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Relationship Among Family Support, Love Attitude, and Well-Being of Junior High School Students

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Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(2): 370-377, 2016 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040208

Relationship among Family Support, Love Attitude, and

Well-being of Junior High School Students
Wu Ho-tang1, Chou Mei-ju2,*, Chen Wei-hung3, Tu Chin-Tang4
Department of Education, Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Department of Early Childhood Education and Teacher Education Center, National Ping-tung University, Taiwan
Ying Hai High School, Taiwan
Center for Teacher Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan

Copyright © 2016 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract This research aims to analyze the correlation youngsters' emotional and behavioral problems can be
between family support, love attitude, and well-being of presented (Sanders, 1999)[1]. Such claim is consistent with
junior high school students. After analyzing related literature, Cichy, Stawski, and Almeida's (2013)[2] viewpoint, which
it is found that demographic variables like gender, grade, suggests based on the research findings that family support
family structure, socioeconomic position have difference in should be provided to improve emotions. Next, in regard of
perception of well-being. In addition, family support and love attitude, Wang and Wang (2003)[3] held that love
love attitude has correlation with well-being as well. In order attitude is the faith attitude towards love, and Lin (1998)[4]
to accomplish the research purpose, this study extracted 686 indicated that youngster's development of love relationship
junior high school students as the research subjects to presents recreational functions, obtaining status in peer
conduct the home-edited youngster's family support scale, group, socialization process learning, looking-glass
love attitude scale, and well-being scale. The three scales self-effect, spouse selection, and help marital life adaptation,
have all been pretested, and have good reliability and validity. and so on. However, under the influence of family structure
We analyzed the then current condition of the collected change and open social trend, the proportion of youngsters'
effective questionnaire data with hierarchical regression to falling in love raises year by year, and the news of those
understand the explanatory power of the four demographic being entangled by love is often heard. However, love
variables--gender, family support, love attitude--for behavior is affected by love attitude. Finally, well-being is
well-being. The results show: 1. Junior high school students' mainly evaluated in accordance with individual standard
and whole life satisfaction (Diener, 2009; Diener &
family support, love attitude, and wellbeing reaches middle
Emmons, 1984)[5][6], Shek's (1997)[7] study aiming at the
to high level. 2. The explanatory power of the four
Chinese families in Hong Kong found that the higher the
demographic variables-- gender, grade, family structure, and
indicator of well-being, the psychologically health
socio-economic status--is 2.40% in respect with well-being.
condition gets better, the environmental adaption ability
3. The explanatory power of love attitude for wellbeing is
becomes better, and the problematic behaviors reduces.
4.00%, and the total explanatory is 34.70%. According to the
According to the results of literature analysis, some
research findings, this research suggests that 1. Parents factors affect well-being, for example, Derdikman-Eiron et
should provide more affection support. 2. Grade-12 students al (2011)[8]took youngsters aged 13-19 as the research
should deal with pressures from the heavy schoolwork. 3. subject, and their results show that boys' subjective
The studies in the future cam further explore and analyze the well-being is slightly higher than the girls'. Next, the grade
factors that influence wellbeing. of junior high school students generates difference in
Keywords Family Support, Love Attitude, Wellbeing overall well-being as well. Yuei et al (2006)[9] found that
Grade-1 and 2 senior high students have higher well-being.
Thirdly, different family structures results in difference in
respect with well-being. As Wenk, Hardesty, Morgan, and
Blair's (1994)[10] showed, family structure and process is
1. Introduction the primary center in exploring children's well-being.
Consequently, family structure plays an incredibly
Family support, love attitude, and well-being would important role. Finally, different socioeconomic positions
influence the youngsters' psychology and behaviors. First, If lead to different well-being; Dew and Huebner
parents make good use of family support strategy, the (1994)[11]aimed at influence of parents' socioeconomic
Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(2): 370-377, 2016 371

