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FD & HLTH Guidelines

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Aum Sri Sai Ram

Daily health/food routine

After Wake-Up: (0430)
- Recite Morning Shloka (Karagre…..) looking at your palms
- Brush Teeth.
- Eat 4/5 Tulsi leaves
- A glass of water with VIBHUTHI.


- Feel the pulse of all 10 fingers
- Practice of postures-Palms under hips/touch of middle/small toes/ knees/ ankles/
heels/fold upper arms across chest

- 30 mnts of Walking/15 mnts of cycling or walker/ Neck and eye exercises/ 25 mnts of
exer + yogasanas (Bapuji) including Pranayam / SSY Meditation

- 2 lit. of water
- One glass of warm water with fresh lime+Dalchi +Vibhuti
- One spoon of fresh honey
- Light tea boiled with Ginger and with minimal white sugar

SAI RAM/ Sai Pooja/ Graha pooja with water and Tulsi leaves and offer it to Lord

FOOD (General):
Offer the food and other intakes to SWAMI by reciting Brahmarpanam and Vaishwanaro
before every meal ).
Vajrasana after every meal for 5 mnts
Water – 4 to 5 lit. of water ( soaked with Tulsi leaves ) during the day before 6 pm. - start
with 2 lit. in the morning and one lit. before each meal.

NO water, dals and milk products after 6 pm

NO Brinjal/Tomato/Palak/Gongura/Polished rice/ White sugar/Salt/Milk/Cheese/ Maida/
Pickles/ oils/ Fats/Ice creams/ Fast foods/Biscuits/Sweet meats/Fried foods/Toor dal
Use Ginger/Drum Sticks/ DS leaves/Curry leaves/Bhendi/Moong dal with
Ginger/cucumber Raita /Neem powder/DS –Curry leaves powder ,Flax/Olive oils and Flax
Refrain from Ground nuts/Copra/ Yellow Pumpkin/Til/Karela ???????

Fruit- One Banana /1/4 papaya /2 Green Figs/Apple/ Pomgranite (any two)
Vegetable juice- A glass of White pumpkin + Carrot + Cucumber + Curry +Dania
Leaves+ pudina+ Honey+ drops of lemon juice)
Dry Fruits- 3 Soaked almonds (with out skin)+ 2 Apricots +2Figs / Raisins/
3 Walnuts/ 4 Pista/2 Dates
Sprouts- one/two spoonful of Methi/Green gram/Pea nuts/ Wheat/ Arhar/ Wheat
Seeds- Flax seeds or Powder
Cereals- A glass/bowl of porridge of sprouted grains malt covering Millets(Ragi)
Jowar/Korra etc with curd/ butter milk
A cup of powa/puffed rice upma or 2 Idlis
- One large or two small pulkas,
- Liquid moong dal with onions, garlic and ginger,
- Leafy vegetable, Green veg.
- A small bowl of Semi boiled carrot, beet root, beans
- Green salad consisting of sprouts, cubes of raw keera, raw onion slices,
capsicum, Mango ginger, green haldi
- A small cup of cooked pounded rice
- A glass of Butter milk with pudina/corriander/ curry leaves and lemon
Drops+ ,Jeera+ Hing

15 mnts each of cycling/walker ,Pranayama and yoga and Meditation
Fruit juice or Coconut water

Light Dinner:(1900-2000)
Idli or Upma made from Wheat/Jowar ravva with vegetables

Before Bed:(2100-2200)
Keep feet in a tray with lukewarm/hot water + salt+ Ginger skin for 15 mnts and rinse and
Take Tea made out of Curry leaves+Corriander seeds
Brush teeth and gurgle with salt water

LAUGHTER is the Best Medicine
Ayurveda - Garlic/Tulsi soaked water
Naturopathy - Warm water + Lime juice + Honey + Dalchi powder
- Boiled Neem Water+Zinda Tilismath
- ½ Spoon (Methi+Haldi+Ginger mixture) in hot water
- (Tulsi juice+Pepper+Cow’s Ghee) as cake
- Neem/Amla powder
- Massage of knees with Maha Narayana tailam /Olive Oil with
- Arjun

