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2 - Chapter 1

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This chapter will discuss the problem that will be dealt including its

background. Theoretical and conceptual framework of this study will also be

elaborated in a manner that will be comprehensible by the readers. Variables will

also be laid-off using a schematic diagram will be resented. As well as the

problems that has to be answered after this study is to be indicated on this

chapter. Hence, significance of this study will also be indicated as well as the

definitions of various terms.


Women and children are considered to be the most susceptible and at risk

sector when it comes to any forms of abuse. In fact, the numbers and statistics of

such recorder abuse cannot deny and hide the fact that violence against women

and children is a prevailing societal issue in any countries around the world.

It can be recalled that on March 2004 former president Macapagal-Arroyo

signed into law Republic Act 9262 or The Anti-Violence Against Women and their

Children Act. This law was created in response to protect the welfare of

housewives and all the women and their children. Furthermore, the State values

the dignity of women and children and guarantees full respect for human rights.

The State also recognizes the need to protect the family and its members

particularly women and children, from violence and threats to their personal

safety and security [R.A. 9262, Sec. 2].

The passing of the R.A 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and their

Children Act of 2004) is indeed a milestone in the continuing fight of the country

against the prevailing problem on violence and abuse against women and their

children. The said defines violence against women as any act or series of acts

committed against wives, former wives, or women in any form of intimate

relationship with the perpetrator, which result in or is likely to result in physical,

sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse. It considers these

acts of violence a public offense, and provides for protective measures and other

necessary relief for the survivor victims.

It has been proven that the effects and consequences of the abuse

especially on the women and children is dreadful. Violence against women is

woven into the fabric of society to such an extent that many of us who are

victimized feel that we are at fault. Many of those who perpetrate violence feel

justified by strong societal messages that say that rape, battering, sexual

harassment, child abuse, and other forms of violence are acceptable.

In the light of the passing of the law still violence against women and

children continues to rotten families societies in the Philippines reaching to the

rest of the countries worldwide. With these things, the proponent of this research

aims to assess the level of awareness or the residents on the different acts that

is to be held punishable under R.A 9262 otherwise known as Anti-Violence

Against Women and their Children Act of 2004. Thus they believe that

awareness takes a big role in ending the stigma and helping the victims and

those who are at risk in the so called “Violence”.

Theoretical Framework

This research is found to be of relation on the following theories that has

been established years ago. Hence, the following theories are deeming to be

influential on the concept revolving on this study.

Self-Awareness Theory (Duval and Wicklund, 1972) this theory suggests

that there are a couple of different factors that influence how we choose to

respond. Basically, it comes down to how we think it will turn out; if we believe

there’s little chance of actually changing this discrepancy, we tend to avoid it. If

we believe it’s likely that we can improve our alignment with our standards of

correctness, we take action.



In this study this theory implies that being aware of the provisions

stipulated under the R.A 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children

Act of 2004) will determine the reaction or response of a woman or her children

when they experience any kond of violence defined by the said law.

Behaviorism Theory (Watson 1913) This theory suggest that

Environment is also a major factor in the development of behaviors. Which

directly implies that if a certain place or country intensify its effort in creating an

environment which is fully aware of the provisions and laws protecting women

and their children the behavior and response of the society towards violence

involving women and their children would totally be different.

Behavioral theory argues that behavior is learned. Also referred to as

social learning theory, behavioral theory holds that actions are determined largely

by life experiences (



Conceptual Framework

The symbolic interactions between the independent variable which

includes the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex,

educational attainment, civil status and occupation. Meanwhile, the dependent

variable includes the level of awareness among residents of barangay Tibanga,

Iligan City on the acts punishable under R.A 9262. An action plan will be the final

output of this study. Hence, the main objective that drives this study is to take

part in bringing and to intensify the awareness with regards to RA 9262 among

the local society which is deemed to be relevant and significant by the



Demographic Profile
of the Respondents in
terms of: Level of Awareness
Among Residents of Action Plan to Increase
1. Age; Barangay Tibanga, Iligan the Level of Awareness
2. Sex; City on the Acts on Acts Punishable
3. Educational Punishable under RA Under RA 9262
Attainment; 9262
4. Civil Status; and
5. Occupation

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to assess the level of awareness among

residents in Barangay Tibanga, Iligan City regarding acts punishable under the

R.A 9262 also known as the “Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children

Act of 2004”.

Specifically, the study generally aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Educational Attainment;

1.4 Civil Status; and

1.5 Occupation?

2. What is the level of awareness among residents in Barangay Tibanga, Iligan

City with regards to the acts punishable under R.A 9262 (Anti-Violence Against

Woman and their Children Act of 2004)?

