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Ele. 2nd Year Syllabus

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Padm. Dr. V. B.

Kolte College of Engineering, Malkapur

Department of Electrical Engineering

2nd Year year Syllabus

B. E. 2nd Year (Electrical Engineering)
Semester 3rd


(a) Statistics:Introduction, Curve fitting by method of least square, change of scale, fitting of
straight line and parabola, correlation, regression. Application of statistics to electrical
(b) Probability: Axioms, conditional probability, Bay’stheorem,mathematical expectations,
probability distributions:Binomial, Poisson and Normal.Application of probability to electrical

(a)Partial differential equation (PDE)of first order and first degree of following type-
(i) f (p, q) = 0; (ii) f (p, q, z) =0; (iii) f (p, q, x, y) = 0; (iv) Pp + Qq =R (Lagrange’s Form);
(v) Clairaut form Z = px + qy + f(p, q) . Applications of PDE to electrical circuits.
(b)DifferenceEquation: -Solution of difference equations of first order, solution of difference
equations of higher order with constant coefficient.Applications of difference equations to
electrical engineering.

Laplace Transforms: Definition, standard forms, properties of Laplace transform, inverse
Laplace transform, Laplace transform of some basic functions, initial and final value theorem,
convolution theorem, Laplace transform of Periodic Function, Impulse Function, Unit Step
Function. Solution of linear differential equation using Laplace transform.

Fourier Transforms- Definition, standard forms, properties of Fourier transform,inverse Fourier
transform, Fourier Transform of some basic functions.Fourier transform of Periodic Function,
Impulse Function, Unit Step Function.Fourier cosine transforms. Applications of Fourier
Transforms in electrical engineering

Laplace Transforms: Definition, standard forms, properties of Laplace transform, inverse
Laplace transform, Laplace transform of some basic functions, initial and final value theorem,
convolution theorem, Laplace transform of Periodic Function, Impulse Function, Unit Step
Function. Solution of linear differential equation using Laplace transform.
Fourier Transforms- Definition, standard forms, properties of Fourier transform,inverse Fourier
transform, Fourier Transform of some basic functions.Fourier transform of Periodic Function,
Impulse Function, Unit Step Function.Fourier cosine transforms. Applications of Fourier
Transforms in electrical engineering.

Z-transform: Definition, standard forms, Z-transform of impulse function, Unit step functions,
Properties of Ztransforms (Linearity, shifting, multiplication by k, change of scale), initial and
final values, inverse Z-transforms
(by direct division and partial fraction), Solution of difference equation by Z-transforms.

Vector Calculus: - Scalar and Vector point functions, Differentiation of vectors, Curves in
space, Gradient of a scalar point function, Directional derivatives, Divergence and curl of a
vector point function and their physical meaning, Line Integral, Stokes and Divergence Theorem.
Application of Vector calculus to electromagnetics.
Unit I:
a] Terminal Element Relationships: V-I relationship for Dependent &Independent , Voltage and
Current Sources.,Source Transformations. Source Functions: unit impulse, unit step, unit ramp
and interrelationship, sinusoidal input, generalized exponential input.
Magnetic Circuits: concept of self and mutual inductance, dot convention, coefficient of
coupling, composite magnetic circuit, Analysis of series and parallel magnetic circuits.
b] Basic Nodal and mesh Analysis: Introduction, Nodal analysis, super node analysis, mesh
analysis, super mesh analysis.
Unit II:
Network Theorems: Superposition theorem, Thevenin’stheorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum
power transfer theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Millman’s theorem, Substitution theorem,
Compensation theorem, Tellegen’s theorem.
Unit III :
Graph Theory and Network Equation:-Graph of a network, Trees and loops, Tie-set and cut
set matrix of a network, Network equilibrium equations, duality-network transformation.
Unit IV:
a] Transformation of a Circuit into s-domain: LaplaceTransformed equivalent of inductance,
capacitance and mutual inductance, Impedance and admittance in the transform domain, Node
Analysis and Mesh Analysis of the transformed circuit. Complete Solution ofLinear Differential
Equations for Series RC, Parallel RC, Series RL,Parallel RL, Series RLC, Parallel RLC and
Coupled Circuits-for step Inputs. Natural Response, Transient Response,Determination of initial
Unit V :
Two Port Networks: Two port networks: Open circuit impedance parameters, Short circuit
admittance parameters, Transmission parameters, Hybrid parameters, Condition for reciprocity
and symmetry of a two port network, Interrelationship between parameters, Interconnection of
two port networks , Input impedance in terms of two port network parameters, Output
impedance, Image impedance.
Unit VI :
Network functions: Ports and terminal pairs, Network functions, poles and zeros, Necessary
conditions for driving point function, Necessary conditions for transfer function. Applications of
network analysis in driving network functions, positive real functions, driving point and transfer
impedance function.


