterial detection rate and time
were compared.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +20 1223528390.

E-mail address: (T.S. Essawy).
Peer review under responsibility of The Egyptian Society of Chest
Diseases and Tuberculosis.

Production and hosting by Elsevier

0422-7638 ª 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis.
Please cite this article in press as: T.S. Essawy et al., Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria
growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Egypt. J. Chest Dis. Tuberc. (2014),
2 T.S. Essawy et al.

Results: The mycobacteria recovery rate on MGIT, Bio-FM and LJ was not significantly different
(respectively 98.3%, 95% and 93%, P > 0.05). The growth of M. tuberculosis bacilli was faster on
MGIT than on Bio-FM (mean 10.7 ± 2.9 days, 11.1 ± 4.3 days, respectively vs. 23.6 ± 8.1 days
for LJ), there was statistically significant difference between LJ and Bio-FM and LJ and MGIT. How-
ever there was no statistical significance when comparing MGIT and Bio-FM.
Conclusion: MGIT and Bio-FM are good culture systems for accurate and rapid detection of M.
ª 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and

Introduction the tube. During bacterial growth within the tube, the free oxy-
gen is utilized and is replaced with carbon dioxide. With deple-
In 2010, there were 5.7 million notifications of new and recur- tion of free oxygen, the fluorochrome is no longer inhibited,
rent cases of TB, equivalent to 65% (range 63–68%) of the resulting in fluorescence within the MGIT tube when visual-
estimated number of incident cases in 2010. India and China ized under UV light. The intensity of fluorescence is directly
accounted for 40% of the world’s notified cases of TB in proportional to the extent of oxygen depletion [7].
2010, Africa for a further 24% and the 22 high-TB burden The aim of the work was to evaluate the detection rate and
countries (HBCs) for 82%. At global level, the treatment suc- time of M. tuberculosis by using the Bio FM system and myco-
cess rate among new cases of smear positive pulmonary TB bacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in comparison
was 87% in 2009 [1]. with the Lowenstein–Jensen medium.
Without treatment, mortality rates are high. In studies of
the natural history of the disease among sputum smear-posi- Subjects, materials and methods
tive and HIV-negative cases of pulmonary TB, around 70%
died within 10 years; among culture-positive (but smear-nega- This study was carried out on a total of 60 smear AFB positive
tive) cases, 20% died within 10 years [2]. sputum samples obtained from patients attending the Chest
Although smear microscopy shows the highest rates of dis- Department and Outpatient Clinic of Benha University
ease detection yearly worldwide [3]. Culture systems are used Hospital, Benha Chest hospital, from June to September,
for isolation of tuberculous bacilli as they are more sensitive 2012. Patients were classified into three groups: Group I: forty
than smear microscopy. Lowenstein Jensen culture (LJ) is (40) patients with fresh sputum smear +ve (New cases),
most widely used in low-income countries, it is an egg based Group II: Thirteen (13) relapsed cases and Group III: Seven
medium developed from Jensen’s modification of Lowenstein’s (7) treatment failure cases.
formula. The inoculation time of the bacilli is up to 8 weeks [4]. The inclusion criteria:
LJ medium is commonly used in clinical laboratories to isolate Pulmonary tuberculosis, sputum smear-positive (PTB+).
acid fast organisms from sterile and non sterile sources. Bacte-
rial growth on the cultures is considered as positive as soon as a. Two or more initial sputum smear examinations positive
colonies appear on LJ medium and it is confirmed by Zeihl for AFB, or
Neelsen (ZN) staining. In practice, 40% to 70% of patients b. One sputum smear examination positive for
with tuberculosis isolated in culture have positive smears [5]. AFB + radiographic abnormalities consistent with
Bio-FM is an enriched Middlebrook 7H9 medium, opti- active PTB, or according to the history of previous
mized for rapid mycobacterial growth whose selectivity is en- administration of anti tuberculous treatment.
hanced by a selective VCA (vancomycin, colistin and
amphotericin B) supplement, containing a colored indicator Pulmonary tuberculosis was classified into:
that allows the detection of positive cultures which become a
dark blue to violet color. The aspect of the culture should also – New: A patient who has never had treatment for TB or who
permit species identification (Mycobacterium tuberculosis or has taken antituberculous drugs for less than 1 month.
atypical mycobacteria), the results are confirmed by micros- – Relapse: A patient previously treated for TB who has been
copy after ZN staining, then by re-inoculation on LJ medium declared, cured or treatment completed, and is diagnosed
and by identification by biochemical tests [6]. with bacteriologically positive (smear or culture)
The mycobacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) consists tuberculosis.
of liquid broth medium that is known to yield better recovery – Treatment after failure: A patient who is started on a re-
and faster growth of mycobacteria. The MGIT contains mod- treatment regimen after having failed previous treatment.
ified Middlebrook 7H9 broth base. This medium is terminally A patient whose sputum smear or culture was positive at
sterilized by autoclaving. An enrichment, MGIT OADC (Oleic 5 months or later during treatment. Also those included in
acid, Albumin, Dextrose and Catalase). Addition of the MGIT this study were found to harbor a multidrug-resistant
PANTA (Polymyxin B, Amphotericin B, Nalidixic acid, (MDR) strain at any point of time during the treatment,
Trimethoprim and Azlocillin) is necessary to suppress contam- whether they are smear-negative or -positive.
ination. The MGIT tube contains an oxygen-quenched fluoro- – Treatment after default: A patient who returns to treatment,
chrome, tris 4, 7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenonthroline ruthenium positive bacteriologically, following interruption of treat-
chloride pentahydrate, embedded in silicone at the bottom of ment for 2 months or more [8].

