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September 2011: Peace Council

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Peace Council

Derek Getz, Chair PO Box 214 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2445 Kim Lang PO Box 223 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2290 Tom Perry PO Box 159 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2342 Nancy Waugh 805 Spruce Ave Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2396 Patricia Schack 20815 180th Ave Barrett, MN 56311 218-685-5478 Diane Puchalski 22785 Co Rd 21 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-6208 Craig Schroeder 23877 Co Rd 21 Elbow Lake, MN 56311 218-685-6277 Jennifer McLaughlin 11254 Co Rd 2 Barrett, MN 56311 320-986-2139 Youth Representative Alayna McLaughlin

Peace Lutheran Church

September 2011
SEPTEMBER SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS On September 11th at 10:30 AM, we will be kicking off our Sunday School year at our Fall Festival. Come join us for church service in Powers Park (weather permitting) and a picnic served by the Peace Church Council and baked desserts donated by members of the congregation. The Sunday School students will be participating in the service. Our first Rotation, The First Sin, begins on September 18th. Our rotations centers include: Art, Cooking, Games, Movies, and sometimes Music and Science. We are looking for teachers for cooking, games, and movies. Please let Joyce Hanson or Pastor Matthew know as soon as possible if you can help. A Sunday School meeting will be held on Thursday, September 8th at 4:30 PM at the church for all teachers, helpers, parents, students, and interested persons. If you have children who will be attending Sunday School classes, please fill out the registration form included in this newsletter and mail it to: Joyce Hanson, PO Box 164, Barrett MN 56311 or drop it off at church. If you have questions, call Joyce at 320-5282354 (home) or 320-304-0727 (cell). Once again, our Sunday School students will be serving on the first Sunday of the month and singing or putting on a skit on the fourth Sunday of the month. A schedule will be mailed to all Sunday School students and parents. We are looking for community service opportunities. If you have suggestions, please let us know. See you in September! Joyce Hanson, Director Peace Church Sunday School

2011-2012 SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Name ___________________________________ Age _______ Grade ________ Address ________________________________ _____________________________ Phone # _________________________________ Birth date ___________________ Parents __________________________________ _____________________________ Emergency Contact ______________________ Phone # ____________________ I can help with: ________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== 2011-2012 SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Name ___________________________________ Age _______ Grade ________ Address ________________________________ _____________________________ Phone # _________________________________ Birth date ___________________ Parents __________________________________ _____________________________ Emergency Contact ______________________ Phone # ____________________ I can help with: ________________________________________________________

BELIEVERS, BLUEGRASS AND BARBEQUE This year is the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War.

Worship Time changes on September 11 10:30am

Lincoln Lutheran Church invites all denominations, active members, non-active members, nonmembers, sinners, and saints to a day of fellowship together on Sunday, September 25th. At 11:00am, Monroe Crossing will lead the worship music. At 12:00 noon there will be a barbeque lunch. At 1:00 pm there will be a musical concert provided by the five piece bluegrass band, Monroe Crossing. For ticket information and menu call 320-528-2508. Tickets are $20.00. Contact Bonnie Leraas at 320-528-2508 for menu and other information including tickets. Check out the flyer on the church bulletin board for information regarding this event or call Bonnie Leraas.

WELCA-12:00pm September 14th at the Barrett Care Center



We are in need of teachers for our Cooking class, Games, and Movie Time. Teachers share the position and teach 3 weeks per Rotation. Please let Joyce know if you can help so she can get the materials to you. THANKS!

A planning meeting for Sunday School will be held on Thursday, September 8th at 4:30 pm at the Church. All teachers, helpers, parents, students, and interested persons are welcome to attend!

During Vacation Bible School, our participants donated $374.73 for ELCA Good Gifts. We are challenging our Congregation to match that amount so we can send a great donation to World Hunger. Please contact Pastor Matthew for details.

COMMUNITY SERVICE Our Sunday School is looking for community service projects. Please let us know if you have suggestions!


Monica Buchite, and Jennifer Goetz Taylin Schleicher Combs Johnson, Andy, Jenny, & Mary Thompson, Taylin Schleicher, & Kode Seifert Seifert, & Cody Thompson; -in helpers: Blake Amundson, TJ Buchite, Danielle Diedrich, Cally Haraldson, Nick Jacoby, Courtney Lock, Drew Peterson, Cole Redepenning, & Jenny Thompson

Taylah Schroeder, & Kore Seifert We appreciate all your hard work you are the greatest!

