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Hydrogeophysical Investigation Report

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By: Evans Kofi Vakpo



Table of Content

Table of Contents

Table of Content .............................................................................................................................. i

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. i
Table of Figures .......................................................................................................................... ii
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3
2.0 WORK CARRIED OUT...................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Local Geology of the area ......................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Geophysical Investigation .................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Background Data Collection and Assessment ..................................................................... 4
2.4 Field Reconnaissance Surveys ........................................................................................... 4
3.0 Data Analysis and Interpretation ......................................................................................... 5
3.1 Proposed Potential Points .................................................................................................... 5
Fig.1: The profile map showing the subsurface formation of the area along NW-SE direction. 6
................................................................................................................................................. 7

Fig.2: The processed profile map of the traverse showing the proposed drilling point pegged as
(AB_27m ) along Northeast to Southwest direction. .................................................................. 7
4.0 Recommended Drilling Point ................................................................................................... 8
5.0 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 8
6.0 Appendix 1 (Proposed borehole design) ................................................................................... 9

Table of Figures

Table of Figures .............................................................................................................................. ii

Fig. 1: Sketch of the Site showing the respective traverses ...........Error! Bookmark not defined.

Fig.2: The profile map of L52 showing the proposed drilling point (L 52_27m) .......................... 7

Fig. 4: Proposed design for the borehole drilling and construction ..................................................

The aim of this work was to investigate/explore the limited area available for potential

groundwater delineation for borehole drilling. Electrical resistivity method and

Wenner-Schlumberger electrode arrays technique was employed during the exercise. The

data collected was modelled and the true resistivity section for the profiles generated.

The work was carried out on 26th May 2022 and a total of 2 profile lines were run along

NE-SW and E-W direction respectively.

At the end of the survey, 2 potential points were identified and one of them will be the

prime drilling point for the borehole drilling when the data is fully processed.


2.1 Local Geology of the area

The area falls within, the Dahomeyan Supergroup domain. The possible rock types to be

encountered at the subsurface include muscovite-biotite gneiss, biotite gneiss, and

muscovite gneiss according to the local geology.

2.2 Geophysical Investigation

Hydrogeophysical investigation which consists of terrain evaluation and 2-D electrical

resistivity tomography (ERT). This investigation is done in order to delineate potential

points to drill for borehole water source. The PQWT was used to conduct the survey on the

34 m traverse line using 2 POLARES alternate current resistivity meter with 2 electrodes

stations employing Wenner-Schlumberger electrode arrays. The data collected was

modelled and the true resistivity section.

2.3 Background Data Collection and Assessment

2.4 Field Reconnaissance Surveys

At the site, the terrain was assessed to confirmed surficial features observed from the

topography map of the area.

After integrating the findings from the reconnaissance surveys with the background

information and terrain evaluation, four traverse lines for the geophysical investigation

were selected. The orientation and length of traverse were surveyed with the Prismatic

compass (coupled with GPS) and measuring tape respectively.

3.0 Data Analysis and Interpretation
The Data from the geophysical investigation was processed and analysed. In general, low

apparent resistivities indicate the presence of good electrical conductors such as water.

It must be noted however that some low apparent resistivity zones may indicate clay,

other conductive minerals and not necessary a potential drilling point.

3.1 Proposed Potential Points

The profile lines (traverse) areas were selected based on the terrain and possible fracture

and water bearing zones direction. The selection was based on the assumptions and the

electrical resistivity of the subsurface material of the area.

The data was collected on 2 traverses at different angles and directions in the form of

graphs and contours. The results from the geophysical profiling and Vertical Electrical

Soundings (VES) for potential aquifer zones were studies and compared with the general

resistivity of the underlying rock values in the area to be sure the data depicts the aquifer

anomalous zones. The data was then processed for easy interpretation as shown in the

Fig. 2&3. At this profile, we are looking at a depth of 90 meters below ground level.

Moreover, there are suspected near surface water at top from to 30 meters. Decisions will

be arrived at during the drilling though we proposed drilling to the depth of 100m.


Fig.1: The profile map showing the subsurface formation of the area along
NW-SE direction.

Fig.2: The processed profile map of the traverse showing the proposed drilling point
pegged as (AB_27m ) along Northeast to Southwest direction.

4.0 Recommended Drilling Point
Based on the cumulative thickness of potential water bearing zones, resistivity values and

experience acquired regarding drilling of borehole in the area, the preferred point for a

borehole on the property is AB3_3m point on the ground. Among number of points, the

AB_3m is chosen to be the prime drilling point, that notwithstanding, there are other

alternative point identified which will be exploited in case of any inconvenience during

the drilling period. The recommended minimum drilling depth at this point is 85m and

the maximum recommended depth is 100m

We recommend that the borehole should be fully constructed, depending on the client’s

ability to mobilize the required materials for the full construction.

5.0 Conclusion
The area is expected to overlay with black or dark grey, calcareous clay and silt and
usually contain white or grey and nodular carbonate concretions. When wet, this clay is
plastic but when dry exhibits numerous shrinkage cracks.

6.0 Appendix 1 (Proposed borehole design)

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