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Offer acceptance and

payment of fees form
DO NOT complete this form if you are a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or Permanent Resident of Australia.
Please complete all sections and print neatly in BLOCK LETTERS.
Return this form to your representative or send to:
Deakin International, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Victoria 3125 Australia

Deakin Student ID

Personal details (as shown in passport)

Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Mx Dr Other: Gender Male Female Unspecified

Family name Given name(s)

Country of citizenship Country of birth

Date of birth / /

Postal address

Country Postcode


Telephone Mobile

Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) information

Passport number

Are you currently in Australia? Yes No If yes, state your current visa type

Do you require a CoE*? Yes No

CoE (Confirmation of Enrolment) is the only accepted evidence of enrolment for processing your student visa. It is confirmation from Deakin that you have accepted the offer and have
paid the necessary fees prior to your enrolment. If you are not applying for a student visa, you will not be issued with a CoE from Deakin University, in which case, you are required to
provide a copy of your current visa.________________________________________________________

Will you lodge your online student visa application in Australia or overseas? (Please indicate ‘onshore’ if lodging in Australia and ‘offshore’ if lodging overseas).
Please note if an answer is not provided here Deakin International cannot issue a CoE.

Are you transferring from another education provider in Australia? Yes No

(IMPORTANT: If you have not completed six calendar months of study in your principal course, Deakin University will not be able to admit you to a Deakin course unless a release letter
from the principal education provider is attached.)____________________________________________

Have you been issued a protection visa in any country to date? Yes No If yes, please attach evidence

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Course acceptance information

Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
Program name (See offer letter) Program duration (weeks)

Commencing intake D / Year Campus Burwood Waterfront

Masters Qualifying Program (MQP)

Course name Course code (Refer to your offer letter e.g. M068)

Commencing intake February June October Year Campus Burwood

Deakin University Degree course 1

Course name Course code (Refer to your offer letter e.g. A300, M705, etc.)

Commencing trimester T Campus Burwood Waterfront Waurn Ponds Warrnambool

Deakin University Degree course 2 (if applicable)

Course name Course code (Refer to your offer letter e.g. A300, M705, etc.)

Commencing trimester T Campus Burwood Waterfront Waurn Ponds Warrnambool

Return to Practice & Initial Registration (Overseas Nurses) - H011

Commencing intake Campus Burwood

Financial evidence
Deakin University requires evidence of your financial capacity to meet your expenses. The information below will assist you to calculate required funds.
Expenses (All financial amounts expressed in this checklist are in Australian dollars only) Required funds
Funds required for your tuition and living costs (In addition to fees already paid) $37 000*
Add for accompanying dependants Spouse or partner Please add $6 300

First dependant Please add $3 600

Each additional dependant Please add $2 700

If the funds required to meet your financial obligations after your arrival in Australia are less than this amount, provide evidence of the lesser amount.

Source of funds
You are required to provide certified evidence in both the original language, and a version in English, of your source of funds for the Evidence attached ?
total amount above.
Acceptable evidence includes: Yes
• Bank statements or deposit certificates
• Financial statements
• A signed undertaking from a private sponsor that includes an explanation of the relationship between the applicant and sponsor
and evidence of financial capacity.
• Proof of relationship documents, photo ID and signature of sponsor are required
• A signed undertaking from a scholarship provider detailing the value and conditions of the scholarship
• Documentation of a loan from a recognised financial institution.
Evidence should include:
• Loan confirmation letter
• Evidence that the funds have been deposited/disbursed
Please specify fund source:

Declarations Signature Date

Applicant: I declare that all information provided is true and correct. / /

Representative (if applicable): I declare that all information provided is a

true and accurate copy of the original document presented. / /

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Payment information
Type Course fee Payment amount
DUELI Orientation and Enrolment fee A$ , .
Tuition fee A$ , .
Homestay Placement Fee (if required) A$ , .
MQP Tuition fee A$ , .
Degree Course Tuition fee A$ , .
Return to Practice & Initial Registration
(Overseas Nurses)
Tuition fee A$ , .
OSHC* Single Couple Family A$ , .
Total fees payable** A$ , .
* Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is a compulsory requirement of your student visa. Deakin University requires all students to purchase OSHC to cover the duration of their
student visa.
** You may be invoiced by the University for the balance of your tuition and any other fees after enrolment.
NOTE: All fees are payable in Australian dollars (AUD).