position and youngsters' life satisfaction, and their research school students as the research subject. Only, there is
results show that youngsters will have better satisfaction unpublished thesis, but it is limited to discuss correlation of
with life if their patents have higher socioeconomic the two variables. For example, Li (2002)[24] took Taiwan
position. 405 junior high school students as the sample, and found
Next, Family support affects well-being. Family occupies that the higher the youngsters' perception of family support
an important position in children's physiological growth and (substantial, message-based, and emotional support), the
psychological development. Although junior high school higher their wellbeing will be. Additionally, With structural
students' physical and mental development is gradually equation model, Lin (2012)[23] took Taiwan 697 vocational
influenced by the peers, family still has certain impact. As high school students as the research subject, and analyzed
Meadows, Brown, and Elder (2006)[12] pointed out, positive the correlation degree of the four variables--wellbeing, love
communication among family members can reduce the relationship, sex attitudes, and date violence. It is found that
youngsters' internal and external behavior problems. Some for vocational/senior high school students, there is positive
research also indicated that family support has correlation in love relationship and wellbeing. The research
stress-buffering effect (Wills, 2013)[13], and it can further took senior high school students as the research subject, but
make people face the challenges in life (Cauce, Reid, senior high school students are more mature psychologically
Landesman, & Gonzales, 1990)[14] or diverse living and physically, and the number of those who have love
pressures (Guan, Wen, Gong, Liang, & Wang, 2014; affairs is more than that of junior high school students. Junior
Sandier, Miller, Short, & Wolchik, 1989)[15][16]. Family high school students have stepped into adolescent dementia,
support can help improve youngsters' problems, buffer the and hold curiosity and fantasy of the opposite sex; however.
pressures, and even face living challenges. If problems, Due to the school or family, their love behaviors are
pressure, and challenges can be mediated, well-being will restricted, though they have hope as well as recognition for
raise on the other side. Kostelecky and Lempers's (1998)[17] love. In this sense, it is worthy of further exploration into
study can verify this conclusion. Their study on family junior high school students' love attitude.
support and well-being of 133 senior high school students
found that, strong and positive family support would
decrease youngsters' distress, make their psychology
healthier, and perform more positively in daily life or in the
2. Research Design
future, so they could become happier. And The research adopted questionnaire investigation, in
Schnettler(2015)[18] found that family support intangible or analyzing the relationship among family support, love
social resources is related to the happiness in southern attitude, and well-being of junior high school students. in
university students. Some researchers have proved that this section, we mainly allocated the research subjects,
family support and well-being have positive correlation; tested the research tools, and processed and analyzed data
therefore, family support and well-being is closely as what follows:
Thirdly, Love attitude affects well-being. Allardt
(1976)[19] indicated that having, loving, and being are our (I). Research Subject
three basic needs, and love refers to need related to love Table 1. Demographic Data Distribution of the Formal Samples
affairs, kinship, and friendship. According to Freud's
psychosexual theory of development, youngsters more than Demographic
Group of Percentage(%)
11 or 12 years old have entered adolescence. The physical Variables
growth and secretion of hormone drives them to generate 1. Boys 348 50.50
interest in the opposite sex with similar age (Chang, 2. Girls 338 49.50
2007)[20]. Therefore, love may take place since 11 or 12 1. Grade 1 237 34.80
years old, which is around senior grade in elementary Grade 2. Grade 2 224 32.50
school. Some assertion and studies both support that 3. Grade 3 225 32.70
correlation exists between love attitude and well-being. For 1. Parents family 535 78.00
Family Structure 2. Non-parents
example, Lu (1998)[21] pointed that in youth stage, love 151 22.00
would affect well-being; Huang (2011)[22] took college 1. Middle-to-high
athletes as the research subject and obtained results showing socio-economic 165 25.40
that love attitude can effectively predict interpersonal status
well-being; Lin(2012)[23] took vocational high school Socio-economic
2. Middle
students as the research subjects and found that their love socio-economic 232 33.70
relationship does have positive correlation with well-being. 3. Middle-to-low
From the above-mentioned, it is learned that there is socio-economic 279 40.90
correlation between family support, love attitude, and status
wellbeing. However, in Taiwan region, there are no studies Total Sample
on the correlation among the three items with junior high Number
372 Relationship among Family Support, Love Attitude, and Well-being of Junior High School Students

