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First Quarter: English Ii Learning Competencies and Codes

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Division of Lanao del Norte
District of Tubod West



OC-Oral Language
Talk about oneself and one’s family EN2OL-If-j-1.3
Talk about one’s name and other personal information EN2OL-If-g-1.3.1
Talk about one’s environment (e.g. persons, animals,places, things, events, etc.) EN2OL-Ih-j-1.3.2
Use appropriate expressions in common situations (politeexpressions, greetings, seeking
directions, apologizing,asking help, query and clarification)
LC – Listening Comprehension
Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes videos and other age- EN2LC-Ia-j-1.1
appropriatepublications and
k. Note important details pertaining to
a) character
b) settings
c) eventsl. Give the correct sequence of three events
l. Give the correct sequence of three events
m. Infer the character feelings and traits
n. Identify cause and/or effect of events
o. Identify the speaker in the story or poem
p. Relate story events to one’s possible ending of a story read
r. Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific events
s. Identify the problem and solution
t. Retell a story listened to
Follow a set of verbal two-step directions with picture cues EN2LC-Ib-3.16
PA - Phonological Awareness
Classify/Categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanicalobjects, musical instruments, environment, EN2PA-Ia-c-1.1
Discriminate sounds from a background of other sounds EN2PA-Id-e-1.2
Recognize same/different sounds EN2PA-If-1.2.1
Distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words EN2PA-Ig-2.3
Supply words that rhyme with given words EN2PA-Ih-2.4
Supply rhyming words in response to spoken words EN2PA-Ii-j-2.4
AK – Alphabet Knowledge
Identify letters in English that are not present in MotherTongue/Filipino and vice-versa EN2AK-Ih-j-2
G - Grammar
Sentences EN2G-Ia-e-1
a. Recognize sentences and non-sentences EN2G-Ia-1.1
b. Recognize simple sentences EN2G-Ib-c-1.4

c. Recognize different kinds of sentences(declarative, interrogative) EN2G-Id-e-1.3

Nouns EN2G-If-g-2
Recognize names people, objects, things and places (e.gnames of animals, fruits, objects in EN2G-If-g-2.1
songs, stories, poems nursery rhymes, pictures, realia and other ICT-based materials)
Recognize nouns in simple sentences EN2G-Ih-2.4
Recognize the use of a/an + noun EN2G-Ii-9.2
SS – Study Strategy
Engage in a variety of ways to share information (e.g. roleplaying, reporting, summarizing, EN2SS-Ia-e-1.2
retelling and show and tell) EN2SS-If-j-1.2

OL – Oral Language
Talk about oneself and one’s family EN2OL-IIa-e-1.3
Talk about one’s activities/responsibilities at home and in school and community EN2OL-IIa-b-1.3.3