Please cite this article in press as: T.S. Essawy et al., Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria
growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Egypt. J. Chest Dis. Tuberc. (2014),
Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and MGIT system 3

The exclusion criteria: PTB cases on chemotherapy, HIV 1st phase: examination of the sediment and liquid medium
positive. without shaking the tube.
The patients were subjected to the following:
 The bottom of the tubes and the liquid medium were care-
– Full history taking (age, sex, family and past history of fully examined:
tuberculosis and history of intake of antituberculous drugs). – If no signs of growth (no cloudiness, turbidity, dark blue/
– Complete physical examination, plain chest X-ray- P.A. violet grains or flakes): the 2nd phase of reading was done.
and lateral view if needed. – If signs of growth were present:
– Sputum smears for acid fast bacilli (Zeihl Neelsen staining).  Dark blue/violet grains or small flakes that have settled in
– Sputum culturing on Lowenstein–Jensen medium, on Bio- the bottom of the tube: presumption of MTB.
FM medium and MGIT.  Cloudiness or turbidity, with a color ranged from dark blue
to violet, and tended to partially settle in the bottom of the
tube: suspicion of atypical mycobacteria. This possibly was
Specimens confirmed by the 2nd phase of reading.
2nd phase: examination of the sediment after shaking the
– Sputum collection was in the early morning, patients were
instructed to expectorate a deep respiratory specimen with
no nasal secretions or saliva. Ideally, the sputum was
– If no signs of growth (no cloudiness, turbidity, dark blue/
obtained on 3 consecutive days. 5–10 ml of sample each time
violet grains or flakes): negative culture, incubation of the
was appropriate. For patients who were unable to produce
medium continued.
sputum, hypertonic saline (5–15%) was nebulized for induc-
– If signs of growth were present:
tion. All the specimens were collected in clean, sterile contain-
 Dark blue/violet grains or small flakes: presumption of
ers and transported to the Microbiology & Immunology
Department, Benha University in a rapid manner. Specimens
 Cloudiness or turbidity, with a color dark blue/violet color:
were refrigerated when they could not be processed immedi-
suspicion of atypical mycobacteria.
ately; this prevents overgrowth by other bacteria [9].
– The presence of a homogeneous cloudiness (possibly with
– Sputum liquefaction, decontamination and concentration pro-
very slight blue color of the medium), observed after 3 days
cedure was achieved by the N-acetyl L-cysteine sodium
of incubation, was suggestive of contamination.
hydroxide (NALC–NaOH) method, equal volumes of
– The dark blue color, indicative of growth of mycobacteria,
sodium hydroxide (4%) and sodium citrate (2.9%) solutions
was visible even in the presence of cellular debris or insolu-
were mixed. To this mixture N-acteyl-L-cysteine was added to
ble particles.
make a final concentration of 0.5%; 5 ml of this mixture was
– -Counting and a morphological study of colonies were done
added to 5 ml sputum; contents were mixed well and kept at
between the 2nd and the 8th week after inoculation (as
room temperature for 15 min. Then these were centrifuged
for 15 min at 3000 rpm. Supernatant was discarded in 5%
Lysol and sediment was washed with deionized water. The
c. Culture on MGIT (Becton Dickinson) as provided in the
sediment pellet was resuspended in deionized water by vor-
package insert:
texing to make a homogeneous inoculums [9,10].
A lyophilized vial of BBL MGIT PANTA antibiotic mix-
– Staining: ZiehI-Neelsen staining technique according to
ture was reconstituted with 3 ml of sterile distilled water. The
[11]. If any definite red bacilli were seen, the smear was
MGIT tube was labeled with specimen number, the cap was
