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(Machl) : JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

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JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2



Course Code : MACH 1

Course Descriptive
: Hand and Measuring Tools
Pre-Requisite(s) : None Co-Requisite(s) : None

Year Level : First Year : First Semester

Theoretical Contact Demonstration/ Practical Work

Course Credits : 2 units : 1 hour : 3 hours
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)

A-III/1 F3: Maintenance and repair Cl: Appropriate use of Safety measures to be taken to
at the operational level hand tools, machine tools, ensure safe working environment and
and measuring instruments for using hand tools, machine tools
for fabrication and repair on and measuring instruments
STCW Reference(s) .• board
Use of hand tools, machine
tools and measuring instruments
C2: Maintenance and KU P4: The use of appropriate
repair of shipboard specialized tools and measuring
machinery and equipment instruments

. F3.C1.KUP5 C01: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate use of hand and power tools and measuring
Course Outcome(s)
' F3.C1.KUP6 instruments in accordance with accepted practice.
lb. JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

CO2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate use of specialized tools and measuring instruments
being used for maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment in accordance
with accepted practice.
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : ELECTRO 1

: Basic Electricity
Descriptive Title
Pre-Requisite(s) : None Co-Requisite(s, : None
Year Level : First Year : First Semester
Demonstration/ Practical
Theoretical Contact
Course Credits : 4 units : 3 hours Work Contact Hours Per : 3 hours
Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 F2. Electrical, Electronic C2. Maintenance and repair of KUP1. Safety requirements for working
and Control Engineering electrical and electronic on shipboard electrical systems
at the Operational Level equipment including the safe isolation of electrical
equipment required before personnel
are permitted to work on such
STCW Reference(s) : KUP4. Construction and operation of
electrical testing and measuring
KUP5.3. Function and performance
tests of Protective devices and their
KUP6. The interpretation of electrical
and simple electronic diagrams

F2.C2.KUP1 C01. Apply safety measures in handling basic electrical components in accordance with Standard
Course Marine Practices

JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

Outcome(s) F2.C2.KUP4 Operate electrical testing and measuring equipment in accordance with manuals and good

F2.C2.KUP5.3 Conduct performance test of the electrical equipment in accordance with manuals and good
practice and accurately interpret the results thereof.
F2.C2.KUP6 C04. Interpret electrical diagrams with accurate results
••• JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code .• E MAT

Course Descriptive . Engineering Materials
. None Co- . None
Pre-Requisite(s) Requisite(s) '
. First Year Semester . First Semester
Year Level . Offered
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 4 units : 4 hours : 0 hour
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding,
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s) and
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 F3. Maintenance and Cl. Appropriate use of hand Characteristics and
repair at the Operational tools, machine tools and limitations of materials used in
level measuring instruments for construction and repair of ships
fabrication and repair on board and equipment
Characteristics and
limitations of processes used for
fabrication and repair
STCW Reference(s) : Properties and
parameters considered in the
fabrication and repair of systems
and components
C2. Maintenance and repair of KUP5. Design characteristics
shipboard machinery and and selection of materials in
equipment construction of equipment
A-III/2 Fl. Marine engineering at Plan and schedule
KUP1.7. Theoretical knowledge
the management level operations of the technology of materials
Operation, surveillance,
performance assessment and
& JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(E-MA T)

maintaining safety of
propulsion plant and auxiliary
C01: Distinguish appropriate materials for the construction and repair of ships and equipment
A-111/1.F3.C1.KUP2 CO2: Analyze the characteristics and limitations of processes used for fabrications
A-111/1.F1C1.KUP3 CO3. Determine the appropriate parameters in the fabrication and repair of systems and
Course Outcome(s) : A-111/1.FIC2.KUP5
C04: Determine the characteristics and select appropriate materials and parts in the
construction of equipment.
111/2.F1.C2.KUP1.7 C05. Analyze the importance of theoretical knowledge of technology of materials with the
A- operational condition and performance level of propulsion plant and auxiliary machineries
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : ICHEM

Course Descriptive .
. Industrial Chemistry and Tribology
Pre-Requisite(s) : None . None
Year Level : First Year . First Semester
Theoretical Contact Practical Work Contact : 3 hours
Course Credits : 3 units : 2 hours
Hours Per Week Hours Per Week
Course Description :
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 Fl. Marine engineering C4. Operate main and KUP1.9. Basic construction and
at the operational level auxiliary machinery and operation principles of machinery
sopcliant econtrol
acs2. dsystems systems, including: fluid flow and
characteristics of lubricating oil, fuel
oil and cooling systems

STCW . A-III/2 Fl . Marine Engineering ndSchedule

Reference(s) • at the Management level operations

KUP1.6: Theoretical knowledge on

physical and chemical properties of
C3: Operation, surveillance,
fuels and lubricants
performance assessment and
maintaining safety of
propulsion plant and auxiliary
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

A- C01: Analyze the physical and chemical properties of fuels, lubricants, and boiler and cooling
III/2.F1.C2.KUP1.6 water for a given sample
A- CO2. Analyze the fluid flow and characteristics of lubrication oil, fuel oil and cooling system in
III/1.F1.C4.KUP1.9 relation to the basic construction and operation principles of machinery systems
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : THERMO