Talk about topics of interest (likes and dislikes) EN2OL-IIc-d-1.3.4

Ask simple questions EN2OL-IIf-1.17.2
Follow one-to-two step directions EN2OL-IIg-3.6
Give one-to-two step directions EN2OL-IIh-1.17.1
Recite memorized verses, short poems, and rhymes EN2OL-IIi-j-1.6
LC – Listening Comprehension
Identify and discuss the elements of a story (theme, setting, characters, and events) EN2LC-IIa-b-2.2
Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes videos and other age-appropriate EN2LC-IIa-j-1.1
publications and a. Note important details pertaining to a) character b) settings c) events a.
Give the correct sequence of three events b. Infer the character feelings and traits c. Identify
cause and/or effect of events d. Identify the speaker in the story or poem e. Predict possible
ending of a story read f. Relate story events to one’s experience g. Discuss, illustrate,
dramatize specific events h. Identify the problem and solution i. Retell a story listened to
Ask and answer simple questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how) about text listened to EN2LC-IIc-2.1
Identify and discuss the elements of a story (theme, setting, characters, and events) EN2LC-IIf-g-2.2
Ask and answer simple questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how) about text listened to EN2LC-IIh-i-2.1
PA - Phonological Awareness
Distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words EN2PA-IIf-2.3
Supply words that rhyme with given words EN2PA-IIg-h-2.4
Supply rhyming words in response to spoken words EN2PA-IIi-j-2.4
BPK – Book and Print Knowledge
Recognize the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g. cover, title page, etc.) EN2BPK-IIb-c-4
book orientation
Recognize proper eye movement skills (transfer skills) a. left to right b. top to bottom c. EN2BPK-IId-e-5
return sweep
Recognize the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g. cover, title page, etc.) EN2BPK-IIg-h-4
book orientation
Recognize proper eye movement skills (transfer skills) a. left to right b. top to bottom c. EN2BPK-IIi-j-5
return sweep
AK – Alphabet Knowledge
Identify letters in English that are not present in Mother Tongue/Filipino and vice-versa EN2AK-IIc-e-2
Identify the name and sound of each consonant EN2AK-IIa-e-3
Identify letters in English that are not present in Mother Tongue/Filipino and vice-versa EN2AK-Iif-j-2
G - Grammar
Verbs EN1G-IIa-e-3
Recognize common action words in retelling, conversation, etc. EN1G-IIa-e-3.4
SS – Study Strategy
Engage in a variety of ways to share information (e.g. role playing, reporting, summarizing, EN2SS-IIa-e-1.2 EN2SS-IIf-j-1.2
retelling and show and tell)
OL – Oral Language
Participate in choral speaking and echo reading of short poems, rhymes and stories with repeated EN2OL-IIIc-d-1.2
patterns and refrains in English
Create and participate in oral dramatic activities EN2OL-IIIg-1.16
Dramatize familiar stories, rhymes and poems EN2OL-IIIh-j-1.6
LC – Listening Comprehension
Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes videos and other age-appropriate EN2LC-IIIa-j-1.1
publications and k. Note important details pertaining to a) character b) settings c) events l.
Give the correct sequence of three events m. Infer the character feelings and traits n.Identify
cause and/or effect of events o. Identify the speaker in the story or poem p. Predict possible
ending of a story read q. Relate story events to one’s experience r. Discuss, illustrate,
dramatize specific events s. Identify the problem and solution t. Retell a story listened to
Recognize the difference between “made-up” and “real” in) texts listened to EN2LC-IIIf-g-3.15
Retell and/or reenact events from a story EN2LC-IIIi-j-2.6
RC – Reading Comprehension
Identify the basic sequence of events and make relevant predictions about stories EN2RC-IIId-e-2.4
Answer questions to clarify understanding before, during and after reading EN2RC-IIIf-h-2.17
PA - Phonological Awareness
Produce speech sounds (sounds and letter names) EN2PA-IIIc-e-6.2
BPK – Book and Print Knowledge
Identify the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g. cover, title page, etc.) EN2BPK-IIIa-b-4
AK – Alphabet Knowledge
Give the beginning sound of each consonant (m,s,f,t,h) EN2AK-IIIa-1.1
Give the beginning sound of each consonant (c,r,n,b,g,p) EN2AK-IIIb-1.2
Give the beginning sound of each consonant (d,j,w,v,z,y) EN2AK-IIIc-1.2
Name the pictures that begin its name with a particular consonant EN2AK-IIIa-c-1.2
Give the beginning consonant sound of the name of each picture EN2AK-IIIa-c-4
PWR – Phonics and Word Recognition
Read words with short /e/ sound in CVC pattern (e.g. pen, men) EN2PWR-IIIc-d-3
Read short phrases consisting of short /e/ words and some sight words EN2PWR-IIId-f-10
Read short phrases and sentences consisting of short /e/ words and the sight words EN2PWR-IIIg-h-11
Read a short story consisting of short /e/ words and sight words EN2PWR-IIIi-j-12
S - Spelling
Spell words with short e sound in CVC pattern EN2S-IIId-j-3
Spell words with short e and a sound in CVC pattern EN2S-IIId-j-4
G - Grammar
Sentences EN2G-IIIa-c-1
Distinguish sentences from non-sentences EN2G-IIIa-1.1
Use different kinds of sentences: declarative (telling) and interrogative (asking) EN2G-IIIb-1.3
Recognize punctuation marks (period, question mark) EN2G-IIIc-1.6
Use common nouns in simple sentences EN2G-IIId-2.4
Use the use of a/an + noun EN2G-IIIf-9.2
Verbs EN2G-IIIg-h-3
Identify action words EN2G-IIIg-3.1
Use common action words in retelling, conversations, etc. EN2G-IIIh-3.4
SS – Study Strategy
Follow instructions orally given EN2SS-IIIa-d-1.1
OL – Oral Language
Participate in choral speaking and echo reading of short poems, rhymes and stories with repeated EN2OL-IVc-d-1.2
patterns and refrains in English
Create and participate in oral dramatic activities EN2OL-IVf-g-1.16
Dramatize familiar stories, rhymes and poems EN2OL-IVh-j-1.6
LC – Listening Comprehension
Recognize the difference between “made-up” and “real” in) texts listened to EN2LC-IVg-3.15
Retell and/or reenact events from a story EN2LC-IVi-j-2.6
Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes videos and other age-appropriate EN2LC-IIa-j-1.1
publications and k. Note important details pertaining to a) character b) settings c) events l.
Give the correct sequence of three events m. Infer the character feelings and traits n. Identify
cause and/or effect of events o. Identify the speaker in the story or poem p. Predict possible
ending of a story read q. Relate story events to one’s experience
r. Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific events s. Identify the problem and solution t. Retell
a story listened to
RC – Reading Comprehension
Give the sequence of three events in stories read EN2RC-IVc-3.1.3
Infer/ predict outcomes EN2RC-IVd-2.8
Use clues to make and justify predictions before, during and after reading (titles, pictures,) EN2RC-IVe-2.16
WC – Writing/ Composition
Participate in generating ideas through prewriting activities EN2RC-IVa-c-1
a. drawing EN2RC-IVc-1.3
PA - Phonological Awareness
Produce speech sounds (sounds and letter names) EN2PA-IVc-d-6.2
BPK – Book and Print Knowledge
Identify the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g. cover, title page, etc.) EN2BPK-IVa-b-4
book orientation
PWR – Phonics and Word Recognition
Read short /a/ words in CVC pattern (cat, man, bag) EN2PWR-IVa-c-1
Differentiate and read correctly the short /e/ and /a/ words (pan- pen, man-men, tan-ten etc.) EN2PWR-IVd-13
Read short /i/ words in CVC pattern (pin, big, fit . . .) EN2PWR-IVg-h-16
S - Spelling
Spell words with short e and a sound in CVC pattern (see PWR) EN2S-IVa-e-2
Spell words with short e, a and i sound in CVC pattern (see PWR) EN2S-IVa-e-3
Spell 2-syllable words with short e, a and i sound in CVC pattern (see PWR) EN2S-IVa-e-3.1
G - Grammar
Pronouns EN2G-IVa-f-4
Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we, they)in dialogues EN2G-IVa-b-4.2.1
Use demonstrative pronouns (this/that, these/those) EN2G-IVc-d-4.2.3
Prepositions EN2G-IVg-h-7
Use the most frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, over, under, to, from, above, etc.) EN2G-IVg-i-7.3
SS – Study Strategy
Arrange words alphabetically by the 1st letter EN2SS-IVa-b-2
Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar places, signs and symbols EN2SS-IVc-d-3
Interpret pictographs EN2SS-IVh-1.2

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