Han 1991
Han 1991
Han 1991
observed by lateral heating in a stably salt stratified A test setup has been constructed to model a two-
fluid [2]. dimensional vertical rectangular enclosure which can
Only a few studies on double diffusive natural con- impose horizontal temperature and concentration
vection in an enclosed cavity are available in the Iitera- gradients in the fluid. A schematic diagram of the test
ture in which both temperature and concentration section is shown in Fig. 1. The active parts of the test
gradients are imposed laterally. Hu and El-Wakil [3] section are two vertical electrodes; the anode and
conducted simultaneous heat and mass transfer exper- cathode, which have been constructed of 6.4 mm thick
iments in an enclosure using air-water and air-n- copper plate with dimensions of 50.8 x 152.4 mm
heptane systems. Flow fields observed were similar to (height x length). The anode is the mass source elec-
pure thermal convection in a cavity, since the Lewis trode where a positive potential is applied during elec-
number was not considerably different from unity. trochemical experiments, and the cathode is the mass
Electrochemical experiments performed by Kamotani sink with a uniform concentration of zero under limit-
et al. [4] for application to crystal growth processes ing current conditions. Chrome1 wires of 30 gage, used
reported layered flow structures in shallow enclosures. as heating elements, are glued in seven equally spaced
450 H. HAN and T. H. KUEHN
horizontal grooves (1 .Ox 1.O mm) machined into the with epoxy. The copper plates are placed in Plexiglas
back surfaces of the copper electrodes. Five T-type housings, which have water jackets for cooling water
(copper-constantan) thermocouple wires (30 gage) to circulate through. The distance between the
are installed in each copper plate to measure the tem- assembled electrodes is maintained with top and bot-
perature of the electrodes. The heat loss through the tom polystyrene spacers, on which thin sheets of plexi-
perimeter is reduced by machining a step in the edges glas (1.S mm) are glued to provide smooth surfaces.
of the plates. To measure local mass transfer rates, The assembled test section is contained in a
seven circular electrodes (1.00 mm in diameter) are 154 x 154 x 154 mm chamber. The end walls of the
installed evenly spaced along the vertical centerline of chamber are made of optical glass to accommodate
the cathode. Each probe is electrically insulated from the flow visualization study.
the host copper plate by a 0.038 mm annular gap filled The test enclosure is filled with electrolyte solution,
which is an aqueous solution of cupric sulfate with objective lens (20 x), and a collimating lens of a focal
sulfuric acid as a supporting electrolyte to suppress the length of 600 mm. The collimated laser beam is trans-
effect of migration of cupric ions by electric potential mitted through the electrolytic cell where it is deflected
gradients. Natural convection driven by density gradi- by the gradient of refractive index in the electrolyte
ents is considered to be the only convective transport solution. The beam is collected by a concave spherical
mechanism of heat and mass in the solution. The mirror (f= 300 mm), and focused onto a screen. The
cupric ions are the transferred ions which dissolve refracted beam either adds to or subtracts from the
from the anode and plate out on the cathode. Details light normally present on the screen. The position of
on electrochemistry can be found in the literature [6]. the knife edge may be adjusted near the focal plane
The property values given by Eisenberg er al. are used of the concave mirror to obtain a sharp image by
in the present study 171. cutting off a part of the refracted light beam effec-
A schematic diagram of the overall experimental tively. Details of the Schlieren method can be found
setup is presented in Fig. 2. The thermocouple wires in the literature [8]. The image on the screen is re-
are attached to an isothermal junction, and an ice corded with a VHS 1.2 in. video camcorder.
bath is used as the reference temperature. The wires
from the electrodes, local mass probes, and heater
elements are connected to a central circuit board,
where all the electric circuitry is connected. A 0.1 After each experiment, the enclosure is dis-
Q (LOS%) calibrated precision resistor serves as a assembled and the surfaces of the electrodes are pol-
current shunt for measurements of overall mass trans- ished, starting with an emery paper #200, down to
fer rates. For the local mass probes, 1.0 kR resistors #600 sequentially. Care was taken in polishing
(& 1%) serve as current shunts. The shunt resistors around the local mass probes on the cathode in order
have been chosen to keep the voltage drop across not to bridge over the insulation gap. The plates are
the shunt resistors small in order to apply the same washed freely with tap water, then distilled water.