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

Type of cover required Single Couple Family

If you have not included an amount of OSHC, this is due to:

Belgian, Norwegian, Swedish exemption Australian Temporary Resident

Current OSHC membership valid for the duration of the course(s). If so, please provide details:

Name of OSHC provider Membership number

Expiry date / / Please provide a copy of your current OSHC Membership Card

Payment options (for more visit

Option 1: Online payment (Deakin’s preferred method of payment)

Deakin recommends using our secure online payment gateway. Visit

Name of remitter (Person requesting transfer)

Date of transfer / / Total amount transferred A$ , .

Option 2: Sponsorship/Scholarship

I am a sponsored student and have enclosed my government/organisation’s financial guarantee.

Option 3: Bank draft payment

I have enclosed a bank draft (No. )

made payable to ‘Deakin University’ to the value of: A$ , .

Please note: Deakin student ID, name and date of birth must be recorded on the back of the bank draft. Original bank draft must be couriered to Deakin International.

Important visa information

From July 1st 2016 the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) requires all student visa applications to be lodged online. The online visa applictication process is
lengthy and complex. Deakin strongly recommends that you seek the support of a registered agent to ensure your online visa application is submitted correctly.
DHA is not obligated to seek additional information from applicants who fail to submit all required documents at the time of application lodgement. If you fail to
complete the online visa application correctly, you may receive visa refusal.

Mandatory visa requirement

A condition of your student visa (Condition 8533) requires you to notify your education provider of your residential address in Australia within seven days
of arriving in Australia. You must notify your education provider of any change in your residential address within seven days of the change.

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Refund policy for degree and non-award courses

For those new international students who have withdrawn after having paid their For those withdrawing having not paid their fees:
fees, the refund policy allows: • Their enrolment will be terminated for non-payment of fees,
• 90% refund is payable if the student withdraws from unit(s) at least four but they will not incur a debt of 50% of tuition fees.
weeks prior to start of teaching period; • The retention of 10% of the fees for commencing students is in
• 50% refund is payable if the student withdraws between four weeks prior to the recognition of the additional costs involved in administering the initial
start of teaching period and the census date of the relevant unit(s); and enrolment of international students. To apply for refund, complete
• no refund is payable if the student withdraws after census date. the Application for Refund of Fees form (
• if detailed in your Letter of Offer, a non-refundable amount will be retained if students/assets/resources/international/compliance/refund-non-
you withdraw from your studies prior to the census date of your first teaching deakin.pdf) and email it to Further
period. Please refer to the Letter of Offer for details. information about the refund policy can be found at: http://www.

