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Quality Assessment of Different Rice Varieties


Food Science Research Institute, National Agriculture Research

Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan 2022

By: Dure Shahwar

Roll No.: 960


B.S (Hons.) Food Science and Technology

Government College University Faisalabad (Layyah campus)


O Lord open my eyes

That I can see the glimpsing Blessings sprinkled on us,

And show me the right path,

The path of those who got success here in

life And will be rewarded on



This humble effort is dedicated to ALLAH ALMIGHTY, to HOLY PROPHET

MUHAMMAD (S.A.W.W.), to my AFFECTIONATE PARENTS, to my supervisor Dr.
Saqib Jabbar (Senior Scientific Officer), and to HOD of our Department Ma’am Sana
Ramzan whose sincerity and devotion helped me to achieve this goal


First and foremost, I would like to praise and thanks Almighty Allah who has
granted countless blessings, knowledge and opportunity for me so that I have been
finally able to complete my internship report. Also heartily gratitude to Holy
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and His Purified Progeny.
Apart from my efforts, the success of this internship depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my
gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of
my internship report. This report has become a reality because of them.
Foremost, I owe special gratitude to Dr. Nouman Rashid Siddiqui, Director
of Food Sciences Research Institute, NARC Islamabad for his indispensable
cooperation and providing me facilities to conduct my internship in his institute.
I highly appreciate the efforts expended by my internship supervisors, Dr.
Saqib Jabbar (SSO, FSRI) and Mr. Sadeem Hussain. Without their
encouragement, dynamic supervision and skilful guidance this report would not be
I would like to express my gratitude to Mrs. Sana Ramzan (HOD of Food
Science and Technology Department, GCUF) for imparting her expertise in this
report. Her guidance and valuable discussions are gratefully acknowledged.
I deliver my thanks to my whole family who has supported me and
encouraged me to accomplish this task. Especially my father for having given me
unfailing support and encouragement during academic year and the completion of
this internship report.
Last but not the least, I also pay my special thanks to my lovely friends for
their endless love. It will be difficult to find adequate words to convey how much I
owe these people.
Dure Shahwar

Table of Contents

Chapter Title Page No.

1  PARC

2  Introduction to Instruments
 Introduction of Rice
 Physical Analysis

Rice Testing:
 Physical and Chemical Analysis of Rice
 Grain Size
 Bursting of Rice

4 Result and Discussion




Pakistan’s economy is mainly based on agriculture as it stimulates growth in other sectors of

the country as well. Rapid increase in population, food security and unemployment are the
key concerns for the nation. Therefore, agricultural sector of the country is thus intended to
become more efficient, eco-friendly, capable of acquiring basic needs of increasing
population and hence acting as a major instrument of desired socio-economic transformation
of the society. Agricultural research has been remained the driving force for sustainable
development in agricultural sector of Pakistan. In Pakistan, a lot of agricultural research
stations have been developed for the prosperity of the people and Pakistan Agricultural
Research Council (PARC) is one of them.

Research Establishments:
PARC has following major research establishments in Pakistan conducting research
according to the agro-ecological needs of various regions.
1. National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad
2. Southern Zone Agricultural Research Centre (SARC), Karachi
3. Balochistan Agricultural Research & Development Centre (BARDC), Quetta
4. Arid Zone Research Centre (AZRC) DI Khan
5. Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI), Bhawalpur
6. National Tea Research Institute (NTRI), Mansehra
7. Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI), Thatta
8. Mountain Agricultural Research Centre, (MARC), Gilgit
9. Neelibar Agricultural Research and Training Station (NARTS), Burewala
10. Research Station Shaheed Benazir Bhuttoabad (RSSBB), Sakrand, Sindh
11. Himalayan Agricultural Research Institute (HARI), Kaghan

Besides, PARC has Coastal Area Research Station, Karachi; Federal Pesticide
Research Lab, Multan; and PARC-IPM Lab, Multan. Agricultural Economics Research Units
(AERUs) are functioning in all the provinces and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. PARC also has
its Liaison Offices in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta and its research units in Rice
Research Institute, Kala Shah Kaku, Lahore and Dokri, Sindh.