uniform voltage to the cathode and the local mass Technical grade methanol is applied finally to dry
probes. Voltages of the power supplies and output the surface and to increase the wetting action of the
signals from thermocouples and shunt resistors are electrolyte solution.
recorded by an HP-3421 automatic data acquisition In order to eliminate the tedious conventional
system connected to an HP-86 computer. polishing procedure, an electropotential reversal tech-
Flow visualization has been accomplished using the nique had been attempted to remove the copper
Schlieren method. A 5 mW helium-neon gas laser is deposited on the cathode surface. The cathode surface
used as the light source. The emitted beam is expanded had been electroplated with stable metals, i.e. silver
into a parallel beam of about 10 cm diameter by an and gold. The silver plating was so thick that it bridged
over the insulation gaps of the local mass probes, and covered with a thin film of Glyptal paint to protect it
it oxidized during voltage reversals. Thin gold plating from the acid solution. The thermocouple wires are
partially peeled off after several voltage reversals due stretched between the end walls of the test enclosure
to imperfect bonding. This plating technique was not and are connected to a two-pronged fork. The probe
pursued further. The conventional polishing pro- is translated with a two-way traveling vice equipped
cedure described above was used for this study. with linear rheostats for position measurement.
The assembled enclosure cell is placed into the test Approximately 1 min is allowed for the thermocouple
chamber, and the electrolyte solution is added to the junction to reach thermal equilibrium at each new
cell. Gas bubbles are allowed to escape from the test position.
enclosure. The range of typical bulk concentration of The concentration distribution of cupric ions in the
cupric ions is between 0.015-0.05 mol 1~ ‘, and the solution is determined by measuring the attenuation
sulfuric acid concentration is 1.5 mol l- ’ The entire of light through the test cell. According to Beer’s law,
test chamber is insulated with 5.1 mm thick poly- the concentration of a solution is proportional to an
styrene sheet on the exterior. absorbance. which is defined as the logarithm of the
An experiment begins after initial disturbances dis- ratio of input and output light intensities. A HeeNe
appear in the solution. Heat transfer conditions are laser (5 mW) is used as the light source. The laser
established prior to initiating mass transfer. One elec- beam (2 mm diameter) is aligned with a photo diode,
trode is connected to a d.c. power supply and the and the test cell is placed between. The entire test cell
other electrode is connected to a water circulation is moved vertically on a calibrated laboratory jack.
bath. The circulation bath has a large water flow rate Absorbance through the test cell has been calibrated
so that the change in temperature across the water with well-mixed electrolyte solutions of known cupric
jacket is less than 0.02 C at maximum power input. ion concentration. The error range of the con-
The bulk temperature of the solution is maintained at centration measurements is of the order of 5%. A
room temperature to minimize heat transfer with the more detailed description of the apparatus is available
ambient. The range of AT between electrodes is 0.5- in ref. [9].
10 C. More than 12 h is required to reach a thermal
steady-state condition. The maximum temperature
nonhomogeneity of an electrode plate is approxi-
mately O.OYC. Errors due to nonuniformity of the
isothermal junction, and errors of thermocouple cali- 4.1. Aspect ratio = 4
bration are considered to be negligible. 4.1.1. Aiding buoyancy cusp. The transient behavior
After a thermal steady-state condition is reached. of the flow motion for an aiding buoyancy case is
electropotential for the mass transfer system is shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3(a) shows steady-state pure
switched on. Mass transfer data as well as heat trans- thermal convection at Gr, = 3.5 x 10’. The left ver-
fer data are monitored every 30 s. All the experiments tical wall is a cold anode, and the right wall is a hot
are performed under limiting current conditions, which cathode. Fluid rotates in a counter-clockwise direc-
corresponds to zero concentration of transferred ion tion in a single cell.
