DCB Bank: Healthy Growth in Balance Sheet C/I Continues To Improve
DCB Bank: Healthy Growth in Balance Sheet C/I Continues To Improve
DCB Bank: Healthy Growth in Balance Sheet C/I Continues To Improve
DCB Bank
Sector: Banking /Mid-Cap | Earnings Update – 4QFY19 23 April 2019
Background: DCB Bank Limited (formerly Development Credit Bank Limited) has a deposit base of INR 284 bn and advances of INR 236 bn at the end of 4QFY19, making
it the smallest bank in the listed private sector space, including both new and old generation private sector banks. Promoter group the Aga Khan Fund for Economic
Development (AKFED) & Platinum Jubilee Investments holds ~15% stake. DCB services entails Corporate Banking - 13%, SME -12%, Agriculture – 20%, Mortgages –
40%. As on 4QFY19, the bank has a network of 333 branches, with ~31% of branches in the Metro cities.
Sensex 38,565 Healthy growth in balance sheet; C/I continues to improve
Nifty 11,576 DCB’s advances grew by a healthy 15.9% YoY (3% QoQ) to INR 236bn in 4QFY19. The growth came
Price INR 207 predominantly from Mortgages (15.9% YoY) which constitute of 40% of the total loan book, Agricultural
Target Price (12 months) INR 247 segment (28.8% YoY) constituting 20% of the advances and SME & MSME which grew 15.9% YoY (12%
Recommendation BUY of loan book). The bank is moving toward short-tenor, lower capital consuming corporate loans, which
52 Week High/Low INR 211/140
coupled with higher repayments in 4QFY19, led to the decline in corporate book by 11.4%.
Bloomberg / Reuters DCBB IN/ DCBA.BO
Strong growth was also seen in Deposits (18.4% YoY, 3.4% QoQ), which stood at INR 284bn. CASA
Equity (shares in mn) 309.6
deposits grew by 16.6% YoY albeit slower than the 19% YoY growth seen in time deposits. As a result,
Mkt. Cap in mn INR 64,200/ $ 922
CASA ratio dipped by 38bps YoY to 23.95%. The management targets to double the balance sheet over
Avg. Daily Vol. (‘000) 1851.52
Avg. Daily Vol. (mn) INR 384.01 /$ 5.52
the next 3-3.5 years.
Overall Cost of funds inched up by 55bps YoY to 7.06%. However NIMs compressed by only 38bps YoY to
Shareholding Mar 18 Dec 18 Mar 19 3.78%, due to 18bps spike in yield on advances. PAT grew 50.3% YoY to INR 965mn, led by decline in
Promoters (%) 15.00 14.94 14.93 provisions.
FII (%) 21.34 23.64 25.97 In 4QFY19, fresh slippages were down sequentially by 13.8% and stood at INR 985mn and recoveries and
DII (%) 24.94 25.37 25.11 upgrades came in strong at INR 667mn (up 6% QoQ). Hence GNPA in absolute numbers dipped by 1.3%
Others (%) 38.72 36.05 33.99 QoQ. GNPA as a % of advances also dipped to 1.84% (down 8bps QoQ). As a result of lower slippages
Pledge (% of
0.00 0.00 0.00
promoter holding) provisions were down by 15.3% QoQ (down 12.4% YoY), despite which PCR inched up to 78.8% (from
77% in 3QFY19).
Valuation Summary (INR bn)
Other income grew by 16.7% YoY to INR 990mn, led by higher treasury gains 9up by 87.3% YoY. This
Y/E March 2019 2020E 2021E
coupled with slower growth in Opex by 3.9% YoY (0.3% sequentially), helped improve the C/I ratio YoY to
Net Interest Inc 11.5 13.8 15.2
53.8% (down by 563bps) vs. 59.4% in 4QFY18. The management expects to take it down further to below
Other Inc 3.5 5.9 7.1
50% over time.
Pre Prov Profit 6.5 10.5 12.3
PAT 3.3 5.7 6.8
The management has guided for 15-20 new branches in existing locations by the end of FY20E and will
EPS growth (%) 31.2 74.3 19.5 informed that it sees no reason to raise further capital in the next 2-3 quarters.
PE (X) 19.7 11.3 9.4 The board proposed a dividend of INR 1 per share, yielding 0.5% at CMP (subject to shareholder’s
P /ABV (X) 2.2 1.8 1.5 approval).
Div Yield (%) 0.4 0.5 0.6 Valuation: We believe that healthy loan book growth, branch expansion and well-maintained asset quality paint a
ROA (%) 1.0 1.5 1.5 positive picture for the bank going forward. In addition, improvements in C/I due to concentrated effort from
ROE (%) 11.0 16.7 16.9 management to improve its efficiency and focus on small ticket loans are expected to result in strong RoE
Tier – 1 (%) 13.1 12.4 11.9 expansion. DCB trades at 1.5X FY21E P/ABV and 9.4X FY21E EPS. We rate the stock a BUY with a target price of
CAR (%) 16.8 16.0 14.8 INR 247, assigning a FY21E P/ABV of 1.8X.
Performance(%) 1M 3M 12M Risks: Delayed breakeven of branches; slower rise in fee income, continued pressure on yields going forward.
DCB 5.6 16.1 18.6 Results Summary 4QFY19
SENSEX 6.6 8.9 15.7
Y/E March (INR bn) 4QFY19 4QFY18 YoY Growth 3QFY19 QoQ Growth
250 120
100 Net Interest Income 3.01 2.64 14.1% 2.94 2.5%
80 Other Income 0.99 0.85 16.7% 0.94 4.8%
60 Pre Provisioning Profit 1.85 1.42 30.7% 1.74 6.5%
40 PAT 0.97 0.64 50.3% 0.86 12.1%
50 20 Cost / Income (%) 53.75 59.38 55.22
0 0 Gross NPA (%) 1.84 1.79 1.92
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BUY : The stock's total return is expected to exceed 15 % over the next 12 months.
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