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Homeroom Guidance: Grade 11 Quarter 3

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Homeroom Guidance
Grade 11
Quarter 3

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other
things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to
use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and
authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Development Team of the Self-Learning Activity Sheet

Writers: Jenita J.Madrigal

Ronnel R. Ibon
Patricia Lei A. Familara
Emma D. Matibag
Content Editor: Mc. Mervin Velasco
Language Editor: Veronica G. Madrigal, Elezarde D. Madrigal
Illustrator: Richard B. Amores
Guidance Counselor/Editor: Marites E. Darm
Lay-out Artist: Jameston D. Maranan
Management Team: Laida M. Lagar-Mascareὴas, Cynthia Eleonor G. Manalo,
Florina L. Madrid, Norman F. Magsino, Dennis A.

Homeroom Guidance
Grade 11 Quarter 3
Self-Learning Activity Sheets
Week 2

Name: Date:
Grade: Section:



As human beings, we are all entitled to rights that no one can ever
take away. We all have innate rights from the moment we are born until
the day that we die, regardless of our gender, race, status or religion. These
rights ensure that we will enjoy a life of freedom and safety, wherever we
may be, together with other people who also have the same rights as ours.
While each of us has rights that protect us, we should keep in mind
that the people around us have rights, too, that must be respected.
However, there are circumstances wherein people’s lives, freedom and
safety are put in danger. It is for these cases that certain laws in our
country are written to defend victims of human rights abuse and enforce
penalty to offenders.
In this lesson, you will learn about the laws in the Philippines that
can protect you and others.


Analyze laws that protect you and others, like, but not limited to
the following: (HGSPS-IIIe-6)
1. Anti-Bullying Act (RA 10627)
2. Child Protection Policy (DO No. 40 s 2012)
3. Violence Against Women and their Children (RA 9262)
4. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (RA 7877)

5. Anti-Rape Law (RA 8353)
6. Cyber Crime Law (RA 10175)
7. Gender and Development Millennial Development (DM 88 s 2016, DO 27
s 2013)
8. Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165)
9. Reproductive Health Law (RA 10354)
10. Family Code (EO 209)

After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. enumerate the laws that protect oneself and others;
2. relate on the importance of the laws that protect oneself and others;
3. promote equality and justice in observance of human rights.



In this activity, you will be introduced to some Philippine laws that you
must keep in mind to protect yourself and others.

Directions: Cut out each piece of the tiles below. On a separate short bond
paper, match and paste the name of the laws (Tile Set A) to their policy
descriptions (Tile Set B). You may make use of graphic organizers in
presenting your work. Be as creative as you wish to be in making your output.

(The next page will be cut. Please print in full size.)

Tile Set A: Names of the Laws

Child Dangerous
Anti-Bullying Reproductive
Protection Family Code Drugs Act of
Act (RA Health Law
Policy (DO No. (EO 209)3 2002 (RA
10627)1 (RA 10354)5
40 s 2012)2 9165)4

Gender and
Anti-Sexual Violence
Cyber Crime Anti-Rape Millenial
Harassment Against
Law (RA Law (RA Development
Act (RA Women and
10175)6 8353)7 (DM 88 s
7877)8 their Children
2016, DO 27 s
(RA 9262)9

(This page will be cut. Please print in full size.)

“Republic Act No. 10627,” The LawPhil Project, accessed December 2, 2020,
“DO 40, s 2012 DepEd Child Protection Policy,” Department of Education, accessed December 2, 2020,
“Executive Order No. 209, s. 1987,” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, accessed December 2,
“R.A. 9165,” The LawPhil Project, accessed December 2, 2020,
“Republic Act 10354: The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012,” Philippine
Commisssion on Women, accessed December 2, 2020,
“Republic Act No. 10175,” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, accessed December 2, 2020,
“Republic Act pf 8353: The Anti-Rape Law of 1997,” Philippine Commisssion on Women, accessed December
2, 2020,
“Republic Act No. 7877,” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, accessed December 2, 2020,
“Republic Act No. 9262,” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, accessed December 2, 2020,
DM 088, s. 2016, Conduct of Gender and Development Activities,” Department of Education, accessed
February 4, 2021,

Tile Set B: Policy Descriptions

A policy that
protects the A law that
An act that rights of children enforces against
A law that provides in school against the use,
A law advancing
requires schools measures in any forms of production and
the welfare of
to implement preserving the abuse, trafficking of
family and
policies and dignity and rights exploitation, dangerous drugs
guidelines for the of women and violence, by citizens and
protection of children and discrimination, the youth and
health and rights
learners from acts protects them bullying especially further provides
relative to
of bullying, harm from violence or by and within the mechanisms for
or damage done threats to their school and its the treatment
by other students safety and personnel that and rehabilitation
security may affect their of victims of drug
sound dependence

A law that aims to

maintain the
An act that
integrity of An act that A code that
condemns all acts
information and expands the implements and
An order that of sexual
communications definition of strengthens the
prescribes the harassment in the
technology and when and how provisions on
conduct of workplace,
prevent the rape is committed marriage and
activities that educational
misuse, abuse and further family relations
promote gender- institutions and that reflect the
and illegal use of reclassifying it as
fair education training Filipino values and
data contained in a crime against
environments as ideals
them by making persons
such conducts
punishable by law

(This page will be cut. Please print in full size.)