Unit I :
D.C. Machines: Construction, Principle of Operation, EMF Equation, Torque Equation.
Armature winding – Lap, wave, single layer, double layer. Armature Reaction and commutation,
method of improving commutation.

Unit II :
D.C. Generators:Types, Characteristics and Applications of D. C. Generators, Parallel
Operation of D.C. Generators, Introduction to testing of D. C. Generators as per Indian standard.

Unit III :
D.C. Motors:Types, Characteristics & Modified Characteristics, Applications of D.C. Motors.
Starting, Electric Braking, Speed Control of DC Motors. Losses, efficiency and testing of DC

Unit IV :
Single phase Transformer: Working Operation, EMF Equation, and separation of core losses in
to its component. Equivalent Circuit, Parallel Operation. Open Circuit, Short Circuit &
Sumpner's test on transformer as per Indian standard. Single phase Autotransformer: -
construction, working, merits, demerits and its application.
Unit V :
Three Phase Transformer: Construction, Working, Types, connections, vector group
connections, open delta Connection, OC, SC, Heat run test, load test, magnetic balance, vector
group test on three phase transformer.
Unit VI :
Three Phase Transformer: Three-winding transformer, On load & Off load tap changers, Scott
Connection, Power transformer and Distribution transformer. Waveforms of no load current &
inrush current phenomenon.
Unit I:
Conventional and non conventional energy sources, Indian Energy Scenario.
Thermal and hydro power plant: Layout of Thermal power plant, Selection of site, working of
various parts: Economizer, air preheater, condenser, cooling tower, ash &coal handling plant,
advantages & disadvantages Layout of Hydro power plant, classification of hydro power plant
according to available head, nature of load, functions of different components and their working,
mini and micro hydro-electric power generation, advantages &disadvantages.

Unit II :
Nuclear and Diesel power plant: nuclear fission and fusion, Layout of Nuclear power plant,
Selection of site, Functions of different components of nuclear plant, types of nuclear reactors ,
advantages & disadvantages of different nuclear reactors, nuclear waste disposal., safety
measures. Layout of Diesel power plant, functions of different components of diesel plant,
advantages & disadvantages.

Unit III :
Solar Energy and its measurement: Solar cell, array & module, Solar constants, solar radiation
at earth’s surface, Solar radiation geometry, solar radiation measurement, estimation of average
solar radiation, solar radiation on tilted surface, principle of solar energy conversion in to heat,
types of solar collectors, energy balance equation and collector efficiency.

Unit IV:
a]Fuel cells: Chemistry applied to fuel cells, principle and operation ,classification and types of
fuel cells, performance characteristics of fuel cells, classification of fuel cell system.
b]Wind energy :Basic principle of wind energy conversion, wind data and energy estimation,
selection of site ,basic components of wind energy conversion system ,classification of WEC
systems ,generating system, applications of wind energy.

Unit V :
Ocean, Tidal & Other non-conventional energy resources: Ocean energy resources, ocean
energy routes, ocean thermal energy conversion, basic principle of tidal power, components of
tidal power plants, operation methods of utilization of tidal energy, estimation of power and
energy in single and double basin tidal system,. Operating principles of energy from biomass,
energy from biogas, geothermal energy, MHD power generation, energy from
urban and rural waste.

