Wenhui Yang Assignment 4.7
Wenhui Yang Assignment 4.7
Wenhui Yang Assignment 4.7
Assignment 4.7 The Big Idea: The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding
of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others and the world.
The beginning of this unit with the “ Perspective and mediums” assignment.
This assignment required us extract data and understand what the author is
trying to convey. I have learn the text reflected a deeper knowledge of the
information we were provided about the world and issues around us. I was
aware of ocean pollution, but I had no clue it was such a significant problem. I
gained a new understanding of the problem and the extent to which human
activity affects the ocean after gathering and thoroughly reading the
information that was presented. This lesson will have an impact on my daily
life since it has taught me that we should always consider the entire picture
before making a choice. For instance, while making major decisions in my
daily life, I need to have as much knowledge as possible before doing so
because if I only have a partial understanding of the situation, I might regret
my choice or the result might not be favourable to me.
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and learned a lot about texts, including
how they frequently convey a deeper meaning than they do. I still value the
text's simplicity and clarity in terms of the author's intended message, though.
However, I also discovered that everyone has a unique way of writing or
expressing themselves, and if you want to grasp the depth of what someone is
trying to convey, you must comprehend their words and the perspective they
are taking on the situation. I now realize that everyone presents things in a
different light and that everyone's tone varies depending on who they are trying
to communicate with.