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Midterm Notes

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-credited for inventing flexible packaging
Packaging + Design
Packaging the technology and art of
preparing a commodity for convenient
transport, storage, and sale. - popularity of woods barrels and
wooden boxes as storage and
Design is a plan or drawing produced to transportation devices. Rum, dried food,
show the look and function or workings and fresh water.
of a building, garment, or other object
before it is built or made.
Packaging Design PACKAGING

“Packaging design is the connection of (1760-1840)

form, structure, materials, colour, - Major technological advancement
imagery, typography, and regulatory demand for better quality packaging.
information with ancillary design
elements to make a product suitable for
marketing.” 1795- (NAPOLEONS FOOD
History of Packaging Design

Nicolas Appert won the the 12,000

Early Packaging
francs for winning the competition in
- Nomadic Hunter/Gatherer used leaves,
inventing better methods of food
animal skins, nuts, or gourds were used
to store and transport items.
15 years until the prize claimed.
-father of cunning, invented food
preservation by boiling then sealing the
• (Ancient Egyptians Packaging
food in airtight containers.
Papyrus (4th century BC)
1810 – Tin Can
-(25-220 CE) first true papermaking
process documented in China during
Han period
Peter Duran
Glass costly and regarded as precious
stone typically reserve for royalty.
Ancient glass was transparent
-1810 Patented the use of tin-coated
iron can instead bottles to preserve
1906- First Cereal Box
The cereal box was wrapped in a heat
Next 20 years it become one of the most
sealed bag, with the cereal loose inside
popular packaging materials for cookies
of the box.
and Tabaco.
1908- Cellophane
Jacques E. Brandenberger, a swis
1817 – Cardboard Box
chemist credited for the invention of
Created by Malcolm Thornhill cellophane after he decided to create
cloth that wouldn’t absorb liquids.
Popular among silk manufacturers to
transport moths and eggs. Original Formula is to used wood
1844- First commercial paper bag
invented. 1912- built a machine to manufacture
1852 – First paper Bag Making
-Francis Wolle invented the machine for 1908- Saran Wrap
mass producing.
PVDC (Polyvinylidene chloride) discover
accidentally by Ralph Willey in 1933.
First paper bag looks like or resembles - a lab worker of Dow Chemical
large mailing envelopes.
- Eonite- originally name of the
Margarete Knight and Charles
-developers/designed the square bottom
paper bags.
Al Fielding and Marc Cavannes,
1877- Kellogg Brothers made the Corn
Flake Cereal began using cardboard to Trying to create textured wallpaper by
distribute their cereal in early 1906. selling two shower curtains together to
make air bubbles.
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg- medical doctor
and inventor Three years later bubble wrap was
invented Frederick W. Bowers
Will Keith Kellogg - industrialist and
POP TAB often referred to as “retail packaging.”
Its main goals are to protect the product
Invented by Ermal Fraze of DRT and inform or
Manufacturing. attract a customer.
After forgetting a can opener at picnic.
(church key)
Its task is to keep the product in
optimal condition from the moment it’s
put in there, right until it’s removed.
1965 - 75% of brewers in US were using
Fraze can. It’s used to identify the product,
communicate regulations for use, expiry
1977- Fraze patented the pop tab we dates, shelf life, keep the product in a
use today. safe position and often uses the minimal
amount of packaging possible.

PET Plastic Bottles

(Polyethylene Terephthalate)
1973 – patented by chemist Nathaniel The packaging used to ship products
already in primary

Its main goals are to protect products

and provide branding during
Sometimes called grouped packaging,
it is the packaging
that pulls together all the primary
PRIMARY PACKAGING packaging forms of a single
Primary packaging is difficult to identify,
as it comes in so many forms for so It’s most used to pull together
many products. products that are made
For FMCG (fast-moving consumer from leveraging the economies of scale.
goods), primary packaging is often a jar,
can, bottle, pouch, or foil bag. TERTIARY PACKAGING

For white goods, electronics and other

similar products, primary packaging The packaging used most often by
usually comes in the form of a warehouses to ship secondary
cardboard box. packaging.

The packaging that most closely Its main goal is to properly protect
touches a product, shipments during their time in transit.
Tertiary packaging has to remain stable
while ensuring that minimal
space is used to store goods and
protect the products from the

Simply put, tertiary packaging enables

more secondary packaging to be
handled and moved on mass and at

It should also be able to leverage the

abilities of machinery, like pallet jacks,
forklifts etc.

So, why are the distinctions between levels

of packaging so important?

Because packaging is important, no matter

what packaging types you’re talking about.
When you’re creating a packaging strategy,
it’s important to consider how all 3 levels of
packaging will impact your product’s
survival. Primary packaging is critical for
branding and protection on the shelves.
Secondary packaging is critical for
protection and branding during transit. How
your packaging looks tells consumers a
great deal about your product and your
business. Everything from the logo to the
shape, the size , and the colours are

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