Unit VI :
Load-Generation factors: connected load, maximum demand, demand factor, load factor,
diversity factors, plant capacity and utilization factor, types of loads, load curve, chronological
load curve, load duration curve, energy load curve, energy duration curve, load survey, base load
and peak load station.
P-N Junction diode theory, Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon, carrier transport,
diffusion current , drift current, mobility and resistivity, generation and recombination of
carriers, PN junction diode , zener diode, zener diode as voltage regulator, Numericals based on
voltage regulator (line and load regulation, Numericals based on resistivity, conductivity, mass
action law)

Half wave, full wave center tapped full wave and bridge rectifier. Filters-C, LC and their
analysis, clipping and clamping, Numericals based on clipping and clamping

Theory and Analysis of Bipolar Junction transistor, ‘H’ Parameter, methods of biasing, their
needs, ‘Q’ and stability factors, compensation techniques.

Study of typical transistor amplifier circuits i) Emitter follower, ii) Darlington emitter follower.
iii) Bootstrap emitter follower, iv) RC coupled amplifier, v) Transformer coupled amplifier, vi)
Cascaded amplifier, vii) Direct coupled amplifier, viii) Cascade stage.

FETs (JFET & MOSFET): Types, Characteristics and parameters (u, gm &Rds), Applications of
FET amplifiers, UJT: Characteristics, working, UJT as relaxation oscillator.

Theory, construction and applications of Schottky diode, Tunnel diode, Varactor diode,
Selenium diode, LED, Photo diode, PIN diode, photo-transistor.


Unit I :
Review of Vector Analysis: Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems, vector
algebra and vector calculus. Line integral and multiple integrals. Gauss theorem.

Unit II :
Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law, electric field, Gauss flux theorem in integral and differential
form. Electrostatics potential, Poison and Laplace equations.

Unit III :
Electrostatics fields in dielectrics: electric dipole, polarization. P and D vectors, boundary
conditions. Capacitance and electrical energy.

Unit IV :
Magnetic fields: Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law in integral and differential form. Continuity
equation, time of relaxation. Vector and Scalar magnetic potential, electric current, J vector..

Unit V
Magnetic fields in materials: magnetic dipole equivalent volume and plane section curve. H
vector, magnetization vector M, boundary conditions between magnetic materials, inductance,
Electromagnetic Energy.
Unit VI :
Maxwell equations and wave equations: Displacement current, time varying fields and
Maxwell’s equations, plane uniform magnetic waves. Depth of penetration Poynting vector.


Unit-I: Analog Instruments - Classification of measuring instrument, Different torques in

measuringinstrument, Analog Ammeter, Voltmeter, Electrodynamic type Construction, ,theory
of operation, torque equation,errors, merits and demerits of each type.

Unit II : Wattmeter and Energy meter-Construction, theory of operation, torque equation, errors,
merits and demerits of each type. Analysis of three phase balanced load:- Blondell’s theorem,
Measurement of active and reactive power in single phase and three phase circuits.

Unit III : Instrument transformers- C.T.and P.T., Importance, theory and construction, phasor
diagram, causes of errors, testing, and applications. Special Instruments- Frequency meter,
Power factor meter, Phase sequence indicator, Synchroscope and Stroboscope.

Unit IV: Measurement of circuit parameters- Different methods of measurement of low,

medium, high value of resistance, sensitivity and accuracy of different methods. AC and DC
bridges, Wheat -stone, Kelvin, Maxwell ,Wein , Hay , De-Sauty ,Schering , Owen , Anderson’s
Unit V:
Digital methods of measurements, Introduction to A/D, D/A techniques , F/V and V/F
conversion techniques , Digital voltmeter (DVM), ammeter, wattmeter, multi-meter and
Electronic energy meter, Sources of error, Inherent error in digital meters.

Unit VI:
Generalized Instrumentation system- characteristics of measurement and Instrumentation system.
Transducers: Definition, classification, Specification, selection, loading effect, Displacement,
velocity transducers, Force and torque transducers, Resistive, inductive, Capacitive, strain gauge
transducers, Piezoelectric, current and voltage transducers. Elastic-members (Bellows, Bourdon
tube, Diaphragm)