Functions of PARC:
The main functions of PARC are to:
 Undertake aid, promote and coordinate agricultural research.
 Arrange expeditious utilization of research results.
 Establish research establishments mainly to fill in the gaps in existing programs of
agricultural research.
 Arrange the training of high level scientific manpower in agricultural sciences.
 Generate, acquire and disseminate information relating to agriculture.
 Establish and maintain a reference and research library.


National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad established in 1984, is the
largest research Centre of the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC). NARC, with a
total land area of approximately 1400 acres, is located near Rawal Lake, six kilometers south-
east of Islamabad.

NARC coordinated programs serve as a common platform for the scientists working
in different federal, provincial agricultural research, and academic institutions to jointly plan
their research activities, avoiding unnecessary duplication of research efforts. Research which
can best be addressed at a national centre rather than by provincial institutions is undertaken
at NARC. The adaptation of technologies available from the international research system is
also managed by NARC, in collaboration with the provincial research and extension

The location of NARC at Islamabad facilitated liaison with international and national
scientists. NARC governance and planning functions were carried out through a Board of
Management; a Research Management Committee (RMC) and Technical Working Group

NARC Research institutes

National Agricultural Research Center, Islamabad

 Animal Sciences Institute

 Agricultural and Biological Engineering Institute
 Agriculture Poly Technique Institute

 Crop Sciences Institute
 Climate Change, Alternate Energy & Water Resources Institute (CAEWRI)
 Department of Plant & Environmental Protection
 Crop Diseases Research Institute
 Ecotoxicology Research Institute
 National Institute of Bioremediation
 Food Science and Product Development Institute
 Food Security Research Institute
 Horticultural Research Institute
 Honeybee Research Institute
 Institute of Microbial Culture Collection of Pakistan (IMCCP)
 Land Resources Research Institute
 National Institute of Genomics & Advance Biotechnology (NIGAB)
 National Institute of Organic Agriculture
 Olive Research & Development Institute
 Plant Genetic Resources Institute
 Social Sciences Research Institute

Organizational Structure
National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) is headed by a Director General, Dr.
M Azeem Khan who was helped by institutional heads. The research activities are organized
into different disciplines as mentioned below.

Future Goals
 planning
 Promote participatory approach for research
 Diversify agriculture with focus on biotechnology, horticulture, livestock,
fisheries and agro-forestry
 Post-harvest technology, value addition, agri-business
 Promote eco-friendly and resources conservation technologies
 Conservation and effective use natural resources
 Human resource development
 Bring decentralization in research management
 Strengthening infrastructure



FSRI has recently evolved by the merger of the Food Quality and Nutrition program
and Grain Quality Testing Lab at National Agricultural Research Center.


 To develop and produce novel, Nutraceuticals, Functional food and Techno-food products
from indigenous sources to ameliorate nutrition and health issues.
 To provide food quality analysis services to the private and public sectors, to evaluate
food commodities /crop varieties for nutritive quality and consumer acceptance.
 To develop partnership with food industry and carry out collaborative research in food
 To impart trainings to small businesses / entrepreneurs for producing food products as
cottage industry.


 Development of functional foods with bio-active compounds (dietary fibers)

 Development of foods with Pre- and Pro-biotic
 Techno-beverages production (Fruit Drinks & Herbal Tea)

 Pilot scale production of various food products and their sale through PARC agro Tec


 Basic R & D work for developing high fiber and high energy biscuits recipe.
 Formulation of fruit snacks with superior nutritional & health benefits
 research and grain quality testing work. Development of nutritious formulations for
special groups (soups, baby food etc.).
 Standardization of extraction and quantification techniques for Aflatoxin& antioxidants


 Quality testing of exportable agricultural produce for public and private sectors,
according to WTO/TRIPS Codex Elementarious requirements.
 Maintaining the Accreditation status of Grain Quality Testing ab (GQTL).
 Enhancing the grain and its products quality testing capabilities.
 Training of manpower in Pakistan to undertake
 Analyzing fruits and vegetables for nutritive values.


Grain Quality Testing Lab (GQTL) is an important component of Food Testing program.
This state of the art laboratory was established in June 2004, with the aim to provide all the
facilities for grain quality testing under one roof.


To be recognized as the market leader in grain analysis in Asia to support Pakistan’s trade in
the region.