Course Descriptive
: Thermodynamics
Pre-Requisite(s) : NGEC 9 Co-Requisite(s) : None
Year Level : First Year : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/ Practical Work
Course Credits : 3 units : 3 hours : 0 hour
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/2 F1. Marine engineering Plan and schedule
at the management operations KUP1.1. Theoretical knowledge on
level Operation, surveillance, Thermodynamics and heat
performance assessment and transmission
STCW Reference(s) .• maintaining safety of
propulsion plant and auxiliary

Fl.C2.KUP1.1 C01. Analyze the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer as applied onboard ship
Course Outcome(s) : CO2. Analyze the importance of thermodynamics in maximizing fuel efficiency for Diesel engines,
Steam, and Gas turbines

JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : ELECTRO 2

: Basic Electronics
Descriptive Title
Pre-Requisite(s) : Electra 1 Co-Requisite(s) : None
Year Level : First Year : Second Semester
Demonstration/ Practical
Theoretical Contact Work Contact Hours Per : 3 hours
Course Credits : 3 units : 2 hours
Hours Per Week Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s) Proficiency (KUP)
Reference(s) A-III/1 F2. Electrical, Electronic Operate electrical, KUP1.2.a. Basic configuration and
and Control Engineering electronic and control systems operation principles of the
at the Operational Level characteristics of basic electronic
: circuit elements

Maintenance and repair of KUP6. The interpretation of electrical

electrical and electronic and simple electronic diagrams
F2.C1.KUP1.2.a C01. Show the basic confguration and operational principles of the characteristics of basic
• electronic circuit elements using a basic electronic equipment
Outcome(s) F2.C2.KUP6 CO2. Interpret simple electronic diagrams with accurate results
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : MECH

Course Descriptive
: Mechanics and Hydromechanics
Pre-Requisite(s)•. NGEC 9 Co-Requisite(s) : None

Year Level : First Year Semester Offered : Second Semester

Theoretical Contact Demonstration/ Practical Work
Course Credits : 3 units : 3 hours : 0 hour
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/2 Fl. Marine engineering at Plan and schedule
the management level operations

Operation, surveillance, KUP1.2. Theoretical knowledge on

STCW Reference(s) : performance assessment mechanics and hydromechanics
and maintaining safety of
propulsion plant and
auxiliary machinery
F2: Electrical, electronic and Cl: Manage operation of KUP1.5 Theoretical knowledge on
control engineering at the electrical and electronic features of hydraulic and pneumatic
management level control equipment control equipment
Fl.C3.KUP1.2 C01. Analyze the importance of the principles of mechanics in marine engineering

Course Outcome(s) : CO2. Analyze the importance of the principles of hydromechanics in marine engineering
F2.C1.KUP1.5 CO3.Analyze the features and application of mechanics and hydromechanics to hydraulic and
pneumatic control equipment
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : MECH

Course Descriptive
: Mechanics and Hydromechanics
Pre-Requisite(s) .- NGEC 9 Co-Requisite(s) : None

Year Level : First Year Semester Offered : Second Semester

Theoretical Contact Demonstration/ Practical Work
Course Credits : 3 units : 3 hours : 0 hour
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/2 Fl. Marine engineering at Plan and schedule
the management level operations

Operation, surveillance, KUP1.2. Theoretical knowledge on

STCW Reference(s) .• performance assessment mechanics and hydromechanics
and maintaining safety of
propulsion plant and
auxiliary machinery
F2: Electrical, electronic and Cl: Manage operation of KUP1.5 Theoretical knowledge on
control engineering at the electrical and electronic features of hydraulic and pneumatic
management level control equipment control equipment
Fl.C2.KUP1.2 -
F1.C3.KUP1.2 C01. Analyze the importance of the principles of mechanics in marine engineering
Course Outcome(s) . CO2. Analyze the importance of the principles of hydromechanics in marine engineering
F2.C1.KUP1.5 CO3.Analyze the features and application of mechanics and hydromechanics to hydraulic and
pneumatic control equipment
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : MACH 2

Course Descriptive
: Machining Tools
Pre-Requisite(s) : E Mat, Mach 1 Co-Requisite(s) : None
Year Level : First Year : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/ Practical Work
Course Credits : 2 units : 1 hour : 3 hours
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 F3. Maintenance and repair Cl. Appropriate use of hand Characteristics and limitations
at the operational level tools, machine tools and of processes used for fabrication and
measuring instruments for repair
fabrication and repair on
board Properties and parameters
considered in the fabrication and repair
of systems and components

KU P5. Safety measures to be taken to
STCW Reference(s) ensure a safe working environment
and for using hand tools, machine
tools and measuring instruments

KUP6. Use of hand tools, machine

tools and measuring instruments

F3.C1.KUP5 C01. Demonstrate the safe and appropriate use of machine tools (lathe machine, drill press, circular
Course Outcome(s) : F3.C1.KUP6 cutter and pipe bender) in accordance with accepted practice.
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

Select appropriate materials considering the characteristics and limitation of processes for
fabrication and repair

F3.C1.KUP3 Apply the parameters for fabrication of typical ship-related components as per specification
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