The formal samples in this research come from students of Youngsters' Family Support Scale, we divided family
in the normal class in a public junior high school in support into three factors-- emotional support, substantial
Kaohsiung City (excluding private or special schools) as the support, and informational support, totally 13 items. In
research population. Besides, due to focus on the students' regard of item analysis, the lowest of t value of each item
own recognition and feelings, the distribution of school and has to be at least 3.16, and the highest 18.15. In respect with
its scale are not influential, so we adopted purposive validity, the lowest factor loading is .53, the highest is .88,
sampling. and the explanatory quantity of the three dimensions are
22.14%, 17.29%, and 31.02%, respectively, with the total
(II). Research Tools validity .91.
After pretest of Youngsters' Love Attitude Scale, we
i. Research Tool's Pretest Process divided love attitude into three factors-- closeness, passion,
This research edited Youngsters' Family Support Scale, and commitment. In regard of item analysis, the lowest of t
Youngsters' Well-being Scale, and Youngsters' Love value of each item has to be at least 3.09, and the highest
Attitude Scale to serve as the research tools for quantitative 14.14. In respect with validity, the lowest factor loading
data collection. Each scale has been pretested with three is .62, the highest is .90, and the explanatory quantity of the
procedures: 1. Item Analysis: this study summed up the three dimensions are 21.73%, 24.68%, and 70.06%,
subscales in the scale, and sequenced them by the score. respectively, with the total validity .90.
The first 27% is high-score group, and the last 27% is the After pretest of Youngsters' Well-being Scale, we divided
low-score group, both were analyzed with independent love attitude into four factors--self-affirmation, human
sample T-test. The results showed that the selection relationship, positive emotions, and health, totally 16 items.
achieved significant difference and the t-value is more than In regard of item analysis, the lowest of t value of each item
3. Factor Analysis: we conducted Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin to has to be at least 6.85, and the highest 13.76. In respect with
sample fit number, and then Bartlett sphericity test to validity, the lowest factor loading is .63, the highest is .88,
ascertain that it is proper to conduct factor analysis. The and the explanatory quantity of the four dimensions are
former's standard value is above .80, and the latter has to 17.14%, 17.60%, 21.22%, and 17.37%, respectively, with
reach significance. With principal component analysis, the the total explanatory quantity 73.33%. Regarding reliability,
factors were extracted, and by means of varimax solution the dimension reliability are .84, .85, .90, and .84,
of orthogonal rotation, the factor loading after rotation respectively.
(selecting more than 3) and explainable variable (more than The t value of the pretest for the three scales is all above 3,
50%) were obtained. 3. Reliability analysis: selecting meaning the items are discriminative. The total explanatory
Cronbach’s α >.60 and the total reliability >.80. quantity is all above 50%, signifying good validity.
Dimensions of reliability are all above .60, and the total
ii. Pretest Results of the Research Tools reliability is all above .80, showing the internal consistency
The pretest samples were from 150 junior high school is good. The pretest results of the three scales are organized
students in Southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung City. After pretest as Table 2.
Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(2): 370-377, 2016 373

Table 2. Reliability and Validity of Research Tools

Validity Reliability
Total Total
Factor Item dimension explanatory
Scale t value
(dimension) No. KMO & Initial Factor explanatory dimensions' Dimension's Total
Bartlett Eigenvalues loading quantity explanatory reliability reliability
after quantity
rotation (%) (%)
4 9.39-18.15 .90 1.71 .69-.88 22.14 70.46 .89 .91
Family Substantial
4 3.16- 5.70 p<.001 1.04 .62-.76 17.29 .82
support support
5 10.31-15.82 6.41 .63-.83 31.02 .90

Closeness 4 3.09-6.03 .88 1.22 .62-.90 21.73 70.06 .85 .90

Passion 4 9.82-14.14 p<.001 6.44 .63-.88 24.65 .88

Commitment 5 8.31-9.96 2.14 .62-.79 23.68 .86

Self-affirmation 4 7.54-12.57 .90 1.04 .63-.72 17.14 73.33 .84 .93

3 6.85-9.47 p<.001 1.51 .76-.88 17.60 .85
Positive emotions 5 10.41-13.49 8.09 .66-.84 21.22 .90

