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Zeal centum Study SSLC only
X – English
Choose the appropriate synonym for the italicized words: 82x1=82

1. It was the gaunt face staring from the bed that brought chill to my heart.
a) fat b) round c) lean d) sad
2. When school began there was a bustle
a) rush b) change c) noise d) confusion
3. They continue to grapple with the changes
a) settle b) fight c) move d) stop
4. How cranky he was
a) normal b) strange c) abnormal d) happy
5. His parents circled around raising a cackle.
a) sharp noise b) blunt noise c) high pitch d) shout
6. Trying to revive old childhood memories may prove disappointing.
a) review b) revitalize c) restore d) rescue
7. The spoilt child of affluent parents.
a) influenced b) wealthy c) happy d) poor
8. Scraping his beak now and again to whet it.
a) clean b) blunt c) sharp d) wet
9. My contention was to make sure that we go by the rules.
a) continuous effort b) disturbed effort c) unhappy effort d) strenuous effort
10. He was delirious.
a) Sick b) disappointed c) troubled d) forced
11. The whole family was laughing at his cowardice.
a) strength b) bravery c) courage d) lack of bravery
12. My mother was asleep in one room upstairs, grandfather was in the attic.
a) bedroom b) a room c) a space in the roof d) kitchen

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13. World renowned physicist Stephen Hawking is the best example of how...
a) famous b) special c) popular d) unique
14. But something choked him.
a) praised b) blocked c) answered d) encouraged
15. The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath.
a) large space b) narrow space c) small space d) deep area
16. He said jn a hopeless tone of a despondent beagle..
a) angry b) affluent c) despairing d) strong
17. They were apprehensive and supportive too.
a) confident b) inquisitive c) anxious d) special

Choose the appropriate antonym for the italicized words:

18. The project was taken in consonance with the National Policy.
a) agreement b) constant c) disagreement d) harmony
19. The sun was soothing.
a) pleasing b) relaxing c) disturbing d) burning
20. She picked up the show and whammed through the window.
a) tapped b) threw c) struck d) pulled
21. We look forward to a more inclusive way of learning, instead of the cloistered existence.
a) enclosed b) detached c) opened d) United
22. ‘Nothing’ he said gruffly.
a) happily b) roughly c) sadly d) United
23. Boost the morale in the country.
a) fear b) attitude c) mettle d) confidence
24. The little man was startled.
a) surprised b) excited c) saddened d) at ease
25. The birds were chirping at the end of the woods.
a) singing b) shouting c) tweeting d) alarming
26. One can control the computer screen with a gaze.
a) blink b)stare c) look d) trace
27. Then a monstrous terror seized him.
a) released b) grasped c) snatched d) conquered
28. The light still shone palely in the stairs;
a) dim b) weak c) bright d) faint
29. Those are the times we have to be active.
a) dynamic b) lively c) energetic d) inactive
30. The sick-room was a gloomy spot.
a) dark b) dim c) full d) bright
31. I am glad that we were able to finish it successfully.
a) happy b) pleased c) sorry d) joyful
32. The cops were reluctant to leave without getting their hand.
a) eager b) unwilling c) opposed d) averse
33. “How ignorant you are! Watson!” He said with a groan.
a) illiterate b) uneducated c) well informed d) rude
34. I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen.
a) confusion b) disturbance c) unrest d) calmness
35. So now we can look forward to a more inclusive way of learning.
a) further b) ahead c) proceed d) backward

Choose the plural form of the following.

36. Loaf
a) loafs b) loaves c) loavs d) loaded
37. Lorry
a) lorrys b) lorry c) lories d) lorries
38. Child
a) childs b) childrens c) childes d) children
39. Syllabus
a) syllables b) syllabum c) syllabi d) syllabus
40. Alumnus
a) alumna b) alumnae c) alumni d) alumnuses
41. Deer
a) deers b) door c) dear d) deer

Form a derivative by adding the right prefix/suffix to the word

42. Natural

44. Relevant zeal study

a) ir b) mis c) super d) il
43. Fashion
a) ly b) able c) ty d) tion

a) il b) Im c) ir d) mal
45. Activate
a) en- b) non- c) de- d) dis-
46. Large
a) en- b) non- c) de- d) dis-
47. Excellent
a) ly b) ism c) ication d) ness

Expansion of the abbreviation

48. IMF
a) Indian Monetary Fund b) International Mutual Fund c) International Monetary Fund d) Indian Mutual Fund
49. MRI
a) Magnified Resonance Imaging b) Magnified Reasoning Imagery c) Magnetic Resonance Imaging d) Magnetic Resonance Imagery
50. IIT
a) International institute of teaching b) Indian institute of teaching c) Indian institute of technology d) international institute of technology
51. CBI
a) Central bureau of investigation b) Central Bank of India c) control bureau of investigators d) Central bureau of investors
52. GPS
a) Geometric position system b) Global positioning system c) global pointing structure d) globe position system

Compete the following sentence.