Course Code .• DRAW

Course Descriptive
: Maritime Drawing and Diagrams
Pre-Requisite(s) : None Co-Requisite(s) : None
Year Level : First Year : Second Semester
Course Credits : 1 unit Theoretical Contact : 0 hour Demonstration/Practical Work : 3 hours
Hours per Week Contact Hours per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 F3. Maintenance and C2. Maintenance and repair of Interpretation of machinery
STCW Reference(s) repair at the shipboard machinery and drawings and handbooks
operational level equipment
The interpretation of piping,
hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams
F3.C2.KUP6 C01. Interpret sketches of shipboard machinery parts and engineering drawings using the
machinery manual
CO2. Interpret the following E/R piping diagrams
• Seawater cooling system
Freshwater cooling system
Fuel oil system
Lubricating oil system
Course Outcome(s) Exhaust gas system
Main engine and Generator engine fuel oil purification system
General seawater service and ballast system
F3.C2.KUP7 Service air system
Starting air system

CO3. Interpret the drawing and symbol of the Pneumatic diagram.

C04. Interpret the drawing and symbol of Electro-hydraulic system diagram

JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : MACH 3

: Gas & Electric Welding
Descriptive Title
Pre-Requisite(S) : Mach 1, E Mat Co-Requisite(s) : None
Year Level : Second Year : First Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 2 units : 1 hour : 3 hours
Hours per Week Contact Hours per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
: STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
Methods for carrying out safe
emergency/temporary repairs
C1. Appropriate use of
STCW hand tools, machine Safety measures to be taken to
F3. Maintenance and
Reference(s) tools, and measuring ensure a safe working environment and for
A-III/1 Repair at the Operational
instruments for using hand tools, machine tools, and
fabrication and repair on measuring instruments
Use of hand tools, machine tools, and
measuring instruments
F3.C1.KUP4 C01. Perform electric arc and gas welding of metals in accordance with safe and accepted
F3.C1.KUP5 practices
: F3.C1.KUP6
F3.C1.KUP4 CO2. Carry out emergency or temporary repair using electric arc and gas welding equipment
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : ELECTRO 3

Course Descriptive
: Marine Electricity & Electrical Maintenance
Pre-Requisite(s) : Electro 2 : None
Year Level : Second Year : First Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 5 units : 3 hours : 6 hours
Hours per Week Contact Hours per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
KUP1.1: Basic configuration principles of
the following electrical equipment:
.1.a generator and distribution
C1. Operate electrical, systems
electronic and control .1.b preparing, starting, paralleling
systems and changing over generators
.1.c electrical motors including
starting methodologies
STCW Reference(s) : F2. Electrical, electronic .1.d high-voltage installations
A-III/1 and control engineering .1.e sequential control circuits and
at the operational level associated system devices
Safety requirements for working
on shipboard electrical systems,
including the safe isolation of electrical
C2. Maintenance and
equipment required before personnel are
repair of electrical and
permitted to work on such equipment
electronic equipment
Maintenance and repair of
electrical system equipment,
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

switchboards, electric motors, generator,

and DC electrical systems and equipment

KUP3. Detection of electrical

malfunction, location of faults and
measures to prevent damage

KUP5.3: Function and performance tests

of protective devices and their
KUP1.3: Theoretical knowledge of
F2: Electrical, electronic Cl: Manage operation of design features and system
A-III/2 and control engineering electrical and electronic configurations of operational control
at the management level control equipment equipment for electrical motors
AIII/1.F2.C1.KUP1.1.a C01. Parallel and changeover generators according to established rules & procedures
AIII/1.F2.C1.KUP1.1.c Assemble an operational direct-on-line (DOL), forward reverse, and wye-delta motor starter
A-111/2.F2.C1.KUP1.3 control circuit in accordance with safe electrical working practices

Course Outcome(s) : A-III/1.F2.C2.KUP3 Detect malfunction and rectify fault for a given motor starter and electrical system
III/1.F2.C1.KUP1.1.d C04. Analyze the safety requirements for typical high-voltage generator and distribution system
C05' Dismantle, inspect, repair, and re-assemble electrical systems and equipment in accordance
with manuals and good practice
C06. Perform function and performance test of protective devices and their configuration in
accordance with electrical safe working practices
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Aux Machl)


Course Code • AUX MACH 1

Course Descriptive
: Auxilliary Machinery 1
Pre-Requisite(s) : Thermo, !Chem, Mech, Draw, Mach 1 Co-Requisite(s) : None
Year Level : Second Year : First Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstraton/Practical Work
Course Credits : 5 units : 3 hours : 6 hours
Hours per Week Contact Hours per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
KUP1.6: Basic construction and
operation principles of machinery
systems on other auxiliaries (.a)
various pumps, (.b) air compressor,
(.d) fresh water generator, (.e) heat

KUP1.10: Basic construction and

STCW Reference(s) : C4. Operate main and operation principles of machinery
Fl. Marine Engineering
A-III/1 auxiliary machinery and systems on deck machinery
at the Operational Level
associated control systems
KUP3: Preparation, operation, fault
detection and necessary measures to
prevent damage for machinery items
and control systems (.1 main engine
and associated auxiliaries, .2 steam
boilers and associated auxiliaries and
steam systems, and .3 auxiliary prime
movers and associated systems)
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Aux Machl)