Se pt e mb e r 2011

I f y ou w ould like t o r e ce iv e t he new sle tt er v ia e m a il se nd a r e que st t o S a ndy in t he chur ch office at pe a ce lca @ r une st one .ne t

Confirmation starts on Wednesday, September -14th at 3:30pm. Release Time will begin on September 28th at 2:20pm. This ministry opportunity is open to ALL 5th and 6th graders, regardless of where their family attends Church. We have arranged with WCASS to pick up the children for the last school hour of the day on Wednesdays and bring them across the street to Peace. At the end of day we will be transporting the children back to school where they can be picked up or take their normal bus home. Letters will be sent home with the students the first day of school. We are very much looking forward to this great ministry beginning Wednesday, September 28th. There is no cost. We will be setting up a schedule of volunteers to help out. If you haven't been contacted and would like to volunteer please let Pastor Matthew or the church office know.

Check us out on the web-newsletter-calendar
2011 Church wide Assembly Summary of Actions

The 12th Biennial Church wide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) was held Aug. 15-19, 2011, at the Marriott World Center in Orlando, Fla. The theme was "Freed in Christ to Serve. *"ELCA Malaria Campaign officially launched *"Genetics, Faith and Responsibility" social statement adopted *Review process for social statements adopted *Living into the Future Together implementing resolutions adopted 2012-2013 Budget proposals adopted *Memorials and constitutional changes adopted For more information on the work of the assembly, including daily legislative updates, videos and a news blog, visit
EVER BLESSED QUILTERS WILL MEET ON September 20th and 21st at 9am. No sewing or quilting experience necessary. You may have considered helping, but just havent gotten around to it-now is a great time to start!!

Sept emb er 2011

Peace Council Minutes, July 13, 2011

Members Present: Tom Perry, Pastor Matthew Rose, Trish Schack, Derek Getz, Kim Lang, Nancy Waugh, Diane Puchalski, Members Absent: Alayna McLaughlin, Sandy Kashmark, Craig Schroeder, Jennifer McLaughlin Meeting called to order by Derek Getz Secretarys Report Motion to approve Kim, 2nd by Nancy, MCU Treasurers Report was reviewed- Motion to approve Kim, 2nd Diane, MCU increase the installments to $500 for fuel - 1st Tom, 2nd Nancy, MCU Motion to

Pastors Report- Wants August 7 off for family reunion 1st Trish, 2nd Kim, MCU. The missionary intern has not been working out as expected for the summer. Pastor Matthew has talked to Luther Crest and different arrangements have been made. Pastor has been busy this summer with funerals, weddings and planning the youth missionary trip. Old Business: Speakers and digital camera was tabled until the next meeting. Sanctuary Light- Has been ordered. New Business: Clean up days will only happen in the spring A motion was made to buy a new dehumidifier for the basement if the old one doesnt work by Trish, 2nd Nancy, and MUC. Closing Prayer was lead by Pastor Matthew Motion to adjourn was made by Diane, 2nd by Tom, MCU Trish Schack, Secretary

*If you know of anyone who has prayer requests please call the church office.

September 2011
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Faithful Folders 10:00 am

Worship 9:30am

Labor Day

WCA First Day of School

Sunday School Meeting 4:30pm

Faithful Folders 10:00 am


11Grandparents Day 12
Fall Festival Worship 10:30am *note time change* Powers Park



WELCA 12:00pm @Barrett Care Center Confirmation 3:30pm Council 6:00pm



Faithful Folders 10:00 am



Sunday School 9:15am Homecoming Coronation Worship 10:30am



9am EverBlessed Quilters


9am Ever-Blessed Quilters Confirmation 3:30pm



Faithful Folders 10:00 am



Sunday School 9:15am Worship 10:30am




Release Time 2:20pm Confirmation 3:30pm



Faithful Folders 10:00 am

Serving in September
9/4 Wendy & Karen Steffen Jackie Janshen 9/11 Fall Festival Sunday School Ushers 9/18 Leon Johnson & Faith Rudnitski Tom & Joan Gardner 9/25 Lois Scherer Colleen Spittle Reggie & Andrea Johnson 9/25 9/18 9/11 9/4

