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The Emerging Central Business District (CBD) in Lafia Town, Nigeria, and Its Related Urban Planning Problems

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering

Vol:7, No:3, 2013

The Emerging Central Business District (CBD)

in Lafia Town, Nigeria, and its Related Urban
Planning Problems
Barau Daniel, and Bashayi Obadiah

 problems caused by its emergence. The following objectives

Abstract—A spatial analysis of a large 20th century urban will guide the sequence of the work.
settlement (town/city) easily presents the celebrated central Business (i) Concept and Nature of CBD’s with particular attention to
District (CBD). Theories of Urban Land Economics have easily Nigerian cities
justified and attempted to explain the existence of such a district
activity area within the cityscape. This work examines the gradual
(ii) The Emerging CBD of Lafia town
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:3, 2013

emergence and development of the CBD in Lafia Town, Nigeria over (iii) Problems of CBD’s
20 years and the attended urban problems caused by its emergence. (iv) Some suggested guidelines in the planning, design and
Personal knowledge and observation of land use change are the main management of CBDs
sources of data for the work, with unstructured interview with
residents. The result are that the absence of a co-ordinate land use II. CONCEPT, AND NATURE OF CBD’S
plan for the town, multi-nuclei nature, and regional location of
surrounding towns have affected the growth pattern, hence the CBD. All the three socio-spatial theories in Fig. 1 [4], [5]
Traffic congestion, dispersed CBD land uses are some of the urban subscribe to the presence of a component part of a city called
planning problems. The work concludes by advocating for integrating the Central Business District. Reference [6], [7], it is that part
CBD uses. where activities seem most alive in the North American
Literature; husty and bursty. In many cities it represents where
Keywords—Urban planning, Central Business District (CBD),
downtown. the city began or the earliest part of the city, except in cases
where massive planning and redevelopment have strongly
I. INTRODUCTION influenced its location through planning policies and design.

T HE agglomeration of populations of people into relatively

large settlements, as a result of food surplus, suitable
defense locations, and water source and rudimentary
technology dates back to pre-history [1]. Probably the singular
visible evidence without statistical count of human population
growth is the number of large and larger settlements that have
characterized every society and culture from unrecorded time
to the present. In Africa, ancient Urbanization is traced to
Egypt, Alexandria being one of the earliest cities [2].
West African and indeed Nigeria Urbanization are often
discussed on the basis of pre and post Colonial urban structure
which has affected the CBD structure of earlier Nigerian cities
[3]. Spatially, a city is viewed as a combination of activity
areas, built up spaces worked together by communication Fig. 1 Three models for looking at the pattern of land use in older
routes. The CBD is one of these activity spaces. The towns and cities
evolution, subsequent control through urban planning and
design of the CBD affects its functionality and that of the The concentric model, suggested [8], displays a series of
other component of a city. concentric circles with the central business district (CBD) at
The paper primarily examines the emerging CBD of Lafia the centre and the commuter zone on the outer ring. The sector
town, in Nigeria with a view of unraveling urban planning theory, put forward by Homer Hoyt in 1939, has industrial and
residential zones in sectors radiating from the CBD at the
centre. The multiple-nuclei theory was developed [5]. In this
Barau, Daniel is with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, model, the different zones grow in several independent areas
Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Lafia, Nigeria. (phone: 08036752189; e-mail: rather than solely around the CBD. The CBD represents the core area where daytime
Bashayi, Obadiah is with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning,
Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Lafia, Nigeria. (phone: population concentration and density is highest compared to
08038069607,08022059170; e-mail: other parts of a city. Further sociological description of the

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International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering
Vol:7, No:3, 2013

