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Analysis and Optimization of Connecting Tie Rod Assembly in Agriculture Application

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Acta Mechanica Malaysia (AMM) 3(1) (2019) 06-10

Acta Mechanica Malaysia (AMM)


ISSN: 2616-4302 (Online)




L. Natrayan 1*, E. Aravindaraj 2, M.S. Santhosh3, M. Senthil Kumar1

1School of mechanical and Building sciences, VIT –Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.

2 Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Mannadipet, 605 107 Pudicherry, India.
3 Selvam College of Technology, Salem Road (NH 7), Pappinaickenpatti, Namakkal, 637 003 Tamil Nadu, India.

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Article History: The tie rod ensures the safety of vehicle on both impact and vibration perspective also plays one of the major roles
in connecting primary parts of automobile and steering mechanism. Its end is an indication system of vehicle
Received 27 September 2018 alignment. The tie rod end maintains the proper adjustment access of the wheel as well as indirectly limits the inner
Accepted 25 November 2018 and outer edge wear of tires. Hence the appropriate functioning of tie rod assembly system is essential for the
Available online 27 February 2019 automobile system (steering and suspension). Today’s competitive world needs advanced technology with effective
cost. This results in the mutation of conventional technology or method according to present requirements. Most of
the automobile and commercial product manufacturing industries are in the obsession to make and launch the
economical product with the limited time span. The engineers from various domains are deliberately designing
unique products, which possess simple manufacturing process, lower cost of manufacturing and very minimum time
consumption. The proposed design and analysis focus on general tie rod assembly functioning of the tractor which
fails on the overload applications. Firstly, old tie rod design and materials used for effective agriculture applications
were studied and the mutated design with various stresses and deformation characteristics under critical loading
conditions are investigated using ANSYS software.


Tie rod assembly, Deformation, Clamp structure, ANSYS, Front axle, Agriculture application.

1. INTRODUCTION reduction of weight, increase of durability of particular part, will lead to

decrease of overall engine weight, improvement in its traction parameters,
Tie rod ends support thru the steering of a vehicle and variety it possible economy and ecological conditions such as reduction in fuel consumption
to capture a tire. These devices occur in pairs on each tire. This sanctions and emission of harmful substances into atmosphere. A typical tie rod in
for cornering and angling of the tire minus affecting too much torque on automotive system is made up of an inner and outer end which transmits
the trundle nope staple how deep the seizure [1]. Tie-rod is certain as motion from the steering centre link or rack gear to the steering knuckle
driving adherent for slanting the panel (along with panel mounting frame) which in turn caused the wheels to rotate as shown in Figure 1.
from horizontal to vertical position and vice versa. In principal, tie-rod will
have essential coupler with nail rods on sides, one through left hand The outer tie rod end is connected to an adjusting sleeve which allows the
thread and another through right hand thread [2]. The coupler has length of the tie rod to be adjusted when the car is in operation. This
identical threads to put up these eased tie rods [3]. On spinning the coupler adjustment is useful while trying to set a car’s alignment angle [6,7]. A
is turned, together the rods will spread or withdraw based on the trend of sound tie rod plays a significant role in a car steering system performance
rotation of coupler. The ends of the rods are moreover eye or fork as well as driver and passenger’s safety, but the uncertainty about a typical
expiration type [4]. tie rod is based on its longevity. Like most automobile components, tie rod
does not easily go bad on their own, but depending on the loading
conditions they are exposed, may result in wear and tear [8]. K. Sudershan
kumar and his collogues, described modeling and analysis of Connecting
rod [9]. In his project carbon steel connecting rod is replaced by
aluminium boron carbide connecting rod.

Aluminium boron carbide is found to have working factory of safety is

nearer to theoretical factory of safety, to increase the stiffness by 48.55%
and to reduce stress by 10.35%. Vivek. C. A group researchers dealt with
the stress analysis of connecting rod by finite element method using pro-e
wild fire 4.0 and ansys work bench 11.0 software [10]. And concluded that
Figure 1: Adjustable tie rod the stress induced in the small end of the connecting rod are greater than
the stresses induced at the bigger end, therefore the chances of failure of
Lighter connecting rods help to decrease lead caused by forces of inertia the connecting rod may be at the fillet section of both end. In other study,
in engine as it does not require big balancing weight on crankshaft. they have performed the static FEA of the connecting rod using the
Application of metal matrix composite enables safety increase and software and said optimization was performed to reduce weight [11].
advances that leads to effective use of fuel and to obtain high engine Weight can be reduced by changing the material of the current forged steel
power. Honda Company had already started the manufacturing of connecting rod to crackable forged steel (C70). And the software gives a
aluminium connecting rods reinforced with steel continuous fibers [5]. By view of stress distribution in the whole connecting rod which gives the
carrying out these modifications to engine elements will result in effective information that which parts are to be hardened or given attention during