KUP1. Operational characteristics of

pumps and pumping systems,
including control systems

C5. Operate fuel, lubrication, Operation of routine

ballast, and other pumping pumping operations and operation of
systems and associated bilge, ballast and cargo pumping
control systems systems

Oily-water separators (or

similar equipment) requirements and
Fl. Marine Engineering KUP1: Operation and maintenance
C4. Manage fuel, lubrication
A-III/2 at the Management of machinery including pumps and
and ballast operations
Level piping systems
C01. Operate, maintain and troubleshoot the following auxiliary machineries in accordance with
AIII/1.F1.C4.KUP1.10 their Manufacturer's specifications:
A-111/1.F1.C4.KUP3 Various pumps (gear, centrifugal, vane, screw, reciprocating)
A-111/2.F1.C4.KUP1 Air compressor
Fresh water generator
Course Outcome(s) : Heat exchanger
Deck machinery such as crane, mooring winch and windlass
A-III/1.F1.C5.KUP2 Operate ballast and pumping system according to ship's piping system configuration
A-III/1.F1.C5.KUP3 Operate oily-water separator according to manufacturer's specifications
A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP3 C04. Troubleshoot the faults on automatic control of cargo-handling and deck machinery
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : AUTO 1

: Basic Control Engineering
Descriptive Title
Pre-Requisite(S) : Electro 2, Mech : None
Year Level : Second Year : First Semester
Theoretical Contact :
Course Credits : 5 Units : 3 Hours Work Contact Hours per 6 Hours
Hours per Week
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s) Understanding, and
Proficiency (KUP)
KUP1. Basic construction
and operation principles of
C4. Operate main and auxiliary
Fl. Marine engineering machinery systems,
machinery and associated control
at the operational level including:
A-III/1 .8 automatic control
.• F2.Electrical, electronic, C1. Operate electrical, electronic, KUP1.2.b: Basic
and control engineering and control systems configuration and operation
at the operational level principles of electronics
equipment of flowchart for
automatic and control

KUP1.3: Basic configuration

and operation principles of
control equipment:
3. a various
automatic control
methodologies and
3. b Proportional-
Integral-Derivative (PID)
control characteristics and
associated system devices
for process control
C2. Maintenance and repair of KUP5. Function and
electrical and electronic equipment performance tests on the
following equipment and
their configuration:
.1 monitoring systems
.2 automatic control
.3 protective devices
KUP6. The interpretation of
electrical and simple
electronic diagrams
A-III/2 F2: Electrical, electronic C1: Manage operation of electrical KUP1.5: Theoretical
and control engineering and electronic control equipment knowledge of the feature of
at the management level hydraulic and pneumatic
control equipment
AIII/1.F1.C4.KUP1.8 C01. Differentiate basic construction and operating principles in automation of machinery
AIII/1.F2.C1.KUP1.2.b systems used onboard ships.
Interpret process and instrument diagrams (P&ID) of automation system based on the
industry standards
Outcome(s) • AIII/1.F2.C1.KUP1.3 Differentiate the basic configuration and operation principles of control equipment
Demonstrate the function and performance test in accordance with the manufacturer's
F2 C2 KUP5
standards for the: Monitoring Systems: Automatic control devices; and Protective devices.
A-111/2.F2.C1.KUP1.5 Assemble a simple pneumatic and hydraulic control circuit
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : AUTO 2

Course Descriptive
: Marine Automation
Pre-Requisite(s) : AUTO 1 Co-Requisite(s) : None
Year Level : Second Year : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 4 Units : 3 Hours : 3 Hours
Hours per Week Contact Hours per Week
Knowledge, Understanding,
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
and Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 F2. Electrical, electronics C1. Operate electrical, electronic KUP1. Basic configuration and
and control engineering at and control systems operation principles of the
the operational level electronic equipment:
.2.c functions, characteristics,
STCW Reference(s) : and features of control
systems for machinery
items, including main
propulsion plant
operation control and
steam boiler automatic
C01. Construct and operate a pneumatic control circuit for a specific shipboard application
Differentiate programmable logic control (PLC) from Distributed control system (DCS) and
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) based on their design and applications
onboard ship
Course Outcome(s) : A-III/1
Construct and operate a level process control system using level sensor, a PID Controller and
2.c a final control valve
C04. Analyze a given diagram of the main engine remote control system, Generator,
Distribution Power management system, and steam boiler control system in order to develop
a simple Troubleshooting chart
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

Detect and locate malfunction for a shipboard control system in accordance with manuals and
good practices
Simulate basic configuration and operation of the electronic functions, characteristics and
features of control systems using electronic module laboratory equipment.

JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Aux Mach2)


Course Code : AUX MACH 2

Course Descriptive . . .. _
. Auxiliary Machi nery z
Pre-Requisite(s) : Aux Mach 1, Electro 3 Co-Requisite(s) : None
Year Level : Second Year : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits . 5 units : 4 hours : 3 hours
Hours per Week Contact Hours per Week
Knowledge, Understanding, and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
KUP1.6: Basic construction and
operation principles of machinery
systems of other auxiliaries (.c)
purifier, (.f) refrigeration, (.g) air-
conditioning and (.h) ventilation
C4. Operate main and auxiliary
STCW Reference(s) : Fl. Marine engineering machinery and associated KUP1.7: Basic construction and
at operational level control system operation principles of steering gear

KUP3.4: Preparation, operation,

fault detection and necessary
measures to prevent damage for
other auxiliaries, including
refrigeration, air-conditioning and
ventilation systems
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Aux Mach2)

Plan and schedule operation

Fl. Marine engineering KUP1.5: Theoretical knowledge of
A-III/2 at management level refrigerators and refrigeration cycle
Operation, surveillance,
performance assessment and
maintaining safety of propulsion
plant and auxiliary machinery

A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP1.6 C01. Operate and troubleshoot purifier systems using manufacturers manual

A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP1.7 Operate and troubleshoot steering gear systems using manufacturers manual
Course Outcome(s) .• A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP3.4

A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP1.6 Operate and troubleshoot refrigeration, air-conditioning, and ventilation systems using
A-III/2.F1.C2.KUP1.5 manufacturer's manual
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Nay Arch)


Course Code • NAV ARCH

Course Descriptive . Naval Architecture for Marine Engineering
Pre-Requisite(s) : NGEC 9 : None
Year Level : Second Year : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 2 units : 2 hours : 0 hour
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s) Proficiency (KUP)
A-I11/1 F4. Controlling the operation C2. Maintain seaworthiness of Ship stability on (.1) working
of the ship and care for the ship knowledge and application of
persons on board at the stability, trim and stress tables,
operational level diagrams, and stress-calculating
equipment, (.2) understanding of
the fundamentals of watertight
integrity, and (.3) understanding of
fundamental actions to be taken in
STCW Reference(s) : the event of partial loss of intact
Ship construction - General
knowledge of the principal
structural members of a ship and
the proper names for the various
A-III/2 F1. Marine engineering at Plan and schedule KUP1.8. Theoretical Knowledge
the management level operations on Naval Architecture and ship
Operation, surveillance, construction, including damage
performance assessment and control
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Nay Arch)

maintaining safety of
propulsion plant and auxiliary
A-III/1.F4.C2.KUP2 C01. Distinguish the different types of ship and their parts in reference to their design and purpose,
including ship's measurements and dimension
Distinguish the contributing factors to be observed by shipboard management in order to attain
A-III/1.F4.C2. KUP1
Course Outcome(s) : ship stability
A- Analyze the importance of contingency plans in preserving the stability of the ship and control
of the extent of damage caused by unwanted events such as loss of intact stability, grounding, or
III/2.F1.C3.KUP1.8 collision
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Mar Env)


Course Code : MAR ENV

Course Descriptive
: Protection of Marine Environment
Prerequisite : None Corequisite : None
Year Level : Second Year Semester Offered : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Hours Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 3 units : 3 hours : 0 hour
per Week Contact Hours per Week
STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency
Prevention of pollution of the marine environment
F4. Controlling the
operation of the ship C1. Ensure compliance with Knowledge of the precautions to be taken
A-III/1 pollution-prevention to prevent pollution of the marine environment
and care for persons
on board at the requirements
operational level Anti-pollution procedures and all
associated equipment

STCW Reference .• Importance of proactive measures to

protect the marine environment
KUP2. Regard shall be paid especially to the
F4. Controlling the following subjects:
C2: Monitor and control
operation of the ship compliance with legislative .4 responsibilities under the International Convention
and care for persons requirements and measures for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, as
A-III/2 to ensure safety of life at sea,
on board at the amended
management level security and protection of
marine environment 7. methods and aids to prevent pollution of the
environment by ships
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Mar Env)

A-III/1.F4.C1. C01. Given certain scenarios, relate shipboard operations and maintenance in ensuring the prevention of pollution
A-III/1.F4.C1. and protection of the marine environment in compliance with MARPOL 73/78 and othe relevant environmental
Course Outcome(s) : KUP3 legislation.
KU P2.7
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Mar Law)


Course Code : Mar Law

: Maritime Law
Descriptive Title
Prerequisite : None Corequisite : None
Year Level : Second Year : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Hours
Course Credits : 4 units : 4 hours Work Contact Hours Per : 0 hour
Per Week
Function Competence Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency
A-III/1 F4. Controlling the C6. Monitor compliance Basic working knowledge of the relevant
operation of the ship with legislative IMO conventions concerning safety of life
and care for persons requirements at sea, security and protection of the
on board at the marine environment
operational level
KUP1.Knowledge of relevant international
maritime law embodied in international
agreements and conventions.
STCW Reference . C2. Monitor and control
Regard shall be paid especially to the
F4. Controlling the compliance with legislative
following subjects:
operation of the ship requirements and .1 certificates and other documents required
A-III/2 and care for persons measures to ensure safety to be carried on board ships by
on board at the of life at sea, security and international conventions, how they may
management level the protection of the be obtained and the period of their legal
marine environment validity
.2 responsibilities under the relevant
requirements of the International
Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as
amended ,,..._
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(Mar Law)