CBD is that it is the zone that is surrounded by the low class A typical Nigerian city’s CBD may have same features.
workers principally because they work within the CBD as live Reference [13], describes three types of city centre in Nigeria
close to it as building structures are of poorer quality so rents unlike the single one described above which is typical of most
are low. Also, the advantage of paying less in transport cost to American and post industrial Western cities. The three types
reach the CBD is given as a reason for the low class workers of cities centres are:
living immediately around a CBD. i. The single centre cohesive pattern centre (Onisha, Calabar
Probably the economic interpretation of land use structure and Sapele),
within a city including the CBD has given a clearer ii. The non cohesive single centre (Enugu, Maiduguri, Kano,
understanding of existence and expansion of a CBD. One of Ilorin, Zaria, Ibadan),
such early models that seek to interpret urban land use is that iii. Multi-centres (Kaduna, Port-Harcourt and Lagos).
of Richard Hurd cited in [9]. Hurd asserts that any utility or The nature of the structure of Nigerian cities and their
activity may compete for any location within the city, and all CBD’s largely depends on whether the city in question is pre-
lands go to the highest bidder. In this model competition is the colonial or post- colonial. Most pre-colonial cities centres are
basis that distributes the spatial pattern of urban land uses dual city centres, [14], [15] and post-colonial city have single
including the CBD uses. A similar work by Haig in 1920 cited centres, a little more close to the typical Western European
in [10] argues that rent paid on urban land is a charge for city. The Nigerian CBD’s especially those of the pre-colonial
accessibility or savings in transport cost. The process of cities have many functions which are non existence in the
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:3, 2013

bidding is to determine the occupant and hence its use. The CBD’s of American cities; these including hawking, open and
principle that determines the layout of a metropolis is the multi shopping points of food, soup materials, clothes etc.
minimization of cost of friction of space. In this model, rents, These exist and may cover a considerable area space and is
transport costs, and location are interdependent. A third model distinct from the modern large departmental stores for both
which seems to have gained prominence as the basis economic wholesale and retail business including offices, few eateries
interpretation of land use is that of Ratclift. Reference [6], [9], etc. as described earlier. The former represents the Nigerian
this model maintains that land use is determined by the traditional city centres, while the later represents the
relative efficiencies of various uses in various locations. influences of colonialism on urban form, architecture and
Efficiency in use is measured by the ability to pay rent and urban life. This dual city centre phenomenon presents some
ability to extract economic utility from a site. The process of urban planning challenges in some Nigerian cities.
adjustment in city structure to most efficient use is through
competition of uses for various locations. The use which is III. THE EMERGING CBD OF LAFIA TOWN: BACKGROUND
able to extract the highest return from a given site will be the OF THE STUDY AREA
successful bidder. This is the basis of the orderly arrangement A. Origin and Growth
of land use pattern to perform most efficiently the economic
functions that characterizes the urban life. In [11], it was Present day Lafia has its origin as a multiple nuclei of the
Migili and Alago market point, in the early 1700s, the arrival
found out that application by land developers in the city of St.
Catherine, Canada, were those seeking approval to change the of Borno emigrants (beri-beri) late 1700s [16] and the
existing use to that which will attract a higher economic establishment of a railway station in the mid 1800s. The beri
benefit. Thus economic forces allocate land uses, shaping the beri who were accepted and permitted to settle by the Andoma
city especially the CBD which is mostly competed for because of Doma were admonished to live in peace (lafia in hausa
language) with other ethnic groups. Hence, Lafia became the
of it accessibility. Reference [12] describe the 20th century
CBD (and still exist in this 21st century) as that which gave name of the settlement. The north/south Port-Harcourt,
the visual expression to the growth and dynamics of the Maiduguri regional road that passes through the town, and
industrial city. The CBD became the symbol of progress, agricultural rich hinterland reinforced the permanency of the
settlement. The rapid growth of Lafia to its present size is
modernity and affluences. It gave the precise status of any
particular city from size and degree of economic, social attributed to political, social and national development.
political and cultural life of cities. The organization of the Regionally, after the civil war, (1968-1970) both soldiers and
functions within the CBD set the framework for the future of civilians settled in Lafia contributing to its growth. As a major
railway station (when passenger and goods trains were in
the development of the city. Four major areas of the CBD are
identified as: operation before the civil war and after, up to 1985), Lafia
attracted and still attracts farm produce and passengers from
a. Department stores and shopping
the hinterland. Hence the location of the present Lafia market
b. DistrictsDowntown office
and commercial ribbons has physical links to Lafia railway
c. DistrictsWarehouse zones
station. Presently Lafia town is the administrative
d. City Halls and Civic parade
headquarters of Lafia local government and headquarters of
A further analysis of these four areas spatially shows a high
Nasarawa State. Lafia local government was one of the local
density core with retail, offices, entertainment and civic zone.
government in the then Benue- Plateau State in the 12 states
The lower density frame consists of warehouses, educational
structure of Nigeria between 1966 and 1976. Benue and
facilities, Hotels, Medical services, and antiquarian bookstores
Plateau were two provinces in northern Nigeria. And Lafia
picture frames etc.