DUELI refund policy

DUELI has a detailed refund policy that oversees all The following reasons are grounds to apply for a Methods of refund
possible stages of a student’s enrolment. Prospective full refund: New students should notify in writing to
DUELI students are advised that: the Director of DUELI, any wish to cancel
• a student is refused a student visa by the
• A course is defined as the total length of your Commonwealth Government authorities
enrolment at DUELI • an offer is withdrawn or an enrolment terminated If Deakin defaults in the provision of the
• Refunds will not be granted after your DUELI because the University is unable to provide the course the refund will be made within two
course has commenced course of study weeks of the default event. If the student
• The enrolment and orientation fee is non- • the government has limited Deakin’s right to defaults the refund will be made within four
refundable. conduct courses for overseas students weeks of the University being notified.
• a student is unable to fulfil the conditions of
Refunds prior to the DUELI course commencing Refunds will be made by cheque or EFT in
an offer
Requests for refunds received less than 28 days prior Australian dollars only. Refunds in the form
• a student fails to meet progression rules and
to the commencement of the course will receive a of the transfer of fees to Deakin University
is not permitted to re-enrol
refund of 50 per cent of the tuition fee. or Deakin College will not be made directly
• a student provides written advice more than four
to a student.
The maximum amount retained by Deakin will not weeks prior to the commencement of the English
exceed 12 weeks of the published tuition fee. language course. Refunds may be made to a nominated
person/sponsor who initially paid the
Full refund Executive discretion may be exercised to consider
student’s fees.
A full refund of tuition fees paid may be given under applications which do not comply with the above
special circumstances. Such circumstances are those provisions but for which extraordinary circumstances For more information on methods of
that are beyond the control of the student or those may exist. An application for a refund in special refund, go to
which make it impossible for the student to continue. circumstances must be made in writing and sent to students/international/fee-policies.php.
the Director of DUELI. Proof of payment of the fees This agreement does not remove the right to take further
(e.g. an official receipt) and validation of the reasons action under Australia’s consumer protection law or pursue
other legal remedies.
for applying for a refund will be required.

Consumer protection
This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s Consumer
Protection laws.

Collection and use of your information • to conduct planning and quality assessment such consultants or contractors are legally obligated
Throughout your enrolment, the University will activities to safeguard your information and only to the
collect identifying information directly from you • for marketing and fundraising extent necessary for the provision of the services.
and, in some cases, from third parties. The • to invite you to participate in surveys or
Disclosure of your information
University complies with the Information Privacy research
Deakin may disclose your information to the
Act 2000 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 • to provide you or your nominated contact with
following types of organisations:
(Vic) in the collection, use, disclosure and ongoing appropriate advice and assistance in the event
management of your identifying Information. The of an emergency • Government agencies where required by
University will use your Information: • to investigate and report on incidents relating legislation, including:
to general or academic misconduct, as defined • the Department of Education, Employment
• to manage and administer all aspects of your
in Deakin’s statutes and regulations and Workplace Relations,
academic progress through the University and
• Student Risk Assessment and Intervention • the Department of Industry, Innovation,
your participation in the University community
• to inform you about events provided or Climate Change, Science, Research and
• to enable you to access the University’s
sponsored by Deakin Tertiary Education,
underlying business and support structures
• to include your name and award in the • the Department of Home Affairs (DHA),
• to communicate with you
graduation booklet, which is a public record of • Tuition Protection Services,
• to provide you with access to and advice from
the University. • Centrelink, and
student services, such as library resources,
• the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
information technology, housing services, Deakin may record lectures and other teaching and
health and counselling services, recreational learning activities in audiotape, videotape or other The Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth)
facilities, career planning and employment media. If your image or voice is recorded during (HESA) permits the Commonwealth Government
services these activities, this will constitute a collection and to further disclose your Information obtained
• to exchange relevant personal information use of your personal information. from the University to authorised bodies for the
between appropriate academic and student purpose of regulating, undertaking research into
Deakin may either offer services to you itself
centre staff for the purpose of offering and and improving higher education in Australia. HESA
or engage consultants or contractors to do so.
providing student support services contains a list of authorised bodies.
If Deakin must provide your information to
• to determine your eligibility for scholarships,
consultants or contractors, it will do so only where
bursaries or similar awards