Allopathy - After BF - Neurobion 10 mg.+ Bio-E+Celin

- Before bed - Diljam SR + Ecosprin 75 mg.
- Restil .25 mg (if required)
- Sorbitrate (5 mg.) (if required)

Homeopathy: 2 Memory pills in the early morning and late night before bed
4 pills of Bio hot water after LUNCH.
Aum Sri Sai Ram
Daily health/food routine
After Wake-Up: (0430)
- Recite Morning Shloka(Karagre…..) looking at your palms
- Brush Teeth.
- Eat 4/5 Tulsi leaves
- A glass of water with VIBHUTHI.
- Feel the pulse of all 10 fingers
- Practice of postures-Palms under hips/touch of middle/small toes/ knees/ankles/heels/
tied hands on chest
- 30 mnts of Walking/15 mnts of cycling or walker/ Neck and eye exercises/ 25 mnts of
exer + yogasanas (Bapuji) including Pranayam / SSY Meditation
- One glass of warm water with fresh lime+Dalchi +Vibhuti
- One spoon of fresh honey
- Light tea boiled with Ginger and with minimal white sugar

SAI RAM/ Sai Pooja/ Graha pooja with water and Tulsi leaves and offer it to Lord

Offer the food and other intakes to SWAMI by reciting Brahmarpanam and Vaishwanaro
before every meal ).
Vajrasana after every meal for 5 mnts
Water – 4 to 5 lit. of water ( soaked with Tulsi leaves ) during the day before 6 pm. - start
with 2 lit. in the morning and one lit. before each meal. NO water and milk products after 6
AVOID Brinjal/Tomato/Palak/Polished rice/ White sugar/Salt/Milk/Maida/ Pickles/ oils/
Fats/Ice creams/ Fast foods/Sweet meats/Fried foods
Use Ginger/Drum Sticks/ DS leaves/Curry leaves etc.,

Fruit- One Banana /1/4 papaya /2 Green Figs/Apple/ Pomgranite (any two)
Vegetable juice- A glass of White pumpkin + Carrot + Cucumber + Curry +Dania Leaves+
pudina+ Honey+ drops of lemon juice)
Dry Fruits- 3 Soaked almonds (with out skin)+ 2 Apricots +2Figs / Raisins/3 Walnuts/
4 Pista/2 Dates
Sprouts- one/two spoonful of Methi/Green gram/Pea nuts/Wheat/Arhar/Wheat
Seeds- Flax seeds or Powder
Cereals- A glass/bowl of porridge of sprouted grains malt covering Millets(Ragi)
Jowar/Korra etc with curd/ butter milk
A cup of powa/puffed rice upma or 2 Idlis

- One large or two small pulkas,
- Liquid moong dal with onions, garlic and ginger,
- Leafy vegetable, Green veg.
- A small bowl of Semi boiled carrot, beet root, beans
- Green salad consisting of sprouts, cubes of raw keera, ,raw onion slices, capsicum,
Mango ginger, green haldi
- A small cup of cooked pounded rice

- A glass of Butter milk with pudina/corriander/ curry leaves and lemon drops ,Jeera
and Hing
(use Flax/Olive oils and Flax powder)

15 mnts each of cycling/walker ,Pranayama and yoga and Meditation
Fruit juice or Coconut water

Light Dinner:(1900-2000)
Idli or Upma made from Wheat/Jowar ravva with vegetables

Before Bed:(2100-2200)
Keep feet in a tray with lukewarm/hot water + salt+ Ginger skin for 15 mnts and rinse and
Take Tea made out of Curry leaves+Corriander seeds
Brush teeth and gurgle with salt water

LAUGHTER is the Best Medicine
Ayurveda - Garlic/Tulsi soaked water
Naturopathy - Warm water + Lime juice + Honey + Dalchi powder
- Boiled Neem Water+Zinda Tilismath
- ½ Spoon (Methi+Haldi+Ginger mixture) in hot water
- (Tulsi juice+Pepper+Cow’s Ghee) as cake
- Neem/Amla powder
- Massage of knees with Maha Narayana tailam /Olive Oil with Vibhuthi
- Arjun

Allopathy - After BF - Neurobion 10 mg.+ Bio-E+Celin

- Before bed - Diljam SR + Ecosprin 75 mg.
- Restil .25 mg (if required)
- Sorbitrate (5 mg.) (if required)

Homeopathy: 2 Memory pills in the early morning and late night before bed
4 pills of Bio hot water after LUNCH.


- Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a
- Take 1/3 solid and 1/3 liquid food leaving balance 1/3 empty for
gases, if formed.
- Maintain timings for taking food. If not, skip a meal.
- Soak/Clean all vegetables/fruits with salt water before use.
- No solid food after 1930 hrs.
- Do not chat/watch TV while taking food.
- Chew the food well.
- Follow the Principle 'Chew liquids and drink solids.'
- To take plenty of water.
- No water during and after the meals for 2 hours.(take water 1/2
hr.before meals).
- No or less salt.
- No fried or fermented or yeast based items/sweetmeats/fats/oils/ bread/ pizzas/
burgers/ noodles/ aerated waters/ soft drinks/ pickles/ wafers/ chips/ toffees/ Sweets/
tea/ coffee etc.,
- Avoid cooked food (atleast one day in a week) and live on liquid diet and fruits.
- Brush teeth after every meal and before going to bed.
- Go to bed early and rise early.


- Spend most of the other time in the company of GOD and make life
- Surrender to SWAMI totally and consider yourself as his 'faithful'
like 'Hanuman to Rama' and act as per His wish.
- Remember "Even this will pass away."
- Remember "Whatever happens is for our good."
- As everything happens according to His wish, you shall understand,
respect, accept it and act accordingly, even if it appears as
unjust and is not to your liking.
- Remember to see good in every person and his actions.
- Recite/Play Vishnu and Lalitha sahasranamam regularly.
- Listen to Bhajagovindam and Bhagavat Gita commentaries.
- Read spiritual parables/ stories of Swami, Paramhansa, Vaswani
Whether a particular diet is proper or improper should be considered carefully.

It is advisable to go for raw food in comparison to cooked food for the betterment of health.
Compared to fried and boiled vegetables unprocessed vegetables and their juices give much
more nutrition and vitality. Such ripened fruits and raw food are considered more beneficial to
health than canned fruits and juices, biscuits, bread, pickles, sweets etc., because minerals and
enzymes can be obtained only from fresh vegetables, fruits and natural food and they are essential
for nourishment and health.

Cooking destroys vitamins, enzymes and minerals contained in Food grains, vegetables and fruits.
Salt and other delicious condiments when added make the food indigestible and without
nutrients. Besides, diets with improper combination such as fruit salad, rice pudding with pulses, with
onion and garlic impair our health.

The number and varieties of items of eatables and drinks are multiplying day by day. Moreover we
became gluttons at late night parties. Todays’ life is a life of haste,hurry,bustle and mental tension.
Under the stress we are now used to taking refreshments every now and then throughout the day.
Consequently, the mode of man's life has become irregular and discordant.

Biological rhythm of the body is endangered by irregular time of eating, drinking, sleeping
and walking. These irregularities disarrange the excretory functions of the body. This is the reason
why constipation. insomnia, body ache, head ache are the common complaints of today. The
use of intoxicating substances like tea, coffee, tobacco, bhang, ganja, hemp etc. ,is the cause of the
accumulation of toxins and other harmful elements in the body. The system of adding colour,
taste and flavour to food and various processes through which it passes destroys its life giving
nutrient. And look at the manufacturers, after food is processed, synthetic vitamins are used to make
it nutritious. But all the additives and the processed foods are injurious to health.

The DIET consisting of raw and boiled food, raw vegetables, fruits and fresh fruit juices is
proper and desirable for health. Among all diets JUICE DIET is the best for health and vitality.

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