Wendy & Karen Steffen Jackie Janshen Fall Festival Sunday School Ushers Leon Johnson & Faith Rudnitski Tom & Joan Gardner Lois Scherer Colleen Spittle Reggie & Andrea Johnson

9/4 Kathy Dahl 9/11 Fall Festival 9/18 Sandy Kashmark 9/25 Marilyn Frykman

Work Group # 3 Leaders Lee & Pat Ronhovde Bob & Joan Roe

Altar Guild Karen Ellis Pat Ronhovde

Youth Worship Leadership

To Be the weekly bulletin for the schedule. Sign up will be the first week of class.

If you are unable to be a helper on your Sunday, please call one of your work group leaders and he or she will help you find a replacement. Thank you.

Stewardship of the Good News

Greetings! Its amazing that by the time you will read this it will already be September. Part of me wants to shake my fist at the sky and ask where has the summer gone?! The other part knows all too well. We have had a summer here at Peace of emotional ups and downs; the hiring and then parting ways with a Ministry Intern, a Wedding, many funerals, a birth, active youth events including a lock in and mission trip, as well as an event that was canceled, Gospel Hymn sings, Vacation Bible School, New members, and familiar faces moving away, the list could go on and on. Although at times this summer has been exhausting (it also has been very life-giving as well), one thing it hasn't been is boring. I have been able to keep so busy in the active ministry of the congregation, that the less glamorous, yet also important things have, been able to be pushed to the side. Things like paperwork, filing, cleaning my office, typing well newsletter articles. Somehow these mundane things are what bog me down the most, and honestly its because its so easy in the mundane to forget that God is here. Let me explain. Its easy to see God in the creation of a young ministry leader, and even in the end of that relationship. Its easy to see God in the Worship and relationships at a Wedding or Funeral. Its Easy to see God active in a new life, or in the growing faith life of the young people here at Peace. You see, I fall into the same trap many of you may fall into only seeing God in Church. But God promises to be with us throughout our lives, right? Not just in the Mountain Tops, or Valleys, but for the whole journey! God is here in paperwork, God is here as I file, God is here as I clean, and God is here in our everyday, ordinary lives. Sure the bible records the big things, both good and difficult. That comprises much of the stories from the bible that we remember. But the bible also records the normal, from what to do if your animal goes to the neighbor's property and gets injured, to what type of clothe is best depending on your vocation. I found myself reading the Book of Acts this week, the book that records the earliest days of the Church, the Pentecost, and how a Christian community should look. But want to know what struck me the most? The very beginning tucked between the Disciples leaving the Upper Room and Peter's great sermon which ends with the Holy Spirit descending like Fire on the congregation. Its a Council Meeting, perhaps the first. The Disciples gather together to figure out the biggest problem they were not that Jesus had died and was resurrected, not how they would tell the story so that people would hear and believe, not that they may be facing the same deadly fate as Jesus because they knew and believed him. Their big problem, that warranted a meeting, was that there were only 11 disciples, because Judas not only betrayed Jesus, but was now dead. I can just imagine someone asking, Uh, why do we need another Disciple, the answer of course was We need 12 we have always done it that way. Yep, God was there at that staff meeting. One might think they decided democratically, each voting for the person who best fit the disciple moniker, but no. The bible tells us, they threw lots...They gambled to decide the fate of this new twelfth. And God was there. God is with us, God is with YOU, as you go through the ups and downs, and everywhere in between in life. That is the promise that is the good news of our incarnate God. My challenge to you, especially this month, is to look for God around you, in your everyday, and find Hope.

Pastor Matthew



Rev. Matthew Rose, Pastor Cell: 320-304-3842 Office: 320-528-2536 email: 218 Church Street PO Box 206 Barrett, MN 56311


Please join us for our Fall Festival beginning with an outdoor Church Service at Powers Park bring your lawn chair. A picnic and desserts & ice cream will be provided. Date: Sunday, September 11th Time: Beginning at 10:30 AM Bring your family, your friends, and your neighbors!!! I

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