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Drug Study G1P0

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Generic Name Brand Name Dosage Action/Contraindication/ Nursing

Side Effect Implications/Responsibiliti

Cephalexin Keflex Three times a day Action: Bactericidal, inhibits  Determine history of
one tablet 500 mg synthesis of bacterial cell wall hypersensitivity
per orem that causing cell death reactions to other
drugs like
Contraindications: Cephalosporin and
Contraindicated with allergy to Penicillin
Cephalosporin or Penicillin  Monitor for
manifestations of
Side Effects: hypersensitivity.
 Diarrhea Discontinue drug
 Dizziness and report their
 Headache appearance
 Pain (joint) promptly.
 Vaginal itching  Tell mother to don’t
breastfed while
Adverse Effects: taking the drug.
 Bone marrow  Complete the full
depression course of this drug
 Superinfection even if you feel
paresthesia better.
 Lethargy  Instruct the client to
 Nephrotoxicity report immediately
 Rashes if adverse reactions
 Fever approach.
Generic Name Brand Name Dosage Action/Contraindication/ Nursing
Side Effect Implications/Responsibiliti
Mefenamic Acid Ponstel Three times a day Actions: Analgesics and anti-  Check for doctors
one tablet 500 mg inflammatory effects: inhibition order
per orem for seven of prostaglandin synthesis.  Assess for history of
days allergies to NSAIDs
Contraindications:  Give drug with food,
Contraindicated to milk, or antacids.
hypersensitivity to aspirin. Use  Instruct the client do
cautiously in patients with a not increase or
history of bleeding disorder, GI double the dose,
bleeding, and severe hepatic, follow exactly as
renal, or cardiovascular prescribed and
disease. indicated.
 Do not administer
Side Effect & Adverse Effect: with anticoagulants
 GI disturbances and other drug that
 Peptic ulceration causes GI upset.
 GI bleeding  Instruct the client to
 Headache discontinue the
 Drowsiness medication if
 Dizziness adverse reaction
 Nervousness occurs.
 Visual disturbances
 Renal failure
 Glomerulonephritis
 Papillary necrosis
Generic Name Brand Name Dosage Action/Contraindication/ Nursing
Side Effect Implications/Responsibilit
Omeprazole Omepron Once a day one Actions: Omeprazole is a
table 40 mg per selective and irreversible
orem proton pump inhibitor. It
suppresses stomach acid
secretion by specific inhibition.
H+/K+-ATPase system found at the
secretory surface of gastric parietal

Contraindicated with
hypersensitivity to omeprazole
or its components. Use
cautiously with pregnancy,

Side Effect & Adverse Effect:

 Diarrhea
 Nausea
 Fatigue
 Constipation
 Vomiting
 Flatulence
 Acid regurgitation
 Taste perversion
 Arthralgia
 Myalgia
 Uticaria
 Dizziness

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