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Maharashtra College of Science And Commerce,Kothrud,Pune-


A Project Report
Submitted by

Name of The Student Roll No

Swati Sapkal 329
Ugesh Sahani 328

Under The Guidance of

Mrs. Manali Sapkal

For Academic Year

Maharashtra College of Science And Commerce,Kothrud,Pune-

This is to certify that

Swati Sapkal Roll No-329

Ugesh Sahani Roll No-328
Has successfully completed the project of “Aquarium-The World of
Fishes” as part of savitribai phule pune university course as per
following details.


Academic Year:2018-2019

Project Guide: Mrs Manali Sapkal Principal

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Following team has done the appropriate work related to the
“Aquarium-The World of Fishes” in partial fulfilment for the award of
Bachelor of Science(Computer Science) of “Savitribai Phule Pune
University” and is being submitted to “Maharashtra College of
Science and Commerce, Pune”.

Team Member:

Swati Sapkal Roll No-329

Ugesh Sahani Roll No-328

Guide:Mrs Manali Sapkal


External Examiner:

It gives pleasure in submitting project report on “Aquarium-The

World Of Fishes”.
We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude towards
our project guide Mrs Manali Sapkal for her valuable guidance given
to us by her throughout our project.

We would also like to thank our college teaching staff and working
staff for providing us with all lab facilities which made our project
work very conveniently.

We would also like to express our appreciation and thanks to all our
friends who have assisted and encouraged us throughout the work.
Sr.No. TOPIC Page
1 Introduction
1.1 Proposed System
1.2 User of System
1.3 Module of system
1.4 Project Scope
2 Analysis
2.1 Feasibility Study
Technical Feasibility
Financial Feasibility
Resource Feasibility
2.2 Software Requirement Specification
3 Design
3.1 Database Table Design
4 Modeling
4.1 ER-Diagram
4.2 Class Diagram
4.3 Usecase Diagram
4.4 Sequence Diagram
4.5 Deployment Diagram
4.6 Component Diagram
5 Testing
5.1 Test Cases and Test Results
6 Conclusion
7 References and Bibliography

This system is mainly developed to maintain all the details of Fishes

and all the products related to Aquarium. user can see all the details
related to fishes on this system. If any user wants to buy any product
they will directly contact by email or through call, otherwise they
directly visit to shop.

This system has two stakeholders i.e admin and user. Many time
users are not having appropriate information related to fishes, In this
system user will get all the information of aquarium related product.

In this system Admin can manage all the information of fishes. Only
admin has a authority to change any information of the system. For
authorization admin has a unique login id and password for login.
Only one admin can handle the whole system.

The main objective of this system is to save the time of searching the
information of fishes on many website.
In this system user get all the information on a single system.
1.1 Proposed Aquarium System

Now a days user can have many problems to find the information
related to fishes. Users visited many websites to find the information
related fishes . it’s a time consuming process. Many times customer
are not getting right information
Many website providing products in high cost and sometimes they
are not providing correct information. Customer facing lots of
problems to gather information so we are providing this websites to
solve all this problems.
1.2 User of the System

Administrator, User(Customer).
Admin can handle whole system. Admin has authority to insert,
delete, update the information of aquarium. For authorization admin
can have unique login id and password for login process. admin
maintain all the information of the system.

User(Customer): User can easily access the system whenever

required. They get all the information on single system. If they want
to buy ant product they will contact through mail or by call.
1.3 Modules of the Aquarium System

In this module customer get information related to product which
are available in aquarium and price of that product.In this module
customer also check the total bill of product.

Contact Us:
In this module user get contact no of aquarium or they also have
mail facility for contact or for ordering product.

Manage Site:
In this module admin manage there system by adding, deleting or
updating information of fishes and there related products.

About us:
In this module user get all the basic information of this system.
1.4 Project Scope

This system provide all the information of fishes on a single system.

User searches many websites to find the information of fishes it’s a
time consuming process to overcome this problem we are mainly
developing this system. Many websites provide fishes and other
products in high price but we are providing all products in low prices.
We are providing all the information related to aquarium and there
product on a single websites. And this system is user friendly and
easy to handle.