 To provide accredited analytical laboratory services to the entire satisfaction of our

 To stay ahead with new technologies
 To be internationally competitive
 To be financially independent


 Quality data is of great importance to us; GQTL staff participates in several

international proficiency programs to maintain international credibility of We use
valid, verified and standard methods.
 Rapid turnaround time is assured and confidential handling of our client’s information
and of data generated by the GQTL is guaranteed.
GQTL has been ISO17025 accredited since 2007, with the technical and financial
support from UNIDO and EU under Trade Related Technical Assistance (TRTA) project.
GQTL is being further strengthened under the National Animal & Plant Health Inspection
Services to test and certify plant health issues.


Sample to be analysed should be sent to the office In-charge Customer Services,

Grain quality Testing Lab along with the payment. Payment can be made by Cash or Bank
draft in the favour of Director (Administration), National Agricultural Research Centre,

GQTL analyses the quality parameters of various food commodities in the following are:
 Physical quality characteristics of grains
 Cereal chemistry and cooking quality
 Pest and disease related to grain
 Environmental safety aspects viz pesticide residues, heavy metals and mycotoxins
 Microbiological and pathological testing
 On an average about 2000 samples are tested per annum
The laboratories interact with public sector on technical matters related to wheat, rice and
pulses quality specifications for imports/export.
Laboratories are also providing testing/certification facilities to fruits and vegetables
exporters on pesticide residues and heavy metals to facilitate their export


A pipette is a laboratory tool commonly used in chemistry, biology and medicine to transport
a measured volume of liquid, often as a media dispenser.

A beaker is a glass container with a flat bottom that scientists use to hold liquids


Laboratory flasks are vessels or containers that fall into the category of laboratory equipment
known as glassware. In laboratory and other scientific settings, they are usually referred to
simply as flasks.

Test Tube

A test tube, also known as a culture tube or sample tube, is a common piece of laboratory
glassware consisting of a finger-like length of glass or clear plastic tubing, open at the top
and closed at the bottom. Test tubes are usually placed in special-purpose racks.

Vernier caliper

A vernier scale, named after Pierre Vernier, is a visual aid to take an accurate measurement
reading between two graduation markings on a linear scale by using mechanical
interpolation, thereby increasing resolution and reducing measurement uncertainty by using
vernier acuity to reduce human estimation error.

Petri dish

A Petri dish is a shallow transparent lidded dish that biologists use to hold growth medium in
which cells can be cultured, originally, cells of bacteria, fungi and small mosses. The
container is named after its inventor, German bacteriologist Julius Richard Petri. It is the
most common type of culture plate.

Hot Plate

Hot plates are generally used to heat glassware or its contents. Some hot plates also contain
a magnetic stirrer, allowing the heated liquid to be stirred automatically


Rice is one of the major staple foods in the world since centuries. Consumer
preferences vary from region to region, Japanese like sticky rice (Deshpande & Bhattacharya,
1982), while Italians consume Balbo and Arborio rice’s that have high amylopectin and are
short grain variety, which releases starch during cooking making a creamy and smooth
risotto. Americans prefer a semi milled long grain rice or even brown rice, whereas Asian
culinary dominates spicy and scented Basmati/Jasmine rice and the people of Indian sub-
continent prefer a well-milled white rice (Lyon et al., 1999).

A mixture of brown, white, and red indicate rice, also containing wild rice, Zizania
species. Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or Oryzaglaberrima
(African rice). As a cereal grain, it is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of
the world's human population, especially in Asia. It is the agricultural commodity with the
third-highest worldwide production (rice, 741.5 million tons in 2014), after sugarcane (1.9
billion tons) and maize (1.0 billion tons). Since sizable portions of sugarcane and maize crops
are used for purposes other than human consumption, rice is the most important grain with
regard to human nutrition and caloric intake, providing more than one-fifth of the calories
consumed worldwide by humans. There are many varieties of rice and culinary preferences
tend to vary regionally. Rice can come in many shapes, colors and sizes.
Rice, a monocot, is normally grown as an annual plant, although in tropical areas it
can survive as a perennial and can produce a ratoon crop for up to 30 years.[3] Rice
cultivation is well-suited to countries and regions with low labor costs and high rainfall, as it
is labor-intensive to cultivate and requires ample water. However, rice can be grown
practically anywhere, even on a steep hill or mountain area with the use of water-controlling
terrace systems. Although its parent species are native to Asia and certain parts of Africa,
centuries of trade and exportation have made it commonplace in many cultures worldwide.