at the cathode surface. Concentration of the cupric When the mass potential is applied at time zero,
ions on the anode surface is not constant in reality. thin concentration boundary layers develop inside the
However, the average change in concentration across existing relatively thick thermal boundary layers on
the boundary layer on the anode is equal to the con- the vertical plates. On the cathode surface (the right
centration difference between the bulk fluid and the wall), a plume of low concentration fluid, which has
cathode surface, which is zero. Concentration of the a high temperature, reaches the top of the enclosure
cupric ions on the anode surface is considered to be and progresses to the other side of the enclosure (Fig.
twice the bulk concentration by assuming symmetry 3(b)). The number under each photograph indicates
of the flow near the cathode and anode [4]. A current the time elapsed after the electropotential is applied
density vs clectropotential voltage curve shows a limit- in hours and minutes. The counter-clockwise core
ing current plateau between 0.55 and 0.59 V for the flow driven by the thermal force helps the plume move
present conditions. The properties of the solution arc forward by viscous drag. While traveling along the
assumed to be constant and are determined at the top wall, the fluid loses its thermal identity, as heat is
bulk temperature and the bulk concentration of the being transferred to the neighboring core fluid. How-
solution. ever, it does not lose the concentration identity.
When steady conditions are reached, temperature because of the slow solutal diffusion process.
and concentration profiles are measured in the solu- When the fluid approaches the thermal boundary
tion. To measure the temperature distributions, a layer on the cold anode surface, the fluid has cooled
thermocouple probe is utilized, which has been but retains its low concentration. The fluid cannot be
designed and fabricated to minimize the disturbances pulled down by the weak downward thermal buoyant
in the flow field and to eliminate the axial conduction force, and remains near the top of the cavity. Note
error along the thermocouple wires. A chromel-con- the buoyancy ratio, N, is 8.5 for this experiment. A
stantan thermocouple butt joint of 36 gage wire is similar explanation can be applied to the boundary
Double diffusive natural convection in a vertical rectangular enclosure--I. Experimental study 453
454 H. HAN and -1. rT
li. -’
layers on the anode side and the plume along the tonic decrease of mass transfer rate with distance
bottom wall. along the surface that is expected.
As fluid is pumped into the top and bottom layers 4.1.2. Opposing buoymy cuss. In Fig. 5, the cold
from the concentration boundary layers, the thickness cathode appears on the left, and the hot anode on the
of each layer increases. The interfaces with the center right. Figure 5(a) shows the thermal steady state in
cell are shown clearly in Figs. 3(d) and (e). As both which the fluid is rotating counter-clockwise. When
layers grow in size, the initial unicell in the center the mass potential is superimposed on the system,
shrinks. Both layers are essentially stagnant until they thin concentration boundary layers develop on the
reach a certain size (Fig. 3(f)). As the layers become electrode surfaces. The fluid inside the concentration
thicker, the thermal buoyant forces due to the tem- boundary layers has opposing solutal and thermal
perature difference of the vertical side walls overcomes buoyant forces. Since the solutal Grashof number
the shear forces at the interfaces between the layers is greater than the thermal Grashof number for the
and the center cell. The fluid in the layers begins to present experiment (N = 6.5), the solutal buoyant
rotate in the same direction as the center cell (counter- force overcomes the thermal buoyant force. which
clockwise), and a distinct three cell structure is formed initiates flow in the direction opposite to the pre-
in the cnclosurc. existing thermal motion. There is a high shear region
Each cell behaves as a separate cell. Fluid flows between the thermal boundary layer and the con-
in opposite directions on each side of the interfaces centration boundary layer.
between cells, and creates a high shear. Across the On the cathode surface, a plume of fluid of low
interfaces steep temperature and concentration gradi- concentration in the concentration boundary layer
ents exist as well as large velocity gradients. Each reaches the top wall and progresses to the anode. as
cell has nearly uniform concentration due to efficient in the aiding case. The plume motion is, however,
thermal mixing. In Figs. 3(g)-(i), the top and bottom much slower than in the aiding case. since the front
cells grow and become nearly equal in size with the of the plume is creeping against the overall unicell
center cell. Figure 3(j) can bc considered a steady- motion driven by the thermal buoyant force (Fig.
