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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 9, 3410-3437

Factors Affecting The Performance Of The Grade 11 Students In

General Mathematics During The Modular Distance Learning

Jude Thaddeus M. Metante, Mardy S. Luebbeke, Melody M. Sere, Ramil P.

Manguilimotan, Gengen G. Padillo

Center for Healthcare Professions Cebu Inc, Mandaue, Cebu, Philippines.

Adventist Academy -Cebu, Talisay, Cebu, Philippines.
Department of Education, Bohol Province Division, Philippines.
Research and Publication Office, Cebu Technological University, Philippines.

The quality of students’ academic performance remains at top priority for educators. But traditional learning
method was changed when China was shaken by COVID-19 which rapidly spread across the world.
Because of this situation the modality in learning in the Philippines must shift to ensure the continuity of
education. This research aims to determine the factors affecting the performance of grade 11 students during
the modular distance learning modality for S.Y. 2020 - 2021. This study employed a descriptive
correlational method. The respondents of this study were 186 grade 11 students who took general
mathematics. They answered the modified survey questionnaires from Tuntirojanawong (2013). Frequency,
simple percentage, weighted mean, chi-square test and Pearson r were used to treat the gathered data. The
study revealed that the profile which had negligible relationship with the readiness factors were age, gender
and number of siblings. The senior high school strand, and gadgets used, internet connectivity and
combined family income of the respondents had significant relationship with the readiness factor. The three
readiness factors such as Technology access, technology skills time management skills and academic
performance of the respondents had weak positive correlations. The psychological factors such as
motivation self-efficacy had weak positive correlation with the academic performance of the respondents
while the study skills of the respondents had weak positive correlation with the respondents’ academic
performance. Researchers recommended the learners enhancement plans for each identified school to be
implemented and monitored to enhance the learners need during their modular distance learning.

Keywords: Bohol, Cebu, Mandaue, Modular distance Learning, Teaching Mathematics, descriptive
study, Academic Performance

Education provides individual knowledge of the the lessons of life. For older people education is a
world around him or her and changes it into treasure that no one can steal.
something better. It develops a person's The students’ performance plays an
perspective of looking at life. It makes someone important role in producing best quality graduates
capable of interpreting things among other things. who will become great leaders and manpower for
It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the country thus responsible for the country’s
3411 Journal of Positive School Psychology

economic and social development. It is one of the type of modality. The researchers and at the same
major factors considered by employers in hiring time mathematics teachers have observed that
workers especially for the fresh graduates. Thus, many students were having difficulties in
students have to put the greatest effort in their learning Mathematics even in traditional method.
study to obtain good grades and to prepare The teaching of Mathematics needs collaborative
themselves for future opportunities in their career learning, thus the interaction between the teacher
at the same time to fulfil the employer’s and students are deemed necessary in order to
demand.The quality of students’ performance take place a better teaching-learning process.
remains at top priority for educators. It is meant for As mathematics teachers, the researchers
making a difference locally, regionally, nationally wanted to know how the readiness and
and globally. psychological will affect the performance of the
In the Philippine education,the transfer of grade 11 students in general mathematics during
knowledge from one generation to another is the modular distance learning modality. The
through teaching and learning using face to face readiness factor involves technology access,
or the traditional learning method. But traditional technology skills and time management skills of
learning method was changed when China was the student. While psychological factor involves
shaken by COVID-19 which rapidly spread motivation, study skills, mathematics self-
across the world. Because of this unexpected efficacy factor of the students.
situation, the modality in learning must shift to Conducting this study will help to
ensure the continuity of education especially in enhance the implementation of modular distance
Mathematics. The Department of Education learning modality in mathematics ofthe grade 11
(DepEd) implemented the Blended Learning senior high school students.
modality which has three different types of
modality Modular Distance Learning (MDL),
Online Distance Learning (ODL) and TV/Radio-
Based Instruction. The study will focus on
MDLmodality. MDL is a learning method in
which students are not required to be physically
present in a classroom setting or school. It can be
done through the correspondence of the school or
Though MDL is already practiced here in
the Philippines for several years by higher
education, the big question is, if the grade 11
senior high school students are ready to adopt this

II. FRAMEWORK Year 2020 – 2021 in Light of the COVID-19

The study is anchored on the theory of Michael Public Health Emergency; and 2] DepEd Order
Moore’s Transactional Distance Theory, Social #7., s. 2020 on School Calendar and Activities for
Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura and Self- School Year 2020 – 2021.
Efficacy Theory by Albert Bandura.Also, this is Moore's (2015) concept of "transactional
supported by the following legal bases: 1] DepEd distance" encompasses the distance that, he says,
Order #12, s. 2020 on Adoption of the Basic exists in all educational relationships. This
Education Learning Continuity Plan for School distance is determined by the amount of dialogue
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3412

that occurs between the learner and the instructor, greater interaction and less structure, to more
and the amount of structure that exists in the distant, where there may be less interaction and
design of the course. Greater transactional more structure. This continuum blurs the
distance occurs when an educational program has distinctions between conventional and distance
more structure and less student-teacher dialogue, programs because of the variety of transactions
as might be found in some traditional distance that occur between teachers and learners in both
education courses. Education offers a continuum settings.
of transactions from less distant, where there is

Figure1. Theoretical Framework of the Study

According to Moore (2013), the nature of and the meaning and purpose of one's life
the transaction developed between teachers and pursuits. Personal agency operates within a broad
students in distance learning needs to take into network of socio structural influences.Social
account three factors: dialogue, structure, and cognitive theory distinguishes among three
learner autonomy. Moore’s theory states that modes of agency: direct personal agency, proxy
there two elements of distance education which agency that relies on others to act on one's behest
include two-way communication and the to secure desired outcomes, and collective agency
responsiveness of a program to the learner’s exercised through socially coordinative and
needs. It also states that the learner has to have a interdependent.
high degree of independence and autonomy. Bandura (2010) stated further that unless
(Bandura, 2002) in his research said that people believe they can produce desired effects
the capacity to exercise control over the nature by their actions, they have little incentive to
and quality of one's life is the essence of undertake activities or to persevere in the face of
humanness. Human agency is characterized by a difficulties. Whatever other factors may serve as
number of core features that operate through guides and motivators they are rooted in the core
phenomenal and functional consciousness. These belief that one can make a difference by one's
include the temporal extension of agency through actions.
intentionality and forethought, self-regulation by When the World Health Organization
self-reactive influence, and self-reflectiveness declared COVID-19 a pandemic, Schools to
about one's capabilities, quality of functioning, discontinue all face-to-face classes. As a result,
3413 Journal of Positive School Psychology