Oryza sativa, commonly known as Asian rice. The traditional method for cultivating
rice is flooding the fields while, or after, setting the young seedlings. This simple method
requires sound planning and servicing of the water damming and channeling, but reduces the
growth of less robust weed and pest plants that have no submerged growth state, and deters

While flooding is not mandatory for the cultivation of rice, all other methods of
irrigation require higher effort in weed and pest control during growth periods and a different
approach for fertilizing the soil. The name wild rice is usually used for species of the genera
Zizania and Porteresia, both wild and domesticated, although the term may also be used for
primitive or uncultivated varieties of Oryza.

Rice is a monocotyledonous angiosperm. The genus, to which it belongs, Oryza,

contains more than 20 species, only two of which are referred to as cultivated rice: Oryza
sativa, (Watanabe, 1997) cultivated in South-east Asian countries and Japan, and
Oryzaglaberrima cultivated in West Africa. Rice was originally cultivated in tropical Asia,
the oldest record dating 5000 years BC, but then extended also to temperate regions
(Watanabe, 1997). Rice is the most important staple food in Asia. More than 90% of the
world’s rice is grown and consumed in Asia, where 60% of the world’s population lives. Rice
accounts for between 35-60% of the caloric intake of three billion Asians (Guyer et al.,

Over 150 million hectares of rice are planted annually, covering about 10% of the
world’s arable land. In 1999/2000, this amounted to some 600 million tons of rice seed, equal
to 386 million tons of milled rice. With the world population estimated to increase from 6.2
billion in the year 2000 to about 8.2 billion in the year 2030, the global rice demand will rise
to about 765 million tons, or 533 million tons of milled rice (FAO, 2002). For almost three
decades since the Green Revolution, the rice yield growth rate was approximately 2.5% per

During the 1990s, however, this has decreased to only 1.1% (Riveros and Figures,
2000). Attempts to overcome the rice yield limitation by improving yield, resistance to pests
and diseases, and adaptability to diverse growing conditions, have consisted of breeding
programmes and the development of hybrid rice varieties. Hybrid rice has 2 been developed
in China since 1974 and now is planted in almost 40% of Chinese rice fields (Fujimaki and
Matsuba, 1997; Sasaki, 1997.; IRRI, 1999)


Cereals are one of the important foods for growing population of human.
Approximately 50% of consumed calories by the whole population of humans depend on
wheat, Rice and maize. Although rice has the second place because of planted area but it
serves as the most important food source for Asian countries mainly in south-east parts where
it is an economic crop for farmers and workers who grow it on millions of hectares
throughout the region.

Historically, rice was cultivated l0000 years ago in the river valleys of South and
Southeast Asia and China since it served as the most important food for people. Although
Asia is the main place of rice cultivation but it was harvested in other continents like Latin
America, Europe, some parts of Africa and even USA.

Since rice provides 21% of energy and 15% of protein for human, its quantity and
quality require major attention. Although these two factors could be improved by
biotechnological approaches but there are key constraints on production of this economical
crop worldwide. Rice pests and diseases cause annually significant loss of rice production.
Several insects attack rice including Rice Water Weevil, Rice Stink Bug, Fall Armyworm,
Chinch bug, Mexican rice borer, sugarcane borer, grasshoppers, Blister Beetles and
Leafhoppers. This is only the half problem because many pathogens also cause severe
damages as blast, Rice yellow mottle virus and Bacterial blight

Several biotechnological approaches are adopted to increase quality and quantity of

rice as well as its resistance to pests, diseases and environmental stresses. These approaches
have now increased quality and quantity of rice production by (i) transfer of economically
important traits from genus/species barrier into the rice gene pool, (ii) manipulation of target
trait without disruption to the non-target regions of the rice genome and (iii) shortening the
breeding cycle. These advantages come from several techniques including DNA marker
technology for enhancing precision in rice breeding, genetic engineering for transferring
ergonomically useful traits across species barrier that cannot be achieved by conventional
means and Application of genomic tools for identifying new and useful genes/alleles.