Cite The Article: L. Natrayan, E. Aravindaraj, M.S. Santhosh, M. Senthil Kumar (2019). Analysis And Optimization Of Connecting Tie Rod Assembly In
Agriculture Application. Acta Mechanica Malaysia, 3(1) : 06-10.
Acta Mechanica Malaysia (AMM) 3(1) (2019) 06-10

manufacturing stage. In a paper of dynamic simulation was conducted on Cost comparisons

a connecting rod made of aluminium alloy using FEA [12]. In this analysis Cost of 1kg EN 8 = Rs.36.42
of connecting rod were performed under dynamic load for stress analysis Cost of 1kg EN 8D = Rs.37.80
and optimization.
Cost of 1kg EN 5D = Rs.40.56
Dynamic load analysis was performed to determine the in-service loading Cost of 1kg EN 5C = Rs.39.53
of the connecting rod and FEA was conducted to find the stress at critical
locations. However, tie rods can last for relatively long period of time and When compared to mechanical property and cost EN8 is the best one for
most drivers may rarely replace them at all, but their longevity can be design the product and economical one [22].
hampered as a result of certain driving conditions such as potholes, speed
bumps or minor accident which may affect the tie rod performance. Due 3. EXISTING THRU-HOLE DESIGN PARTS
to its relevance in automobile systems and its high usage, routine
inspection is recommended to prevent the occurrence of unforeseen The previous research papers are useful for deciding the analysis strategy.
accidents, and if replacement is required at the end of each inspection, There were numerous conference papers, reference manuals, book by
both left and right set as installed on the front suspension of a vehicle is Robert cook Concepts and applications of FEA will be helpful for the
recommended and a complete four wheel balancing and alignment should
project. From some of the research work it is being observed that the
be carried out at the same time to ensure safety of the driver and
passenger (s) on highway [13]. existing thru hole design model.

Failure to carry out routine checks on the tie rod may result in certain
warning signs such as incidents were the car pulls to one side while driving
or when brake is applied. Also, bad tie rods can negatively affect a car’s
front and end alignment which may result in uneven wear of the inner and
outer edge of a vehicle tire. Moreover, as tie rod ends are subjected to
wear, it can slacken and loose gradually thereby, resulting in failure which
may affect the driver’s ability to steer and control the car [14]. One of the Figure 2: Socket Figure 3: Radial ball joint
most easily observed signs of a faulty tie rod can be squeaking noises or
knocking sound from the front end of the car when the steering wheel is The existing geometrical model is created as a solid works 2016 software
turned to a certain angle. Finally, if the car has been exposed to any unsafe and analysis in Ansys Workbench, The geometrical model constitutes of
road conditions, or unusual contact with the front wheels such as driving the socket (figure 2), radial ball joint (figure 3), tube (figure 4) and axle
across a big stone it may be ideal to subject the tie rod to inspection as ball joint (figure 5). While neglecting the parts that are thought as
faulty tie rods can also be responsible for instability of the steering wheel, negligible in the analysis. Figure 6 shows that existing tie rod design using
vibration, looseness or a wandering or erratic feel on the steering wheel. solid works software.

1.1 Adjustable front axle with adjustable Tie rod

This origination relays to a tractor and more specifically to a regulating

front axle for a row crop farm tractor. In farm tractors of the row produce
type it is crucial to afford for widening and narrowing the stamp of the
ambition wheels where a three-wheel tractor is fretful [15]. A four-wheel
rumpus crop tractor requires that both front and rear wheels be Figure 4: Tube Figure 5: Axle ball joint
adjustable squarely, in directive to travel between the plants in the rows
[16]. The peak common scheme of varying the width of the wheel tread on
ruckus crop tractors currently is to dispose the wheels hubs and tire rims
in such routine that by reversing the wheels in relative to the hubs the
stamp may be amplified or narrowed [17]. While the development above
described may perform to be a artless earnings of amending the stride of
the wheels of the tractor, however such amending mechanism fills a long
desired want of stingily and easily altering the width of the tread of façade
wheels of row crop tractors [18].