Health 4 8.15-13.76 1.10 .66-.78 17.37 .84

(III). Data Process and Analysis female as 1. For grade, socio-economic status is ordinal
variables, so they were thrust into the equation directly. In
i. Conduct Hierarchical Regression Analysis with SPSS addition, the independent variable (dimension of family
17.0 support, dimension of love attitude) and the dependent
This research used SPSS 17.0 to conduct hierarchical variable (total score of well-being) are ratio variables, so
regression analysis. It is divided into 3 models, adopting to they entered the equation with the row score.
thrust each variable to the equation for understanding of
explanatory power. From literature analysis discussed above,
and with junior high school students as the research subject, 3. Results and Discussion
this study adopted hierarchical regression analysis to discuss
correlation between family support, love attitude, and Regarding Model 1, it is mainly composed by gender;
wellbeing. The demographical variables have difference in grade, family structure, and socioeconomic position (see
well-being, and such variables took place in sample at the Table 3). Model 1's R2 = .024, F =4.100, and p = .003,
very beginning, and were not influenced by other presenting such demographic variables have significant
explanatory variables. Therefore, in hierarchal regression, explanatory power for well-being. Among the four
they are treated as the control variables in order to control demographic variables, only grade achieved significant
the impact of the external factors (Chiu, 2010)[25]. difference (β=-.112,t=-2.956, p=.003), signifying among
Therefore, equation is put into demographical variables in the four demographic variables, grade has the most
the beginning stage, Called Model 1. And Family support explanatory power.
affects well-being before than love attitude, so family Concerning Model 2, after controlling the four
support put into equation after control variables, called demographic variables' explanatory power, we thrust aspects
model 2. The last one into the equation is love attitude, of family support to the equation. The model's explanatory
called model 3. power is R2=.307, F=43.007, p=.000, showing Model 2 has
explanatory power. As for ΔR2=.284, ΔF =92.667, and
ii. Control Variables to Dummy p=.000, showing that after thrust each aspect of family
Among the control variables in this study, gender and support, increment of model 2 has statistical meaning; that is,
family structure are nominal variables, so we employed each aspect of family support can contribute extra 28.40%'s
dummy coding. The male gender is dummied as 0 and explanatory power.
374 Relationship among Family Support, Love Attitude, and Well-being of Junior High School Students

Among the three aspects, informational support (β=.300, p=.000, showing Model 3 has explanatory power. As for
t=6.383, p=.000) and emotional support (β=.241,t= ΔR2=.040, ΔF =13.680, and p=.000, the increment of model3
5.640, p=.000) have the most explanatory power, and both β has statistic meaning that can contribute extra 4% of
values are positive, signifying that the higher informational explanatory power.
support and emotional support, the more well-being will be. From the three aspects, commitment of love attitude (β
After controlling the explanatory power of Model 1 and 2, = .192 , t = 4.226, p = .000) has the most significant
aspects of love attitude were thrust into Model 3, and explanatory power, β values are all positive, showing that the
obtained the explanatory power R2=.3474, F=35.898, and more the commitment, the better well-being will be.

Table 3. Summary of hierarchical regression of family support, love attitude, and well-being

Dependent variable (Well-being)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Control variable Independent variable (Family support) Independent variable (Love variable)
Control variable (demographic variable)

β t p β t p β t p

(Constant) 36.304 .000 9.533 .000 6.549 .000

Gender -.061 -1.608 .108 -.100 -3.098 .002 -.083 -2.580 .010

Grade -.112 -2.956 .003 -.047 -1.450 .148 -.052 -1.628 .104

Family structure -.022 -.564 .573 .016 0.485 .628 .018 0.571 .568
-.066 -1.700 .090 -.013 -.399 .690 -.020 -0.621 .535
Independent variable (Family support)

Emotional support .241 5.640 .000 .251 6.009 .000

Substantial support .094 2.492 .013 .053 1.394 .164

Informational support .300 6.383 .000 .244 5.239 .000

Independent variable (love attitude)