reported as ‘‘AFB positive’’ smear. The number of bacteria
unscrewed and aseptically 0.5 ml of MGIT OADC was added,
present was reported as follows [12].
then aseptically 0.1 ml of reconstituted MGIT PANTA antibi-
otic mixture was added. For best results, the addition of
If no AFB observed that means negative smear, if 1/300
OADC enrichment and PANTA antibiotic mixture was made
fields that means Doubtful and request other specimen, if 1–
just prior to specimen inoculation. 0.5 ml of the concentrated
9/100 fields that means (1+), if 1–9/10 fields that means
specimen suspension was added the tube was tightly recapped
(2+), if 1–9/1 field that means (3+) and if more than 9/1 field
and mixed well. Then the tube was incubated at 37 C. The
that means (4+).
tube was read daily starting on the second day of incubation
using a UV lamp.
Culture of sputum samples
Preparation of interpretive negative and positive control
(a). Culture method on LJ [13]. Venkataswamy et al. 2007.
(b). Culture method on Bio-FM medium (BIO-RAD, Mar-  Positive control tube was prepared by Empty broth from an
nes la Coquette, France, Ref 70,160–70,161). 0.5 ml uninoculated MGIT tube. 0.4% sodium sulfite solution was
was inoculated into a tube of Bio-FM broth. Then it prepared (0.4 g in 100 ml sterile distilled or deionized water)
was incubated for 5–6 weeks at 37 C. then 5 ml was added to the tube, the cap was replaced,
tightened and the tube was allowed to stand for a minimum
Reading cycle: performed 2–4 times weekly, readings for 3– of 1 h at room temperature before use.
4 times weeks, then twice a week for another 2 weeks.  Negative control tube: An unopened, uninoculated MGIT
Reading – interpretation method (Reading of Bio-FM med- tube is used as a control.
ium generally was in 2 phases):

Please cite this article in press as: T.S. Essawy et al., Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria
growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Egypt. J. Chest Dis. Tuberc. (2014),
4 T.S. Essawy et al.

Reading the Tubes

Tubes were removed from the incubator and placed on the
UV light next to a positive control tube and negative control.
Normal room light is preferred. MGIT tubes that showed
bright fluorescence were visually located. Fluorescence was de-
tected as a bright orange color in the bottom of the tube and
also an orange reflection on the meniscus. The MGIT tubes
were compared to positive control and negative control tubes.

– The presence of mycobacteria in the medium was confirmed

by the presence of AFB after ZN staining, then by re-inoc-
ulation of bacteria onto LJ medium and identification by
biochemical tests (niacin accumulation and nitrate
Identification by biochemical tests
Figure 2 Comparison between positive and negative results on
(a). Niacin accumulation test [14].
Bio-FM. Dark blue (violet) dots demonstrating positive growth
Niacin TB test strips (Becton Dickinson, Sporks, USA)
are clearly seen in (A). Clear aspect with no dark blue (violet) dots
were used, these strips were dipped downward into the test
is seen in (B) reflecting negative results.
(3–4 weeks old culture on which sterile distilled water was
added) and negative control tubes (containing 0.5 ml sterile
DW) and left for 5–10 min. Positive test for niacin was indi-
cated by the appearance of a yellow color in the test culture Table 1 Distribution of study group according to type of
and no color in the control tube. patient.
(b). Nitrate reduction test [15] No. %
A nitrate test strip (Becton Dickinson, Sparks, USA) was New cases 40 66.7
used. This strip was dipped into tube containing 0.5 ml of Relapsed cases 13 21.7
DW, two spades (at least 50 colonies) from a 4 week old myco- Treatment failure cases 7 11.6
bacterial culture, then it was incubated at 37 C for 2 h. Posi- Total 60 100.0
tive nitrate test was indicated by the appearance of a blue color
in the top portion of the strip.

