High-Pressure Versus Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation in A Euro 6 Diesel Engine With Lean-Nox Trap: Effectiveness To Reduce Nox Emissions
High-Pressure Versus Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation in A Euro 6 Diesel Engine With Lean-Nox Trap: Effectiveness To Reduce Nox Emissions
High-Pressure Versus Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation in A Euro 6 Diesel Engine With Lean-Nox Trap: Effectiveness To Reduce Nox Emissions
Exhaust gas recirculation can be achieved by means of two different routes: the high-pressure route (high-pressure
exhaust gas recirculation), where exhaust gas is conducted from upstream of the turbine to downstream of the com-
pressor, and the low-pressure one (low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation), where exhaust gas is recirculated from
downstream of the turbine and of the aftertreatment system to upstream of the compressor. In this study, the effective-
ness of both exhaust gas recirculation systems on the improvement of the NOx-particulate matter emission trade-off
has been compared on a Euro 6 turbocharged diesel engine equipped with a diesel oxidation catalyst, a lean-NOx trap,
and a diesel particulate filter. Emissions were measured both upstream and downstream of the aftertreatment system, at
different combinations of engine speed and torque (corresponding to different vehicle speeds), at transient and steady
conditions, and at different coolant temperatures as switch points to change from high-pressure exhaust gas recircula-
tion to low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation. It was shown that low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation was more effi-
cient than high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation to reduce NOx emissions, mainly due to the higher recirculation
potential and the lower temperature of the recirculated gas. However, such a differential benefit decreased as the cool-
ant temperature decreased, which suggests the use of high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation during the engine warm-
up. It was also shown that the lean-NOx trap storage efficiency decreased more rapidly at high engine load than at
medium load and that such reduction in efficiency was much faster when high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation was
used than when low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation was used.
Exhaust gas recirculation, lean NOx trap, NOx emissions, diesel engine, particulate emissions
route is often uncooled to help the engine to warm up. (DOC), a lean-NOX trap (LNT), and a regenerative
From this point onwards, the HP-EGR is disabled and wall-flow-type diesel particulate filter (DPF). A scheme
the cooled LP-EGR is activated instead. HP-EGR pro- of the installation is shown in Figure 1.
vides faster response and better transient control than Only one of the EGR loops, either LP-EGR or HP-
LP-EGR due to smaller volume and length of the EGR, can be activated at the same time. Two para-
ducts,6–8 but has a number of drawbacks, namely, it meters are used to control the type of EGR loop. These
has lower recirculation potential as a consequence of two parameters are the coolant and intake air tempera-
thermal throttling;9,10 it involves higher concentration tures. HP-EGR is activated at low coolant or low
of pollutants (which leads to deposits in the EGR duct intake air temperatures in order to prevent water con-
and cooling system, if there is any); it permits less pre- densation at the intake pipe, whereas LP-EGR is acti-
cise and less linear control through lambda sensors vated when a minimum coolant temperature is reached
due to non-homogeneities in the air-exhaust gas and the intake air temperature is high enough, as shown
mixture;11,12 and it provides lower efficiency in com- in Figure 2. When the LNT purge is operating, HP-
pressor and turbine since they work closer to the surge EGR is also activated, regardless of the coolant tem-
line.7 In addition, the recirculated flow can be exter- perature. The EGR mass flow rate is controlled with a
nally enhanced by partially closing a valve located single valve for the HP-EGR loop and with two valves
downstream of the aftertreatment system in order to in the case of the LP-EGR loop. In this latter case, the
increase the back pressure. EGR mass flow is controlled in two steps: for low mass
Among the aftertreatment systems, Euros 6 engines flow rates, the system opens the low-pressure EGR
use lean-NOx trap (LNT) and selective reduction cata- valve (Figure 1) while the back-pressure valve is fully
lyst (SCR)13 or combination of both.14 In any case, opened. For high EGR mass flow rates, the system
stringent NOx and particulate matter (PM) emission closes partially the back-pressure valve to increase the
limits, together with very high retention efficiency of back pressure, keeping the low-pressure EGR valve
particulate filters, have led to engine designers to pro- fully opened and consequently increasing the EGR
pose aggressive use of EGR,15 as a means to reduce mass flow rate.