education has shifted dramatically, with the contained, and our country and the world at large
unusual rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is continue to face challenges brought about by this
undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. unforeseen health crisis.
Supporting the continuation of teaching and The DepEd is committed to ensure
learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic, educational continuity amidst the challenges.
UNESCO (2020) states that education systems Education must continue to give hope and
around the world are facing an unprecedented stability, contribute to the normalization of
challenge in the wake of massive school closures activities in the country, facilitate development of
mandated as part of public health efforts to our learners and bring normalcy to their lives, but
contain the spread of COVID-19. Governmental health and safety of learners and school personnel
agencies are working with international are of utmost importance and must be protected
organizations, private sector partners and civil at all times.
society to deliver education remotely through a After consultations and internal
mix of technologies in order to ensure continuity discussions, DepEd has reached a decision to set
of curriculum-based study and learning for all. the opening of School Year (SY) 2020-2021 on
DepEd Order #12 s. 2020. The COVID- August 24, 2020. However, the days in August
19 pandemic poses challenges to various sectors, prior to the formal school opening will be used to
especially in responding to basic rights. With the provide learners with assignments to explore
physical distancing and community quarantine foundational topics for deepening during the year,
being among the measures to contain COVID-19, orientation on the utilization of alternative
basic education is among the sectors heavily learning delivery modalities and corresponding
affected as schools and community learning learners' materials, and mental health and
centers are closed for physical conduct of classes. psychosocial support activities. These pre-
In order to provide clear guidance to all opening activities devoted to the attainment of the
offices, units, schools, and community learning learning objectives for the school year shall be
centers (CLCs) of the DepEd, learners and their counted as class days. The school year will end
parents, partners, and stakeholders, the on April 30, 2021.
Department developed a Basic Education (Yen et al, 2018) in their research said
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), a package that new learning delivery modalities will replace
of education interventions that will respond to the traditional Face to Face method. One of these
basic education challenges brought about by is Distance Learning which refers to a learning
COVID-19. In developing the BE-LCP, DepEd delivery modality where learning takes place
engaged internal and external stakeholders for between the teacher and the learners who are
inputs in the design of a learning delivery strategy geographically remote from each other during
and operational direction that ensures the health, instruction.
safety, and well-being of all learners, teachers, This modality has three types: Modular
and personnel of the Department. Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance
Based on DepEd Order #7 s. 2020 the Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based
unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19, which Instruction (Belmonte, 2020). Modular Distance
resulted in the implementation of various forms Learning involves individualized instruction that
of community quarantine, has greatly affected the allows learners to use self-learning modules
education system. While our united efforts in the (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy,
past months against the COVID-19 pandemic are whichever is applicable in the context of the
producing positive results, it is not yet fully learner, and other learning resources like
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3414

Learner’s Materials, textbooks, activity sheets, learning outcomes and content material. Then,
study guides and other study materials. Learners focus on how best you can involve students in
access electronic copies of learning materials on making sense of the material through active
a computer, tablet PC, or smartphone. CDs, engagement and application.
DVDs, USB storage and computer-based In concordance with Lowe, Mestel &
applications can all be used to deliver e-learning Williams, G. (2016), visualization, as both the
materials, including offline E-books. The teacher product and the process of creation, interpretation
takes the responsibility of monitoring the and reflection upon pictures and images, is
progress of the learners. The learners may ask gaining increased visibility in mathematics and
assistance from the teacher via email, telephone, mathematics education. This paper is an attempt
text message or instant messaging. Where to define visualization and to analyze, exemplify
possible, the teacher shall do home visits to and reflect upon the many different and rich roles
learners needing remediation or assistance. Any it can and should play in the learning and the
member of the family or other stakeholder in the doing of mathematics. At the same time, the
community needs to serve as para-teachers. limitations and possible sources of difficulties
(Shurygin & Krasnova, 2016) states that visualization may pose for students and teachers
studying mathematics through Modular Distance are considered.
Learning has been a challenge to the learners due Teaching mathematics in Modular
to the nature of communication to teachers and Distance Learning has revealed many problems
receiving of materials during instruction. and possibilities.
Typically, mathematics was taught mainly On the basis of Fernan and Laguda
through face-to-face interaction and the students (2020), the Philippines’ Department of Education
were able to interact with materials provided and (DepEd) proposed to use online learning,
also interact among themselves in the classroom. modular approach, radio-television methods,
As Math teachers, the researchers are face-to-face, and para-teachers for blended
interested in wanting to know the perceptions of learning. But the lack of facilities like gadgets or
the senior high students towards modular distance computer sets, and connectivity in the Philippines
learning in Mathematics. The main objective of is a unique challenge to DepEd.
this study is to assess students’ perceptions Tambunan (2018), with track analysis is
towards Modular Distance Learning Modality in attained by dominant factor of teacher's role as
learning Mathematics of Senior High School motivator that is, factor of delivery of learning
students to determine their level of satisfaction in goal and learning comfort, delivery of learning
distance learning mode compare to their objectives and variations of learning approaches,
experiences in conventional classroom settings. delivery of learning objectives, variations in the
Ranieri,Raffaghelli & Pezzati, (2018). learning approach, learning comfort and variation
further point out that in giving consideration to of learning approach, pleasant class atmosphere.
how, as academics, we can teach in order to As explained by Belanger and Jordan
ensure that our students are engaging with the (2019), the 20th century has seen the creation and
learning process, it is necessary to focus on the evolution of technologies beyond imagination a
type of teaching strategies we can employ to century ago. The computer enabled the digital
achieve this end. The following approach will presentation of knowledge, and increased the
help you to think through and decide on speed with which information can be captured
appropriate teaching strategies for your module. and processed. At the dawn of the 21st century,
First, take time to read over your module aims, we are witnessing unprecedented growth in the
3415 Journal of Positive School Psychology

