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Grade 2 Template 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan

Template No. 2
(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for Consolidation)


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Bulacan
School: Malibo Bata Elementary School
Address of the School: Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
Learning Area: English
Grade Level: 2
Section (if applicable): Bravery & Honesty
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 78 No. of Male: 40 No. of Female: 38
Total No. of Takers: 78 No. of Male Takers: 40 No. of Female Takers: 38
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 71.79%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 67.50%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 76.32%
Item Item
Most Learned Competencies  Least Learned Competencies   Rank
No. Rank  No. 
1 Classify/Categorize sounds heard 1 14 Identify title,author and book
(animals, mechanical, objects,
illustrator and tell what they do
musical instruments,
environment, speech) (EN2PA-Ia-
9 Generate ideas through 2 21 Identify and discuss the elements 2
prewriting activities of a story (theme, setting,
(EN2BPK-Ib-c-4) characters, and events) (EN2LC-
IIa-b-2.2 )
19 Recognize common action words 3 15 Identify title,author and book 3
in retelling, conversation, etc. illustrator and tell what they do
(EN1G-IIa-e-3.4) (EN2BPK-IIIb-2)
24 Identify the basic sequence of 4  6 Recognize the common terms in 4
events and make relevant English relating to part of book
predictions about stories (e.g. cover,title page,etc.) book
(EN2RC-IIId-e-2.4) orientation ( EN2BPK-Ib-c-4)
8 Generate ideas through 5  20 Recognize common or proper 5
prewriting activities nouns in simple sentences
(EN2BPK-Ib-c-4) listened to
17 Spell high-frequency words with 6  22 Identify and discuss the elements 6
a,e,i,o and u sound in CVC of a story (theme, setting,
pattern (EN2BPK-IIIb-2)  characters, and events) (EN2LC-
IIa-b-2.2 )
18   Use common action words in 7  25 Identify and discuss the elements 7
retelling conversations, etc. of a story (theme, setting,
(EN2BPK-IIIb-2) characters, and events) (EN2LC-

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
IIa-b-2.2 )
2 Give the beginning letter of the 8  7 Recognize the common terms in 8
name of each picture (EN2AK-IIa- English relating to part of book
e-3)  (e.g. cover,title page,etc.) book
orientation ( EN2BPK-Ib-c-4)
12 Discuss the illustrations on the 9  23 Identify the basic sequence of 9
cover and predict the story may events and make relevant
be about (EN2BPK-IIIa-1)  predictions about stories
3 Read the alphabets of English 10  11 Writing some words, a phrase, or 10
and associate to phonemes  a sentence about an illustration
or a character (EN2BPK-Ib-c-4)
Note: *If there are more than one section in a particular grade level, the average perecentage of the
learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL shall be reported

Analysis and Interpretation:

The table reflects the identified most and least mastered skills in ENGLISH of Grade 2 pupils
after taking the Regional Mid-Year Assessment. All the 10 competencies listed above are marked
with low/high mastery based on the number of times students failed to/correctly answer on this
test items. It reveals on the data that item number 14 ( Identify title,author and book illustrator and tell
what they do) is most missed item with 22 out of 78 or 28.21% of learners did not able to get it
correctly. On the other hand, the most learned skills as seen above is item number 1
(Classify/Categorize sounds heard) with 56 out of 78 or 71.79% of learners able to answer it correctly.

Part B. Cognitive Levels based on the Most Learned and Least Learned

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan

B. 1 Most Learned Competencies that Fall under each Cognitive Level

Learning Area: ENGLISH

Bloom’s Taxonomy (Cognitive Level)

Grade Low Order Thinking Skills to High Order Thinking Skills No. of
Level Items
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

ENGLISH 2 19(59)
1(63) 2(56) 9(56)
18(58) 24(59)   25
17(58) 3(54) 8(58)
ENGLISH 3              
ENGLISH 4              
ENGLISH 5              

Statistics &
* In case there were items given intended for ‘Creating

Analysis and Interpretation:


P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan

B.2. Least Learned Competencies that Fall Under each Cognitive Level

Learning Area: ENGLISH

Bloom’s Taxonomy (Cognitive Level)

Grade Low Order Thinking Skills to High Order Thinking Skills No. of
Level Items
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

ENGLISH 1            
ENGLISH 2 14(25) 15(37)
21(33 20(43)
22(44) 25(44) 25
6(41) 7(45)
23(48 11 (49)
ENGLISH 3              
ENGLISH 4              
ENGLISH 5              

* In case there were items given intended for ‘Creating

Analysis and Interpretation:


Prepared by:

School Testing Coordinator/Teacher Assigned By the School Head

Certified Correct:

School Head/Principal

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan

Template No. 2
(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for Consolidation)


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Bulacan
School: Malibo Bata Elementary School
Address of the School: Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
Learning Area: Mathematics
Grade Level: 2
Section (if applicable): Bravery & Honesty
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 78 No. of Male: 40 No. of Female: 38
Total No. of Takers: 78 No. of Male Takers: 40 No. of Female Takers: 38
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 29.41%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 32.50%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 26.32%
Item Item
Most Learned Competencies  Least Learned Competencies   Rank
No. Rank  No. 
8 Compares numbers up using 1 15 solves routine and non-routine 1
relation symbols and orders problems involving addition of
numbers up to 1 000 in whole numbers including money
increasing or decreasing order. with sums up to 1000 using
appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.
2 Gives the place value and finds 2 17 Solves routine and non-routine 2
the value of a digit in three-digit problems involving subtraction of
numbers. whole numbers.
9 Identifies, reads, and writes 3 20 Identifies parts of subtraction 3
ordinal numbers from 1st through and multiplication.
the 20th object in a given set
from a given point of reference.
10 Counts the value of a set of bills 4  19 Identifies parts of subtraction 4
or a set of coins through PhP100 and multiplication. 
(peso-coins only; centavo-coins
only; peso-bills only and
combined peso-coins and peso-
6 Compares numbers up using 5  11 Illustrates the properties of 5
relation symbols and orders addition (commutative,
numbers up to 1 000 in associative, identity) and applies

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
increasing or decreasing order. each in appropriate and relevant
1 Gives the place value and finds 6  16 Solves routine and non-routine 6
the value of a digit in three-digit problems involving subtraction of
numbers.  whole numbers.
12 Visualizes, represents, and adds 7  18 Identifies parts of subtraction 7
the following numbers with sums and multiplication. 
up to 1000 without and with
a. 2-digit by 3-digit numbers
b. 3-digit by 3-digit numbers 
13 Adds mentally the following 8  22 Writes a related equation for 8
numbers using appropriate each type of multiplication:
strategies: repeated addition, array,
a. 1- to 2-digit numbers with counting by multiples, and equal
sums up to 50 jumps on the number line. 
b. 3-digit numbers and 1-digit
c. three -digit numbers and tens
(multiples of 10 up to 90)
d. 3-digit numbers and hundreds
(multiples of 100 up to 900)

4 Visualizing and counting 9  23 Illustrates the property of 9

numbers by 10's, 50's and 100's.  multiplication that zero
multiplied by any number is
5 Visualizing and counting 10  7 Compares numbers up using 10
numbers by 10's, 50's and 100's.  relation symbols and orders
numbers up to 1 000 in
increasing or decreasing order. 
Note: *If there are more than one section in a particular grade level, the average perecentage of the
learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL shall be reported

Analysis and Interpretation:

The table reflects the identified most and least mastered skills in MATHEMATICS of Grade 2
pupils after taking the Regional Mid-Year Assessment. All the 10 competencies listed above are
marked with low/high mastery based on the number of times students failed to/correctly answer
on this test items. It reveals on the data that item number 15 ( solves routine and non-routine problems
involving addition of whole numbers including money with sums up to 1000 using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.) is most missed item with 55 out of 78 or 70.51% of learners did not able
to get it correctly. On the other hand, the most learned skills as seen above is item number 8
(Compares numbers up using relation symbols and orders numbers up to 1 000 in increasing or decreasing
order) with 23 out of 78 or 29.49% of learners able to answer it correctly.

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan

Part B. Cognitive Levels based on the Most Learned and Least Learned

B. 1 Most Learned Competencies that Fall under each Cognitive Level

Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

Bloom’s Taxonomy (Cognitive Level)

Grade Low Order Thinking Skills to High Order Thinking Skills No. of
Level Items
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
MATHEMATICS 1            
9(50) 8(56)
10(50) 4(43)
MATHEMATICS 2 6(47) 6(47) 8(56) 25
1(45) 5(43)
4(43) 13(45)
MATHEMATICS 3              
MATHEMATICS 4              
MATHEMATICS 5              

Statistics &
* In case there were items given intended for ‘Creating

Analysis and Interpretation:


P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
B.2. Least Learned Competencies that Fall Under each Cognitive Level

Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

Bloom’s Taxonomy (Cognitive Level)

Grade Low Order Thinking Skills to High Order Thinking Skills No. of
Level Items
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
MATHEMATICS 1            
19(27) 15(22) 15(22)
MATHEMATICS 2 7(33) 11(29) 25
18(30) 22(31) 7(33)
MATHEMATICS 3              
MATHEMATICS 4              
MATHEMATICS 5              

* In case there were items given intended for ‘Creating

Analysis and Interpretation:


Prepared by:

School Testing Coordinator/Teacher Assigned By the School Head

Certified Correct:

School Head/Principal

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan

Template No. 2
(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for Consolidation)


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Bulacan
School: Malibo Bata Elementary School
Address of the School: Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level: 2
Section (if applicable): Bravery & Honesty
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 78 No. of Male: 40 No. of Female: 38
Total No. of Takers: 78 No. of Male Takers: 40 No. of Female Takers: 38
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 57.69%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 55%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 60.53%
Item Item
Most Learned Competencies  Least Learned Competencies   Rank
No. Rank  No. 
14 Creates body shapes and actions 1 8 Identifies the pitch of tones as: 1
high (so), low (mi); higher (la);
lower (re) Responds to ranges of
pitch through body movements,
singing, or playing instruments.
16 Demonstrates movement skills in 2 10 Differentiates the contrast 2
respond to sound and music between shapes and colors of
different fruits or plants and
flowers in one’s work and in the
work of others
18 Creates body shapes and actions 3 6 Sings children’s songs with 3
accurate pitch
21 Discusses the important function 4  3   Relates visual images to sound 4
of food and a balance meal and silence using quarter note,
beamed eighth note and quarter
rest in a rhythmic pattern.
2 Reads sticks notation in rhythmic 5 1   Maintains a steady beat when 5
patterns with measures 2s, 3s replicating a simple series of
and 4s rhythmic patterns
25   Displays self-management 6 20 Maintains correct posture and 6
skills in caring for the sense body mechanics while
organs performing movement
5   Identifies the pitch of tones as: 7  15 Demonstrates movement skills in 7

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
high (so), low (mi); higher (la); respond to sound and music 
lower (re) Responds to ranges of
pitch through body movements,
singing, or playing instruments.
12   Describes the lines, shapes, 8  4 Identifies the pitch of tones as: 8
colors, textures, and designs high (so), low (mi); higher (la);
seen in the skin coverings of lower (re) Responds to ranges of
different animals and sea pitch through body movements,
creatures using visual arts words singing, or playing instruments. 
and actions.
24   Displays self-management 9  11   Draws a portrait of two or more 9
skills in caring for the sense persons - his friends, his family,
organs showing the differences in the
shape of their facial features
(shape of eyes, nose, lips, head,
and texture of the hair
9 Describes the different styles of 10  13 Uses control of the painting tools 10
Filipino artists when they create and materials to paint the
portraits and still life (different different lines, shapes and colors
lines and colors).  in his work or in a group work 

Note: *If there are more than one section in a particular grade level, the average perecentage of the
learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL shall be reported

Analysis and Interpretation:

The table reflects the identified most and least mastered skills in MAPEH of Grade 2 pupils after
taking the Regional Mid-Year Assessment. All the 10 competencies listed above are marked with
low/high mastery based on the number of times students failed to/correctly answer on this test
items. It reveals on the data that item number 8 ( Identifies the pitch of tones as: high (so), low (mi);
higher (la); lower (re) Responds to ranges of pitch through body movements, singing, or playing instruments.)
is most missed item with 33 out of 78 or 42.31% of learners did not able to get it correctly. On the
other hand, the most learned skills as seen above is item number 14 (Creates body shapes and
actions) with 45 out of 78 or 57.69% of learners able to answer it correctly.

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
Part B. Cognitive Levels based on the Most Learned and Least Learned

B. 1 Most Learned Competencies that Fall under each Cognitive Level

Learning Area: MAPEH

Bloom’s Taxonomy (Cognitive Level)

Grade Low Order Thinking Skills to High Order Thinking Skills No. of
Level Items
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

MAPEH 1            
MAPEH 2 2(50) 24(46 25(50) 16(59) 25
MAPEH 3              
MAPEH 4              
MAPEH 5              
Statistics &
* In case there were items given intended for ‘Creating

Analysis and Interpretation:


P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan
B.2. Least Learned Competencies that Fall Under each Cognitive Level

Learning Area: MAPEH

Bloom’s Taxonomy (Cognitive Level)

Grade Low Order Thinking Skills to High Order Thinking Skills No. of
Level Items
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

MAPEH 1            
8(23) 15(38)
MAPEH 2 3(31) 1(35) 25
6(30) 11(40)
MAPEH 3              
MAPEH 4              
MAPEH 5              

* In case there were items given intended for ‘Creating

Analysis and Interpretation:


Prepared by:

School Testing Coordinator/Teacher Assigned By the School Head

Certified Correct:

School Head/Principal

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Pandi South District
Malibo Bata, Pandi, Bulacan

P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014

email address:
P. Santos St., Barangay Road, Malibong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan 3014
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