Figure 6: Existing Tie rod design
EN8 is typically abounding organic but can be supplied to edict in the
stabilized or finally heat salted (appeased and tempered to "Q" or "R" 4. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION
properties for off-putting ruling subdivisions up to 63mm), which is ample
In the existing design nut and bolt joints are used to connect the socket
for a widespread range of applications. EN8 is suitable for the assembly of
and tube, so it can’t withstand more compressive load and tensile load. It
quantities such as general-tenacity axles and shafts, gears, bolts and studs
leads to bend which causes breakage in the tie rod. Also, the thru-hole
[19]. It can be auxiliary hardboiled typically to 50-55 HRC by initiation
design is applicable to load only below 2000 kg and when the load
processes, producing modules with enriched wear resistance. For such
increases the tie rod bends. So it can’t withstand more than 2500 kg tensile
tenders the use of EN8D (080A42) is prudent. EN8 in its heat frozen
load and compressive load.
rehearses possesses virtuous homogenous metallurgical structures,
philanthropic unfailing machining properties [20]. Virtuous heat 5. PROPOSED NEW DESIGN
treatment grades on segments grander than 63mm may still be attainable,
but it should be illustrious that a fall-off in mechanical properties would The tie rod is continuously under random loading there can be more
be superficial potential the epicenter of the bar [21]. Table 1 gives chances of developing the cracks at the critical areas and chances of failure.
mechanical properties of material. Also the manufacturing process of this existing design is critical and time
consuming. Hence it is necessary to make the design simple and cost
Table 1: Material Properties effective such that it gives overall effectiveness in terms of weight, cost,
load carrying capacity and easy of manufacturing process. The main task
S.No Material Yield Strength N/mm2 in this study is to find the critical buckling load for the existing design.
Observe the deformation and stresses induced in the Tie rod. Set up the
1 EN8 465
benchmark for the proposed design.
2 EN8D 443
3 EN5D 451
4 EN5C 438

Cite The Article: L. Natrayan, E. Aravindaraj, M.S. Santhosh, M. Senthil Kumar (2019). Analysis And Optimization Of Connecting Tie Rod Assembly In
Agriculture Application. Acta Mechanica Malaysia, 3(1) : 06-10.
Acta Mechanica Malaysia (AMM) 3(1) (2019) 06-10

Figure 7: Proposed new design

Figure 7 shows proposed new connecting tie rod design, thru-hole

clamped design used to connect the tube and socket. Because of groove
and clamp withstands more compressive and tensile load compare to
exiting design.
Figure 13: Compressive load Test on Solid groove design
5.1 Existing model tie rod analysis

The existing tie rod model has carried out static analysis using EN8 carbon
steel material, while applied the load upto 2000 kg in exiting model, it’s
can’t shows any deformation. Figure 8 and 9 shows that thru-hole design
applicable only below 2000kg load.

Figure 14: Tensile load Test Solid groove design

Figure 8: Compressive load Figure 9: Tensile load
6.2 Tensile and compression Load Analyses of Adjustable Tie Rod
Increasing the tensile and compression load upto 2500kg, existing model
tie rod getting failure and its goes to deformation. Figure 10 and 11 shows
failure action of tie rod during 2500kg load.

Figure 10: During tensile load Figure 11: During compressive


5.2 Sample Groove design with hollow construction (Existing


When compared to thru hole this groove design withstands more load Figure 15: Thru Hole Design
during compression load. From the Figure 12 groove design with hollow
construction can’t withstand more than 2500kg of compressive load. So,
this designs also not suitable for the tie rod.

Figure 16: Clamped Design

Above figure 15 and 16 shows the thru hole design failed to withstand the
Figure 12: Compressive load test for hollow Groove design 3000kg tensile load, but grooved design can withstand more load when
compared to thru hole design in tie rod.

6.1 Sample Solid groove design

The solid groove design has analysis using EN8 carbon steel in Figure 13
and 14 . Hence, Solid groove design withstands more loads when
compared to both hollow groove and thru-hole design. It can’t withstand
up to 3500kg of compressive load & tensile load. So this the suitable design
for the adjustable tie rod.
Cite The Article: L. Natrayan, E. Aravindaraj, M.S. Santhosh, M. Senthil Kumar (2019). Analysis And Optimization Of Connecting Tie Rod Assembly In
Agriculture Application. Acta Mechanica Malaysia, 3(1) : 06-10.
Acta Mechanica Malaysia (AMM) 3(1) (2019) 06-10