number of commercial, governmental, and to these digital media because they considerably
educational institutions planning or alter the pedagogical structure of studying at
implementing some form of distance learning. university. They have to find their way in the new
Conforming to Downes (2016) discusses situation, recognize the specific teaching and
the topic of learning objects in three parts. First, learning potentials of modern information and
it identifies a need for learning objects and communication media, devise and test new forms
describes their essential components based on of learning and teaching, and integrate them into
this need. Second, drawing on concepts from their daily work.
recent developments in computer science, it According to the study of
describes learning objects from a theoretical Tuntirojanawong (2013), the rapidly changing
perspective. Finally, it describes learning objects global economies enhance people and
in practice, first as they are created or generated organizations to keep up with the rapid changes
by content authors, and second, as they are that define the Internet world. E-learning is a new
displayed or used by students and other client education concept by using the Internet
groups. technology, its deliveries the digital content,
This review of literature and research provides a learner-orient environment for the
into the effectiveness of distance education teachers and students. To achieve this, every
systems according to Sherry (2018). It deals with Distance Learning Institutions extend support to
a number of factors which affect their success or its learner, all these activities beyond the
failure. These include the influence of distance production and delivery of course material assist
learning theory upon instructional design and in the progress of students in term of learning,
delivery, redefining the roles of partners in interacting and effective communication. As
distance education teams, media selection, above mentioned, student support services
technology adoption, change implementation, provided by Distance Learning Institutions are
methods and strategies to increase interactivity, still based on factors of the learning process such
inquiry, and active learning, learner as attention, motivation, emotional aspects, and
characteristics and modes of learning, teacher students’ readiness to different e-learning
mediation and learner support, operational issues, strategies.
policy and management issues, and cost/benefit Wettergren (2017) also stated that
tradeoffs. motivated students are important in all forms of
According to Holmberg (2016), distance education even more so in distance-education
education is practiced in all parts of the world to where students are alone in their efforts. Distance
provide study opportunities for those who education can in many aspects be a lonely affair
cannot—or do not want to— take part in where students are left to motivate themselves
classroom teaching. This does not mean that there and to push through barriers and hurdles with less
is universal agreement about its characteristics. help and support from peers and teachers, the
As stated by Peters (2016), digitalization, sense of isolation is ever present.
which is penetrating many areas of our daily The overall results of the study of
working and private lives with increasing speed, Bernard et al. (2016) indicated the effect sizes of
is also having an effect on university teaching, essentially zero on all three measures and wide
especially since the introduction of the Internet. variability. This suggests that many applications
Traditional universities and distance universities of distance education outperform their classroom
are being confronted with new tasks. Both counterparts and that many perform more poorly.
teachers and students must acquire new attitudes Dividing achievement outcomes into
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3416

synchronous and asynchronous forms of distance III. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY

education produced a somewhat different The study aimed to determine the factors
impression. In general, mean achievement effect affecting the performance of the Grade 11
sizes for synchronous applications favored students in General Mathematics during the
classroom instruction, while effect sizes for modular distance learning modality in the
asynchronous applications favored distance identified schools in Talisay City Cebu, Mandaue
education. However, significant heterogeneity City Cebu, and Bien Unido Bohol for the school
remained in each subset. year 2020-2021 as the basis for learning
The research of Liyanagunawardena enhancement plan. Specifically, it intended to
(2016) revealed that ICTs have indeed increased discover the following queries:
opportunities for higher education; but mainly for 1. profile of the respondents in terms of age and
people of affluent families from the Western gender, SHS Strand, internet connectivity, gadget
Province. Issues identified were categorized used, parent occupation, combined monthly
under the themes: quality assurance, location, family income and number of siblings; 2. level of
language, digital literacies and access to academic performance of the respondents in
resources. Recommendations were offered to General Mathematics; 3. as perceived by the
tackle the identified issues in accordance with the respondents, the extent of readiness factor
study findings. The study also revealed the strong towards modular distance learning as to
presence of a multifaceted digital divide in the technology access, technology skills, and time
country. In conclusion, this research has shown management; 4. as perceived by the respondents,
that although ICT-enabled distance education has what is the extent of psychological factors
the potential to increase access to higher towards modular distance learning as to,
education the present implementation of the motivation, study skills and mathematics self-
system in Sri Lanka has been less than successful. efficacy; 5. significance of the relationship
between the identified profile of the respondents
The Theories, Legal Bases and the
and the readiness factors and psychological
Review of the Related Literature shows that there
factors; 6. significance of the relationship
is a need to continue with the present
between the academic performance of the
investigation to affirm or negate the findings of
respondents, and readiness factors and
other Inquiries about the same research problem
psychological factors.
or topic so that generalizations or principles may
be formulated. These generalizations and
principles would be the contributions of the
Thestudy employed descriptive correlational
present investigation together with other studies
survey using universal sampling among grade 11
to fund of knowledge. This study is not a
senior high school students with the use of the
duplication of other studies. The present inquiry
questionnaire adopted from Tuntirojanawong
may only be a replication of another study. In
(2013) that the researcher modified. This was
spite of similar studies, the present study is still
used to find out the factors affecting the
necessary to find out if the findings of studies in
performance of the grade 11 student’s in general
other places are also true in the local of the
mathematics during modular distance learning
present study. This study will measure the
modality. These were the readiness factors and
readiness factor and the psychological factor of
psychological factors. The correlation method
the learners towards modular distance learning.
was used to differentiate the relationship between
the readiness factors, psychological factors and
3417 Journal of Positive School Psychology

the performance of the students in Mathematics. 186students in grade 11 in three different schools
The researchers distributed the questionnaires which were the subject of the study. Fifty (50) in
personally, conducted the survey and collected Adventist Academy- Cebu, 71 in Center for
the accomplished questionnaires. Descriptive Healthcare Profession Cebu Inc. and 65 in
correlational survey using universal Ponciano L. Padin National High School in the
samplingapproach was used in gathering, School Year: 2020 – 2021. The grade 11 students
measuring and analyzing data. were chosen as our correspondence for they are
The study focused on factors affecting in the level of maturity to answer the
the performance of the grade 11 students in questionnaires. They were also the focus of this
general Mathematics during the modular distance study for they were the first to experience the
learning modality. modular distance learning modality in
The study has a total population of mathematics. The study used the universal
400grade 11 senior high school students from the sampling in which the selection of the
different locality where the study was conducted. respondents was based on the convenience of the
The research respondents were the selected researchers.