state condition because the flow structure does not 5(b)). As the cold plume travels along the top wall, it
change signi~cantly afterwards (Figs. 3(k) and (I)). gains heat from the neighboring fluid moving in the
The time duration of the experiments is limited by the other direction. The mechanism is similar to a coun-
roughening of the cathode surface. As cupric ions terflow heat exchanger, whereas the aiding case is like
deposit on the cathode surface, the surface becomes a parallel flow heat exchanger. Near the top of the hot
rough, and the mass transfer rate increases slowly anode, the cold plume meets a hot thermal plume from
after 5-h h for the present experiments. The rate of the anode surface. The interface becomes complex and
surface roughening depends on the local mass transfer causes the thermal plume to separate from the hot
rate and is therefore nonuniform on the cathode. Fig- anodesurface (Fig. 5(e)). A similar phenomena occurs
ure 4 shows time-wise variations ofmass transfer rates with the plume along the bottom wall.
from local mass probes on the cathode surface. After The top and bottom layers are initially stagnant.
I h some of the probes show rapid increases in mass As they grow in size, thermal convection becomes
transfer due to copper deposition on the insulation important in the layers (Fig. 5(f)). In Figs. 5(f).--(i).
gaps. The data between 0.5 and 1 h show the mono- the cells continue growing, while rotating in the same
- Average
._.I .... I.. Y,H,&,25
--------’ Y/H-0.375
------- Y/H=OS
-‘-.-‘-’ Y/H~0.625
_--- YnbO.75
- Y/H=O.i375
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (hr)
FIG. 4. Local mass transfer rates measured by local mass probes on cathode surface, H/L = 4,
Gr, = 3.8 x IO’. Gr, = 3.2 x IO”.
Double diffusive natural convection in a vertical rectangular enclosure--I. Experimental study 455
456 H. HAN and T. H. KUEHN
T hot That
counter-clockwise direction as the center cell. between the cathode and anode surfaces, respectively.
However, the growth rate of the cells is slower than For the pure heat transfer case, the temperature
in the aiding flow case. The solution has stratified into profile shows a continuous increase in temperature
three cells as in the aiding flow case. In each cell, the with height as expected (Fig. 7(a)). The concentration
thermal and solutal buoyant forces interact in a very profile in the fluid is uniform, as heat transfer does
complicated fashion. At a later time, a new cell forms not create concentration gradients. The variation of
between the bottom cell and the center cell (Fig. 5(j)). concentration in the enclosure is within experimental
In Figs. 5(k) and (I), the new cell has grown in size error (f3%). For pure mass transfer in isothermal
considerably, and the center cell has moved up. The conditions, the concentration measurements show a
cells do not change significantly afterwards. smooth monotonically decreasing concentration pro-
file (Fig. 7(b)), and the temperature is uniform in the
cavity to within experimental uncertainty.
4.2. Aspect ratio = 1
For the aiding flow case, measurements are
Similar flow structures are observed for an aspect
made 5 h after the mass potential is started, at
ratio of H/L = 1 for similar values of the buoyancy
GrT = 5.2 x lo’, GrM = 3.6 x 106. Temperatures are
ratio. Photographs are not included here but flow
stably stratified in each cell, and at the interface
pattern sketches are shown in Fig. 6. In both aiding
between the top two cells, the temperature strati-
and opposing cases, a thin concentration boundary
fication is inverted. However, between the bottom
layer covers the entire cathode surface, and passes
two cells, the temperature is observed to be nearly
across the interfaces between cells. However, the ther-
uniform. The size of the bottom cell is smaller than
mal plume in the relatively thick thermal boundary
the top cell, and convection is not as dominant as in
layer cannot penetrate into a neighboring cell for the
the top cell. The variation in fluid viscosity may partly
present range of parameters, It only pushes up the
explain the unsymmetrical behavior, since the fuid
interface. and causes the interface to be slightly
viscosity is larger for a fluid of high concentration and
low temperature in the bottom cell.
The top cell is observed to be slightly larger than
For the opposing flow cast, measurements are
the bottom cell in both aiding and opposing flow
made 6 h after the mass potential is initiated at
cases. Dependence of solution thermo-physical prop-
Gr, = 3.3 x IO’, Gr, = 3.2x IOh. In this case, the
erties on temperature and concentration may con-
fluid supplied to the top cell through the concentration
tribute to the uns~metri~l behavior. This behavior
boundary layer is cold and the fluid supplied to the
may also be due to the nature of the vertical boundary
bottom cell is warm. This creates temperature invcr-
conditions. The assumption of an iso-concentration
sions in the top and bottom cells. Temperature strati-
boundary condition may not be valid on the anode
fication in the center of the enclosure in both aiding
and opposing cases is larger than that of the pure heat
transfer case.