NOx concentration previously to the aftertreatment The engine was coupled, with a rotating shaft, to an
system. Such high EGR ratios lead to limited intake air asynchronous electric dynamometer (Schenck Dynas
dilution and thus to reductions in the combustion effi- III LI 250), which controls the engine speed and tor-
ciency and to enhanced emissions.16 In this context, an que. The control system of the dynamometer includes a
evaluation of the efficiency of the different EGR routes road load simulation (RLS) system from Horiba, which
to reduce NOx emissions is helpful for engine is able to simulate the dynamics of a vehicle (with a
calibrations. particular transmission, gearbox, aerodynamics, tires,
In particular, combining EGR with LNT in Euro 6 etc.). In this work, a Nissan Qashqai 1.5 dCi vehicle
engines requires detailed knowledge of the inter-effects was simulated during the tests.
between them. LNT adsorbs NOx at lean conditions
and moderate temperature (200–400 °C) and further
Communication with control unit
desorbs at rich conditions, which requires additional
fuel injection and higher temperature. In the mentioned The INCA PC software and the ETAS ES 591.1 hard-
range for NOx absorption, it has been proved that ware were used for the communication between the user
increasing temperature increases the absorption effi- and the electronic control unit (ECU) of the engine.
ciency from less than 30% to more than 80% except in Among the original settings of the engine mapping,
the case that LNT is close to saturation.17 Sudden lean- only those related to the EGR management were modi-
ing after injection has also shown to be beneficial for fied. This was made in order to use the two types of
further recombination of residual stored NOx.18 Other EGR (HP-LP) independently of the original manufac-
effects of the EGR route, such as residence time and turer operation settings. Therefore, operating para-
pressure, might also affect the LNT retention efficiency. meters such as fuel injection strategy, among others,
were not externally controlled during the tests. The inlet
air mass flow rate and the fuel consumption were mea-
Experimental installation and sured with the original engine sensors and registered
instrumentation with the INCA PC software. The fuel consumption
measurement was previously calibrated with an AVL
Engine test bench 733s fuel gravimetric system.
A Euro 6 Nissan 1.5 dCi engine (model K9K) was used
in this study. This is a four-cylinder turbocharged,
intercooled, direct-injection diesel engine, which is Emissions instrumentation
equipped with double EGR system, one low-pressure Particle size concentrations were determined with an
cooled EGR (LP-EGR) and another high-pressure Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer Spectrometer (EEPS)
non-cooled EGR (HP-EGR). In addition, the after- model 3090 from TSI. The EEPS sampling point was
treatment system includes a diesel oxidation catalyst placed upstream of the diesel particle filter (DPF). As
Lapuerta et al. 157
Figure 3. CO2 tailpipe emissions (left) and EGR ratios and EGR mass flow rates (right) measured with LP-EGR and HP-EGR routes.
Lapuerta et al. 159
EGR: exhaust gas recirculation; HP-EGR: high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation; LP-EGR: low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation.
Figure 4. THC and CO concentrations (left) and particle concentrations (right) upstream of the aftertreatment system with
LP-EGR and HP-EGR routes.
Figure 6. Particle size distributions (left) and mean particle diameters upstream of the aftertreatment system (right) with
LP-EGR and HP-EGR routes.
Figure 7. NOx emissions upstream and downstream of the LNT for LP-EGR and HP-EGR routes (left) and LNT efficiency
(right) for two engine modes corresponding to 70 km/h (above) and 100 km/h (below).
LNT loading process at different vehicle speeds the EGR route: LP-EGR operates under lower tem-
NOx adsorption in the LNT occurs at lean conditions perature (as a consequence of EGR cooling and longer
route), with lower residence time (as a consequence of
as mentioned above. At such lean conditions, the stor-
higher gas flow rate, since LNT is inside the loop), and
age efficiency of the LNT was investigated for both
slightly higher pressure (as a consequence of partial clo-
EGR routes at two engine operation modes, corre-
sure of the back-pressure valve).
sponding to 70 and 100 km/h. A DPF regeneration pro-
Figure 7 shows the time-resolved NOx emissions in
cess and LNT purge were made as a preconditioning
g/s upstream and downstream of the LNT, as well as
procedure before starting the test. NOx concentrations
the storage efficiency, which was obtained as unity
were measured alternatively upstream and downstream
minus the ratio of both NOx measurements.
of the aftertreatment system.
Measurements were made downstream for most of the
To compare the effect of the EGR route on the stor-
test time, and upstream measurements were made at
age efficiency of the LNT, it must be considered that
the start of the test and then periodically. Solid lines
LNT works under different conditions depending on
represent real measurements while dashed lines are
Lapuerta et al. 161
Figure 8. Instantaneous and accumulated emissions during NEDC for switches from HP-EGR to LP-EGR at different coolant
interpolations between real measurements when data Effect of engine coolant temperature as a switch
was not available as a consequence of the need to share point from HP-EGR to LP-EGR
the same gas analyzer. The engine conditions did not
After analyzing the effect of the EGR route under
change during the tests.
As a consequence of the higher NOx emission rates steady conditions, the engine was tested simulating the
for HP-EGR (and even higher NOx concentrations, NEDC by means of the RLS system (see section
although not shown in Figure 7), the storage efficiency ‘‘Engine test bench’’). In all cases, pollutant concentra-
decays strongly in a shorter time. For HP-EGR at tions were multiplied by the flow rate at the tailpipe
100 km/h mode, a sharply decreasing efficiency is (which in the case of LP-EGR is not equivalent to the
observed from the beginning, and only 10% storage flow rate through the aftertreatment system) in order
efficiency is finally achieved after 200 s. This implies to simulate real engine-out emissions assuming that
that, in case of using HP-EGR at this condition, the there is no aftertreatment system.