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International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering
Vol:7, No:3, 2013

Native Authority (local government, as they were then called) greatly altered the natural vegetation. The natural common
was part of the Benue province. When Benue state was created grassland savannah trees like shear butter, locus beans tree,
from Benue Plateau state in 1976, the Lafia local government Maje (Hausa) are hardly seen. These have been thinly replaced
opted to remain in plateau state. The Lafia local government by mango, nymph, cashew, gmalina, eucalyptus, making the
of 1976 was later split into Lafia, Awe, Doma, and Obi local built up area naked vegetationally.
governments of more states in the country in 1996, Nasarawa
state was one of them with Lafia as the headquarters of the IV. THE CBD OF LAFIA
state. Lafia Urban area has an estimated population of about
B. Regional Setting 400,000 [18]. Basically, the physical form of Lafia is lineal
about 25km of road length approximately north south. The
Regionally, Lafia town is about 100km (straight distance)
width varies along this length of between 8km at one end,
from the federal capital city Abuja and approximately south-
bulging to 15km towards the centre of the length wise and
east (SE) from federal capital territory (FCT). This means that
finally reduces in width again to about 6km. Crude
Lafia town is within the 100km radius from the geographical
calculations puts the built up area at about 250km sq
centre of Nigeria. A regional trunk ‘A’ road passes through the
(Approximately 25000 Ha).
city thus fostering inter-regional interaction. Cities that are of
Using the indices of a CBD described in the foregoing
higher population size and higher order services that Lafia city
section i.e. concept and nature of CBD makes it difficult to
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:3, 2013

interacts with are Makurdi (100km) south, Jos (190km) north

isolate and determine the CBD of Lafia. This is because there
east, and Abuja (180) [see Fig. 2], Lafia in National/Regional
are strong several isolated spots of business and related CBD
setting. All those cities have express roads linking them to
uses. Three prominent areas are:
Lafia. As a state capital and large city, Lafia serves as a higher
order city in the provision of consumer goods, administrative A. The Bukan Sidi Business / Civic Districts
and other services to the immediate smaller towns that are This district has the city stadium, many eateries, few banks
directly linked to it. Such towns are, Nasarawa Eggon (20km with the largest bank building (Central bank building)
and North of Lafia), Akwanga (60km, North) Doma (30km, ongoing. There are also, professional offices, with a very high
South west) Kadarko (45km South) Assakio (40km West) and day and night population concentration within the area. The
few other towns. main road passing through the city as described in the regional
Lafia as the headquarters of Lafia local government has setting separates these buildings and uses so that they are on
several towns and villages, some which have expanded and two sides of the road. This district also has a very large
are mapped as independent nucleus of the larger Lafia area. existing and emerging civic buildings, the state government
Shabu, North of Lafia is physical part of Lafia metropolis, also ministries and federal Government secretarial when fully in
is Kwandare [See Fig. 3, map of Lafia LGA]. These were use these will employ thousands of people and generate and
small independent towns some years ago but are today part of attract traffic.
the larger Lafia metropolis using the public facilities and
services available to Lafia people. B. The Government House Civic/ Business District
This district has civic uses of a city hall, the two city
C. Physical Features of Lafia
libraries, a Government House (seat of the state government),
Reference [17], put Lafia as belonging to the Benue valley. State government legislative building, Hotels and eateries,
The major stream, a river west of Lafia drains into river Mada tertiary educational institutions, not less than eight
which flows into Benue drainage basin. The soils are sandy government ministries. There are large shopping stores mostly
making many un-tarred roads (most roads are unturned) retail. The day’s population is high but care than that of Bukan
difficult to use either by cars or motorcycle. Below the sandy Sidi at night because of the presence of government House.
soils are sedimentary formations that are easily eroded when This district about 10km away road length wise away from the
there are heavy rains, creating gully’s and floods on low lying former, and also not along the same road of the former, but on
roads that have no storm water drainages. another regional road that meets the road that cuts the city,
Geologically, [17] describes the metropolis as sitting on north-south wise.
Lafia formation. This formation comprises essentially of
sandstones which are brownish. The sandstones are described C. The Older Lafia Business Districts
as fine to coarse grained friable and telepathic. The sandstone This district has all of the uses as in the other two but less of
formation is not of even thickness, as the formation increases governmental civic use and more of street hawking and street
in thickness from south to north ranging between 10m to vehicular parking. A common feature in most Nigerian towns
150m. that helps distinguish which part is the oldest is the presence
The climate is characterized by, high temperatures, ranging of a postal station normally near a railway station. This district
between 27 – 30oC mean annual. The relative humidity is contains the town’s postal station near a railway station which
between 60-80%, with rainfall ranging from 1120mm to flourishes in other stationary retail business than the postal
1500mm spanning between late March to early November. service. Since the increased usage of digital electronic mails
The metropolis as any other large human settlement has (ICT), the large area reserved for the expansion for the postal