Nutritive Value

Rice is the most important food all over world. This article is an effort to inform the
people about the nutritive value of rice. Today, scientists are engaged to improve maximum
nutritional value of rice which will benefit the human beings. Rice is a high-energy or high
calories food and of high biological value of the proteins.

These days, several types of rice and their product are used in different nations of the
world viz. USA. China, Indonesia, Japan, Sri Lanka, Africa. India etc. The nutritive ea/se of
rice includes protein, fat, crude fiber, carbohydrates, ash, minerals viz. Ca, P, Fe, Na, K and
Vitamins Viz. Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, tocopherol.

It plays an important role in health benefits and disease prevention such as high blood
pressure, cancer prevention, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, skin care, dysentery with
together in mankind.



Collection of Material:

Rice Sample; GQTL 1545 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 collected from National Agriculture Research

Preparation of Sample:

Firstly, Samples prepared by milling, then it can be physical analyzed. After physical
analysis sample cooked at required temperature than further chemically analyzed for better

Rice milling

Milled rice is defined as a rice obtained after milling which involves removing all or
part of the bran and germ from the husked rice. It could further be classified into three
degrees, under milled rice, well-milled rice and extra -milled rice. (Iso, 1988) An efficient
mill cleans, scours and polishes the grain with minimum of breakage (Collier, 1947). Rice
that has been milled by a scouring process is liable to develop oxidative rancidity; the risk is
minimized by the polishing.

Milling Test:

• Rice sample should be milled for further analysis so that

• Rice sample 200g should be taken
• Check its moisture content.
• Normal Moisture Content =10%
• Weight the sample
• Now, put weight sample into Rice De-Husker for removing its outer cover.
• Then Re-weight the sample = 1.480g
• After that put the sample in to Polisher for polish.
• After Polish wt = 1.30g
• At last polished rice sample can be put into Test Rice Grader for grading the rice
in sieve (60 No.) for 1.5minutes.
• Then weight the sample of both broken and un-broken rice.
• 70% Un-broken and 60% broken.

There are four classes of milled rice depending on the percentage of whole kernels, and
types of rice:

 Long Grain Milled Rice

 Medium Grain Milled Rice
 Short Grain Milled Rice
 Mixed Milled Rice, Short, Medium and Long Grain Rice

Long grain milled rice

These are kernels which have a length/width ratio of 3.0 or more; or, have a kernel
length of 6.6mm or more; or, have a kernel length of more than 6.0mm and a length/width
ratio of more than 2.
Rice is categorized as long grain milled rice if it contains more than 25.0 percent of
whole long grain kernels of milled rice and, in Grades 1 through 4, not more than 10.0
percent of whole or broken kernels of medium or short grain milled rice.

Medium grain milled rice

Medium grain rice kernels are those that have a length/width ratio of 2.0-2.9; or, have
kernel length of 6.2 mm or more but less than 6.6mm; or, have kernel length of more than 5.2
mm but not more than 6.0mm and a length/width ratio of less than 3.

Rice will be categorized as medium grain milled rice if it contains more than 25.0
percent of whole medium grain kernels of milled rice and, in Grades 1 through 4, not more
than 10.0percent of whole or broken kernels of long grain rice or whole kernels of short
milled grain rice.

Short grain milled rice

Short grain rice kernels are those that have a length/width ratio of 1.9 or less; or, have
kernel length of less than 6.2 mm; or, have kernel length of 5.2 mm or less and a
length/weight ratio of less than 2.

Rice will be graded as short grain milled rice if it contains more than 25.0 percent of whole
kernels of short milled rice and, in Grades 1 through 4, not more than 10.0 percent of whole
or broken kernels of long grain rice or whole kernels of medium grain milled rice.
Mixed milled rice

Mixed milled rice consists of milled rice with more than 25.0 percent of whole
kernels of milled rice and more than 10.0 percent of "other types" defined above.

Physical Test
Five Rice varieties i.e., GQTL 1546 (6), (7), (8), (9) and (10) were procured from National
Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan, grown. The sample of each variety was
stored at ambient temperature for further studies.
Grain Size
Fifteen grains (with three replications of five healthy grains) of each rice variety were
taken randomly and length, breadth and thickness were measured by using Vernier Caliper

I. Bursting of Rice:

• Petri plates
• Water
• Rice
• Beaker
• Heater

• Soaked the rice in water for 10 minutes

• Pure into the rice into boiling water
• When boiled then the condition of rice3Note the result in bursting and non-

II. Aroma Test:

Rice Samples

• 1.7% KOH

• Paraffin

• Take 0.5 g of rice powder of each of four varieties in separate test tube.