Statistical analysis
Table 2 Rates of recovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Culture method Positive Negative X2 P
The collected data were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS
version 16 software. Qualitative data were presented as fre- No. % No. %
quencies and percentages, while continuous variables were pre- LJ 56 93.3 4 6.7 1.8 0.4
sented as mean and standard deviation. Student’s t-test was Bio-FM 57 95 3 5
used to compare the mean of two groups of numerical (para- MGIT 59 98.3 1 1.7
metric) data, ANOVA (analysis of variance) (f test) was used
to compare mean between more than two groups of numerical
(parametric) data and post hoc analysis was used to detect sig-
nificance difference in-between groups. Inter-group compari- square test (X2-value). A P value <0.05 was considered statis-
son of categorical data was performed by using the chi tically significant.


A: positive control B: negative control C: test

Figure 1 Positive result on MGIT as detected by fluorescent orange color.

Please cite this article in press as: T.S. Essawy et al., Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria
growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Egypt. J. Chest Dis. Tuberc. (2014),
Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and MGIT system 5

Table 3 Comparison between LJ, Bio-FM and MAGIT according to mean detection time.
Mean Range Std. deviation F P Between groups
LJ 23.6 14–40 8.1 86.6 0.000 P1 = 0.000*
Bio-FM 11.1 7–21 4.3 P2 = 0.000*
MGIT 10.7 5–20 2.9 P3 = 0.73
P1 between LJ and Bio-FM, P2 between LJ and MGIT, P3 between Bio-FM and MGIT.

Results TB show no significant difference in mean detection times be-

tween three media (P-value = 0.8) (Table 5).
The results of this study are presented in Tables 1–5 and Figs. 1
and 2. Discussion
This study included 60 sputum smear positive tuberculous
patients, who were classified into 40 new cases (group I) repre- The consequences of tuberculosis on society are immense.
senting 66.7% of the total cases, 13 relapsed cases (group II) Worldwide, one person out of three is infected with M. tuber-
and 7 treatment failure cases (group III) representing 21.7% culosis – two billion people in total. TB accounts for 2.5% of
and 11.6% of the total cases, respectively (Table 1). the global burden of disease and is the commonest cause of
The recovery rates of mycobacteria in each cultivation sys- death in young women, killing more women than all causes
tem are summarized in Table 2. MGIT and Bio-FM detected of maternal mortality combined. TB currently holds the sev-
98.3% and 95% of the isolates, respectively, while LJ detected enth place in the global ranking of causes of death. Unless
93.3%. There was no significant difference between the differ- intensive efforts are made, it is likely to maintain that position
ent cultures for the recovery of MTB (P value = 0.4). through to 2020, despite a substantial projected decline in dis-
The mean detection time of MTB on LJ, Bio-FM and ease burden from other infectious diseases Smith, 2004 [16].
MGIT was 23.6 ± 8.1, 11.1 ± 4.3 and 10.7 ± 2.9, respec- Active pulmonary tuberculosis is diagnosed by detecting
tively, there was statistically significant difference between MTB complex bacilli in specimens from the respiratory tract.
the three medias (P-value = 0.000). When post hoc analysis Although many new (molecular) diagnostic methods have been
was done there was statistically significant difference between developed, acid fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy and culture
LJ and Bio-FM and LJ and MGIT, However there was no sta- are still the ‘‘gold standards’’ for the diagnosis of active TB, espe-
tistical significance when comparing MGIT and Bio-FM cially in low-resource countries De Waard and Robledo [17].
(Table 3) Although considerable efforts have been made to improve
The mean detection time on three media in cases with cav- the sensitivity of sputum smear microscopy, it still lacks sensi-
itary lesion on chest X-ray was shorter than these cases with- tivity, especially in children and HIV +ve people Steingart
out cavitary lesions. The mean detection time on Lowenstein [18], so culture is used to detect cases with low mycobacterial
Jensen for cases with cavitary lesions was (14.39 days ± 1.94) loads and is also requested in cases at risk of drug-resistant
compared with that for cases with non cavitary lesions which TB for drug susceptibility testing or in cases where disease
was (22.7 days ± 6.2) and on Bio-FM was (9.3 days ± 2.2) due to another member of the mycobacterium genus is
for cases with cavitary lesion and (14.1 days ± 4.2) for cases suspected.
with non cavitary lesions. While on MGIT mean detection Different culture media are in use for the isolation of myco-
for cases with cavitary lesion was (8.9 days ± 1.9) compared bacteria. The most common are based on egg and also contain
with that for cases with non cavitary lesions which was high concentrations of malachite green to overcome contami-
(12.9 days ± 3.1), and that difference was statistically signifi- nation with other bacteria. In general, only solid Lowenstein
cant in all culture media (P-value = 0.000) (Table 4). Jensen medium is available in many low income countries, as
Patients having risk factors for TB whether diseases such as it is made on site. However, culture on Lowenstein Jensen is
DM, COPD, CRF or receiving long term treatment such as long (3 weeks to 3 months for MTB) and time consuming, as
corticosteroid show significant shorter mean detection time it requires large incubators. The Bio-FM broth is an enriched
on MGIT compared with those on Bio-FM and LJ (P-value Middlebrook medium that has been on the market for several
<0.05). On the other hand, patients with no risk factors for years Ramarokoto et al. [6].