Now that you have been familiarized with some of the laws that protect
our rights, it is necessary that you recognize their importance to yourself for
your safety and well-being.

It is a sad reality that, despite the many laws and agencies enforcing
such laws, there are still certain instances where your rights or those of others
may be violated. Social injustice is a major problem in many nations which
happens when certain rights of people are being overlooked or blatantly
disregarded. Being unaware of your own right is a danger on its own as you
may not know how to stop the abuse and prevent it from happening again.
Moreover, it is also our moral responsibility to look out for others who might
also not know their own rights.

Keep in mind that by being informed of these laws you are not only
ensuring your own safety. Moreover, you may be of help to the people around
you who might find themselves in dire situations.


Directions: Using any of the patterns provided below, write an acrostic poem
expressing the importance of knowing laws that protect you and others. The
poem must be based on the statement “I AM PROTECTED”.

xxxxxIxxxxxxx Ixxxxxxx

xxxxAxxxxxxx xAxxxxxxx
xxxxMxxxx xxMxxxxxx

xxxxPxxxx xxxPxxxxxxxxx
xxxxRxxxx xxxxRxxxxxxxxx
xxxxOxxxx xxxxxOxxxxxxxxx
xxxxTxxxx xxxxxxTxxxxxxxx
xxxxExxxx xxxxxxxExxxxxxx
xxxxCxxxx xxxxxxxxCxxxxxxx
xxxxTxxxx xxxxxxxxxTxxxxxxx
xxxxExxxx xxxxxxxxxxExxxxxx
xxxxDxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxDxxxxx

Process Questions:
1. After writing your poem, what realizations have come to your mind?
2. How does your knowledge on the laws that protect your rights make
you feel?
3. If you were a lawmaker, is there any law that you would write in
addition to the ones that we already have? Why?
4. At present, are there any situations in your life wherein you felt
secured and protected by the laws mentioned in this module?
5. Are there also any situations in the life of your friends or family where
they were secured and protected by these laws?

Rubrics for Acrostic Poem

4 3 2 1
The poem
The poem
contains The poem
strong and
several ideas contains a few The poem
clear ideas on
on the ideas on the does not show
Content importance of importance of ideas relative
importance of
knowing the knowing the to the given
knowing the
laws that laws that theme.
laws that
protect the protect oneself
oneself and and others.
oneself and
The poem is The poem is The poem
The poem is
written written does not
following all following all follow the
following only
the directions the directions directions for
some of the
Conventions for the activity for the activity the activity
directions and
and with and with and needs
with fair
grade-level satisfactory improvement
vocabulary vocabulary in vocabulary
and spelling.
and spelling. and spelling. and spelling.
The ideas are
shown with
The ideas are The ideas are little The ideas are
shown with shown with creativity. shown with no
Creativity great some Some parts of creativity and
creativity and creativity and the poem may the work is
originality. originality. have been not original.
copied from
another piece.
The poem is The poem is
The poem is The poem is
presented in a presented in a
presented in a not written
pleasing slightly
Presentation very neat and neatly and in
manner with disorganized
impressive a disorganized
minimal format with
manner. format.
flaws. several flaws.

ACTIVITY 3: Human Rights March
Directions: Pretend that you are joining a human rights march. You will need
to prepare your own sign that expresses your stand on equality and justice in
observance of human rights. You may use a short bond paper for your sign.
Be as creative as you can be in making your sign. You may use symbols
or drawings provided that they DO NOT SHOW PROFANITY, OBSCENITY or
Remember, your sign must encourage others toward equality and
justice in observance of human rights. Have fun creating!

Rubrics for Human Rights March Sign

4 3 2 1
The sign shows The sign shows The sign shows
strong and clear some symbols only few The poem does
symbols and and ideas on relevant ideas not show ideas
ideas on justice justice and on justice and relative to the
and equality in equality in equality in given theme.
human rights. human rights. human rights.
The sign is made The sign is The sign is The sign is
with great made with made with little made with no
Creativity adequate
creativity and creativity and creativity and
resourcefulness creativity and resourcefulness resourcefulness
The sign
The sign is
The sign is contains some
mainly The sign is not
definitely an original
Originality patterned from an original work
original work of elements with a
the work of of the student.
the student. few borrowed
other people.


For every right we enjoy, there is an equal

responsibility that we must also uphold. Now
that you have been informed of your legal rights
and the legislations that protect them, it is now
your duty to inform others about them too.

Use your platform to share the message of

justice and equality for everyone. Share your sign
on social media and using a hashtag, encourage
others to join your cause!

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