.3 responsibilities under the relevant

requirements of the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,
1974, as amended
.5 maritime declarations of health and the
requirements of the International Health
.6 responsibilities under international
instruments affecting the safety of the
ships, passengers, crew or cargo
.8 knowledge of national legislation for
implementing international agreements and
A-I11/1 F4.C6
A-111/2 F4.C2
A-I11/2 F4.02
A-I11/2 F4.C2
KUP2.2 CO1. Identify evidence of compliance with legislative requirements relating to safety of life at sea,
Course Outcome(s) • A-I11/2 F4.C2 security and protection of the marine environment.
A-III/2 F4.02
KU P2.5
A-III/2 F4.C2
A-I11/2 F4.C2
KU P2.8
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : ICT

Course Descriptive
: Software Applications and Network System used in Seagoing Ships
Pre-Requisite(s) : None Co-Requisite(s) : None

Year Level : Second Year Semester Offered : Second Semester

Theoretical Contact Hours Demonstration/ Practical Work . 3
Course Credits : 2 units : 1 hour
Per Week Contact Hours Per Week ' hours
Knowledge, Understanding and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence (s)
Proficiency (KUP)
Understanding of:
Main features of data
STCW Reference(s) : Operate computers and Use of computer networks on
N/A N/A computer networks on ships ships
Basic computer malfunctions
KUP4.Fundamentals of cybersecurity
to ship operations

KUP1 C01. Apply appropriate computer software for data processing and networking onboard ship
Course Outcome(s) : KUP3 CO2. Troubleshoot basic computer malfunctions as per manufacturer's instructions

KUP4 CO3. Relate the fundamentals of cybersecurity management to shipping operations

JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : PPD

Course Descriptive . Power Plant Diesel
Pre-Requisite(s) : Aux Mach 1, Auto 2, Thermo : None
Year Level : Third Year : First Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 5 units : 4 hours : 3 hours
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s) and
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 Fl. Marine engineering C4. Operate main and auxiliary KUP1.1. Basic construction and
at the operational level machinery and associated operation principles of main diesel
control systems engine

Safety and emergency

procedures for operation of
STCW Reference(s) : propulsion plant machinery,
including control systems

Preparation, operation,
fault detection and necessary
measures to prevent damage of
(.1) main diesel engine and
associated auxiliaries and (.3)
auxiliary prime movers and
associated systems

JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

A-I11/2 F1. Marine engineering Cl. Manage the operation of KUP1.1. Design features and
at the management propulsion plant machinery operative mechanism of marine
level diesel engines and associated
Plan and schedule KUP1.3.a. Theoretical knowledge
operations on the propulsive characteristics
of diesel engines including speed,
Operation surveillance, output and fuel consumption
performance, assessment and
maintaining safety of propulsion KUP1.4.a: Theoretical knowledge
plant and auxiliary machinery on heat cycle, thermal efficiency
and heat balance of marine diesel

A-11111 .F1 .C4.KUP1 .1

A-11112.F1 .C1 .KUP1 .1 C01. Operate the main engine and associated auxiliaries in all ship operations-in accordance
A-III12.F1 .C2.KUP1 .3.a
A-III/2. C2.KUP1 .4.a
with the established rules and procedures to ensure safety of operations and avoid
A-III/2.F1 .C3.KUP1 .3.a pollution of marine environment
A-III/2.F1 .C3.KUP1 .4.a

A-III/1 .F1 .C4.KUP2

Course Outcome(s) A-III/1 .F1 .C4.KUP3
Monitor engine performance including fault detection and actions to be taken during
operations that consistently meets the requirement

A-III/1 .F1 .C4.KUP3

A-III/2.F1 .C2.KUP1 .3.a
A-I1112. C2.KUP1 .4.a Analyze the impact of modern technology in marine propulsion engine based on
A-I11/2.F1 .C3.KUP1 .3.a
A-111/2.F1 .C3.KUP1 .4.a environmental protection concerns and energy efficiency
JCA4MC 01,2023 Annex C2


Course Code : PASGT

Course Descriptive . Propulsion Ancillary Systems and Gas Turbine
Pre-Requisite(s) : Aux Mach 1, Auto 2, Thermo : None
Year Level : Third Year : First Semester
Theoretical Contact Hours Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 3 Units : 2 Hours : 3 Hours
Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s) Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 Fl. Marine C2. Use English in written KUP1. Adequate knowledge of the English
engineering and oral form language to enable the officer to use
at the engineering publications and to perform
operational engineering duties
level C4. Operate main and Basic construction and operation
auxiliary machinery and principles of (3) marine gas turbine and (.5)
associated control systems shafting installations including propeller
STCW Reference :
Safety and emergency procedures for
operation of propulsion plant machinery,
including control systems

Preparation, operation, fault detection

and necessary measures to prevent damage
for (.1) main engine associated auxiliaries, (.3)
auxiliary prime movers associated systems
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