Unit I
Transmission line parameters: Calculation of resistance, inductance and capacitance of single
phase and three phase transmission lines, skin effect and proximity effect, transposition, G.M.D.
& G.M.R. methods, double circuit lines, bundled conductors, effect of earth on capacitance,
interference with communication lines.
Unit II
Electrical characteristics of transmission line : V-I characteristics of short, medium and long
lines, A, B, C, D constants, nominal Π and nominal T representations, Ferranti effect, corona
phenomenon, effect of corona. Representation of power systems: per unit system and one-line
reactance diagrams
Unit III
Voltage control and power factor improvement: Receiving and sending end power circle
diagrams, methods of voltage control and power factor improvement, use of static VAR
generators and synchronous phase modifiers.
Unit IV
Load flow studies: Load flow problem, classification of buses, network modelling, Y-bus matrix,
load flow equation, Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson methods, and comparison of these
Unit V
Mechanical design: Materials used, types of insulators, comparison of pin type and suspension
type insulators, voltage distribution and string efficiency, methods of increasing string efficiency,
grading rings and arcing horns.Line supports for LV, HV and EHV, sag calculation.
Unit VI
Underground cables: Material used for conductor & insulation, different types of cables and their
manufacture, parameters of underground cable, grading of cable.
Unit I:
Introduction to IC’s: Operation amplifier; Block schematic internal circuits, Level shifting,
overload protection, study of IC 741 op-amp, Measurement of op-amp parameter.

Unit II:
Linear and Non-linear Application of Op-amp: Inverting and non inverting amplifiers, voltage
follower, integrator, differentiator differential amplifier, op amp as adder subtractor, op amp as a
log and antilog amplifier Sinusoidal RC-phase shift and Wein bridge oscillators, clipping,
clamping and comparator circuits using op-amps.

Unit III:
Other linear IC’s : Block schematic of regulator IC 723, and its applications, study of 78XX,
79XX and its applications, SMPS, Block schematic of timer IC 555 and its applications as a
timer, a stable, mono stable, bistable multivibrator and other applications, Operation of phase
lock loop system and IC 565 PLL, its application.

Unit IV:
Basic Logic Circuits : Logic gate characteristics, NMOS inverter, propagation delay, NMOS
logic gate, CMOS inverter, CMOS logic gates, BJT inverter, TTL, NAND gate, TTL output,
state TTL logic families, ECL circuits, composition logic families.

Unit V:
Combinational Digital Circuits: Standard gate assemblies, Binary adder, Arithmetic functions,
Digital comparator, Parity check generator, Decoder / demultiplexer, Data selector / multiplexer,

Unit VI:
Sequential Circuits and Systems: Bistable Latch, Flip-Flop clocked SR,J-K, T, D type shift
Registers, counter. Design using filp-flops, Ripple and synchronous types, application of


Unit-I :
Introduction to Signals and Systems: Signals and Systems, Classification of Signals,
Classification of Systems, Some Ideal Signals, Energy and Power Signals, Discretization of
Continuous-Time Signals, Analysis of Continuous- Time Systems, Time Domain, Properties of
Elementary Signals Linear Convolution Integral, Response of Continuous-Time Systems.

Unit-II :
Fourier series and Its Properties Fourier Transform Properties of Fourier Transform, Tables of
Fourier Transform Pairs Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals, Frequency-Domain Analysis of
Systems Fourier analysis of Sampled Signals

Unit-III :
Analysis of LTI Discrete-Time Systems: Time Domain and Frequency Domain, Properties of
Discrete-Time Sequences Linear Convolution, Discrete-Time System Response.

Unit-IV :
Sampling: Representation of a continuous–Time Signal by its Samples; The Sampling Theorem;
Reconstruction of Signals form its Samples using Interpolation; Effect of Under Sampling
(Frequency Domain Aliasing); Discrete Time processing of Continuous–Time Signals

Unit-V :
The Z Transform: The Z Transform; The Region of Convergence for the Z- Transform;
Geometric Evaluation of the Fourier Transform from the Pole-Zero Plot; Properties of Z-
Transform; Analysis and Characterization of Discrete- Time LTI Systems using Z-Transform;
System Transfer Function; Block Diagram Representation; The Unilateral ZTransform;
Solution of Difference Equation using the Unilateral Z-Transform.

Unit-VI :
Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform Representation of Discrete-Time
aperiodic signals and the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform; Fourier Transform for Periodic
Signals; Properties of the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform; Discrete-Time LTI Systems and
Discrete-Time Fourier Transform

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