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____________________________________is requesting proposals from qualified firms to

conduct fix asset inventory, identification and valuation.

Inquiries concerning the specifics of the request for proposals should be addressed to:
____________________________. _____________________ reserves the right to reject any
and all proposals submitted. Proposals will be evaluated by ________________Administration
and a recommendation will be presented to the School Board. Final selection rests with the
School Board.

During the evaluation process, __________________________reserves the right to request

additional information or clarification, or to allow corrections of errors or omissions. Firms
submitting proposals may be requested to make oral presentations as part of the evaluation


Sealed proposals should be submitted no later than 12:000 p.m. noon ________, 2001. Proposals
received after that time will not be considered. Mail or deliver proposals to:

Scope of Work to be Performed

Perform a detailed inventory and valuation of fixed assets owned by ______________________

and to provide the results both in a paper document, and in an electronic file capable of being
uploaded into our administrative software system. The results will serve as a basis to meet the
following objectives:

Financial Reporting
♦ Audit Compliance
♦ Meet Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, including GASB 34 requirements, and
Government Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting requirements
Accountability and Control
♦ Responsibility and Custodianship
♦ Operational Efficiency Through Enhanced Asset Utilization

Insurance Requirements
♦ Total Insurable Values
♦ Specific Values
♦ Proof of Loss Substantiation

Capital Expenditure Planning
♦ Budget Request Substantiation
♦ Capital Asset Improvement and Replacement Forecasting

The assets to be included in the appraisal include all District buildings (Attachment A), building
fixtures and fixed equipment, improvements other than buildings, machinery and equipment,
office furniture and equipment, and vehicles. Land will be included based on cost information
provided by the District.

The District’s capitalization policy will be $2,000 acquisition cost. Items meeting or exceeding
$2,000 will be listed individually, including manufacturer, model, serial number, when available,
and tagged with a bar code. Assets below this level are to be included in the appraisal by group
listing (like asset kind) within each building/room.

Bar-coded tags shall have adhesive backing, and be resistant to heat, solvents and cleaning
solutions. All tags shall carry the number representing the translation of the bar code.

Specific Tasks
Valuation of district buildings, appurtenances and outside improvements for district sites listed in
Attachment A.
Inventory, costing, valuation and preparation of property accounting records covering all
furniture and equipment
Bar code tagging of major equipment in excess of $2,000 and items deemed critical under
METHODOLOGY section below.

1. For all inventoried items, provide location and current replacement value.
2. For all buildings, sites and major equipment, provide
a. Estimated date of acquisition, if not available
b. Estimated historical cost
c. Estimated salvage value
d. Useful life as recommended by ASBO
e. Amount of accumulated depreciation
The final report will contain, at a minimum
1. Appraisal certification
2. Summary of assets by type/group and location
3. Detailed asset listing of capitalized items, including the following:
a. Bar-code number
b. Class code
c. Serial number
d. Model number (if available)
e. Manufacturer, item description
f. Site name and code
g. Room number
h. Quantity
i. Acquisition date (estimated/actual)
j. Acquisition cost (estimated/actual)
k. Life Expectancy
l. Depreciation to date
m. Replacement cost (new)
n. Salvage value

4. Capitalized listing will be on 3 ½” diskette or CD, formatted in ACII format compatible with
Skyward requirements.

The successful respondent will provide the District with the means to maintain the database, or
offer a plan to maintain the inventory on an annual basis.

Does your proposal include the purchase by the district of proprietary software and scanning tools
so that the district will maintain the database? If yes, attach information that describes the
software capabilities and amount of training included in the proposal, as well as the of cost of the
software and each scanning tool. If the answer is no, do you have the capability of providing
proprietary software and scanning tools? Do you have the capability of providing software to
program district-owned scanning tools?

Does your proposal include the annual maintenance of the database? If yes, please describe the
scope of the service and the approximate annual cost in current dollars. If the answer is no, do
you have the capability of maintaining the database on an annual basis?

Does your firm provide other related services? Please explain, and include costs.

The proposal should include information addressing at least the following topics
1. Size of firm
2. Size of firm’s inventory staff
3. Location of the office from which the inventory is conducted
4. Supervisory and staff qualifications and experience
5. At least 4 school district references, preferably Minnesota districts, including name, address
and phone number
6. Work plan, including an explanation of the inventory methodology to be used, including
sources of information from Roseville Area Schools or other sources.

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