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Investigation of Knuckle Joint and Its Importance

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Investigation of Knuckle Joint and Its Importance -A Literature Case Study

Article · January 2018

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Hari Dayalan Yeshwant Raj.s

The University of Warwick National Cheng Kung University


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2018 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management

Investigation of Knuckle Joint and Its Importance – A Literature Case Study

Yeshwant Raj S Hari Prasath Dayalan

Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering SVCE
SVCE Chennai, India
Chennai, India e-mail:

Mani Shrivardhan
Mechanical Engineering
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering SVCE
Chennai, India

Abstract—There has been deluged and overflowing disconnected. Fatigue was found out in the 19th century [1]
composition published in knuckle joints and its importance in and was also guesstimated using durability tests [2] The
automobile industries. Achieving manufacture excellence main parameters where failure occurs during the
through better quality and productivity is the objective lens of manufacturing of Knucle joints are: calliper wall thickness
many industries in present. Every governance is trying hard in (DESIGN) [3], damper thickness, environmental factors,
the process of customer retention (Voice of The Customer joint thickness and many minor faliures as well. In the recent
VOC and Critical To Quality CTQ) by controlling costs and studies the factor of safety of joints is said to be from 3-4 [4]
obtaining high productivity. A voluminous and significant
and the rejection rate in every manufacturing unit is
measure of research article were referred in which all the
papers concentrated one and only on the final product with
13.8%/month [5] which results to Improper loading,
some investigation on dimensional accuracy, which includes - Operating Different Batch, Over Drafting Projection in
Cycle time reduction, degree of doubt and the proper Casting, Over Projection & Bend in Tie Rod Area, Clamping
placement of the knuckle part. CMM (Cast Component Pressure Low, Design of fixture & Wrong Setting [6].
Machining) is used for uncovering the dimension during Knuckle joints can be made of many materials like stainless
improper and proper casting. A case study of an automotive steel, structural steel, Gray cast iron magnesium and gray
manufacturing company has been clearly stated by explaining cast iron. All these materials were analyzed for stress and
the common failures occurring in the manufacturing of deformation under different loading conditions. The analyses
knuckle joints. were done by CATIA and ANSYS and the resultant output
was that the knuckle joint made of Al (aluminum) [7] could
Keywords-knuckle joint; calliper wall thickness; casting; sustain maximum tensile load without failure. [8] Many
CMM; damper problems have raised in the past like increasing cost and
I. INTRODUCTION difficulty in operation due to many check portions and link
ups, secondly the complexion in the structure resulting to
A mojor complication in the automobile industries is the malfunction, which has clearly changed a revolution in
existence of instablity in the substanial properties and creating a ladder with conventional method of adjustments in
manufacturing processes. knuckle joints are basically two or the knuckle joints.
more rods superintend to tensile and compressive forces are
fastened together which allows a small angular moment of II. LITERATURE REVIEW
one to another. They are indeed rod-couplings whih are used
A. Design and Stress Analysis
to connect the members in trusses and other structures and
cannot be used as a power transmitting component. Knuckle Stress and static analysis often results to increasing brake
goes by different names steering knuckle, wheel carrier and efficiency and reduction of stoppage distance, which in turn
upright. It is called the nexus of a vehicles front axle. They increases fuel efficiency, and reduces the emission Stress
are designed mainly in two types : one with the Hub and the analysis could be done in any part of the knuckle joint by
other comes with the spindle, both have equal advantages CATIA, ANSYS, mainly concentrating on the stress
and disadvantages factors. Knuckle has become one of the (Internal and external), the imposed displacement, inertial
most important components in every mechanism starting force and temperatures [9] the Cycle time reductions were
from automobiles to human anatomy, in other words further refurbished with [10] value stream mapping, kaizen
biomechanics. Knuckle can be easily connected and (continuous improvement), [11] six sigma implementation,