Table 4 Comparison between LJ, Bio-FM and MGIT as regards mean detection times classified according to presence or absence of
cavitary lesion.
Culture method Cavitary Non-cavitary t P
Range Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD
LJ 12–20 14.39 ± 1.94 14–40 22.7 ± 6.2 5.5 0.000*
Bio-FM 6–15 9.3 ± 2.2 7–21 14.1 ± 4.2 6.2 0.000*
MGIT 5–14 8.9 ± 1.9 5–20 12.9 ± 3.1 5.1 0.000*

Please cite this article in press as: T.S. Essawy et al., Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria
growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Egypt. J. Chest Dis. Tuberc. (2014),
6 T.S. Essawy et al.

Table 5 Comparison between LJ, MGIT and Bio-FM as regards distribution of positive cases, mean detection times and duration
range in days classified according to associated risk factors.
No. % Mean ± SD Range f P
No associated risk factors LJ 27 48.2 16.6 ± 5.9 14–40 1.4 0.09
Bio-FM 27 47.4 16.29 ± 4.2 7–21
MGIT 28 47.5 14.1 ± 3.1 5–20
DM LJ 11 19.6 20.67 ± 6.9 12–35 4.3 0.008*
Bio-FM 11 19.3 12 ± 3.3 9–20
MGIT 11 18.6 9.3 ± 2.1 6–15
COPD LJ 7 12.5 18.8 ± 6.3 11–36 4.2 0.004*
Bio-FM 8 14.04 11 ± 3.2 7–20
MGIT 8 13.6 8.7 ± 1.9 5–12
CRF LJ 7 12.5 15 ± 2.4 12–18 3.6 0.01*
Bio-FM 7 12.3 8.6 ± 2.1 7–12
MGIT 8 13.6 6.5 ± 1.1 5–10
Long term corticosteroids LJ 7 12.5 13.8 ± 1.3 11–19 3.1 0.03*
Bio-FM 7 12.3 8.9 ± 1.7 7–13
MGIT 7 11.9 6.4 ± 1.5 5–12
DM, diabetes mellitus; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRF, chronic renal failure.

