Embedded Systems PDF
Embedded Systems PDF
Embedded Systems PDF
Embedded Systems
1. Objective
2. Embedded systems
Definition of embedded systems
Characteristics of embedded systems
3. Embedded systems requirements
Functional requirements
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
4. Evolution of embedded systems
Electronic control systems
Microprocessor-based systems
Microcontroller-based systems
Complete systems on a chip (SOC)
FPGA-based systems
5. Bibliography
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Characteristics of embedded
systems Embedded systems
The requirements that most embedded systems must
meet can be summarized in three categories, namely:
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FIC 001
Hardware requirements
• At the hardware level, all the requirements that
the embedded computer system must meet at
the physical level must be considered. These
requirements derive mainly from the need to
integrate the embedded system as a component
of the physical system, which must also operate
without any interruption 24/7. These requirements
can be listed as follows:
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used usually include all types of processors in any • High-end computational resources: the
power range. Thus, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit processors computational resources of these systems are
can be used. Processors with different instruction comparable to most general-purpose computing
sets (CISC RISC, VLIW, etc.) or even different base systems.
architectures (Von Neuman: single memory for • Used as the basis for a high-end system: although
instructions and data; Harvard: separate memory all the resources included in a SOC are high-end,
for instructions and data). they are not usually used independently. Instead,
• Memory: The memory (both main and secondary) they are often used as the basis for an embedded
used in microcontrollers is almost entirely system developed on an electronic plaza, where a
electronic. In this sense, the main memory is usually multitude of other devices are included to comprise
implemented using three types of memory: the final embedded system.
- Volatile memory (RAM): this memory is used • Used for general purpose computing systems:
as data memory in a Harvard architecture or many systems nowadays that can be considered
as the entire main memory in a Von Neuman general purpose (Smartphone, Tablet, laptops, etc.)
architecture. are based on a complete system on a chip.
- Non-volatile memory (EPROM): this memory is •
used as code memory in a Harvard architecture or •
as BIOS memory in a Von Neuman architecture.
- Flash memory: this memory is used as secondary FPGA-based systems
storage (files and directories) to replace magnetic
disks. One of the most promising trends in the development of
• Input/Output: The input and output devices of embedded systems is FPGA-based systems. An FPGA
a microcontroller are usually restricted to those (also known as a programmable logic gate array) is an
communication devices that allow communication electronic chip composed of a multitude of electronic
with the physical system or with other computing components of different capacities (from a single logic gate
devices, as follows: to a complete processor) connected together following
- Serial communication devices: corresponds to one, or several, logic schemes (bus, array, switch, etc.),
different means of serial communication (based and where the logic gates connecting each element to the
on buses or switches) that allow communication communication medium can be activated or deactivated
with other computer systems to collaborate in the through a previous configuration, as shown in Figure 3.
development of the services provided. Examples The effect is the same as designing an electronic circuit
of these serial devices would be I2C, SPI, Ethernet, by distributing multiple electronic components on an
USB, etc. communication buses. electronic board and then connecting them to each other.
- Reading and writing of digital and analog signals: An FPGA can, potentially, be configured to be equivalent
these systems allow the connection of the to any desired integrated circuit. Because of this, they are
embedded system with basic electronic systems widely used as a prototyping mechanism, but also as an
(sensors and actuators). In this way it is possible inexpensive way to develop chips tailored to the application.
to integrate the embedded system with the actual
physical system to be controlled/served. Analog The way to configure a PGA is to make a description
signals must always be converted to digital in of the expected behavior of the integrated circuit
order to be processed by the embedded system. using a low-level programming language (usually a
So, analog/digital and digital/analog converters register transfer language such as VHDL). A compiler
are necessary for this purpose. called a synthesizer is in charge of converting the
program into the sequence of activation/deactivation
of logic gates needed to achieve an integrated
Complete systems on a chip (SOC) circuit that behaves as specified in the program.
Nowadays, the notion of putting together all the basic
elements of a computer on a single chip has reached an
unprecedented peak, especially with the emergence of Bibliography
complete systems on a chip (SOC). These SOC systems
[1] T. Wilmshurst. Designing embedded systems with
are the natural evolution of microcontrollers when they
PIC microcontrollers: principles and applications
reach computing capabilities comparable to general-
(Chapter 1: Tiny computers, hidden control).
purpose computing systems.
Amsterdam Boston: Newnes, 2010.
The definition of complete systems on a chip is the same [2] A. S. Tanenbaum, Modern operating systems
as that of microcontrollers (complete computer on a (Chapter 1.2: History of operating systems). Boston:
chip). The exceptions would be, however, as follows: Pearson, 2015.
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Wire Switch