• Add 1.7% KOH (5ml) in each tube.

• Seal the test tube containing the sample with paraffin

• Allow the samples to rest for one hour

• After 1 hour smell each sample by removing the paraffin.

• Check the presence or absence of aroma compounds

iv. Cooking of Rice:


• Weigh empty petri dish.

• Take a sample of 50 healthy rice grains.
• Add 10ml of distilled water.
• Cook for 20 minutes at 100c.
• Remove the water.
• Cool the sample.
• Weigh after cooking.
• Check its aroma.
• Check its stickiness.
• Calculate water absorption ratio.
• Separate burst rice.
• Separate curl rice.
Note: the volume at scale called volume expansion

V. Boiling

Test: Procedure

First take 50 samples of rice grain from the sample. Then weight the petri dish and then place
the grain to the Petri dish and weight again then add water to the petri dish having grains of
rice and leave it for 15 min. Place the test tube with the help of the stand into the beaker
placed on hotplate. Add water into the beaker and start the hotplate. When the water boils,
place the grains of rice with test tube in it. Remove after 15 minutes then cool and measure.

VI. Amylose Testing:

Preparation of Reagent:

1. 95% Ethanol

(95% ethanol + 5ml distilled water)

2. 1N NaOH

(4g NaOH pellets + Volume up to 100 ml with distilled water)

3. 1N Acetic acid

(5.80 ml Acetic acid + Volume up to 100 ml with distilled water)

4. Iodine Solution

(2 g Potassium Iodide (KI) + Volume up to 100ml with distilled water)

Standard Preparation:

 0.1g rice powder + 1ml ethanol + 9ml NaOH (1N) in test tube.
 Heat/boil the solution for 10 minutes on hot plate or water bath then cool at room
 Transfer to 100ml volumetric flask + volume makeup with distilled water and mix
 Take 6,7,8,9 and 10 ml gelatinized stand solution into 5 different volumetric flasks
 Add 1ml Acetic acid in each replicated flask (volumetric flask)

 Add 2 ml Iodine solution to volumetric flask
 Volume makeup to 100 ml distilled water and shake well
 After 20 minutes measure absorbance of solution at 620nm with Spectrophotometer

Gelatinization Temperature (GT):

GT is measured by determining the alkali spreading value for which the alkali digestibility
test is employed. Grain (20 head rice) are soaked in 1.7% KOH (Potassium hydroxide) and
incubate in a 30 °C over 23 hours. Measurement ranges are based on following

Gelatinization temperature is estimated by the extent of alkali spreading and cleaning of

milled rice. Soak in 1.7% KOH at room temperature or at 39 °C for 23 hours. The degree of
spreading is measured using a seven-point scale as follows:

1. Grain not affected

2. Grain swollen
3. Grain swollen, collar incomplete and narrow
4. Grain swollen, collar complete and wide
5. Grain split or segmented, collar complete and wide
6. Grain dispersed, merging with collar
7. Grain completely dispersed and intermingled

Category Temperature ranges Alkali spreading value

59-69 °C 6-7

70-74 °C 4-5

75-79 °C 2-3


Milling analysis of GQTL 1545

(Table 1)

Sample Paddy(g) Brown Polished Head BR % MR% HR%

rice (g) rice (g) rice (g)

06 250 204 175 132 81.6 70 52.8

07 250 200 171 139 80 68.4 55.6

08 250 202 179 155 80.8 71.6 62.0

09 250 201 178 130 80.4 71.2 52.0

10 250 202 181 147 80.8 72.4 58.8

Physical quality analysis of GQTL 1545

GQTL 1545(6)
Table (2.1)

Replications Length (mm) Breadth (mm) L/B Thickness (mm) Quality Index
R1 7.21 1.92 3.76 1.70 2.21
7.13 1.92 3.71 1.77 2.09
7.13 2.03 3.51 1.71 2.05
6.35 2.05 3.01 1.78 1.69
7.03 1.96 3.59 1.84 1.95
Mean 6.97 1.976 17.58 1.76 1.998