7. COMPARISON OF ANALYSIS RESULT 8.2 Bending load of proposed new design

Table 2: Socket with through hole

Load in Max stress

KGF in N/mm2

1 2500 364.50 0.76818

2 3000 437.4 0.64015
3 4000 583.3 0.48003

Table 3: Socket with groove

Load in Max stress Figure 17: Bending load calculation

KGF in N/mm2

1 2500 151.7 1.85

2 3000 182.4 1.54
3 4000 243.2 1.15

From the table 2 and 3 shows static analysis results for existing and
proposed new design using EN8 Carbon steel. From the result maximum
stress has acted on the through hole design and proposed design has less
deformation is obtained compare to exiting tie road model. Tie rods are
merely subjected with more compressive forces. From the above analysis
shows that proposed design has more damping capacity and can
withstand more compressive forces. This is due to because of carbon flake
distribution in the material. Carbon flake distribution is better in EN8
carbon steel.
Figure 18: Failure of struts or columns
BL = 3.14*3.14*6250*27166.44/52900
BL = 31.6 KN
Clarifications of Donnell's eight order differential equation provides the
innumerable buckling approaches of a thin cylinder underneath
Fig 17 shows that bending load calculation for proposed design, it’s
compression. But this analysis, which is in harmony with the slight
refraction theory bounces much sophisticated morals than shown from enough for the rod to withstand compressive and tensile load. When
tryouts [23]. So it is habitual to find the precarious buckling load for compared to previous design clamped design having more bending loads
countless erections which are cylindrical in silhouette from pre-existing capacity. Previous design bending load is 25.86 KN. This design bending
design cambers where perilous buckling load FCR is intrigued alongside load is 31.6 KN, and so this design is good when compared to existing
the ratio R/t, where R is the radius and t is the thickness of the cylinder for design
innumerable values of L/R, L the length of the cylinder. If cut-outs are
modern in the cylinder, life-threatening buckling loads as well as pre- 9. CONCLUSION
buckling slants will be exaggerated [24].
Existing thru hole design of connecting tie rod has been mutated with
clamp groove made up of EN8 carbon steel material and investigated in
this proposed study. Existing and proposed model has done in solid works
software in the form of a multi-body system, after that solid structure was
produced where all interconnected essentials supposed to be perfectly
inflexible, and in absolute stage of taxing finite element analysis was
executed consuming Ansys software package. From the accessible results
we can arrange that the dissemination of deformation and stress do not
overdo the yield strength value and that there are neither indemnities nor
failure of Tie rod. The load 2000kg has applied in exiting model, it’s can’t
shows any deformation. While increasing the load upto 2500kg, thru-hole
design getting bend because it cannot withstand the over load, so that thru
Figure 16: Buckling load test on adjustable connecting tie rod
hole design model has applicable only below 2000kg load. The maximum
Examination of this formula reveals the following interesting facts with load of 4000 kgf has acting on thru hole and groove design model. since,
regard to the load-bearing ability of slender columns. the thru hole design results shows stress has act 583.3 N/mm 2, Factor of
safety is 0.48003, and Groove design model results show that stress has
8.1 Bending or buckling load act 243.2 N/mm2 and Factor of safety is 1.15. Thru-hole design bending
load is 25.86 KN and Clamp design bending load is 31.6 KN. The static
Bending load in both ends hinged is given by (BL) =3.14*3.14*E*I/L*L analysis portrays that mutated tie rod model shows lower deformation
Where, E-Young’s modulus, I-Moment of inertia, L-Length of the tie rod. than existing design also, the critical buckling load of proposed design is
According to both ends hinged condition the length of the rod is same comparatively higher than conventional design. It has approximately 25%
Otherwise the length will vary. more buckling load carrying capacity. We conclude from the obtained
results that stress and deformation will not cross maximum yield strength
I=3.14/ [D*D*D*D-d*d*d*d]
of tie rod assembly there is either minor damages or minimum possibility
Connecting Tie rod dimensions OD=30 mm, ID=22.5 mm, Moment of of failure in new groove design assembly. These results clearly depict that
inertia I = 27166.44 the proposed output is preferably suitable for Agricultural and
commercial tractors.

Cite The Article: L. Natrayan, E. Aravindaraj, M.S. Santhosh, M. Senthil Kumar (2019). Analysis And Optimization Of Connecting Tie Rod Assembly In
Agriculture Application. Acta Mechanica Malaysia, 3(1) : 06-10.
Acta Mechanica Malaysia (AMM) 3(1) (2019) 06-10

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Cite The Article: L. Natrayan, E. Aravindaraj, M.S. Santhosh, M. Senthil Kumar (2019). Analysis And Optimization Of Connecting Tie Rod Assembly In
Agriculture Application. Acta Mechanica Malaysia, 3(1) : 06-10.

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