The concentration profile verifies the existence of
Figure 7 shows temperature and concentration the distinct cells. lt is interesting to note that con-
profiles measured in the vertical midplane of the enclos- centrations are uniform in the top two cells, regardless
ure of aspect ratio, H/L = 1, under steady flow of aiding or opposing buoyancy. Sharp concentration
conditions. The results are normalized with AC and gradients exist across the interfaces. The color differ-
AT, differences of concentration and temperature ences between the cells due to the difference in cupric
Double diffusive natural convection in a vertical rectangular enclosure---I. Experimental study 457
a) Temperature Profiles
b) Concentration Profiles
FIG. 7. Steady-state temperature and concentration profiles in an enclosure of H/L = 1: pure heat transfer,
Grr = 3.6 x 10’ ; pure mass transfer, Gr, = 6.2 x lo6 ; aiding buoyancy, Gr, = 4.8 x to’, Gr, = 3.2 x IO6;
opposing buoyancy, Gr, = -3.7 x lo*, Gr, = 3.2 x IO’.
ion concentration can be readily noticed with the bers with a weighting of the square root of the Lewis
naked eye. number [ lo]
Temperature profiles measured along the hori-
zontal centerline for the aiding and opposing buoy-
ancy conditions present distributions similar to that GrTcR = Cr, -t (1)
of thermal natural convection. Concentration profiles
show uniform distributions along the horizontal Grb4,,= Gr, i- j&e) Gr,. 12)
centerline except near the vertical walls. The thin
concentration ~undary layer could not be resolved The supe~mposed curve represents the pure heat
with the present experimental setup. transfer correlation curve proposed in ref. [I I], which
combines the correlations in the conduction regime,
4.4. Overall hear and mass transfer rates laminar boundary layer regime, and turbulent regime
The overall heat and mass transfer rates are given Nu = [Nug”, + NUclo5,‘J
‘I ’ 5
in Table 1 and are plotted in Fig. 8 to attempt to
correlate the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers as a where Nu,,,~ = H/L, and
function of a single variable. The experimental error
in the values of Nu and Sh is estimated to be + 10%.
The Nusseh number is expressed as a function of
effective thermal Grashof number times the Prandtl
number, and the Sherwood number is expressed as a
+(O.~RU’~~)” .
function of effective solutal Grashof number times the
Schmidt number. The effective Grashof numbers are
denned as the summations of the two Grashof num- The pure heat transfer data fall within + 20%, and
458 H. HAN and T. J-I. KUEHN
the pure mass transfer data fall within + 15% from buoyant forces are of the same order of magnitude.
the curve obtained at Pr = 1 and H/L = 1. The cor- A comprehensive correlation equation has not been
relation is a weak function of aspect ratio and Prandtl obtained since there is a lack of data points on transfer
number larger than 1. The data points for aiding buoy- rates, and the existing data points are scattered too
ancy and opposing buoyancy when one of the buoyant widely. The effective Grashof numbers defined above
forces is dominant over the other also fall closely have been mostly used for thermal dominant. or solu-
to the curve. However, the data points for opposing tal dominant flows or when the Lewis number is near
buoyancy are widely scattered especially when the unity.
X Sh (pure mass)
R&nn&Les &coulements de convection naturelle doublement diffusive, dans une caviti. rectangulaire
bidimensionnelle, sont ttudiks en utilisant une technique tlectrochimique avec des Clectrodes verticales
maintenues i des tempkratures diffkrentes. Des photographies de I’&coulement montrent l’&olution au
tours du temps de structures multicellulaires dans une cavitt‘ pour des forces de flottement thermique et
solutale qui s’aident ou qui s’opposent. On prksente des caractkristiques de l’&coulement multicellulaire
qui incluent les profils de tempkrature et de concentration et les caractkristiques du transfert global de
chaleur et de masse.