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service is occupied by several other uses including eateries. plan for the city, designating and defining the CBD and other
This may be said to be the emerging CBD of Lafia over the land uses. But experiences have shown that plan
others because of gradual change in land use from residential implementation including land use control has a low
use to commercial use .Whereas the former districts described percentage of achievement. Planning practice does not exist in
might have had their land uses being agriculture then straight vacuum, the politics, culture and economy of the people must
to business use. But uses in this district may be adjusting to a be contextualized even in planning policies. There may be a
third more land use type i.e., changing to higher economic use. further need for research into urban land ownership structure
Other reasons that may accept this district as the emerging and fashioning policies that can accommodate faster changes.
CBD of Lafia are: Environmental pollution in the form is of high level exhaust
i. The presence of high day population and also in the night. emission by motorcycles and vehicular traffic, though not
ii. Its local name, terminus. mentioned earlier cannot be ignored as one of the problems of
iii. Has the highest number of short distance traffic lights to the emerging Lafia’s CBD. Prolong dense fog/mist as a result
regulate the heavy traffic in the district. of high level emissions by automobiles in the central area of
iv. It contains the only town’s city beautification sculpture Lafia is visible in the mornings and evenings. The issue of
that attempts to depict the states cultural heritage in a poor environmental quality of many cities in Nigeria,
roundabout. including unattended solid waste (paper cartons and polythene
bags) also abounds in the city of Lafia. To enhance visual
v. There are ribbons of business use along some streets that
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:3, 2013