The distribution of cases is shown below:

Table 1 Distribution of Respondents

Respondents Number of Respondents Percentage

Adventist Academy- Cebu 50 26.88
Center for Healthcare Profession Cebu Inc. 71 38.17

Ponciano L. Padin National High School 65 34.95

Total 186 100

Data gathering were done through a number of siblings, internet connectivity and
survey questionnaire, the focus of which was on gadget used. Part II contains the respondents’
respondents’ profile, readinessand the readiness factors towardsmodular distance
psychological factorof the respondents towards learning modality in Mathematics. Part III
modular distance learning modality. The findings contains the respondents’ psychological factors
obtain in this study are limited by the perceptions towardsmodular distance learning modality in
and opinions of the respondents. Basically, the Mathematics. There were thirty-five questions
Likert style of item construction is adapted throughout the three areas. The fifteen items were
wherein the intended respondents are to specify for the students’ readiness towards modular
their answer according to the prescribed scale. distance modality of learning. The other twenty
The formulated questions in the instrument are items were the students’ psychological factor
patterned from Tuntirojanawong (2013). towards modular distance learning modality.
The questionnaire consists of three parts: To ensure the smoothness and systematic
Part I, deals on the profile of the respondents as conduct of the study, the researchers send a letter
to age, gender, strand they take, parent to the school principals of Adventist Academy –
occupation combined monthly family income, Cebu Inc., Center for Healthcare Profession Cebu
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3418

Inc, and Ponciano L. Padin National High School Pearson Product-Moment Correlation.
for the distribution of the questionnaires to the Thiswas used to determine the relationship
respondents. After the permit was granted, the between the readiness factors, psychological
questionnaires were distributed by the researchers factors and Mathematics Performance.
in the form of printouts or google form. The
respondents were made to understand that their V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
participation through their answers to the survey The results of the respondents' profile in terms of
will be dealt with utmost confidentiality. The age and gender, track and strand enrolled in, final
respondents were given enough time to answer grade in Grade 10 mathematics, type of school
the tool and address their questions. graduated are given in Table 1. The mathematics
The responses then were tallied and performance of the respondents is also presented
collated in tables for the purpose of analysis and in Table 1. The level of the attitude of the
interpretation. The data were subject to statistical respondents in terms of perceived confidence in
treatment to test the hypothesis. The findings learning mathematics, and usefulness of
became the basis for drawing conclusions and mathematics are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The
recommendations of the study. respondents' attitude towards blended learning is
The researcher used the student’s report card to presented in Table 4. Further, the significance of
determine the level of performance of the the relationship between the mathematics
students in General Mathematics. With the performance and the level of attitude towards
permission of the school principal, the researcher mathematics, and blended learning are exhibited
then asked politely to the teacher to get an access in Tables 5 and 6, respectively. Finally, the
to the student’s final academics record in first significance of the difference in the level of
semester specifically their grade in general attitude towards mathematics, and blended
mathematics. The grading scale was based on the learning when grouped by the profile of the
report card. respondents are depicted in Tables 7 and 8,
The data to be gathered on this study was respectively.
treated and validated using the following:
Chi-square test. Thiswas used to determine Profile of the respondents
whether there is an association between This part presents the profile of the respondents
categorical variables. from the three identified School in terms of age
Weighted Mean. This technique was used to and gender, Senior high strand, internet
measure the tendency where some values are connectivity, gadgets used, parents’ occupation,
given importance over others. This was used to combined monthly family income, and number of
gauge the average value of responses to items in siblings.
the questionnaire.

Table 1. Age and Gender

Male Female Total

Age (in years)
f % f % f %
19 and above 9 4.84 12 6.45 21 11.29
18 16 8.60 22 11.83 38 20.43
17 24 12.90 64 34.41 88 47.31
3419 Journal of Positive School Psychology

16 8 4.30 31 16.67 39 20.97

Total 57 30.65 129 69.35 186 100.00

Table 1 presented the profile of the were male and 22 or 11.83 percent were female.
respondents as to age and gender. These aspects A total of 21 or 11.29 percent of the respondents
were believed to affect the performance of the were 19 years old and above, nine or 4.84 percent
respondents in general mathematics during the were male and 12 or 6.45 percent were female.
modular distance learning modality. The data showed that most of the learners belong
Among the 186 respondents, a total of 88 to the age of 17 and most of them were female. At
or 47.31 percent were 17 years old, 24 or 12.90 this age the learner still needs guidance in their
percent were male and 64 or 34.41 percent were psychological attitudes towards learning. The
female. A total 39 or 20.97 percent were 16 years learners at this age were not matured enough to
old, eight or 4.30 percent were male and 31 or perform their task on their own. Hence, the
16.67 percent were female. A total 38 or 20.43 learners need the presence of the teachers during
percent were 18 years old, 16 or 8.60 percent performing of their task.

Table 2.Senior High Strand

Strand f %
ABM 8 4.30
GAS 65 34.95
HUMMS 37 19.89
STEM 29 15.59
TECHVOC 47 25.27
Total 186 100.00

Table 2 presented the different strands of showed that most of the learners were majoring
the respondents. Accordingly, 65 or 34.95 percent GAS and TECHVOC strand. This strand needs
were taking GAS, 47 or 25.27 percent of the the collaboration between teachers and learners.
respondents were taking TECHVOC, 37 or 19.89 The researchers find it difficult for the learner to
percent were taking HUMMS, 29 or 15.59 learn at their fullest. Full support and guidance of
percent of the respondents were taking STEM and the teachers were needed.
eight or 4.30 percent were taking ABM.The data

Table 3. Internet Connectivity

Internet Connectivity f %

Data 76 40.86

Wi-Fi 53 28.49
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3420

Peso Net 33 17.74

None 24 12.90

Total 186 100.00

Table 3 presented the internet data showed that internet

connectivity of the respondents. Accordingly, 76 connectivitywasavailable to most of the learners.
or 40.86 percent of the respondents were using Internet connectivity is important in modular
data, 53 or 28.49 percent were using wi-fi, 33 or distance learning modality since the way of
17.74 percent were using peso net and 24 or 12.90 communication between learners and teachers is
percent does not have internet connection. The oftentimes thru internet technology.

Table 4. Gadgets Used

Gadgets f %
Laptop 18 9.68
Tablet 2 1.08
Smartphone 151 81.18
Personal Computer 8 4.30
None 7 3.76
Total 186 100.00

Table 4 presented the gadgets used by the percent does not own a gadget. The data showed
respondents. The table showed that 151 or 81.18 that gadget was available to most of the learners
percent respondents were using smart phone, 18 in different forms. Gadget also plays an important
or 9.68 percent were using laptop, eight or 4.30 role in modular distance learning modality where
percent were using personal computer, two or gadget is the device being used by the learners to
1.08 percent were using tablet and seven or 3.76 access internet.