978-1-5386-1329-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 62

[12] idle time reduction, reduction in maintenance activities time were reduced by utilizing [20] RCB (Recursive
and lead- time. [13] A static relationship between FEA constraint Bounding), which were amended in correct terms.
modeling and experimental results were jotted and factually Anomalous operation of coupling lubrication system has
the FEA was more accurate but the deviations were only caused more friction and torsional overload of the knuckle
minute and not in major sense. From this we can come to a joint; better improvement of quality of material has been
conclusion that statistical data can be a proof before more insisted in this paper. When discussing about the
manufacturing a component. [3] Knuckle finite element design this study has apparently illustrated a different kind of
model and position of applied loads were discussed in a optimization by formulating a double knuckle joint
research article were the input variables were defined in mechanism driven by A.C. servo-motor [21]. In this the
DOE (Design of Experiments and then to optimize it they knuckle joint was a support for the construction of the 30-ton
have used a technique name [14] RBDO (Reliability based press where the knuckle joint has increased in efficiency for
Design Optimization). Fatigue occurring in the knuckle joint holding and rotating the press machine. There were many
(either it can occur in the car or the road condition) is tools to reduce the lead-time or to analyze the lead-time such
because the force acted is not static and comes from different as to plot they used X-bar and R-bar charts, to reduce it they
plights with diversification in time. Solid works can have used Queuing system of different models [22] Minimizing
been used to simulate the measure of the fatigue life of a the cycle time was also possible by heuristic algorithm and
component by simulation-based design and also helps to [23] PSO (particle swamp algorithm). A number of studies
accomplish the life cycle, the reliability, the computation of have been developed to estimate and investigate the cycle
where minimum stress would occur, the criticality in the time of various business proposals. In peculiar, there are
steering knuckle where huge force is applied and finally to some modern and complex systems, which are very
study the effect of a knuckle joint under multi-axial load. difficulty to scrutinize the methodology and solve the
solutions, where [24] a new workflow application execution
B. Material Selection time prediction system with a template was introduced,
For designing a knuckle joint some researchers has done which refers to a template of set of selected workflow
analytical study in the evaluation of using high strength low characteristics. Some integrated probabilistic methods to
alloy steel (material used in case study also). The evaluation traditional methods have reformed the product life prediction
was done under tensile load in order to avoid potential failure and structural reliability in the manufacturing of a knuckle
in the long run. The failure analysis for the knuckle joints joint.
can be safely operated even after all the results are obtained:
tensile stress, shearing and crushing [15]. When considering D. Structural Analysis
the material selection, weight reduction has got a major In order to analyze a steering knuckle under operated
impact. The weight has been reduced (mass has been reduced conditions the structural analysis is studied by FEA modeling
by 11%) by topology optimization considering the strength, (PATRAN/NASTRAN) [25] and also the study of multi-
stiffness and vibration targets [16]. Maximum stress is found body dynamics is done relating the suspension structure.
to be in brake clamping holding area. [17] Torsional fatigue This software analysis and the maximum ultimate load
mechanism of a knuckle joint in a universal coupling was analysis are compared and have come to a conclusion that
discussed. Microscopically observations of fractures surfaces the main failure style is materialized from the fatigue
revealed the region of crack origin and propagation areas, damage of the steering knuckle in both the conventional and
optical micrographs of broken knuckle joints were traditional approach. Optimization has been a very important
graphically portrayed. Previous study is being related to the goal in every manufacturing industry the same has been
load factor and optimization of loads on bending and damage followed in the performance optimization of the knuckle
strength of steering knuckle component. The evaluation is joint in a study which states that by reducing the weight of
done by fatigue damage hypothesis and with the relationship the steering knuckle (4%) the efficiency has been increased
between the S-N curve. The [18] Characterized fatigue without even disturbing the strength, stiffness and the
testing under variable amplitudes and load were analyzed (S- frequency. Both static and dynamic load conditions were
N curve). The curve consisted of four regions to show the conducted, to examine the nature and magnitude of stresses
fatigue limit. These limits accordingly show the rise and fall carries out the structural analysis [26]. Knuckle joints were
of the fatigue cycle. Analysis of fatigue is percolated by not only used for connecting two rods but also backing up
applying a damage rule [19] and in the early 70-90’s the some equipment’s A [27] study explains that a welding was
above-mentioned theory was subdivided by six more: linear backed up by employing a train of knuckle joints tiles for
damage rules, nonlinear damage curve and two-stage grip and to increase the thickness of the welded seam for
linearization approaches, life curve modification methods; circular motion. In another case they have used an adjustable
based in crack growth concepts, sequence damage knuckle joint device for holding ladders with a combination
Mechanics models and energy based theories. of an angular flange and a second coupling. In the following
case study, there are many problems arising due to toggle
C. Statistical Analysis and its derivatives, where all have been rectified by
In many industries lean principles and cycle time implementing mall equipment and part changes in regular
reduction was given more consequentiality. Issues like cycle intervals (Time). Patent study attributes to a connecting rod

for a knuckle joint device, which had to be durable and time quality assurance factors and the parameters that are
dependent. The basic objective of the invention is that to associated with the quality improvement which has the
provide a connecting rod to simplify the production of a greatest effect [47]
toggle-joint device and to ensure that it works properly [28].
Pivoting motion of the knuckle joint has been discussed in
this patent, which is controlled by an actuator (which is
hydraulic). The pivoting internal arrangement is so flexible
(elastically) [29] that the efficiency is optimum when
compared to the other inventions. Due to the elastically pivot
structure the research has proved that there could be any
number of adjustments in the moving direction.
E. Limitations on the Literature Review
1. The researchers who have performed design analysis
and simulation have not referred to the patents that
are present, which lags consideration of type of
material, load factors and failure at different
2. Most of the research has concentrated only in failure
analysis of automobile, mechanical equipment’s and
not on other applications like biomechanics, toggle
devices and other applications.
Figure 2. Defects wise Pareto analysis
Now this paper is basically on a literature study on
knuckle joints, on how mainly steering knuckle was used,
their history, their parametrical characteristics, causes of
failure, testing under different scenarios and final their
structural functions. A case study has been explained by
taking a company’s case study in which the damper
thickness and caliper height was mainly intensified with
step-by-step manifestos (diagrams, cad drawings, Pareto
charts, before and after instances, solutions and design