Intimacy .068 1.682 .093

Passion -.035 -0.808 .420

Commitment .192 4.226 .000

Model abstract

R2 .024 .307 .347

F 4.100 43.007 35.898

p .0030 .000 .000

ΔR2 .024 .284 .040

ΔF 4.100 92.677 13.680

P of change .003 .000 .000

Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(2): 370-377, 2016 375

For control variable's explanatory power for well-being, attitude (refers to two people's sense of closeness and sense
when demographic variables like gender, grade, family of adhesion) within love attitude level has no significance;
structure, and socio-economic status are put into Model 1, though Sternberg (1997)[28] postulates that closeness can
the results show that such demographic variables have foster lover's welfare, feeling happy when staying with
significant explanatory power. However, only grade reached lover, highly caring for lover, able to trust in people in one's
significant difference, presenting that grade has the most need, sharing properties, receiving emotional support from
explanatory power among the four variables, and the β value the loved, giving emotional support, close communication,
are all negative, which means the higher the grade, the less and cherish life mutually. However, junior high school
happy they are. The possible reason may lie in Grade-3 students may have no experience with this part, causing no
junior high school students are facing the suppressing stress significant level in model 3. Further, Passion has no
of the coming entrance exam that influences their perception significance, Chang (2004)[29] regarded that passion is
well-being. Next, gender does not have significant composed by many emotions perceived from our partner,
explanatory power in well-being, implying that like missing, shy, envy, excited, and so on, and those
different-gender junior high school students do not perceive emotions are delivered through kiss, embrace, gaze, touch,
well-being that differs significantly. The results correspond and sexual behaviors. As for Lee's (1973)[30] colors of love
to Li’s (2002)[24] and Shi's (1995)[26]studies, and it may be theory, passion is considered as the important factor in
resulted from gender equality that different genders' passionate love. In his viewpoint, passion is like fire, once
perceptions are almost the same in respect with the external kindled, it will not be able to quench. That is to say, passion
material environment and internal psychological is the peak of emotional wave, when both are congenial;
environment, so the indicators of well-being are similar as passion will be aroused, so that one cannot help but desire
well. Thirdly, family structure does not have significantly for getting closer to the lover. Upon these viewpoints, the
explanatory power, which is consistent with Chao's more passion, the more will-being, however, with junior
(1997)[27] study that found that the modern cultivators are high school students has few love experience than adults,
generous to offer children equivalent care and love even if then they can’t experience the feeling of passion. Further,
they grew up in different family structures. Finally,
Commitment refers to mutual love for a short term, and
socio-economic status does not have significantly
committed to maintaining that love for the long term
explanatory power for well-being, meaning that junior high
(Sternberg, 1997)[28]. Davis (1996)[31] held that
school students with different socio-economic status feel
commitment contains help and support. Such interactive
similarly in self-affirmation, human relationship, positive
relationship can have both sides get rid of loneliness, learn,
emotions, and physical and psychological health.
and grow, and even develop the marital relationship. In
In regard of family support's explanatory power for
other words, both trust and depend on each other, grow
well-being, following control variable's explanatory power
for well-being, it is found that family support has through encouragement and help in process of interaction,
explanatory power for well-being as well; the explanatory and become support for the soul. Junior high school
increment increases 28.40%. Among them, emotional and students has high consistence on this commitment.
informational support have the most explanatory power, and Additionally, the low explanatory power may result from
their β values are both positive, suggesting that the higher the this research's adoption of hierarchical regression; its result
emotional and informational support, the higher well-being is to control demographic variables and family support.
will be. This result is supportive to the arguments of
Kostelecky and Lempers's (1998)[17] and Shek's (1997)[7];
namely, the better the family support, the youngsters' 4. Suggestions
well-being will be. And this present student found that On the basis of the analyzed data, we concluded that grade,
emotional and informational support are positive relation, family support, and love attitude have explanatory power for
the former refers to obtaining care or confidence from well-being, so we suggested: 1) Parents should provide more
others, including positive emotional expression, and emotional support. We placed dimension of family support
confirmative appraise, such as sense of closeness, sense of into the equation, finding that it has 28.40% of explanatory
belonging, trust, care, respect, and praise. And the latter power. Among the aspects, the informational and emotional
refers to providing ideas or viewpoints for individual to use support have the most explanatory power, both with positive
and solve problems, including providing guidance, β value, showing that the higher the informational and
suggestions, or feedbacks. Consequently, family support emotional support is, the higher well-being will be.
correlates with well-being closely. Consequently, it is suggested that parents should provide
In regard of love attitude's explanatory power for more emotional support, such as sharing joys with the
well-being, following control variable's explanatory power children, talking more about feelings, accompanying with
for well-being, it is found that love attitude can contribute to the children more, listening to what's in their heart, and
extra 4% of explanatory power for well-being, showing that encouraging and comforting more when children are in
love attitude can explain well-being, but the explanatory frustrations. 2) Grade-9 students should mediate pressures
power is not high. In model 3, Closeness within love from entrance exam on their own. According to the research
376 Relationship among Family Support, Love Attitude, and Well-being of Junior High School Students

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