Table 5. Parents’ Occupation

Occupation f % f % Occupation
Housewife 126 67.74 60 32.26 Fisherman
Teacher 15 8.06 17 9.14 Driver
Vendor 7 3.76 8 4.30 Teacher
Self-employed 4 2.15 9 4.84 Self-employed
Businesswoman 3 1.61 8 4.30 Company Worker
Store owner 3 1.61 8 4.30 Vendor
Government employee 2 1.08 5 2.69 Businessman
3421 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Farmer 2 1.08 4 2.15 Seaman

Brgy. Health Worker 2 1.08 4 2.15 Farmer
Others 19 10.22 3 1.61 Govt. Employee
None 2 1.08 3 1.61 Engineer
Deceased 1 0.53 3 1.61 Pastor
3 1.61 Welder
3 1.61 Security guard
3 1.61 Construction worker
2 1.08 Accountant
2 1.08 Minister
2 1.08 Store Owner
2 1.08 Carpenter
2 1.08 Mechanic
2 1.08 Technician
22 11.83 Others
6 3.23 None
5 2.69 Deceased
Total 186 100.00 186 100.00 Total

Table 5 presented the parent’s occupation or 1.61 percent were government employees,
of the respondents. three or 1.61 percent were engineers, three or 1.61
For mothers,the table showed that 126 or percent were pastors, three or 1.61 percent were
67.74 percent were housewives, 15 or 8.06 welders, three or 1.61 percent were security
percent were teachers, seven or 3.76 percent were guards, three or 1.61 percent were construction
vendors, four or 2.15 percent were self-employed, workers, two or 1.08 percent were accountants,
three or 1.61 percent were business women, three two or 1.08 percent were ministers, two or 1.08
or 1.61 percent were store owners, two or 1.08 percent were store owners, two or 1.08 percent
percent were government employees, two or 1.08 were carpenters, 22 or 11.83 percent does not
percent were farmers, two or 1.08 percent were specified, six or 3.23 percent does not have a job
barangay health workers, 19 or 10.22 percent and five or 2.69 percent were deceased. The data
does not specified, two or 1.08 percent does not showed that most of the parent’s had an
have a job and one or 0.53 percent deceased. occupation and were generating and income. This
For fathers,the table showed that60 or showed that they were capable in providing their
32.26 percent were fishermen, 17 or 9.14 percent children gadgets and internet connectivity that
were drivers, nine or 4.84 percent were self- can be used during modular distance modality.
employed, eight or 4.30 percent were teachers, The study of Tazouti & Jarlégan, (2019).
eight or 4.30 percent were company worker, eight examined the process of how socioeconomic
or 4.30 percent were vendors, five or 2.69 percent status, specifically parents' education and
were businessmen, four or 2.15 percent were income, indirectly relates to children's academic
seamen, four or 2.15 percent were farmer, three achievement through parents' beliefs and
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3422

behaviors. Using structural equation modeling children's academic achievement through parents'
techniques, the author found that the beliefs and behaviors but that the process of these
socioeconomic factors were related indirectly to relations was different by racial group.

Table 6. Combined family monthly income

Monthly Income (in pesos) f %

Above 40,000 24 12.90

30,001 – 40,000 7 3.76

20,001 – 30,000 14 7.53

10,001 – 20,000 44 23.66

below 10,000 97 52.15

Total 186 100.00

Table 6 presented the combined family The study of Tazouti & Jarlégan, (2019).
income of mother and father of the respondents. examined the process of how socioeconomic
The table showed that 97 or 52.15 percent status, specifically parents' education and
respondents with combined parents’ income of income, indirectly relates to children's academic
10,000 and below, 44 or 23.66 percent were achievement through parents' beliefs and
between 10,001 – 20,000, 24 or 12.90 percent behaviors. Using structural equation modeling
were above 40,000, 14 or 7.53 percent were techniques, the author found that the
between 20,001 – 30,000 and seven or 3.76 socioeconomic factors were related indirectly to
percent were between 30,001 – 40,000. The data children's academic achievement through parents'
showed that most of the parent’s incomes were beliefs and behaviors but that the process of these
sufficient enough to provide their children relations was different by racial group.
gadgets and internet connectivity that can be used
during modular distance modality.

Table 7. Number of Siblings

Number of Siblings f %
9 and above 4 2.15
6–8 29 15.59
3–5 100 53.76
0–2 53 28.49
3423 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Total 186 100.00

Table 7 presented the number of siblings 28.49 percent had between 0-2, 29 or 15.59
of the respondents. The table showed that 100 or percent had between 6-8 and four or 2.15 percent
53.76 percent had between 3-5 siblings, 53 or had 9 and above.

Level of Academic Performance

Table 8.Level of Academic Performance of the Respondents

Level f %
Outstanding 90 – 100 34 18.28
85 – 89
Very Satisfactory 49 26.34
Satisfactory 80 – 84 49 26.34
Fair Satisfactory 75 – 79 54 29.03

Did not meet the Expectations Below 75 -- --

Total 186 100.00
Average 83.94

Table 8 portrayed the level of performance of the

respondents in general mathematics. The table Extent of readiness factor towards
showed that 54 or 29.03 percent were in the level modular distance learning
of fair satisfactory, 49 or 26.34 percent were This part presents the readiness factor towards
satisfactory, 49 or 26.34 percent were very Modular Learning as to Technology Access,
satisfactory and 34 or 18.28 percent were Technology Skills and Time Management Skills
outstanding. The overall average was in in the three identified School
satisfactory level.

Table 9. Technology Access

S/N Indicators 𝐱 sd
1 I have access to a gadget on a daily basis. 2.87 0.719 Ready
2 I have access to a gadget with an Internet
connection at home. 2.60 0.872 Ready

3 I have a virus protection on my gadget. 2.66 0.785 Ready

Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3424

4 I have access to a gadget with the necessary

software installed. 2.73 0.686 Ready

5 I have access to a gadget in campus with Somewhat

stable internet connection. 2.05 0.780
Overall Mean 2.58
Overall Standard Deviation 0.768
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Very Ready; 2.51 – 3.25 – Ready; 1.76 – 2.50 – Somewhat Ready; 1.00 – 1.75
– Not Ready

Table 9 presented the mean rating on the extent connection with an average mean of 2.05
of readiness of the respondents towards modular interpreted as somewhat ready. The overall mean
distance learning as to technology access based is 2.58 and interpreted as ready.
on the indicators given. The result shows that the respondents
The mean rating of each indicator are were ready with the implementation of modular
arranged from highest to lowest and the following distance learning modality in terms of technology
are:(1) access to a gadget on a daily basis with an access. Result was consistent with
average mean of 2.87 interpreted as ready, (2) Tuntirojanawong (2013) which states that,
access to a gadget with the necessary software sufficient access of technology such as internet
installed with an average mean of 2.73 interpreted connection, gadgets and software that will help
as ready, (3) have a virus protection on my gadget both teachers and learners in production and
with an average mean of 2.66 interpreted as delivery of course material, assist the progress of
ready, (4) access to a gadget with an Internet students in term of learning, interacting and
connection at home with an average mean of 2.60 effective communication. Learners must have
interpreted as somewhat ready, and (5) have these technology access when doing modular
access to a gadget in campus with stable internet distance learning modality.