Figure 3. (a) Knuckle joint view (b) Lesser caliper wall thickness

The most occurring defect in the knuckle joint

manufacturing is in the caliper wall thickness; we can
conclude the above statement from Figure 1. The
specification of the knuckle was taken as in the Table I.


Figure 1. How knuckle joint was researched from era to era.
1 IA KNUCKLE Min 6.5 mm 5.9, 6.1 mm
Here Pareto is basically used for finding out the defects The rate of rejection has been clearly illustrated with
that are present in and every factor relating to Quality [46] respect to PPM (Parts Per Million). The total rejections vs.
the factors were selected with the total number of rejection the Caliper wall rejections rate has been compared and also
rates in the whole system and were also found out by the has been improved by changing the positions of damping
same 80/20 rule. This was also eventually used for reducing process.
the rejection rate, as we are very much concentrating on

Figure 4. Month wise rejection rate (PPM)

Figure 5. Stratification Chart

The common possible causes found out during the pareto Figure 7. Operation sequence in order
analysis while manufacturing the knuckle joint was as TABLE II. PROCESS STAGES INVOLVED DURING MANUFACTURING OF
follows- Improper loading, Operating different batches in the KNUCKLE JOINT
shift, over drafting projection in Casting, over projection and
bend in Tie rod area, Low clamping pressure, Design of S.NO PROCESS NUMBER PROCESS NAME
fixture and wrong setting. 1. #05 INCOMING INSPECTION

2. #10 TURNING

3. #20 & #30 MILLING & DRILLING

4. #40 & #50 MILLING & DRILLING



Figure 6. Cause and Effect diagram for calliper wall thickness

According to the Ishikawa diagram the failures or the

problems rise from the material and its background data only,
when compared to the other 3M’s (which can be negligible at
the first instance). The distinctiveness of the problem is
always conditional to some factors, considering all the
factors together and to work on all of them we need different Figure 8. Identification of Causes
tools, on such tools, which extracts effective solution
theoretically is fishbone diagram. These factors then can be The major reason behind the rejections was due to over
grouped together through brainstorming and accomplice drafting projection during casting process [48]. Casting has
them with appropriate values, which in turn can be related always been a boon as well as a curse for any machining
with interrelatedness, strengthening of a structure, conponent. Here the casting is done in three batches 04, 07,
comprehensible and visualize to embed the important 09 which leads to projection and then inturn leads to
parameters called the fishbone diagram. rejection. (Figure 7 & Figure 8)

Figure 9. Operation, during Butting in Damper Area Over Drafting
Projection found in Casting.
Figure 11(b). Operation #20 Drilling, thickness NG found.

Due to over drafting two major parts have been disturbed,

firstly in the Jaw centre point and then in the component
centre point

Figure 10. Over Drafting Projection in Damper Variation Found Between

Jaws Centre Point & Component Centre

Figure 12. (a) Existing Damper Area (b) Modified Damper Area

Figure 11(a). After Completion of Calliper Wall Operation #10 Outer

formation Uneven found

Figure 13. Design analysis using ANSYS

Figure 14. Deformation in calliper wall

Design analysis is performed with the Cast Iron Grade 20, After the change of the damper butting area the NG
keeping the parameters constant the different kinds of (ERROR) parts have been rectified and the rejections have
simulation is shown and by comparing Figure 10 and 14 with also been reduced.
respect to the calliper wall thickness, we can come to a
conclusion that deformation occurs due to over drafting.
Thus, with the above proof we can surely suggest that there
has to be a minor change in the structure of the knuckle joint.
Compare Figure. 10 and 14 for the calliper wall thickness
structural arrangement

Figure 18. (a) Analysis of Non Conformities Before (b) Analysis of non
after conformities

Figure 15. (a) Existing Design in damping area (b) Modified Design in
damping area

Figure 19. Pareto Analysis after development in the calliper wall thickness

Figure 16. (a). Over Drafting Projection (b). Damper butting area Modified Comparing the Figure 2 and Figure 17 and reducing the
In damper butting area over draft in casting and re positioning the knuckle part the
final status could be concluded.

Figure 17. (a). knuckle joint L design BEFORE (b) knuckle joint L design Figure 20. Graph showing the reduction in PPM count

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