53. There will be a _______ in the office next week.

a) warm up b) ran out c) shut down d) take off
54. It helps to _________ the calories
a) warm up b) stretch out c) put on d) burn off
55. The airhostess instructed the passengers to wear the seat belts during the _______
a) warm up b) stretch out c) put on d) take off

56. Competent
a) on the go b) on the ball c) on the wind d) on strong waters
57. Difficult situatiom
a) on the go b) on the ball c) on the wind d) in deep waters
58. Once in a blue moon
a) a regular occasion b) a rare event c) a casual event d) an unusual moment

Form compound word

59. Alarm
a) sound b) clock c) time d) watch
60. Green
a) dress b) house c) glass d) pen
61. Traffic
a) police b) signal c) jam d) light
62. Boarding
a) pause b) pass c) parts d) fast
63. Sea
a) shine b) shore c) soar d) pool

Doesn’t form a compound word

64. Life
a) skill b) time c) boat d) leave

Phrasal Verb

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65. Doing _____ everyday in the morning keeps one healthy
a) warm in b) warm up c) warm out d) warm into


66. He was ______ the sea now.

a) on b) to c) near d) with
67. There was pin drop silence _____ the room
a) in b) to c) near d) with
68. The entire province trembled _____ dread
a) in b) of c) on d) with
69. Keep the books _____ the table
a) on b) to c) into d) with
70. Peter closed the hole ______ his finger
a) in b) with c) on d) onto
71. The fox jumped ____ the well
a) on b) to c) into d) with


72. The governor was _____ at the wit of the youth

a) pleases b) pleasing c) pleased d) please
73. The medal ______ in the attic for twenty-nine long years
a) hide b) hidden c) had hidden d) had been hidden
74. I wish most of all to ______ home to my family
a) returned b) returning c) return d) has returned
75. He ______ to the American academy of arts and letters.
a) elected b) was elected c) electing d) has elected
76. We ______ in the kitchen when the door bell rang
a) cooking b) were cooking c) had cooked d) cooked
77. The poem _______ about the multifaceted nature of women
a) is talking b) talked c) talks d) has talked

78. ____ I looked up l, I saw Mr. Hamel sitting motionless.
a) When b) But c) How d) Whenever
79. _____ did Muthu solve the problem?
a) When b) But c) How d) Whenever
80. _____ you work hard, you cannot secure good marks.
a) When b) But c) Unless d) Whenever
81. _____ winter comes, he gets worried.
a) Though b) but c) how d) whenever
82. Women are strong, brave ______ resolute.
a) still b) but c) and d) however

Answer all the questions in a sentence or two. (Prose) 70x2=140

83. What are the benefits of the internet to the common man?
84. Who used zither and how?
85. Who arrested Smith? What were the charges against him?
86. What prompted the seagull to fly finally?
87. How was the seagull's first attempt to fly?
88. Why did Herman and the author slam the doors?
89. What does the term circumnavigation mean?
90. What was Frank sorry for?
91. Why didn’t Holmes let Watson examine him?
92. When and how did Mr. Hamel bid farewell to the class?
93. What did Aditya offer Sanyal?
94. Which factor motivated the crew to undertake the expedition?
95. How did the parents support and encourage the young seagull’s brothers and sisters?
96. Write a short note on Tara – Tarini.
97. How did Sanyal show that he had a sense of self-respect?
98. Why did Mr. Hamel blame himself?

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99. Who is Kim?
100. Why did Holmes plead with Smith?
101. What was the first catch of the young seagull’s older brother?
102. Why didn’t the landlady call the doctor?
103. What kind of news was usually put up on the bulletin board?
104. How does Kim help Alisha?
105. When did Aditya leave the local school?

Read the following set of poetic lines and answer questions given below.

106. They, too, aware of sun and air and water,

Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long winter satrv'd
a) What is common for all of us?
b) Mention the seasons referred here?
107. Began to complain when he found that, at home
His Cupboard was empty, and winter was come.
a) Who began to complain and for what?
b) Why was his Cupboard empty?
108. There is a family nobody likes to meet;
They live, it is said, on Complaining Street.
a) Where does the family live?
b) Why do you think the street is named as ' Complaining Street'?
109. Same water, coal, and oil is all we ask,
And a thousandth of an inch to give us play:
a) Who does 'we' refer to?
b) What do they ask for?
110. Let me but live my life from year to year,
With forward face and unreluctant soul;
a) Whom does the word 'me' refer to?
b) What kind of life does the poet want to lead?
111. Strong in her faith and belief.
“Persistence is the key to everything.” Says she.
a) What is she strong about?
b) How does she deal with the adversities in life?
112. At last by starvation and famine made bold,
All dripping with wet, and all trembling with cold,
a) What made the cricket bold?
b) Why did the cricket drip and tremble?
113. What happened inside that house?
I really don’t know
I guess it will always be a mystery
a) Does the poet know what happened in the house?
b) What is the mystery about the house?
114. Nothing goes right with the folks you meet
Down on that gloomy Complaining Street.
a) What is the opinion about the folks you meet down the street?
b) What does the word 'gloomy' mean here?
115. We were cast and wrought and hammered to design,
We were cut and filed and tooled and gauged to fit.
a) Whom does 'we' refer to?
b) How are they made to fit?
116. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon
Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.
a) What is found beneath all uniforms?
b) Where are we all going to lie finally?
117. It sat alone
What happened there is still today unknown.
a) What does 'it' refer to?
b) What happened inside it?
118. The summer of life she’s ready to see in spring
She says,” Spring will come again, my dear
Let me care for the ones who're near.”
a) What does the word summer mean here?
b) Explain the phrase “ Spring will come again.”