A-III/2 Fl. Marine Cl. Manage the operation of KUP1.3. Design features and operative
engineering propulsion plant machinery mechanism of marine gas turbine and
at the associated auxiliaries
manageme C2. Plan and schedule KUP1.3.c. Theoretical knowledge of the
nt level operations propulsive characteristics of gas turbines,
C3. Operation surveillance, including speed, output and fuel consumption
performance, assessment
and maintaining safety of KUP1.4.c. Heat cycle, thermal efficiency and
propulsion plant and heat balance of marine gas turbine
auxiliary machinery
A-III/1.F1.C2.KUP1 C01. Analyze the construction and the operating principles of gas turbine in relation to
marine protection and energy efficiency
Operate gas turbine and its associated machinery to ensure safety of operations and
Course Outcome : III/2.F1.C2.KUP.1.4.c avoid pollution of marine environment
Analyze the construction, design and operating principles of the different types of
A-111/2.F1.C1.KUP.1.3 stern tube seals and propellers based on their applications

A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP3 C04. Troubleshoot faults detected in the marine gas turbine, shafting, and associated
machineries as per company manual
JCA4MC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : PPS

Course Descriptive . Power Plant Steam
Pre-Requisite(s) : Aux Mach 1, Auto 2, Thermo : None
Year Level : Third Year : First Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 6 units : 5 hours : 3 hours
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s)
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 Fl. Marine C2. Use English in written KUP1. Adequate knowledge of the
engineering at the and oral form English language to enable the officer
operational level to use engineering publications and to
perform engineering duties
C4. Operate main and KUP1.1. Basic construction and
auxiliary machinery and operation principles of (.2) marine
associated control steam turbine and (.4) marine boiler
STCW Reference(s) : Safety and emergency
procedures for operation of propulsion
plant machinery, including control

Preparation, operation, fault

detection and necessary measures to
prevent damage for (.2) Steam boilers
and associated auxiliaries and steam
systems, (.3) Auxiliary prime movers
and associated systems
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

A-H112 F1. Marine Cl. Manage the KUP1.1. Design features and
engineering at the operation of propulsion operative mechanism of (.2) marine
management level plant machinery steam turbine, (.4) marine steam
boiler, and associated auxiliaries

C2. Plan and schedule KUP1.3.b. Theoretical knowledge on

operations the propulsive characteristics of steam
turbines including speed, output and
C3. Operation fuel consumption
performance, KUP1.4. Theoretical knowledge on
assessment and heat cycle, thermal efficiency and heat
maintaining safety of balance of (.b) marine steam turbine
propulsion plant and and (.d) marine steam boiler
auxiliary machinery
A-III/1.F1.C2.KUP1 C01. Analyze the construction and the operating principles of water tube from a fire tube
A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP1.1 marine boiler with reference to their advantages or disadvantages
A-III/1.F1.C2.KUP1 Analyze the construction and the operating principles of the different configuration of
A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP1.1 steam turbine system
A-III/1.F1.C2.KUP1 Operate the steam boiler and associated auxiliaries in accordance with the
A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP2 established rules and procedures to ensure safety and avoid pollution of marine
Course Outcome(s) : A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP3 environment
A-111/2.F1.C2.KUP1.3.b C04. Analyze the operation of steam propulsion plant performance in the light of fuel
A-111/2.F1.C2.KUP1.4 efficiency
A-III/1.F1.C2.KUP1 C05. Apply the analysis in fault detection and initiate actions to be taken during operations
A-III/1.F1.C4.KUP2 to meet consistently the requirements
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : MGMT

: Leadership and Teamwork
Descriptive Title
Prerequisite .• None Corequisite : None
Semester .
Year Level : Third Year : First Semester
Theoretical Contact Hours Per
Course Credits : 3 units : 3 hours Work Contact Hours Per : 0 hours
Function Competence Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency
KUP1. Working knowledge of shipboard
personnel management and training

KUP2. A knowledge of related international

maritime conventions and
recommendations, and national
F4. Controlling the
STCW Reference .• operation of the ship KUP3. Ability to apply task and workload
C7. Application of leadership
A-III/1 and care for persons management, including:
and teamworking skills
on board at the .1 planning and coordination
operational level .2 personnel assignment
.3 time and resource constraints
.4 prioritization

KUP4. Knowledge and ability to apply effective

resource management:
.1 allocation, assignment and
prioritization of resources
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

.2 effective communication on board

and ashore
.3 decisions reflect consideration of
team experiences
.4 assertiveness and leadership,
including motivation
.5 obtaining and maintaining situational

KUP5. Knowledge and ability to apply

decision-making techniques:
.1 situation and risk assessment
2 identify and consider generated
.3 selecting course of action
.4 evaluation of outcome effectiveness
F4. Controlling the Methods and aids for fire prevention,
operation of the ship C4. Develop emergency and detection and extinction
A-III/2 and care for persons damage control plans and
on board at the handle emergency situations Functions and use of life-saving
management level appliances
A- C01. Outline the minimum manning and training requirement for shipboard personnel as per maritime
III/1.F4.C7 - convention.
A- Apply appropriate leadership principles and techniques.
III/1 .F4.C7.
Course Outcome(s) : III/1 .F4.C7.
KU P3.1
Evaluate emergency procedures in responding to simulated emergency situations and execute
III/1 .F4. C7.
KU P3.2 through table-top exercises.
III/1 .F4. C7.
KU P3.3
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

