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Significance of The Study

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This study aims to determine and encourage students, English teachers and for
the future researchers. To give much value of pleasure reading and vocabulary,
otherwise English teachers must know how to improve the vocabulary knowledge
of a students and for the future researchers could also gain knowledge and get an
idea about this study and also may be a basis further studies.

For the students, vocabulary help a students to think and learn, focusing on
vocabulary is useful for developing knowledge and skills in multiple aspects of
language and literary. It could gives students good ability, making searchers more
creative, critical thinkers, and understand better. It may improve the academic
performance of students and learning what is the importance of vocabulary.

For the English teachers, the result of the study may encourage them to use the
useful developing like to give assessments to students to gain knowledge and to
improve skills of a students. Teachers may have to meet the needs of students
especially the students in this generation (21st century learners).

For the school administrators, this study may could provide to school
administrators with good insights on the developing of educational situation
otherwise regarding the advantage of pleasure reading on vocabulary level of a
students. This study which may give them an equip their teachers the good and
new strategy in teaching reading.

Lastly for the future researchers, the result of this research would help the future
researchers, and gives an idea and may be a basis of further studies and can be
used as review related literature (RRL). This study could help our future
researchers to get more good idea about pleasure reading on vocabulary level of
the students.

This study will be conducted at one of the school in Balingoan, Misamis Oriental,
specifically, Mantangale National High school. The participants of the study will be
the enrolled students in grade 10. On of the school will be selected to be the
participants of this study. This study will determine the advantages of pleasure
reading on vocabulary level of Mantangale National High school.


To have a better understanding of the present study, the following terms are
defined theoretically and operationally based on how they are used in this study.

1. PLEASURE READING – Reading that is freely chosen or the students reads

freely on their own otherwise enthusiastically particularly most of the
students of Mantangale National High school.
2. VACABULARY LEVEL – It is a measures knowledge of particular frequency
levels of words. Especially our respondent the students of Mantangale
National High school. Measuring the vocabulary of a students.




Vocabulary level (VL) of the students vocabulary level is an important focus of
literacy teaching and refers to the knowledge or words. Vocabulary level of a
students plays an important role in oral language development and early literacy (
Hell, 2013). Paris (2005) identifies vocabulary as one of the unconstrained skills,
meaning that it is a skill that students need to develop the importance of explicit
teaching of vocabulary to support students to become confident in a words
meaning and use in context so that it will become part of their own repertoire.
also defined by Vassoughi (2011), vocabulary is one elements of language
component that should be learn and taught. In addition, word vocabulary is the
tools we use to think, to express ideas and feelings, and learn about the word. It
is said that vocabulary is used by people or the students basic knowledge of
learning a language in order to make communication and interacting among
them in their daily life. Especially students, vocabulary is one of the components
of the language and no language exist without words otherwise it states that
vocabulary is the total numbers of words in language and other subjects in school.
Moreover, Tayebi (2012) studied states that vocabulary is the basis component of
language proficiency which provides the basis for vocabulary level learners
performance in other skill, such as :speaking, reading, listening, and writing (p.
02). another study found similar data, showing that the students who have good
vocabulary it states that it can be seen that vocabulary is very important to
master the learners performance skills such as :Speaking, reading listening and
writing,. Vocabulary can help a person otherwise students communicate with
other’s (Fairbans in Bromley, 2010, p. 328) even though both studies involved.
Vocabulary Level, Learners performance, the results were similar.

Moreover, (Richards, 2012) emphasize that the vocabulary level is a core

component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis how well
learners Speak, listen and write. Without an extensive. Vocabulary and strategies
for acquiring new vocabulary, Learners often achieve less than their potential and
may discourage from making use of language opportunities around them.

According to Lado (2019) said that vocabulary is a group of words on a certain

language as a part of a foreign language teaching and learning. Words mean the
memory of the situation in which they have been observed and understood,
brought out by the context in which they are used it means that to know a word
is to be able to use it or to understand in situation in which the person has not
experienced it before or students added to the definition presented. Mary ice
field (2013) enumerated the two types of VL. The first type is called active
vocabulary (Productive Vocabulary) active vocabulary is words which the students
can understand, pronunciation correctly and used constructively in speaking. It
also called as productive vocabulary, although. In fact, it is more difficult to put
into practice. It means that to use productive vocabulary, the students are
supposed to know how to pronounce it well, they must be able to use grammar of
the language eager, and they are also hoped to be familiar with collocation and
understand the connotation meaning of the words. This type is often used in
speaking and writing skill. The second type is called passive vocabulary (Receptive
vocabulary) passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized
and understand in the context of leading listening and also called as receptive



Based on the analysis of student performance in various standardized

tests and assessments, it can be concluded that there is a marked
variation in vocabulary levels among students. While some students
demonstrate a high level of vocabulary proficiency, others struggle with
even basic words and phrases.

Factors such as socio-economic background, exposure to language and

culture, academic performance, and learning style can have a
significant impact on a student’s vocabulary level. Students from
privileged backgrounds with access to a range of resources and
experiences tend to perform better in vocabulary tests, while those
from disadvantaged backgrounds may have limited exposure to
language and may struggle to build their vocabulary.

However, it is essential to note that vocabulary level is not fixed, and

students can improve their proficiency with dedicated efforts and
appropriate learning strategies. Teachers can play a crucial role in
supporting students to build their vocabulary by providing targeted
instruction, using diverse teaching materials, and creating a language-
rich learning environment.
Overall, enhancing students’ vocabulary levels is essential for their
academic success and broader personal growth. It requires a
collaborative effort between teachers, parents, and students to foster a
love for language and support ongoing vocabulary development.

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