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Privacy continued
• other educational or vocational institutions Deakin may also disclose your information: which are not exempt from disclosure under the
if you are participating in student exchange Freedom of Information Act. You are encouraged to
• if it has a legal obligation to provide
or cross-institutional study or are enrolling at speak with the relevant administrative unit before
information under an order of a court or
another institution making a formal request under the Freedom of
tribunal or pursuant to a subpoena
• accreditation and registration bodies relevant information Act. Further information is available
• if the disclosure is authorised by applicable
to your program of study to verify your by contacting
relevant privacy laws
qualifications and experience
• to contractors engaged to provide services or Definitions
• the funder or sponsor if you have been awarded
external legal and professional advisors Information means both personal information, as
a scholarship or your enrolment is sponsored by
• if Deakin has recorded lectures or other defined in the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic):
an employer or third party
teaching and learning activities in which your
• your care provider if you are an international information or an opinion (including information
image or voice has been recorded in audiotape,
student under 18 years of age or an opinion forming part of a database) that is
videotape or other media, it may post these on
• your parent or guardian if you are under 18 recorded in any form, whether true or not, about
internet sites hosted in or outside of Australia.
• an organisation at which you are undertaking an individual whose identity is apparent, or can
a clinical placement or experiential learning Deakin is prohibited by privacy law from releasing reasonably be ascertained, from the information
recognised as part of a Deakin course your personal information to third parties, including or opinion
• health care insurance providers if you are an members of your immediate family, without your
and health information as defined in the Health
international student for whom Deakin has prior written consent
Records Act 2001 (Vic)
arranged Overseas Student Health Cover Consequences of not providing information when
• foreign governments administering student loan information or an opinion about the physical,
schemes for the benefit of students enrolled at mental or psychological health (at any time) of
The University will only ask you to provide
Deakin (e.g. the US government FFEL program) an individual; or a disability (at any time) of an
information that it needs. If you choose not to
• Deakin University Student’s Association (DUSA) individual; or an individual’s expressed wishes about
provide information when requested then it
to enable it to create and maintain a voters’ the future provision of health services to him or her;
may not be possible for you to be admitted to or
list for student elections and to offer you or a health service provided, or to be provided, to an
enrolled in the University or, if enrolled, you may
other services individual - that is also personal information.
not be able to access the full range of opportunities,
• discipline-based student associations (e.g. facilities and services available to a member of the The types of third parties from whom Deakin may
the Deakin Law Student’s Association, Deakin Deakin University community. collect information include tertiary admission and
Medical Student’s Association) testing centres, secondary schools, other tertiary
• Golden Key International Honour Society Access to your information
institutions, government agencies, referees,
• organisations undertaking student surveys Access to your personal information is provided
clinical/professional placement supervisors and
endorsed by Universities Australia. through the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).
supervisors of experiential learning, employment
Administrative units of the University may have
agencies and professional accreditation and
processes in place to allow access to documents
registration bodies.

In accepting this offer: • I understand that non-payment of fees in • I have read and understood the sections of
any trimester may lead to cancellation of my the International Course Guide and Deakin
• I declare I am a Genuine Temporary Entrant
enrolment. University website relating to the courses I have
(GTE)* and genuine student and have read
• I understand that Credit for Prior Learning will be selected, and the admission procedures, fees,
and understood conditions relating to these
reconfirmed at enrolment (if applicable). refund policy and privacy policies.
• I agree to the disclosure of personal information • I give consent to Deakin University to access my
• I am aware of the tuition and living costs of my
to relevant external organisations including details and visa information via the Department
stay in Australia and have the financial capacity
providers offering services to students under 18 of Home Affairs (DHA) Visa Entitlement
to meet such costs for the duration of my
years of age, and sponsors. Verification Online (VEVO) system.
course. I will make timely payments of any fees
• I agree to abide by my visa conditions by
or associated costs.
remaining enrolled, maintaining satisfactory *
For more information on GTE and genuine student
• I am aware of Deakin’s English language
attendance and course progression for the requirements, visit
proficiency requirements, modes of study,
duration of the course. stud/more/genuine-temporary-entrant.
assessment, facilities, equipment and learning
• I agree to keep my Overseas Student Health
Cover (OSHC) current and, if applicable, that
of any dependants for the duration of my
student visa.

Applicant’s signature: Date: / /

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Date: / /

(for applicants under 18 years of age)

Please print, sign this form and email it to:

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