I 11/1 .F4.C7.
KU P3.4
III/1 .F4.C7.
KU P4.1
III/1 .F4.C7.
KU P4.2
III/1 .F4.C7.
KU P4.3
III/1 .F4.C7.
KU P4.4
III/1 .F4.C7.
KU P4.5
KU P5.1
III/1 . F4.07.
KU P5.2
III/1 .F4.C7.
KU P5.3
III/1 . F4.C7.
KU P5.4
III/2. F4.C4.
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2


Course Code : MAINT

Course Descriptive . Maintenance and Repair
. Aux Mach 2, PPD, PPS, PASGT, Mach 2, Co-
Pre-Requisite(s) : None
' Mach 3, Nay Arch Requisite(s)
Year Level : Third Year : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 3 units : 2 hours : 3 hours
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s) and
Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 F3. Maintenance and Appropriate use of hand KUP4. Methods for carrying out
repair at the operational tools, machine tools and safe emergency/temporary
level measuring instruments for repairs
fabrication and repair on board
KU P7. Use of various types of
sealants and packings
STCW Reference(s) •
Maintenance and repair of KUP1. Safety measures to be
shipboard machinery and taken for repair and maintenance
equipment including the safe isolation of
shipboard machinery and
equipment required before
personnel are permitted to work
on such machinery or equipment


JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2

Appropriate basic
mechanical knowledge and skills
Maintenance and repair,
such as dismantling, adjustment
and reassembling of machinery
and equipment

F3.C2.KUP1 C01. Differentiate the various type of maintenance in accordance with safety measures applied
F3.C2.KUP2 onboard ship
CO2. Disassemble and assemble based on manufacturer's manual the following:

F3.C1.KUP7 1 various types of pumps

Course Outcome(s) : F3.C2.KUP2
.2 air compressor
.3 plate type or tube type heat exchanger

F3.C1.KUP7 CO3. Perform emergency repair for a specific engine-room system
JCN1MC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(E Watch)


Course Code : E Watch

Course Descriptive . Engine Watchkeeping
. Aux Mach 1, Mar Law, Mar Env, MGMT, Co-
Pre-Requisite(s) : None
' PPD, PPS, PASGT Requisite(s)
Year Level . Third Year : Second Semester
Theoretical Contact Demonstration/Practical Work
Course Credits : 4 units : 3 hours : 3 hours
Hours Per Week Contact Hours Per Week
Knowledge, Understanding and
STCW Table Function STCW Competence(s) Proficiency (KUP)
A-III/1 Fl. Marine engineering at C1. Maintain a safe KUP1. Thorough knowledge of
the operational level engineering watch principles to be observed in keeping
an engineering watch:
(1.) duties associated with
taking over and accepting a
routine duties undertaken
during a watch
maintenance of the
STCW Reference(s) :
machinery space logs and
significance of the readings
(4.) duties associated with
handing over a watch

KUP2. Safety and emergency

procedures; change-over of
remote/automatic to local
control of all systems
S. JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(E Watch)
Safety precautions to be
observed during a watch and
immediate actions to be taken
in the event of fire or accident,
with particular reference to oil
Knowledge of engine-room
resource management principles,
.1 allocation, assignment and
prioritization of resources
.2 effective communication
.3 assertiveness and
.4 obtaining and maintaining
situational awareness
.5 consideration of team

C2. Use English in written KUP1. Adequate knowledge of the

and oral form English language to enable the
officer to use engineering
publications and to perform
engineering duties
C3: Use internal KUP1. Operation of all internal
communication systems communication systems on

A-III/1 F4. Controlling the operation C7. Application of KUP4. Knowledge and ability to apply
of the ship and care for leadership and team effective resource management:
persons on board at the working skills
operational level .1 allocation, assignment and
prioritization of resources
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(E Watch)
.2 effective communication
on board and ashore
.3 decisions reflect
consideration of team
.4 assertiveness and
leadership, including
.5 obtaining and maintaining
situational awareness

KUP5. Knowledge and ability to

apply decision-making
.1 situation and risk
.2 identify and consider
generated options
.3 selecting course of action
.4 evaluation of outcome

C01. Analyze the principles of watchkeeping arrangement in accordance with Regulation VIII and
A-III/1 .F1 .C1 .KUP1
A-III/1 .F1 .C1 .KUP2
Chapter VIII of the STCW Convention in relation to Engine Watchkeeping
A-III/1 .F1 .C1 .KUP3
A-11111.F1.C1.KUP4 Analyze the principles of engine-room resource management as applied in engine
watch keeping
Course Outcome(s) : 4.111/1.F1 .c1.KUP1 Perform safe engineering watch that conforms with established procedures and standards
A-111/1 .F1 .C2.KUP1 onboard ship.
A-III/1 .F1 .C3.KUP1
C04. Monitor engineering equipment and systems according to manufactures recommendations
A-III/1 .F1.C2.KUP1 and maintain records in conformity with the principles to be observed in keeping an
A-III/1 .F1 .C3.KUP1
engineering watch
JCMMC 01, 2023 Annex C2
(E Watch)
A-III/1.F1.C1.KUP2 Perform watchkeeping duty during emergency procedure with safety precautions by
changing remote/automatic to local/manual system
Execute a plan for the operation of the main propulsion plant and machinery in conformance
A-III/1.F1.C3.KUP1 with engine room resource management principles

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