2.1 Feasibility Study:

A feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of the potential of the
proposed project which is based on extensive investigation and
research to support the process of decision making. Feasibility
studies aim to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and
weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture,
opportunities and threats present in the environment, the resources
required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success.
In its simplest terms, the two criteria to judge feasibility are cost
required and value to be attained. As such, a well-designed feasibility
study should provide a historical background of the business or
project, description of the product or service, accounting
statements, details of the operations and management, marketing
research and policies, financial data, legal requirements and tax
obligations. Generally, feasibility studies precede technical
development and project implementation.
This is called a feasibility study. Sometimes this assessment is carried
out in a detailed and systematic fashion.
Software feasibility has three solid dimensions:
1.Technical Feasibility
2.Economical Feasibility
3.Resource Feasibility
Technical Feasibility:

Before beginning a project, there is a crucial decision that must be

made: Is the proposal technically feasible? That is, will the
technology actually work?
The answer of the above question is: “This project is technically
feasible. It successfully satisfies the users basic requirements. The
tool used in this project are very popular and easily available across
the world”.
All of these factors of technical, technological and also general
feasibility are taken into account in this document as properly as
Economical Feasibility:

Money provides the ready-made metric for measuring value. This

kind of investigation is called investment appraisal or a cost benefit
analysis. The organization expects a return on investment. In this
approach, two quantities are calculated:
1. The cost of providing the system.
2. The money saved or created by using the system- the benefits.
If the benefits is greater than the cost, the system is worthwhile ;
otherwise, it is not. If there is some other way of accomplishing the
same task, which may be manually, then it is necessary to compare
the two costs. Whichever technique gives the smaller cost is the one
to select, if the benefits is greater than the cost. With each of these
criteria, we can associate a cost, though for some it is less easy:
 Cost to buy equipment, principally the hardware.
 Cost of training
 Cost of lost work during switchover
 Cost to maintain the system
 Cost to repair the equipment in the event of failure.
Resource Feasibility:

This project requires computer with VGA resolution and it contains

minimum memory required 512 Mb RAM and 165GB ROM . It
supports DOT matrix printer.
2.2 Software Requirements

Operating System: linux

Front end: HTML,PHP.
Backend: JavaScript,CSS, PL/PGSQL.
3.1 Database Table Design

Table Name: My_Pages:

Sr. no Field Name Data Type Desciption
1 Page_id Int Primary key
2 Page_title Varchar(255)
3 Page_desc Varchar(255)
4 Meta_keywords Varchar(255)
5 Meta_desc Varchar(255)
6 Sort_order Int
7 Parent Varchar(255)
8 Status Enum
9 Page_alias Varchar(255)

Table Name: mp_tagline:

Sr. no Field Name Data Type Desciption
1 Id Int Primary key
2 Tagline1 Varchar(255)
3 Tagline1 Varchar(255)

Table Name: Products

Sr. no Field Name Data Type Desciption
1 Id Int Primary key
2 Product_code Varchar(60)
3 Product_name Varchar(60)
4 Product_desc Tinytext
5 Product_img_name Varchar(60)
6 Price Decimal
Table Name:Users
Sr. no Field Name Data Type Desciption
1 Id Int
2 Username Varchar(100)
3 Email Varchar(100)
4 Password Varchar(100)

Table Name:Admin

Sr. no Field Name Data Type Desciption

1 Id Int
2 Username Varchar(100)
3 Email Varchar(100)
4 Password Varchar(100)

4.2 Class Diagram:
4.3 Usecase Diagram
4.5 Deployment Diagram
4.4 Sequence Diagram
4.6 Component Diagram
Test cases for login screen

No Test Steps Test Expected Result Actual Result

1 Click on “login” Please enter Please enter
button username and username and
password password
2 Enter Admin Please enter “Enter the valid
Username username user name”.
Message should
be displayed.
3 Enter admin Please enter “Enter the valid
Password password password”.
Message should
be displayed.

This project is successfully completed and works properly according

to the needs . The system maintains data consistency by avoiding
manual error and sock are maintained accurately which reduce the
losses that can be made due to various environment features. All the
requirement regard to this problem are solved the need specified in
the problem definition are fulfilled. This project will help all end
users as a user-friendly system.
References and Bibliography


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