Table 10. Technology Skills

S/N Indicators 𝐱 sd
1 I can save/open documents to/ from a hard disk or other 2.72 0.762 Ready
removable storage device.

2 I can navigate the Web pages. (go to next, or previous 2.85 0.746 Ready

3 I can send and receive email attachments. 2.88 0.805 Ready

4 I can resolve commons errors while surfing the internet 2.53 0.737 Ready
such as page not found or connection time out.
3425 Journal of Positive School Psychology

5 I can use the advanced Internet skills, such as using a 2.71 0.786 Ready
search engine, identifying and downloading appropriate
files, and installing or updating software.

Overall Mean 2.74

Overall Standard Deviation 0.767

Table 10 presented the mean rating on the time out with an average mean of 2.53 interpreted
extent of readiness of the respondents towards as ready. The overall mean is 2.74 and interpreted
modular distance learning as to technology skills as ready.
based on the indicators given. The result shows that the respondents
The mean rating of each indicator are were ready with the implementation of modular
arranged from highest to lowest and the following distance learning modality in terms of technology
are:(1) can send and receive email attachments skills. Result was consistent with Towhidi (2016)
with an average mean of 2.88 interpreted as which states that, the system of education is
ready, (2) can navigate the Web pages with an rapidly changing as well as technology. Older
average mean of 2.85 interpreted as ready, (3) can technology is replaced by new technological
save/open documents to/ from a hard disk or other phenomena and the new ones are being adopted
removable storage device with an average mean and these are affecting the educational systems.
of 2.72 interpreted as ready, (4) can use the Technology skills like computer operation and
advanced Internet skills, such as using a search internet navigation literacy plays an important
engine, identifying and downloading appropriate role in our educational system today. Learners
files, and installing or updating software with an must equip themselves with these technology
average mean of 2.71 interpreted as ready, and (5) skills when doing modular distance learning
can resolve commons errors while surfing the modality.
internet such as page not found or connection

Table11.Time Management

S/N Indicators 𝐱 sd
1 I can schedule time to provide timely responses to 2.83 0.673 Ready
other students and/or the instructor.

2 I can control my desire to postpone important tasks. 2.75 0.668 Ready

3 I can get assignment done ahead of time. 2.78 0.728 Ready

4 I can sacrifice personal time to complete assignments 2.96 0.723 Ready

and reading.
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3426

5 I have the self-discipline to login and participate in an 2.59 0.747 Ready

online course several times a week.

Overall Mean 2.78

Overall Standard Deviation 0.708

Table 11 presented the mean rating on the somewhat ready. The overall mean is 2.78 and
extent of readiness of the respondents towards interpreted as ready.
modular distance learning as to time management The result shows that the respondents
skills based on the indicators given. were ready with the implementation of modular
The mean rating of each indicator are distance learning modality in terms of time
arranged from highest to lowest and the following management skills. Result was consistent with
are:(1) respondents can sacrifice personal time to Guangxin (2019) which states that while allowing
complete assignments and reading with an learners to decide when and how to study, it also
average mean of 2.96 interpreted as ready, (2) can presents great challenges to those who are not
schedule time to provide timely responses to skillful at using time efficiently. Suggested
other students and/or the instructor with an strategies for time management include using
average mean of 2.83 interpreted as ready, (3) can structured learning to strengthen time
get assignment done ahead of time with an management.
average mean of 2.78 interpreted as ready, (4) can Time management skills is one of the
control my desire to postpone important tasks attitudes needed by the learners especially when
with an average mean of 2.75 interpreted as doing modular distance learning modality.The
ready, and (5) have the self-discipline to login and fact that the students had the possibility to change
participate in an online course several times a their daily schedule in such a way to fit with their
week with an average mean of 2.59 interpreted as study requirements due dates, made it possible to
solve the problem of time management.

Summary on the extent of readiness factorstowards modular distance learning

Table 12.Summary on the Extent of Readiness Factors

Readiness Factors 𝐱 sd

Technology Access 2.58 0.768 Ready

Technology Skills 2.74 0.767 Ready
Time Management Skills 2.78 0.708 Ready
Grand Mean 2.70
Grand Standard Deviation 0.748
3427 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Table 12presented the summary on the extent of somewhat ready. The grand mean is 2.70 and
readiness of the respondents towards modular interpreted as ready.
distance learning.
Arranging the mean from highest to Extent of psychological factors towards
lowest the following are;timemanagement skills modular distance learning
with an average mean of 2.78 interpreted as This part presents the extent of psychological
ready, technology skills with an average mean of factors towards modular distance learning as to
2.74 interpreted as ready and technology access motivation, study skills and mathematics self-
with an average mean of 2.58 interpreted as efficacy in the three identified schools.

Table 13.Motivation

S/N Indicators 𝐱 sd
1 I would be able to complete my study even when there
are distractions in my environment. 2.76 0.726 High

2 I can set goals and objectives for Learning. 3.13 0.518 High
3 I consider flexibility in time as an important motivating
factor in answering the self-learning module. 3.00 0.597 High

4 I enjoy learning that is both interesting and challenging. 3.17 0.632 High
5 I undertake reading activities indicated because I have
to. 2.95 0.609 High

Overall Mean 3.00

Overall Standard Deviation 0.616
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Very High; 2.51 – 3.25 – High; 1.76 – 2.50 – Low; 1.00 – 1.75 – Very Low

Table 13 presented the mean rating on the average mean of 3.00 interpreted as high, (4)
extent of motivation of the respondents towards undertake reading activities indicated because I
modular distance learning based on the indicators have to with an average mean of 2.95 interpreted
given. as high, and (5) would be able to complete my
The mean rating of each indicator are study even when there are distractions in my
arranged from highest to lowest and the following environment with an average mean of 2.76
are:(1) the respondents enjoy learning that is both interpreted as high. The overall mean is 3.00 and
interesting and challenging with an average mean interpreted as high.
of 3.17 interpreted as high, (2) can set goals and The result shows that respondent’s
objectives for learning with an average mean of motivations were high and ready with the
3.13 interpreted as high, (3) consider flexibility in implementation of modular distance learning
time as an important motivating factor in modality. Result was consistent with Wettergren
answering the self-learning module with an (2017) which states that, motivated students are
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3428

important in all forms of education even more so to motivate themselves and to push through
in distance-education where students are alone in barriers and hurdles with less help and support
their efforts. Distance education can in many from peers and teachers, the sense of isolation is
aspects be a lonely affair where students are left ever present.