R2 7.5 2.05 3.66 1.76 2.07

6.97 2.04 3.42 1.83 1.86
6.7 2.07 3.24 1.79 1.81
6.9 1.98 3.48 1.75 1.98
6.92 2.1 3.30 1.62 2.03
Mean 6.998 2.048 3.42 1.75 1.95

R3 6.29 2.24 3.25 1.66 1.72
7.11 2.09 3.40 1.85 1.83
7.22 1.93 3.74 1.73 2.16
7.4 2.09 3.54 1.74 2.03
6.89 2.05 3.36 1.64 2.04
Mean 6.982 2.08 3.458 1.08 2.36

GQTL 1545(7)
Table (2.2)

Replication Length (mm) Breadth (mm) L/B Thickness (mm) Quality index
R1 6.72 2.01 3.04 1.84 1.65
6.71 2.02 3.32 1.77 1.87
6.87 2.12 3.24 1.63 1.98
7.07 2.35 3.01 1.76 1.71
7.66 2.24 3.29 1.72 1.91
Mean 7.006 2.148 3.18 1.74 1.822

R2 7.14 2.18 3.28 1.78 1.84

7.26 2.21 3.29 1.70 1.39
6.84 2.21 3.10 1.74 1.78
7.61 2.15 3.54 1.67 2.11
6.64 2.18 3.05 1.64 1.85
Mean 6.098 2.186 3.252 1.706 1.79

R3 6.66 2.14 3.11 1.67 1.86

7.1 2.22 3.20 1.71 1.87
7.4 2.21 3.35 1.73 1.93
7.3 2.02 3.61 1.63 2.21
6.77 2.14 3.16 1.72 1.83
Mean 7.046 2.146 3.286 1.692 1.94

GQTL 1545(8)
Table (2.3)

Replications Length (mm) Breadth (mm) L/B Thickness (mm) Quality Index
R1 6.62 1.89 3.50 1.57 2.22
6.2 1.91 3.25 1.62 2.00
6.01 1.82 3.21 1.58 2.03
6.67 1.94 3.44 1.65 2.08
6.36 1.91 3.33 1.64 2.03
Mean 6.372 1.894 3.346 1.612 2.072

R2 6.89 2.09 3.30 1.68 1.96

6.25 2.01 3.11 1.65 1.88
6.18 1.73 3.57 1.66 2.15
5.76 2.04 2.82 1.72 1.63
6.99 1.95 3.58 1.67 2.14
Mean 6.41 1.964 3.276 1.676 1.952

R3 6.11 2.08 2.94 1.67 1.76

6.37 1.94 3.28 1.70 1.92
6.58 1.95 3.37 1.58 2.13
6.67 2.13 3.13 1.61 1.94
5.77 2 2.90 1.62 1.79
Mean 6.3 1.62 3.124 1.636 1.908

GQTL 1545(9)
Table (2.4)

Replication Length (mm) Breadth (mm) L/B Thickness (mm) Quality index
R1 6.74 2 3.37 1.76 1.91
6.5 1.85 3.51 1.73 2.02
6.74 1.96 3.44 1.79 1.92
6.2 2.14 2.94 1.50 1.96
6.56 1.92 3.42 1.70 2.01
Mean 6.548 1.974 3.36 1.696 1.964

R2 6.82 2.22 3.07 1.78 1.72

6.64 1.84 2.61 1.75 1.49
5.84 2.02 2.89 1.65 1.75
6.92 1.86 3.72 1.75 2.12
6.53 2.02 3.23 1.79 1.80

Mean 6.55 1.992 3.104 1.734 1.776

R3 6.81 1.88 3.62 1.74 2.08

6.62 1.99 3.33 1.81 1.83
6.92 2.21 3.28 1.83 1.79
6.69 2.01 3.27 1.84 1.77
6.55 2 3.30 1.75 1.88
Mean 6.718 2.018 3.36 1.794 1.87

GQTL: 1545(10)
(Table 2.5)
Replication Length (mm) Breadth (mm) L/B Thickness (mm) Quality index
R1 7.4 1.74 4.26 1.91 2.23
7.3 1.92 3.82 1.85 2.06
6.7 1.89 3.57 1.84 1.94
7 1.93 3.65 1.74 2.09
6.7 1.77 3.80 1.90 2
Mean 7.02 1.85 3.82 1.856 2.064

