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CHN Quiz 1, 2, 3

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It is a unit of care in the community. • Family
It is the application of nursing process in caring for individuals, • Community-based Nursing
families and groups where they live or as they move through the
health care system.
It is the service rendered by a professional nurse or midwife to • Community Health Nursing
communities, groups, families, and individuals at home, in health
centers, in clinics, in schools and in places of work for the
promotion of health and prevention of illness.
It refers to the practice of nursing in national or local government • Public Health Nursing
health department.
The following are the defining attributes of community, except? • Interaction
• People
• Individual Goals
• Place
The practicing nurse in public health also performs his/her • Screening
functions by helping identify individuals with unrecognized health
risk factors of an asymptomatic disease conditions. What is this?
The role of the nurse in public health practice is to apply the • Health teaching
public health interventions to accomplish her functions among
which is to communicate facts, ideas and skills that change
knowledge, attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors, and practices of
individuals, families, systems, and/or communities. This is:
This is a public health intervention where the healthcare • Counseling
practitioner establishes an interpersonal relationship with a
community, a system, and a family or individual with the intention
of increasing or enhancing the capacity for self-care and coping.
This kind of approach views man as an organism and sees the • Atomistic approach
whole as equal to the sum of its parts or subpart.
This tends to focus on geographic areas rather than people with • Community Health
shared characteristics.
This term is defined as a field of Public Health, a discipline that • Community Health
concerns itself with the study and betterment of biological
Another public health intervention in which the client seeks • Consultation
information and healthcare provider generates optional solutions
to perceived problems or issues through (e.g. Telemedicine) with
a community system.
Among the public health interventions of a practicing nurse is to • Outreach
help locate populations of interest of populations at risk and
provides information about the nature of the concern, what can be
done about it, and how services can be obtained. This is:
According to WHO (World Health Organization), health is defined • A state of complete, physical, mental and social
as; well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
A frequently used term which is defined as the art of applying • Public Health
science in the context of politics so as to reduce inequalities in
health while ensuring the best health for the greatest number.
All but one is the focus of Public Health Nursing. • Health Promotion
• Rehabilitation
• Disease Prevention
• Health Imperatives
An intervention in Public Health which describes and monitors • Surveillance
health events through ongoing and systematic collection, analysis,
and interpretation.

CHN QUIZ 2 & 3

The healthcare system constitution was established on: April 7, 1948
The level of prevention that aims to prevent the onset of Primary prevention
illness or injury before the disease begins.
One of the determinants of health and disease are the beliefs Culture, Customs and Traditions
of the family and community that affects their health. This is:
The provision to every Filipino of the highest possible quality Universal Health Care
of health care is also referred as “Kalusugan
Pangkalahhatan (KP)” which is otherwise known as:
The "Universal Health Care Act of 2019" was signed as law by Republic Act 11223
Pres. Rodrigo Duterte on February 20, 2019 which is a step
towards health for all Filipinos. This is:
The following activities are the common examples of primary I, II, V, VI
level of prevention. Select all that apply:
I. Immunization
II. Promotion of good nutrition
III. Screening for STI
IV. Blood pressure screening
V. Encouraging regular exercise
VI. VI. Provision of adequate shelter
The roles and functions of DOH (Department of Health) in its Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy
leadership towards health are the following except one: options
The restructuring of the Philippines health care delivery 1970
system thus, classifying the delivery of health services
happened at this year.
The following are the components of Primary Health Care. I, II, III, V, VI, VII
Select all that apply:
I. Environmental Sanitation
II. Immunization
III. Health Education
IV. Treatment of Pandemic Diseases
V. Provision of Essential Drugs
VI. Maternal and Child Health
VII. Family Planning
VIII. VIII. Drug Isolation
At this level of prevention, health services workers can work Tertiary prevention
to retain, reeducate and rehabilitate people who have already
developed an impairment or disability.
The Sustainable Development goals are a set of 17 goals Transforming Our World: 2020 Agenda for
defined by the United Nations and was launched in Sustainable Development
September 2015. It addresses a number of social and
environmental development issues. The goal is also known
It is the law which automatically enrolls all Filipino citizens Universal Health Care
in the National Health insurance Program and prescribes
complementary reforms in the health system.
This traces the pattern of Man's relationship with other Holistic approach
begins in the suprasystem of society, how man acts and
reacts to situational stimuli.
It is defined as essential health care made universally Primary Health Care
accessible to individuals and families in the community by
means acceptable to them through their full participation and
at a cost that the community and country can afford at every
stage of development (WHO)
All are the activities in the secondary level of prevention, Immunization
except one:
This plays part in determining life span, healthiness and the Genetics
likelihood of developing certain illness.
All are the activities in the secondary level of prevention, Immunization
except one:
This kind of approach views man as an organism and sees Atomistic approach
the whole as equal to the sum of its parts or subpart.
Another determinant of health and disease which states that Education
low levels of learning skills and knowledge are linked with
poor health, more stress and lower self-confidence.
This is when greater support and families, friends and Social Support Networks
communities is linked to better health.

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