Icici Results
Icici Results
Icici Results
ICICI Bank Ltd. Strong margins led by healthy business momentum; Returns ratio and asset quality remains superior
CMP Target Potential Upside Market Cap (INR Mn) Recommendation Sector
INR 905 INR 1,175 29.8% INR 63,22,126 BUY Banking
Face Value (INR) 2 Credit growth remained broad-based across all its segments; Deposit growth continues to lag:
As of March 31, 2023, the loan book stood at INR 1,01,96,383 Mn, a growth of 18.7% YoY/ 4.7% QoQ,
Bloomberg Code ICICIBC IN primarily led by strong growth in the domestic loan portfolio. The domestic loan book grew by
20.5% YoY/ 5.0% QoQ as of March 31, 2023, while the overseas book declined by 17.4% YoY
SHARE PRICE PERFORMANCE contributing 3.3% to the overall loan book. On the domestic side, the retail loan growth was 22.7%
YoY/ 5.4% sequentially. The mortgage portfolio grew by 17.6% YoY/ 4.0% QoQ within retail loans.
335 Auto loans grew by 23.0% YoY/ 5.1% QoQ. The personal loan & credit card segment continues to
see strong momentum, with a growth of 43.2% YoY/ 9.0% QoQ. The business banking portfolio
285 grew 34.9% YoY/ 7.8% QoQ, while the SME portfolio grew 19.2% YoY/ 6.2% QoQ due to leveraging
the branch network. The corporate loan book grew 21.2% YoY/ 5.5% QoQ, mainly led by a shift from
bond markets to banks. The bank sees a healthy opportunity in NBFCs, the public sector and real
estate in the coming quarters. The bank remains positive on the loan outlook for FY24E. On the
deposits side, the bank reported an increase of 10.9% YoY/ 5.2% QoQ, with an average CASA ratio
185 of 43.6%. The term deposits reported healthy growth of 17.1% YoY/ 4.3% QoQ as of March 31, 2023.
The bank continues to focus on retail and granular deposit growth. We expect the bank will see
135 healthy traction in retail deposits, resulting in an overall deposit growth of 15.0% CAGR over FY 23–
25E. This is expected to support loan growth of 18.0% CAGR over FY23–25E.
Asset quality continues to improve; Created adequate additional contingent buffer: GNPAs and
NNPAs improved by 26 bps/ 7 bps sequentially to 2.81% and 0.48%, respectively, as of March 31,
35 2023. Recoveries and upgrades from gross NPAs, excluding write-offs and sales, were INR 42,830
Mn in Q4FY23, compared to INR 46,040 Mn in Q3FY23. The bank had a write-off of INR 11,580 Mn
in Q4FY23. The bank has built in additional contingent provisions of INR 16 Bn during the quarter
with almost zero/ negligible core credit costs.
ICICI Sensex
NIMs at All-time high giving boost to earnings growth: The NIMs for Q4FY23 expanded by 90 bps
MARKET INFO YoY/ 25 bps QoQ to 4.9%, which is at an all-time high, led by strong business momentum and the
lag of the transmission on deposits rate hike. The bank expects NIMs to see some pressure going
SENSEX 60,056 forward, given the lag rise in the cost of deposits. The fee income grew by 10.6% YoY in Q4FY23,
driving an 11.3% YoY growth in non-interest income, excluding treasury losses. The cost-to-income
NIFTY 17,743
ratio continued to be elevated at 39.2%, led by higher investment in employees and branches.
Source of Funds
Uses of Funds
Growth Rates
B/S Ratios
Operating efficiency
Asset quality
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