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Context FHFA Dir. Calabria's Latest Comments The Non-Fake-News Version

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November 14, 2019

Joshua Rosner

Context of FHFA Dir. Calabria’s Latest Comments… The Non-Fake-News Version:

It is our view that both Bloomberg and Politico appear to have mis-contextualized FHFA Director

Calabria’s comments of yesterday morning:

a. Both have substantively stated:


IN 2021-2022;
b. These reporters comments demonstrate:

i. Dir. Calabria’s comments were ambiguous as to whether “GSEs

could be freed” refers to:

1. An exit from conservatorship; or

2. The ultimate termination of expected consent-decree

agreements which would be placed on the GSEs before

exiting conservatorships and remain in effect until around

the time that the GSEs have accessed the capital markets

and have reached FHFA’s forthcoming regulatory capital


ii. Because the PSPA/liquidation-preference allows Treasury to bar

any sales of new GSE equity, failure to act in a timely manner

Please refer to important disclosures at the end of this report.

The Spew November 2019

would mean that a future UST can prevent the GSEs from ever

accessing capital markets, frustrating Dir. Calabria’s stated goals;

1. Further, a failure of the current FHFA and UST to act

expeditiously would provide a future President the ability

to replace the FHFA Director and would undermine

FHFA’s intent to carry out its statutory obligations;

2. The longer this process takes, the greater the risk the capital

markets will close before the GSEs have recapitalized to

regulatory capital, undercutting Dir. Calabria’s position that

“you have to fix the roof while the sun is shining”.

c. However, proper context reminds us that Dir. Calabria has previously and

publicly stated;

i. He expects, at least until they reach regulatory capital, the GSEs

would operate under a consent decree after release from


ii. The timing of equity capital raises will be up to each GSE.

ci. If our analysis is correct there is nothing new or inherently inconsistent in

Dir. Calabria’s comments. Rather, it appears reporters have not provided

the proper historical context of Dir. Calabria’s comments:

i. Dir. Calabria again stated the GSEs should retain earnings for

1-1.5 yrs. But the context of this statement appears to have been


The Spew November 2019

in the reporting- the GSEs have been retaining earnings since April

1 and by Q1’20 they will be at a year of retained capital;

ii. The PSPA amendments and Capital Rule are likely to be done

sometime in the 1st quarter. As a prerequisite for the GSEs to meet

the expected benchmarks for full release from government control

the PSPAs must address the periodic commitment fee payments for

ongoing UST backstop support and, to allow the Enterprises to

eventually be able to access the capital markets, it must address the

write-down UST’s liquidation preferences (which would

essentially moot plaintiff suits against the Government);

iii. Only after these milestones have been met could the GSEs be

directed to provide FHFA with Capital Restoration Plans (30-days

for GSEs to respond to request, ~60-days for FHFA to approve or


iv. Upon eventual approval of these restoration plans the GSEs could

enter into consent decrees that place limitations on their activities

as public companies;

v. Although reaching regulatory capital requirements is not a legal

requirement to exit conservatorship having approved capital

restoration plans are functionally requirements. Upon approval of

CRP, and agreement on consent decrees, the GSEs could be

The Spew November 2019

released from conservatorship and begin their own process of

deciding how/when to go to the capital markets;

vi. The GSEs would likely continue to operate under consent decrees

until at least the time they reach regulatory capital – at which time

they will be “freed” in one sense of that word.

vii. It is important to note:

1. If the liquidation preference is written down and/or the

GSEs are allowed to put the DTAs on balance-sheet

(consistent with GAAP accounting for APIC) they would

already be at statutory capital today;

2. Even without full credit for the DTAs/prepaid-asset the

GSEs should achieve retained sufficient capital to reach

statutory capital requirements by around the time of the

Presidential elections;

The Spew November 2019

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