Table 14.Study Skills

S/N Indicators 𝐱 sd
1 I can follow a structured approach to find solutions to a
problem. 2.99 0.606 High

2 I can communicate effectively with other students using

online technologies. 2.85 0.689 High

3 I can follow a structured approach to find solutions to a

problem. 2.98 0.657 High

4 I can learn new technologies; I do not put it off or avoid

it. 2.89 0.606 High

5 I am comfortable doing academic work independently

and without regular face-to-face interaction with an 2.41 0.860 Low

Overall Mean 2.82

Overall Standard Deviation 0.684

Table 14 presented the mean rating on the extent of 2.85 interpreted as high, and (5) comfortable
of study skills of the respondents towards doing academic work independently and without
modular distance learning based on the indicators regular face-to-face interaction with an instructor
given. with an average mean of 2.41 interpreted as low.
The mean rating of each indicator are The overall mean is 2.82 and interpreted as high.
arranged from highest to lowest and the following The result shows that respondent’s study
are:(1) respondents can follow a structured skills were high and ready with the
approach to find solutions to a problem with an implementation of modular distance learning
average mean of 2.99 interpreted as high, (2) can modality and succeed due to their effective study
follow a structured approach to find solutions to habits. Result was consistent with Ojo &
a problem with an average mean of 2.98 Olakulehin (2016) which states that, although
interpreted as high, (3) can learn new distance learning is more flexible, the fact
technologies; I do not put it off or avoid it with an remains that this educational approach demands a
average mean of 2.89 interpreted as high, (4) can great deal of personal sacrifice on the part of
communicate effectively with other students learners.
using online technologies with an average mean
3429 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Table 15. Mathematics Self-efficacy

S/N Indicators 𝐱 sd
1 I prefer Mathematics than other subjects. 2.44 0.812 Low
2 In my Mathematics class, I understand even the most
challenging work 2.53 0.744 High

3 I have never felt incapable of learning Math 2.50 0.676 Low

4 I am good at Mathematics. 2.36 0.709 Low
5 I am capable of making a good grade in Mathematics.
2.61 0.691 High

6 I do extra work to learn Mathematics. 2.76 0.713 High

7 Learning Mathematics gives me meaning to learn
activities. 2.92 0.689 High

8 Even if the work in Mathematics is hard, I can learn it. 2.85 0.689 High
9 Every question in Mathematics is answerable. 2.70 0.694 High
10 I am sure I can learn the skills taught in Mathematics
class well. 2.97 0.689 High

Overall Mean 2.66

Overall Standard Deviation 0.710

Table 15 presented the mean rating on the (6) capable of making a good grade in
extent of self-efficacy of the respondents towards Mathematics with an average mean of 2.61
modular distance learning based on the indicators interpreted as high, (7) In Mathematics class,
given. The mean rating of each indicator are respondent understand even the most challenging
arranged from highest to lowest and the following work with an average mean of 2.53 interpreted as
are:(1) respondent is sure I can learn the skills high, (8) respondents never felt incapable of
taught in mathematics class well with an average learning math with an average mean of 2.50
mean of 2.97 interpreted as high, (2) learning interpreted as low, (9) respondents prefer
mathematics gives respondent meaning to learn mathematics than other subjects with an average
activities with an average mean of 2.92 mean of 2.44 interpreted as low, (10) respondents
interpreted as high, (3) Even if the work in were good at mathematics with an average mean
Mathematics is hard, respondent can learn it with of 2.36 interpreted as low. the overall mean is
an average mean of 2.85 interpreted as high, (4) 2.66 and interpreted as high.
respondent do extra work to learn Mathematics The result shows that respondents’ self-
with an average mean of 2.76 interpreted as high, efficacies were high and ready with the
(5) every question in mathematics is answerable implementation of modular distance learning.
with an average mean of 2.70 interpreted as high, Result was consistent with the book of Cottrell
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3430

(2019) entitled, the study skills handbook which Summary on the extent of psychological
states that, self-efficacy or being able to 'manage factors
yourself can make a significant difference to your Summary on the extent of psychological factors
time as a student and beyond. . It is one of the of the respondents towards modular distance
most important attributes to bring to study and to learning of the identified schools.
take into life beyond your course. It is worth
spending time thinking about this and developing
your self-management abilities.

Table 16.Summary on the Extent of Psychological Factors

Psychological Factors 𝐱 sd

Motivation 3.00 0.616 High

Study Skills 2.82 0.684 High
Self-efficacy 2.66 0.710 High
Grand Mean 2.83
Grand Standard Deviation 0.670

Table 16 presented the summary on the

extent of psychological factor of the respondents Test of significant relationship
towards modular distance learning. Arranging This section presents the Test of Significant
from highest to lowest mean,motivation with an Relationship between the Identified Profile of the
average mean of 3.00 interpreted as high, study Respondentsand the Readiness Factors and
skills with an average mean of 2.82 interpreted as Psychological Factors in the three identified
high and self-efficacy with an average mean of School.
2.66 also interpreted as high. The grand mean is
2.83 and interpreted as high.

Table 17. Readiness Factors

df 𝛘𝟐 -value p – value Decision Remarks
Do not Not
Age 15 14.517 0.487
Reject Ho Significant
Do not Not
Gender 3 1.988 0.575
Reject Ho Significant
SHS 12 23.383* 0.025 Reject Ho Significant

Internet Connectivity 9 26.447** 0.002 Reject Ho Significant

3431 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Gadgets Used 12 23.489* 0.024 Reject Ho Significant

Monthly Income 6 18.384** 0.005 Reject Ho Significant
Do not Not
Number of Siblings 6 10.262 0.114
Reject Ho Significant
*significant at p < 0.05 (two-tailed); **significant at p < 0.01 (two-tailed)