aesthetic urban designers look for some ingredients in CBDs

enter this district e.g. the building material and the
that will mellow down tension, such as some leisure spots,
traditional market. large wall ways to accommodate pedestrians, entertainment
vi. The presence of the oldest police station. and so forth. These are completely absent in the emerging
vii. It is the most accessible area (for now) from other parts of CBD of Lafia city. ‘Necropolis’ refers to a dying city in Greek
the growing city. literature. This is not the case of Lafia. It is simply a city
which is rapidly urbanizing and is unable to cope with societal
V. PROBLEMS OF CBD’S expectations of what a city should be, and may be the
The development of highway that could accommodate large proverbial problem of new wine in old skins. Nevertheless,
some immediate and gradual improvements can be done.
shopping malls with adequate parking space in America urban
revolution of the mid 20th Century was as attempt to solve
problems of CBD’s by relocation some CBD’s the various
forms of urban governance structure that emerged in the U.S.
in this period (mid 60’s) such as the commission system, the As shown in the foregoing sections, central areas of cities
manager system, and the Mayoral system were effort geared do depict a lot about the city. Because the problem of
towards rapid urbanization and the problems of CBDs- decaying central area of Lafia is not peculiar, as some other
congestion and gradual decay [19]. This is partly the problem cities in Nigeria may have similar situations, it is hereby
of the emerging CBD of Lafia town. Being one of the earliest advocated that a regional or national survey of cities of certain
parts of the city, there are very old residences presently an sizes be done by the federal ministry of Housing and Urban
image of a decaying city rather than a CBD. Also the presence Development. The survey will give the existing conditions of
of a traditional market close by, the very high usage of such cities. The result of the survey on the existing condition
motorcycles as a means of urban transportation, and the should be made public for all interested parties in urban
intercity vehicular traffic that have to pass through this part development for reasons that will be explained later.
make the congestion problem a significant one. Urban revitalization especially of city centre is not new
The decaying nature of the emerging Lafia CBD needs to be considering the long history of urbanization as discussed
probed further. New and modern commercial buildings require earlier. In Nigeria, the history of planning can’t be without
large land lots to build on. Assembling land in this oldest part mentioning the Lagos slum clearance of 1883 [20]. Recent
of Lafia is rather difficult because of various ownership of initiatives in this regard has suggested strategic planning as
small holdings for some of the buildings; there are several Leinbeger report as cited in [15]. The report lists twelve steps
owners because of inheritance system, so up keep or selling is that may be applied to decaying and dying city core as:
difficult. So new CBD uses unable to find lots for 1. Capturing the vision
development opt to conglomerate in other places as their new 2. Developing a strategic plan
location offers an added advantage of lower cost of land per 3. Forging a Healthy private / public Partnership
unit area. This explains the reason for the fast growth of the 4. Making Right Things Easy
two CBD/civic districts discussed earlier. Thus the slow 5. Establishing Business Improvement Districts
changes add to decaying nature of the CBD especially where 6. Creating a Catalytic Development Company.
the very old residences are adjacent to any new successful 7. Creating an Urban Entertainment District
development like banks. 8. Developing a Rental Housing Market
An urban management or urban planning student can easily 9. Pioneering Affordability and strategy
say the problem exists because of lack of urban development 10. Focusing on for-sale Housing

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(3) 2013 571
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11. Developing a Location Serv ving Retail straategy.

12. Recreating a strong Retail Market
These stages may not alll be very strong or highly
mphasized as Lafia
em L being no ot yet a large metropolis. TheT
useefulness of maaking the surveey of cities puublic as suggessted
earrlier is allow wing a Publlic/Private Paartnership (PP PP)
Deevelopment puurposes. Finan ncial institutionns like mortgaage
andd Commercial Banks will neeed to study thee report of survvey
so as to make deccisions on development of anny componentss of
thee CBD. Comm mon areas of succh investmentss include eateriies,
enttertainments centre,
c shoppinng malls, andd even organizzed
leisure places which
w translated
d into action. This means thatt
neccessarily plannning administrrative and leggislative structture
andd institutions will
w have to be b put in placee. Some of thhese Souurce: Greater Lafiaa master plan, 1998 SCALE
E: 1: 100,000
meeasures will im mprove the ou utlook of thesse measures willw
mprove the outllook of the em merging CBD of Lafia and the Fig. 3 Map of Nasaraw
wa State Showinng Lafia Local Government
cityy as a whole.
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:3, 2013

Authors woulld like to ex xpress their gratitude to the
Maanagement off Nasarawa State S Polytechhnic through the
TEETFund interveention to do th his research, thhe Academic anda
nonn-academic staaff of the Department of Urbban and Regioonal
plaanning other colleagues
c in Urban and Regional
R Plannning
proofession who have
h been helppful as well at various stagess of
thee research. Autthors are also grateful
g to the Rector,
R Nasaraawa
Staate Polytechnicc for his supporrt.
Authors wishh to thank field
f assistants- ND II URP U
2011/2012 sessioon of the Depaartment of Urbban and Regioonal
Plaanning, Nasaraawa State Polyttechnic, Lafia.


Figg. 4 Map of Lafiia Town

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