The aim of the work was to evaluate the detection rate and (5–20 days) this difference may be due to small number of
time of M. tuberculosis by using the Bio FM system and myco- patients included in it.
bacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in comparison It is possible for all laboratories performing mycobacterial
with the Lowenstein–Jensen medium. culture to use the Bio FM medium. Unlike the other culture
This study included 60 sputum smear positive tuberculous systems in liquid medium, it does not require costly specific
patients, who were classified into 40 new cases (group I) repre- equipment; the Bio FM system is entirely manual, with visual
senting 66.7% of the total cases, 13 relapsed cases (group II) reading of cultures, which is therefore simple, although only
and 7 treatment failure cases (group III) representing 21.7% qualitative. Due to its ease of use and the growth time of myco-
and 11.6% of the total cases, respectively. bacteria on Bio FM medium, it can be used for rapid detection
In the present study the mycobacteria recovery rates on of M. tuberculosis. However no one of the three media, were
MGIT, Bio-FM and L–J were compared. The results indicate able to detect all the mycobacteria Ramarkoto et al. [6].
that recovery rates from MGIT, Bio-FM are comparable to Furthermore, the cost of the Bio FM system (for reagents
those obtained from L–J (98.3%, 95% and 93.3%, respec- and consumables) is three to four times higher than for LJ,
tively, P = 0.4), it is similar to that obtained by Ramarkoto and it can therefore not be used for all samples routinely
et al. [6] who found that the detection rate of the Bio-FM sys- analyzed in low income countries. Bio FM could be used in
tem was not significantly different from that on standard L–J combination with LJ for bacteriological diagnosis of extrapul-
culture. The obtained figure is also consistent with Levidiotoul monary TB, which is usually the most difficult to diagnose
et al. [19] who found that recovery rates from MGIT were using smear microscopy, and the association of two methods,
comparable to those obtained from LJ (89.65% and 80.46%, a liquid and a solid medium, would be the optimal solution for
respectively, p > 0.05). mycobacterial detection, as indicated by Heifets et al. [21]. It
In this study, the mean time for detection of mycobacteria could also be useful in those countries that are unable to make
was 10.7, 11.1, and 23.6 days in MGIT, in Bio-FM and on LJ medium, as well as in laboratories that do not have large
L–J medium, respectively. The mean time for detection was volumes of samples to process and which cannot justify using
shorter for MGIT than Bio-FM, and the difference was sta- a costly system such as BACTEC.
tistically non significant (P = 0.73). The mean time for detec- This work showed that the mean detection times on three
tion was shorter for MGIT and Bio-FM than L–J and the media in cases with cavitary lesion on chest X-ray were highly
difference was statistically significant (P = 0.000) for both. significantly shorter than these cases without cavitary lesions
This result comes true with that reported by Ramarkoto (P-value = 0.000).The mean detection time on L–J for cases
et al. [6] who found that mycobacteria growth was signifi- with cavitary lesions was (14.39 days ± 1.94) compared with
cantly faster on Bio-FM than L–J (mean 13.04 vs. 19.52). that for cases with non cavitary lesions which was
Also result of this work agreed with that reported by Rivera (22.7 days ± 6.2) and on Bio-FM was (9.3 days ± 2.2) for
et al. [20] who found that mean time for detection of positive cases with cavitary lesion and (14.1 days ± 4.2) for cases with
culture on MGIT was shorter than that on L–J medium. non cavitary lesions. While on MGIT mean detection for cases
However the same study reported that the mean time for with cavitary lesion was (8.9 days ± 1.9) compared with that
detection on MGIT was 15.7 ranges (5–56 days) and this for cases with non cavitary lesions which was (12.9 days ± 3.1).
was much higher than that reported in the current study The results outlined in the previous section were explained
as mean time for detection on MGIT was 10.7 ranges by Palaci et al. [22] who demonstrated the relationship between

Please cite this article in press as: T.S. Essawy et al., Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria
growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Egypt. J. Chest Dis. Tuberc. (2014),
Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and MGIT system 7

quantitative sputum bacillary load and the radiological extent (BIO-RAD) medium for the isolation of mycobacteria, Int. J.
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detection time was significantly lower in patients with cavities I, ch.3, 2006, pp. 53–54.
(8.4 days) than in those without cavitation (16.2 days). [10] Murli L. Mathur, Scientist F, 1. Jyoti Gaur, Field Investigator,
This work showed that patients having risk factors for TB 1. Ruchika Sharma, Field Investigator, 1 and Aruna Solanki,
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Please cite this article in press as: T.S. Essawy et al., Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria
growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Egypt. J. Chest Dis. Tuberc. (2014),
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Please cite this article in press as: T.S. Essawy et al., Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria
growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Egypt. J. Chest Dis. Tuberc. (2014),
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