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119. And now, if you will set us to our task,
We will serve your four and twenty hours a day!
a) Who will serve us for a whole day?
b) Can the machine do any task without human being?
120. A silly young cricket, accustomed to sing
Through the warm, sunny moths of gay summer and spring.
a) What does the routine of the cricket?
b) Name the seasons mentioned here.
121. From what the future veils; but with a whole
And happy heart, that pays it’s toll
To youth and Age, and travels on with cheer
a) What does the poet mean by the phrase 'in the dim past'?
b) Is the poet afraid of future?
122. Despite the sighs and groans and moans,
She’s strong in her faith, firm in her belief!
a) Is she complaining about the problems of life?
b) Pick out the words that show her grit.

Rewrite the following sentence to the other voice.

123. I noticed a sudden change in Aditya’s face.

124. The doctor kindly warned me.
125. Mr. Hamel mounted his chair.
126. They have asked me to pay the fine.
127. You are making a cake now.
128. Why have you left your brother at home?

Transform the following sentence as directed.

129. He is sick but attends the rehearsal. ( Simple )

130. If Ryan reads more, he will become proficient in the language. ( Compound )
131. Neela followed my suggestions. ( Complex )
132. The students were intelligent. They could answer the questions correctly. ( Complex )
133. Walk carefully lest you should fall down. ( Complex )
Combine the sentence as directed.

134. Kavita is my teacher. She teaches us English. ( Relative pronoun )

135. Sita saw a snake. At once she ran away. ( Any)
136. I got the book. I lost yesterday. ( Relative pronoun )

Punctuate the following.

137. stand back stand right back he cried

138. no it's the inhabitants corley replied
139. i said no i m not dont be silly
140. we had ghosts i said
141. he was near the sea now flying straight over it facing out over the ocean
142. be not so amazed daughter Miranda said Prospero.

Rewrite the following sentence/ dialogue in reported form.

143. “ How did he get it?”, he asked.

144. He said, “ I am glad they are strong”.
145. “ Let not thine eyes be blinded my son”, she said.
146. Srivastav said, “ I have been waiting for my friend in the park since 6 a.m.”
147. Mohan : I lost my wallet on the way.
Sathya : Did you have any money?

Rearrange the following words in the correct order to make meaningful sentence.

148. a) he sent/At the / for me / I was a/ time / clerk.

b) slept/ But/on/Zigzag/undisturbed.
149. a) beckoning/ calling / They were / to him / shrilly.
b) amazed/ how / to see / I was / well / I / it / understood.

zeal study
150. a) why/Nagen/uncle/asked/there/were/we
b) was/alone/The/seagull/young/his/on/ledge
151. a) must / them / the / be /by / culprits / arrested.
b) results / they / the / will / publish.
152. a) writing – system – telephone – am – to – I – about – banking – your – complain.
b) You – believe – hear – should – what – never – you.

Answer the following in utmost 10 lines. 6x5=30

153. Give a detailed account of all thoughts and questions in the narrator’s mind while accompanying Aditya from the tea shop to
Sanyal's house.
154. Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome it’s fear of flying.
155. Highlight the factors responsible for all- women Indian Navy crew to carry out their expedition.
156. Technology is a boon to the disabled. Justify.
157. Describe the incidents that led to the rousing of the mother and calling of the police.
158. How did Holmes trap Mr.Culverton Smith to confess to the murder?
159. Narrate the extensive search operation made by the policemen in the house, in the story ' The night the ghost got in'?
160. Give an account of the last day of Mr. Hamel in school.
161. Give a brief sketch of Sasanka Sanyal.
162. How did Watson help his friend to arrest the criminal?
163. We appreciate the value of something only when we are about to lose it. Explain this with reference to the French language and Mr.
164. Describe the funny incident that caused the confusion in the story, 'The night the ghost got in'.
165. How do we use technology in our day to day life?
166. Write in detail about the selection and training process which the crew underwent.

Quote from memory. 4x5=20

167. Remember no men.................air and water.

168. O'er rough ..............will be best.
169. If you make ..........children of your brains.
179. A spring.
180. Some

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