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Active and Passive Voice

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Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Simple Tense

Rules of Active and Passive Voice with examples for Present Simple.

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Subject + V1+s/es+ object Object+ is/am/are+ V3+ by + subject

Subject + Do/does+ not + V1 + Object Object + is/am/are+ not + V3+ by Subject

Does+ Subject+ V1+Object+? Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?


Active: He reads a novel.

Passive: A novel is read.

Active: He does not cook food.

Passive: Food is not cooked by him.

Active: Does he purchase books?

Passive: Are books purchased by him?

Active: They grow plants.

Passive: Plants are grown by them.

Active: She teaches me.

Passive: I am taught by her.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Continuous Tense

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- is/am/are + being)

Subject + is/am/are+ v1+ ing + object Object+ is/am/are+ being+ V3+ by + subject

Subject + is/am/are+ not+ v1+ ing+ object Object + is/am/are+ not + being+V3+ by Subject

Is/am/are+ subject+v1+ing + object+? Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?


Active: Esha is singing a song.

Passive: A song is being sung by Esha.

Active: Kiran is not chopping vegetables.

Passive: Vegetables are not being chopped by Kiran

Active: Is Rida buying a table?

Passive: Is a table being bought by Rida?

Active: They are serving poor people.

Passive: Poor people are being served by them.

Active: She is disturbing Danish

Passive: Danish is being disturbed by her.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Perfect Tense

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- has/have +been)

Subject + has/have+ v3+ object Object+ has/have+ been+ V3+ by + subject

Subject + has/have+ not+ v3+ object Object + has/have+ not + been+V3+ by Subject

Has/have+ subject+ v3 + object+? Has/Have + Object+ been+V3+ by subject +?


Active: Naila has challenged her.

Passive: She has been challenged by Naila.

Active: Rida has not written an article.

Passive: An article has not been written by Rida

Active: Have they left the apartment?

Passive: Has apartment been left by them?

Active: She has created this masterpiece.

Passive: This masterpiece has been created by her.

Active: I have read the newspaper.

Passive: The newspaper has been read by me.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Past Simple Tense

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- was/were)

Subject + V2+ object Object+ was/were V3+ by + subject

Subject +did+ not+v1+ object Object + was/were+ not +V3+ by Subject

Did+ subject+V1+ object+? Was/were + Object+ V3+ by subject +?


Active: Rashid cleaned the floor.

Passive: The floor was cleaned by Rashid

Active: Aisha bought a bicycle.

Passive: A bicycle was bought by Aisha.

Active: Nouman called my friends.

Passive: My friends were called by Nouman.

Active: I saved him.

Passive: He was saved by me.

Active: Amira paid the bills.

Passive: The bills were paid by Amira

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Past Continuous Tense

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)

Subject + was/were + v1+ing+ object. Object+ was/were +being+V3+ by + subject

Subject +was/were+ not+v1+ing + object Object + was/were+ not +being+V3+ by Subject

Was/were+ Subject + V1+ing + object+? Was/were + Object+ being+v3+ by+ subject+?


Active: Nadia was painting the wall.

Passive: The wall was being painted by Nadia

Active: Minhah was repairing the car.

Passive: The car was being repaired by Minhah

Active: Were you reciting the poem?

Passive: Was the poem being recited?

Active: She was baking the cake.

Passive: The cake was being baked by her.

Active: She was watching me.

Passive: I was being watched by her.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Past Perfect Tense

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- had +been)

Subject + had + v3+ object. Object+ had+been +V3+ by + subject

Subject +had+ not+v3+ object Object + had+ not +been+V3+ by Subject

Had+ Subject + V3+ object+? Had + Object+ been+v3+ by+ subject+?


Active: Misha had cleaned the floor.

Passive: The floor had been cleaned by Misha.

Active: Warda had not received the parcel.

Passive: The parcel had not been received by Warda.

Active: Akram had solved the doubt.

Passive: The doubt had been solved.

Active: Had they caught the thief?

Passive: Had the thief been caught by them?

Active: I had paid fifty thousand.

Passive: Fifty thousand had been paid by me.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Future Simple Tense

Passive Voice
Active Voice
(Auxiliary Verb- will+ be)

Subject + will+ v1+ object. Object+ will+ be +V3+ by + subject

Subject +will + not+ V1+object Object + will+ not +be+V3+ by Subject

Will+ Subject + V1+ object+? Will + Object+ be +v3+ by+ subject+?


Active: Sana will sew the bag.

Passive: The bag will be sewed by Sana.

Active: Danish will not arrange the things.

Passive: The things will not be arranged by Danish

Active: Will you mop the floor?

Passive: Will the floor be mopped by you?

Active: They will post the letter.

Passive: The letter will be posted.

Active: Rabia will save money.

Passive: Money will be saved by Rabia.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Future Perfect Tense

Active Voice Passive Voice

Subject + will+ have +v3+ object. Object+ will+ have+ been +V3+ by + subject

Subject + will+ have +not+v3+ object. Object + will+ have +not+been+v3+ subject

Will+ Subject+have+v3+ object+? Will + object+have+been+v3+by +subject+?


Active: They will have brought the toy.

Passive: The toy will have been brought by them.

Active: Nimra will not have changed the table cover.

Passive: The table cover will not have been changed by Nimra

Active: Will she have written the notes.

Passive: Will the notes have been written by her?

Active: They will have won the match.

Passive: The match will have been won by them.

Active: Vijay will have washed a shirt.

Passive: A shirt will have been washed by Vijay.

There is no Passive Voice formation for these tenses-

1.) Present Perfect Continuous Tense

2.) Past Perfect Continuous Tense

3.) Future Perfect Continuous Tense

4.) Future Continuous Tense

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