R2 6.7 1.75 3.85 1.88 2.04

6.8 1.83 3.72 1.81 2.05
6.2 1.84 3.36 1.93 1.74
7.2 1.53 4.69 1.86 2.52
6 1.72 3.47 1.87 1.85
Mean 6.58 1.734 3.818 1.856 2.06

R3 6.4 1.94 3.31 1.83 1.80

6.5 1.72 3.77 1.87 2.01
7 1.88 3.72 1.85 2.01
6.2 1.64 3.80 1.85 2.05
5.8 1.61 3.58 1.87 1.91
Mean 6.38 1.75 3.636 1.854 1.956

Cooking of Rice Analysis of different rice varieties
(Table 3)

Number of Water Curling Busting Volume Stickiness Aroma

Observation Absorption Expansion (1-5)
Ratio % %
(WAR) VE (mm)

1545 (6) 3.83 18 8 10.5 1 Low

1545 (7) 4.08 10 10 10.1 3 Medium

1545 (8) 3.95 10 16 9.3 3 Medium

1545 (9) 2.92 08 6 9.5 1 High

1545 (10) 2.46 18 8 10.00 2 Low

1545(6) 1545(7)
Empty Petri =54.44 Empty Petri Dish = 57.29
Sample =1.1060 Sample = 1.02
Soaking time = Soaking time = 10mins
10mins Distilled Distilled Water =25ml
Water =25ml 8min 8min cooked at 100 ֯C
cooked at 100 ֯C After Cooking Wt. = 61.20
After Cooking Wt. = 58.41 W.A.R =4.80
W.A.R =3.83 Curling = 10%
Curling = 18% Bursting = 10%
Bursting =8% Volume Expansion = 10.1 mm
Volume Expansion = 10.5 mm Stickiness = 3
Stickiness = 1

1545(8) 1545(9)
Empty Petri = 56.85 Empty Petri Dish = 55.4275
Sample =0.8913 Sample =1.0271
Soaking time = Soaking time =
10mins Distilled 10mins Distilled
Water =25ml Water =25ml 8min
8min cooked at 100 C֯ cooked at 100 C֯
After Cooking Wt. = 60.6429 After Cooking Wt. = 58.4280
W.A.R =3.95 W.A.R = 2.9213
Curling = 10 % Curling = 8%
Bursting =16 % Bursting = 6%
Volume Expansion = 9.3mm Volume Expansion =9.5mm
Stickiness = 3 Stickiness = 1

Empty Petri Dish = 57.0449
Sample = 0.9723
Soaking time =
10mins Distilled
Water =25ml 8min
cooked at 100 ֯C
After Cooking Wt. = 59.4407
W.A.R = 2.46
Curling =18
% Bursting =8
Volume Expansion =10.00mm
Stickiness = 2

Amylose testing analysis of GQTL 1545

(Table 4)

Sample Amylose %

GQTL 1545 (6) 17.48

GQTL 1545 (7) 15.00

GQTL 1545 (8) 15.11

GQTL 1545 (9) 16.32

GQTL 1545 (10) 16.16

Chapter 4


Physical Quality analysis of different varieties of rice on the basis of

Length, width and thickness

The characteristics of good quality rice are uniformity of size and shape, whiteness, long and
thin uncooked grains, round and fat cooked grains.

Data on physical quality characteristics of different rice varieties is presented in the table 2. It
is evident from the table that the rice varieties GQTL 1545(6) has been tested in NARC
indicates that GQTL 1545(6) is a good quality rice variety as compared to GQTL 1545 (7),
GQTL 1545 (8), GQTL 1545 (9) and GQTL 1545 (10) due to more uniformity of size and
shape, length and thickness.

Physical Quality analysis of different varieties of rice on Basis of Curling,

bursting, Aroma, WAR, Stickiness and Amylose %

Data on physical quality characteristics of different rice varieties is presented in the table 3. It
is evident from the table that the rice varieties 1545(09) sample has been tested in NARC
indicates that has a good quality rice variety as compared to 1545 (6), 1545 (7), 1545 (8) and
1545 (10) due to less curling and bursting, less stickiness and strong in aroma and the sample
GQTL (06) has high amylose content as compared to others.


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