3. Is there a significant difference between the respondents’ demographic profile

and the level of awareness with regards on the acts punishable under R.A 9262

(Anti-Violence Against Woman and their Children Act of 2004)?

4. What action plan can be generated from the findings of the study that will help

to enhance the level of awareness among residents in Barangay Tibanga, in

Iligan City regarding the R.A 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Woman and their

Children Act of 2004)?

Null Hhypothesis

H1. There is no significant difference between the respondents’

demographic profile and the level of awareness and perception with regards to

the R.A 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Woman and their Children Act of 2004)

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study is limited only in assessing the level of awareness on the acts

punishable under the RA 9262 otherwise known as Anti- Violence Against

Women and their Children Act of 2004. Moreover, the study will ask only limited

information from the respondents such as age, gender, educational attainment,

civil status and occupation. Other information from the respondents which are not

indicated will no longer be asked. The tools to be used on this study shall only be

implemented in a random manner within the domicile of barangay Tibanga, Iligan

City only.

Significance of the Study

The researchers aimed to come up a study that present indispensable

information in knowing the level of awareness residents in barangay Tibanga,

Iligan City regarding the acts punishable under R.A 9262.

Further, the researchers would also help the following persons and


The Women. This research will greatly inform them of their own rights. This

study will also give them the idea that the government has an existing law that

protects their right and welfare against any forms of abuses included in the

definitions of the law.

Barangay Councils. This will give them the idea to conduct seminars and

projects that would empower the women in their barangay and at the same time

promoting gender equality.

Law Enforcement Agencies. This will give them signal and idea to enforce the

said law. This will also be a basis for them to check if how informed the general

public is in order to increase reports in order to resolve VAWC cases within their


Local Government Unit (LGU). This research will be beneficial to them in a

way that this will serve as a basis for them to assess the awareness among

housewives with regards to the RA 9262

Future Researchers . This research would be beneficial for future researchers in

a way that they can use it as a basis in determining the level of awareness of the

housewives in selected barangay in Iligan City regarding the R.A 9262.

Definition of Terms

Terms here are conceptually and operationally defined for better

understanding of the readers.

Violence. This term refers to as defined by the World Health Organization

as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against

oneself, another person, or against a group or community that either results in or

has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm,

maldevelopment, or deprivation” (WHO, 2002); When directed against women or

children, this violence can take a number of forms, including, but not limited to,

sexual violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect, bullying, teen

dating violence, trafficking, and elder abuse. The majority of violence against

women and children is perpetrated by partners, family members, friends, or

acquaintances, so that most violence against women and children takes place in

the form of intimate partner violence, family violence, or school violence


VAW (Violence Against Women). This term refers to any act of gender-

based violence that results or is likely to result in physical, sexual or

psychological harm or suffering to women including threats or such acts,

coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occurring in public or private

life. Gender-based violence is any violence inflicted on women because of their

sex. (

Economic Abuse. This term refers to acts that make or attempt to make

a woman financially dependent which includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. Withdrawal of financial support or preventing the victim from engaging in any

legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, except in cases wherein

the other spouse/partner objects on valid, serious and moral grounds as defined

in Article 73 of the Family Code; 2. Deprivation or threat of deprivation of financial

resources and the right to the use and enjoyment of the conjugal, community or

property owned in common; 3. Destroying household property; 4. Controlling the

victims' own money or properties or solely controlling the conjugal money or

properties. (

Battery. This term refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the

woman or her child resulting to the physical and psychological or emotional

distress. (

Battered Woman Syndrome. This term refers to a scientifically defined

pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women living in

battering relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.


Stalking. This term refers to an intentional act committed by a person

who, knowingly and without lawful justification follows the woman or her child or

places the woman or her child under surveillance directly or indirectly or a

combination thereof. (

Dating relationship. This term refers to a situation wherein the parties

live as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or are romantically

involved over time and on a continuing basis during the course of the

relationship. A casual acquaintance or ordinary socialization between two

individuals in a business or social context is not a dating relationship.


Sexual relations. This term refers to a single sexual act which may or

may not result in the bearing of a common child. (


Safe place or shelter. This term refers to any home or institution

maintained or managed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development

(DSWD) or by any other agency or voluntary organization accredited by the

DSWD for the purposes of this Act or any other suitable place the resident of

which is willing temporarily to receive the victim. (


Children. refers to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older but are

incapable of taking care of themselves as defined under Republic Act No. 7610.

As used in this Act, it includes the biological children of the victim and other

children under her care. (


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