Table 17 presented the test relationship of rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that there is a
between the profile of the respondents and the significant relationship between internet
readiness factor. The first variable which is age connectivity and the readiness factor. The fifth
has a  2 -value of 14.517 and P-value of 0.487 variable which is gadget used has a  2 -value of
with the decision of not rejecting the Ho. Thus, it 23.489* and P-value of 0.024 with the decision of
shows that there is no significant relationship rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that there is
between age the readiness factor. The second significant relationship between gadget used and
variable which is gender has a  2 -value of the readiness factor. The sixth variable which is
1.988 and P-value of 0.575 with the decision of monthly income has a  2 -value of 18.384**
not rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that there is and P-value of 0.005 with the decision of
no significant relationship between gender and rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that there is
the readiness factor. The third variable which is significant relationship between monthly income
SHS strand has a  2 -value of 23.383* and P- and the readiness factor. The last variable which
value of 0.025 with the decision of rejecting the is number of siblings has a  2 -value of 10.262
Ho. Thus, it shows that there is a significant and P-value of 0.114 with the decision of not
relationship between SHS Strand and the rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that there is no
readiness factor. The fourth variable which is significant relationship between age the readiness
internet connectivity has a  2 -value of factor.
26.447** and P-value of 0.002 with the decision

Table 18.Psychological Factors

df 𝛘𝟐 -value p - value Decision Remarks
Do not Not
Age 15 12.307 0.656
Reject Ho Significant
Do not Not
Gender 3 2.441 0.486
Reject Ho Significant
Do not Not
SHS 12 7.790 0.801
Reject Ho Significant
Do not Not
Internet Connectivity 9 9.615 0.383
Reject Ho Significant

Gadgets Used 12 29.049** 0.004 Reject Ho Significant

Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3432

Do not Not
Monthly Income 6 6.219 0.399
Reject Ho Significant
Do not Not
Number of Siblings 6 12.385 0.054
Reject Ho Significant
**significant at p < 0.01 (two-tailed)

Table 18 presented the test relationship fifth variable which is gadget used has a 2 -
between the profile of the respondents and the
value of 29.049** and P-value of 0.004 with the
psychological factor. The first variable which is
decision of rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that
age has a  2 -value of 12.307 and P-value of there is significant relationship between gadget
0.656 with the decision of not rejecting the Ho. used and the psychological factor. The sixth
Thus, it shows that there is no significant variable which is monthly income has a 2 -
relationship between age the psychological
value of 6.219 and P-value of 0.399 with the
factor. The second variable which is gender has a
decision of not rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows
 2 -value of 2.441 and P-value of 0.486 with the that there is no significant relationship between
decision of not rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows monthly income and the psychological factor.
that there is no significant relationship between The last variable which is number of siblings has
gender and the psychological factor. The third a  2 -value of 12.385 and P-value of 0.054 with
variable which is SHS strand has a  2 -value of the decision of not rejecting the Ho. Thus, it
7.790 and P-value of 0.801 with the decision of shows that there is no significant relationship
not rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that there is between age the psychological factor.
no significant relationship between SHS Strand
and the psychological factor. The fourth variable Test of significant relationship
which is internet connectivity has a  -value of
2 This section presents the Test of Relationship
between the academic performance of the
9.615 and P-value of 0.383 with the decision of
Respondents in General Mathematics and the
not rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that there is
Readiness Factors and Psychological Factors in
no significant relationship between internet
three identified schools.
connectivity and the psychological factor. The
Table 19.Readiness Factors and Academic Performance

Variables n Pearson r p - value Decision Remarks

Technology Access and Academic

186 0.231** 0.002 Reject Ho Significant
Technology Skills and Academic
186 0.228** 0.002 Reject Ho Significant
Time Management Skills and
186 0.249** 0.001 Reject Ho Significant
Academic Performance
**significant at p < 0.01 (two-tailed)
3433 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Table 19 presented the test relationship has a Pearson r - value of 0.228** and P-value of
between readiness factor and academic 0.002 with the decision of rejecting the Ho. Thus,
performance of the respondents in General it shows that there is significant relationship
Mathematics. The first variable which is between Technology skills and Academic
Technology Access and Academic Performance Performance. The third variable which is Time
has a Person r -value of 0.231** and P-value of Management skills and Academic Performance
0.002 with the decision of rejecting the Ho. Thus, has a Pearson r - value of 0.249** and P-value of
it shows that there is significant relationship 0.001 with the decision of rejecting the Ho. Thus,
between Technology Access and Academic it shows that there is significant relationship
Performance. The second variable which is between Time Management skills and Academic
Technology skills and Academic Performance Performance.

Table 20.Psychological Factors and Academic Performance

Variables n Pearson r p - value Decision Remarks

Motivation and Academic

186 0.145* 0.049 Reject Ho Significant
Study Skills and Academic
186 0.196** 0.007 Reject Ho Significant
Self-efficacy and Academic
186 0.157* 0.032 Reject Ho Significant
*significant at p < 0.05 (two-tailed); **significant at p < 0.01 (two-tailed)

Table 20 presented the test relationship between self - efficacy and Academic
between Psychological factor and academic Performance.
performance of the respondents in General
Mathematics. The first variable which is
Based on the results of findings of the study, the
Motivation and Academic Performance has a
researchers come up with the conclusion that both
Person r -value of 0.145* and P-value of 0.049
psychological factor and readiness factor were
with the decision of rejecting the Ho. Thus, it
significant or has an impact to the academic
shows that there is significant relationship
performance of the respondents in general
between Motivation and Academic Performance.
mathematics subject and is important for the
The second variable which is study skills and
implementation of modular distance learning
Academic Performance has a Pearson r - value of
modality.The researcher also concludes that most
0.196** and P-value of 0.007 with the decision of
profile of the respondents had an impact on the
rejecting the Ho. Thus, it shows that there is
readiness factors like SHS strand, internet
significant relationship between study skills and
connectivity, gadgets used and monthly Income
Academic Performance. The third variable which
but none in psychological factor.
is self-efficacy and Academic Performance has a
Furthermore, the academic performance
Pearson r - value of 0.157* and P-value of 0.032
of the respondents in their general mathematics
with the decision of rejecting the Ho. Thus, it
during the modular distance learning is only
shows that there is significant relationship
Jude Thaddeus M. Metante 3434

satisfactory and needs improvement so that the Sources of Funding

respondents can go up to the next performance This research was conducted solely to examine
level. But the overall results showed that the the potential contributions of blended learning to
respondents were ready for the implementation of teaching and learning mathematics to senior high
modular distance learning. school students. The authors and their
contributions to this manuscript are dependent on
VII. RECOMMENDATIONS their personal funds.
The researchers strongly recommend that
theenhancement plan will be adopted, Financial and Non-Financial Interests
implemented and monitored in each identified The authors declared no potential conflicts of
school to improve or enhance the performance of interest, including financial and non-financial
the grade 11 students during modular distance conflicts. All authors declare no conflict of
learning modality. interest.

Disclosure statement REFERENCES

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