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General Biology 2 Reviewer: Angiosperms-Flowering Plant

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General Biology 2

DNA- Molecule that carries genetic information.
Genes- Basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes are made up of DNA.
Genetic Engineering- Artificial manipulation, modification, and recombination of DNA. Cut and Paste
Classical Breeding- Practice of mating or breeding with desirable traits.
The Origin of Life- Geologic pieces of evidence shows that Earth was not formed from a single event.
First Organic Molecules- Stanley Miller and Harold Urey conducted an experiment with hydrogen,
ammonia, and water to represent the early atmosphere of Earth.
Origin of Eukaryotic Cells- Endosymbiosis is a type of relationship wherein an organism lives inside its
Multicellularity and Sexual Reproduction- Asexual Reproduction produces offspring that are
genetically identical to their parents while Sexual Reproduction produces organisms that never
exactly resemble their parents.
Paleontology- Scientific name of the existence of life.
Geology- Study of life on earth based on the evidence found on the rocks.
Geologists- Who carefully study the different materials that make-up earth.
Geologic Timescale- Represent the evolutionary time.

Eons- Largest divisions in the geologic timeline.

Phanerozoic Eon
Proterozoic Eon
Archean Eon
Hadean Eon
Eras- Phanerozoic Eon is divided into three eras.
Paleozoic Era- (old life) Marine organism
Mesozoic Era- (middle life) Age of Dinosaurs and reptiles (flowering plants)
Cenozoic Era- (new life) Age of mammals
Periods- Further subdivision of eras. Paleozoic Era is divided into 4.
Cambrian Period- Organisms that have hard body parts such as shells and outer skeletons.
Ordovician and Silurian Periods- Early form of cephalopods, includes octopi and squid.
Devonian Periods- Age of Fishes
Carboniferous and Permian Periods- Scaly skin, leather shells evolved from amphibians
Triassic Periods- First dinosaurs appeared
Ceolophysis- Meat eater
Coelophysis Bauria- Very small dinosaur.
Jurassic Period- One of the largest dinosaurs.
Archeoptreryx- Earliest known bird.
Creteceous Period- Reptiles is dominant vertebrates on earth.
Pteresaurs- Flying reptile.
Iguanodon and Triceratops- Herbivores
Tyrannosaurus rex and spinosaurus dominant carnivors in this period
Angiosperms- Flowering Plant.
Tertiary Periods- Started with the emergence or primitive mammals.
Eguus Simplidens- A grazing horse.
Quartenary Periods- Coined as the "Age of mammals".
Hominids- Earliest ancestor of our species.
Homo Sapien- Known as Modern human.

Dating Fossils- Age of Fossil

Relative Dating- Layer of rock, does not tell the age, older or younger.
Absolute Dating- Measure the physical properties of an object itself and use these measurements
to calculate its age.
Law of Superposition- The earth is active, rocks move and may disturb the layer making this
process not highly accurate.

Aristotle- Species are identical, arranged hierarchically.

George- Louis- Leclerc Comtede Buffon- They immigrate to another environment resulting in their
Charles Darwin- Species evolve from one common ancestor.
Jean Baptiste Lamarck- Traits can be passed to the next generation.
Charles Lyell- All changes in the environment are uniform and gradual.
Alfred Russel Wallace- Species evolve from the process of natural selection.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck

Theory of Acquired Characteristics- Theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
Theory of Use and Disuse- Organism that is regularly use will undergo hypertrophy and will be
Theory of Need- New NEEDS

Charles Darwin
Survival of the Fittest- Organisms adapt to its environment and survive.
Descent with Modification- Species has descended and change over time.
Natural Selection- Living organisms adapt change.
Artificial Selection- Desirable trait by HUMANS.
Gene Flow- From one population of a species to another.
Genetic Drift- Frequency of a trait changes by chance randomly.
Mutation- Genes are damaged or changed that alter the DNA sequence.

Fossil Record- Natural Processes.

Pakicetus- Nostrils at Front of skull.
Actiocetus- Nostrils at Middle of skull.
Beluga Whale-Nostrils at Top of skull.

Artificial Selection- Species variation occur through mutation, features that are beneficial.
Geographic Distribution- Prior geographic region that were closely related but different
Convergent Evolution- Organisms that are closely related yet different geographic locations
evolved similarly and adopt to same environment.
Divergent Evolution- Differential selection pressure, species with a common ancestor grow
increasingly divergent.
Homologous Structures- Structures evolve from a common ancestor.
Analogous Structures- Evolved independently yet serve the same similar or similar functions.
Vestigal Organs- Physical behavioral characteristic of organisms that have no longer used
Molecular Homologies- All living things share the same genetic structure. (DNA & RNA)
Embryology- Embryos of vertebrates develop in the same way.
Pharyngeal- Pouches become gills.
Human embryo has a tail at the 4th week which disappears during 8th week.

Systematics- Study of biological diversity and relationships among organisms.

Taxonomy- The science of describing, naming and classifying species. Branch of biology that
groups and names organisms based on studies of their different characteristics.
Phylogenetics- Study of evolutionary relatonship among spicies.

Aristotle- Classified all the animals, Historia Animalium. Grouped creatures into hierarchy.
Taxonomy- Carolus Linnaeus
Carl Von Linne
Organized organisms from larger to smaller and more specific categories.
Created a scientific naming system, Binomial System of Nomenclature.
Binomial Nomenclature- Two part name (genus and specific epither)
How do scientist classify living organism?
Morphological Traits
Development Traits
Genetic Traits

Six Kingdom System

Kingdom Archaea
Ancient Bacteria
Halophiles, Metranogens, Thermaphiles
Kingdom Bacteria
True bacteria and blue green algae (cryhobycteria)
Survives almost anywhere
Kingdom Protista
Plant like, animal like, and fungus like organisms
Mostly aquatic
Kingdom Fungi
Cell wall contains chitin
Breakdown organic materials
Causes animal and plant diseases
Provides drugs and aids in food production
Model Organism
Kingdom Plantae
Cells are enclosed by rigid cell walls
Has chlorophyll
Produce 2 major groups- Bryophytes, Tracheophytes
Kingdom Animalia
Biggest kingdom in the world
Produce 2 major groups- Vertebrates, Invertebrates

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