LNT storage capacity would be clearly undersized. Engine coolant temperature is one of the parameters
Such a decrease in the efficiency is not so fast at 70 km/h, selected to manage the shift between EGR loops during
showing that, as far as enough active sites remain (during the engine warming up (Figure 2). European certifica-
the first 500 s of the test), NOx adsorption is not influ- tion procedures for commercial vehicles23 must follow
enced by the EGR route. Furthermore, residence time a cycle emission test from cold start. This means that
and temperature are not playing an important role since vehicle emissions were evaluated including the engine
LP-EGR has the same storage efficiency than HP-EGR warming up. In this study, tests were made taking dif-
despite the shorter residence time and the lower ferent coolant temperatures as switch points to change
temperature. from HP-EGR to LP-EGR.
Taking the 70% as the minimum of efficiency Figure 8 shows the instantaneous and accumulated
required to activate the purging process, HP-EGR emissions for all the cases, and differences in average
would lead to 7.5 times higher purging frequency than specific emission between the different tests are shown
LP-EGR for the 100 km/h mode and twice higher pur- in Figure 9, together with average specific fuel con-
ging frequency than LP-EGR for 70 km/h. This fact sumption. Results show a trade-off between particle
penalizes the fuel consumption by post-injection during number and NOx emissions. For all tests except full
the LNT purging process. HP-EGR, the extraurban stage (with highest load) is
162 International J of Engine Research 20(1)
1.8 0.4
50 CO (g/km)
1.6 THC (g/km) 0.35
40 1.4
Fuel consumpon (g/km)
35 1.2
THC (g/km)
CO (g/km)
30 1
25 0.8
20 0.6
15 0.1
10 0.2 0.05
5 0 0
0 Full LP-EGR Switch 35°CSwitch 50°C Switch 64°C Full HP-EGR
Full LP-EGR Switch 35°C Switch 50°C Switch 64°C Full HP-EGR
0.40 6E+13
NO X (g/km)
0.20 3E+13
0.10 1E+13
Full LP-EGR Switch 35°C Switch 50°C Switch 64°C Full HP-EGR
Full LP-EGR Switch 35°C Switch 50°C Switch 64°C Full HP-EGR
Figure 9. Average specific fuel consumption and emissions along the NEDC for switches from HP-EGR to LP-EGR at different
coolant temperatures.
entirely made with LP-EGR, and this stage is the most condensation in the intake manifold and contributing
contributing one to NOx emissions. This explains the to shorten the time with highest emissions and lowest
much higher emissions for full HP-EGR with respect engine efficiency.
to the rest of tests. In the extraurban stage, the benefits
of the LP-EGR are more evident. The lower NOx emis-
sions for LP-EGR can be explained by the lower tem- Conclusion
perature for LP-EGR and by the higher EGR ratios The main conclusions of this study are listed below:
and are consistent with results shown in section
‘‘Compared efficiency of HP-EGR and LP-EGR.’’ LP-EGR shows clear benefits in the trade-off
On the contrary, CO and THC emissions decrease between NOx and particle emissions. NOx emis-
slightly and linearly with increasing coolant tempera- sions can be reduced with LP-EGR up to 80% with
tures as switch points, because the time with LP-EGR respect to those with HP-EGR for high loads.
becomes shorter. The decrease in particle emissions is The LNT storage efficiency decays strongly when
even sharper for early switches than for late ones. The the LNT is close to saturation, no matter if LP-
combination of the mentioned benefits in NOx emis- EGR or HP-EGR is used. As far as enough active
sions and drawbacks in CO, THC, and particle emis- sites remain, NOx adsorption is not affected by the
sions, with no significant effect on fuel consumption, EGR route. Residence time and temperature do
suggest that switching from HP-EGR to LP-EGR at not have a primary effect.
an intermediate coolant temperature would be the most HP-EGR would need up to 7.5 times purging fre-
interesting strategy. This optimal switch should be quency than LP-EGR at high loads, and twice
made, in any case, before the start of the extraurban higher purging frequency at moderate loads.
mode. During the engine warm-up, switching from HP-
In addition, the use of HP-EGR during the initial EGR to LP-EGR at an intermediate coolant tem-
part of the engine warm-up is helpful for a faster perature is beneficial for emissions. Switching from
warm-up, since the recirculated gas enters hotter into HP-EGR to LP-EGR at cold engine conditions has
the combustion chamber, thus avoiding water no significant benefits in NOx emissions, while it
Lapuerta et al. 163
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